Israel: "Please dont pull up my skirt, I will ease the blockade"

June 9, 2010

It seems Israel is on the defensive here. In a latest statement the government is planning to ease the blockade if the international community agree to a limited probe.

Obviously, there is something they are hiding and the move is just to prevent the international community from looking “under the skirt” to get the true picture.

LONDON: Israel is set to accept a plan under which it would ease its Gaza blockade in return for the international community agreeing a limited probe into a deadly flotilla raid, it was reported Wednesday.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Britain last week circulated a document outlining proposals to ease the blockade. It quoted an unnamed Western source close to the talks with Israel saying: “A quid pro quo deal is in the offing”.

Israel has outlined plans to hold probes into the legality of its naval blockade of Gaza and the raid last week on an aid flotilla which was bidding to break it which killed nine people.

It is reportedly considering setting up an investigative team made up of Israeli jurists and former diplomats as well as two foreign observers.


Flotilla raid diary: ‘A man is shot. I am seeing it happen’
Earlier the Guardian published the accounts of the raid from the diary of the prize-winning writer and creator of Wallander who was among those on board the Gaza flotilla. clearly he was not happy. Here is an excerpt

We are split up, no one is allowed to talk to anyone else. Suddenly a man from the Israeli ministry for foreign affairs appears at my side. I realise he is there to make sure I am not treated too harshly. I am, after all, known as a writer in Israel. I’ve been translated into Hebrew. He asks if I need anything.

‘My freedom and everybody else’s,’ I say. He doesn’t answer. I ask him to go. He takes one step back. But he stays.

I admit to nothing, of course, and am told I am to be deported. The man who says this also says he rates my books highly. That makes me consider ensuring nothing I write is ever translated into Hebrew again.

Seeds of a Conflict being sown?… Irans Flotilla – Armageddon?

June 7, 2010
Iran Red Crescent plans Gaza ships- Al-Jazeera

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have expressed readiness to escort aid flotillas to Gaza [AFP]

Iran’s Red Crescent has announced it will send two aid ships to Gaza later this week in the latest effort to break Israel’s blockade on the territory.
The plan was approved by Iran’s foreign ministry on Sunday, and will see one boat filled with aid and the other carrying relief workers to the coastal strip, Abdolrouf Adibzadeh, the Red Crescent’s director for international affairs said.
He said that the ships would be sent carrying food, medicine and Iranian volunteers.

Shahid Masood on Armageddon

Gentiles of Palestine

December 31, 2008


December 29, 2008

The recent attacks on Palestinians that killed innocent people in cold blood have indeed shaken the world. The media blackout is not new to these stories since Israel is usually perceived to be a victim under such circumstances.

The present conflict and the Lebanon War of 2006 have one thing in common, they are brutal. People are killed as if lives do not matter. In short they are killed like animals.

Although, I regret the use of the harsh word, but then again this is what the teachings of Talmud (the book the Jews follow)imply when referring to Gentiles. We will look into this matter using Jewish and Non-Jewish references.

The term Gentile (from Latin, gentilis, meaning of or belonging to a clan or tribe) refers to non-Israelite tribes or nations in translations of the Bible, most notably the English King James Version.

Prayer that every Jew can say
The Talmud allows the Jews to recite the following prayer:

Thank you God for not making me a Gentile, a woman or a slave.(Shabbath 86a-86b.)

Judging from this prayer and the words “women” and “slaves” used with it, seems that these three have qualities that are unacceptable to Jews. But then again we must not jump to conclusions.

Gentiles in Bible

But I said that there is no such word in the Bible IN ITS ORIGINAL LANGUAGES. The word was put into it by translators, who changed the wording of the Bible centuries after the last book in the Bible was written.

What does this word “Gentile” mean, and from what is it derived? It is derived from the Latin word “GENTILES,” which means “ONE WHO IS NOT A ROMAN CITIZEN.” If you use the word correctly, then you would have to say that Jesus Christ and His twelve disciples were all Gentiles, because none of them was a Roman Citizen.


Excerpts from Talmud

There are certain references from the Talmud that define the Gentiles and Jewish “rights” over Gentiles.

Also see Kerithoth 6b under the sub-head, “Oil of Anointing” and Berakoth 58a in which Gentile women are designated animals (“she-asses”).

Jews are Divine, Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.

O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews, Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a Gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed him for work.

Jews Have Superior Legal Status, Baba Kamma 37b. “If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is to be in full.”

Jews May Steal from Non-Jews, Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Sanhedrin 76a . God will not spare a Jew who “marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean…”

Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews, Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews, Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.


1. One who kills a Gentile, and even a ger toshav, is not put to death for this by the Beit Din, even if he kills him with intent. This is clearly stated in the Torah and in the words of Chazal.

2. In the opinion of the HaRa’aban, one who kills a Gentile transgresses the negative commandment of “You shall not murder,” and in the opinion of Maimonides, the Yeare’im, and Rabbi David HaKochavi, the murder of a Gentile is not included in this negative commandment. However, according to all opinions there exists a prohibition in this matter, as is clear from the words of Chazal.

So the Torah differentiates between a Jew and a Gentile with regards to the killing of a man.

An ox of a Jew who hurt an ox of a Gentile[13] is exempt. An ox of a Gentile who hurt the ox of a Jew — whether it is an ox who was harmless before or an ox which has been proven dangerous, [the owner] must pay the full damage


Israeli Encounters

Israeli Army’s main concern is to keep the local population vulnerable and unable to defend itself. Soldiers got used to kill unarmed civilians. Their preferred victims are children; the weapon of choice is a long range high velocity sharp-shooter rifle. Their idea of entertainment was witnessed by an expert on ‘the dark side of the [Israel Defence] Force’, the chief of New York Times Middle East bureau, Chris Hedges: they pour abuse at children of the refugee camp and shot and maim them as they approach the deadly trap2.


Ending Remarks

We began with our use of “animal” to define victims of Israeli raids. “Animals” is what non-jews are perceived by the Israelis, hence the nature of attacks. If to this day the world in general and muslims in particular choose to look the other way, than some day when history books are opened in the future, children may read about “the mythical muslim civilization”

More Reading
The Truth About the Talmud
Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human

Why Does The USA Support Israel? – 2

October 15, 2007

An interesting article I found here. The article states some reasons why USA supports Israel, which has been a major cause of world’s problem. Before reading this you should know that Protestants consist of 52% (Nation Master) of the population of USA. They constitute the biggest voting block in the USA. No political candidate can get elected if the Fundamentalist Christians are opposed. They are those who believe in the exact words of the Bible.

Now, the key question is: Why do the Fundamentalist Christians support Israel?

Fundamentalist Christians believe that every word of the Bible is true. Their support for Israel comes directly from the Bible. Most importantly, it comes from the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, chapters 16 to 21.

According to the Bible and the Book of Revelation, chapters 16-21, in order for the Second Coming of Christ to occur, several things must happen. First, the Jews must return to Jerusalem. That has already happened. Then, there will be a series of catastrophic events. The moon will turn to blood. Next, there will be a major battle known as the Battle of Armageddon. Satan will declare war on Jerusalem. He will effect it through the Anti-Christ. The Bible states that part of Jerusalem will be destroyed and pillaged. It also states that when all appears hopeless for the Jews, the Second Coming of Christ will occur. From the ruins a new Jerusalem will arise and all the remaining Jews who were not killed in the Battle of Armageddon will convert to Christianity.

These events all depend on one thing: The Jews must be in control of Jerusalem. The Biblical account of The Battle of Armageddon describes the Jews as bring in Jerusalem. Therefore, if the Jews do not control Jerusalem, Battle of Armageddon and thereafter the Second Coming of Christ cannot occur.

Another Perspective on this here

U.S. support of Israel is both historical and consistent. While there are many reasons for that support, it is primarily founded upon U.S. geopolitical interests. The state of Israel is an isolated country heavily dependent on the United States for its survival. This dependence allows Washington to use the country to further its interests in the Middle East — interests such as preventing any independent Middle Eastern power from becoming a regional hegemon.

This question has troubled me for quite a while and I believe I may have found a satifactory answer to it.

Why Does The USA Support Israel? – 2

October 14, 2007

An interesting article I found here. The article states some reasons why USA supports Israel, which has been a major cause of world’s problem. Before reading this you should know that Protestants consist of 52% (Nation Master) of the population of USA. They constitute the biggest voting block in the USA. No political candidate can get elected if the Fundamentalist Christians are opposed. They are those who believe in the exact words of the Bible.

Now, the key question is: Why do the Fundamentalist Christians support Israel?

Fundamentalist Christians believe that every word of the Bible is true. Their support for Israel comes directly from the Bible. Most importantly, it comes from the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, chapters 16 to 21.

According to the Bible and the Book of Revelation, chapters 16-21, in order for the Second Coming of Christ to occur, several things must happen. First, the Jews must return to Jerusalem. That has already happened. Then, there will be a series of catastrophic events. The moon will turn to blood. Next, there will be a major battle known as the Battle of Armageddon. Satan will declare war on Jerusalem. He will effect it through the Anti-Christ. The Bible states that part of Jerusalem will be destroyed and pillaged. It also states that when all appears hopeless for the Jews, the Second Coming of Christ will occur. From the ruins a new Jerusalem will arise and all the remaining Jews who were not killed in the Battle of Armageddon will convert to Christianity.

These events all depend on one thing: The Jews must be in control of Jerusalem. The Biblical account of The Battle of Armageddon describes the Jews as bring in Jerusalem. Therefore, if the Jews do not control Jerusalem, Battle of Armageddon and thereafter the Second Coming of Christ cannot occur.

Another Perspective on this here

U.S. support of Israel is both historical and consistent. While there are many reasons for that support, it is primarily founded upon U.S. geopolitical interests. The state of Israel is an isolated country heavily dependent on the United States for its survival. This dependence allows Washington to use the country to further its interests in the Middle East — interests such as preventing any independent Middle Eastern power from becoming a regional hegemon.

This question has troubled me for quite a while and I believe I may have found a satifactory answer to it.

Ever Wondered What is the Root Cause of Israel-Palestinian Conflict?

June 10, 2007

The word “Extremist” is redefined by history to specifically target “fundamentalist Muslims”. There are alternative uses to this word as well, consider the case of Jews, for example.

“In other words, as long as the Jews believed that they were acting as instruments of God�s will, they did not have to follow the laws of gentile nations. As Israelis have moved to the religious right, a shift propelled by the rationale and experience of Zionism itself, Zionist advocates have shown an increasing willingness to justify their human rights abuses as a Jewish prerogative.”
DAWN Encounter

Yes, the Jews believe that they are the most preferred nation by “God”, and hence should retun to a land given to them by God.

“The theology of chosenness offered another advantage; it did limit Zionist ambitions to Palestine alone. The Lord�s promise was not restricted to Canaan; in a few more generous verses, He had expanded the Jewish inheritance to include all the lands between the Nile and Euphrates (Genesis: 15.18). With present-day borders, this expansive Israeli empire would include Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and perhaps more. If the Zionists could successfully use the Bible to claim Palestine, they could invoke the same divine authority to claim the rest of the Arab Middle East as well.” DAWN Encounter

“Zionism is also complex and also comes from deep within Jewish history with the same sense of exile and return. Zionism also confirms that Jews are special in their suffering and is explicit that Jews should ‘return’ to a land given to them, and only them – by God if they are religious, or by history if they are not – because they simply are not safe anywhere else on earth.”

Ironic it is that the same chauvinistic drive caused the murder of millions of Jews, and now the Jews want to relive that, with their roles reversed.

The article on is informative, however, there still is a mystery regarding unwavering American support for Israel. The article covers it but still this does not explain the whole situation. According to Dr. Shahid Masood, there seems to be some religious connection.

Whatever the case, the present “baseless” conflicts in Lebanon and Iraq by Americans and Israel can be adequately explained by this.

Ever Wondered What is the Root Cause of Israel-Palestinian Conflict?

June 9, 2007

The word “Extremist” is redefined by history to specifically target “fundamentalist Muslims”. There are alternative uses to this word as well, consider the case of Jews, for example.

“In other words, as long as the Jews believed that they were acting as instruments of God�s will, they did not have to follow the laws of gentile nations. As Israelis have moved to the religious right, a shift propelled by the rationale and experience of Zionism itself, Zionist advocates have shown an increasing willingness to justify their human rights abuses as a Jewish prerogative.”
DAWN Encounter

Yes, the Jews believe that they are the most preferred nation by “God”, and hence should retun to a land given to them by God.

“The theology of chosenness offered another advantage; it did limit Zionist ambitions to Palestine alone. The Lord�s promise was not restricted to Canaan; in a few more generous verses, He had expanded the Jewish inheritance to include all the lands between the Nile and Euphrates (Genesis: 15.18). With present-day borders, this expansive Israeli empire would include Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and perhaps more. If the Zionists could successfully use the Bible to claim Palestine, they could invoke the same divine authority to claim the rest of the Arab Middle East as well.” DAWN Encounter

“Zionism is also complex and also comes from deep within Jewish history with the same sense of exile and return. Zionism also confirms that Jews are special in their suffering and is explicit that Jews should ‘return’ to a land given to them, and only them – by God if they are religious, or by history if they are not – because they simply are not safe anywhere else on earth.”

Ironic it is that the same chauvinistic drive caused the murder of millions of Jews, and now the Jews want to relive that, with their roles reversed.

The article on is informative, however, there still is a mystery regarding unwavering American support for Israel. The article covers it but still this does not explain the whole situation. According to Dr. Shahid Masood, there seems to be some religious connection.

Whatever the case, the present “baseless” conflicts in Lebanon and Iraq by Americans and Israel can be adequately explained by this.