Riots in Karachi… Three rallies three stories

May 12, 2007

So our Ex-Chief Justice makes way into Karachi and MQM (their leader is provided a safe haven in London by the English Government “to protect Democracy”) start their “retaliation” by blocking off roads and firing at the procession of the Cheif Justice.

And again Karachi is in a state of chaos, thanks to the morons who govern us.

Today seems like a sickening version of WWE. Two political groups wrestling for a cause that people of Pakistan are no longer interested in.

Is this the same political circus whose name is Democracy?
I have seen Anarchies much better than this hypocrisy in name of Democracy that west has bestowed upon us.

It is only us, citizens, who suffer due to the acts of these maniacs. May that be George Bush, Tony Blair or any other retard, their purpose of existence is to make lives of people miserable, directly or indirectly.

Riots in Karachi… Three rallies three stories

May 12, 2007

So our Ex-Chief Justice makes way into Karachi and MQM (their leader is provided a safe haven in London by the English Government “to protect Democracy”) start their “retaliation” by blocking off roads and firing at the procession of the Cheif Justice.

And again Karachi is in a state of chaos, thanks to the morons who govern us.

Today seems like a sickening version of WWE. Two political groups wrestling for a cause that people of Pakistan are no longer interested in.

Is this the same political circus whose name is Democracy?
I have seen Anarchies much better than this hypocrisy in name of Democracy that west has bestowed upon us.

It is only us, citizens, who suffer due to the acts of these maniacs. May that be George Bush, Tony Blair or any other retard, their purpose of existence is to make lives of people miserable, directly or indirectly.

Bitch Fights of Karachi… between Jackass Politicans

May 11, 2007

Ever seen a cat-fight? Sure you have. Meaningless isn’t it…

So now picture this, a couple of political parties… each with a couple million supporters… wanting to demonstrate against the “unjustified” sacking of Chief Justice of Pakistan… only to fight for a stretch of road on which they are going to unleash their protests.

Stupid isn’t it… well there is more… they are going to kill each other for it. Yes my friends this is how our leading class behaves. But we can’t blame them for that because as usual majority of the support they receive is from the segment of population that finds it easy to solve problems that way.

To give the fight more space, our beloved Governor Sindh has declared the day a public holiday.

We have plenty of “educated” who act that way.

Bitch Fights of Karachi… between Jackass Politicans

May 11, 2007

Ever seen a cat-fight? Sure you have. Meaningless isn’t it…

So now picture this, a couple of political parties… each with a couple million supporters… wanting to demonstrate against the “unjustified” sacking of Chief Justice of Pakistan… only to fight for a stretch of road on which they are going to unleash their protests.

Stupid isn’t it… well there is more… they are going to kill each other for it. Yes my friends this is how our leading class behaves. But we can’t blame them for that because as usual majority of the support they receive is from the segment of population that finds it easy to solve problems that way.

To give the fight more space, our beloved Governor Sindh has declared the day a public holiday.

We have plenty of “educated” who act that way.