The Greater Conspiracy

October 19, 2007


Oct. 18th blasts were indeed tragic. Total of 140 have been declared dead, with 500+ injured. Several bodies have been also reported missing or not have been bought to Edhi. However, when looking at the situation we find that something was not right about it. There were many “co-incidences” happening at the sametime. Below is the compilation of these “co-incidences” on international and domestic level.

The list

Here is an excerpt from the video:

“We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people, that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

American leadership has been a nutcase lately. They take their “initiative” based on cooked up reports and kill millions of civilians. To date 1,087,731 are killed in Iraq alone (Wikipedia also has details of various estimates). America however has lost 3000+ troops only.

Americas interests in Iran are growing. Recently, President Putin issued a warning to Bush to back off.

IRAN basked in a diplomatic and propaganda coup last night as the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, used a historic visit to Tehran to warn the United States against taking military action to halt the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme.

His remarks were seemingly aimed at the former Soviet state of Azerbaijan. There has been speculation in the Russian media that the US may be trying to negotiate the right to use military facilities there for a possible strike on Iran. Azeri officials have denied any such plan.

“The Caspian Sea states (Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) should unite rather than divide,” Mr Putin said. Source

Meanwhile, the terrorist who seemed to have threatened BB (Pinky), has said

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) – A well-known Pakistani Taliban commander, said to have issued assassination threats against Benazir Bhutto earlier this month, denied any involvement on Friday in an attack that killed 133 people in Karachi.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Baitullah Mehsud told Reuters by satellite phone from an undisclosed location about the attack on Bhutto’s motorcade as it edged through hundreds of thousands of supporters gathered to welcome her from years of exile. Source

In other stories our Foreign Minister warns that

LAHORE: Foreign Minister Khusrhid Mehmood Kasuri said on Wednesday that the NATO troops of 37 countries present in Afghanistan would not stay silent if Pakistani troops were called back from Waziristan and the surrounding areas, Geo News reported. Source

While General Musharraf is planning an all out war on Waziristan

An all-out battle for control of Pakistan’s restive North and South Waziristan is about to commence between the Pakistani military and the Taliban and al-Qaeda adherents who have made these tribal areas their own.

According to a top Pakistani security official who spoke to Asia Times Online on condition of anonymity, the goal this time is to pacify the Waziristans once and for all. All previous military operations – usually spurred by intelligence provided by the Western coalition – have had limited objectives, aimed at specific bases or sanctuaries or blocking the cross-border movement of guerrillas. Now the military is going for broke to break the back of the Taliban and a-Qaeda in Pakistan and reclaim the entire area. Source

In other news, RDX a military grade explosive was used in BB blasts

Another high-ranking investigator told Dawn that RDX, which is widely used in military and industrial applications, was employed in the suicide attack on the PPP leader. Source

Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, H-6, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Nomenclature variants include Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine. Source

It goes without saying that Pakistan is strategically located between Iran, China and India. We already “act” as a colony of the USA. Hence, we are integral to “World Peace”.

Bonus Updates

While viewing Dr. Shahid Masoods program today I came across many interesting facts:

  1. The so-called suicide bomber was carrying 15Kg RDX explosive alongwith 2000 pellets which makes the total weight of the belt around 40-50kgs, which he was carrying around all day. Everybody failed to take notice of him.
  2. The jammers were not working since the start of the procession. Makhdoom Amin Fahim can be seen talking on mobile phone.
  3. Bomb blast occured just after BB went inside. She didn’t go inside since the start of the procession.
  4. There were two blasts in close proximity, the first blast apparently didnot kill the suicide bomber while many did die from its impact.
  5. BB’s assertion that street lights were turned off have been proven incorrect based on television footage.
  6. BB is confident that these were suicide bombers from waziristan, even after being told that she has many enemies and possibility of a car bomb cannot be denied.
  7. The blast did not affect any of the PPP leadership, but all the casulaties were of poor workers and supporters who were bought in by the party. The party assigned a target of 4 buses per UC. A commision of Rs. 2000 per bus was given to the nazim. Each bus carried around 100 people (Party sources).
  8. There were no craters in the road that indicate suicide attacks.
  9. Party does not demand an investigation, while government’s deadline of 48-hours assigned to investigators has passed.

The above could be a series of co-incidences or can be deeply connected. There seem to be some missing links due to which I cannot conclude anything right now until there is further information. However, it sure looks fishy.

The Greater Conspiracy

October 19, 2007


Oct. 18th blasts were indeed tragic. Total of 140 have been declared dead, with 500+ injured. Several bodies have been also reported missing or not have been bought to Edhi. However, when looking at the situation we find that something was not right about it. There were many “co-incidences” happening at the sametime. Below is the compilation of these “co-incidences” on international and domestic level.

The list

Here is an excerpt from the video:

“We’ve got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people, that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

American leadership has been a nutcase lately. They take their “initiative” based on cooked up reports and kill millions of civilians. To date 1,087,731 are killed in Iraq alone (Wikipedia also has details of various estimates). America however has lost 3000+ troops only.

Americas interests in Iran are growing. Recently, President Putin issued a warning to Bush to back off.

IRAN basked in a diplomatic and propaganda coup last night as the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, used a historic visit to Tehran to warn the United States against taking military action to halt the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme.

His remarks were seemingly aimed at the former Soviet state of Azerbaijan. There has been speculation in the Russian media that the US may be trying to negotiate the right to use military facilities there for a possible strike on Iran. Azeri officials have denied any such plan.

“The Caspian Sea states (Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) should unite rather than divide,” Mr Putin said. Source

Meanwhile, the terrorist who seemed to have threatened BB (Pinky), has said

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) – A well-known Pakistani Taliban commander, said to have issued assassination threats against Benazir Bhutto earlier this month, denied any involvement on Friday in an attack that killed 133 people in Karachi.

“I had nothing to do with it,” Baitullah Mehsud told Reuters by satellite phone from an undisclosed location about the attack on Bhutto’s motorcade as it edged through hundreds of thousands of supporters gathered to welcome her from years of exile. Source

In other stories our Foreign Minister warns that

LAHORE: Foreign Minister Khusrhid Mehmood Kasuri said on Wednesday that the NATO troops of 37 countries present in Afghanistan would not stay silent if Pakistani troops were called back from Waziristan and the surrounding areas, Geo News reported. Source

While General Musharraf is planning an all out war on Waziristan

An all-out battle for control of Pakistan’s restive North and South Waziristan is about to commence between the Pakistani military and the Taliban and al-Qaeda adherents who have made these tribal areas their own.

According to a top Pakistani security official who spoke to Asia Times Online on condition of anonymity, the goal this time is to pacify the Waziristans once and for all. All previous military operations – usually spurred by intelligence provided by the Western coalition – have had limited objectives, aimed at specific bases or sanctuaries or blocking the cross-border movement of guerrillas. Now the military is going for broke to break the back of the Taliban and a-Qaeda in Pakistan and reclaim the entire area. Source

In other news, RDX a military grade explosive was used in BB blasts

Another high-ranking investigator told Dawn that RDX, which is widely used in military and industrial applications, was employed in the suicide attack on the PPP leader. Source

Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, H-6, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Nomenclature variants include Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine. Source

It goes without saying that Pakistan is strategically located between Iran, China and India. We already “act” as a colony of the USA. Hence, we are integral to “World Peace”.

Bonus Updates

While viewing Dr. Shahid Masoods program today I came across many interesting facts:

  1. The so-called suicide bomber was carrying 15Kg RDX explosive alongwith 2000 pellets which makes the total weight of the belt around 40-50kgs, which he was carrying around all day. Everybody failed to take notice of him.
  2. The jammers were not working since the start of the procession. Makhdoom Amin Fahim can be seen talking on mobile phone.
  3. Bomb blast occured just after BB went inside. She didn’t go inside since the start of the procession.
  4. There were two blasts in close proximity, the first blast apparently didnot kill the suicide bomber while many did die from its impact.
  5. BB’s assertion that street lights were turned off have been proven incorrect based on television footage.
  6. BB is confident that these were suicide bombers from waziristan, even after being told that she has many enemies and possibility of a car bomb cannot be denied.
  7. The blast did not affect any of the PPP leadership, but all the casulaties were of poor workers and supporters who were bought in by the party. The party assigned a target of 4 buses per UC. A commision of Rs. 2000 per bus was given to the nazim. Each bus carried around 100 people (Party sources).
  8. There were no craters in the road that indicate suicide attacks.
  9. Party does not demand an investigation, while government’s deadline of 48-hours assigned to investigators has passed.

The above could be a series of co-incidences or can be deeply connected. There seem to be some missing links due to which I cannot conclude anything right now until there is further information. However, it sure looks fishy.

Safe Bomb?

September 12, 2007

Russia has unveiled a new breed of WMD. The bomb is said to be more powerful than the nuclear bomb but is relatively “environmentally friendly” as it does not leave radiation traces that remain for hundreds of years.

Safe Bomb?

September 11, 2007

Russia has unveiled a new breed of WMD. The bomb is said to be more powerful than the nuclear bomb but is relatively “environmentally friendly” as it does not leave radiation traces that remain for hundreds of years.