Bloody Drama comes to an end

May 12, 2007

21 dead … numerous injured … scenes of destruction … and bloody hands

Today was a historic day in the history of Pakistan. Today was when overgrown kids with guns vowed to fight till death, and they did. The failure of city government was evident on many fronts, hypocrisy unveiled. Thugs ruled the streets while law enforcers cowered in their holed.

The only heroes who emerged from the whole situation were the News reporters, who continued to unveil the morons even when their life was under threat.

I salute AAJ Television channel for presenting the true face of political parties.

Bloody Drama comes to an end

May 12, 2007

21 dead … numerous injured … scenes of destruction … and bloody hands

Today was a historic day in the history of Pakistan. Today was when overgrown kids with guns vowed to fight till death, and they did. The failure of city government was evident on many fronts, hypocrisy unveiled. Thugs ruled the streets while law enforcers cowered in their holed.

The only heroes who emerged from the whole situation were the News reporters, who continued to unveil the morons even when their life was under threat.

I salute AAJ Television channel for presenting the true face of political parties.