Ironies Of Life

November 1, 2007

Sow and you shall Reap


The Kid who Wrecked Havoc

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) — Prosecutors in California Wednesday were mulling over whether to file charges against a 10-year-old boy who admitted that he started a fire last week that destroyed more than 20 homes near Los Angeles.

The boy, who has not been named by authorities, told investigators that he was playing with matches when he set fire to dry brush on Oct. 21, when strong desert winds fueled various wildfires throughout the region. Source

Meanwhile …

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – California wildfires pumped nearly 8 million metric tons of climate-warming carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in just a week, about one-quarter as much as fossil fuels do in that state in a month, scientists said on Wednesday. Source

As if it was not all…

San Francisco – A 3.7 magnitude earthquake shook the San Francisco Bay Area on Wednesday, one day after a stronger temblor rattled the region in a jarring reminder of the area’s vulnerability to a “Big One”.

No injuries or damage were reported from the quake, which struck near the epicentre of Tuesday’s 5.7 magnitude tremor, the most powerful to strike the densely populated region for nearly 20 years. Source

Ironies Of Life

November 1, 2007

Sow and you shall Reap


The Kid who Wrecked Havoc

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) — Prosecutors in California Wednesday were mulling over whether to file charges against a 10-year-old boy who admitted that he started a fire last week that destroyed more than 20 homes near Los Angeles.

The boy, who has not been named by authorities, told investigators that he was playing with matches when he set fire to dry brush on Oct. 21, when strong desert winds fueled various wildfires throughout the region. Source

Meanwhile …

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – California wildfires pumped nearly 8 million metric tons of climate-warming carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in just a week, about one-quarter as much as fossil fuels do in that state in a month, scientists said on Wednesday. Source

As if it was not all…

San Francisco – A 3.7 magnitude earthquake shook the San Francisco Bay Area on Wednesday, one day after a stronger temblor rattled the region in a jarring reminder of the area’s vulnerability to a “Big One”.

No injuries or damage were reported from the quake, which struck near the epicentre of Tuesday’s 5.7 magnitude tremor, the most powerful to strike the densely populated region for nearly 20 years. Source