So much for courage… Facebook Draw Page Founder on the Run

May 23, 2010

Aww, did it hurt?!?!


The Facebook page that led the Pakistan government to ban the entire site was back online Saturday, at least for some users, after it was inaccessible for about two days.

The page was removed Thursday after one of the moderators had his e-mail and Skype account hacked into, and his personal data revealed, according to a post on the page on Saturday. The moderator then got scared and deleted the page, a blog, and e-mails, according to the post.

“This is another scare tactic from the Islamic extremists,” the post said. “We won’t fall,” it added. The moderator who removed the page has however backed out, according to the post.

The page had over 108,000 fans and over 11,700 photos posted on Saturday. Though the Facebook users who created the page put it back up Saturday, some users in India were able to access it for only a brief time before their access was once again blocked. Meanwhile access to Facebook as a whole continues to be blocked in Pakistan.

The page “Everybody draw Mohammed Day!” invites users to post caricatures of Prophet Mohammed, which led a court in Pakistan to order the site to be blocked.

There were also a large number of protests on the streets of Pakistan on Wednesday and Thursday, objecting to the page.

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on Wednesday ordered operators to block Facebook on Wednesday until further orders. It also ordered YouTube to be blocked on Thursday for displaying “sacrilegious” content. It said it had also blocked over 450 links on the Internet that contained derogatory material.

“Facebook has not taken any action on this page,” a spokeswoman for the company said earlier on Saturday. The company had said on Thursday that it would not rule out making the content that Pakistan objected to inaccessible to users in Pakistan.

When dealing with user-generated content on global Web sites, there are occasions where content that is illegal in one country is not, or may even be protected, in another, Facebook said on Thursday. Most companies, including Facebook, approach this issue by preventing certain content from being shown to users in the countries where it is illegal, it added.

The PTA has said it would welcome contact from Facebook and YouTube to resolve the issue.

Mumbai Dossier… Fact or Fiction?

January 11, 2009

It is now approximately a month an a half since the attacks of Mumbai. The Indian Government decided to, at last, send a document to Pakistani authorities to prove Pakistani nationals were involved.

You can find PDF versions contributed by a Pro-Pakistan blogger below. Be advised, I have not yet been able to find an alternative source that has published this document on its website.

You can download the documents from the links below. The dossier is divided into two files available on link and could be accessed through the the first two links, while the third one contains a copy of the slides presented by some Indian department.

Mumbai Attacks Dossier of Evidence aka Propaganda Part 1:

Mumbai Attacks Dossier of Evidence aka Propaganda Part 2:

Mumbai Attacks Dossier of Evidence aka Propaganda Part 3:

Initial Impressions
The document contains details from terrorists possessions to their activities.

I am not an expert on evaluating the quality of evidence. However, during my review I found certain aspects of the document interesting. The first is this excerpt on page 5 of the PDF document.

Now there is some ambiguity here, at least to me, it says here that “On the November 23, 2008, at 1500 hours, the captured terrorist noticed another boat docked next to Al-Hussaini.”(Al-Hussaini is the first of the “motherships” used) There is no reference, where the boat was “docked” despite exact co-ordinates given at the end of document pertaining to path of journey. Also notice the “enlightenment” aspect of this part as the terrorist suddenly notices a boat and it was not preplanned but left to chance, a highly questionable aspect given the precise execution of the attacks. It is also inconsistent with terrorists attention to details as observed in Mumbai attacks.

Another surprising piece below,

The use of hindi in this document is a questionable aspect alone, since there is no background given as to if the hindi part was added by Indian authorities after the evidence was obtained or was it a part of the document. Even if the hindi part was added after it was obtained, the question is “Isn’t this tampering with evidence?”

The document goes on with pictures of possessions of terrorists. I am told that the floor cleaning brush had “Made in Pakistan” written on it. So I am speechless (and a believer).

Readers may find the document a refreshing read.

Chacha Rahman blessed Indian Media

December 27, 2008

India blames media for war hysteria

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday met the three armed forces chiefs for a second time in a week, but the second meeting had as much to do with a controversial defence pay package as with a review of tensions with Pakistan.

The first publicly confirmed meeting since the Mumbai terror attacks took place on Thursday, and was widely reported to have been an assessment of the current situation by the country’s nuclear command authority which Dr Singh heads.

However, a senior government minister was quoted on Friday as saying that Indian, Pakistani and American media were responsible for creating hype about an imminent war between India and Pakistan.

India not sharing info on Mumbai attacks: Interpol

ISLAMABAD – The chief of Interpol said Tuesday that India had not yet authorized the sharing of any information with the global police agency about those suspected of involvement in the Mumbai attacks.

Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble made the statement after talks with Pakistani interior ministry chief Rehman Malik about the ongoing investigation into the attacks, which India has blamed on Pakistan-based militants.

“To date, India’s government has not authorized India’s police agencies to enter any data relating to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai into Interpol’s databases,” Noble told a joint press conference.

“The information Interpol has about what happened in Mumbai is the same information that you have – it’s information that was read in journals, that was read on the Internet or that was seen on TV.”

Mumbai Attacks… Bangladesh? I dont think so

December 5, 2008

This is related to my previous post regarding accusations against Bangladesh

To make it easier for the media from replicating the same story convicting “Bangladesh Terrorists” I have gathered certain information that you might find interesting

Nope… wont do… sorry too long a distance for little inflatable rafts or “trawlers” to travel.

Plus Srilanka is too possessive about its territorial waters

First Pakistan..Now Bangladesh..Confusion Prevails

December 4, 2008

Investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks have revealed Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Laskhar-e-Toiba’s (LeT) hand in the terror strikes. New leads now show that LeT operatives based in Bangladesh, too, were involved in organising the attacks.

Sources have told CNN-IBN that the former Bangladesh head of the LeT arranged for logistical support to the 10 Pakistan-trained terrorists who attacked Mumbai on November 26 and held the city hostage for more than 60 hours killing over 200 people and injuring more than 300.

Faisal Nayeem, deported to Pakistan in 2006 under American pressure, was the LeT’s commander in Dhaka.


According to reports by Indian news channels NDTV and Star News, 5-6 terrorists involved in the tragic attacks on Mumbai may still be roaming the city streets. At least one terrorist has been arrested by the authorities involved in the battle to free hostages from the locations concerned. According to NDTV and Star News, the man claims to be part of a group of 40 terrorists originating from Pakistan (29) and Bangladesh (11).


Witnesses say the attackers were young South Asian men speaking Hindi or Urdu, suggesting they are probably members of an Indian militant group rather than foreigners.

Analysts say that while it is not clear whether the claim is genuine, the attacks were most likely carried out by a group called the Indian Mujahideen. The name used in the claim of responsibility suggests the attackers could be members of a south Indian offshoot or cell of the Indian Mujahideen.


Indian police say the Indian Mujahideen is an offshoot of the banned Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), but that local Muslims appear to have been given training and backing from militant groups in neighbouring Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Police said the Indian Mujahideen may also include former members of Bangladeshi militant group Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami.


What next….

Mumbai Attacks… Bangladesh? I dont think so

December 4, 2008

This is related to my previous post regarding accusations against Bangladesh

To make it easier for the media from replicating the same story convicting “Bangladesh Terrorists” I have gathered certain information that you might find interesting

Nope… wont do… sorry too long a distance for little inflatable rafts or “trawlers” to travel.

Plus Srilanka is too possessive about its territorial waters

First Pakistan..Now Bangladesh..Confusion Prevails

December 4, 2008

Investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks have revealed Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Laskhar-e-Toiba’s (LeT) hand in the terror strikes. New leads now show that LeT operatives based in Bangladesh, too, were involved in organising the attacks.

Sources have told CNN-IBN that the former Bangladesh head of the LeT arranged for logistical support to the 10 Pakistan-trained terrorists who attacked Mumbai on November 26 and held the city hostage for more than 60 hours killing over 200 people and injuring more than 300.

Faisal Nayeem, deported to Pakistan in 2006 under American pressure, was the LeT’s commander in Dhaka.


According to reports by Indian news channels NDTV and Star News, 5-6 terrorists involved in the tragic attacks on Mumbai may still be roaming the city streets. At least one terrorist has been arrested by the authorities involved in the battle to free hostages from the locations concerned. According to NDTV and Star News, the man claims to be part of a group of 40 terrorists originating from Pakistan (29) and Bangladesh (11).


Witnesses say the attackers were young South Asian men speaking Hindi or Urdu, suggesting they are probably members of an Indian militant group rather than foreigners.

Analysts say that while it is not clear whether the claim is genuine, the attacks were most likely carried out by a group called the Indian Mujahideen. The name used in the claim of responsibility suggests the attackers could be members of a south Indian offshoot or cell of the Indian Mujahideen.


Indian police say the Indian Mujahideen is an offshoot of the banned Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), but that local Muslims appear to have been given training and backing from militant groups in neighbouring Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Police said the Indian Mujahideen may also include former members of Bangladeshi militant group Harkat-ul-Jihad al Islami.


What next….

Did the Indian Commandos kill the Jews?

December 3, 2008

Orignal Story: Dawn

The Indian commando raid launched to save the lives of Jewish and Israeli hostages at Mumbai’s Chabad House may have inadvertently ended the lives of one or more of the hostages, the head of a six-man ZAKA team in the terror-stricken Indian city told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

Speaking by phone from Mumbai, Haim Weingarten, the head of the Mumbai ZAKA team, said, “Based on what I saw, [although] I can’t identify the type of bullets in the bodies [of the victims], I don’t think the terrorists killed all the hostages, to put it gently.”

Although he lacked forensic tools to determine time of death, Weingarten said his team’s observations led him to believe that “some of the hostages were killed on Wednesday [when gunmen first entered the building], some on Thursday, and some on Friday morning [during the start of the commando raid].”

The Jerusalem Post

And Israeli Security Expert puts it as

The source said he was puzzled by a number of aspects of the response by Indian security forces to the Chabad House siege.

“I was surprised by the fact that the raid was launched in broad daylight at 7:30 in the morning. It was a daylight assault with helicopters, which I found puzzling,” the source said.

The source explained that the Indian cabinet, not the military, closely controlled all details of the rescue attempts and ordered all of the anti-terrorist raids, including the operation at the Chabad House.

“All operations of this type require political clearance,” he said, adding that Indian authorities believed some hostages had been alive when the raid was launched.

“If they believed all the hostages were dead, the building would have been shelled and the commandos would not be risked in a raid,” the source explained.

“Usually, extra caution is used and raids are launched only when negotiations come to an end or when the terrorists start killing hostages,” he added.

Did the Indian Commandos kill the Jews?

December 3, 2008

Orignal Story: Dawn

The Indian commando raid launched to save the lives of Jewish and Israeli hostages at Mumbai’s Chabad House may have inadvertently ended the lives of one or more of the hostages, the head of a six-man ZAKA team in the terror-stricken Indian city told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

Speaking by phone from Mumbai, Haim Weingarten, the head of the Mumbai ZAKA team, said, “Based on what I saw, [although] I can’t identify the type of bullets in the bodies [of the victims], I don’t think the terrorists killed all the hostages, to put it gently.”

Although he lacked forensic tools to determine time of death, Weingarten said his team’s observations led him to believe that “some of the hostages were killed on Wednesday [when gunmen first entered the building], some on Thursday, and some on Friday morning [during the start of the commando raid].”

The Jerusalem Post

And Israeli Security Expert puts it as

The source said he was puzzled by a number of aspects of the response by Indian security forces to the Chabad House siege.

“I was surprised by the fact that the raid was launched in broad daylight at 7:30 in the morning. It was a daylight assault with helicopters, which I found puzzling,” the source said.

The source explained that the Indian cabinet, not the military, closely controlled all details of the rescue attempts and ordered all of the anti-terrorist raids, including the operation at the Chabad House.

“All operations of this type require political clearance,” he said, adding that Indian authorities believed some hostages had been alive when the raid was launched.

“If they believed all the hostages were dead, the building would have been shelled and the commandos would not be risked in a raid,” the source explained.

“Usually, extra caution is used and raids are launched only when negotiations come to an end or when the terrorists start killing hostages,” he added.

Bombay High Field… Largest Oil FIeld in India

December 2, 2008

Credits: Talat Hussain, AAJ TV

Bombay High is an offshore oilfield 160 km off the coast of Mumbai (Bombay). Despite the name of Bombay being changed to Mumbai, the name of the rigs remains Bombay High.
The oil operations are run by India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC).

Bombay High field was discovered by a Russian and Indian oil exploration team operating from the seismic exploration vessel Academic Arkhangelsky during mapping of the Gulf of Khambat (earlier Cambay) in 1964-67. The naming of the field is attributed to a team including Mr. M. Krishnamurthy, from a survey run in 1965 analysed in the Rashmi building in Peddar Road, Cumballa Hill, Mumbai.

The first offshore well was sunk in 1974.

As of 2004, it supplied 14% of India’s oil requirement and accounted for about 38% of all domestic production.

Crude oil produced from Bombay High is of very good quality as compared to crudes produced in middle east. Bombay High crude has more than 60% paraffinic content while light Arabian crude has only 25% paraffin.[1]


Question: What if the attackers attacked the bombay high field?