Wikileaks: Visualize Afghan Warlogs

October 24, 2010

Visualisation of Activity in Afghanistan using the Wikileaks data from Mike Dewar on Vimeo.

The Triumph of the Ego

November 5, 2007

All hail our savior, our general, our commander in chief, the implementer of justice who will bless this anarchy with something called democracy… someday or the other.

Our general is reported to have said that he and he alone can lead Pakistan to democracy. Certainly, I do not wish to disagree with him for the fear of my little blog being “blacked out”.

Despite all hate on the net and within myself, I am amazed by his talents. This man has taken hostage a nation, USA and world peace all at once. I am surprised by his skills to manipulate the situation and still find something positive to inflate his ego. Unquestionably, he is the best we have produced so far, and I certainly do not desire for more.

Here is some food for thought

Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said the supply lines are “very real areas of concern” because about 75 percent of the supplies, including 40 percent of vehicle fuel supplies, either go through or over Pakistan.


Here is the map of countries around Afghanistan

So lets see, China will not do the job fr them, Ahmadenijad would rather sing Holocaust songs than help them, Uzbekistan has this little problem of “Islamism” (plus it kicked US out of its bases), Turkmenistan is no exception when it comes to soviet-style leadership with “Islamic” touch.

Now let me think, how would America get supplies to its soldiers? what is the most reliable and shortest route? Obviously its Pakistan!

The Triumph of the Ego

November 5, 2007

All hail our savior, our general, our commander in chief, the implementer of justice who will bless this anarchy with something called democracy… someday or the other.

Our general is reported to have said that he and he alone can lead Pakistan to democracy. Certainly, I do not wish to disagree with him for the fear of my little blog being “blacked out”.

Despite all hate on the net and within myself, I am amazed by his talents. This man has taken hostage a nation, USA and world peace all at once. I am surprised by his skills to manipulate the situation and still find something positive to inflate his ego. Unquestionably, he is the best we have produced so far, and I certainly do not desire for more.

Here is some food for thought

Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said the supply lines are “very real areas of concern” because about 75 percent of the supplies, including 40 percent of vehicle fuel supplies, either go through or over Pakistan.


Here is the map of countries around Afghanistan

So lets see, China will not do the job fr them, Ahmadenijad would rather sing Holocaust songs than help them, Uzbekistan has this little problem of “Islamism” (plus it kicked US out of its bases), Turkmenistan is no exception when it comes to soviet-style leadership with “Islamic” touch.

Now let me think, how would America get supplies to its soldiers? what is the most reliable and shortest route? Obviously its Pakistan!