Alas Government Gets Some Balls!!!

Its about time… it should have happened sooner

GEO reports that Pakistan has blocked US supplies to Afghanistan. This is most probably due to the recent pre-emptive attack by the “superhero” in the territory of Pakistan.

In a previous post I wrote about the importance of the trade route here

The strike under discussion occured on 5th September 2005. 20 people were killed due to this unprovoked attack. Not to mention we are suffering from suicide bombings which is an indirect result of US macho-ism.

WASHINGTON’S ambassador to Islamabad was last night given a “shellacking” by Pakistan after the first ever ground attack by US special forces inside the troubled nation.

Coming ahead of tomorrow’s crucial presidential election and amid a massive security clampdown following the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the Pakistan Government’s confrontation with the Bush administration was unprecedented.


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