Mumbai Attacks… II (the post, no offence)

I must say I am surprised by the response I got. Like you I too am patriotic, like you I too tend to get emotional when others unjustly accuse my country. I am not an expert just a skeptic.

I must also say I had no intention of creating a stir in an already emotional situation. No matter who did this, regardless of the reason, did an act is unjustifiable and inhuman.

I will not remind you that we are paying the price as well.

I will only ask questions:
-Was it a big failure on the part of Indian Navy to let visually different “fishing boats” (inflatable rafts) to enter a restricted area by sea, even if they managed to get to the fishing trawler.

Everything said there were interesting comments that I would like to respond to:

I know i would be called racist, but, if you look at the entire world right now, wherever you see unrest or terrorism, it has been created by Muslims.

Not once am i saying that the whole lot is screwed up, but isnt this food for thought.


Food for thought Well please do not let the media distort your perception. I would like to say that Palestinians are called terrorists just because they are fighting to get their land back. LTTE (in Sri Lanka), IRA (in UK), Lord’s Salvation Army, which trains the young children to conduct terrorist attacks, and many other non-Muslim terrorist outfits, the lives claimed by these outfits are more than the ones by the Muslim terrorists. Naxalites/Maoists across India and the LTTE in Sri Lanka were non- Muslim terror organisations. Japanese Red Army, Lord’s Salvation Army and the ETA in Spain were also non-Islamic in character and composition. (adapted from here). I would not like to bring in some controversial events of Gujrat and Samjhota Express, but lets focus on the general perception.

Lokesh Awasthy Terrorists haveno religion, they are neither hindu nor muslims. If I accuse Pakistani government to be incapable of controlling extremists inside, I also codemn the Government of India for such an intelligence failure, nobody is pointing fingers, these are facts.

I do too. However, the main problem I wanted to address when the post was published was the knee-jerk reaction of the Indian government and media to blame Pakistan without evidence. Regarding the ISI the army was of the view that no country in the world would comply with “orders” for a department head to explain the situation. Would India let its RAW chief come to Pakistan based on suspicion?

Last Questions
Why do you think the intensity of these acts have increased lately? What is driving these acts?

-Indian home minister has presented its resignation

My Response
To Omkar Was it a big failure on part of Indian Intelligence?
-It appears that certain high value targets are not adequately secured… Should we be concerned about “other targets” such as installations that may threaten regional peace?
Isn’t your bolg with your fancy screen shots and indicator of a “Knee Jerk” was your response a measured one? My blog entry was a simply based on the analysis of news reports and facts hovering in Indian Media.

Note to ALL
-Browsing through the comments, I seem to have learnt a lot regarding the differences in Human Anatomy across the subcontinent. Certainly this is not the topic of discussion. Please refrain from posting such items since it reflects poorly regarding the contrbutor.
-Due to unusual interest in the blog, the servers are constantly going into defensive mode. If you find your comments disappear you can still access them through post comment link. Some updates may not be displayed, is working on the issue

31 Responses to Mumbai Attacks… II (the post, no offence)

  1. Praveen says:

    u son of a pakistani bastard..
    “. Would India let its RAW chief come to Pakistan based on suspicion? “
    India wont do such acts as done in mumbai by ur fucking countrymates..
    aftr doing all this, u act like u r sad at this…
    shame on u bunch of fucking losers…

    we’ll bomb u to hellll…suckers!

  2. Sam says:

    well said praveen India shud take strict action against this rats….

  3. alluwanted says:

    No one in India says Pakistan Govt did this. There are terror groups openly operating there. And they train the boys and may be sending them into India.

    You took so much pains to analyse the route and the logistics.

    Probably you may try tracing Azam Amir Kasav (Ajmal Amir Kasab?) and you may actually find hom from Faridkot!

    The investigating agencies say Azam is from Faridkot in Pakistan.
    His photo is published –

    Others are – Abu Ali, Fahad, Omar, Shoaib, Umer, Abu Akasha, Ismail, Abdul Rahman (Bara) and Abdul Rahman (Chhota).

    The satellite phones confirm the communication. Lets wait and see how it goes.

    It is no point we shouting at each other. The only way we all can get benefitted is to remove terrorists from the existance. Lets be mature and do our bit to see that innocent people do not lose their lives.

    hoping that the meaningless terrorism stops one day.

  4. Praveen says:

    perpetual motherfuckers!
    the reason u assholes said for blowing up mumbai is the jw marriot incident…now, did any Indian do that???tht was by paki islamic terorists themselves…

    u r still alive because of our kindness and our patience..
    dont try to get on India’s nerves..thr’s a limit to patience u behanchoooths…


  5. bilal says:

    I’m sorry but to prevent this thread from becoming the last thread I will again emphatically ask my brothers in India and Pakistan to come together to protest these atrocities, in the form of a joint muslim-hindu protest against terrorism. We need to do this and now! It can not wait.

    “My God guys, can you all please stop the anti-pakistani, anti-indian rhetoric. Please guys! Don’t you see, this is the real goal of the perpetrators, for us to fight. I’m pakistani but I DEFINITELY do not hate my indian brethren. And how can I hate a whole country as a block, that would mean I’m psychotic or delusional at the least. It doesn’t make sense. Hate particular people in Pakistan and India but dont hate the entire region, that doesn’t make sense! Also, the media, the terrorists, the powers that be, they are all helping us reach that stage that we are yelling curses at each other, because that’s a perfect situation for them, they live for our destabilization. But we are united, as human beings first and then as south asians who share a common culture and language, and will not let these outside elements destroy our unity, because that is a win for them (the terrorists, the media exploiting this event, the politicians who have alter intentions) and a loss for us, the average person living in India or Pakistan.

    Please stop this, even though it good to be patriotic, hell I even admit that its a lot of fun sometimes, but not right now, we need to do the opposite of what is expected from us from all these elements around us. As long as we do the opposite, we have surely defeated the elements that surround us. And the opposite of Hate is persistant peace. Lets start a march against terrorism, muslims and hindus and jews and christians, united against terrorism. That’s what NOT expected of us, but we actually have to make an effort ourselves.

    Who is with me my brothers?”

  6. Anshul says:

    The point here is government of Pakistan doesn’t rule Pakistan, its the army. So even these people don’t know someone from their nation is indulging in such inhuman acts. Ahmed, I am a completely rational thinker and accept it that percentage of fundamentalists in Pakistan is more than any other region in the world.The relation between Pakistan and terrorism goes so long back that people around the world have started associating Pak with terror and its no surprise that Indian govt is blaming Pakistan for this fiasco.

  7. wondering... says:

    It is important to understand here that India is not blaming Pakistan for the siege but it is blaming Pakistan for allowing these AK-47 carrying weasels to use it’s territory to train and plan such ghastly acts and not doing anything about it. All the blames flying here on blogosphere become so cliche when all you do is call each other names, as seen after anything like this happens…

  8. Shiny Tiny Satellite says:

    @ ahmed, bilal: with you in trying to move beyond popular prejudice and blind nationalism. as an indian (not that it should matter), i’m upset and disturbed by what happened in mumbai, but i don’t feel anger is the way forward at all and some of the devolved, inane reactions on this blog reveal their own level of idiocy.

    however, i also feel that, politically, one nation needs to stop pursuing it’s policy of perpetual denial and the other needs to pursue a better relationship and communication. but whether we’re indian, pakistani, pigeons or penguins we’re in this mess together.

    and yes we cannot get worked up by media reports, which don’t always serve the interests of truth. i wish the it would STOP drumming up unnecessary drama.

    the loss and pain is unimaginable in this incident, but we sometimes forget that there are other issues that are probably just as cruel and have nothing to do with terror or security. they have to do with poverty, exploitation, ignorance and under-development.(…which probably breeds ‘terrorists’ in the first place.)

  9. Ali Ahsan Warraich says:


    The iNDIAN television station showed photographs of a phone's log which showed calls had been placed to Jalalabad in Pakistan.

    These morons dosent seem to know that Jalalabad is in Afghanistan and not Pakistan. Also, earlier one indian army major was referring to Farid Kot, Pakistan. These rats dosent seem to know any thing

  10. Ali Ahsan Warraich says:


  11. rakesh says:

    I am not saying that Pakistan goverment is involved but for sure ISI is involve in all the terrorist activity. Pakistan’s Boss USA has told that the attack on the Indian Embarasy in Afganistan is sponsered and planned by ISI. Is anything else we need to prove.
    I have a Pakistani friend in here. And i am proud to have a friend like him.
    I am just requesting Pakistani people not to support ISI and Funadamentalist. They are dangerous to your country and rest of world.

  12. Shoaiby says:

    Dear friends.
    I dont know why are we blaming each other?
    Instead of understanding the facts we just believed in media reports.
    Actually the fact is that in few years before pak and india are going very fair with each other.This thing is not acceptable for those powers who wants to destabilize both they do this and the son of bitches who did this are Muslims.
    Definitely media blamed pakistan for all this bullshit.
    So its up to indian government,either they blamed pakistan and trying to quit all good relations or understanding the facts.
    Its a good opportunity for indians to understand the facts and improve their relations with pakistan.If they do this the powers who wants to spoil their relation should be fucked up.

  13. patriot_indian says:

    Hi everyone,
    I couldn’t resist joining this conversation.
    I am an indian, currently residing abroad.
    My homepage is set to a major news channel.
    I really felt sorry to read/see the mayhem in mumbai.
    I was astonished by the strategy adopted by the terrorists – till this event, they came in as suicide bombers….blasted themselves off – killed civilians and nothing pretty much changed(ofcourse life took an entirely new course for the victim’s families)—but this time they really crossed limits when they brought in hand grenades and AK-47s – the message was loud and clear – MAXIMUM DAMAGE.
    What these terrorists forget is that India is fundamentally a strong democracy and even if the government is dysfunctional, the citizens are not cowards or illiterates.
    We may have loopholes within our domain, but they are not huge enough to keep us seperated. While on other hand, the opposite side seems to be trapped inside the “terrorism hole”.
    It is essential to eradicate these fundamentalists out of human race entirely. If they are so true about their mission and intent, why don’t they channelize their vent at right target- for once in my life I didnt feel sorry when parliament was attacked- but the no minister was killed, instead loyal jawans lost thier lives. If these terrorists are so willing to give up their lives – why dont really get a place in jannat by doing good in a twisted way – take with you some modis,thackrays and advanis…..
    I would like to mention one last thing – MUMBAI IS UNSTOPPABLE – even nature couldnt bend it – remember floods of 26/7??? These acts of terrorisms are desperate cries of help – to seek attention – be it march 1993, or 7/11 or communal riots – mumbai will stand at its feet the very next day – SALAAM BOMBAY.
    To the rest of my indian friends, lets pressurize our government, be vigilant and eradicate our loopholes. There is no point in reasoning with people who beleive taking lives is path to heaven…..

  14. Tarin says:

    Why are most of the ppl here believing what a supposed terrorist may have yielded after severe torture i.e. what the interrogators wanted him to say.or what may well have been a made up story by the indian authorities just to cheer up their public that they have made some significant progress in finding the real culprits.
    and btw whats this shit abt ‘ to attack and destroy pakistan’ .lol. its funny as like terrorism, the nuclear warheads dosnot discriminate between a hindu and a muslim. its will still kill you.
    I care about the lost lives but lets wait before any ‘evidence’ is put forward.

  15. Raoul says:

    I guess its time India sends a satellite exclusivey to monitor Pakistanis right up to their Bedrooms and launch preemptive strikes as and when needed.I guess a dozen Nuclear Bombs would raze these losers and teach them never to think about attacking any country again.
    Look at the facts in any gulf country.
    Most Paki students are in the bottom half of the class studies wise in International schools.
    They always are the ones getting into trouble and making gangs in school..a precursor for innate de satsfaction with life in general.
    We are a big nation but never have Its been seen any famous Paki academically briliant as Indian Doctors and Software People around the world.
    Face over Pakis are looked down with scorn and ur academics how ever brilliant by Paki standards are kinda substandard worldwide!
    I guess all that Ghee in ur curries and Mutton make u all duffer headed !
    Sorry but its tiem all u duuferheads who feel the same shud swallow some rat posin and die!
    rest brilliant Pakis..welcoem to the world..lets live in peace.

  16. kart says:

    Ahmad, your comments are well-reasoned and intelligent. You are trying to rationalize but people are letting emotion take over reason.

    Having said that, I don't agree with your analysis. It certainly seems plausible that terrorists came aboard a ship, then captured Kuber (Indian fishing boat) and asked the captain of Kuber to take them towards Mumbai and finally shot him 5 miles from Mumbai and came over in inflatable rafts (allegedly, this is what the arrested terrorist said). Now they landed in waters used by fishermen and not by Indian Navy so it also seems plausible that they got through unnoticed.

    Finally, assuming the above is true, it is also plausible that the Pakistan Government and ISI had nothing to do with this, especially given that Pakistan is itself suffering from these elements over the past few years (I sure hope so because the world could ill-afford a Indo-Pak war). What seems plausible though is that this act was planned by and executed by extremist elements based in Pakistan. It is also plausible that they had support from some people in India. If that is true, the best outcome of these events is that India & Pakistan (the governments and the people) get together to jointly uproot these extremist elements. But we are at a crossroad now. The investigations (and the politics) over the next few days will determine whether Indo-Pak relations take a turn for the worse or improve considerably (the status quo seems unlikely).

  17. Omkar says:

    You stil don’t read news upates. The landing site was, “Fish Market at Cuffe Parade” near Colaba. This is the old fishing village of Mumbai, the area has thousands of small fishing boats and trawlers. It is difficult to track and single out a boat(inspite of the naval presence in the area). So all your google map and screenshots are of no use. Have you ever been to Mumbai? Doesn’t look like

    The gunmen got help from local gangster. The captured terrorist has reveled that the landing agents of the Dawood Ibrahim gang helped them. Smugglers are the well versed with the naval and coast guard Patrol arrangements. They have the best knowledge of the area(fishing village).
    For a well trainned and motivated “jIHADI” a 900 km journey is nothing. In kashmir and afganistan these people operate ina very difficult terrain and weather.

    Please post the bolg when you have complete information. Isn’t your bolg with your fancy screen shots and indicator of a “Knee Jerk”

  18. tuhin.banerjee says:

    Listen you fucking Paki. I detest you, your people, your ugly ass country, and your motherfucking leaders like there is no tomorrow. If an asteroid was going to hit the earth tomorrow, I’d make sure that i nuke the shit out of your gay ass mother fucking discriminating lame-shit backwards country into oblivious. your country is made up of stinking ugly cunts who converted to islam because you fuckers used to be untouchables back in the day. you guys were at the bottom of the social hierarchy then, and you maintain the minds of low-class social rejects even today. so go fuck pakistan. go fuck your afghani brothers in their infested afghan asses. i hate you motherfuckers, and i can’t wait for the day that your disgusting country burns to the ground.

    fuck you!

  19. Ben says:

    Listen you fucking Paki. I detest you, your people, your ugly ass country, and your motherfucking leaders like there is no tomorrow. If an asteroid was going to hit the earth tomorrow, I’d make sure that i nuke the shit out of your gay ass mother fucking discriminating lame-shit backwards country into oblivious. your country is made up of stinking ugly cunts who converted to islam because you fuckers used to be untouchables back in the day. you guys were at the bottom of the social hierarchy then, and you maintain the minds of low-class social rejects even today. so go fuck pakistan. go fuck your afghani brothers in their infested afghan asses. i hate you motherfuckers, and i can’t wait for the day that your disgusting country burns to the ground.

    fuck you!

  20. Venkatesh Babu K R says:

    Regarding the last question:

    “Why terrorism is increasing”

    Terrorism is increasingly being pursued as an investement … The rich want to invest into this terrorism so that they can use this as a weapon to destabilize others, raise fears in the lives of others.

    People should become aware about this.

    People should work towards eradicating the causes that lure folks to enter into terrorism. Terrorists are trained in the name of religion, country … brainwashed to nth degree by showing all false literatures etc… But they fail to identify that – Terrorism is just a machinery sponsored by rich for their personal gains.

  21. Ben says:

    fuck you!

  22. CooldudeOC says:

    Hassan, when you allow your powerful army generals to hijack your democracy the biggest loser is the voice of the people. Whatever voice you may have here in this forum is poorly subdued and feeble. You are incapable of rooting out hateful teachings in madrassas in the name of “Allah”. When i am not saying everything is rosy in India or America who have a vibrant democracy, I also couldn’t but pity ordinary Pakistanis for ignoring signs of their own destruction. Why religion has to pull strings so fatal in 21st century. Or why do you allow rogues carry out massacres in the name of religion. Its time for you to wake up, if it is not too late.

  23. Firefly says:

    Why do you call yourself a patriot of a country? Which country? Yours is not a country, a byproduct of India and the biggest bladder of all time. That’s why it’s gormless, speechless and a terror mastermind.

  24. Sachin says:

    “However, the main problem I wanted to address when the post was published was the knee-jerk reaction of the Indian government and media to blame Pakistan without evidence.”

    How do you know this was a knee jerk reaction? Do you know that a terrorist was caught the first night itself and that he might have been confessing that very night? Obviously, by being jingoistic one never sees the shorfalls in the country but lets face it, the government of Pakistan is unable to (or prefers not to) contain the radicals. Not saying we dont have our own shortfalls, in fact, that is precisely what led to thee events.

    All I want to say is that you are kicking up the wrong debate. Please dont teach about the terrorists around the world and what and how many people have been killed – every terrorist around the world is still a terrorist. Also, just FYI, I dont subscibe to the theory of muslims being terrorists, etc and am sure that majority of the muslims not just in India but across the world condemn this event much like we would condemn any such events in Pakistan.

  25. Piyushi :) says:

    arey aise logo se aur kya expect kiya jata hai…
    @waheed yaar teri jaat me to condom use karne ka bhi fatwa nahi hai.. aur tujh jaise muslim hi to hote hai jo apni jaat aur culture ka dhong aur bas laal marte rehte hai

  26. Peaceful Musings says:

    Hi All,

    Please read this blog, seems to be interesting:

  27. anas says:

    the language used by indians are enough to show empty aggression.

  28. Khalsa says:

    Dear Ali Ahsan Warraich,
    You must be very intelligent, who knows the hidden truth of Mumbai attacks. But does not know that Jalalabad and Faridkot both are in Multan and I guess I don’t need to tell you that Multan is am important city of Pakistan.Moreover there are two more Faridkots in Sahiwal.Your knowledge shows your level of education. First go and see the map of Pakistan in detail. May be you can take the help of some educated people. … If people like you would start to learn, the problem of terrorism will be solved automatically. Go and buy some good books and take the help from others. All the best. …
    Moreover when one talks about the atrocities of ISI against India, it is the Govt. of Pakistan who has to bear the blame because ISI is an agency to assist the Govt. of Pakistan. So, the people who are repeatedly writing that the Pakistan not directly involved, either are political illiterates or are trying someway to passify the Pakistanis. … Certainly its not to blame the Pakistanis as a whole, nor the Muslims as a whole but purely the Govt.of Pakistan is to be blamed, not only by the Indians but should also be condemned by the peace loving populations of the whole world, including the Pakistanis.

  29. Soham Pablo says:


    I have lived in Mumbai for a long while, and have spent a very disturbed weekend watching the horrific developments on TV.

    1) Undoubtedly the Indian government has been ‘soft’ on terrorism.
    2) Undoubtedly the Indian army has been hard on Kashmiri Muslims. Democracy does not exist there.

    However :
    3) Fact – practically the entire Hindu population of Kashmir have been forced off their lands.
    4) Fact – apalling though the Babri masjid demolition was, no one was killed during the act. The subsequent blasts in Mumbai – the perpetrators of which are proved to have obtained training on Pakistani soil – are what triggerred of the killings.
    5) Fact – The attackers on the Indian parliament were proved to be Pakistani citizens.
    6) Fact – Pervez Musharraf led an unprovoked incursion into Kargil, causing a war.
    7) Fact – The present attacks on Mumbai were carried out by folks trained on Pakistani soil.
    8) Fact – Dawood Ibrahim is known to be in Karachi. A known terrorist – being given sanctuary by the Pakistani government.
    9) Fact – India has a thriving Muslim community and practices far more religious freedom than does Pakistan. The Hindu minority in Pakistan is miniscule and highly oppressed – without a single luminary of note having made it on a national level.

    10) Speculation – An attack of this sophistication does not happen without professional training. I speculate rogue elements of the Pakistani Army are involved.
    11) Speculation – The ISI/Pakistani Special forces are not controlled by the Pakistani government and operate as a power unto themselves.

    Given these facts – I would like to show to you that your country is a rogue state. While India is soft and incompetent in dealing with terrorism, your nation harbours it, festers extremists in the thousands, and has no control over its army.

  30. Pashy says:

    Hi friends we all being well educated are still quarelling yelling & blaming each other for the terrorists activities. Being an Indian I don't have a very good view over Pakistan & its govt. Basically rather than blaming anyone for the cause we all should come in unison & work towards making our our country a safe zone for each & every individual residing in India as our govt is failing to do so. In our country votes & voters are still attracted in the name development, poverty, literacy, population etc where as the speed at which our country is developing all these problems should have fixed many years ago. Here no one is as honest as he/she should think before blaming our politicians for corruption haven't we ever done that is there any guarantee that we wont do it in future. Here still issues like regionalism, religionism, castism etc are back bone of Indian politics. They divide & redivide us for they should stand tall in front of us.If problems like poverty, illiteracy, population, castism, corruption etc are totaly eradicated from our country then how will the politicians beg for votes, how will the govts change, so my friends this gona continue for decades long. I would like conclude stating that instead of blaming any agencies(ISI etc) or any nation for the terrorism we should target ouy own govt who's been failing to handle this hot pan of terrorism as we all might doors, fencing, walls & gates to make our home much secured….

  31. Peaceful Musings says:

    In the name of God most Merciful Beneficent

    All Muslim brothers/sisters,

    A humble request that please dont use abusive language against anybody’s gods. What is happening here they are writing blasphemous comments for God and Islamic holy personalities.

    “And do not abuse those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest exceeding the limits they should abuse Allah out of ignorance. Thus have We made fair seeming to every people their deeds; then to their Lord shall be their return, so He will inform them of what they did.”(Holy Quran, 6:108)

    The above verse refrains us from making disparaging comments against non-muslims’ gods as out of their ignorance(about lofthy status of God) they may start making lowly comments about real God-the Creator of whole universe.

    The holy Quran asks us to talk in a goodly manner and display the best manners :

    “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and have disputations with them in the best manner; surely your Lord best knows those who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who follow the right way.”(holy Quran, 16:125).

    So please be careful and responsible, and dont use disrespectful langauge for others gods.

    I hope the above exhortation will have its positive influence, on those who listen to holy Quran and believe that it’s Book of God.


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