Sick of being secular, India?

September 12, 2007

In a very interesting ruling, a high court judge of India declared

A high court judge sparked off a debate when he said the Gita should be a national ‘dharma shastra’ just like the national anthem and other national symbols.

He further clarified

”It’s the duty of every citizen of India under the Constitution to follow dharma as propounded by the Gita.”

It feels good to have equally stupid men on the other side of the border.

Sick of being secular, India?

September 11, 2007

In a very interesting ruling, a high court judge of India declared

A high court judge sparked off a debate when he said the Gita should be a national ‘dharma shastra’ just like the national anthem and other national symbols.

He further clarified

”It’s the duty of every citizen of India under the Constitution to follow dharma as propounded by the Gita.”

It feels good to have equally stupid men on the other side of the border.