Quran Burner Fired by Employer

September 15, 2010

The protester who burned pages from the Koran outside a planned mosque near Ground Zero has been fired from NJTransit, sources and authorities said Tuesday.

Derek Fenton’s 11-year career at the agency came to an abrupt halt Monday after photographs of him ripping pages from the Muslim holy book and setting them ablaze appeared in newspapers.

Fenton, 39, of Bloomingdale, N.J., burned the book during a protest on the ninth anniversary of Sept. 11 outside Park51, the controversial mosque slated to be built near Ground Zero.

Source: NY Daily News

Quran Burns and the Media Sleeps

September 12, 2010

A hate-filled fanatic ripped pages out of a Koran and lit them aflame Saturday amid the chaos outside the planned community center and mosque near Ground Zero.
“If they can burn American flags, I can burn the Koran,” the unidentified zealot shouted. “[Americans] should never be afraid to give their opinion.”
Witnesses said it was a ghastly display of fervor – apparently inspired by the Florida pastor who vowed to torch the holy books earlier in the week – overshadowing what should have been a somber day.
“Burning Korans is like setting up a recruitment to Al Qaeda – it does nothing for the cause and only brings problems,” said Lance Corey, 61, a retired history teacher from the Bronx who opposes Park51.

Six Christians rip pages from Koran in White House stunt

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A small group of conservative Christians tore some pages from a Koran in a protest outside the White House Saturday to denounce what they called the “charade of Islam” on the anniversary of 9/11.

2 Local Men Burn Quran Despite Protest


SPRINGFIELD, Tenn. — Despite multiple pleas to reconsider, two local religious leaders held a private Quran burning in a Springfield backyard Saturday afternoon.

Pakistan Floods: An Opportunity to End Feudalism?

September 1, 2010

Any nation cannot progress with its 70% population suppressed by a handful of people. Presently, the government faces a unprecedented trust deficit even in its home-constituencies.

Is it an opportunity to end feudalism once and for all?Can the anger be directed to this cause?