Bewee, TV aur Emergency

November 3, 2007

So its now a reality, the much awaited emergency has now been imposed.

As almost all channels are off the air, people are now at the mercy of endless propaganda campaign on state-run PTV. The new propaganda punchline being used is : “farq parhta hai sahi faislay say sahi qayadat say” (Right leadership and right decisions make a difference). There is a subliminal message here “farq parhta hai Emergency say aur Gadee say” (Emergency and Seat make a difference… really!). Not to mention our very own poster-boy cum dictator is all over the television.

However, Begum Musharraf may not have liked the idea of emergency as it would deprive her and other Begmaat of Dramas on Indian Channels. So avoid their wrath, our president has allowed Star Plus and ARY Digital to be unblocked. Dont mess with the Begumaat, its worse than the emergency.

An “ordinance” has been issued, Judges are warned not to overstep and meddle with administrative affairs.

Life is normal here, we didn’t even feel the pain. I must give due credit to President for executing such difficult maneuver with such dexterity.

Reuters Report

Bewee, TV aur Emergency

November 3, 2007

So its now a reality, the much awaited emergency has now been imposed.

As almost all channels are off the air, people are now at the mercy of endless propaganda campaign on state-run PTV. The new propaganda punchline being used is : “farq parhta hai sahi faislay say sahi qayadat say” (Right leadership and right decisions make a difference). There is a subliminal message here “farq parhta hai Emergency say aur Gadee say” (Emergency and Seat make a difference… really!). Not to mention our very own poster-boy cum dictator is all over the television.

However, Begum Musharraf may not have liked the idea of emergency as it would deprive her and other Begmaat of Dramas on Indian Channels. So avoid their wrath, our president has allowed Star Plus and ARY Digital to be unblocked. Dont mess with the Begumaat, its worse than the emergency.

An “ordinance” has been issued, Judges are warned not to overstep and meddle with administrative affairs.

Life is normal here, we didn’t even feel the pain. I must give due credit to President for executing such difficult maneuver with such dexterity.

Reuters Report

The Greater Conspiracy

October 19, 2007


Oct. 18th blasts were indeed tragic. Total of 140 have been declared dead, with 500+ injured. Several bodies have been also reported missing or not have been bought to Edhi. However, when looking at the situation we find that something was not right about it. There were many “co-incidences” happening at the sametime. Below is the compilation of these “co-incidences” on international and domestic level.

The list

Here is an excerpt from the video:

“We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people, that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

American leadership has been a nutcase lately. They take their “initiative” based on cooked up reports and kill millions of civilians. To date 1,087,731 are killed in Iraq alone (Wikipedia also has details of various estimates). America however has lost 3000+ troops only.

Americas interests in Iran are growing. Recently, President Putin issued a warning to Bush to back off.

IRAN basked in a diplomatic and propaganda coup last night as the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, used a historic visit to Tehran to warn the United States against taking military action to halt the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme.

His remarks were seemingly aimed at the former Soviet state of Azerbaijan. There has been speculation in the Russian media that the US may be trying to negotiate the right to use military facilities there for a possible strike on Iran. Azeri officials have denied any such plan.

“The Caspian Sea states (Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) should unite rather than divide,” Mr Putin said. Source

Meanwhile, the terrorist who seemed to have threatened BB (Pinky), has said

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) – A well-known Pakistani Taliban commander, said to have issued assassination threats against Benazir Bhutto earlier this month, denied any involvement on Friday in an attack that killed 133 people in Karachi.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Baitullah Mehsud told Reuters by satellite phone from an undisclosed location about the attack on Bhutto’s motorcade as it edged through hundreds of thousands of supporters gathered to welcome her from years of exile. Source

In other stories our Foreign Minister warns that

LAHORE: Foreign Minister Khusrhid Mehmood Kasuri said on Wednesday that the NATO troops of 37 countries present in Afghanistan would not stay silent if Pakistani troops were called back from Waziristan and the surrounding areas, Geo News reported. Source

While General Musharraf is planning an all out war on Waziristan

An all-out battle for control of Pakistan’s restive North and South Waziristan is about to commence between the Pakistani military and the Taliban and al-Qaeda adherents who have made these tribal areas their own.

According to a top Pakistani security official who spoke to Asia Times Online on condition of anonymity, the goal this time is to pacify the Waziristans once and for all. All previous military operations – usually spurred by intelligence provided by the Western coalition – have had limited objectives, aimed at specific bases or sanctuaries or blocking the cross-border movement of guerrillas. Now the military is going for broke to break the back of the Taliban and a-Qaeda in Pakistan and reclaim the entire area. Source

In other news, RDX a military grade explosive was used in BB blasts

Another high-ranking investigator told Dawn that RDX, which is widely used in military and industrial applications, was employed in the suicide attack on the PPP leader. Source

Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, H-6, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Nomenclature variants include Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine. Source

It goes without saying that Pakistan is strategically located between Iran, China and India. We already “act” as a colony of the USA. Hence, we are integral to “World Peace”.

Bonus Updates

While viewing Dr. Shahid Masoods program today I came across many interesting facts:

  1. The so-called suicide bomber was carrying 15Kg RDX explosive alongwith 2000 pellets which makes the total weight of the belt around 40-50kgs, which he was carrying around all day. Everybody failed to take notice of him.
  2. The jammers were not working since the start of the procession. Makhdoom Amin Fahim can be seen talking on mobile phone.
  3. Bomb blast occured just after BB went inside. She didn’t go inside since the start of the procession.
  4. There were two blasts in close proximity, the first blast apparently didnot kill the suicide bomber while many did die from its impact.
  5. BB’s assertion that street lights were turned off have been proven incorrect based on television footage.
  6. BB is confident that these were suicide bombers from waziristan, even after being told that she has many enemies and possibility of a car bomb cannot be denied.
  7. The blast did not affect any of the PPP leadership, but all the casulaties were of poor workers and supporters who were bought in by the party. The party assigned a target of 4 buses per UC. A commision of Rs. 2000 per bus was given to the nazim. Each bus carried around 100 people (Party sources).
  8. There were no craters in the road that indicate suicide attacks.
  9. Party does not demand an investigation, while government’s deadline of 48-hours assigned to investigators has passed.

The above could be a series of co-incidences or can be deeply connected. There seem to be some missing links due to which I cannot conclude anything right now until there is further information. However, it sure looks fishy.

The Greater Conspiracy

October 19, 2007


Oct. 18th blasts were indeed tragic. Total of 140 have been declared dead, with 500+ injured. Several bodies have been also reported missing or not have been bought to Edhi. However, when looking at the situation we find that something was not right about it. There were many “co-incidences” happening at the sametime. Below is the compilation of these “co-incidences” on international and domestic level.

The list

Here is an excerpt from the video:

“We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people, that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

American leadership has been a nutcase lately. They take their “initiative” based on cooked up reports and kill millions of civilians. To date 1,087,731 are killed in Iraq alone (Wikipedia also has details of various estimates). America however has lost 3000+ troops only.

Americas interests in Iran are growing. Recently, President Putin issued a warning to Bush to back off.

IRAN basked in a diplomatic and propaganda coup last night as the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, used a historic visit to Tehran to warn the United States against taking military action to halt the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme.

His remarks were seemingly aimed at the former Soviet state of Azerbaijan. There has been speculation in the Russian media that the US may be trying to negotiate the right to use military facilities there for a possible strike on Iran. Azeri officials have denied any such plan.

“The Caspian Sea states (Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) should unite rather than divide,” Mr Putin said. Source

Meanwhile, the terrorist who seemed to have threatened BB (Pinky), has said

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) – A well-known Pakistani Taliban commander, said to have issued assassination threats against Benazir Bhutto earlier this month, denied any involvement on Friday in an attack that killed 133 people in Karachi.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Baitullah Mehsud told Reuters by satellite phone from an undisclosed location about the attack on Bhutto’s motorcade as it edged through hundreds of thousands of supporters gathered to welcome her from years of exile. Source

In other stories our Foreign Minister warns that

LAHORE: Foreign Minister Khusrhid Mehmood Kasuri said on Wednesday that the NATO troops of 37 countries present in Afghanistan would not stay silent if Pakistani troops were called back from Waziristan and the surrounding areas, Geo News reported. Source

While General Musharraf is planning an all out war on Waziristan

An all-out battle for control of Pakistan’s restive North and South Waziristan is about to commence between the Pakistani military and the Taliban and al-Qaeda adherents who have made these tribal areas their own.

According to a top Pakistani security official who spoke to Asia Times Online on condition of anonymity, the goal this time is to pacify the Waziristans once and for all. All previous military operations – usually spurred by intelligence provided by the Western coalition – have had limited objectives, aimed at specific bases or sanctuaries or blocking the cross-border movement of guerrillas. Now the military is going for broke to break the back of the Taliban and a-Qaeda in Pakistan and reclaim the entire area. Source

In other news, RDX a military grade explosive was used in BB blasts

Another high-ranking investigator told Dawn that RDX, which is widely used in military and industrial applications, was employed in the suicide attack on the PPP leader. Source

Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, H-6, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Nomenclature variants include Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine. Source

It goes without saying that Pakistan is strategically located between Iran, China and India. We already “act” as a colony of the USA. Hence, we are integral to “World Peace”.

Bonus Updates

While viewing Dr. Shahid Masoods program today I came across many interesting facts:

  1. The so-called suicide bomber was carrying 15Kg RDX explosive alongwith 2000 pellets which makes the total weight of the belt around 40-50kgs, which he was carrying around all day. Everybody failed to take notice of him.
  2. The jammers were not working since the start of the procession. Makhdoom Amin Fahim can be seen talking on mobile phone.
  3. Bomb blast occured just after BB went inside. She didn’t go inside since the start of the procession.
  4. There were two blasts in close proximity, the first blast apparently didnot kill the suicide bomber while many did die from its impact.
  5. BB’s assertion that street lights were turned off have been proven incorrect based on television footage.
  6. BB is confident that these were suicide bombers from waziristan, even after being told that she has many enemies and possibility of a car bomb cannot be denied.
  7. The blast did not affect any of the PPP leadership, but all the casulaties were of poor workers and supporters who were bought in by the party. The party assigned a target of 4 buses per UC. A commision of Rs. 2000 per bus was given to the nazim. Each bus carried around 100 people (Party sources).
  8. There were no craters in the road that indicate suicide attacks.
  9. Party does not demand an investigation, while government’s deadline of 48-hours assigned to investigators has passed.

The above could be a series of co-incidences or can be deeply connected. There seem to be some missing links due to which I cannot conclude anything right now until there is further information. However, it sure looks fishy.

Musharraf and BB – Love affair now over

August 31, 2007

What will Musharraf do now?

That is the ultimate question on everybody’s mind. Certainly the unavoidable is about to happen.

With the ‘deal’ now in shambles and taliban now taunting musharraf, it appears musharraf is cornered. With events such as the pathetic Earthquake Relief Operations, Chief Justice sacking, Red Mosque blunder, Waziristan mayhem, Bugti Killing and now this section of Northern Bypass crumbling and a lot of blood on Musharrafs hands, times are testing.

From a citizen’s perspective, life has been tough here lately. We have suffered the worst days of our lives, in the horrible traffic jams of Karachi or without power with mercury levels touching 40+ C. Bad infrastructure is not only the worry, but corrupt government officials add to the misery.

So what are the prospects for Musharraf? Bright! Why?

The very reason being that he has incompetent opponents, who do not know how to run the country. Lets start with Benazir, her terms have seen widespread corrupt practices accounting for billions of dollars that largely came from “commisions” on business deals for Pakistan government. The most famous being the kickback on 32 Mirge Planes and the controversial thermal Independant Power Projects (we could have established hydro based projects which were sustainable and had low operating expense) the effects of which are seen to this day. During here tenure we saw lack of concrete economic policies to utilize the rich resource base of Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif has been another thorn in Pakistan’s history. As usual he has been corrupt and inefficient. The much hyped “Karz utaro Mulk Sawaro” (Payoff Debt, Enervate the Country) called for the public to donate its money to help Pakistan pay-off its mounting debt. As usual our patriotic public gave loads of money which ended up paying for the decorated mansions of Raiwind (a place in Punjab) for Nawaz. Pakistan went through the worst economic crisis in his tenure as sanctions were imposed after we went Nuclear (This one glorious gift helped deflate India’s ever-growing ego). Kargil War added to the miseries, and eventually he was dethroned by Musharraf.

Musharraf siezed power in 1998 from Nawaz. A brilliant strategist or not, that I cannot conclude due to the lack of evidence. However, the experts believe that Kargil conflict “showed a shocking lack of strategy” on Musharraf’s part. Educated in Turkey, he has grown fond of Kemal Ataturk’s view of a secular nation. This is why we have been seeing a lot of “enlightened moderation” speeches lately. On the whole “our leader” likes to feed his ego. One good thing he did was revive the economy when it was in a state of neglect.

At the time Musharraf took over the government, Pakistan was regarded as a failed state by many international experts, as it was close to bankrupt. Total foreign exchange reserves were less than one month’s import. Investor confidence was at an all-time low. – Wikipeda

The bottomline

Pakistan was in an economic mess before 1998. We saw decline in FDI, high debt levels, high unemployment etc. And now we are growing at 7% per annum.

It is unlikely that either BB or Nawaz take charge due to a strong opposition by business community and particularly by foreign investors, that now act as a natural hedge for a new five-year term for Musharraf. It is due to the billions of dollars invested here, “altruistic” Uncle Sam do not want us to get rid of the dictator. The fear of another “radical Islamist” (after Iran) rattling nukes makes the west wet their pants. So the dictator is not going anywhere, strap on and enjoy the ride.

Musharraf and BB – Love affair now over

August 31, 2007

What will Musharraf do now?

That is the ultimate question on everybody’s mind. Certainly the unavoidable is about to happen.

With the ‘deal’ now in shambles and taliban now taunting musharraf, it appears musharraf is cornered. With events such as the pathetic Earthquake Relief Operations, Chief Justice sacking, Red Mosque blunder, Waziristan mayhem, Bugti Killing and now this section of Northern Bypass crumbling and a lot of blood on Musharrafs hands, times are testing.

From a citizen’s perspective, life has been tough here lately. We have suffered the worst days of our lives, in the horrible traffic jams of Karachi or without power with mercury levels touching 40+ C. Bad infrastructure is not only the worry, but corrupt government officials add to the misery.

So what are the prospects for Musharraf? Bright! Why?

The very reason being that he has incompetent opponents, who do not know how to run the country. Lets start with Benazir, her terms have seen widespread corrupt practices accounting for billions of dollars that largely came from “commisions” on business deals for Pakistan government. The most famous being the kickback on 32 Mirge Planes and the controversial thermal Independant Power Projects (we could have established hydro based projects which were sustainable and had low operating expense) the effects of which are seen to this day. During here tenure we saw lack of concrete economic policies to utilize the rich resource base of Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif has been another thorn in Pakistan’s history. As usual he has been corrupt and inefficient. The much hyped “Karz utaro Mulk Sawaro” (Payoff Debt, Enervate the Country) called for the public to donate its money to help Pakistan pay-off its mounting debt. As usual our patriotic public gave loads of money which ended up paying for the decorated mansions of Raiwind (a place in Punjab) for Nawaz. Pakistan went through the worst economic crisis in his tenure as sanctions were imposed after we went Nuclear (This one glorious gift helped deflate India’s ever-growing ego). Kargil War added to the miseries, and eventually he was dethroned by Musharraf.

Musharraf siezed power in 1998 from Nawaz. A brilliant strategist or not, that I cannot conclude due to the lack of evidence. However, the experts believe that Kargil conflict “showed a shocking lack of strategy” on Musharraf’s part. Educated in Turkey, he has grown fond of Kemal Ataturk’s view of a secular nation. This is why we have been seeing a lot of “enlightened moderation” speeches lately. On the whole “our leader” likes to feed his ego. One good thing he did was revive the economy when it was in a state of neglect.

At the time Musharraf took over the government, Pakistan was regarded as a failed state by many international experts, as it was close to bankrupt. Total foreign exchange reserves were less than one month’s import. Investor confidence was at an all-time low. – Wikipeda

The bottomline

Pakistan was in an economic mess before 1998. We saw decline in FDI, high debt levels, high unemployment etc. And now we are growing at 7% per annum.

It is unlikely that either BB or Nawaz take charge due to a strong opposition by business community and particularly by foreign investors, that now act as a natural hedge for a new five-year term for Musharraf. It is due to the billions of dollars invested here, “altruistic” Uncle Sam do not want us to get rid of the dictator. The fear of another “radical Islamist” (after Iran) rattling nukes makes the west wet their pants. So the dictator is not going anywhere, strap on and enjoy the ride.

Bitch fights II: Only Now its Islamabad

July 6, 2007

Killing killing killing. We have developed a tradition of resolving petty issues after a ‘refreshing’ killing of people. People are as usual mere statistics, and their lives worth being expensed to justify bigotry.

I only thought that May 12 would be the only show of such ignorance and people will have learnt from it. As the present situation of Red Mosque unfolds I think we as a nation never learn and perhaps never will. Perhaps this is why we are at the bottom of the food chain, actively being victimized by the powerful.

Extremist is rather a soft word, bloodhounds is perhaps more appropriate. Government, political parties, delusioned Mullahs and we the population ourselves redefine the label. The present situation comes shortly after the bloody May 12 saga that claimed over 50 lives, mostly innocent. This situation is no different, stretching over 3 days and claiming 39 victims all in the name of cause that was not realistically possible in the present situation.

The situation is well covered at Metblogs Islamabad , however the gist of the situation is, a couple of fanatics leading 2000 people all-ready to bring a revolution into this already miserable country. Now is a classic end-game scenario, with the Army ready to launch an offensive, the few who have not surrendered have made children their shields to protect them from the government.

Let’s not forget that “Perception is Fatal”, there may be some hidden motives of people concerned here. Take the government, for instance, this was a perfect opportunity to divert attention from the proceedings of the chief justice at Supreme Court. This is true as there was no no media coverage of the proceedings due to this event. This is the perfect opportunity for the government to play its cards, either influence the lead defense lawyer due to his political affiliations or something else. Everything else will go unnoticed, later uproar can be subdued by by distorting the chain of events through conflicting press releases.

Second motive may be to show the west that a Khomeini style government will rule Pakistan and use the nuclear arsenal to further its cause. They may decide to arm their “brother” nations as well. The west already is suffering from insomnia due to the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon combined, something tells me they really do not want this.

Third motive is simple, to lead the population into a state of confusion that they willingly accept to prolong Musharaf’s demand for another term to satisfy his ego. People using the “lesser of the evil” strategy will chose their next leader, as none of the political parties are even worth voting for let alone leading the country. This is because Musharraf has successfully led the country out away from a financial crisis to a prosperous path.

There maybe hidden motive or perhaps there may not be any. Regardless of this, it is the people who pay with their lives. Sons, fathers, brothers, mothers, daughters and spouses die. Just today a camera man got killed, a rescue worker got killed and a child was hit by a stray bullet. Who is to pay for this carnage? Who is responsible? Will we ever learn?

Bitch fights II: Only Now its Islamabad

July 5, 2007

Killing killing killing. We have developed a tradition of resolving petty issues after a ‘refreshing’ killing of people. People are as usual mere statistics, and their lives worth being expensed to justify bigotry.

I only thought that May 12 would be the only show of such ignorance and people will have learnt from it. As the present situation of Red Mosque unfolds I think we as a nation never learn and perhaps never will. Perhaps this is why we are at the bottom of the food chain, actively being victimized by the powerful.

Extremist is rather a soft word, bloodhounds is perhaps more appropriate. Government, political parties, delusioned Mullahs and we the population ourselves redefine the label. The present situation comes shortly after the bloody May 12 saga that claimed over 50 lives, mostly innocent. This situation is no different, stretching over 3 days and claiming 39 victims all in the name of cause that was not realistically possible in the present situation.

The situation is well covered at Metblogs Islamabad , however the gist of the situation is, a couple of fanatics leading 2000 people all-ready to bring a revolution into this already miserable country. Now is a classic end-game scenario, with the Army ready to launch an offensive, the few who have not surrendered have made children their shields to protect them from the government.

Let’s not forget that “Perception is Fatal”, there may be some hidden motives of people concerned here. Take the government, for instance, this was a perfect opportunity to divert attention from the proceedings of the chief justice at Supreme Court. This is true as there was no no media coverage of the proceedings due to this event. This is the perfect opportunity for the government to play its cards, either influence the lead defense lawyer due to his political affiliations or something else. Everything else will go unnoticed, later uproar can be subdued by by distorting the chain of events through conflicting press releases.

Second motive may be to show the west that a Khomeini style government will rule Pakistan and use the nuclear arsenal to further its cause. They may decide to arm their “brother” nations as well. The west already is suffering from insomnia due to the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon combined, something tells me they really do not want this.

Third motive is simple, to lead the population into a state of confusion that they willingly accept to prolong Musharaf’s demand for another term to satisfy his ego. People using the “lesser of the evil” strategy will chose their next leader, as none of the political parties are even worth voting for let alone leading the country. This is because Musharraf has successfully led the country out away from a financial crisis to a prosperous path.

There maybe hidden motive or perhaps there may not be any. Regardless of this, it is the people who pay with their lives. Sons, fathers, brothers, mothers, daughters and spouses die. Just today a camera man got killed, a rescue worker got killed and a child was hit by a stray bullet. Who is to pay for this carnage? Who is responsible? Will we ever learn?

President defends Manslaughter

May 18, 2007

Presently, Talat Hussain of AAJ is interviewing our President Musharraf. So what does the President have to say?

Surprisingly, President thinks the political party was correct in killing 46 people to defend its territory. Great logic Mr. President, I believe you still think you are ruling a Jungle where such logic applies.

Mr. President says that “the opposition would have taken 30,000 to MQM majority areas and would have created trouble.” So Mr. President do you want to say that less killing is better than more. I guess yes.

Mr. President further makes a revelation, the mobile snatched when Chief Justice by an unknown police officer was a “tactical decision”, however it is another story that the mobile was never returned.

“There is no crisis of Legitimacy”, the President decides to play ostrich. “We created a local government system”, “we held elections”, “we laid down the democratic system”… what hypocrisy is this?

“I went back on my word [referring to his failure to hold the promise of parting away with his wardi (uniform)]… I regret it… one should not go back on his word”

The killing is now termed officially as “politicization by opposition”

“If two third of the majority accepts me as their leader… its constitutional … I will not violate the constitution”

“Lets define the word National consensus… it is the view of the majority… it is democracy”

“I am not governing the nation … Prime Minister of the state is… I am only trying to maintain focus on certain areas wherever I think there is a need of emphasis”

“My role is facilitating the government not running the government”

“If over the years i have acquired a stature where people listen to me so what is anybody’s problem”

Talat: “There is a gravity of power that power here is uniform, that is why people come to you”

“I do not impose my will except on certain issues”… “I convince through logical persuasion”

President defends Manslaughter

May 18, 2007

Presently, Talat Hussain of AAJ is interviewing our President Musharraf. So what does the President have to say?

Surprisingly, President thinks the political party was correct in killing 46 people to defend its territory. Great logic Mr. President, I believe you still think you are ruling a Jungle where such logic applies.

Mr. President says that “the opposition would have taken 30,000 to MQM majority areas and would have created trouble.” So Mr. President do you want to say that less killing is better than more. I guess yes.

Mr. President further makes a revelation, the mobile snatched when Chief Justice by an unknown police officer was a “tactical decision”, however it is another story that the mobile was never returned.

“There is no crisis of Legitimacy”, the President decides to play ostrich. “We created a local government system”, “we held elections”, “we laid down the democratic system”… what hypocrisy is this?

“I went back on my word [referring to his failure to hold the promise of parting away with his wardi (uniform)]… I regret it… one should not go back on his word”

The killing is now termed officially as “politicization by opposition”

“If two third of the majority accepts me as their leader… its constitutional … I will not violate the constitution”

“Lets define the word National consensus… it is the view of the majority… it is democracy”

“I am not governing the nation … Prime Minister of the state is… I am only trying to maintain focus on certain areas wherever I think there is a need of emphasis”

“My role is facilitating the government not running the government”

“If over the years i have acquired a stature where people listen to me so what is anybody’s problem”

Talat: “There is a gravity of power that power here is uniform, that is why people come to you”

“I do not impose my will except on certain issues”… “I convince through logical persuasion”