Alas Government Gets Some Balls!!!

September 5, 2008

Its about time… it should have happened sooner

GEO reports that Pakistan has blocked US supplies to Afghanistan. This is most probably due to the recent pre-emptive attack by the “superhero” in the territory of Pakistan.

In a previous post I wrote about the importance of the trade route here

The strike under discussion occured on 5th September 2005. 20 people were killed due to this unprovoked attack. Not to mention we are suffering from suicide bombings which is an indirect result of US macho-ism.

WASHINGTON’S ambassador to Islamabad was last night given a “shellacking” by Pakistan after the first ever ground attack by US special forces inside the troubled nation.

Coming ahead of tomorrow’s crucial presidential election and amid a massive security clampdown following the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the Pakistan Government’s confrontation with the Bush administration was unprecedented.


Alas Government Gets Some Balls!!!

September 5, 2008

Its about time… it should have happened sooner

GEO reports that Pakistan has blocked US supplies to Afghanistan. This is most probably due to the recent pre-emptive attack by the “superhero” in the territory of Pakistan.

In a previous post I wrote about the importance of the trade route here

The strike under discussion occured on 5th September 2005. 20 people were killed due to this unprovoked attack. Not to mention we are suffering from suicide bombings which is an indirect result of US macho-ism.

WASHINGTON’S ambassador to Islamabad was last night given a “shellacking” by Pakistan after the first ever ground attack by US special forces inside the troubled nation.

Coming ahead of tomorrow’s crucial presidential election and amid a massive security clampdown following the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the Pakistan Government’s confrontation with the Bush administration was unprecedented.


Bitch Fights – 3

October 18, 2007

Welcome to another edition of Bitch Fights!

Today is yet another recurring historic day that the masses have grown tired of. Right now 20,000 police personnel are waiting to welcome ex-prime minister BB.

As usual here in Karachi, we are witness a voluntary curfew by people due to the fear of thieves and vandals.

A bit about BB can be found here.

May God help us get rid of this menace as well as all the other monkeys. May Allah give us the brains to comprehend our world.

Update: 135 killed in a bomb blast which targeted the convoy of BB. Workers and Police personnel killed, BB and officials survive.

So yet another carnage, yet another bloody day.

Bitch Fights – 3

October 18, 2007

Welcome to another edition of Bitch Fights!

Today is yet another recurring historic day that the masses have grown tired of. Right now 20,000 police personnel are waiting to welcome ex-prime minister BB.

As usual here in Karachi, we are witness a voluntary curfew by people due to the fear of thieves and vandals.

A bit about BB can be found here.

May God help us get rid of this menace as well as all the other monkeys. May Allah give us the brains to comprehend our world.

Update: 135 killed in a bomb blast which targeted the convoy of BB. Workers and Police personnel killed, BB and officials survive.

So yet another carnage, yet another bloody day.

God Bless America

August 31, 2007

This is the sadest thing I have come across. Dumb people electing a dumb president, who is constantly a threat to world’s existence.

God Bless America

August 31, 2007

This is the sadest thing I have come across. Dumb people electing a dumb president, who is constantly a threat to world’s existence.

Bitch fights II: Only Now its Islamabad

July 6, 2007

Killing killing killing. We have developed a tradition of resolving petty issues after a ‘refreshing’ killing of people. People are as usual mere statistics, and their lives worth being expensed to justify bigotry.

I only thought that May 12 would be the only show of such ignorance and people will have learnt from it. As the present situation of Red Mosque unfolds I think we as a nation never learn and perhaps never will. Perhaps this is why we are at the bottom of the food chain, actively being victimized by the powerful.

Extremist is rather a soft word, bloodhounds is perhaps more appropriate. Government, political parties, delusioned Mullahs and we the population ourselves redefine the label. The present situation comes shortly after the bloody May 12 saga that claimed over 50 lives, mostly innocent. This situation is no different, stretching over 3 days and claiming 39 victims all in the name of cause that was not realistically possible in the present situation.

The situation is well covered at Metblogs Islamabad , however the gist of the situation is, a couple of fanatics leading 2000 people all-ready to bring a revolution into this already miserable country. Now is a classic end-game scenario, with the Army ready to launch an offensive, the few who have not surrendered have made children their shields to protect them from the government.

Let’s not forget that “Perception is Fatal”, there may be some hidden motives of people concerned here. Take the government, for instance, this was a perfect opportunity to divert attention from the proceedings of the chief justice at Supreme Court. This is true as there was no no media coverage of the proceedings due to this event. This is the perfect opportunity for the government to play its cards, either influence the lead defense lawyer due to his political affiliations or something else. Everything else will go unnoticed, later uproar can be subdued by by distorting the chain of events through conflicting press releases.

Second motive may be to show the west that a Khomeini style government will rule Pakistan and use the nuclear arsenal to further its cause. They may decide to arm their “brother” nations as well. The west already is suffering from insomnia due to the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon combined, something tells me they really do not want this.

Third motive is simple, to lead the population into a state of confusion that they willingly accept to prolong Musharaf’s demand for another term to satisfy his ego. People using the “lesser of the evil” strategy will chose their next leader, as none of the political parties are even worth voting for let alone leading the country. This is because Musharraf has successfully led the country out away from a financial crisis to a prosperous path.

There maybe hidden motive or perhaps there may not be any. Regardless of this, it is the people who pay with their lives. Sons, fathers, brothers, mothers, daughters and spouses die. Just today a camera man got killed, a rescue worker got killed and a child was hit by a stray bullet. Who is to pay for this carnage? Who is responsible? Will we ever learn?

Bitch fights II: Only Now its Islamabad

July 5, 2007

Killing killing killing. We have developed a tradition of resolving petty issues after a ‘refreshing’ killing of people. People are as usual mere statistics, and their lives worth being expensed to justify bigotry.

I only thought that May 12 would be the only show of such ignorance and people will have learnt from it. As the present situation of Red Mosque unfolds I think we as a nation never learn and perhaps never will. Perhaps this is why we are at the bottom of the food chain, actively being victimized by the powerful.

Extremist is rather a soft word, bloodhounds is perhaps more appropriate. Government, political parties, delusioned Mullahs and we the population ourselves redefine the label. The present situation comes shortly after the bloody May 12 saga that claimed over 50 lives, mostly innocent. This situation is no different, stretching over 3 days and claiming 39 victims all in the name of cause that was not realistically possible in the present situation.

The situation is well covered at Metblogs Islamabad , however the gist of the situation is, a couple of fanatics leading 2000 people all-ready to bring a revolution into this already miserable country. Now is a classic end-game scenario, with the Army ready to launch an offensive, the few who have not surrendered have made children their shields to protect them from the government.

Let’s not forget that “Perception is Fatal”, there may be some hidden motives of people concerned here. Take the government, for instance, this was a perfect opportunity to divert attention from the proceedings of the chief justice at Supreme Court. This is true as there was no no media coverage of the proceedings due to this event. This is the perfect opportunity for the government to play its cards, either influence the lead defense lawyer due to his political affiliations or something else. Everything else will go unnoticed, later uproar can be subdued by by distorting the chain of events through conflicting press releases.

Second motive may be to show the west that a Khomeini style government will rule Pakistan and use the nuclear arsenal to further its cause. They may decide to arm their “brother” nations as well. The west already is suffering from insomnia due to the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon combined, something tells me they really do not want this.

Third motive is simple, to lead the population into a state of confusion that they willingly accept to prolong Musharaf’s demand for another term to satisfy his ego. People using the “lesser of the evil” strategy will chose their next leader, as none of the political parties are even worth voting for let alone leading the country. This is because Musharraf has successfully led the country out away from a financial crisis to a prosperous path.

There maybe hidden motive or perhaps there may not be any. Regardless of this, it is the people who pay with their lives. Sons, fathers, brothers, mothers, daughters and spouses die. Just today a camera man got killed, a rescue worker got killed and a child was hit by a stray bullet. Who is to pay for this carnage? Who is responsible? Will we ever learn?

Bloody Drama comes to an end

May 12, 2007

21 dead … numerous injured … scenes of destruction … and bloody hands

Today was a historic day in the history of Pakistan. Today was when overgrown kids with guns vowed to fight till death, and they did. The failure of city government was evident on many fronts, hypocrisy unveiled. Thugs ruled the streets while law enforcers cowered in their holed.

The only heroes who emerged from the whole situation were the News reporters, who continued to unveil the morons even when their life was under threat.

I salute AAJ Television channel for presenting the true face of political parties.

People Dying in Cold Blood… and they dont know why

May 12, 2007

“Why are we being killed?” asks a dying man who was denied the “luxury” of being taken to the hospital as roads were blocked and ambulances could not access him.

As the residents of Karachi confine themselves to their homes amid death and destruction by goons of political parties, they would have by now started to ask themselves the same question.

Party leaders comfortably sit in their offices or homes in London, enjoying the death and destruction they have spun up. While their brainwashed and unarmed people are being killed for their jackass leaders.

Something is really wrong here… Are we screwed because the “silent majority” continues to remaining silent… or perhaps because a faulty election system … or because of uneducated masses … or perhaps due to lack of quality education… hell it is all of the above.

IDEA International documents all voting activities all over the world. People may be surprised to see this.

Year Total Vote Registration Vote / Reg Invalid Pop. Size VAP Vote / VAP PR CL Status
1977 17,000,000 30,899,152 55.0% n/a 75,444,000 36,213,120 46.9% 6 4 Not Free
1985 17,250,482 32,589,996 52.9% 2.4% 96,180,000 41,357,400 41.7% 4 5 Partly Free
1988 19,903,172 46,206,055 43.1% 1.5% 105,409,000 46,379,960 42.9% 3 3 Partly Free
1990 21,395,479 47,065,330 45.5% 1.1% 112,049,000 49,301,560 43.4% 4 4 Partly Free
1993 20,293,307 50,377,915 40.3% 1.3% 122,802,000 54,032,880 37.6% 3 5 Partly Free
1997 19,058,131 54,189,534 35.2% 2.3% 137,649,330 60,565,705 31.5% 4 5 Partly Free
2002 29,829,463 71,358,040 41.8% 2.6% n/a n/a n/a 6 5 Not Free

Source: IDEA

Registration: Number of Voters registered
VAP : Voting age Population (eligible for voting)

It is interesting to note that 35% of population votes. Combine that with political parties forging votes and you get your answer regarding the fairness of elections. And now you know why we are screwed.

May Allah help us understand… Amen.