President defends Manslaughter

May 18, 2007

Presently, Talat Hussain of AAJ is interviewing our President Musharraf. So what does the President have to say?

Surprisingly, President thinks the political party was correct in killing 46 people to defend its territory. Great logic Mr. President, I believe you still think you are ruling a Jungle where such logic applies.

Mr. President says that “the opposition would have taken 30,000 to MQM majority areas and would have created trouble.” So Mr. President do you want to say that less killing is better than more. I guess yes.

Mr. President further makes a revelation, the mobile snatched when Chief Justice by an unknown police officer was a “tactical decision”, however it is another story that the mobile was never returned.

“There is no crisis of Legitimacy”, the President decides to play ostrich. “We created a local government system”, “we held elections”, “we laid down the democratic system”… what hypocrisy is this?

“I went back on my word [referring to his failure to hold the promise of parting away with his wardi (uniform)]… I regret it… one should not go back on his word”

The killing is now termed officially as “politicization by opposition”

“If two third of the majority accepts me as their leader… its constitutional … I will not violate the constitution”

“Lets define the word National consensus… it is the view of the majority… it is democracy”

“I am not governing the nation … Prime Minister of the state is… I am only trying to maintain focus on certain areas wherever I think there is a need of emphasis”

“My role is facilitating the government not running the government”

“If over the years i have acquired a stature where people listen to me so what is anybody’s problem”

Talat: “There is a gravity of power that power here is uniform, that is why people come to you”

“I do not impose my will except on certain issues”… “I convince through logical persuasion”

President defends Manslaughter

May 18, 2007

Presently, Talat Hussain of AAJ is interviewing our President Musharraf. So what does the President have to say?

Surprisingly, President thinks the political party was correct in killing 46 people to defend its territory. Great logic Mr. President, I believe you still think you are ruling a Jungle where such logic applies.

Mr. President says that “the opposition would have taken 30,000 to MQM majority areas and would have created trouble.” So Mr. President do you want to say that less killing is better than more. I guess yes.

Mr. President further makes a revelation, the mobile snatched when Chief Justice by an unknown police officer was a “tactical decision”, however it is another story that the mobile was never returned.

“There is no crisis of Legitimacy”, the President decides to play ostrich. “We created a local government system”, “we held elections”, “we laid down the democratic system”… what hypocrisy is this?

“I went back on my word [referring to his failure to hold the promise of parting away with his wardi (uniform)]… I regret it… one should not go back on his word”

The killing is now termed officially as “politicization by opposition”

“If two third of the majority accepts me as their leader… its constitutional … I will not violate the constitution”

“Lets define the word National consensus… it is the view of the majority… it is democracy”

“I am not governing the nation … Prime Minister of the state is… I am only trying to maintain focus on certain areas wherever I think there is a need of emphasis”

“My role is facilitating the government not running the government”

“If over the years i have acquired a stature where people listen to me so what is anybody’s problem”

Talat: “There is a gravity of power that power here is uniform, that is why people come to you”

“I do not impose my will except on certain issues”… “I convince through logical persuasion”