Give a Monkey a Machine Gun and Let Him Loose

May 25, 2007

Latest: As President Bush took a question Thursday in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General, he remarked, “I’ve got confidence in Al Gonzales doin’ the job.” Simultaneously, a sparrow flew overhead and left a splash on the President’s sleeve, which Bush tried several times to wipe off. ABC News

Birds are giving Bush a piece of their mind, precision targeting by the sparrow though. Will we have war on bird now?

It is interesting that how one ‘crazy’ person can turn the world into his own battlefield. Presently, “war games” are being conducted right outside Iran’s territorial waters. The reason is same, “to pressurize Iran to quit its pursuit of of Nuclear Enrichment (which will be done to make WMDs)”.

However, is the stance justified? Five states are recognized in the NPT as Nuclear Weapons States; USA, UK, China, Russia and France. The reason why “only” these powers were granted the “holy” right to hold nuclear weapons remains a mystery.

The double-standards by US itself in using the NPT to its advantage are evident. The five NWS agree not to transfer nuclear technology to Non-nuclear states for military use. However, peaceful use is allowed.

This is why the recent US-India nuclear energy deal has come under (legal) controversy as it threatens to undermine the global nuclear non-proliferation regime exploiting the loophole granted by the nature of dual-use technology, as has the Russia-Iran uranium deal.

Yet again the world falls prey to the hypocrisy of the powerful.

Give a Monkey a Machine Gun and Let Him Loose

May 25, 2007

Latest: As President Bush took a question Thursday in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General, he remarked, “I’ve got confidence in Al Gonzales doin’ the job.” Simultaneously, a sparrow flew overhead and left a splash on the President’s sleeve, which Bush tried several times to wipe off. ABC News

Birds are giving Bush a piece of their mind, precision targeting by the sparrow though. Will we have war on bird now?

It is interesting that how one ‘crazy’ person can turn the world into his own battlefield. Presently, “war games” are being conducted right outside Iran’s territorial waters. The reason is same, “to pressurize Iran to quit its pursuit of of Nuclear Enrichment (which will be done to make WMDs)”.

However, is the stance justified? Five states are recognized in the NPT as Nuclear Weapons States; USA, UK, China, Russia and France. The reason why “only” these powers were granted the “holy” right to hold nuclear weapons remains a mystery.

The double-standards by US itself in using the NPT to its advantage are evident. The five NWS agree not to transfer nuclear technology to Non-nuclear states for military use. However, peaceful use is allowed.

This is why the recent US-India nuclear energy deal has come under (legal) controversy as it threatens to undermine the global nuclear non-proliferation regime exploiting the loophole granted by the nature of dual-use technology, as has the Russia-Iran uranium deal.

Yet again the world falls prey to the hypocrisy of the powerful.