Was the Ban Helpful?

May 23, 2010

After reviewing feeds from Twitter, Blogs and other sources, I have come across two points of view that I believe are worth referring to here one by Kadnan and another by Teeth Maestro . (The opinions could be read on the respective provided in the link). This is what I get from the whole ban episode:

1. The ban was imposed that is what was the main reason of contention.

2. The ban, although controversial, managed to reinforce the message “This is the Limit”. Debates are not optimal solution when fanatics decide to do something. You cannot just reason with them. Given the history, I would have been surprised Facebook would have taken a Pro-Muslim step. Zuckberg is still confused as to what “Policies” to adopt.

Case in Point: Hilter Page and Facebook revealing Private Data and Deleting Profiles criticizing Zukberg

Also, I say it helped because Jews are now themselves divided as to how to counter the content offending Jews. See JIDF’s proposed protest against Comedy Central.

3. We have to remember what is in our power and what our strength is. Removing the page was not one.

4. I would be a little crude here, but the ban in isolation seemed like we played ostrich. We just shut ourselves from the negative stimulus. A more civilized and ideal approach would have been to approach through a diplomatic channel, but I would have been surprised if the present government was serious enough to be trusted with that.

Despite the fact we disagree with the method of our protest, the ban accomplished what it was aimed to do, although at an expense. It publicized the issue, helped get hackers deface tens of Draw Day pages (GEO), made Molly Morris plead and scared the moderator to such an extent that he deleted the page.

One way or the other it worked.