Mumbai Attacks Drama: Evaluation of Indian Dossier by Talat Hussain

October 20, 2010

Calm Before the Storm: Why Hungry Millions May Change Pakistan

August 16, 2010

So here we are again, crisis and mismanagement.As much as I would like to honor the government with my shoes, I think it is best to use this time to highlight more important issues.

I would remind my readers to skim through Pay your Respect to BB: Kill and destroy post where I highlighted how poverty can cause discontent and is the ultimate time-bomb. I have reproduced the excerpt for your convenience.

To sum up, when people see no hope of getting out of cycle of poverty, they take on opportunities to vent their frustration. It is not fault of a person that he is born in a poor family, combine that with inadequate government support to help him get out and you find generations living in poverty.

Lack of prudent policies and deterioration of judicial system end gives way to array of injustices. Inflation, harrasment and social inequality just contribute to this outburst which often takes violent forms. Case : France riots of 2005

I would also like to bring your attention to Wikipedia’s List of Riots and explore the reasons behind the deadliest riots. for example,

  1. Watts Riots : The term Watts Riots of 1965 refers to a large-scale riot which lasted 6 days in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, in August 1965. By the time the riot subsided, 34 people had been killed, 1,032 injured, and 3,438 arrested. It would stand as the most severe riot in Los Angeles history until the Los Angeles riots of 1992. The riot is viewed by some as a reaction to the record of police brutality by the LAPD and other racial injustices suffered by black Americans in Los Angeles, including job and housing discrimination.
  2. Chinese Riots China’s Public Security Ministry reported 87,000 mass incidents in 2005, up 6.6 per cent over the number in 2004, and 50 per cent over the 2003 figure. The ministry has not released the latest figures.
  3. French Riots  The 2005 civil unrest in France of October and November (in French Les émeutes de banlieues de 2005) was a series of riots involving mainly the burning of cars and public buildings at night starting on 27 October 2005 in Clichy-sous-Bois.The vast majority of the rioters were of Algerian descent. Events spread to poor housing projects (the cités HLM) in various parts of France. A state of emergency was declared on 8 November 2005. It was extended for three months on 16 November by the Parliament

And the Effects before the landfall are visible

1. SUKKUR, Pakistan (Reuters) – Pakistani flood victims, burning straw and waving sticks, blocked a highway on Monday to demand government help as aid agencies warned relief was too slow to arrive for millions without clean water, food and homes.

Public anger has grown in the two weeks of floods, highlighting potential political troubles for an unpopular government overwhelmed by a disaster that has disrupted the lives of at least a tenth of its 170 million people. Reuters

  2. MUZAFFARGARH (Pakistan): Food riots have erupted in several flood-affected areas in Pakistan’s Punjab province, where starving people are attacking vehicles carrying relief goods.

The Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) and International Organisation for Migration (IOM) officials said that their convoy had been attacked and vehicles looted in Muzaffargarh district. Similar attacks were reported on vehicles of the Strengthening Participatory Organisation (SPO) and IOM in the province.- India Times 

3. At least two people were killed in a clash Wednesday between police and a mob protesting power outages in Pakistan’s Punjab province. 

The protesters threw stones and blocked the Grand Trunk Road between Islamabad and Peshawar, even as hundreds of angry people clashed with police, Xinhua reported citing police officials.Police fired in the air to disperse the demonstrators. They later said that two people died during the protest.Power supplies in Pakistan have been badly affected by one of the worst floods in the country’s history, which have so far left over 20 million people homeless.- Sify

4. The desperation at camps for evacuees is such that people fight over aid trucks that come in, Khan said.
If the situation is not stabilized soon, the situation could become dire, he warned.

“The consequences in three months of this — if this is not addressed by us — the country is going to go into chaos,” Khan said. “We could implode. We could have starving people. And you’re talking, again, about 20 million people in dire straits. Where are they going to go with no food, no homes, no money, no crops, no animals?” – CNN

5. Anger has been rising against the government, which has drawn a barrage of criticism over its perceived slack response to one of the worst disaster’s in Pakistan’s history.

So far, flood victims have turned against each other to compete for relief handouts. Food riots could erupt and that could eventually lead to social unrest, but only if food shortages become a huge issue. – Montreal Gazette

6. Muzaffargarh hospital is treating 1,000 flood victims and that number is likely to rise. People lay on the floor or were using their own rope beds because of a lack of space.”I came to hospital around dawn and I’m still waiting for my number,” Naseem Bibi said as her five-year-old daughter, suffering from diarrhoea, slept on the ground. Reuters – Relief Web

7. Muzamel is just five days old and sleeps peacefully under a makeshift mosquito net, blissfully unaware that her family home is now an island, still surrounded by water one month after the floods hit. Reuters – AlertNet

8. “The flooding is only the start of a bigger catastrophe that will continue to claim lives,” – International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

9.”Fever has gripped me since the raging waters swept away our mud house. I have never been that terrified in my life”. Gamul Mai developed a high fever after escaping a three feet water wave in her village in Sindh, Pakistan. “We were sleeping when I heard screams that the embankment is breached. At first I thought that we are going to die. However, we managed to escape with charpoys and my six grand children”, she said.- Caritas


Will the Leaders still wear Suits in searing heat

Given that we have a power crisis how does it make sense to wear a suit in a press conference, which in turn would require huge air conditioning to keep the surroundings cool and in turn would waste a lot of energy.


    Raw Talent: Geniuses of Pakistan

    April 19, 2010

    Waqar Qureshi: Inventor without MIT credentials

    13-year old girl and impotency – Yet another anti-pakistan rant by BJP

    October 11, 2009

    And this makes me think why in the world someone would go to such an extent just to spread hate. Beats me.

    LIFE: 17-year old bowls out the Master Blaster with over 17 years of experience

    September 27, 2009

    Moral: You are still learning the game despite the loads of experience you have.

    Shahid Masood’s Analysis of Zardari’s call for $100b aid and Friends of Pakistan (FOP)

    September 22, 2009

    Mumbai Dossier… Fact or Fiction?

    January 11, 2009

    It is now approximately a month an a half since the attacks of Mumbai. The Indian Government decided to, at last, send a document to Pakistani authorities to prove Pakistani nationals were involved.

    You can find PDF versions contributed by a Pro-Pakistan blogger below. Be advised, I have not yet been able to find an alternative source that has published this document on its website.

    You can download the documents from the links below. The dossier is divided into two files available on link and could be accessed through the the first two links, while the third one contains a copy of the slides presented by some Indian department.

    Mumbai Attacks Dossier of Evidence aka Propaganda Part 1:

    Mumbai Attacks Dossier of Evidence aka Propaganda Part 2:

    Mumbai Attacks Dossier of Evidence aka Propaganda Part 3:

    Initial Impressions
    The document contains details from terrorists possessions to their activities.

    I am not an expert on evaluating the quality of evidence. However, during my review I found certain aspects of the document interesting. The first is this excerpt on page 5 of the PDF document.

    Now there is some ambiguity here, at least to me, it says here that “On the November 23, 2008, at 1500 hours, the captured terrorist noticed another boat docked next to Al-Hussaini.”(Al-Hussaini is the first of the “motherships” used) There is no reference, where the boat was “docked” despite exact co-ordinates given at the end of document pertaining to path of journey. Also notice the “enlightenment” aspect of this part as the terrorist suddenly notices a boat and it was not preplanned but left to chance, a highly questionable aspect given the precise execution of the attacks. It is also inconsistent with terrorists attention to details as observed in Mumbai attacks.

    Another surprising piece below,

    The use of hindi in this document is a questionable aspect alone, since there is no background given as to if the hindi part was added by Indian authorities after the evidence was obtained or was it a part of the document. Even if the hindi part was added after it was obtained, the question is “Isn’t this tampering with evidence?”

    The document goes on with pictures of possessions of terrorists. I am told that the floor cleaning brush had “Made in Pakistan” written on it. So I am speechless (and a believer).

    Readers may find the document a refreshing read.

    Chacha Rahman blessed Indian Media

    December 27, 2008

    India blames media for war hysteria

    Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday met the three armed forces chiefs for a second time in a week, but the second meeting had as much to do with a controversial defence pay package as with a review of tensions with Pakistan.

    The first publicly confirmed meeting since the Mumbai terror attacks took place on Thursday, and was widely reported to have been an assessment of the current situation by the country’s nuclear command authority which Dr Singh heads.

    However, a senior government minister was quoted on Friday as saying that Indian, Pakistani and American media were responsible for creating hype about an imminent war between India and Pakistan.

    India not sharing info on Mumbai attacks: Interpol

    ISLAMABAD – The chief of Interpol said Tuesday that India had not yet authorized the sharing of any information with the global police agency about those suspected of involvement in the Mumbai attacks.

    Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble made the statement after talks with Pakistani interior ministry chief Rehman Malik about the ongoing investigation into the attacks, which India has blamed on Pakistan-based militants.

    “To date, India’s government has not authorized India’s police agencies to enter any data relating to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai into Interpol’s databases,” Noble told a joint press conference.

    “The information Interpol has about what happened in Mumbai is the same information that you have – it’s information that was read in journals, that was read on the Internet or that was seen on TV.”

    Cornershot gun… Made by Pakistan

    December 21, 2008

    Just received an interesting email in which the writer claimed that Pakistan has successfully created its own version of Cornershot gun. I did not believe it since the first one was made by Israel, but after a little research I found this to be true.

    What is Cornershot

    CornerShot is a special-purpose weapon that can fire around corners. It was designed in the early 2000s for SWAT teams and special forces in hostile situations usually involving terrorists and hostages. Its purpose is similar to that of the wartime periscope rifle; it allows its operator to both see and attack an armed target, without exposing the operator to counterattack.


    POF Eye is a special-purpose weapon similar in concept to CornerShot that can fire around corners. It was first revealed in the 5th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS-2008) held at Karachi Expo Centre in November 2008

    The front of the gun is designed to swivel-mount for modern semi-auto pistols like Glocks, SIG’s, HK USP/P2000’s, etc. A camera lens is attached to the front of the swivelling pistol mount, and a white light is mounted underneath the camera.

    Defence Review

    Zaid Hamid Vs Bharat Varma

    December 13, 2008

    Disclaimer: Views expressed are exclusively those of Zaid Hamid.