Mumbai Attacks… Pakistan? I dont think so

I have managed to gather some interesting facts regarding the “proposed” landing point of the terrorists. The media is surprisingly quiet about them.

Mumbai is approximately 900 km from Karachi, and it would be no surprise if I am told how closely guarded the waters will be, due to the element of distrust between the two nations.

On the other hand the media and government seems to speculate that the entry point was the “Gateway of India” (please ignore the misplaced Placeholder, Google Earth doesn’t let me move it. ) which happens to be on the East side of Mumbai in a territory that is littered with Indian Navy ships and has a navy base in proximity.

The question whether young individuals in T-shirt with AK-47 and backpacks could endure a rough journey across the waters and still manage go undetected is not even being considered. The boats in question seem to be inflatable boats capable of generating 80 hp (design capacity) and depending on load conditions they can top 50-60 Kph . Assuming my data is correct, it would take at least 15 hours at top speed to reach Mumbai. Assuming there was no external support than the boats would have been in Indian waters for at least 10 hours or so. Obviously they would not have embarked on a killing spree at once they would need time to get some rest after they landed in India and to re-organize. This makes it more probable for the boats as well as the gang to be spotted, which in fact were not.

To me the proposition seems unlikely, however a major international crisis could be averted if the world uses its head for a change. We do remember War on terror, don’t we?

Please refer to newer post for my response

-Indians believe that a fishing boat was hijacked and terrorists used that boat to launch the attacks (for reference indian fishing boat looks like this) also Indian Fishing trawler
-However, assuming this is correct, this does not in any rule out how the inflatable rafts got through the naval base. This area is critical as there is a dry dock, naval dock yard, missile boat HQ, submarine facility, marine training facility in vicinity, and is the Western HQ Command of the Indian Navy SOURCE . Hence a highly valuable area
-Any landings would be a serious breach of security
-How terrorists could get through is a mystery that the mainstream is reluctant to investigate

I am not moderating comments so that people may see what they believe

3,480 Responses to Mumbai Attacks… Pakistan? I dont think so

  1. Vinay Ghodke says:

    Dude,Obviously U dont read updates online…it clearly states that they hijacked 2 more Indian boats (coast guards) killing the occupants and then entering Mumbai…When we mean Pakistan, we dont mean all people of Pakistan…pls, dont take the generic meaning…!! Ofcourse, my country too has people like the terrorists who entered Mumbai…!!Terrorism is their religion and they dont see whether we are Muslims or Hindus or Christians…!!–Vinay

  2. Ahmed Hassan says:

    Obviously… you do tend to take the headlines seriously!! Even when no substantial evidence has been collected..But tell me one thing, how could they have got to Indian Boats unless they knew where they were?The terrorists are said to have done extensive reconnaissance of the city. If they are Pakistanis, how did they get earlier entry to the city unnoticed? (adapted from media also seems to speculate that they spoke Marathi, do you believe that? none from Pakistan even know what Marathi is.Assuming, I follow your logic of believing the media, I should also have believed that the Samjhota Express was bombed by muslimsExcerpt from Wikipedian November 2008, it had emerged that a possible connection between this and the western India bombings in the same year may have had a connection. Police from Haryana arrived in Mumbai to question a suspect in the latter case, Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit and sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, with possible connections to the attack. The two names came up after it was established that the suitcase bombs, which blew up the two bogies of the express train were assembled in Indore.[39]<>Please do tend refrain from pointing fingers, we have had a messy past don’t ruin it.<>

  3. Ahmed Hassan says:

    let me rephrase the last line <>Please do tend to refrain from pointing fingers, we have had a messy past, don’t ruin the relations further.<>

  4. yatin says:

    Ahmed Hassan,Indian army had caught a terrorist alive who belongs to Faridcot district from Pakistan. He had clearly stated, all terrorists are Pakistan nationals with training from LET. It has been tradition of Pakistanis, so shut your mouth when u say Pakistan is not involved.

  5. Anil...... says:

    wait wait…… Mumbai ATS arrested 1 of the terror alive……and mumbai troops definately get all information from him……

  6. raza says:

    Cat closes the eyes and drinks the milk thinking none has seen. I don't blame the entire Pakistan nation but yes people are behind this terror act and equally some of our Indians have helped them. If they dare to fight come in front, we shall give the answer but not by playing hide & seek. To all the cowards behind this terror plot you all should be hanged till death.

  7. monu says:

    india is not saying that pakistan is directly envolved in this … terrorist also did similar attack on pakistan when “Deadly blast targeted Marriott Hotel in Islamabad”but the thing here is that the terrorist during mumbai attacks were well trained and well prepared..and as the army found out “one terrorist belongs to Faridcot district from Pakistan”this clearly indicate pakistan’s presence somewhere ..if not pakistan it’s agency is certainly envolved

  8. Duleep says:

    Please do not blabber as a great expert, every body knows that Pakistan is the new epicenter of trouble for the whole world. 2 -3 giests without passports have already been caught from Pakistan and the Indian security apparatus will wring out the truth from them soon. Whatabout the calls made to Karachi using the sat phone, what about the GPRS, open your eyes and see dont pretend

  9. aditya says:

    I know i would be called racist, but, if you look at the entire world right now, wherever you see unrest or terrorism, it has been created by Muslims. Not once am i saying that the whole lot is screwed up, but isnt this food for thought.

  10. Lokesh Awasthy says:

    Dear Ahmed,Terrorists haveno religion, they are neither hindu nor muslims. If I accuse Pakistani government to be incapable of controlling extremists inside, I also codemn the Government of India for such an intelligence failure, nobody is pointing fingers, these are facts. For the first time yesterday, when ISI chief agreed to come down, I thought this time it was different, but his backing out suggests a possible precaution taken by Pakistani government to avoid being caught off guard by the evidence. I AM NOT SAYING YOUR GOVERNMENT DID IT. I am telling you that they havebeen incapable in controlling such cowards.Face it today or the entire world will pound on you, I have heard of the “Yeh hum nahi” movement, but who cares if still such things happen, I wont give a shit to you and other Pakistanis being innocent if the so called “elected” government cant even keep its word after such an event.Think upon it, it should be you asking your government why did they back down and what the hell is going on, we will make sure our government takes care of all those involved whether they are Pakis or British.

  11. DR. B. M. SHARMA says:

    what you are not recognizing that there are elements in Pakistan and India; who for reasons not known to me; are spending their money; energy etc.on terrorism. Such persons are very much in India and Pakistan. Unfortunately; both governments have failed in curbing and eliminating these elements. If India and Pakistan at least on this matter are united; such menace in both the countries could be tackled in months; and not in years: political and united acts are required in India and Pakistan and definitely wherever required joint actions. But whether such an understanding is on paper or in reality; the sincerity and time ahead shall show this.

  12. CONSTANTINE says:

    Of course the Pakistan government had nothing to do with this attack. But then all the terrorists caught were Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. It is only when the Pakistan government protects, feeds and trains these guys that they become accomplices to these attacks. Going by that, the Pakistan government is definitely guilty. Which is probably why they are averse to sending the chief of the ISI to assist in investigations. After all, who knows he may even spill the beans on a lot of things including attacks against their biggest anti-terrorist ally, the USA.

  13. patilau_2020 says:

    ahmed stop living in denial aceept the facts this is wht pakistan does all the time one hand for friendship other for backstabbing.

  14. Shailesh says:

    Do we all understand the gravity and seriousness of this terror atttack.? Innocent lives were lost and who is responsible for this must be sittting pretty quiet owing to his guilt. The fact that the Pakistan govt back tracked on its earlier committment to send their ISI chief to help investigate the attack, indicates the guilt lying in their government’s functioning

  15. Jack says:

    @ Aditya, ofcourse you are called Racist if you say this one “All Terrorist are Muslim” , When you don;t know about Albanian-Kosovo,Colombians,Somalians, and hey Now in India also there are new Hindu terrorists(Samjhota Express and Malegaun), and @ Pakistanis, See We all believe that not all Pakistani are supporting this terror but there are lot of people do, Extreminism has reached its Zenith in Pakistan , If Gov of Pakistan can’t control them than let other do it , Thats the only solution, These people should come under control or they will do more and more such things..-Jack

  16. Shubh says:

    Actually Indian Navy had captured two vessels from Arabian Sea, which is supposed to act as mother ship for terrorist boats. as I’ve seen on News there was Pakistani Flag hosted on it…Well I personally believe that Pakistani Government have No Hand in it But this ie also true that they have used Pak Land for this thing. Actually they belong to that layer of Pakistani who are not even Pakistani First they Experimented at Marriott(Pak)then they applied it to India. One more thing I’ve noticed was :They Attacked Jews in India, they asked for American and British Passport and They said about Muslims in India… This suggest that They belong to a common School where Muslims youngsters are Brain washed Against Israel, America, UK etc… I want to say that If they would have done it without any systematic Brain wash they would have attacked Hindus not Jews or they haven’t asked for USA ,UK Passport.

  17. Dhananjay says:

    pakistan is in a mess in every way. politically, financially, in every way. ure govt. was going to send the isi chief to india and then refused. our Goverment has substantial evidence to back pakistans involvment so stop saying i dont think so. every time it is pakistan that has started the mess including kargil so shut up and if u really think pak is not invoved, you and other citizens tell your government to cooperate with our goverment in EVERY way for the investigations and then we all will know the facts. and if pak is not invovled i will humbly say sorry to you here on this blog. so stop ure comments on assumptions, our Goverment has proof.God Bless You and Pakistan but DONT MESS WITH OUR GREAT NATION CALLED INDIA.

  18. krishnan says:


  19. SM says:

    Dear Ahmed,There is enough evidence and one of the terrorists captured alive has spilled all the beans… He has revealed that he is from Gipalpura province of Faridkot district in Pakistan. He has also revealed all the intricate details of how this conspiracy was hatched and how it has been flawlessly executed, obviously with complete training for an extended period in Pakistan. If this is not enough evidence then, my friend what more do you want…. Even in the past, India has provided all the evidence to your country’s leadership and each time, they have refused to accept the evidence. This is nothing new to us. To be very honest, I don’t even expect that your country’s political leadership to do much except for some crocdile tears and some hollow assurances. If you and your country’s leadership truly want to build a friendly relationship with India, then Pakistan needs to stop all the hollow assurances and take some concrete steps by arresting the LeT members.

  20. captsanj says:

    we don’t want any relation with Pakistan. Also for your kind information the captured Terrorist is from Pakistan.

  21. Dhananjay says:

    anyway.. all this is not making any sense. lets just stop this shit. guess no point in playing blame games, hopefully with the investigation the truth will be out.

  22. shaswat says:

    This is one question I would like to ask the Pakistani government and some of its citizens – “Why?”What had 3 month old and 90 year old people done to you?Why did u do it?Now, u guys say u wont send ur ISI chief,… fine dont,But, I swear to God – if our govt. gets any clue that points towards ur involvement (they already have some and r now substantiating on it)… u guys r asking for trouble…

  23. Kiran says:

    Who said Pakistan is not involved in Mumbai attacks? Pakistan role is there in every terrorists attack happend in this world. All Pakistanis are terrorists. If i had a given the chance, I Would prefer to bomd the entire pak. No more pakistan in the world. It’s gone. Even Obama wants to hit the pak, because it is epic center for all terrorist activities. What kind of idiots u r? behaving like sadists. No goal nothing. Killing the innocents is the great thing. There is something fundamental wrong in the Islam. U need to correct it.

  24. qamar says:

    QamarIf we have to continue with the blame game let it be. But if we need a solution we have to think deligently. We, the Pakistanis are facing the terrorism and know how it hurts. However, lets face the fact that both Governments were failed to stop these cowards. We have to beep up our own security levels and have to make our own home secure rather than blaming others.

  25. MANNAN says:


  26. vishal says:

    We dont say taht every muslim is terrorist but unfortunately every terrorist is muslim ….. isnt that true …

  27. Rajesh says:

    Dear All,I would just like to say this. Lets just end the blame game, this can be left for the dirty politicians. As humans lets be united against these demons. As a thought presuming all the terrorist were from Pakistan still does not mean that the whole of Pakistan is involved or the citizens of Pakistan agree with what happened.By the way I’m an Indian and am proud to be one

  28. Vatsal says:

    who gives a shit ??? Dude, India is not like Pakistan – the news are not government controlled … look at reality … there is also CNN, NYTimes and other independent media … India should have destroyed terror camps in Pakistan long time ago – clearly Pakistan is not capable of doing it …Indian politicians lack will power for votes – some day a real patriot will take charge …

  29. rakesh says:

    Dear Ahmad Now you seem to be out words. One captured terrorist wiil reveal all of it. Want to say any thing more about your “Pak Daman”.

  30. maulik patel says:

    dude,terrorist cannot do this type of attack without formal trainig, intelligence output, war tactics they learnt. this are 21 yr kids highly trained, do you think they can do such attack without invovlement of any high expert training which LET is giving. if they cannot win war on warfront, this is they way they want war to be.pakistan army directly or indeirectly is reaponsible for training in someway, the time is not away when whole world will be forced to take action bcoz they are not ememy of india only but whole world. today what we indian faced will be the face story tomorrow if this is not stopped forcibly, no matter whatever action requires. lets sack them now for all.

  31. rakesh says:

    Dear Ahmad Now you seem to be out words. One captured terrorist wiil reveal all of it. Want to say any thing more about your “Pak Daman”.

  32. fog says:

    We are very happy to be indians and would die for it if required but your nation has made the life of Indian muslims a hell. Your country has done so much bad to islam that Allah will never forgive those who plan to destroy the humanity. However you defend, it is some of your brainwashed ppl inspite of the fact that 80% of the common ppl from pak want to shake hands with Indian.

  33. Abhinav says:

    What do you mean by “Pakistan” as there are different power centers in it. The Army, the ISI, the Political System, the radical-terrorist groups and the People. Its possible that the Political Establishment had nothing to do with it. But the ISI has always sponsored/colluded with the radical groups. And if you have kept your ears open, you would heard from USA too. And then Pakistan also has a History. The sooner the poople of Pakistan start realizing that the seeds of terror that they have sowed will come back to haunt them really hard. And it already is. So have some guts and first accept it. There is a reason the whole world is suspicious about Pakistan.

  34. Truth says:

    Where are your ‘intelligent’ observations now that the truth is out? How come you stopped replying?The sole terrorist arrested alive has spoken and the truth is for the world to know. All of them were Pakistanis or of Pakistani origin. Quit trying to skew facts and exaggerate opinions. Each point you mentioned has proof that strongly weakens it. It’s high time you and your kind accepted the fact that your country is a haven for terrorists and needs to do something quick before external forces take charge. Or you could just live in denial and wallow in the cesspool that you call Pakistan.

  35. sakun says:

    Hi Bloggers and the Pakistani, Be mindful that international community is also watching and India as a democratic country will not indulge in any sort of insinuations when it comes to conducting fair enquiries and bringing out solid evidence in support of what we say. More so the enquiry is conducted by Indian Army officers and senior police officers of high integrity. It is another story of failure, of course of Indian politicians and the intelligenc agencies including Coast Guard which needs to be probed separately. My friend from Pakistan should not forget the fact that Dawood Ibrahim, Osama Bin Laden, other international terrorists, mafia and drug peddlers are all been given asylum by Pakistan for reasons not known (may be in the hope of reaping the benefits of investments made by these people by the corrupt politicians in Pakistan too). Hence sitting inside the glass room let the Pakistani not try to throw stone outside. I am again to add when we say pakistani trained terrorists it is not to mean all Pakistani common citizens who I am sure will like to have a friendly neighbour in India. It is mainly the Pakistan Govt. which has not taken any action against the terrorist outfits holing up in their country like LeT, Mujaideen, Dawood, etc which has made India bleed and Indian public develop a sort of animosity towards Pakistan. So it is high time that people of Pakistan wake up to reality, humanity and ask their Govt. to take stern action against the terrorists camps in their country to avoid loss of innocent and honest lives.

  36. Free says:

    This is Yousuf from Karachi. First of all I would like to say that we all Pakistani are with the Indian nation who is under attach by some terrorist. We are also suffering this kind of situation on daily basis but we do not blame to anyone without any authentic proof. In off the record, Government official says that Indian RAW is behind on all the events and they gives training to the terrorist in Kabul and Kandahar.So I am requesting to all the Indians that please do not blame on us. Let the full details come out of this incident as the security forces has captured 1 or 2 terrorists.Regards,Yousuf.

  37. Free says:

    This is Yousuf from Karachi. First of all I would like to say that we all Pakistani are with the Indian nation who is under attach by some terrorist. We are also suffering this kind of situation on daily basis but we do not blame to anyone without any authentic proof. In off the record, Government official says that Indian RAW is behind on all the events and they gives training to the terrorist in Kabul and Kandahar.So I am requesting to all the Indians that please do not blame on us. Let the full details come out of this incident as the security forces has captured 1 or 2 terrorists.Regards,Yousuf.

  38. nivi says:

    hey u all,stop pointing fingers on each other…….yes,it’s like dat these people are trained frm organisatins like LET nd they get help frm pak gov………wait…wait…wait……we can’t blame totally on pak nd dese terrorists,we “indians”allow them to do so…..y don’t we learn lesson frm dis…….evrytim we do the same mistake….don’t focus on r security,infct 5star hotels ne bhi dhyan nahi diya,koi bhi itna saara bomb material laata hai ,aur wey dhyaan bhi nahi dete….nd hummare neta log”biggest terrorist”.bcoz of them…we hv loopholes n r security..nd r army officers nd common people hv 2 pay the cost….unka kya hai,unko bas apne se matlab hai…….nd mujhe apne leaders par jyaada gussa aata hai….itna ki terrorists par nahi…..india has bcome so susceptible 2 dese blasts,dis s da time to take decision…abhi nahi to kabhi nahi

  39. Pranay says:

    Interestingly, Every Paki is not a terrorist, but every terrorist is a paki….or if you want to replace paki with muslims. I DONT MIND.

  40. aditya says:

    Jack,I have also not forgotten Bosnia, US, UK, Indonesia, India from the past 60 yrs, Afganistan, Beirut, Israel, do i need to give more examples.The saddest part is denial to this fact, mate… Will re iterate that am not meaning that all muslims are terrorists. In fact have scores to Muslim friends who are like brothers to me. But cant keep my eyes closed… Whenever i talk to them about this crisis, i feel a certain sense of guilt even in them…. Thats the result of all the unrest that has been created by the community… Its a pity, its sad but its reality… Deal with it.A

  41. CONSTANTINE says:

    Just a minor point. I am in Dubai. And over here, the Pakistanis are openly celebrating the attack on India. They were also heard to say, “See, we did this to you!” I hope all those ‘unbiased’ Pakistanis on this forum are feeling really proud of themselves.

  42. manisha says:

    it is undeniable that these guys were trained and came from pakistan. it is time for the pakistani public to accept this fact and pressure their government to stop supporting these maniacs.

  43. Rooney says:

    You obviously would not be writing this post after reading the updates that have been coming in specially from the captured terrorist and lots others. Please research before you write. Too many approximations have been assumed in your post.I can rip apart each of your points with indisputable evidence but nevermind, there is way too much in there.For a change, those guys spoke Urdu and Punjabi, as told by innumerable hostages.yawn.

  44. sheekha says:

    yes pakistan did it again.i dont understand why unnecessarily they r wasting so much money on procuring weapons.they should help poors rather than helping terrorist.wait and watch ur own “Allah” has spared one terrorist to speak the truth. and once he opens his mouth u pakistanis are gone. Just stay away from INDia.Do not mess with Indians. as u cannot harm our integrity. Better keep off

  45. Ambica says:

    Please refrain from tainting all Muslims with the same brush. It is very sad that word Muslim has almost become synonymous with Terrorist/Fundamentalist, when it is not true. I have known them to be one of the most beautiful, peace loving and god fearing people around. I have been told that a person whose faith in god is complete and unshakable is a Muslim. Doesn’t that make most of us Muslim? Terrorists do not have a religion. They only do it for money or under misplaced beliefs. Please always remember that till a few years ago we were one big nation and it was the politicians who divided us.

  46. Aashish says:

    I know Pakistan themselves are trying to combat terrorism. You’ve suffered the Islamabad Marriott blasts, among number of other terror strikes. But if your government is incapable of preventing the cockroaches that breed in your country from getting out then we’re left with no option but to tackle the problem ourselves.Also, it is only now that Pakistan is fighting terror because the terrorists have come back to bite their own creators. For a long time, Pakistan has conveniently used terror as a strategic weapon. Now its just payback time.Anyway, I still think India and Pakistan should be partners in solving this crisis. But it is up to Pakistan to show some real commitment to cleaning up its act.

  47. sakun says:

    Hi Yusuf,If India and Pakistan have any issues like Kashmir, let us resolve the same through dialogue but training and sending terrorists across the border – whether it is done by ISI in Pakistan or RAW in India – a coward act – is condemnable as such attacks result in loss of innocent lives and affects normal life. If RAW of India is involved in training terrorist attacks in Pakistan, provide evidence and prove it in a Court – as at least now, we have democratically elected Govt. in both the countries. War or for that matter proxy war through fostering terrorists against one another is not going to help the matters. Further just because India and Pakistan do not trust each other, they have to divert huge funds for defence and defence related operations including espionage, etc. which mainly affects the development of the country. Hence we people of India and Pakistan shall come together in opposing three basic issues:a. spending on defence b. developing mistrust and animosity between people of two nations. c. allowing terrorist camps and launching proxy war against another through such terrorist outfits.

  48. Pranay says:

    Interestingly, Every Paki is not a terrorist, but Every terrorist is a fking paki….and If you want to replace Paki with muslim, i dont fucking mind…

  49. milind says:

    well, all of my friends, lets condemn the henious act and as an Indian, I request all the citizens to exercise the right of voting first. these things are happening due to lack of will from the so called secularist government at the u all feel the amar singhs, mulayam singhs and soniya gandhis can take any stern steps to curb this? instead they will find the advocates to fight the case on behalf of the terrorists.we have been witnessing this since last 60 years.please bring a goverment at center who is willing to take head on against the terrorism. manmohans and shivrajs cant do that!Vande Mataram!Last but not least, time will tell whether pakistan is involved or not in these attacks but i want to warn all those who are testing patience of WE INDIANS that we will stand tall, fight it out and will never succumb to such henious acts.

  50. Navjot says:

    There was no point to summon the ISI chief,who knows they are real men behind this act.And by first agreeing and then refusing to send the ISI chief to india,they’ve shown the insecurity and tried to hide there involvement.Its been long time since India facing all this ,which is groomed in camps in Pakistan.The whole world is aware of this.Once Indian Govt gets a proof this time(Which is almost certain)They should just blow up these camps.

  51. Ruby says:

    I think this guy doesnt know what he is talking about!!! whereever there is terrorism.. the names assosiated with proofs are MUSLIM Names!!!! What should ppl understand of this?? they want to create self pity tht muslims are being targetted… but why will they not be…when the reason for terrorism is deep seated in them! I am not sure what Islam is teaching them?? or if they are misinterpreting the teachings of Islam and spoiling the name of Allah and doing all inhumanly acts in the name of Allah…. I am sure Allah also will not have a place in Jannat for people like them!!!

  52. Free says:

    Dear Pranay, As you said that every paki is a terrorist and u will not mind if someone say that every Muslim is a terrorist. What a nice thinking you are!!!!! excellent!!! fantastic ….by the way, why your Indians goes to Islamic(Terrorist) countries for job? even in UAE, you can find at least five Indians under every stone. If all the Muslims are terrorist then why you do not live at your country? Again I am requesting please do not blame on us and wait for the details. I hope all the terrorist will have linked with your internal extremist organizations. Keep in mind the Samjhoota Express incident on which an Indian Army officerw were involved.Regards,Yousuf.

  53. chitispandana says:

    While not every terrorist act that takes place is organised by the Pakistani Government; it is crystal clear that there are many many extremist organisations in Pakistan whose only sworn task in life; is to organise such acts. The Pakistani Government is after a long time; an elected one but a totally ineefective one. That is not its own fault but rather just evidence of Pakistan being a “failed state”. Successive Govenments there have only succeeded in dismantling any hope of a thriving, flourishing democracy. Civilian governments through sheer ineptitude and monumental greed and corruption while Army governments did it to perpetuate their own power and increase their own personal wealth. All of these people have over the years ensured that Pakistan as a nation will slowly rot and fester but will not die – as if that can make any body happy.This frankenstein created in Pakistan will slowly consume everybody, may be even their creators.If the people of Pakistan ever wake up to this reality, may be there is some hope; but i do not really believe that; and that will be the real tragedy. A nation, slowly, effectively and very insidiously destroyed by its own leadership.

  54. Free says:

    Dear Navjot, If the terrorist will have some linked with your Army officers then what will you do? Like in Samjhota Express event on which your Army officers were involved ?Think about it……….

  55. ajay says:

    Dear Ahmedwe are peace loving people but that does’t mean we are cowards, and when we see that enough is enough we come into form and when we come into form you better ask your father what we are capable of.we don’t say all pakistanis are involved here but all pakistanis know what is happening in their land and keep mum. And sometime they have to taste their own creations like happen in still have time to think what is right or wrong otherwise pakistan will be taught to our children in history books. better understand

  56. Pranay says:

    HAHAHA Yousuf..i am so sorry to know that you cant comprehend english.I NEVER said that every paki or muslim is terrorist. Read it mate or do you want a hindi/urdu translation ?I reiterate, the main sense was, every terrorist IS PAKI and a it?? everyone agree about this fucking fact.

  57. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    <> BROTHER’S AND SISTERS PLEASE BE GOOD INDIANS AND TRUE HINDUS DONT BLAME OR NAME ISLAM OR ALL MUSLIMS , YOU ARE BORN BETTER THAN THAT , WAIT FOR THE FACTS<>Screw your bull shit and think of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan , the laid down his life so that you can sit at home an write this F***ing blog all you morons regardless of religion , respect that man , he is a true martyr these rats who entered my country are the lowest form of life every muslim should be ashamed of these people because they are Muslims , DISOWN themevery human should be ashamed that they are humans , DISOWN themend of the day , there are facts which will become more and more clear in the next few days as investigations settle , eyewitnesses come forward and <>AZAM HARAMKHOR CAPTURED RAT<> spills more of his guts , imagine that guy was pleading to the mumbai police to let him live after he saw the other rat mangled and dead SORRY RATS BUT URE THE DIRTIEST THINGS I KNOW SO I HAVE TO CALL THESE PEOPLE BY YOUR NAME , I DONT MEAN TO INSULT YOUthere are 4 things that will happen out of this 1. a section of society that is rich , influential nd till now turned a blind eye towards this because “they didn’t take the local train” has now been kicked in the shin , they will force the govt into action 2. these guys messed with the police, their loyalty to their own is actually larger than any sentiment they carry , by killing 5 of their top bosses , YOU BASICALLY F***ED YOURSELF , WATCH WHAT HAPPENS , the Mumbai police will redefine “Indiscriminate killing” for you 3. The govt of India , will be forced into action by America, UK, Israel and the Indian Elite4. the average Indian will realize that this is a real problem and will take notice of the radical madarsa in the neighborhood and question the line where religion becomes MURDER THESE RATS ARE DEAD , I SAY THEY’RE LUCKY , DEATH IS THE BEST RESULT FOR THEM , THEY SHOULD HAVE LIVED TO FACE THE 196 FAMILIES THAT THEY HAVE RUINEDGOD GIVE THE MOST TERRIBLE UNREST TO THEIR REMAINS , I KNOW THEY DIDNT HAVE A SOUL

  58. im says:

    How can one say that Pakistan Gov/Agancy don’t have any role… ?They have whol word know about POK/so called Ajad kasmir.What is happening over their Terrorist Camp which is funded by pakistan Goverment..What about Kargil … that time also Pakistan was their or not ?They wanted to destblised India growth .. so they did attack on Indian economical capital … this is diffrent approach they have taken..offcourse not directly then indirectlyPaikstan always ditch India…Indian’s are fool who always move their hand for friendshipCant we move witout Pakistan…Indian Giverment is also one of the non performing goverment..

  59. Sanskriti Exports Jaipur says:

    Dear Mr. Ahmed,Hatts off for your calculations for reaching Mumbai from Karachi. On papers it seems that you are correct, but dear what do you say now for the terrorist who is of Pakistani Origin( as per initial reports) and who himself had confirmed of using the channel as being described by you.Gentle man,let me tell you one thing, since you are blogger, I feel you to be well educated. Just try to use your comparative and analytical capabilities to compare the difference in growth and developement being acheived by both countries after getting independance. You have been consistantly getting foreign aids to survive for Govt bugdets and expenditures. Can you name atleast 10 major development activities Government of Pakistan has done in last 10 years.Dear try to persuade your side people(specially those who feel only terrorism is the solution)that instead of wasting public money on terrorism, try to spend that amount on developmental activities. If even for one year of your spending on terrorism is diverted towards developmental activities, within a year you can see how much Pakistan can grow.I dont say all Pakistan people are terrorist, I have numerous suppliers from Pakistan who are highly generous and nice just like other through out world, But only a fraction of people in Pakistan are playing havoc may be in India or Afganistan or else where.I would also like to give suggestion for Govt of India as well as Pakistan that dont test patience and courage of general public. Once everything is crossed over limit, mind it people know how to tackle with these terrorist.Govt of India is expected to come in strongest possible way on counter side to show the involvement and now time has come not to wait for their acceptance or denial but to take action against culprit.

  60. Batrasden says:

    Message to Indian Defence and Police ForcesPlease make a video while we torture the nabbed terrorists to death. However, before they die, insert some swine (pig flesh or fat) in their body thru mouth or any other opening. Then upload the video on youtube and other such websites. Rest assured, a complete generation of these terrorists will be wiped off without a single shot being fired. Try this!!!

  61. hussainjakati says:

    my name is hussain. and im from goa ,india and im proud to be indian .you pakis are not muslims do you know what islam is .islam doesnt teach to kill a innocent if you do so you have booked a place in hell for say jihaad do you know what is jihaad. killing innocent peaoples is not you know i love my indian brothers whether he is muslim or hindu or a christian we are brothers here if you try to disturb our peace we the muslim of india will make a army consist of only muslims to kick your ass we the muslims are enough to sweep off these terroris this was the last attack you had attemped we will not tollerate any more. this is a warning from an true indian

  62. Pranay says:

    and about your snippet on indians getting jobs in those gulf countries, YES, they go there to earn money, not just in gulf but across the world. I am based in US, earning fucking huge salary that some one us have only dreamt about (not boasting, please). But the main point, we dont perpetuate terror and voilence, its those (few) guys in pakistan. and the pakistan ISI and its govt supports them, hence PAKISTAN is blamed for it, again and again.Pranay

  63. Stella says:

    How many bombblasts and terrorist attack have taken place in India before Babri Masjid demolition? Till home grown terrorist like Modi, Togadia and their sympathiser’s are not hanged till death peace will not return.

  64. Vatsal says:

    Idiot … here is your answer to how the terrorists survived in a t-shirt … use your brain (if you have one)

  65. milind says:

    well,i pitty on the knowledge of ambica.while pakistan was created, the 14 crore muslims were allowed to vote either in favor or against a separate nation. I mind all that all 14 crore muslims have voted in favor of pakistan that time. as such blaming the politicians will not serve the purpose. i agree that all muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are muslims. they are taught like that. they are educated in such a way that they are not allowed to believe in any other religion and consider all non muslims as kafirs who should not be allowed to survive.

  66. hewho says:

    I have a third angle that we are missing or probably must be in the list of RAW to details.1. This is definite like always the civilian govt has not clue in Pakistan as what is going on, their FM was visiting India and ISI rogue elements who still control or have access to use the naval assets for clandestine operations.2.This has international backing apart from ISI-rogues… its their new masters (earlier the CIA used to be the father to them) now its China.3. Point comes out why China.. they were upset with India for allowing Dalai Lama for the recent events.. which led them to cancel their EU submit also.4. Why target the economics this time… i think its much on this line that China know that due to slow down his manufacturing industry is broken down and much to everyones surprise, it won’t be up in anywhere soon time. Reason being that most of the other countries will force their industry sector to produce in the country and not outsource to China as they are being bailed out by the govt.Second, we all understand we produce enough for ourselves, we are not hit that much due this and would bounce back sooner than china, will allow us to reduce the gap that India -China have in terms of economy.Still Indian markets are considered favorites over China this was needed to showcase to the world that China offers security…Objective of both rogue ISI and China met.Comments please

  67. im says:

    How can one say that Pakistan Gov/Agancy don’t have any role… ?They have whol word know about POK/so called Ajad kasmir.What is happening over their Terrorist Camp which is funded by pakistan Goverment..What about Kargil … that time also Pakistan was their or not ?They wanted to destblised India growth .. so they did attack on Indian economical capital … this is diffrent approach they have taken..offcourse not directly then indirectlyPaikstan always ditch India…Indian’s are fool who always move their hand for friendshipCant we move witout Pakistan…Indian Goverment is also one of the non performing goverment.. We should make our self strong enough that no one can dare to enter on Indian soil for such henoius crime

  68. wikiperson says:

    the govt of pakistan hold a blindfolds on the people of pakistan and they do this act behid the scene with the help of ISI. ISI in turns tightly coupled with the Islamic terrorist orgnization such as LET whihc all are financed and helped by Pkistan and other islmic countyr. Their sole agenda is to keep people of pakistan poor , so the povertry bring them to the Mullahs. Read the news. all cauthg were from Pakistan.

  69. Pranay says:

    ohhh btw, i am sorry i forgot to congratulate you Yousuf,you guys did a great job, hats off…successful in killing innocent 195 people. you must be elated. I dont remember the gentleman’s name who quoted that few of you guys were celebrating in Dubai. wow, no sane human on earth will celebrate. i was astound about the terror attack on Marriot hotel in pakistan on 20th Sept (i remember some stuff), I did not celebrate or had beer with my friends coz some innocent people lost their lives, irrespective of their country of origin or faith.SHAME on you guys and i know those fucking terrorist are not Muslims. No religion teaches terror.

  70. Javed Ahmad says:

    It has been done to save the skins of main culprits, i.e. ADvani, modi and thackreys. otherwise why ATS chief Karkare was targeted?Advani had links with kashmiri militants. remember Jain hawala case?

  71. Free says:

    Dear Sakun, I am agreed with you. The issue of Kashmir should be resolved by the United Nations resolution on which both India and Pakistan agreed.I will say without hesitation, yes we used to send spy to India and in the same way India also used to send spy to Pakistan(In the period of dictator like Ayub and Yahya Khan). We know your full involvement in 1971 war when your government helped the terrorist in east Pakistan.So the conclusion is no one is innocent here.In the end, I will say to all the people that please please stop blaming on Pakistan. We have an elected government and we can not think this kind of adventure. Wait for the final results and investigations.Regards,Yousuf

  72. sivasivaniglobal says:

    Dear all It is very tough and alarming to see how each of us are responding. around the world today there is only INDIVIDUALISM that prevails. I mean every individual is thinking that “what i do is right ,what i think is right”- as you all very well aware that none of your parents or elders teach you to hate others. unfortunately those terrorist’s family members also do not want their wards to kill somebody or get killed. it is the illetaracy and economic conditions in pakisthan or rather majority of the muslims around the world including INDIA,PAKISTHAN, BANGLADESH, CHINA, SOMALIA, AND AND MANY MORE COUNTRIES. whether or not the clerics in this religion teach their groups to improve literacy ?? My anquish is about hatred that we have to wards a religion ,And all the time the same RELIGION IS QUESTIONED ? IT REMINDS ME A VERY OLD QUOTAION ” islam is a very good religion followed by very bad fallowers “Hope the entire muslim faternity is listening, please arrange your religious house properly and then work to adopt the best practices in other religions too like1. Equal right to women.2. Marry only one women3. Have religious tolerance ( muslims in india are able to practice their religion comfortably in india where as hindu/s are not allowed in pakisthan )4. Live for today not for life after death ( zannath ke liye marna nahin, zannath ke liye jeena hai ) god will save all of us if we were doing right things in life

  73. shaanebhai says:

    the problem is that even though the govts of the 2 countries are tryin to come together, ISI which is the xternal intelligence of pak has gone rogue. It has become very powerful, pro taliban, pro lashkar and al-qaeda, in the recent years and does not wish for peace in the region.. ISI needs to destroyed and reestablished by the pak govt and filled with ppl it trusts and not religious fanatics..the govts need to realize that they are separate frm religion. they are managers of a country. it is some of these ppl who create war using th “old is gold” policy of divide and rule for their personel gain which is destroyin the whole of indo-pak region.. times are changin.. we must change.. or the “u bomb me, i bomb u” policy will end up destroyin 2 great nations.

  74. Mahendra says:

    thats only failure of our security egency and our political systemegency was busy in sadhvi & purhit in political presuure at hte time of semi election of next PM ,who would be from BJP or CongressWhere is Mr amar singh , I dont surprise that If Mr amar comment as same as previously

  75. msindians says:

    Hi All,checkout this link, it clearly states “no mercy needs to be shown” message from across the border, India had enough, we have tried resolve issues peacefully, but it looks like our “goodness as been taken for weakness” [thanks to our policticians] this incidence is eye openner. its time India takes PoK training camps seriously.

  76. wikiperson says:

    read online news before , creating any conpirating theory. which you always do i am not sure what is wrong in accepting it , Its ok to accept, becuase it is no brainer .

  77. Pranay says:

    dont dig out history here yousuf. Live in present and see for yourself who is the culprit.

  78. Peacemaker says:

    HiWhy this blind foldedness?? I fail to understand.. The arrested live terrorist is in custody of Mumbai ATS.. he confesses about plan, itinery, giving details of vessel dates detailed plans.. giving names of all group mates. The cell phone and satelite phone records.. Besides as mentioned they did not landed on Navy side of coast but at Gate way of India. They were also noticed and confornted by fisheman (koli) at around 8.40 PM on the same fateful night.. and wait more info to follow.Still Mr.Hasan is not accepting the facts… Pl. donot react as Pakistan establishment is behaving as if blind folded. One need to accept the presence of disease to cure it. But if facts are ignored vehemently than unthinable happens. Pl. do cooperate and help in eradicating this senseless people and their caste do not shield and support them. Feel the pain and lead from the front…

  79. Gurvineet says:

    This is what the intent is , get the common man to hate each other , the great politics which originated from 1947 , post our gr8 jinnahs and Nehrus started this .. We have always been victims and will always remain , what happened to the warm hospitality which was shown in the Karachi cricket match by Pakistanis , by far it was shown that us , the citizens seek peace and love amongst us , similar was shown in Mohali .. But yes , some forces time an again have influenced needless to say they dont have a cast or creed , they are just anti humans , the ill force , the destroyers , We should together pledge to fight aginst that force .. How ?? This will always remain the big question.

  80. kiran says:

    I am tired of people trying to be so fucking politically correct and polite. I think we have crossed the lines of being decent. I have seen muslim in general and their attitudes towards religion, their intolerance to other religions is unacceptable. What the real problem is the the ideology prohecized by this religion. I am sure you fucking love peace, but you would love it more if the whole world is muslim and everyone is fucking going to a mosque gettin brainwashed and then blowing up some more innocent ppl even if they were muslims. you know what i find amazing is how weak your minds are to get brainwashed to blow yourselves, you invest in bettering your lives and country rather than ruining other ppld lives. Today when the whole mumbai attack got over, i literally had tears in my eyes when i saw the indian army take control of the situation. Gen. Hooda has become a personal hero for me. The way he was calm and just told the media, have faith in your army,the NSG and we will bring the terrorists to justice. The bombings, shootings etc that kill millions of innocent ppl, it becomes quite a depressing environment, thinking the world is gonna burn one day. But today my faith is instilled again that indian armed forces will fight till the end of time, to hold your poisonous agendas at bay. You if you guys wanna rape your mothers and sisters and then pray to your allah and ask for forgiveness he might give it too, but do it in your own fucking country. You know i think the way u have bent the rules of quran you can fuck a camel with a burkha and prove its written in quran(which i think it is) but like i said before but keep it your own fucking country. And you know what take all your fucking cuzins out of my country. Because they seem to plot against the country that protects, feeds and shelters them. Thank you for reading this valuable article coz i am not writing in anger or hate, but i have just realized that this thing aint gonna stop till one of his wiped off the face of this earth.

  81. Truth says:

    And let me add, you’re very fortunate to have demonstrated your ‘intelligence’ amidst so many people. A mere link on an Indian website has given your blog a huge number of hits, possibly the most it’ll ever get since it otherwise has had just one visitor (you). You’ve named your blog appropriately.

  82. Wasi says:

    Hindutva terrorists faked the Gojra and Samjota Express attacks, blaming them on Muslims.Why?So they could kill some Muslims.I don’t believe the Indian media. It passes on every rumor from clerks at the local police station.Every five minutes there was a new story. New facts that contradicted the old facts. We are led to believe that the terrorists carried their National Identity Cards with them and spilled the beans five minutes after getting arrested!Bullshit.Clearly Indians are compensating for their small penises (see BBC article).

  83. Pranay says:

    Wasi, atleast we have a penis, unlike u guys who are impotent

  84. Wasi says:

    Fuck you.

  85. Pranay says:

    yeah you wud understandably,you are gay

  86. Free says:

    Dear Pranay,We never celebrate on this kind of things. I do not know that you know it or not but here in Pakistan specially in Karachi, we were praying for the innocent people and we were just praying for peace as we are suffering now a days. Our media is also showing all the things and they are also condemning on all this event.

  87. Wasi says:

    What Indian bullshit. NONE of you critiqued his analysis.You simply quoted your stupid Indian papers, which I wouldn’t even clean my shit with.Your counterterrorism officials couldn’t prevent this attack, and then five minutes after the attack starts, they are already coming up with details!!

  88. Wasi says:

    India clearly will never be on par with China.

  89. msindians says:

    Wasi,if you talk of Muslims? my friend do you think no muslims have died in this attack? and what do you think the consequence will be? “eye-for an eye” makes the world blind, India has tolerated enough, we have never crossed our borders.And my friend we indians are capable of resolving our internal matters, you please take care of your nation first, which is going in US debt, be carefull you are going to be next Afganistan. understand!!!!!

  90. hidden gem says:

    I strongly believe and we have the fact that terrorism is breeding in pakistan. I am not saying pakistan government is directly invlved but definitely ISI, Al-Qaieda, Let and other terrorist organisations are. They are protecting dawood ibrahim one of the most wanted criminal. Why don’t they hand him over to indian authority.

  91. Pranay says:

    yousuf sahab, i know when i said you were celebrating, that meant, a part of you people were, definitely. NOT ALL.but that is the main problem, isn’t it?? there are handfull of people (read terrorits) who are the miscreants.and those guys puts a bad name on the WHOLE nation.

  92. Indian says:

    what the hell did we do for you pakistanis..?you asked pakistan 60 yrs bak and we gave it…swallowed almost 60% of kashmir…hey mind you all pakistanis…angry of silent man is the worst danger mind it.we wont be silent anymore.dont you think wee wont declare war on.never think so.remember everytime it is you who who wants the war and starting it.bu tone thing is sure..if a war comes this time then pakistan will be washe daway from world map mind. see my brothers and sisters dying of no pakistani bitches

  93. Wasi says:

    Oh Ahmed, no please shut off your brain and stop thinking.You must listen to the holy Indian media. They afterall, got it right with the Godhra train fire and the Samjota Express.And it’s only a coincidence that the lead investigator into the Hindu fascist nexus inside the Indian army got killed.You fucking Indians. Your journalists are as bad as your customer service reps.

  94. Santosh Menon says:

    Hi,I am an Indian.I read your past with interest and I want to respond:I believe its time for both our peoples to work together to sort this out together.We share too many common interests, values and history to allow these events that cause widening chasms to continue. I am a Mumbaikar and right now am very depressed and angry about whats happening. I believe we Indians have some big problems to solve like the Pakistanis have their problems to solve.But one problem which binds us is the problem of terror.We must find sane sensible solutions together.I think that while getting to the ‘root cause’ must be done by the Indian state.We, the people of India and Pakistan must eliminate together the supply lines and moral support bases that exist in BOTH countries.This thing called terror is a monster. It has been known to consume the target and the creator.We must fight in it in all its manifestations. Not through blame games but through people power. What do you guys think?

  95. Pranay says:

    Wasi bhai, China kahan se a gaya? maana ki apke bande china se he grenade lete hai..but the discussion is about india and pakistan,dont digress from the topic dost

  96. Harsh says:

    Dear All,Try to understand one thing All Muslims are not terrorist but All terrorist were Muslims. From Osama to Azam Amir (the guy caught by NSG)To whom you will blame…People are asking Evidences…huh… Terrorist have no religion they only need human blood

  97. karthikeyan says:

    Well, it is obvious that most people on this blog have been either too gung ho or have had no personal losses ever in such attacks. I have come on this through the indiatimes headlines. Without going into much detail let me tell u that personal experiences change all opinions.To begin with, it is pretty obvious that the Muslims of the world are going through that phase of “Marketing” Islam where they have grab attention – like the Christians had done for over 300 – 500 years. So, obviously religious marketing has to be taken into account. We dont remember the christians as barbaric do we? Similarly, when Islam finishes with its current phase of marketing, they will too change strategy and adapt a very pious look. Then maybe some other religion like Kabalah or scientology etc may rear its ugly head. Accept this fact first.All of you keep quoting America as some Judge who can never do any wrong – xcuse me!! All the weapons used, tactics, “Shock n Awe” methodology is so American. They dont care for u or me. Have they had another 9/11 but look at us Indians – we are calling it our 9/11. WHY? This is Our tragedy and we should not for a minute think that we are entitled to the same rights as the americans – NO PREMPTIVE strikes for us. We will have to show what a gr8 democracy we are and show restraint.Have u also noticed how the WEST covers terrorist activity as grave and unprecedented when some os their die in such acts. I dont remember them covering either Ahmedabad or Jaipur in a similar manner. I know, because I am here and see how they behave. Even most of the Indian media is no longer independent they are eith controlled by the CNN or other groups. So dont believe everything they tell you. I request all of us to ONCE use our heads and start a movement – a movement of the ppl and by the people. Use these new technologies and media available to us like these blogs and others to create a group of like minded individuals to come together silently and start changing the political climate of our respective countries. This is not about religion or countries – most of us dont even say a prayer do we? This is about money. This is about 10% of the ppl messing about with the other 90% so they can be called achievers and success and become ROLE models. So please – start a movement like we Indians had done during the early 1900’s and see if we can emulate our grandparents in bringing about change. Sorry for this baashan – just felt I should say something here.

  98. Free says:

    Pranay, Why should I not dig the history? I am not digging the history. I am just giving you the mirror on which you are seeing your face. Understand? your better understand that what you did with us and still doing in our northern areas and in Baluchistan as well.

  99. Truth says:

    Only another Paki could’ve brought in more buffoonery into this. Thank you, Wasi, along with your friend Ahmed, for showing us yet again the degree of retardation that your kind suffers. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  100. Indian says:

    hey wasi…i again say we are in a mood to start a war….better leave to some place…we’ll destroy…think my brothers….oh allah give them brain first…

  101. Ambica says:

    milind, i am appalled at the way you think. Obviously your knowledge about your own religion is not complete. In fact I can see that most of you here have no idea about anything. not religion. not politics. all of you are venting your anger with words that are not yours but have been taught to you as you grew up, or those that you heard or read somewhere. All of you are reacting from fear that breeds hate.What I read here is the the exact type of thinking that has brought us 26th Nov 2008. 9/11 and 7/11. Narrow-minded and fearful thinking that leads to nothing but destruction. Before stating how bad islam is and how wonderful hinduism etc are please recall that we in this sub-continent irrespective of our religions treat women worse than animals for slaughter. we despise any one who is not the same as us. and we DO NOT VOTE. If we cannot make something ok we do not have the right to break it.

  102. msindians says:

    Wasi,talking about Indians? muslims have betrayed muslims, they were sent with promise with safe return, but actually they were sent here to die!!! my friend its time you open your eyes,Pakistan has not even accepted bodies of your soldiers who died fighting for you people, before giving indians bad words, please look into mirror

  103. gordon says:

    well, for the morons of pakisthan, at last you have got something to talk about (samjhota express and hindu terrorism) and if I start talking about the “Fucking” paki sabotage and terrorism stories the list can reach to the moon. well for you guys I have a small article to gift. Just check the following link and ask yourself what you have done if we have changed the places.

  104. Pranay says:

    “still doing in our northern areas and in Baluchistan as well.”are you crazy Yousuf??? there is no role of India in your internal matter, that too your western frontier, that even your government has no can you guys talk such a non-sense with utmost confidence. I fail to fathom.god bless you guys

  105. satish says:

    Guys, Stop this.This will have no end.Its like strings attached.If u pull one the other moves.Stop it for god sake. Out of all this death,Nobody gained anythin.Everythin is jus terrible.Time has come for all of us as a single race.Human race,to stop this evil and live in peace.Only solution for this is peace.

  106. Wasi says:

    Not a single Pakistani I know has condoned or praised the attacks.Get off your high horses you stupid Indians. If there weren’t Americans targeted, the world would not care about this terrorist attacks.More Indians die every day as a result of malnutrition or traffic accents or floods.Mumbai attack was a crime against humanity.Don’t let your small penises and shitty nationalism get in the way of your humanity.Go and masterbate to a photo of Aishwarya.

  107. anshu says:

    #Ahmed, do you even understand the magnitude of the crisis we are facing in India,even before we can finish counting the bodies and manage to wipe the blood off, we have more work on hand.Please sing aloud the purohit and sadhvi case louder, louder than the explosions and gunshots in mumbai so that we lose attention, and perhaps forget for a while that Pakistan has long been breeding,facilitating,funding terrorism and the proxy war against India. Good that you have realised we need someone to put the blame on,we are doing exactly that and we know we are doing it right.Pakistan as a country is sick in mind and intentions,and it will stay so…this is one cancer promising not to get cured.We will be rational and tell you that we dont blame the whole pakistan, except the truth is many of us do.Chuck the facts and details, when you stand behind the enemy lines, you are the enemy. Do you talk of a ‘messy’ past, someone from Pakistan qouted “all pakistanis will eat grass but will wage a thousand year war against India”, we chose to believe that it was one deseased mind speaking,but no, this actually got inherited down though generations…What a pity that Pakistan is still eating grass!

  108. Indian says:

    is anyone there to stop this wasi bastard…the cheapest pakistani…remember ou pakistan is gonna vanish from map…you know our nuclear power…come on indian friends…look at this idiot…

  109. Vennelakanti says:

    There is no need to labourtoo much to prove that the elements who came here were from Pakistan.Did the Pakistan govt send them or not?That’s a different point.It was an American who killed John F.Kennedy.Who was behind it ?No one knows.The Attackers on Mumbai went about their job very professionally.The Indian response was equally professional.The terrorists were outnumbered.The Indian government will learn to be better prepared for a future attack.Let’s be clear on one point.Pakistan lost East Pakistan.They want to settle scores with us.There is no love for any religious community.There is only desire to revengeV.Prakasam

  110. Wasi says:

    You stupid fuck. Indians are also eating grass. You have the world’s highest number of poor people!

  111. Indian says:

    you bitch..we have people…and not animals…like you…all born to animals and not humans..heartless fellows..i guess you are a terrorist..

  112. raj says:

    Dear Ahmed,No one said all the pakistani are involve in the attack. But you have to accept the fact there are few pakistani fundamentalist with support from indian fundamentalist and mafia. We also have seized the 2 satelite phone and one Mobile phone from captured and killed terrorist. The call reacrd will clearly show who they were in touch at time of attack. Prelimenry report says that They have made call to Karanchi. I think some so called RAW people are sitting in Karanchi. Please handover those person for introgation to india and let us findout why they were talking to these basterds at the time of attack and what they were talking. I hope as a human you will not mind handing over those person to India.And one thing those who are celebrating in Dubai – They should also celebrate some more attack like Marriot and killing of Benzir in Near future. Dear friends from pakistan “The world is round what ever you will do same you will get”.regards,rajeev

  113. Pranay says:

    hahaha Wasi , you again started your foolish rant…i usually ignore rats like you to eat shit live in dungeons…peace off you ignorant moron

  114. Pranay says:

    haha no doubt he can be a terrorist, a hi-tech blackberry one lol…yaar virus mat daalna mere pc me…

  115. rohat says:

    Helo Ahmed,r u trying to convince by showing your bull shit Gergraphy to Indians or rest of the world by saying – Pakistan is innoct in this contect.Lets, know the truth. Pakistan govt has no control over their army. It’s army is doing all terrorism with the help of LET and AL Quida. In this case, Pak Army + LET + Al Qudia are should be called as Terrorists. If the Army itself is terrorist, then how should we call the country? ,,,of course“TERRORIST COUNTRY”However, I work in abroad with paki’s and never had issues until now.

  116. rupal says:

    wasi wasi wasi look whose talking …. u nympho rascal, u kill people so that u can get ur 72 virgins in heaven …. hahahahahaha i really wanted to shit on ur face if u wuld have been in front of me ….

  117. Free says:

    Mr Indian, Do not shout and never say Pakistan will vanish from the world map. between the line, If you are saying that you will use the atomic bomb and Pakistan will vanish from the world then please correct your record. May be we Pakistani will no more but keep in mind Muslim will remain in the world and also keep in mind that if w e will use our Atomic bomb then the Indians and Hindu will no more in the world.Just think about it.We do not want war but if someone will insist on it then we are ready for it and again this time i assure u we will give an excellent lesson …..

  118. Vij says:

    Dear Pakistanies, you do not have any idea that what is going on with you guys. Soon you will have to pay big price. Sit down and think little bit otherwise you will destroy yourself.

  119. Wasi says:

    Every Pakistan from the top down has condemned these attacks. You Indians are just mad because you have proved your government is a shitty third world government, just like Pakistan’s, I might add. You are no competition for China.Also, the BBC reports that you Indians have small penises. This is why you all masterbate to rape video of Aishwarya. SICK!!!

  120. Aditya says:

    Dude,why are we indians shouting over pak involvement .it is high time we take them on. We have to decide to take casualty every yr like this or take on pak establishment head on and exterminate all those camps in pak controlled kashmir.there is no chance that they can use nuke. do you think the big daddy US will allow them to do so?why are we scared and debating this time and again. we know what is to be done.

  121. gordon says:

    come on “Indian” I can swear with my foot on wasi’s grave that fucking moron knows all the names of Indian actors and actresses and relishes only on Indian movies. Can you and I think of the name of their one actor’s name or even the name of their fucking film industry it self???? dont waste your words on such fools

  122. hussainjakati says:

    hey wasi will you shut your stupid mouth do you have any idea what r u saying just shut up ok you are culprits you cant deny it

  123. Indian says:

    i think there is no point in speaking with pakistani friends.they dont understand.speaking so sick and nasty.lets pressure our government to start the war against them.they themselves know that they have never won in any of the wars.

  124. Pranay says:

    Wasi, remember, your forefathers were indians too…LOL

  125. Wasi says:

    You Indians talk too much. You are all busy sitting at your computers, playing with your small penises, getting angry because all the pretty Indian girls are marrying white men and Pakistanis!

  126. pagarwal says:

    Wasi, I beg to allah to give some brain to u. get the fact. most of the terrorist are pakistani only. u breed terrorism. u talk abt humanity? why don’t u fundamentalist stop breeding terrorism in pakistan.

  127. Indian says:

    thanks gordon..i’ll leave it…but what do you say about this war regard.shall we start or not the right time.?

  128. Wasi says:

    High time you take Pakistan on? What the fuck? You are probably sitting in an Internet cafe in America or Dubai. You smelly fuck.Your navy is a piece of shit. U can’t even sink a pirate ship!

  129. rohat says:

    Any, Our Indian NSGs, destroyed all the plan’s of bastards ( to execute the operation and go back to their fucking place)We last many lives of precious human beings.“India was invaded by many. But India has never invaded any country”We are still the world’s biggest democracy.Friends…pls salute all the NSG and other people who died in the operation.Feel proud about our Army.

  130. Rajesh Shshikant Naik says:

    The nationalities dont matter folks. I dont think Pakistan as a state has anything to do with this. We both are victims of the terrorism. We need to work together.

  131. Pranay says:

    Wasi cut it out man…you also know you are talking crap..yeah we can afford to kill time….but you cant, you have to go home and start making more bombs, rite?

  132. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    <>GUYS AGAIN , URE BETTER THAN THIS , URE INDIANS LET WASI BE <>Wasi what do you want to critique have you seen the assumptions he is making , “assuming my data is correct, they needed rest”you think people who have decided they want to die , are gonna say “oh my god what a long journey lets take a nap and then go kill the 200 people we need to kill because they are innocent “his analysis is mistimed , it was before the siege was over , and his assumptions are ignoring all the facts that international media is reporting “<>INCLUDING pakistani media <>so relax , be a human before any religious fanatic and dont take up for these cowards

  133. hussainjakati says:

    hey just correct me if im not wrong pakistanis are gays right how they can marry a girl you gandooos

  134. Free says:

    Pranay,If your RAW is not involved in all that incident then why you government has opened lot of embassy in Afghanistan near Pakistani boarder?

  135. Евгения says:

    hey guys, im from russia and i wanna let the indians know that our hearts go out for the dead and their relatives, we r always ready to help india.but don’t jump to conclusions, i hope we all together go the the training camps in pakistan and bomb the bastards.if pakistan is willing or not.

  136. Rajesh Shshikant Naik says:

    Folks-Dont let the nationalities of the terrorist override this crime. Idont believePaksitan as a state (or UK, for that matter, if we have to believe some of the media reports) has anything to do with this. Paksitan too has been a victim, like us. We need to work together to avoid this in future.

  137. Indian says:

    pranay rajesh rohat…really feeling so hurt by this wasi words…he is speaking so bad abou our country…just thing the tortures they wud have given to our people as hostages… god save us…i’m literally worried… oh mother india we love us…

  138. Asim says:

    India’s government, facing a barrage of internal criticism over intelligence failures, security lapses and an inability to bring the situation in Mumbai under control even 80 hours after the attacks, has taken the easiest, and most cowardly, way out. As happened before, it has raised the convenient Pakistan bogey, hoping in this way to deflect the barbs and arrows directed its own way, from citizens and from its media. In doing so it completely ignores the reality in India. This reality includes the presence of increasingly restless groups of Muslim youth angered by the discrimination they face. The problem posed by these home-grown radicals has never been addressed by India. Instead the scourge has been allowed to grow. While New Delhi likes to paint itself before the world as a liberal, secular democracy, striding confidently into the future, the fact is that many communal tensions and undercurrents lurk amidst its vast and diverse population. This mass of people includes Hindu extremists, who in the past have proven just as capable of staging terror attacks as their Muslim counterparts and in a recent past against the Chistians. They also have links in important places. Colonel Prasad Purohit of the Indian army has confessed to obtaining the ammunition used to blow apart bogeys of the Samjhota Express in 2007, killing at least 60 passengers, and also for the 2008 blast at the textile town of Malegaon in Maharashtra that killed six people. The colonel was working with a group of fanatics eager to turn India into a Hindu state. At the time of the Samjhota blast, India, in what was apparently a knee-jerk reaction, had blamed extremists based in Pakistan.

  139. msindians says:

    Wasi bai,your focusing on very small area on human anatomy, this shows how much head you have. Hurting\destroying others will never bring peace and happiness to you, and please mind your toungue when you are talking about India!!!!Thats warning

  140. Harsh says:

    Wasi…Do you answer to this question…All Muslims are not terrorist but All terrorist were Muslims. From Osama to Azam Amir (the guy caught by NSG)?By the way person talk what he thinks i believe you all pakis must be doing what you are talking…LOLAnd one more thing“Dogs can’t change destiny by barking”…You are biggest loser…You cant manage your country…Guys lets pray from god that “Hey god give all pakis brains and strength to manage their own country…”

  141. rupal says:

    hey wasi, i still have a brighter point for usatleast we dont go at barbers shop and get our pees trimmmed …..neither we fuck our own cousins or mothers … u eunuch rascal … got more?

  142. Wasi says:

    The sick part is that Pakistanis have been condemning these terrorist attacks and you all are calling for attacking Pakistan with nuclear weapons. You fucks are the real terrorists. You just want revenge. You IT industry fucks are just playing on your computers all day, watching porn and Aishwarya rape videos, and pretending as if you are head of India’s Nuclear Command. What can you do? No one cares about you. You smelly little fucks. You’re one shit among a billion shits.

  143. Pranay says:

    Adio ppl…have enuf of shit from you guys.god bless and have fun killing more people.i seriously wish to wipe off whole paki nation in one go, atleast world will be a better place to live in.

  144. pagarwal says:

    I agree with russian fellow. We US, UK, Russia, europe, India get together and bomb the pakistan-afganistan border as well as PoK and completely eliminate the terrorist and terrorism.

  145. Sanjib Tripathy says:

    Dear Wasi, It is a generally accepted perception about Muslims that they cannot just tolerate other religionists. In the name of Islam they can promote and support anything, be it killing innocents, who may even belong to their own community. We have come to know about Honour Killing from Pakistan. We Indians have never supported Terrorism in the name of Hinduism, at least. There are sensible people among Muslims, who are not acceptable to their other co-religionists. I ask all those Pakistani Muslims who support creation of Pakistan- What you people have got out of your new nationality ? Most of the period in Pakistan’s history it is either military rule or a government out of a dubious elction. Is ther peace in Pakistan. What is “Pak” in Pakistan. The holy word “Pak” is confusing once one analyses the turbulent history of Pakistan. Please do mend your way and learn love, affection, and hospitality from us Indians. Don’t be a slave of America. It is humiliating. By supporting terrorism Pakistan will definitely perish. Be positive and optimistic. We are ready to help you. But you must have the willingness. May good sense prevail on all.

  146. Indian says:

    thanks russian…that is what our relation is…remember pakistani..whole world is against you.and this is going to be ur end..and thanks again to the russian.if you have china then we have russia.and if required US…

  147. bapinaa says:

    abe wasi sale dusro (US) ki ehesan par palne wale, dusro(India) ki burae kane wale ,apne mulk ki nam sirf pak but sab ke sab harami ho ALL MUSLIMS R NOT TERRORIST BUT ALL TERRORIST R MUSLIMS, hamara ek kahabat he – pathan(muslims) ka bacha kabhi nahi sacha jo sala sacha bo haram ka bacha means a muslim can never be true one who is claiming to be true is a bastard it is a universal true

  148. pagarwal says:

    Wasi You are definitely big bastard. surely ur mother might have left u and married to others. i m sure ur sister is getting fucked by terrorist.

  149. Wasi says:

    The state religion of India is Bollywood, i.e. childish fantasy.India thinks it is a world power. It is a third world shithole with pockets of progress.90% of Indians are dirt poor. The country with the poorest people is India!!I visited Calcutta last year. The people were really nice and friendly. But in all honesty, it was the dirtiest city I have visited. I am an investment banker, so I have visited over 25 major world cities.I went to one street in Calcutta and 10 people were shitting in the street at the same time. How disgusting. I call it India Shitting, not India Shining.

  150. Mr. says:

    let me tell you one thing…recently there came a clean chit for Bajrangdal and RSS from UK that they are not Terrorist organizations. the question is why UK should say that? who is UK to label them or not to label them. what interests UK has in RSS and Bajrangdal?arent these goons working on the payroll of UK and Western countries. paid to kill muslims in india and weaken them as they have the biggest muslims community after indonesia? possible…if we let our mind to think.another question, if these RSS and Bajrandal rowdies are working on UK payroll then why dont these UK people think about attack on christians…an obvious question, right?the answer is, these western countries dont care their religion even, if you thinking so. they are capitalistic mentality and they care only money and their own race. who was dying and getting raped by Bajrangdal? europeans? no indians. it is pity, indians killing indians on the payroll of western countries and we call them patriots.third thing, does any body care about ATS chief’s death any more? no body. could his death been a simple incident has there been simple murder of ATS chief? NO…recenly ATS Chief was cut loose on the hindu terrorists and has been working without any pressure and was able to crack the nexus between hindu terrorists RSS, Bajrangdal, VHP etc with communal faces of indian army…now there was a danger that the illegal nexus between hindu terrorists in india with UK intelligence may be revealed. and remember no pressure was working on ATS. he kept on digging deep into the hindu terrorists despite all hindu’s cry in india. so it was necessary to remove this man but HOW? how without giving it any hype and without causing even letting people suspect that murder of ATS Chief was any motive…they came out with simple solution, create a new group “DECCAN MUJAHIDEEN”. make a bigger attack and kill as many people as possible and in between remove ATS Chief too and no body will think on his murder rather they will think on the whole incidents out of which ATS chief’s murder will have no significance.remember pakistan is an easy scapegoat for any such incidence happens in india. in tha samjhouta blast too pakistan was blamed and even govt. had sent a picture of pakistani national to pakistan blaming this man has done the blast. but recent digging by ATS brought the truth that actually that too was done by RSS/Bajrangdal-indian army nexus.despite advani’s appeal that truth must not be revealed, ATS was without any control and was revealing mew truth with evidences every it has become very much neccessary that ATS operation must have brought to halt and point their needle again towards muslims and pakistan. AND THEY SUCCESSFULLY DID IT.USA killed 3000 of its own men to capture two countries, and now indian pseudo patriots have killed so many in their own land including some foreign nationals and it will be interesting to see what happens now.people think we should attack pakistan like USA did by giving fake evidences and lies and attack on iraq and afghanistan. remember, USA like country too can attck only on defenseless countries like afghanistan and iraq. attacking on pakistan (a nuke capable country) will have an interesting consequences to watch…i still hope that ATS will not work under any pressure and dig deep into the malegaon blast as well as taj hotel case and reveal the truth to the world.let us hope in the best and think that truth will come out with full notes without any corruption….

  151. Naid says:

    The originator of this blog, Ahmed Hassan, seems to be quiet, after initial postings. Why get provoked by someone who wants us to be provoked to respond?

  152. mohammed says:

    today as an indian i have the following conclusions 1) our country is not prepared to face any armed eventuality be it any form of terror attack or an armed conflict i still have memories of what happened in kargil and when ever i hear the name (pak occupied kashmir) 2) practically india needs to have a operational security system in place for all indian as we have a security system for VIP or VVIP why single out only politicians or others when it comes to security is it so because our life is not important to anybody this will not work we need proper professional security and i know we have enough money to spend on our security in any sense 3) we should stop thinking in terms of who sponsored this terror attacks that is really secondary the primary concern should be how do we make a full proof plan the terrorist should have fear in their minds when they dream in their sleeps of attacking citizens of india

  153. Wasi says:

    That fucker Modi is the biggest terrorist of all. He is Hindu Taliban.You fucking Hindutva terrorists rape Christian nuns! Of all the crazy shit Muslim terrorists have done, I have never heard of them raping doing that.But I read that it was not considered rape, because the penises were so small, there was no contact made.

  154. Indian says:

    pagarwal… you have any idea get this shitty asshole to leave this place.

  155. TNT for the Brain says:

    First of all please update your report because, you have not given the complete facts!! The terrorists DIDNOT COME DIRECTLY TO INDIA ON SMALL INFLATABLE BOATS!! Do you think people are so stupid to believe that? This is what really happened.A small fishing ship belonging to Gujarat was hijacked by the Pakistani terrorists somewhere on the India-Pakistan border in the high seas. This fishing boat was used to transfer the terrorists & the small inflatable boats to the vicinity of the Mumbai bay. The fishing ship was chosen as it would be difficult by the Indian Coast Guard to suspect it.Afterall, there are 100s of Indian fishing boats lurking in that area & obviously the coast guard will not thoroughly all those boats.The fishing boat had normal cargo (including fish, lentils,etc). And once they reached the vicinity of Mumbai, the crew of the ship were brutally murdered.The ship captain was found tied with his throat slit. The second point that you have missed was that NOT ALL 40 TERRORISTS CAME BY BOAT! About half of them reached Mumbai 2 weeks before this attack & only the remaining, with their weapons & grenades, arrived by the boat.Also, the satellite phone found in that ship showed that they have made calls to Karachi before.Thirdly,by the way these guys showed their experience in using advanced weapons & the way they planned this attack, there is no way that these guys could be acting alone without expert help from some "professionals".Dude, we know that u guys are also suffering from terrorism.How long can u be in a denial mode? Where are these terrorists that are killing ur country men coming from? Even ur spineless govt doesn't have full control over these lawless tribal areas. People multiply like rats there with their only aim to kill all infidels. U have absolute religious fanatics lurking on your border with Afghanistan. Is it so difficult to believe that these guys, with the help of rogue elements within the ISI might be responsible for all this? We are not saying that Pakistani govt or normal Pakistani people are proactively doing all this shit, because Pakistani govt. has no full control over ISI in the 1st place.And did u forget the Indian embassy bombing in Kabul? It was so poorly planned by ur ISI that they didnot even bother to conceal the identity of the explosives, which had Pakistani ordinance factory markings. ( The whole world knows that at least 1 terrorist of every major terrorist attack in this world is either a Pakistani or has received training in Pakistan. If u want to dispute this fact, you are only fooling urself! Stop living in a fool's world and try to do something to stop these religious fanatics, who are not only killing infidels like us, but also ur own muslim brothers & sisters!!

  156. Bhavesh Purohit says:

    Its real time to finish the insolvent Pakistan. We should attack on pakistan. We should not keep mum by cost of your brother & sisters.

  157. Free says:

    Mr. Indian, In 2002, you took your Army in our boarder and you did not do anything.Again you can come, we are ready to teach you an excellent lesson.

  158. uday says:

    Bharatiya!!!Look what an russian friend said let find it out out if its the same region on the globe which is a heaven for terror preaching let go hand in hand if the nation govt. impotent let do the flushing of thses preachers ..once and for all

  159. Wasi says:

    The author of this blog is not sitting at his computer all day, you fuck.What is your wife doing? Making chapatis and fucking your dog?

  160. rohat says:

    Dear Pakkis,An Eye to Eye makes the whole world blind.You guys, understand, it is a stupid idealogy if you want to kill everyone and to have only Islam in this world.

  161. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    wasi my boy 1 ure not really an "Investment banker" come of it if you are then i know why the credit markets crashed , if angry people like you who have visited "OH MY GOD 25" cities in the world are running the gameand admit it you love india for its secularism , i know you pulled a few pints at Some place else in calcutta and no one sent muttawas after your ass relax , be a man , condemn terrorism and say "THESE RATS WERENT MUSLIMS < THEY WERENT PAKISTANIS , they were what they were "RATS" who died"

  162. Wasi says:

    Why do Hindus rape Christian nuns?

  163. rohat says:

    I think this WASI is dumped by his wife by sleeping with Indian guy.Dear owner of this blog..take this asshole out from this communication thread

  164. Wasi says:

    You fuck, I work for Goldman Sachs.I don’t give a shit about the world markets collapsing. I got a bonus of $2 million last year.Unfortunately, this year’s not so good, but we’ll be back!

  165. zaks says:

    Ahmed Hassan and all other Pakis,Get up form your sleep and face the facts, it you your pakistani nationals that are trying to ruin our economy and our image, it is very unfortunate that we have got neighbours like you. And yes we need some one like Modi/Raj Thackerey to strom POK. that is Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and not ‘Azad Kashmir’ as you paki’s refer to and flush out all bloody pakis.. got it Ahmed Hassan

  166. bhavesh says:

    People, We are jumping to conclusions that the terrorist wants us to do. They wants us to think that it was pakistan who attacks in India. They want us to think that since Pakistan could not win most of the formal wars with India they have come up with the weapon of Terrorism. I think most of you mite have read that the mobile phone which was found form a terrorist had US sim card and was getting calls from a Karachi number, so we conclude that Pakistan had a direct involment in the attack, but is it really true? Cant a guy call from any- other country using a Karachi Sim card? Y do we rule out this possibility? Guys, I m not here to defend Pakistan or neither blame it. But then as it is said earlier its the terrorist are neither Muslims nor Hindu. Had they being Muslims they would not have killed Muslims at the CST Station. In neither of the instances did we here that they were asking people abt their caste and killing them. Also nething is mentioned or researched abt the motives of the Terrorists. Also there were no demands made by them even after they had hostages at all the three spots. Also the names of most of the terrorists indicates that they r muslims, but wht fact do we have to verify tht they actually r? is it the identity cards they carry? or neother proof that is derived from them? and how much can that be termed as true? cant ne hindu take up the name of muslim and spread terrorism? Now comes the question comes abt the doubts of Pakistan involvement. I would not completely agree with the fact that Pakistan is not at all involved in the terrorism, this can be concluded form the fact that whenever the world has asked for help form Pakistani government abt helping in elimination of terrorism all they have got is just assurance and nothing else. In the recent case also, the Pakistani government promised that they would send in the ISI chief for talk to India, but later on they denied form the same. Also when the FM of Pakistan was asked that if they are ready to fight against terrorism then y dont they allow India or any other country for that matter to enter their territory and fight the terrorist which are present in the country. Many countries have concrete facts that there r terrorists groups that r acting in Pakistan, but whenever they approach the government the only reply they get is that we r investigating, but never have they given the reports of the investigations done by them. Thats wht makes us and the people around the world feel abt the strong involvement of Pakistani Government in the increase in Terrorist attacks.

  167. Wasi says:

    Indians girls are very desparate. I think their husbands are too busy playing with their boyfriends. They get lonely. They can only watch so many Bollywood films.

  168. Harsh says:

    Wasi….Getting emotional…Bark bark….as much as you can but your destiny is in India’s hand…you losers…

  169. Free says:

    Prany, I was not expecting these kinds of words from you. You seems to be an educated guy and you should know very well that war is not the solution, the solution is only dialogs. But if you insist on war then we are ready for it and i assure you that this time we will give an extra-ordinary lesson ……..

  170. Wasi says:

    Fuck Modi.

  171. Harsh says:

    Wasi…“Dogs can’t change their destiny by barking…”YOU DOGS…Bark as much as you can…

  172. Wasi says:

    The only thing in India’s hands is its small penis.You guys had a massive intelligence failure. DONT BLAME PAKISTAN. BLAME YOURSELVES.

  173. Indian says:

    you free….dialogues…are you paid by any pakistani…we want only war..our indian army is getting ready to start it…if not then …

  174. uday says:

    Mr. Free you look really stupid ….. to mespeaking with no sense and to tell you truth even like i dont want to talk rubbish howevr u hav compelled me!even if half of Indians think of pishing on the border your nation would vanish offf… so don’y challenge in context of power..the nuc arsenal you have you dare to use it you would be wipped off the globe map….. take this as an warning…………

  175. Wasi says:

    You Indians are bloodthirsty bastards. I have, and will never, call for war on India or the murder of its people. But you small dicked fucks are murderous bastards looking for the slightest impetus to engage in genocide.

  176. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    wasi , come on man , u didnt make 2 million buks last year , ure just to immature to be able to even count till that, i think you just want to be an investment banker , waise you work at a call center selling AT & T long distance or some insurance to racist texans who abuse you every day easy le yaar , jhuut to mat bol condemn it man , i am happy that the ATS chiefs wife slapped Modi and didnt take his money , i belive he is a goon who just wants political mileage , and im a Hindu whats your point ?

  177. bilal yousaf says:

    What ever is posted here, the fact remains that this was a heinous crime against humanity. As a muslim I am outraged at the very suggestion that being a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian makes any of us righteous and the others condemned. We are all creation of the All Mighty and his children. Unless and until we start to love and respect each other, we will continue this path of self destruction in this world and here after.We should all be humbled and full of sorrow over this loss and waste of precious human lives in Mumbai.May God bless these souls and grant them peace in heavens and please don’t forget to pray for the loved ones left nehind.

  178. Harsh says:

    Wasi…Past 6 messages you mentioned abt penis…You guys cant think anything above this…Do you really workkk

  179. gurudatt tiwari says:

    In very straight forward way pakistan is a fail nation. He dont have guts to develop like India.His Army is one of the worlds most corrupted Army. America is daily attaicking in this country but they dont have guts to come out in street against it.They fear they might killed by those terrorist whom they used to call freedom fighter and funding a large sum of money. Dont warry we will comeover from this attaick. onece again foreigner start coming here, but what about u people.

  180. jags says:

    let pakistan allow india and USA to sanitize their country, then we can believe pak government. or USA and rest of world must stop all aides and supplies of military materials to them.

  181. Wasi says:

    Good, you condemn Modi. But don’t adopt his ideology unconsciously. Free yourself from the inclination to commit murder (ahimsa).

  182. Vidyarthi says:

    Pakistan is the only enemy of India

  183. Free says:

    Mr. Indian, We know your Army. Your so called NSG commandos took three days for killing some terrorist. How you will face our Army ? ?

  184. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    no harsh wasi doesnt work , he wants to work as an investment banker but the americans wont give a brown man a job in a big fancy building let him be , he is learning how to count his 2 million dollar bonus wasi , i think ure a peace loving bloke man , i think ure OK , a litlle frustrated but OK take a trip back to Calcutta dude ,play golf at tolly in the morning , hang out on park street in the evening take it easy

  185. shami says:

    Dear All!Terror has no religeon and no heart.I agree most of the terrorists are muslims but not all muslims are terrorists.What about Mealagaon and samjuta express blasts?Who where they who carried out those acts of terror?What about terror leashed out by naxals in India?Naxalas are not muslims.They kill more people than any body else.Pakistan has become a heaven for muslim terrorists and now they are paying the price for this.There are more acts of terrorism happening in Pakistan than any where else .If at all we have to learn anything from this all is that we have to upgrade our intelligence and security systems.We should not allow fenatics a free hand like pakistan did in early 80’s.

  186. Indian says:

    dae thevudiya mavaney wasi…unga ammava yaaru okkura…sunniya vettiduven…un thangachiya evan vaaila ookkuran..pundamavaney…ngotha punda…unga appan oru transgender…un aatha oru thevudiya…

  187. Jass says:

    There is no smoke without fire. May be all the facts presented are not true n sure. But C'mon guys accept the reality… that pakistan is in trouble state. And Pakistani should be more worried than us. Their economy is in danger, security is in turmoil. Political system is not there… high profile leaders are killed in daylight. Whole globe pin point fingers at you… call u a rogue state. AND I FEEL BAD COZ U BELONG TO MY REGION N TO ME. NO MATTER WAT WE THINK THE REALITY IS THAT OUR HISTORY WAS N OUR FUTURE WILL BE TOGETHER.WE CAN FIGHT N RUIN IT OR>>>So its high time…. pakistani accept the reality or u can be an ostrich who hides hs neck in the mud and feels secure that u will not be hunted.AND MY DEAR FRENS>>>> EVENTUALLY U WILL BE HUNTED DOWN.Examples r there: BHUTTO… MARRRIOT HOTEL. OPEN UR EYES N BRING THE CHANGE. WILL BE BETTER FOR THE WHOLE REGION IF U DO. the region which includes 20 crores muslim in IND and bangladeshi muslim who are living a miserable life. Pinpointed muslims coz u claim to be "MESSIAH" of theri rights. THEN U JUST PLEASE CHANG E FOR THEM ATLEAST.AND PLSSSSSSSSS dont justify these acts with gujrat or malegon or sadhvi.. COZ they also justify their acts with mumbai train blast , delhi blast n these recent attack. Two wrongs doesnt make right.BE SENSIBLE……… N DONT RIDE ON THE TIGER(VIOLENT EXTREMISM)WHICH WILL EVENTUALLY HARM U ALSO.God Bless the victims n provide strength to their families.

  188. Wasi says:

    India is a shitty state too. Its parliament is full of criminals. Its judicial system is non-existent. Its intelligence services suck ass. The bureacuracy is bloated and ineffective. Corruption is rampant. Poverty is endemic. For every one of you fucks who works in a call center are 1,000 who are dead poor. How many Indian farmers committed suicide this year? I have done business in India. I have visited Delhi, Mumbai, and Calcutta. But one thing I have to say is your country is as shitty as Pakistan’s is. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are anything but another shitty South Asian state.

  189. pagarwal says:

    wasi is like big basket of mud. u throw a stone over mud, it will make u dirt. An investment banker can not be so abusive. i know several pakistanis, who pretend to be high profile people but they are poor betrayed by their wife, girlfriend. wasi is one of them.

  190. Mohit says:

    yes pakistan did it…no mercy on pakistan…make every pakistani slave and teach them a lesson…for mumbai terror attacks each and every pakistani should be punished to death….EVEN A NEW BORN BABY IN PAKISTAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ATTACKS….

  191. Free says:

    Mr Uday, We are facing you since 1947 and still we are here.I think you guys are ready on war. Ok Let’s see. By the way we are ready here. You can come any time. I know you will come in night as u came in 1065 like a cowards.

  192. Indian says:

    right said prag

  193. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    on a serious note wasi , i dont adopt his mentatily , i think about Maj Unnikrishnan, he died , gave his tommorrow for my today i need to build a country that can honour his legacy i reality all i can think off is golf , im kinda pissed of about that maybe u can drive some investments to the subcontinent when you become a broker , oooops an investment banker waise i like the fact taht ure racist , u dont like southasians and thier way of thinking too much , life mein age jayega

  194. Wasi says:

    I sent a $1,000 check to the Mumbai blast victims fund. What did you lazy Indians do? You are busy masterbating and posting hate speech.

  195. Vinayak says:

    Dear Paki, While entire world is progressing you don’t have any other industry but to produce terrorists?, why cant Islam coexist with other religions. Why do you call others “kafirs”,. Why cant Pakistan be a competition in Education, Industry, Social Development, Sports etc. When you will come out of such cowardly act, If all Pakistanis are not involved, why don’t you stop your brothers from doing suchdevastation. Do you feel happy when innocents are killed, If yes, you must be sick…

  196. Abhi says:

    why sir, for once why dont u use ur own head once and come out to accept the truth.Pakistan has been the most fertile breeding ground for terrorists for quite some time now and instead of condemning them u invest ur energies in cooking up theories showing u had no link at all. Must u not be ashamed of urself or have u gone beyond the realms of any humane emotions at all. I dont blame whole of pakistan for the attacks where I believe most are just as simple hearted as people of any country but plz dont put forward such stupid theories atleast.

  197. kami8999 says:

    Dear all of YouI am really very sorry for them who lost their lives.I was just checking the news and checked that some discussion was going on in all of you.For me all of you are making terrorists now and trying to be the winner in yourself. Dont try to think what are you doing and what kind of mentallity you want to create.If i am right nor of you want to fight, nor of you also can afford a war and nor of you are so brave, because if you will fight like this, there is no aim behind.Please think how to solve.Who is doing this, why he is doing this, why he using my land or some one other land, i never give harm to them, i dont want also enimies, i am a peacefull human, i want peace and i want to give peace.Remember if some one hit yo9u on one face, give him the second side of your face to beat him inside. Let him feel guilty.Also think for your future, for them who want to come after you, and think for them also who became terrorist.why they came to mumbai and killes so much people, why they choose your land, who are these people, did you say any thing to them, what is the aim behind all these attacks (To comment on any of my think please think carefully what i am writing).Believe me go to Palistine, Afghanistan, Iraq, srilanka etc.when the mother, father is crying on the body of his young child (imagine) when the young boy just the age of 4 or 5 crying for his mother and fater, when they are killing all the families and just living the child on their bodies just for entertainment (showing to the world that we are not killing childerns). Please think that when this child will grow up how much poison will be inside in his body for them who killed these innocient people. Think the villagers of afghanistan who never knows that there is a world behind his village also and you killed him because of trade centre. Please dont make more people to become the enemy of me, your, us and for this world.Dont say this that terrorist dont have religion, we are living just this type of words in the air.You know this media who is behind for this all neggative approach and trying to make a neggative news all over. This is because of you and me, because we accept this we respond for this news. you will get what ever you will the end i want to say that behind this all blasts and terror in mumbai, or in the world is because of those who didnt got justice. they want just a smile from you, that you are with them what happened if they loose their parrents. Just your support, if you think i am right then dont creat naggative minds and spread this massage and remember gandi jee (give your second face to win)

  198. gurudatt tiwari says:

    Please dont talk to this muddy man. who knows he is also a terrorist.It should be investigated when he came India what he did here.

  199. Rahul says:

    Well…a couple of things that shifts the needle of suspicion towards “across the border”..are1)the terrorists have been found to be communicating in punjabi/urdu.2)the terrorist that has been captured alive hails from Faridkot, in Pakistan.When we say Pakistan, we are not talking of the country and its people as a whole, we are only talking abt the extremist groups that still are safe and have been allowed to run in Pakistan…Our opposition is to exactly that!…why allow these extremists still have your country as their safe haven???…why let them nurture and develop terrorists out of youngsters???…why isn’t the Pakistani government taking any steps towards banishing them and putting a few of them behind bars???…this is all we want answered…not in words, but in action. There two kinds of outfits lurking in Pakistan, one that has attacks everyone without any kind of discrimination…now here is where we may be able to join hands and tackle those outlaws…but there is another kind of outfits that lurk around freely in Pakistan, ones that have India as their primary and only target..that is the reason why we Indians are agitated and seriously want to see concrete actions on the part of Pakistan towards eliminating these outfits…@wasi…why are you talking abt penises in a space that was meant for something serious???…I hope you do have the intellect to fathom that “penises” have no co-relation watsoever with the topic being discussed…So don’t again prove that u r a pea-brain by quacking irrelevant stuff…If you can’t come up with valid counter-arguments…then just shut up!

  200. Indian says:

    wasi this is ur limit…oh you sent the money to are supplying it to some terrorists..?can you pls tell the address to which u sent…go and fuck ur bastrd..ur father i sfucking your sister it seems…then you r having homosex relation with ur father?

  201. Wasi says:

    Who takes the Indian media seriously? It is full of bombast and bullshit.Your stupid media didn’t even cover the poor victims of the train station attacks! Just because they were poorer and darker.

  202. bapinaa says:

    Wasi how much is ur mother charging for one night

  203. Mohit says:

    ye WASI randi ki aulaad….Bhenchod tera pakistan bhi shitting asshole hai…MODI IS GREAT….EVEN A NEW BORN BABY IN PAKISTAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATTACK AND SHOULD BE PUNISHED…

  204. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    again wasi , talking money u didnt send shit , i know you wanted to send it , but you can barely cover rent on your call center paycheck if you are an investment banker then ure a cheap mofo who sent 1k out the 2000k bonus COME ON MAN , ure a cheap bloody desi who eats 2$ biriyanis half for lunch half for dinner and halwa puri breakfast on sunday for $3.99isliye im saying go to calcutta life is cheap ther you can afford it

  205. Wasi says:

    I visit India because I do business in India. I bring $$ to your fucking country. Say thanks. I gave money to your victims. Say thanks. You lazy Indian fucks. I know you all too well. Especially you Gujaratis. You are too cheap to give to the victims just because they are lower caste.

  206. Free says:

    Guys, Keep in mind, war is not the solution. you can keep the example of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.We have less army and weapons as compare to you but we have enough Atomic bomb and we have not kept it for display only………Regards,Yousuf.

  207. rudresh says:

    Hey,Cut the crap!!!Pakistan is the terrorist nation on this planet earth. Afterall Pakistan was formed by the Disloyal people like “Jinnah”. Thier blood is corrupted. They were “Gaddars” of India who when whole India was fighting together for freedom, these coword people on the name of religion to achieve their personal goals….cheated the great nation India and formed a new so called pakistan. Pakistan has no religion….infact they have….their religion is terrorism, Disloyalty and cheating. They are coward. They do not stand at all in front of Great India which has 2nd largest military in the world and 4th largest economy. We, the Indians, our first religion is Indianism. We should re unite with Pakistan and Bangladesh to form United India… and should crushall such anti national people….Thanks.Rudresh,Proud Indian, Country First!!!Business Student,France

  208. zaks says:

    To start lets stop putting bread in pakistan homes by sending back the ICL pakistani players,IPL pakistani players, pakistani musicians and any other paki that is in India. The Indian Govt should ask them to leave ASAP.

  209. anonymous says:

    Hey hold on, During this 26th November 2008 ordeal in Mumbai, Entire Bhindi Bazar and other muslim areas where working as usual. Even though the government had closed all schools, colleges, BSE and other businesses. Basically this entire caste and religion called MUSLIM sucks, with a few …very few exceptions. You bloody motherfuckers, it hurts when I see my city bleeding and unsafe. One thing for sure it is there in this muslim blood, they can’t be loyal to anyone. I have heard of areas like Mumbra, Bhendi Bazar, Govandi, etc. where people celebrate when India losses to Pakistan in Cricket, they hoist tht paki flag. U MUSLIMS SUCK BIG TIME…. I may sound in human and racist or some religious psycho, but I am not. I am a masters student, educated, sensible but can’t resist to speak this hatred language when I see my city my country bleeding. I used to hate LK Advani for Babri Masjid, Narendra Modi for Gujrat riots but now i feel, we should bloody kill all those muslims in Indian or ask them to leave our country and go die in pakistan. To the matter of fact I hate Gandhiji for permitting muslims to stay on in India, even though Pakistan was created.

  210. eniac says:

    Wasi, you mother fucker – did your mother and sisters get their visa..?

  211. Wasi says:

    Why do I visit India? To make money, of course.I also visit some of the Muslim architectural sites, which some of my Mughal ancestors built (while you Hindus were sitting on your asses doing nothing).Sometimes I visit India to take a shit on my way to Shanghai, a real city.

  212. Vinod says:

    Mr Hassan, I am going to explain the situation to you in a simple way. Imagine You and I own neighbouring houses and you own a dog that is infected with rabbies. You know it is sick…yet you love it and let it breed.Now this dog and its pups gets into my lawn when you are out at work and messes it up. I don’t like it and i want to shoot it but you don’t want me to do that.Now you are responsible for the dog’s actions coz you own the dog. That is exactly the situation.We all know that the govt of pak is not responsible for this but the govt of pak is fully aware of these filthy animals living and breeding in its grounds and yet they do nothing proactive to curb their actions. So either you clean the mess or you let us clean it.FYI..I do have some paki friends and i think they r gr88…on a personal basis i have nothing against pakis or muslims.

  213. Indian says:

    hey you free… i’m really gonna kill u man…you are making the indians more emotional…we are not senseless like you..if any of our leaders see this then you ll realise the consequencies…. i donno what i’m typing…i’m really feeling very angry … how come this pakistani speak like this?do you think we have kept our weapons onl for display…oh god…any one pls tell the nuclear power we have…i feel like dying seeing these paki’s comments…

  214. Dhruv says:

    @wasi-Dude you crack me up. But whatever gay small penised indian dude you got it on with obviously dint satisfy you enough. I suggest you fuck one of those long dicked paki dudes.Secondly,We dont want to be China. Thirdly, you guys want to be like us.Fourthly, i have paki friends,they are all morons who bitch about pakistan and would rather live in India.Lastly, You obviously arent getting laid enough,go marry/make out with your sister or something.

  215. Free says:

    Rahul,I am agreed but what is your opinion about your people like RSS and BAJRANG? ? ? ?

  216. Harsh says:

    What are you saying $1000LOL….HAHAHAHAHHA…You are really funny man…Abey 10 ruppe ki aukaat nahi $1000Kitna phekta hai yaar…LOL

  217. Wasi says:

    If any of you Hindu fucks hurt a Muslim you’ll be doing your country a disservice. You will be even further behind of China. Watch out. In 20 years, you will lose much of your territory to China.

  218. milind says:

    ambica,i am sure u r a brain child of so called seculars who r acting as shekschillis. mind u and mr. that the partition of this nation was clearly on religion. the gandhis and nehrus allowed these rascals to continue in this contry. y the muslims r not agreeing for common civil code, y they need article 370 in kashmir if its integral part of INDIA? we do not need any pakistanis to certify whether modis, advanis are terrorists or not. our government is capable of finding it look at yourself first. unfortunately we have lot of ambicas in this country to support u.

  219. saahil says:

    Ahmed,You are an idiot!! Period. Read up on the various news sites and then write something on your blog. Sure a blog is for freedom of expressing your views, but the views need to make sense. Esp when connected to something so serious and sensitive. Like I said, you are an absolute idiot.

  220. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    every terrorist IS PAKI and a MUSLIM……What abt Pragya Thakur and Col. Purohit?This only proves that terrorists have no religion. And Pakistanis have also suffered a taste of what terrorism means and what it can do.Having said that, it is also probably true that the terrorists were from Pakistan, but definitely not all Pakistanis would be celebratin. Let us not forget history, ours and that of Pakistan. And also the role that Pakistan media played in the early years of Pakistan, and still does. And as for the political situation there let’s not make a comment because nobody actually knows who’s in control there… but the ISI and the terrorists camps have to be permanently damaged and crippled to make any real difference…It was also an intelligence failure on the part of our intellligence agencies.

  221. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    MOHIT YOURE A PEICE OF SHIT , I THINK URE SICK YOU WANNA KILL BABIES YOU SICK FUCK wasi dont talk about $$ man , this shits makin me laugh man , i maybe a lazy indian hindu but the image of you as a hot shot investment banker sitting next to me on a train and all of a sudden i can smell the mutton korma you cooked last winter in your jacket ITS MAKING ME SPLIT please tell us teh call centre you work at , no investmetn banker has the time to hang around here at 5.44 am and talk to lazy indians like us MOHIT IF YOU KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS BLOG OR WAIT FOR THE KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR IM SURE URE BIG ON CHILD PORN YOU SICK FUCK

  222. leve says:

    u want me to believ pakis are not to be blamed?PROVE IT.i dont see u guys do anything except whine and after every terror attack say”yes he was from pakistan but we are all not like that”….anyway you seem to have zero interest in demanding answers from your own country so to all of us paki youth come across as freaky gun wielding and dont sit on ur ass and blog for judgement here becoz it just makes you look moronic.

  223. Wasi says:

    Hey, can someone help me with my Dell? Someone here has to work for Dell customer service.

  224. Jass says:

    Wasi…. is really out of his mind. u r just taking it personally. U indian.. u call centre employee…. U U U U U. Its time to look inside… dear.

  225. bapinaa says:

    Wasi how much ur mother is charging for one night

  226. Free says:

    Dear Indian, Thats why i m saying that please stop blaming on Pakistan. Let the full details come then say your opinion.I also said that war is not the solution

  227. anonymous says:

    haha one of the above post…you talking tht war is not a solution, u sayin tht u hav atomic bombs 😀 :D… say thanks to chinaBy the way we have fucked u in 1965, 1971 and Kargil so stay in your limits hahaha bloody paki ur bombs r der jus for display nothing else our army doesn’t even need to use ammunition we jus need to pee on the border n ur army is over….See my friend don’t bark, stay in ur limits. this is our culture where we dont attack our enemies, we just now how to retaliate when enemy tries to enter our home land. What culture you have the whole world knows, u supported taliban, then al quida, dawood ebrahim, various mujahideens, ISI, army chief takes over from government, on top of this u all believe in incest fucking ur moms, sis etc….DISGUSTING PAKIS N MUSLIMS

  228. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    who said anything about hurting a muslim , this shits getting out of hand boys i guess if this carries on we will all end up in Gitmo wasi dont loose your decorum , investment bankers are supposed to be suvave MOHIT U STILL HERE YOU BABY KILLER

  229. gurudatt tiwari says:

    Please why we are taking with a people who belong from worlds most hated country and race. If you are true indian please leave this blog. why we are giving these criminals a chance to express themselve. Let go to rest world where people are realy feeling very sorry for what happend to us.please all indian leave this blog now

  230. zaks says:

    @Wasi,Please remove your fingures from your mother pussy or your sister and press any key to continue on your keyboard. Normal service should resume.Thank you for using Dell Customer Service

  231. Wasi says:

    Yes, I am an investment banker for Goldman Sachs. I promise. And I did donate to the victims fund. I promise.If you don’t believe me that’s your problem. I am fine with my lovely office, apartments and bank account.———Now back to the fun stuff. You stupid fucks. You are calling for the murder of Pakistanis who have CONDEMNED the attacks against you! That’s how sick you are. The attacks just provided an impetus for the ugliness in you to come out.

  232. Yogesh says:

    Pakistan says they lost Benzir and are themselves having trobles in their country so their name should not be linked to this attack.No issue on that & let us see what investigating agencies find .But why they forget losing benzir cannot ablove them .Remeber we also lost Rajiv Gandhi & Indira Gandhi and at that time no body blamed Pak .It was o sort of terrorisum.

  233. Indian says:

    ok gurudatt tiwari…a lasst bye to all pakistanis…who are gonna die…

  234. Deepa says:

    Hey is the originator of this BLOG listening??? Where is Ahmed Hasan???

  235. Indian says:

    ok gurudatt tiwari…a lasst bye to all pakistanis…who are gonna die…

  236. Dhruv says:

    @wasi- Investment banker,on a blog at 4 pm on a saturday. my ass dude!You are so pseudo that it makes my opinion of pakistanis go lower.Hell i dont hate pakistanis. I love your food and i love your women.They really seems to dig us more that you guys.p.s- they are damn bendy!

  237. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    Incase you havent heard , they wrapped up the operations in Bombay , killed 9 rats caught 1 ratand wasi has to go to work , call centre shift starts in 41 mins , he need to pick up biryani on the way weekend pe kaam karne ka time and a half hai let him go to work all you fools get off this blog

  238. Ilyas says:

    The root cause of all terrorism is America. Why did it invade muslim countries like Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush is the KING OF ALL TERRORISTS. In India innocent muslims are tortured by taking into police custody as possible terrorist and when he comes out with avenge and turns out to be one.

  239. zaks says:

    Wasi,I can see you have another comment it seems you have followed the instructions, see there you go an Indian has helped you again. When are we Indians going to improve and when will you Paki’s improve..

  240. Wasi says:

    Everyone knows the US is using India to counter China. But do you seriously think it will let India achieve its full potential? It will keep all you punks down, laughing all the way to the bank.Please don’t delude yourselves. The West will never let some brownies and yellows rule the world. They will collude with each other. Simple power politics.And you idiots will do 90% of the work yourselves, overreacting to terror attacks and engaging in communal violence. How many insurgencies does India have? 13 or 30?

  241. Air says:

    Wasi…teri gaand hai baasi….chutiye…u talking utter shit…and you are a fucking loser…nobody is interested in your fake assets…By the way the so called $2 million u have received must be from a terrorist group to irritate other bloggers and create a hatred …

  242. Евгения says:

    Hi my indian friends, there is a very interesting item in the papers here that the Al qaida wants india and pakistan to go at war. so that pakistani troops fighting them in afganistan,shift their attention from there and diploy their troops near indian caSE OF ANY RETALIATION FROM THE INDIAN ARMY.SO I BEG DONT GIVE THIS CHANCE TO AL QAIDA. im not saying indians to keep quite. just don’t vent your anger on negative aspect.let the Government strenghten its internal security,and then start going after this group and kill them in their own houses as they did this in mubai.i as a tourist have been to india many times and im coming again in december with my family.just to let the terrorist that by this attack we are not scared.we love india and will support as its our own country.

  243. Free says:

    Mr Anonymous, Please correct ur record, we captured your lot of areas (Like Kher Kiram, where you had two cinema that time) and your tanks were sitting ducks at Chonda place. In 1971, we were fighting against the terrorist on east Pakistan and your Army did interfere on our internal issue. But keep in mind this time we are fully ready and really will give u an excellent lesson.

  244. PRONOVA STENT says:

    All the Pakistani Guys and Girls,i should have mentioned girls as the girls in pakistan will hardly understand English as majority of them are illiterate. please talk sense and accept the fact that the monster of terrorism which u have created is not under ur control and they are fucking your country and also trying to come to our country. how brave the people of pak are can be judged by the fact that they were forcefully ruled by the military without the consent of the people for half their independence and still the people never had the guts in their ass to oppose that and they are talking of tearing India apart. If India just opens couple of dams with water fully then the entire Pak will be destroyed without even sending a single troop over there. you beg for alms from USA and are trying to show us your dignity what a shame…..u have tried to break us so many times, but we never broke, but look at urself what is your identity in front of the world. we are respected anywhere we go around the world because of whatever we have done in last 50 years, what have you done in last 50 years— Nothing or should i say just rubbed your Penis trying to enlarge it but that too has failed as your penis had a hole in it created by one of the terrorist.

  245. Wasi says:

    You tiny dicked Indians. You were attacked by ruthless terrorists. Your response? Become ruthless terrorists.Keep it up. You’ll go back to the old ‘Hindu rate of growth’.

  246. rana says:

    After listening an interview with the terrorist on indian media we have tried to recall some questions and answers(answers are based on the stupid questions) which are as follows. Indian Anchor person: Aap ka nam?Prank call Terrorist says: Imran Indian Anchor person: Aap kai sathi ka nam?Prank call Terrorist says: Sadullah Indian Anchor person: Acha koi hindu bhi hai ap mai ya sab muslims ho?Prank call Terrorist says: Bagwan kasam sab muslims hain Indian Anchor person: Aap heydrabad Pakistan say hai ?Prank call Terrorist says: Yadi mai bharat kai pachim sai poorab ki dishaoun ki or sai hun matlab pakistani punjabi hun. Indian Anchor person: Aacha apa yeah bataee kay aap kaha say or kaisai aayi haiPrank call Terrorist says: Titanic karachi say Indian Anchor person: Acha apkai boat pai khuch likha howa tha?Prank call Terrorist says: G Pakistan Indian Anchor person: Acha woh jo boat kai sath pani laga howa tha woh kahan ka thaPrank call Terrorist says: G woh bhi pakistani tha Indian Anchor person: Aap ka talaq kis lashqar say hai:Prank call Terrorist says: G lashkare pakistan sai Indian Anchor person: Aap ko pata hai aap ko commando maar dai gaiPrank call Terrorist says: nahi hamain nahi pata ham to yahan amb lainai ai thaiG zara jaldi interview lain bahar comandos nanagai phir rahai hain Indian Anchor person: Ap ki mangai kiya hain?Prank call Terrorist says: G comandoes ko kahain kai mun dhanp lain Indian Anchor person: Achaa aap yeah batain kay aap kitnay loog hai? aur aap ko pata hai aap masoom logou ko maar rahay hai ? Prank call Terrorist says: yai hamai a kai pata chala hai kai ap waqai bohat masoom hain pailai hamai vishwash nahi tha Indian Anchor person: aap ko pata hai aap ko charoo taraf say commandos nay gahair lia hia Prank call Terrorist says: ider to 3 tarafain hain chothi ka hamai pailai nahi tha pata

  247. Free says:

    Dear gurudat tiwari,I wanna say for u “Aaslli pari ka dhaga ______ phati too bhaga “Please fill the suitable word for yourself.

  248. Jass says:

    U r investmnet banker and writing this whole crap.. saying its a fun stuff.U know the problem is not with the Illiterate masses of south east asia… but the educated fools who think they know everything.Just be sensible…. think wisely before saying anything.

  249. Wasi says:

    You Indians can’t fix my Dell, nor can you prevent a bunch of maniac terrorists from coming into your largest port on a dingy boat.Don’t blame Pakistan. Blame yourselves.

  250. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    ambica,i am sure u r a brain child of so called seculars who r acting as shekschillis. mind u and mr. that the partition of this nation was clearly on religion. the gandhis and nehrus allowed these rascals to continue in this contry. y the muslims r not agreeing for common civil code, y they need article 370 in kashmir if its integral part of INDIA? we do not need any pakistanis to certify whether modis, advanis are terrorists or not. our government is capable of finding it look at yourself first. unfortunately we have lot of ambicas in this country to support u……Let us not forget that were more Muslims who did not vote in favour of creation of Pakistan than the Muslims in the whole of Pakistan at that time. And it is because of the Modis and the Advanis that Muslims have felt insecure since independence. And the BABRI MASJID DEMOITION only added to that feeling of insecurity, and it is also true that before the BABRI MASJID DEMOLITION terrorism was there but on a much smaller scale. It has grown enormously in magnitude since then.

  251. pankaj says:

    after having realized pak is a mess, pakis have moved on to another dimenion. what used to be india-pak earlier, is now india-china. they take pleasure in comparing china to india and coming up with arguments like how china has done so much and india so little. i feel sad for their existence for it is to belittle indians that they live for. if muslims in india are not treated well, i would say muslims in pak are treated like pigs. anyway the point is bringing down india wont make u better, and if u think so u r being jihadi urself. u know u r fucked and wish that ur neighbour will also be and therfore look for reasons. my 2 cents – look at how u can overcome ur internal problems. till u divert ur preciuos little resources away from anti india activities, u r going to be bankrupt ,pathetic nation living in shadow of US/China.. as for ur favourite topics of how bad india is – gujrat and babri etc…yes things have happened in the past, but a slap in the face of all u pakis who believe and wish india will crack into pieces- we had punjab and u tried ur best there. after the 84 riots, cynics like u were again wallowing in how pathetic things were in india. just too soon, look where we r today. the problem isnt there.its dead. and punjabi n sikh community r much better off than ever before. same will happen with muslims in india and u will be still in ur shithole trying to point fingers unless u do something abt urself. i dont need ur advice honestly and u dont need mine.therfore i dont go into detail of how bad ur situation is. we in india have taken care of bad situations and will do so in future. coz the idea of our nation is not jihad, not comparing- it is not outward we look inwards and try to improve no matter how slow and painful the process is. it is to live and let live.

  252. tauseefuppal says:

    AaH! The Innocent Indians! They never done any thing in this world and like just born! AaaH! Look inside your country first . . . . the new evolving power of the world… Aaah!

  253. kami8999 says:

    Please make sure all of you what are you saying………………………is productive and your own mind and your own soul will take when some one will say to you same thing. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee mediate good news good examples dont try to be the best, dont try to be the winner, try to solve when you want to discuss. Suppose if tommorow this all thing planned from india or any of your friend thruough all these channels whcih they linked to paksitan or to muslims. you will feel ashamed. Discuss, try, to get the information, to give the good massage that i am here for you, dont be with them who want to kill you, donk make the army of the terrorist that tomorrow you will think yourself responsible for that.

  254. Wasi says:

    Strange, my Indian co-workers at Goldman have all been sensible. Maybe because they are mostly Brahmin. Are you guys Dalits?

  255. Free says:

    Pronova,We hate english as this is not our language. We love urdu and we are urdu speaking and proud of it.

  256. kami8999 says:

    Wasi you are right and i appreciate your efforts to create a good atmosphere, but requesting not to use bad words which will ………. be possitve and dont answer who is using bad…..

  257. Wasi says:

    I never knew Indian richshawwallas were addicted to commenting on blogs.

  258. Евгения says:

    if we want we can finish ur america and u little country known as pakistan. but we r fighting terrorist,globally so get united that’s my point.russia is india friend any attack on it or its people, we take it personaaly.i just wish the India government asks for our help. then we will show the whole world our power.and will come in your country again and kill the terror bredding cowards.osama’s skull will be hanging at the red Square.. thats a promise.

  259. ravi says:

    pakistan= terrorist,terrorist=muslims, so muslims=terrorist just vanish muslim

  260. Air says:

    Wasi’s Mother up for sale – $2 not $2 millionBonus – Sister is free of chargeFor Gays – Wasi with chipped(katva) penis

  261. Wasi says:

    Thanks, Kami.I have a problem with cursing. But I am glad we both agree on peace.I am a Pakistani who has donated to a fund for Indian victims. What do I get in return? Death threats and hate speech.Modi the maniac has eaten Gandhi’s message and shitted out the Indians commenting on this site.

  262. zassy says:

    Instead of talking about the eradication of terrorism, emotional mental wrecks are spoiling this blog post dear. better close it.

  263. PRONOVA STENT says:

    free and wasi,u only love urdu, urdu is a very good language but can u earn your livelyhood with urdu, if u can then why are u responding in English. You like urdu only then just lock urself in a room and keep on reading why are u here on this site just get lost.

  264. Shripal says:

    Dude, you need to understand that the finger is, in essence, pointing to PoK, which incidentally stands for PAKISTAN occupied Kashmir. Let me ask you one question, “If you feel Pakistan is not involved, why is your government scared of sending your ISI chief for a meeting? Even the USA has been speaking about the ISI’s role every now and then. India has, every now and then, provided concrete proof that Dawood Ibrahim is in Karachi and also that there are terror camps in PoK. Why is your Government open to a proper UNO inspection? Is this a classic case of CHOR KI DAADHI MEIN TINKAA?

  265. Free says:

    Mr Евгения, Please do not interrupt between us. This is the matter of two nations. So keep your mouth shut and remember the war in Afghanistan.Regards,Yousuf.

  266. pankaj says:

    now i know the reason y Goldman needs bailouts. for they have been hiring jihadis – wasi and the likes.

  267. Jass says:

    I think u will feel happy…seeing faults in other society n their misery. And felt secured that may be your in worse situation but someone else is doing bad. Wrong logic.But the truth is life moves on…. ind is progressing(may be slowly )with all its difficulties n it will keep on surely. Really feel sad 4 u….

  268. Maveriq says:

    Common man in both the countries face similar problems(unemployment, poverty etc etc and now terrorism)… Only thing we want pakistan government to do this.. crack down on the terroist training camps. Where do you think these guys got trained.???

  269. Rupam Srivastava says:

    This is ridiculous!! The whole world knows what Pakistan’s intentions have been ever since the country came into existence… right from the ’65 and ’71 wars … to the battle of Kargil…and now the Mumbai attacks. Don’t worry mate, the evidences that have already emerged and are soon going to come up through this nabbed ass hole Azam Amir Kasav.. will gag u.Also, this issue is not between Hinduism and Islam… it is between the ideologies of the 2 nations. I am certainly proud that the Muslim population in India far outpaces the total population of Pakistan… and more than that … their ideologies and integration is first with the soil of India and not with Islam.Having said that… the guys, especially Wasi.. who thinks himself to be some sort of tycoon….although appearing no more than a dick head is comparing India’s and Pakistan’s state of affairs .. Pakistan is no where near compared to India.. be it the economic development, academic and scientific accomplishments, sports or the over all intellectual wealth. Shit to the ideologies of the ISI and the extremist, austere lot in Pakistan who associate Islam with Jihad.Thanks!

  270. Wasi says:

    Russia is another shit country. If oil was not at $150/barrel, you would be drinking horse piss for dinner instead of vodka. Russia’s greatest export is prostitutes and substandard defense hardware.At least India has smarted up and realized its future is with the US, not a shithole like Russia.

  271. none says:

    WASI AND FREE….Tumhari Maa ki chut bhenchod…..bhen ke lodde….mard ho to samne se var karo….pecchhe se 24 buzzdillo ko bhej ke kya fayda?? If I come to Pakistan….I myself will be able to bomb and finish your country in one shot….we are way to strong for your weak and poor atom bombs….whatever bombs we produce are of Indian origin….u guys have no Fucking intelligence and so ask China for nuclear aid….You and your country Pakistan will be finished in 1 fucking day if we Indians loose our mind….u fucking Paki Mock Suckers….if you were infront of me I would have shot u dead Mr.Wasi

  272. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    every terrorist IS PAKI and a MUSLIM……What abt Pragya Thakur and Col. Purohit?This only proves that terrorists have no religion. And Pakistanis have also suffered a taste of what terrorism means and what it can do.Having said that, it is also probably true that the terrorists were from Pakistan, but definitely not all Pakistanis would be celebratin. Let us not forget history, ours and that of Pakistan. And also the role that Pakistan media played in the early years of Pakistan, and still does. And as for the political situation there let’s not make a comment because nobody actually knows who’s in control there… but the ISI and the terrorists camps have to be permanently damaged and crippled to make any real difference…It was also an intelligence failure on the part of our intellligence agencies.

  273. Air says:

    It seems our investment banker got laid off….Has soo much free time to irritate other bloggers…Pease help Mr Wasi my Indian brothers

  274. gugi says:

    Pakistani People perhaps don’t get regular update of news or perhaps they can’t see other’s happy..I mean whole world knows the reality about Pakistan..Let’s just update some of our Pakistani friends about their history..Have you people ever had a stable goverment since your independence..Your goverment leaders are so pathetic that the whole world laughs at you..When Pakistani’s compare India with them they are like comparing elephant and a ant. I mean your country is such a Joke..I am in U.S. and americans laugh at your country..Trust me the whole world knows you people are the weed which would be eradicated next..Now comes the issue of Mumbai attacks..Pakistani people as i repeated as i repeated before don’t know facts as they are so much occupied with causing terror everywhere..As brother Vinay pointed out there were 2 boats hijacked..and one of them was trawler..I am sure some of my pakistani friends would need a dictionary to check the meaning of trawler please do check..It’s fine..i know all you people can read is urdu…Next comes the question of familiarity of the terrorists being so aware of the mumbai roads..Pakistani people are busy preparing another terror strike so they don’t see news anymore..Point is some of the terrorists were already present in Mumbai and had come through aerial route..I am sure you would fail to comprehend all this as you are bunch of terrorists..One more thing we fucked you during the kargil war and your leaders and soldiers went for cover..You asked for it again and you will get it now..The whole world laughs at pakistan and feels sad that there wont be any pakistan soon..Sorry to hear about it..

  275. Free says:

    Mr. Ravi, You indians are habitual to say “The Pakistani are involved”Why u people do not want to look inside?

  276. Pats says:

    People of pakistan… i have a question… dont you want to solve the problem of terrorist… ?the world know most of the wanted people take refuge in your country…and attack other country….you people being citizen are quite for this issue.then how can you stop other people from pointing fingers at you and your country…??plz explain..

  277. andy says:

    I strongly feel that the attacks and the threats are going to continue untill the nation called: Pakistan is there in the world map….the country with its links to other Islamic liberation tribes and terrorist camps in Afghanistan,Iraq,and surrounding area has always been a thorn in the ass of many if not all…Indian politicians…(pm’s,cm’s..bloody swains) all are crippled with the thought process of loosing their position and not makin millions in 5 yr tenure… (example of modi ..speaking to national has dissapointed the nation in his address..bull shit…Other leaders rather than taking a substantial step and dealing the situation with iron hands…are materialistically engaged in having a bash at each other… shame …absolutely shameful… and more over the common man .. knowing everything still votes for these morons….god help us….the difference between us and the western powers is the core fact that once the public chooses its PM or President, the rest of the 5 yrs tenure is spent towards the development of the country rather than fuking each others asses. How come the intelligence /RAW,Interpol..ATS had no clues about the 60 people landing in the coastal area…the fact is.. its us who are equally involved in this… whom to blame ,,,when we are easily swayed by the dollars and pounds…I m not being racist or anti Islamic..but how come all terrorist are from the same roots and Pakistan always is linked to all terrorist activities…??we need a presidential rule no parties any more…shame…shame in deed….

  278. gugi says:

    maa ke lore pakistaniyon..tumhari maa ko chod denge saalo..bhaduwe ki auladon..

  279. Free says:

    Pronova,Offcource we love urdu but Sometime it is necessary to answer the in the same way as asked and this time we are doing. So do not take any tension regarding our english and come to the point.

  280. thomas sawyer says:

    pakis, terrorist MUSLIMS, WASI TYPE PSYCHOS, should not be let to communicate or BLOG, please let them wear BHURKAS and cultivate poppy in thier homes AND LET THEM KILL THEMSELVES.WE NEED NOT COMMENT ON THE PIG WASI, THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS WOT ??????PURRRRRRRR

  281. Wasi says:

    Indians are like little girls that wear high heels. They want to be grown up (a superpower), but they’re not ready.Grow up you idiots. Your country was attacked by murderous terrorists. Your response? Become murderous terrorists yourselves. SMART!!You’re the same idiots who killed Gandhi.

  282. Wasi says:

    ANINDYA BHATTACHARYA, where in London do you live?

  283. gugi says:

    wasi you are a motherfucker..Your mother got fucked from entire India and then gave birth to a bastard/maa ka lore like you..teri jaat khatam kar doonga saale maa ke lore..Allah ki chut saale

  284. Free says:

    Mr. Shrirpal,First of all, keep in mind that we are ready to send our ISI chief to India but what will happen? instead of asking the ISI team, you people should ask an investigation team who will work there and will uproot the indian links on this incident.

  285. NK says:


  286. gugi says:

    wasi kahan mar gaya teri jaat ko khatam karna hai

  287. Tarun says:

    Wasi, you don’t seem to be an investtment banker going by you comments on penises and Aishwarya Rai.

  288. Wasi says:

    Karkare was a good guy. That’s why Modi killed him.

  289. Jass says:

    Cut the crap…….. go away.

  290. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Dear Andy, that’s why I said that we need to keep HISTORY, both ours and of Pakistan, in context. And we also need to keep in mind that there ewre more Muslims who chose to stay on in India because they considered their country, instead of Pakistan, than there were in whole of Pakistan ant the time. And it is because of the MODIS and the ADVANIS that the Indian Muslims have felt insecure. And it was after the BABRI MASJID demolition that terrorism in India picked up pace.

  291. Sahil says:

    This is in response to Mr. Free’s comment “Mr. Indian, “We know your Army. Your so called NSG commandos took three days for killing some terrorist. How you will face our Army ? ?”Well my answer to that is the way we did in ’47, ’65, ’71 and Kargil… simple!!

  292. kami8999 says:

    one thing i want to share about the indian offiecer Mr. Hemant karkare………brave man.But i dont think so terrorist killed himHe was shot from some one else because he was the one who discovered the recent terrorist activities from indians side and some one was behind all of this and guided all of these terrorist and showing all the way up to mumbai and helped them, i request all of my freinds to think for the politicians of india and as well as of pakistan (two big nations with corrupt politicians). i think they are behind all of these scenes, one of the party did this and he will blame on some one and will take advantages, as for the intilligent reports and from the facts which will be on the media in a very little time ( but will be not discussed with pressure) that all these happpened for the reports which was nearly opening to the indian people for the hindus terrorists. And the main officers were these 3 officers whose were killed on first day.Continue………….

  293. thomas sawyer says:


  294. Free says:

    Rupam, also shit the ideologies of RSS, RAW, IB, BSF, bajrangdil etc etc

  295. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Dear Andy, that’s why I said that we need to keep HISTORY, both ours and of Pakistan, in context. And we also need to keep in mind that there ewre more Muslims who chose to stay on in India because they considered their country, instead of Pakistan, than there were in whole of Pakistan ant the time. And it is because of the MODIS and the ADVANIS that the Indian Muslims have felt insecure. And it was after the BABRI MASJID demolition that terrorism in India picked up pace.

  296. MetroSpiritual says:

    When asked to comment on terrorism, Osho had this to say – “Everything is deeply related with everything else that happens. The event of terrorism is certainly related with what is happening in the society. The society is falling apart. Its old order, discipline, morality, religion, everything has been found to be wrongly based. It has lost its power over people’s conscience. Terrorism simply symbolizes that to destroy human beings does not matter, that there is nothing in human beings which is indestructible, that it is all matter ― and you cannot kill matter, you can only change its form. Once man is taken to be only a combination of matter, and no place is given for a spiritual being inside him, then to kill becomes just play.”

  297. Free says:

    Mr. None, chup kar war karnay ki aadat tum hindo’o ki hai … kya 1971 ki jang bhool ga’ey jab tum logo nay pichay say war kiya tha … tum logo ka too fal-safa he yahi hai k “bagal mai chorii … or moo mai ram ram “

  298. PRONOVA STENT says:

    if pak has done it they are not going to get away with this. it is impossible to dictate anything to INDIA now when it is almost a superpower.INDIA never goes down to anything as we are all self made people and very peace loving and friendly till the time others are friendly with us, if some one tries to create nonsense they have got good lessons in the past

  299. Tarun says:

    Wasi, if this is the way a Pakistani investment banker talks, I can imaginge how the average Paki is…This is a discussion forum…please limit yourself to using decent language. You made a start with penises (your obsession)and Aishwarya.

  300. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Dear Metrospiritual, there I am very much in agreement in Osho.

  301. uday says:

    Mr. Free Looking at Geography Economic Conditions Military power you stand nowhere near India and forget about showing those nukes if we use it you would vanish from th globe and 100 150 years if some people are alive would be starved as nothing would grow compared to us you are nowherebeware take this as a warning

  302. Test for Konkani Jamat says:

    To the third class dudes of Pakistan. First of all, instead of been ashamed of what your country is doing, you are putting out the blame to others. Dont forget you are country that is PROUD to be assosiated with Osmana Bin Laden. You third class dumb morons are living a Beggars life with donations from US. You dont even have a economy. So before you crap along, see where India sits and you sit. You are suited to be a toilet whereas we are in the G20.We are and we will be always be better. So all you can do is send third class morons to kill people. But remember your time will come. Because Beggars like you will find a match.To all my Indian brothers, lets start one important Mission today. DESTROY PAKISTAN. Because till these guys are there, the world is a hell to live in.BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FIRST. You third class Beggar

  303. Wasi says:

    You idiots, you should take your anger out on your government. They were sitting drinking chai and eating ladoo, celebrating that they sunk down a Somali ship, while terrorists were laying siege to your financial capital.

  304. Syed says:

    One thing we indians are very peaceful people the day we will say jai hind and march in to any country that will be the end. So world mind it we request humbly dont mess with us. Jai Hind

  305. gugi says:

    wasi madar jaat give me your address..first nuke is coming in your chai only

  306. none says:

    WASI AND FREE….Tumhari Maa ki chut bhenchod…..bhen ke lodde….mard ho to samne se var karo….pecchhe se 24 buzzdillo ko bhej ke kya fayda?? If I come to Pakistan….I myself will be able to bomb and finish your country in one shot….we are way to strong for your weak and poor atom bombs….whatever bombs we produce are of Indian origin….u guys have no Fucking intelligence and so ask China for nuclear aid….You and your country Pakistan will be finished in 1 fucking day if we Indians loose our mind….u fucking Paki Mock Suckers….if you were infront of me I would have shot u dead Mr.Wasi

  307. Free says:

    hahahahah Mr Sahil, you people always fight from behind and you did the same thing in 1965 and 1971, ” bagal mai chorii .. or moo mai ram ram ” idiot

  308. Wasi says:

    You guys are idiots. Karkare was killed by “friendly fire.” Modi had him killed. That’s why his wife rejected Modi’s money.

  309. uday says:

    Hello mr free all the wars you have lost

  310. Free says:

    Mr. Uday……. barking dogs seldom bites ……… keep in mind

  311. Syed says:

    Dont mess with us wasi dont come to India you cheap paki we gave you land to live and money to build on. you wouldnt had survivrd without India.

  312. Ali says:

    Hi everyone,Lot of Blames and denials are zooming every where. Have a chill pill.Few questions first.16 to 20 terrorists enters the mumbai by sea and walked on the roads of mumbai with ammunition which lasted 3 days, unnoticed, how? nobody saw them? if saw no body reported to police? if reported to police no one intercepted them unless they reached VT station, taj, oberoi, nariman? Started killing people. Officials said that one of the terrorists belong to Faridkot multan but faridkot is in azad kashmir i don’t know how they ascertained that he belongs to faridkot multan. what about the rebel movements inside India? stop blaming pakistan on every other incident.

  313. Anurag says:

    Dude..i have 2 words for you..fuck you…wait a sec..i have some more…fuck your marathi mates…damn raj thackeray..we shd have let these bastards die!!!

  314. kami8999 says:

    These 3 leading officers were on the scene. and actually congerese were interested to reveal all of these facts to media, but unfortunately the man (hero) of all this scene was killed.the drama of all this was beaing made up only for this report and one kind of revenge from mr. Karkare.Indian navy already warned the inteligence agency of india about the terrorist activities from the sea side, but………..sorry to saythe links are from some where inside in idia for the mumbai attacksand this all drama is just only to win election.You know the uk and usa passport issued was after killing these 3 officers and karkare for the purpose to link this terror act to the pakistan and muslims or alqaeda.Continue……………….

  315. gugi says:

    free teri maa free ki randi hai naa..karachi ke bazaar ki bikaoo aurat hai..saale ek ek terrorists pakistani tha..tumhari jaat hi aisi hai..tumhari allah ka lulah muh mein daalenge..i speak to bangladeshi’s daily and they are great full that we got pakistani bastards out of that country..madar jaat waasi

  316. Shagnik says:

    OK,Apart from the sentimental statements, it is now clear that the terrorists hijacked a viatnamese vessel, travelled up to the India coast, hijacked a life boat from the boat along with the captain of the tug boat and then travelled up to Colaba. Hence, a Pakistani involvement is clear, but the sentiments of the Pakistani people is also noted.

  317. thomas sawyer says:

    DEAR PAKI NATIONALIST,WHY dont you guys use the begged and borrowed money, from the westerners and jews money to the welfare of your community . BUY new clothes for your women and children and full thier stomach . instead of these PIG DICK sucking JEHADIS using the money to buy GUNS where the money once again goes out to westerners and the mujahids are wotever u call them too GET killed in the process and the women are WIDOWED and become prostitutes.

  318. Free says:

    Mr. Uday, see the reality not the indian newspaper. They gives a new story after every 5 minutes 🙂

  319. andy says:

    u know wat I have all due respect to ppl staying in Pakistan who are forced to stay tere have no other options… my sympathy and empathy….but the fact isits our fault.. during the kargil and the 1971 we shd have completely demolished and destroyed …them…also..plz no swaring to islam.. religion doesnt teach fukin smebdys cunt or bombardin else were…but I donno if the biggest employement generator in pak is Terrorism and that during theis financial crunch too .. the industry is in bommmm….wy not…thnx to U.S Mr Manmohan singh and sonia ji plzz.. for god sake .. forget abt the position and finish this once in for all….

  320. Aishwarya says:

    “Big Dick” WasiYOur country is trying to appease the chinese now. How many mothers, sisters and daughters of your country have you sent to them to build a dam for you. You cant even build a dam for yourself. Earlier your fathers sent your mothers to appease the US. “Allah” knows “True Muslim Sons” born out of appeasement. Now your wives and sisters seem to be happy with the small chicken dicks called chinese. All your women are happy with the other men because your dick is cut at birth. You swines dirty the toilets using bricks and newspapers from the garbage to clean your dicks after passing out.If you found people shitting in a line on a road, probably you were at the whorehouse. I dont understand what a person who visited 25 cities worldwide, earning a self proclaimed “bonus” of $2 million and working at Goldman Sachs doin at that dingy place. By the way, I work for the Louis Vouitton Group as Director International Operations from Paris and I have travelled to many cities too in my privately owned jet. Even somalia was better than Islamabad. We gave back pakistan to you in both the wars after capturing it, because you were crying like kids for candies. And now you have the audacity to shout at Indians again. Start learning to live in a bunker because time now is not on your side and I am going to blow up our ministers if they dont blow pakistan now. And for all your shouts, Modi is our Obama, just as bhutto was for you. Now keep sulking in your dingy becuase your so called “$2 million” is soon to be in flames. And for the kind of language you use, its anybodys guess that you are no more than a pimp than a self proclaimed “investment banker”

  321. gugi says:

    ek bhi indian soldier ka naam liya na apne mooh se maa chod doonga..saale free aur wasi tumhari maan ka bhosra..learn from our muslims..saale they live with us and never stab us..they are true followers of Islam

  322. Tarun says:

    Paksitan is a beggar country Mr. Investment Banker living on the alms provided by US and IMF. Yet they condemn the US.The US army has camped in Pak is kiiling their guys and yet these Hijras just keep quiet.Someday, the US will operate out of Islamabad.

  323. Viks says:

    wat the hell..since time immemorial this so called neighbouring nation of ours hv troubled us..n this time it was no different..jst wait for some revealing truths frm one of the terrorists Azam Amir..That bastards says he wants to live..I say first track the case..Get all info frm him possible n then give him a kind of death that evn the terrorists are terrorrised of..I see a lot of indians here still singing on the same tunes as our noron leaders do..Oh come on , cant u see it fools..

  324. Kashmiri says:

    I am heart broken for the Mumbai massacre and feel sorry about hundreds of innocent lives taken there. I can see the rage and anger of Indian citizens which is natural and it should be there.In fact, it reflects our consciousness . But let me ask a question. Aren’t we the people of Kashmir Humans. Where are you people when the Indian Army does same kind of massacre in Kashmir. Where were you when the Indian Troops killed more than 100 peaceful protesters in August this year. Why u were silent when your so called Brave security forces in Kashmir massacred 60 sikhs in Chatti singh pura and blammed the local kashmiri youth (which was later investigaved after dna test of dead bodies). Y did u remain silentwhen 57 women where rapped in a village by your Matarboomi rakshak batallion in a single crack down night. Doesn’t your intellect shakes you from inside, when in the year 2006, you saw the visual (shown by bbc) of a Security Personnel killing family of a Teacher under his very presence. And many many many such examples of barbarism. Why this biased approach. ??????Enough is Enough!Just Put an end to this blood shed. Pakistan and India should resolve all the difference between them and give up the unfair control of both parts of Kashmir. And it is possible only when we , the people , take step forward.

  325. Wasi says:

    I have to go now. Must prepare for business in Geneva on Monday. It was fun sparring with you stupid Indians. You clearly have demonstrate you are a feeble race, easily responsive to encitement, plagued by delusions of grandeur. India is a piece of shit with nuggets of gold inside. In other words, a piece of shit.I leave you all with a joke:What do you get when all of China takes a shit?India!

  326. khiladi_69 says:

    Dear Pakis,When Kargil happened, and through out that war, your army and government kept denying their involvement. The truth is well known to the world and confessed later by none other than your own politicians. The fact that your government refused to take back dead bodies of your soldiers was shameful !I for one do not think this act has been done with the full knowledge of your current government and army, because now you guys have also experienced first hand the pain of terrorism. Moreover, it would be suicidal for Pakistan fighting at so many fronts to dabble with another proxy war with India, especially one in which US will likely side with India. I do not think your army commanders are that foolish. So please wake up and give up individuals like Dawood who are hiding in your cities. Believe us again, they are no one’s friends !!! Your administration will be scared to hand him over just so that he does not spill out the beans on the past deeds…..for which we will guarantee that he will not be interrogated – he will be shot at sight !

  327. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Daer Aishwarya,Wasi is right here. What he spoke of Kolkata is truee indeed. (Though he may be right for the first time).

  328. Free says:

    abay gugi, mayri too 1 he zaat hai … yey baata k tayri kinti zaatain hai ? bar-haman, ya shoodar ? 😀

  329. Faisal says:

    Media has a way of highlighting the minutest details into flashing breaking news. Even mere assumptions are done with the same manner. People of the subcontinent are impulsive, mercurial and naive at the same time. Media, most of the time gets away with this and we’re left with hatred and confusion. Indians should introspect for a while before jumping to conclusions. Why forget Gujarat, Orissa, Assam etc? Isn’t it very easy to blame Pakistan and Co. everytime such things happen? Every government, in their efforts to save themselves always blame elements across the border, thereby ignoring seeping home grown anger on various mishandled indigenous affairs. There are more than 16-17 organizations within India itself, active with their own motives. But the media does not highlight all that. Where was the so called ‘resilience’ and the ‘unity’ and the ‘spirit’ when carnage was happening in those places? Weren’t those Indians too? Media also has motives and powerful people like politicians backing them. And now Mumbai has had one of it’s own horrific nightmare and the government with the help of media is at it again. Doesn’t all this sound so vague when the so-called terrorists reach the heartland of Indian cosmopolis, with inflatable boats through the Gateway loaded with so much of ammunition inside a 5-star hotel, passing all security unnoticed? Really? The ATS officer who exposed the nexus between the hindu terrorists and the army officer, also dies in this battle, too much of a coincidence? Come on now, even the underworld is brought into the picture. I’m not in the sense of denial that none of the above are involved, but proper information must be imparted to everyone. Just because we require immediate answers, does not mean everything goes. Remember Malegaon? Even a picture of a Pak national was sent across, but it turned into an embarassment for the Indian government when they had to backtrack after the local nexus was exposed. My heart goes out to the innocent people who died in Mumbai. Who were the perpetrators of this heinous crime we might never know.

  330. Syed says:

    We are one nation India. whatever RSS Bajrang not bajrang it is our problem. We unite against any terror attack from aliens and we will Demolish all terrorists who attack us. Wasi ek Hindustani bachha bhi kafi hai tere ghar me akey tere ko maar sakta hai.JAI HIND

  331. Free says:

    Andy, Dont ask anything to your PM as he is ro-boot …….when Sonia wants just press the start button and he starts talking 😀

  332. Tarun says:

    Wasi, IF you have the guts….share your e-mail id or contact number in this forum…I repeat..IF you have the guts…or if you are a TRUE MUSLIM…If you don’t have the guts then…

  333. Jass says:

    Total bullshit is being discussed…. Now I can understand y we as a region deserve this whole misery. May be pakistan more n we bit less. N thats wat is happening.They r in total turmoil … begging from IMF. Left with 2 months fund only.N we as a nation… very talented . But still not among developed nations and cant provide best living standard to very citizen. But we will prevail….. Hope same for every other nation.Please cut the crap…. its just reflecting ur mindset n which is troubling n pathetic

  334. MANOJ says:

    hi, all 1st of all i would say that pakistan is involved in it.They are afraid of India as a growing power .They r idiots and even can’t run a small nation like pakistan.The only thing required from indian army is to drop a bomb in karachi and then there will be peace in the world.They always want kashmir,but ask them can they even run their home properly…..i know that they r not capable of it.There are some indians muslims also in Kashmir who want kashmir to be a part of pakistan,they should be killed 1st or asked to leave india and go and live in the hell”pakistan”.It is a really pooor country financially and also ethically.They are bastards .They should e punished for these by droping a nuclear bomb……JAI HIND……….INDIA IS GR8

  335. andy says:

    well not as good of , fucker and s o bitch as ur pm and president though… man

  336. Free says:

    hahhhhahaha gugi, ham pakistani sri-lankan, bhotani ya maldeep jaysay nahee hai .. jo chup ho kar tumharay samnay sir jhoka dain gay … ham andar tak hath dal dain gay …….. yaad rakhna ……..

  337. Kashish says:

    You are just trying to cover up…how can anyone be stupid to propose they have come from Pakistan(shithole) on an inflatable boat…read up before writing and get your facts right..How long before educated Pakistanis like yourself realize that this will hurt Pakistan too and has already started to

  338. yash says:

    If Pakistan really want to eradicate this menace from its root then this is the right moment to come forward and help India in its investigation. If their are some leads which points fingers on some elements in Pakistan then it should cooperate india in intelligence and information sharing to withstood its sincerity regarding fighting this menace. This is a known fact world over that their are extremist and Jehadi elements in Pakistan who can carry out these kind of sophisticated attacks.

  339. uday says:

    Mr FreeThe reality is we have neighbour which is failed state have been ruled by ditactors for most of the time which is based on idealogy of fundamentalism which is an economically socially and even ethically failed state that is what i would say about pakistan…. thats reality

  340. kami8999 says:

    Dear indian, wasi,free, tarun, gugi, Aishuriya and rudish etc Wake up. the coneection for these acts are inside in india and will soon linked to the elections. Modi want to win and want to get support from dear and bole bale indians dont become again the niwala of these politicians and blame each others.Let us be one help this world and help india to create the world safer from these politiciansand i request my pakistanis friends to bring the revoloution and remove these all corrupts. Because if u will sleep for whole of ur life day will never come. actually this is a day but my indian and pakistani friends should wake up

  341. Kashmiri says:

    I am heart broken for the Mumbai massacre and feel sorry about hundreds of innocent lives taken there. I can see the rage and anger of Indian citizens which is natural and it should be there.In fact, it reflects our consciousness . But let me ask a question. Aren’t we the people of Kashmir Humans. Y don’t you people take the same rage,when the Indian Army does same kind of massacre in Kashmir. Where were you when the Indian Troops killed more than 100 peaceful protesters in August this year. Why u were silent when your so called Brave security forces in Kashmir massacred 60 sikhs in Chatti singh pura and blammed the local kashmiri youth (which was later investigaved after dna test of dead bodies). Y did u remain silentwhen 57 women where rapped in a village by your Matarboomi rakshak batallion in a single crack down night. Doesn’t your intellect shakes you from inside, when in the year 2006, you saw the visual (shown by bbc) of a Security Personnel killing family of a Teacher under his very presence. And many many many such examples of barbarism.Why this biased approach. ??????Enough is Enough!Just Put an end to this blood shed. Pakistan and India should resolve all the difference between them and give up the unfair control of both parts of Kashmir.And it is possible only when we , the people , take step forward.

  342. Free says:

    Mr Syed, barking dogs seldom bites …….

  343. Susamanja says:

    Terrorism means what: I feel it means indiscrimnate killings of mainly innocent people. The aim of a genuine separatist movements as in our past freedom struggle in India should be specific. But this terrorists aim is totally against natural instinct of any life forms on earth. Like Parliament attack can be justified. The only remedy for this is to selectively kill alive all the innocent near and far relatives of the kingpins of this terrorists, who are getting state protection instead.Our money addicted and fond of currency counting at midnight, The Government is just condemn this like a common people, without any responsibility or accountability for which they have been elected by the people. They are also terrorist of our own country in all the sense. They have trained our forces only to combat poor farmers to help corporate houses to grab their land, and protect the riches and money addicted politicians.

  344. Tarun says:

    Kammi, I guess you are sitting in Dubai and don’t know the ground reality. So please keep quiet.You wouldn’t say this if you had a brother or sister who died in this cowardly act in Mumbai. would you???

  345. Amit A says:

    Hey, wat about INdia’s most wanted Dawood, who’s sitting in Your own country. Rather than denial except the fact that your country is supporting terrorism. it’s a GLOBAL HUB for terrorist. There are training Camps all across on Indian and Afganistan borders.Why all the terror attacks show fingers toward Pakistan. You seem to be one whos opposing terrorism like us. Plz start the movement in your country against your leaders, security agencies and religious leader and we all will stand by you.BUT this time your country is involved and <>pray to GOD that we don’t attack you for this.<>

  346. Syed says:

    Yes that we know how loud Pakis can BARK. Dont irritate us that we bite once and there is no Pakistan anymore. Jai Hind

  347. Free says:

    hahahahah …yar syed apas ki baat hai .. tum too shah say b zyada shah k wafadar (kutty) niklay 😀good doing nice job yar …. keep it up

  348. Anand says:

    Hello All,First of all, lets not make this an India vs Pakistan debate. There are people whose lives have been taken, and/or changed dramatically overnight. Indian, or Pakistani, we all must stand together in solidarity first, and then resort to out bickering.I noticed a lot of comments laced with hatred. Pointless really! Vinay got it spot on… by pointing fingers at Pakistan, we do not say that the Govt. of Pak, or the people of Pak are the perpetrators of violence. However, the current fledgling govt has proven to be utterly incapable of handling this issue. When they could not thwart a JW Marriott in their own backyard, do you think they would be able to o something about the Mumbai Attacks? Lashkar is a militant outfit.. and will remain that. Not an islamic, or a pakistani outfit. And someone has asked why the NSG took so long to flush out the terrorists… well, if we had been as inhuman as the pakistanis, just as what they would have done, we too could have gone all out against them and killed all the civilians in the process. And my dear Pakistani friend, with what face would you comment about our military strength? I really think you guys have long term memory loss. Dont you remember the thumping delivered to you in all the wars you waged against us? @Wasi, come on pea-brain! Penis length and courage have no co relation. If your utterly fucked up govt cant control the ISI, why do they take a high morale stand of first being agreeable to send the ISI chief, and then chickening out with the evidence India has against the ISI? Look at the shambles your country is in before talking about mine. Try and do something about that rather than sitting and letting your country rot… seriously.. the stench is emanating into India too! Cheers!

  349. Free says:

    Amit, your are right. We are starting the movement against all the mentioned organization. By the way when you are going to start the movement against the RSS, bajrang and other extremist organizations? and recently a group of Army officers has revealed. So what about them ? Please reply ammit .

  350. thomas sawyer says:

    urdu is such a beautiful language,Quran a really good leveller.i have plenty of MUSLIM individuals friends @ INDIA,WASI and the stereotype PIG headed PAKISTAN -soon to be – KHABRISTAN open ur eyes and GROW UP.YOU people are living on christian – westerners – Jewish – and INDIAN loaned money,cant blame you WASI, you donated 1000 $ he he he,,,,BY birth PAKIS are LIARS, i am sorry to say this .you guys learn lying / cheating / killing / in your moms womb,pity the mothers of PAKISTAN..HOPE they were no in your country…a day will come to PAK when all mothers will leave your country…and you all HOMOSEXUAL PAKIS wont be able to re produce …children terrorists???????pretty soon your country is going to be BOMBED by allied forces of INDIA – USA – UK – aus /denmark/France/Germanwith the consent of the whole world, Dear WASI your COMMUNITY is in the verge of being eradicated,plus the CURSES……..of MILLIONS…you have NO CHANCE PAL…u attacked TWIN TOWER.its still THERE…….YOU attacked parliament its still there…..THe TAJ will be rebuilt…..BUT PAKISTAN………He he he will be NOT AVAILABLE in the MAP

  351. thomas sawyer says:

    urdu is such a beautiful language,Quran a really good leveller.i have plenty of MUSLIM individuals friends @ INDIA,WASI and the stereotype PIG headed PAKISTAN -soon to be – KHABRISTAN open ur eyes and GROW UP.YOU people are living on christian – westerners – Jewish – and INDIAN loaned money,cant blame you WASI, you donated 1000 $ he he he,,,,BY birth PAKIS are LIARS, i am sorry to say this .you guys learn lying / cheating / killing / in your moms womb,pity the mothers of PAKISTAN..HOPE they were no in your country…a day will come to PAK when all mothers will leave your country…and you all HOMOSEXUAL PAKIS wont be able to re produce …children terrorists???????pretty soon your country is going to be BOMBED by allied forces of INDIA – USA – UK – aus /denmark/France/Germanwith the consent of the whole world, Dear WASI your COMMUNITY is in the verge of being eradicated,plus the CURSES……..of MILLIONS…you have NO CHANCE PAL…u attacked TWIN TOWER.its still THERE…….YOU attacked parliament its still there…..THe TAJ will be rebuilt…..BUT PAKISTAN………He he he will be NOT AVAILABLE in the MAP

  352. axay_indian says:

    hey have send $1,000 check to the Mumbai blast victims but you big dick birdhead paki.. u don’t realise that this fund which pakistan has organised is for the pakistani terrorist who got sent to hell by our brave indian soldiers..and mr wasi and all pakis stop being proud of your big penises .. if you wanna see how big da indian penises are then send your pakistani virgins to india insetad of the birdhead terrorists, and you will relise by the ruptures in their pee holes, how big the indian penises are.. by the way are you doing Phd on pakistani penises in karachi univeristy??

  353. kohin says:

    I just want to say one thing terrorist don’t have any religion or god.They just have one excuse that they are Jihadis and are doing this for the sake of Muslims,but if they fire indiscriminately at people do they identify weather the person getting hurt belong to which cast or creed.Excuses excuses.Every country had loop holes,we cannot deny the fact.People from India are definatly involved or else such a wast and thought of operation could not be possible.But Yes pakistan being a small country as compared to India,if cannot eradicate such kind of menace to society then i think it should erased from the Map Completely as an example for those countries and people who even think of such a low down act as the one that took place at MUMBAI MERI JAAN.

  354. Ali says:

    yaar i think indians are right india mein sab kuch hamari wajah say hi hota hai. Infact inki ulaad bhi hamari waajah say hi hoti hai khassi hain saalay.Hey Indians jab bacha hota hai tu baap ki jagah par pakistan likhwatay ho yaa ISI?

  355. Free says:

    Dear Anand,Earlier, we were trying to make them understand that let the full details come then we will discuss but some buys were continuously blaming on Pakistan. We are just only giving the answers. Offcourse terrorist has kiiled innocent people and we all are with the indian nations but if someone will blame on us we will not listen. If you have a proof then show it instead of blaming.

  356. Ali says:

    Hey free they don’t have any proofs they only know one name Pakistan, we are on their minds all the time.

  357. Free says:

    yar Ali, kya bacha payda karnay main bhee ISI involve hoti hai ? agar hoti hai too its mean ………………. sorry to say yar …..

  358. JP says:

    Hey WasiU igonorant, illiterate!! I doubt if u know even little about your own country!!I doubt u too is a terrorist who doesnt like peace!jp

  359. Tarun says:

    Ali, jo tu karta hai who dusrey nahin kartey…apne yeeh aadat apne bachhon ko mat dena

  360. mohammedansari65 says:

    I wonder Pakistani government who is holding a begging bag in their hand and moving door to door for Aid has time and energy to allow ISI and their nut plans to go forward. Now ISI chief is backing out and not willing to come to India. What happened with all those big promises their PM and Foriegn ministers have made. Well they they very well they will get cought when the things will be put in front of them.——- Ansari

  361. Free says:

    Ali,kya in logo ko pata hai k jab in k yaha jab bacha payda hota hai too iss main ISI involve hoti hai ? q bhai logoo … Ali is right ?

  362. Gomzee says:

    <>o.k mr. pakistanis you are absolutely correct,you people are very much innocent,these attacks on mumbai is done by us. actually we play sometimes like this,infact you are not involve any kind of terrorism anywhere in the world.if you are justifying by mere some pictures and graph that how could terrorist approach to mumbai.then i think you are right …how could people dont actually go outside from pakistan then how could you do that such activity…IF YOU HAVE A MIRROR IN YOUR HOME THEN LOOK AND ASK TO YOURSELF WHAT ARE YOU JUSTIFYING WITH THESE EXPLAINATIONS WITH GRAPHS…TERRORISM <>

  363. Ali says:

    Free yaar har cheez mein indians sochtay hain pakistaan involve hai tu i think yeh log apnay bachoon kay bap ki jagah pakistan hi likhatay hoon gay naa.Baap ka naam“pakistan tay paa doo”

  364. prateekdeepti says:

    Dear, i just want to say one thing , why r u thinking so…i m not blaming that it is ur country responsible for every thing happening in India..but only point is this why every wire is connected to u all .my question is why..for a moment i believe that it is not ur country … but what abt kargil , what abt 1993 blast, …plz give answer to me….want to know u r great thought abt all i asked

  365. Aniruddha says:

    dude, before asking the world to use brains, u use yours. the row boats were not used from katrachi. They crossed international waters in trawlers which have been captured by Navy. they made 40-50 km in the boats.As for ur questions on how paki nationals made it to mumbai before, well is it new to u that paki terorists infiltrate india from pakistan, bangaladesh and nepal? is it new to u that pak and ISI sponsored terrorists recruit local muslim assets in India and make them do this dirty work? wake up and get rid of ur denial mode.the denial mode of ppl like u in pakistan is gonna destroy ur own country as well and iam sure u can see the signs of it. Or is it that u cant see that as well!!!

  366. Free says:

    hahahahahahahha yar ali………… halka hath rakhooo warna ko’e bhee answer nahee day ga or sab bhag ja’en gay 😀

  367. mohammedansari65 says:

    WasiI am a muslim and proud to be an Indian. You guys are really cheap and its better your crickters and singers stay back in your country only. They come to India with to earn money and this is what we get in return you guys should be stripped and throw back to your fucking Pakistan.… Ansari

  368. shashank says:

    Some of the comments on the blog are very offensive and I would urge the moderator to show more restraint.We should let the investigation be done. Also stop blaming politicians for everything. We have a long and bloody history and despite all the talk of people being inherently friendly to each other we know that the seeds of mistrust are deep. The present President of Pakistan has been a very reasonable man so far and Indian government should strengthen his position by continuing with the peace process. @Political Leaders:Please remember that both couontries possess nuclear weapons so we should not have loose talk of war.@pakistani friends:In the Samjhauta Express case, the radical “abhinav bharat” groups role was only speculated. The case in which their involvement is almost certain is the “Malegaon Blast” for which “Student Islamic Movement India” was blamed and not Pakistani agencies.

  369. Tarun says:

    Waise, Pakistan bhi bharat ki paidaish hai…Ha Ha Ha

  370. Free says:

    yar Ali mai nay soona hai k aaj kal Aishwariya pregnant hai ? kahi iss main bhee ISI too nahee ? ? ?

  371. Aishwarya says:

    The Chinese invention called smothered ball Wasi is off to Geneva. Hahaha, what a joke. You started selling your wives, sisters, daughters and mothers to citizens of switzerland too. WoW and you have a business plan for that. Pakistan is truly going global.And Mr/Ms.Kashmiri, Kashmir problem is your own creation, Either learn to live with us or die protesting. Kami8999, if there is one politician in India who can stick his ball out and proclaim I mean what I said, then that is Modi. We need a man who knows what he is doing so that he does something, unlike others who try to appease the masses and do nothing.

  372. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Ali Bhai waise to Pakistan bhi India ki paidaaish ha???

  373. Tarun says:

    Free…tere paida hone main ISI ka haath pair…wagerah zaroor lagta hai 🙂

  374. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Ali Bhai waise to Pakistan bhi India ki paidaaish ha???

  375. Ali says:

    Hay ansaari the great indian, don’t u remember what they did to the muslims in gujrat and other riots in india. who is responsible for that atleast in pakistan muslims never did this to hindus. now what?

  376. sri says:

    hi Yusuf, Wasi and Jawed,First of all let us deal with East Pakistan as you said Yusuf. If you want a dig in history of East Pakistan let it be. At the time of Bangladesh independent struggle there were millions of your Muslim brothers took asylum in India to escape atrocities of Your soldiers in East Pakistan. I heard so many stories from your Muslim brothers that they were forced to stand in line one behind another and shooted at point blank range to kill as many as possible at single shot to save bullets. India had no option but to interfere in East Pakistan internal affairs to solve the problem. America and all other superpowers know that there is no alternative except creating Bangladesh that is why they did not come to rescue your country even though you were one of the best allies in the region at that time. At that we caught 90,000 of your soldiers, yet we treated them as war prisoners we did not use them to extract benefits to our nation. Ashamed of yourself and to all your brethrens, that your Muslim brothers are using innocent lives to achieve their criminal goals.If terrorists are from our country we are not afraid of finding them and reporting them in the media and applying the same law of land to treat their crimes. It is our people and our media who publicised the true facts without even fearing the political repercussions because of that. Can your media and your police do that? Can Pakistan society investigate without fear and report such involvements of rogue elements, who are living with you enjoying VVIP status and hijacking your countries mission. Why can’t you people come up against your own evils? It is because you possess that evil nature inherently in you. To Mr. Wasi,On China matter, We are living in democracy, even though they are against the State we did not kill them without giving them a chance to explain themselves, definitely not in thousands at a time. For every rupee we spent on development and on army there would be general purpose for the good of the country. Not for the purpose of showing our muscle like China. If you cannot read about recent unrest in China labour market, you better update yourself with latest news about what the forcible development may lead to.To Mr. Javed,You are trying very well to steer the matter away. But there is nobody buying the Advani matter in case of Mr.Karkare’ s death. It is suicidal for them to create such mayhem to divert the attention on them.

  377. KK says:

    Hang on a min, do all the ‘Babooshkas’ talking Big here hv any idea what the collision between the two countries be like? this is not 60s n 70s, you dont talk big when other side also holds nukes, they both hv to work together to destroy the nasty ideology, where they mix religion with politics , stop this nonsense of oh we can punish Pak like US did to Afghans and Iraq,youv all seen wht the results are of silly ‘War On Terror’?, millions lost their lives so stop bolshiting to yourselves. Get a grip, ppl you r blaming r not safe themselves!

  378. Apurv says:

    Who says no pakistani involvement …dude do we forget what ISI brought upon us all these years fomenting terror and terrorist agencies…..Why?We All don’t blame that all n pakistani people are doing it but yes…a portion of jerkheads are really no doubt doing it…….We need to wipe them TOI carries an Poor pakistan to save the world…if you cant get the weeds out gives us the right to hot pursuit and let us swipe them out…moreover why blame Pakistan..our own government misses the guts required had it been some bold leader like Indira Gandhi ji,,,,story was over by now.boom boom boom…over….Right now get that jerhead in captivity get every thing in his memory flushed out on record then execute him in public view…aye aye i must al qaida style.right…you reap what you sow don’t you???????

  379. Free says:

    Dear Parateek, ok i will give u answer of your questions but tell me first what u attacked on Pakistan at night on 1965? why u did interfere in our internal matter when we were fighting against the terrorist in East Pakistan in 1971 ?you were fighting against china in 1962 and we did not interfere that time bcoz we are a responsible pakistani and we know that this is the matter of two nations and we did not interfere. but you people interfere in 1971 why ? answer plz.

  380. mohammedansari65 says:

    Wasi,You say you bring $$ to my country India. Do you guys have $$ I am surprised to read. Your country is holding begging bowl in hand and moving door to door for money so they can pay they Debt. Your statement is more then a Joke. I am sure you are in India to collect some $$ from donors so you can help your Pakistan.… Ansari

  381. Free says:

    Mr. Ansari, actually our crickets and singers make u fool and earn the money :)simple

  382. My says:

    I think now PAKI ISI might come to India because the operation is over all this time he was busy talking to terrorist and was suggesting them what to do through out the operation. but now that the operation is over is has lots of free time, unless he is planning other such operation. Blogger didn't even followed all the coverage ass hole terrorists caught clearly told that they were in communication with their leader in PAK(hell) all the time. Even they were using PAKI GOVT secured network to communicate. Who gets a free access to secured network for 55 hrs.(& 7-8 lines)What do you say you blogger.You talk about hindu terrorism you people have forced hindus to do it. How long do you think people should be tolerating such nonsense from your people. when not doing anything but just counting their vote banks.NOVICE YOU….

  383. Syed says:

    Ali that is our problem what has happened to Muslims in India. Well the percentage of hindus living in pakistan is so nominal if you kill them there will beno one left for you guys to kill in pakistan except muslims. Tere ghar mein jab jhagra hota hai do u go to your neighbours for sympathy. Hum Hindustani hai har ek Insaan yahan pehle Indian hai. there is always good and bad everywhere.

  384. Tarun says:

    Free-ISI ki paidaish 🙂 …itihaas gawah hai ki India has never attacked was always Paki

  385. Ali says:

    achaa ji? indian muslim saab we fought for our homeland we snatched it from indians.

  386. Free says:

    Dear Shashank,ya i m also saying the same thing that please stop blaming on pakistan. Let the investigation comes then we will give our comments.

  387. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Mr. Free, aapko shayad nahi ki ek baap ko apne bachche ko maarne mein kitni takleef hoti hai, chaahe woh kitni hi naalayak kyun na ho. Pakistan case mein bhi India ka reaction kuchh aisa hi hai isi liye ab tak Pakistan salamat hai, warna nestanabood ho gaya hota.

  388. Free says:

    Tarun, Please correct your knowledge about history, pakistan bharat ki pay-da’esh nahee hai ….. bad-shahoo k zamany ko yaad karoo jab tum log mi-ra-c hova kartay thay …

  389. Tarun says:

    Fought …Ha Ha Ha…fought and then took a daan of 60 crores…from India so that you could run Paki…what a joke…Ha Ha Ha…

  390. Avik says:

    I think if all of indians pee at a time facing pakistan then the entire NATION of Pakistan will get flooded…….so Indians come let us pee on the face of those Pakis….

  391. Ali says:

    syed man read what "MY" has written in his comment. "Indian politicians are counting on their vote bank otherwise u have been eliminated". go ask hindus what are they? Indians or Hindus for sure they'll say Hindu>

  392. Gomzee says:

    <>are Ali dr. you people are innocent ho dont know anything abt i dont know why american are doing hole from afganistan …even they do know tat u already have a big hole.are Ali bhai aap log bohot achhe aur sidhe ho yaar.gr8 jobVAISE KIS ORGANISATION SE HO YAAR…AUR NEXT KYA PLAN HAI<>

  393. Tarun says:

    Ali…check the state of affairs in your own country…you have a mentally unstable man running the country…take care…

  394. Free says:

    Tarun, agar itihas(history) gawah hai k pakistan nay pahlay attach kiya tha too kya tum loog lahore mai AACHAR laynay aa’ey thay 😀

  395. uday says:

    Dear mr. freeIn year 1965 pakistan was not fightinh terror it was making attrocities on the minorites in east pakistan then known.and i feel its very much hurting mr. free because our army had captured whoping 96 thousand Pakistani army personnal in now called bangladesh….. it that true mr free………………

  396. Tarun says:

    Nahi…kuch aur ‘Free’ paid karne aaye they :-)….

  397. Free says:

    loo bhai ….. 1 or aa gaya … bara bhai bannay k liay ………abay itna yaad rakhna k agar ham logo nay pahlay attack kiya too tum log apni dhoo-tiya b sambhal nahee paa’o gay

  398. says:

    My name is majid, i am from peshawar and i live and work in dubai. I read all the above comments.Who is saying that pakistan is invvolved in it, well i dont think that pakistan is behind these attacks coz now a days pakistan’s situation is very crucial. we are facing danger inside our country. not from india. how can we afford to support this terror attack even our repute in all world is down. i dont think. this is nonsense.lemme point out some facts here. some facts from Indian Media. few terror attacks like samjhota express. and maaligaao explosion. what you peopple think who was behind these attacks. at that time indian media was continuesly reporting that pakistan is behind that attacks. But if pakistan was behind all these attack then who is that indian army colonal sri kant prohat. ok leave this case. lemme bring your attention to an other news attack on indian parliment. will soem one believe that if the terrorist are atacking indian parlliment. and they will keep their passport, mobile phones and Identity Cards in their pockets. to help investigators to get their complete address. but it happened in attack on indian parliment.This is the same situation like in 2001 9/11 when two planes collapsed with WTC the CIA OR FBI found a Passport of a hijacker.Totally Non Sense. Being a Pakistani i can not change your point of view. but what i can do is to put my comments in front of you people. *********************************AND LET ME CLERIFY ONE THING THERE IS NO CITY FARIDCOT IN PAKISTAN. There are two places like this in subcontinent Asia. 1. FaridPur, Bangladesh2. FaridCot Near Jaipur, India

  399. My says:

    Wasi asshole. who told you to come to India. you asshole you can noit feed your family back in your country thatz the reason you come to India to freeky begger. you do not bring money to out country infact you take bheek from Our country you should be happy that India is feeding your family you asshole. you people will never progress beca. you can not do anything but keep bothering people kill other muslims too when time comes.Don’t ever come to our country. we don’t need shit like you.

  400. My says:

    Wasi asshole. who told you to come to India. you asshole you can noit feed your family back in your country thatz the reason you come to India to freeky begger. you do not bring money to out country infact you take bheek from Our country you should be happy that India is feeding your family you asshole. you people will never progress beca. you can not do anything but keep bothering people kill other muslims too when time comes.Don’t ever come to our country. we don’t need shit like you.

  401. anurag says:

    Just in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Kuran and mohammed saheb… Amen

  402. Syed says:

    Nahi Ali that is a wrong conception. Hindus are Hindus Hindu ka matlab hai Hindustani. hindustani in english means Indian. Jo bhi hai yeh apna internal hai. Y r u getting involved. see the muslims who think Hindus are bad give them shelter invite them to your country or anywhere. The muslims who think they are indians first they can stay here. Kisi ko to pakar ke nahi rakha hai yaha par.

  403. Ali says:

    hahahahaha “MY” deleted his post.

  404. Peace says:

    after reading some of these comments i would like to say that it brings us no where to pin point fingers to indians or pakistanis. As an Indian citizen let me say that we have to look into the root cause of why this horrific incident (or seriouse of incidents) took place at the first place and ask many more questions like what is our government (this goes out to my pakistani neighbour too) doing or not doing to breed such acts of terror. We should not allow such incidents to get us emotional and start pin pointing fingers to each other. This is the main aim of terror acts. I really hope that one day hindus, muslims, christians, jews etc can live in peace and harmony together world wide and learn to tolerate each other. We indians have to also remember that we are not a solely hindu country or a muslim country or….., but a multireligous country, which is wonderful.

  405. Free says:

    Friends………. wait i m just coming from India ……… ohhhhh sorry i mean coming from wash-room….

  406. bhavin says:

    It is beyond my horizon of understanding why are we even talking to some ill-informed teen or probably a retard living in denial.Get your facts right chap before you write on such sensitive issues or atleast refrain from saving ISI’s arse who has long been infamous for funding terrorism in our country. EITHER YOU DON’T WATCH AND READ NEWS OR IF YOU DO I PRESUME THE PAK MEDIA ISN’T GIVING YOU THE FULL PICTURE.

  407. yashvinder says:

    Hi all,Predominantly this attack has shattered hope in Indian political system, with message blasting across India where is Raj thakhre … and so on the bara bhai of Mumbai…. to speculation mumbai refreded as fear city and diffrent articles in Times Newyork. The people who did this were kids 20 – 22 max 24 years of age.. I would like to point out how trained they were and fearless and the minwashed from every side. If the call themselfs as Jihaddisss again very sorry for them as they definately going to get Dozak( Hell ), shooting at innocent people and women is definately insane. I personally believe its wrong part on both the countries. Pakistan – unable to control terrorist and India week in its defence. Their has to be a separate military budget for military excersises. As a country with a size of Chattisgarh has bigger coast line force where as India’s 18 major ports are controled by port guards with mere pistols Navy intervine only in case of War times………

  408. amandeep says:

    wasi saab ne bahot bada ehsaan kiya hai 1000$ de kar… humare itne paisa kaha se aayenge.wasi se koi kahe ..humne 1947 me pure 65 crore diye thei…aaj tak to humne kabhi es baat ka jikar tak nhi kiya…r ab ye 50,000rs ki bat kar rahe hai…its clear that all the terrorist who attacked in mumbai are from pakistan and noone need to prove this. its their habit of not accepting the identity of their own people. what they didnt achieved from straight war they are trying to achive frm few terror attacks. well…what we had given to you ( by mistaken) we will take it back in one moment. whole world know about the role of pak in terrorism . jab ye apne former PM ko nhi baksh sake to rest of d world ky ahai enke liye….

  409. Ali says:

    Yaar Free don’t forget to flushout the indians from the pot hole.

  410. says:

    I am Telling you guys.this is all a drama pakistan / mujahideen, kashmir. this all things are against muslims. muslims of all over the world wat ever muslim is from india, pakistan or afghanistan. you can not see a nuclear power Pakistan. and i think things will get more worst. but lets seebeing a Muslims 1st Pakistqani 2nd i hope for the best. for Pakistan and for India.

  411. tangerine says:

    hey…who is this dick called wasi???and he sent us a check for the mumbai victims?duh…wow…i salute u dude…u have been able to ruffle up the indians very much …reallywell,nothing to say to u man…carry on…

  412. Tarun says:

    Free…you said Lahore main kya karne aaye they…acually Lahore ke washroom mein tere jaise aur paida karne aaye they… Ha Ha Ha…tu kahan paida hua hai…India ya Pkistan mein…ab soch kar bol…

  413. Ali says:

    oo pai amandeep, take it back what ever u given us. u r trying for last 61 years but….

  414. Ali says:

    oo pai amandeep, take it back what ever u given us. u r trying for last 61 years but….

  415. Syed says:

    We Indians made a big mistake 60 yrs ago humne cancer to alagkar diya lekin mitaya nahi jo duniya bhar mein spread ho rahi hai now time has come we have to get rid of it. JAI HIND

  416. Tarun says:

    Ali…I guess you are talking of the Indians we sired by fucking you Pakis…HA HA HA….

  417. Syed says:

    We Indians made a big mistake 60 yrs ago humne cancer to alagkar diya lekin mitaya nahi jo duniya bhar mein spread ho rahi hai now time has come we have to get rid of it. JAI HIND

  418. Tarun says:

    Ali…I guess you are talking of the Indians we sired by fucking you Pakis…HA HA HA….

  419. bhavin says:

    FREE,If u think India is a washroom, does that mean that the pakis are some piece of shit flushed out of here ?????

  420. Ali says:

    don’t worry yaar. kya har baat par jay hind jay hind kahtay hoo, don’t worry poray hind ko jaye ga aur buhat bara jaye ga aur jaldi hi jaye ga

  421. anurag says:

    Just in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Kuran and mohammed saheb… Amen

  422. bhavin says:

    FREE,If u think India is a washroom, does that mean that the pakis are some piece of shit flushed out of here ?????

  423. Ali says:

    don’t worry yaar. kya har baat par jay hind jay hind kahtay hoo, don’t worry poray hind ko jaye ga aur buhat bara jaye ga aur jaldi hi jaye ga

  424. anurag says:

    Just in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Kuran and mohammed saheb… Amen

  425. Efti says:

    I read all the comments everybody wrote upto this point. Sometimes very emotional and sometimes very patriotic (understandbly). Now a days, terrorism is international phenomenon. Root goes back to Russian war of Afghanistan. Then came US support for Mujahedeen. ISI was created to train these Mujahedeen against Russia. Foreign dollars and ammunition was vastly available and it was easy to get warrior job. Russia lost, we deserted those Mujahedeen (who only knew how to blast everything). To keep them busy, Paki General moved them to Kashmir to support local cause. In response, Indian RAW was supporting Afghan/Balochistan Rebels against them. Pakistan/US created Talibanism to protect Paki interst in Afghanistan. After 9/11, Paki govt. made a U turn and left all fighter/Talibans stranded. However, by this time they became selfsufficient and against Pakistan govt.. US opened war on Afghanistan and without finishing it, moved into Iraq. After initial success, Alqaeda, came up with new plans to take revenge on US. Same techtics were tranferred to Afghanistan and now spreading in to Pakistan. Its very natural that next stop is India. India is the world’s most popolus country and as far as resources goes, per capita makes it one of the poorest country. Therefore, getting impragnent with terrorism is very highly likely for India. Few suicide bombs can easily take the air out of the foreign investment from any country. Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These countries have so many oppotunities for investments but foreign investment seldom goes there. India and pakistan does not have enough of Military might to force any issue on each other. Therefore; solution got to be helping each other.By the way, Pak does not need to send the ISI chief to India. There are foreign agencies who are investigating this delima. I dont think that Pak govt. had any thing to do with this or even any control over these groups. Zardari is already very pro Indian president and I am sure he will do his best to provide any information he can find. By saying that, we should not forget to underestimate the power of Pak Military. All Pak genrals are US Paid tattoos and they will not hesitate to eliminate Zardari at once if they fell threatened and India will lose lone ally in Pak govt. in a long time. Usually, US policies try to keep the balance between Pak and India. Pakistan is not run by their people but US govt.. Due to large foreign debt, US select who is going to be in power in Pak. Look at Musharaff and now Zardari. Musharaff resigned because US told him to move on. Now Zardari is given new lifeline with new IMF loan to survive. Otherwise, these unqualified people has no future in Pakistan Politics.

  426. Tarun says:

    Ali…hame afsoos hai ki Lahore mein humne tere jaise namard ko janam diya..apni harkaton se baaz aa…warna..

  427. Efti says:

    I read all the comments everybody wrote upto this point. Sometimes very emotional and sometimes very patriotic (understandbly). Now a days, terrorism is international phenomenon. Root goes back to Russian war of Afghanistan. Then came US support for Mujahedeen. ISI was created to train these Mujahedeen against Russia. Foreign dollars and ammunition was vastly available and it was easy to get warrior job. Russia lost, we deserted those Mujahedeen (who only knew how to blast everything). To keep them busy, Paki General moved them to Kashmir to support local cause. In response, Indian RAW was supporting Afghan/Balochistan Rebels against them. Pakistan/US created Talibanism to protect Paki interst in Afghanistan. After 9/11, Paki govt. made a U turn and left all fighter/Talibans stranded. However, by this time they became selfsufficient and against Pakistan govt.. US opened war on Afghanistan and without finishing it, moved into Iraq. After initial success, Alqaeda, came up with new plans to take revenge on US. Same techtics were tranferred to Afghanistan and now spreading in to Pakistan. Its very natural that next stop is India. India is the world’s most popolus country and as far as resources goes, per capita makes it one of the poorest country. Therefore, getting impragnent with terrorism is very highly likely for India. Few suicide bombs can easily take the air out of the foreign investment from any country. Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These countries have so many oppotunities for investments but foreign investment seldom goes there. India and pakistan does not have enough of Military might to force any issue on each other. Therefore; solution got to be helping each other.By the way, Pak does not need to send the ISI chief to India. There are foreign agencies who are investigating this delima. I dont think that Pak govt. had any thing to do with this or even any control over these groups. Zardari is already very pro Indian president and I am sure he will do his best to provide any information he can find. By saying that, we should not forget to underestimate the power of Pak Military. All Pak genrals are US Paid tattoos and they will not hesitate to eliminate Zardari at once if they fell threatened and India will lose lone ally in Pak govt. in a long time. Usually, US policies try to keep the balance between Pak and India. Pakistan is not run by their people but US govt.. Due to large foreign debt, US select who is going to be in power in Pak. Look at Musharaff and now Zardari. Musharaff resigned because US told him to move on. Now Zardari is given new lifeline with new IMF loan to survive. Otherwise, these unqualified people has no future in Pakistan Politics.

  428. Tarun says:

    Ali…hame afsoos hai ki Lahore mein humne tere jaise namard ko janam diya..apni harkaton se baaz aa…warna..

  429. indianloveall says:

    i think all these thakareys should react to a truth that all these cammados who risked their lives saving mumbai & maharatra were not maharatrians

  430. indianloveall says:

    i think all these thakareys should react to a truth that all these cammados who risked their lives saving mumbai & maharatra were not maharatrians

  431. Pramod says:

    Dear Ahmed Hussan,Terrorist don’t have any relgion.All pakistanis and Indians lived togather in past. We both have to fight against terror.Now in Pakistan also have democracy and they are also facing terror attacks. I think we both have to fight against terror. This is not the time to blame each other instead of support.

  432. Pramod says:

    Dear Ahmed Hussan,Terrorist don’t have any relgion.All pakistanis and Indians lived togather in past. We both have to fight against terror.Now in Pakistan also have democracy and they are also facing terror attacks. I think we both have to fight against terror. This is not the time to blame each other instead of support.

  433. Free says:

    Tarun mayra year of birth to 1988 hai but kya karooo … tum jaysay logo ki bak-was(bullshit) ka jawad daynay k liay history ki books ko read karna parta hai …. by the way Ali, mai nay india mai indians ko flush kar diya tha … u dont worry ……. 😀

  434. Free says:

    Tarun mayra year of birth to 1988 hai but kya karooo … tum jaysay logo ki bak-was(bullshit) ka jawad daynay k liay history ki books ko read karna parta hai …. by the way Ali, mai nay india mai indians ko flush kar diya tha … u dont worry ……. 😀

  435. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Just in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Real Islam.

  436. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Just in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Real Islam.

  437. Webs 2009 says:

    I have an open letter meant for all all concerned..Please read & comment on it..I need your views on it..Please check out:

  438. Webs 2009 says:

    I have an open letter meant for all all concerned..Please read & comment on it..I need your views on it..Please check out:

  439. Free says:

    yar Syed, mai daily cancer ko india(washroom) main get rid kartay hai … dont worry yar …..

  440. Free says:

    yar Syed, mai daily cancer ko india(washroom) main get rid kartay hai … dont worry yar …..

  441. vineeth says:

    India must channelise the murderous rage gripping the nation right now.Its pretty obvious that the civilian government is as clueless as the people of pakistan. zardari almost got himself killed not too long ago. in such circumstances,India has a moral obligation to tackle the terrorists in their caves, and murder them in their beds. we need a response similar to what mossad did after munich 72. step 1 targetted assassinations starting with LET chief hafiz syed.step 2 scorched earth policy with respect to madrassas in NWFP, muridhke and muzzaffarabad. NOW

  442. vineeth says:

    India must channelise the murderous rage gripping the nation right now.Its pretty obvious that the civilian government is as clueless as the people of pakistan. zardari almost got himself killed not too long ago. in such circumstances,India has a moral obligation to tackle the terrorists in their caves, and murder them in their beds. we need a response similar to what mossad did after munich 72. step 1 targetted assassinations starting with LET chief hafiz syed.step 2 scorched earth policy with respect to madrassas in NWFP, muridhke and muzzaffarabad. NOW

  443. Free says:

    hahhahahhaha Ali…… u r right …. sab ko jana chayey or pora jana chayey …. i hope k tumhara kam nahee paray ga andar janay mai 😀

  444. Free says:

    hahhahahhaha Ali…… u r right …. sab ko jana chayey or pora jana chayey …. i hope k tumhara kam nahee paray ga andar janay mai 😀

  445. Ali says:

    Anurag, its fine with u, but just think if some1 accuse u of something u didn’t do without any proof. what’ll be ur reaction? but really bro whatever proofs indian media and officials poised against pakistan don’t prove a bit that these terrorists were pakistanis. one of them had mauritius nationality. howcome only 10 people could hijack the whole mumbai. howcome only 3 people hijack a multistory building and make 200 hostages and fight with the military commandos on all sides and they held for 3 days.

  446. Ali says:

    Anurag, its fine with u, but just think if some1 accuse u of something u didn’t do without any proof. what’ll be ur reaction? but really bro whatever proofs indian media and officials poised against pakistan don’t prove a bit that these terrorists were pakistanis. one of them had mauritius nationality. howcome only 10 people could hijack the whole mumbai. howcome only 3 people hijack a multistory building and make 200 hostages and fight with the military commandos on all sides and they held for 3 days.

  447. Free says:

    Tarun, Ali ko kuch na kahoo warna wo tumhain b kah day gay k tumhai payda karnay mai b ISI ka hath tha 😀

  448. Free says:

    Tarun, Ali ko kuch na kahoo warna wo tumhain b kah day gay k tumhai payda karnay mai b ISI ka hath tha 😀

  449. Vinayak says:

    Wasi, In your schools do they have Practical subject called Terrorism? Have your Govt. opened university exclusively for militants? Apart from terrorizing the world, which other export you have?, have progressed beyond fanatism? If a common man like you, is using a filthy language in a blog, I can imagine how the whole country could be, You don’t need to defend your country, your language speaks for itself. You and your brothers can only think of killing innocents, nothing else You know India might not be rich as some western nations are but each Indian is working hard to make our country a top economical Power. They don’t award Nobles to Pakis, but we have won many, Our scientists can send a craft to Moon,Our Engineers are best in the world, Our writers win Bookers, Our Industrialists take over Huge companies….Our achievements are endless.. What do you do? scared of us?If you have guts, compete don’t do what you are doing.You know what more you do things like what you did in Mumbai, more the world hates you. Wake up man wake up

  450. Vinayak says:

    Wasi, In your schools do they have Practical subject called Terrorism? Have your Govt. opened university exclusively for militants? Apart from terrorizing the world, which other export you have?, have progressed beyond fanatism? If a common man like you, is using a filthy language in a blog, I can imagine how the whole country could be, You don’t need to defend your country, your language speaks for itself. You and your brothers can only think of killing innocents, nothing else You know India might not be rich as some western nations are but each Indian is working hard to make our country a top economical Power. They don’t award Nobles to Pakis, but we have won many, Our scientists can send a craft to Moon,Our Engineers are best in the world, Our writers win Bookers, Our Industrialists take over Huge companies….Our achievements are endless.. What do you do? scared of us?If you have guts, compete don’t do what you are doing.You know what more you do things like what you did in Mumbai, more the world hates you. Wake up man wake up

  451. Firefly says:

    Perhaps, you need to brush your Geography. For other facts, you must understand that Pak remains the hub of Jihadi activities. And if Pak was not involved why it was apprehensive about sending the ISI chief to India? And if it was not involved, why the Pak PM is going haywire about denying its involvement. He does a better job of wooing Sarah Palin than this:(

  452. anurag says:

    Completely agree With you Mr Free IndianMuslimJust in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  453. Firefly says:

    Perhaps, you need to brush your Geography. For other facts, you must understand that Pak remains the hub of Jihadi activities. And if Pak was not involved why it was apprehensive about sending the ISI chief to India? And if it was not involved, why the Pak PM is going haywire about denying its involvement. He does a better job of wooing Sarah Palin than this:(

  454. anurag says:

    Completely agree With you Mr Free IndianMuslimJust in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  455. Raghav says:

    Obviously you don’t think so..Why would you ..if it had been your parents or relatives victims of this incident even then you wouldn’t think..Look I am not saying that all Pakis are involved in it and no I am not some idiotic jingoistic rambler to bash all Pakistan but you can’t ignore the white elephant in the room anymore ….Pakistan intelligence has been in cohorts with terrorist and supporting them for years against India …and now these same terrorist are posing danger to your own sovereignty..look how the western region of your country is out of control ..your government has no control in the tribal areas and it has become the safe heaven for all terrorist of Laden and other shot heads… and now the fire your authorities started is reaching your own house as well as our’s …I cannot go to the every detail of your argument and counter it because cleary you are not following the updated stories and you haven’t heard how they hijacked one of the Indian fisherman and slit his throat to capture his vessel …..update yourself before making any argument…..I am a Hindu and I don’t hate Islam infact I respect all religions. Neither do I believe that Islam teaches all these shit which these terrorist are basing their act upon. They say that Muslims are in danger everywhere, I have seen some of hatred hatred mails these guys send each other (my roomate is a Muslim) ..his inbox is always filled with mail showing pics of Muslims getting killed …Let me assure anyone who thinks so ..that if tomorrow you want you can make any community as victim by citing isolated instances and pics …we all have problems but that does not mean that we start resorting to violence ..these isolated instance does not justify all these terrorist activities…Lastly if at all you people are serious about fighting terrorism ..educate yourself and people surrounding you that terrorism is a double blade sword and it destroys the one who is wielding it ……..Do not support the mulla maulvis( I have seen in PTv) of your country shouting blindly against India and rambling Kashmir because trust me (or not me but at least analyze it yourself since you seem to try to do that ) this is what these guys have been fooling you with …they are not able to give you development and they just try to deviate your attention from this ….. @ bhavesh yaar they even made calls from hotel Taj to Pakistan and it’s just not the sim cards that points to their root ..even the authorities also know that ..they made communication with a sat phone also

  456. Kartik says:

    Let me make one thing clear, Kashmir is an integral part of India, Kashmir belongs to India including the illegall pakistan administered part. Unquestionable & no doubt about it. Kashmir is India's concern & India's problem & who is pakistan to decide on India's internal matters? So dear pakistanis, if you really feel concern for your brothers in kashmir, then get them to pakistan & FUCK OFF from my motherland's internal affairs.

  457. Raghav says:

    Obviously you don’t think so..Why would you ..if it had been your parents or relatives victims of this incident even then you wouldn’t think..Look I am not saying that all Pakis are involved in it and no I am not some idiotic jingoistic rambler to bash all Pakistan but you can’t ignore the white elephant in the room anymore ….Pakistan intelligence has been in cohorts with terrorist and supporting them for years against India …and now these same terrorist are posing danger to your own sovereignty..look how the western region of your country is out of control ..your government has no control in the tribal areas and it has become the safe heaven for all terrorist of Laden and other shot heads… and now the fire your authorities started is reaching your own house as well as our’s …I cannot go to the every detail of your argument and counter it because cleary you are not following the updated stories and you haven’t heard how they hijacked one of the Indian fisherman and slit his throat to capture his vessel …..update yourself before making any argument…..I am a Hindu and I don’t hate Islam infact I respect all religions. Neither do I believe that Islam teaches all these shit which these terrorist are basing their act upon. They say that Muslims are in danger everywhere, I have seen some of hatred hatred mails these guys send each other (my roomate is a Muslim) ..his inbox is always filled with mail showing pics of Muslims getting killed …Let me assure anyone who thinks so ..that if tomorrow you want you can make any community as victim by citing isolated instances and pics …we all have problems but that does not mean that we start resorting to violence ..these isolated instance does not justify all these terrorist activities…Lastly if at all you people are serious about fighting terrorism ..educate yourself and people surrounding you that terrorism is a double blade sword and it destroys the one who is wielding it ……..Do not support the mulla maulvis( I have seen in PTv) of your country shouting blindly against India and rambling Kashmir because trust me (or not me but at least analyze it yourself since you seem to try to do that ) this is what these guys have been fooling you with …they are not able to give you development and they just try to deviate your attention from this ….. @ bhavesh yaar they even made calls from hotel Taj to Pakistan and it’s just not the sim cards that points to their root ..even the authorities also know that ..they made communication with a sat phone also

  458. Kartik says:

    Let me make one thing clear, Kashmir is an integral part of India, Kashmir belongs to India including the illegall pakistan administered part. Unquestionable & no doubt about it. Kashmir is India's concern & India's problem & who is pakistan to decide on India's internal matters? So dear pakistanis, if you really feel concern for your brothers in kashmir, then get them to pakistan & FUCK OFF from my motherland's internal affairs.

  459. manoj says:

    Every time theres a terrorist attack in India its always fucking Pakistani idiots.There no need to prove anything..Indians need to stop being pussies and just attack Pakistan and finish that country off completely.

  460. manoj says:

    Every time theres a terrorist attack in India its always fucking Pakistani idiots.There no need to prove anything..Indians need to stop being pussies and just attack Pakistan and finish that country off completely.

  461. Aruna says:

    you dint do ur homework n ur ready to jump the gun..thats understandable coming from where you do.

  462. anurag says:

    Completely agree With you Mr Free IndianMuslimJust in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  463. AMIN says:

    Let this be read by people who support such acts , We Indians can say one thing that these Terrorists are COWARDS & would be born out of such people only coz they know that cannot fight the Indian Army face to face in the open battle field.

  464. Aruna says:

    you dint do ur homework n ur ready to jump the gun..thats understandable coming from where you do.

  465. anurag says:

    Completely agree With you Mr Free IndianMuslimJust in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  466. AMIN says:

    Let this be read by people who support such acts , We Indians can say one thing that these Terrorists are COWARDS & would be born out of such people only coz they know that cannot fight the Indian Army face to face in the open battle field.

  467. sensible says:

    To my ever doubting friends from Pakistan,When would you guys grow up to be sane to accept facts as they are. In the midst of such a heinous crime perpetrated by the most gruesome and heartless animals on the most innoncent people, you raise doubts about the facts behind the investigation. Common friends!!!!, grow up and accept the truth and don’t play politics in a situation like this. Despite confessions made by a captured terrorist giving a graphic account of how all this mind numbing act was carried out from accross the border, how can you guys shut your minds and refuse to accept the facts as they are. Can you point out any single terrorist from India doing even a very small act of dis-order, leave alone mayhem of the nature we have just witnessed. Common friends!!! grow up to be sane in your life and don’t continue to bury your head in the sand. With Pakistan becoming rhe epicenter of global terrorism, are you huys trying to justify that Pakistan can never think of such acts. The saddest thing of all this is that the state machinery in Pakistan is complicit in these kinds of acts. In the entire history of the two countries, there is not even a single incident of terror commited by any Indian in Pakistan or accross the globe and you know for sure what the facts are about the involvement of Pakistanis in terror related activities in India and accross the globe. Common friends!!! don’t cut the hands of friendship extended to you and turn the other way as you are very innocnt. Please stop playing games as religion should not blind people to such an extent.Common friends!!! grow up.I don’t want to hear any of your usual response bordering on bias, blinded by subjectivity and not by objectivity.From a real peace loving friend from India.

  468. indianloveall says:

    hi firefly it was president zardari who was trying to flirt with palin not tha pak pm

  469. mohammedansari65 says:

    Free & Ali,Yes I am Proud Indian and muslim. Guys what yoru bloody pakistan is doing is somehtign which is untolerable. Your Pakistan should be thrown to Mars so others can live in peace and harmony.And I am suprised to see that you guys did not comment on aid which your fucking country is looking holding begging bowl and bag. I think its time you guys start begging for yoru country too so they can repay their debt.Get lost assholes >>>>> … Ansari

  470. sensible says:

    To my ever doubting friends from Pakistan,When would you guys grow up to be sane to accept facts as they are. In the midst of such a heinous crime perpetrated by the most gruesome and heartless animals on the most innoncent people, you raise doubts about the facts behind the investigation. Common friends!!!!, grow up and accept the truth and don’t play politics in a situation like this. Despite confessions made by a captured terrorist giving a graphic account of how all this mind numbing act was carried out from accross the border, how can you guys shut your minds and refuse to accept the facts as they are. Can you point out any single terrorist from India doing even a very small act of dis-order, leave alone mayhem of the nature we have just witnessed. Common friends!!! grow up to be sane in your life and don’t continue to bury your head in the sand. With Pakistan becoming rhe epicenter of global terrorism, are you huys trying to justify that Pakistan can never think of such acts. The saddest thing of all this is that the state machinery in Pakistan is complicit in these kinds of acts. In the entire history of the two countries, there is not even a single incident of terror commited by any Indian in Pakistan or accross the globe and you know for sure what the facts are about the involvement of Pakistanis in terror related activities in India and accross the globe. Common friends!!! don’t cut the hands of friendship extended to you and turn the other way as you are very innocnt. Please stop playing games as religion should not blind people to such an extent.Common friends!!! grow up.I don’t want to hear any of your usual response bordering on bias, blinded by subjectivity and not by objectivity.From a real peace loving friend from India.

  471. indianloveall says:

    hi firefly it was president zardari who was trying to flirt with palin not tha pak pm

  472. mohammedansari65 says:

    Free & Ali,Yes I am Proud Indian and muslim. Guys what yoru bloody pakistan is doing is somehtign which is untolerable. Your Pakistan should be thrown to Mars so others can live in peace and harmony.And I am suprised to see that you guys did not comment on aid which your fucking country is looking holding begging bowl and bag. I think its time you guys start begging for yoru country too so they can repay their debt.Get lost assholes >>>>> … Ansari

  473. mohammedansari65 says:

    GomzeeYou said right these guys already hv a big hole and Americans are making it bigger but I guess they probably need it further bigger so India must help it too.

  474. says:

    This is not time to blame each other. we are facing a same enemy. “Terrorism” We will have to fight against it<>There is no City FaridCot in Pakistan<>

  475. Ali says:

    Any body there to answer my questions i earlier posted on this blog??????????????

  476. mohammedansari65 says:

    GomzeeYou said right these guys already hv a big hole and Americans are making it bigger but I guess they probably need it further bigger so India must help it too.

  477. says:

    This is not time to blame each other. we are facing a same enemy. “Terrorism” We will have to fight against it<>There is no City FaridCot in Pakistan<>

  478. Ali says:

    Any body there to answer my questions i earlier posted on this blog??????????????

  479. says:


  480. Amit says:

    u as.hole, one of ur motherrfkkr brother has been nabbed alive by our nation loving, hard-working, but sometimes unlucky cops. he has clearly spelled out the terrorist gangs plan. now its time to get raped babei!!!!

  481. says:


  482. Amit says:

    u as.hole, one of ur motherrfkkr brother has been nabbed alive by our nation loving, hard-working, but sometimes unlucky cops. he has clearly spelled out the terrorist gangs plan. now its time to get raped babei!!!!

  483. Webs 2009 says:

    Leave aside all these blame games..It's always there after every major act of terrorism..But,may I ask everyone of you one thing:How long will India & Pakistan stay enemies.We are sons of the same mother.We can't fight amongst ourselves this way.We must do something.Forget those governments & leaders.Can't we,the people of India & Pakistan be friends on a personal level?..For how long will we look upon each other as an age-old enemy?We,the ordinary people should not be misguided by warmongers & terror leaders into these bloodbaths.If we remain friends,who can harm us?Some criminals with such bent of mind only take advantage of our bitter relationship to carry out bloody acts in India & Pakistan alike and keep us engaged,fighting amongst ourselves..And,please read my blog at:<><>

  484. Webs 2009 says:

    Leave aside all these blame games..It's always there after every major act of terrorism..But,may I ask everyone of you one thing:How long will India & Pakistan stay enemies.We are sons of the same mother.We can't fight amongst ourselves this way.We must do something.Forget those governments & leaders.Can't we,the people of India & Pakistan be friends on a personal level?..For how long will we look upon each other as an age-old enemy?We,the ordinary people should not be misguided by warmongers & terror leaders into these bloodbaths.If we remain friends,who can harm us?Some criminals with such bent of mind only take advantage of our bitter relationship to carry out bloody acts in India & Pakistan alike and keep us engaged,fighting amongst ourselves..And,please read my blog at:<><>

  485. Mastermind says:

    Why we do not see any muslims famous for a good cause for mankind as a whole?Why all the problems around the world related to only muslims and muslim issues?Why educated muslims also get brainwashed easily?What is the problem with Islam? No doubt though its a bloody religion.One pig here claiming with a big mouth that he works as an investment banker with Goldman Sachs. Looks like GS have taken over Blogger from Google and these pigs(pig lets) have the only work to promote hatred to good, responsible an sensible neighbours.I’ll provide some links to these bastards to see how Paki girls are kissing and fondling each other in college. The proof that these bastards are not satisfied with their partners due to reasons that pigs like warsis are enuch and also been busy gettting trained in terrorists camps. Enuchsthan.People who kills innocent people are cowards and can only be a enuch. Our girls are more courageous than these. With an automatic weapon of mass destruction in hand anyone can kill.Actually the problem lied with the stupidity of previous PM like Indira Gandhi who got the oportunity to finish off Enuchsthan during 1972 but stupidly made the Simla agreement.I think the historic blunder made by the Neheru and Indira Gandhi for which the whole world is suffering today.Enuchsthan is the epicenter of world terrorism.

  486. Mastermind says:

    Why we do not see any muslims famous for a good cause for mankind as a whole?Why all the problems around the world related to only muslims and muslim issues?Why educated muslims also get brainwashed easily?What is the problem with Islam? No doubt though its a bloody religion.One pig here claiming with a big mouth that he works as an investment banker with Goldman Sachs. Looks like GS have taken over Blogger from Google and these pigs(pig lets) have the only work to promote hatred to good, responsible an sensible neighbours.I’ll provide some links to these bastards to see how Paki girls are kissing and fondling each other in college. The proof that these bastards are not satisfied with their partners due to reasons that pigs like warsis are enuch and also been busy gettting trained in terrorists camps. Enuchsthan.People who kills innocent people are cowards and can only be a enuch. Our girls are more courageous than these. With an automatic weapon of mass destruction in hand anyone can kill.Actually the problem lied with the stupidity of previous PM like Indira Gandhi who got the oportunity to finish off Enuchsthan during 1972 but stupidly made the Simla agreement.I think the historic blunder made by the Neheru and Indira Gandhi for which the whole world is suffering today.Enuchsthan is the epicenter of world terrorism.

  487. mohammedansari65 says:

    Hello MajidAnother Paki asshole from Dubai. You guys are Terriorist you fuckers why dont you guys mind your own thing rather then trying to break peace and harmony of India. You guys dont hv the power, money, harmoney, fame what India has and this is reason why your people travel to India to work in Indian movies , play in IPL and ICL and to do business in India. We dont need you its you who need us.And also sir if Pakistan was not involved why is your ISI chief backing out to come. What about all those promises your PM and President has made.

  488. aNkUr says:

    hey people..this is ANKUR…an Indian… tell u one thing….whatever the people from Pakistan say…they cannot deny one thing…that 99.9999999% of the terrorism in our country is due to their people…the fuckers from their country keep on coming to INDIA and kill innocent people…I am glad when I hear of terrorism hunting their own people back in Pakistan…at least now people their in opposite side of LOc must have realize the value of life…and if not…come on…INdia is a great country…has survived since ages…and now also we will…But you….God save you..from destruction

  489. mohammedansari65 says:

    Hello MajidAnother Paki asshole from Dubai. You guys are Terriorist you fuckers why dont you guys mind your own thing rather then trying to break peace and harmony of India. You guys dont hv the power, money, harmoney, fame what India has and this is reason why your people travel to India to work in Indian movies , play in IPL and ICL and to do business in India. We dont need you its you who need us.And also sir if Pakistan was not involved why is your ISI chief backing out to come. What about all those promises your PM and President has made.

  490. aNkUr says:

    hey people..this is ANKUR…an Indian… tell u one thing….whatever the people from Pakistan say…they cannot deny one thing…that 99.9999999% of the terrorism in our country is due to their people…the fuckers from their country keep on coming to INDIA and kill innocent people…I am glad when I hear of terrorism hunting their own people back in Pakistan…at least now people their in opposite side of LOc must have realize the value of life…and if not…come on…INdia is a great country…has survived since ages…and now also we will…But you….God save you..from destruction

  491. babu says:

    its all politics….these fuckers really did a very hideous job.. but it also made clear that our intelligence bureau is a complete failure..we pay a lot as taxes just for these fucking politicians to grow their own homes…they were busy blaming each other at such a time when our commandos were fighting to their deaths…if i would have power to make all these innocent people understand the real cause then i would urge them to stop voting…no votes no fights..just go for one president like the US ..fucking so many MLA’s CM’s, what the hell r u they doing for us???

  492. babu says:

    its all politics….these fuckers really did a very hideous job.. but it also made clear that our intelligence bureau is a complete failure..we pay a lot as taxes just for these fucking politicians to grow their own homes…they were busy blaming each other at such a time when our commandos were fighting to their deaths…if i would have power to make all these innocent people understand the real cause then i would urge them to stop voting…no votes no fights..just go for one president like the US ..fucking so many MLA’s CM’s, what the hell r u they doing for us???

  493. prateekdeepti says:

    Mr Free…i m glad that u answered ……this abt the war in 1971 ,,,ur own eastern part asked for the help. being an Indian we are ready to help, we also helped Sri-Lanka ..but may i know how many countries did Pakistan helped out..if talk abt facts. then every fact will shout and tell ur name dude…so don’t be emotional …face the truth… i m not blaming any country abt what had happened what why is every evidence , people belongs to Pakistan… i don’t know why..every time we raise our hands for frndship and every time we are stabbed in our back.. why…..

  494. prateekdeepti says:

    Mr Free…i m glad that u answered ……this abt the war in 1971 ,,,ur own eastern part asked for the help. being an Indian we are ready to help, we also helped Sri-Lanka ..but may i know how many countries did Pakistan helped out..if talk abt facts. then every fact will shout and tell ur name dude…so don’t be emotional …face the truth… i m not blaming any country abt what had happened what why is every evidence , people belongs to Pakistan… i don’t know why..every time we raise our hands for frndship and every time we are stabbed in our back.. why…..

  495. datta says:

    there is place called faridkot in pakistan

  496. dsingh says:

    our paki brothers are expert at acting so innocent after each attack – wonder howcome lollywood hasn’t become beigger than bollywood cuz these guys are great actors.The world knows that Pakistan has promoted extremsim as state policy right from Zia ul haq’s time – this to bleed india in kashmir and the russians in afghanistan. the ISI is known to be a very dangerous agency which is hand n glove with all those terrorist groups and this was recently conveyed in clear terms by the CIA to the Pakistan Govt.Well if you’ll are so much against terrorism then howcome the cheif of LET walk’s about freely in your respected country making inflamatory speeches? howcome you’ll are so hospitable to Dawood who is a royal guest of the ISI? why don’t you guys put these guys behind bars?and why is is that whereever in the world there is a terrorist attack there is some connection or the other to Pakistan? wonder why such a saintly state is blamed so often:)my dear friends there is never smoke without fire and it is preety clear to the world now that Pakistan is the epicenter of world terrorism – hard fact but very true and about time you nice people of pakistan put pressure on yr Govt to stop state sponsored terrorism and rein in the ISI!i beleive it will be in both yr and our interest if your country rather concentrated on improving your economy, education system etc.. cuz as of now all we see is yr president constantly on the move with a begging bowl to UAE, Saudi, China or the US and when you guys get some money it is again chanelised for all the wrong purposes. Time to intospect my Pakistani friends and just living in costant denail will not get you’ll anywhere.and lets stop cutting the sorry figure that we suffer the same way – well friends what goes around comes around. the creature’s you created are comming after yr own asses now!!

  497. datta says:

    there is place called faridkot in pakistan

  498. dsingh says:

    our paki brothers are expert at acting so innocent after each attack – wonder howcome lollywood hasn’t become beigger than bollywood cuz these guys are great actors.The world knows that Pakistan has promoted extremsim as state policy right from Zia ul haq’s time – this to bleed india in kashmir and the russians in afghanistan. the ISI is known to be a very dangerous agency which is hand n glove with all those terrorist groups and this was recently conveyed in clear terms by the CIA to the Pakistan Govt.Well if you’ll are so much against terrorism then howcome the cheif of LET walk’s about freely in your respected country making inflamatory speeches? howcome you’ll are so hospitable to Dawood who is a royal guest of the ISI? why don’t you guys put these guys behind bars?and why is is that whereever in the world there is a terrorist attack there is some connection or the other to Pakistan? wonder why such a saintly state is blamed so often:)my dear friends there is never smoke without fire and it is preety clear to the world now that Pakistan is the epicenter of world terrorism – hard fact but very true and about time you nice people of pakistan put pressure on yr Govt to stop state sponsored terrorism and rein in the ISI!i beleive it will be in both yr and our interest if your country rather concentrated on improving your economy, education system etc.. cuz as of now all we see is yr president constantly on the move with a begging bowl to UAE, Saudi, China or the US and when you guys get some money it is again chanelised for all the wrong purposes. Time to intospect my Pakistani friends and just living in costant denail will not get you’ll anywhere.and lets stop cutting the sorry figure that we suffer the same way – well friends what goes around comes around. the creature’s you created are comming after yr own asses now!!

  499. eswara says:

    HI This Is Eswar,We shouldn’t blame neither India nor Pakistan peoples.The thing is its all because of poverty and poor political system in India.Everyone knowsPakistan encourages these kind of extremists all over the world by providing great infrastructures to them.All Pakistanis shouldn’t react why because we not blaming Muslims.In India we can find so many Muslims as poor they are searching for these guys and trains them preparing them to die by doing these attacks.what the hell they will do ?We need one good leader for our country like Narendra Modi.

  500. eswara says:

    HI This Is Eswar,We shouldn’t blame neither India nor Pakistan peoples.The thing is its all because of poverty and poor political system in India.Everyone knowsPakistan encourages these kind of extremists all over the world by providing great infrastructures to them.All Pakistanis shouldn’t react why because we not blaming Muslims.In India we can find so many Muslims as poor they are searching for these guys and trains them preparing them to die by doing these attacks.what the hell they will do ?We need one good leader for our country like Narendra Modi.

  501. shejew says:

    Yea so called Mr. Free, Our Commandos took 3 days to kill the terrorists, its because of the innocent people trapped inside the hotels, we could have annihilate all of them in a minute, but we do value the life of the people unlike the terrorist, yea just wait my dear friend, wait for the Indian army to come and meet you, then you will realize that the Indian army can do things in 3 minutes as well as in 3 days… Just keep you fingers crossed and pray fervently not to see any Indian army near your home.

  502. Kartik says:

    You pakistani pricks cannot tolerate yourself, let alone Indians, Americans or the whole goddamn world around you. You fucking sunnis & deobandis dont like shia, pathans kill hazaras & uzbeks, deobandis feel all others except themselves are secondary animals. Women are treated as slaves. When the world is moving forward you want to move backward, we can help you in your pursuit by nuking your gutter of a country to stone age.

  503. shejew says:

    Yea so called Mr. Free, Our Commandos took 3 days to kill the terrorists, its because of the innocent people trapped inside the hotels, we could have annihilate all of them in a minute, but we do value the life of the people unlike the terrorist, yea just wait my dear friend, wait for the Indian army to come and meet you, then you will realize that the Indian army can do things in 3 minutes as well as in 3 days… Just keep you fingers crossed and pray fervently not to see any Indian army near your home.

  504. Kartik says:

    You pakistani pricks cannot tolerate yourself, let alone Indians, Americans or the whole goddamn world around you. You fucking sunnis & deobandis dont like shia, pathans kill hazaras & uzbeks, deobandis feel all others except themselves are secondary animals. Women are treated as slaves. When the world is moving forward you want to move backward, we can help you in your pursuit by nuking your gutter of a country to stone age.

  505. mohammedansari65 says:

    Prateek,Pakistan has only helped their own terriorist to grow now its biting their own butt. Pakistan is the clear root of terriorisam. If pakistan is eliminated form earth there will be peace everywhere its time our government take some action against these bastards.

  506. john says:

    its true that its premature to arrive at conclusions that pakistan is involved in the Mumbai attack. However, pakistan as a failed state has been a hotbed of terrrorists who try to defend a particular religion by killing innocents….a cancer in the world civilisation.

  507. lady says:

    Dear friends,Is Ahmad a Pakistani???Ok if a simple citizen from Pak could get this much info about India from google, then Pakistani goverment must have the full detail of india from top to bottom and left to right. I mean just look at the pictures. He even knew the way the terrorists might(which i dont think is a might and thanx google for not making it that straight)have taken. And even knew the distance correctly. Wow!!!intelligent guy i see. And what is the problem with india and indian media. First of all Indian govt should take strict measures. Sensitive data like the details of indian army, navy and other task forces shouldnt be given live display please. I mean its like giving them a stick and asking them to beat you. Sooo dumb. And the indian media, can they be any dumber. Showing live display of the activities in mumbai. Instead they could have shown it after the the task forces had achieved their goal. And the media were praising themselves for the live coverage. MY MY. And one thing i noted the reporters where not helping either. I heard the interview one reporter had with a terrorist. Yaar i think the reporter wanted to get famous. He could have listened to wat the terrorist was saying instead he had his questions. Is he the police or wat. And from the way the terrorist spoke i could understand it was pure urdu, i wonder who understood it as marathi. And what was the idea of Pak govt opening fires at the border. Such a beautiful place like J and K is a dreaded place now. Thanks to whom. Is this also India’s fault.And in which world is Ahmad, Wikipedia is not a reliable source. And stop pointing out problems inside India. That is not Pakistanis problem that is Indian governments and peoples problem. Dear citizens of india do not go about fighting among yourself. You must be remembering the divide and rule policy of the British and how it pulled back our community. Our leaders had a vision for our country. Taking all this in mind they made our country secular democratic. The meaning of secular is we must respect and tolerate all the religions in our country. Many times the terrorists quote the quran. Come on now. Every book has a good side and bad side. I mean u can look at the glass of water, half empty or half full. I have many gud muslim friends who actually told me about some sweet things in the quran. Did u know it is written about chocolate in the quran and its gud properties. I am sure once atleast in their lives the terrorists must have eaten it. There are many other gud things written in the quran. Read the quran first and then quote it. And i am not even a muslim. I have known only 3 religions in my life hindu, muslim and christians. But it was later only that i realised there were many religions in india which we dont even know. The thing is same with hindu mythology and books. There are so many things you can learn from it. The thing is when u see something bad, dont imitate it. Try not to do it. That is what is brave. And wat about the ISI leader from Pakistan. Everybody knows do i have to say anything further.Finally and most important i would like to salute the brave soldiers and police men of India who gave their life to save the lives of many. Thats a job well done. They will always be my heroes. I salute them again.Jai Hind.

  508. mohammedansari65 says:

    Prateek,Pakistan has only helped their own terriorist to grow now its biting their own butt. Pakistan is the clear root of terriorisam. If pakistan is eliminated form earth there will be peace everywhere its time our government take some action against these bastards.

  509. Gomzee says:

    Terrorism is their religion and they dont see whether we are Muslims or Hindus or Christians…!!

  510. john says:

    its true that its premature to arrive at conclusions that pakistan is involved in the Mumbai attack. However, pakistan as a failed state has been a hotbed of terrrorists who try to defend a particular religion by killing innocents….a cancer in the world civilisation.

  511. lady says:

    Dear friends,Is Ahmad a Pakistani???Ok if a simple citizen from Pak could get this much info about India from google, then Pakistani goverment must have the full detail of india from top to bottom and left to right. I mean just look at the pictures. He even knew the way the terrorists might(which i dont think is a might and thanx google for not making it that straight)have taken. And even knew the distance correctly. Wow!!!intelligent guy i see. And what is the problem with india and indian media. First of all Indian govt should take strict measures. Sensitive data like the details of indian army, navy and other task forces shouldnt be given live display please. I mean its like giving them a stick and asking them to beat you. Sooo dumb. And the indian media, can they be any dumber. Showing live display of the activities in mumbai. Instead they could have shown it after the the task forces had achieved their goal. And the media were praising themselves for the live coverage. MY MY. And one thing i noted the reporters where not helping either. I heard the interview one reporter had with a terrorist. Yaar i think the reporter wanted to get famous. He could have listened to wat the terrorist was saying instead he had his questions. Is he the police or wat. And from the way the terrorist spoke i could understand it was pure urdu, i wonder who understood it as marathi. And what was the idea of Pak govt opening fires at the border. Such a beautiful place like J and K is a dreaded place now. Thanks to whom. Is this also India’s fault.And in which world is Ahmad, Wikipedia is not a reliable source. And stop pointing out problems inside India. That is not Pakistanis problem that is Indian governments and peoples problem. Dear citizens of india do not go about fighting among yourself. You must be remembering the divide and rule policy of the British and how it pulled back our community. Our leaders had a vision for our country. Taking all this in mind they made our country secular democratic. The meaning of secular is we must respect and tolerate all the religions in our country. Many times the terrorists quote the quran. Come on now. Every book has a good side and bad side. I mean u can look at the glass of water, half empty or half full. I have many gud muslim friends who actually told me about some sweet things in the quran. Did u know it is written about chocolate in the quran and its gud properties. I am sure once atleast in their lives the terrorists must have eaten it. There are many other gud things written in the quran. Read the quran first and then quote it. And i am not even a muslim. I have known only 3 religions in my life hindu, muslim and christians. But it was later only that i realised there were many religions in india which we dont even know. The thing is same with hindu mythology and books. There are so many things you can learn from it. The thing is when u see something bad, dont imitate it. Try not to do it. That is what is brave. And wat about the ISI leader from Pakistan. Everybody knows do i have to say anything further.Finally and most important i would like to salute the brave soldiers and police men of India who gave their life to save the lives of many. Thats a job well done. They will always be my heroes. I salute them again.Jai Hind.

  512. Gomzee says:

    Terrorism is their religion and they dont see whether we are Muslims or Hindus or Christians…!!

  513. aNkUr says:

    to ALl Pakistani Ass hole bastards..u people do not deserve to survive…u have not made growth in last 60 years or so….except terrorism..khane ko roti nahi..pahne ko kapda nahi…par chahiye kashmir ke apples….saalo aaj bhi tum log hamare diye hue 60 crore Rs pe pal rahe ho jo hamne 1947 me tumhe dan kiye the…NAMAKHARAM kahi k…agar itne hee sharif bante ho to jara jawab do….1.KArgil KYU hua??2.1947 me kyu Kashmir me guse?3. kyu 1971 me INDIA pe hamla kiya?4.KANDHAr hijack me pakistani ko free kyu karwaya gaya??5.DAWOOD IBRahim kya tumhara daamaad h jo vaha pakistan me rah raha h??

  514. Kartik says:

    Now God alone can help you, or maybe even God will be ashamed of helping you after the heinous acts you people have committed. I have heard rumours that today the Indian government is sending 100000 troops to the Afghan border to fight the taliban with the americans. And the somali pirates are reason enough to get our battleships close to your territory and pinpoint targets in karachi. You people are surrounded, you can either open your pants and show your backside or get killed by the hundreds.

  515. aNkUr says:

    to ALl Pakistani Ass hole bastards..u people do not deserve to survive…u have not made growth in last 60 years or so….except terrorism..khane ko roti nahi..pahne ko kapda nahi…par chahiye kashmir ke apples….saalo aaj bhi tum log hamare diye hue 60 crore Rs pe pal rahe ho jo hamne 1947 me tumhe dan kiye the…NAMAKHARAM kahi k…agar itne hee sharif bante ho to jara jawab do….1.KArgil KYU hua??2.1947 me kyu Kashmir me guse?3. kyu 1971 me INDIA pe hamla kiya?4.KANDHAr hijack me pakistani ko free kyu karwaya gaya??5.DAWOOD IBRahim kya tumhara daamaad h jo vaha pakistan me rah raha h??

  516. Vinayak says:

    WWho says there is no Faridkot in PakistanCheck this out – If a common Indian like me can find out where is Faridkot in Pakistan, No Pakis know there Geography,Worse, they don’t even know there country is into sending terrorists.How sad……

  517. Kartik says:

    Now God alone can help you, or maybe even God will be ashamed of helping you after the heinous acts you people have committed. I have heard rumours that today the Indian government is sending 100000 troops to the Afghan border to fight the taliban with the americans. And the somali pirates are reason enough to get our battleships close to your territory and pinpoint targets in karachi. You people are surrounded, you can either open your pants and show your backside or get killed by the hundreds.

  518. Vinayak says:

    WWho says there is no Faridkot in PakistanCheck this out – If a common Indian like me can find out where is Faridkot in Pakistan, No Pakis know there Geography,Worse, they don’t even know there country is into sending terrorists.How sad……

  519. bharat says:


  520. bharat says:


  521. mohammedansari65 says:

    Hello Smart visionsI think you need to go thru your country map again. There is Faridcot in pakistan looks like you dont have idea about your own country isnt asshole

  522. hitesh says:

    to the blooger,fuck of u paki faggot…

  523. mohammedansari65 says:

    Hello Smart visionsI think you need to go thru your country map again. There is Faridcot in pakistan looks like you dont have idea about your own country isnt asshole

  524. hitesh says:

    to the blooger,fuck of u paki faggot…

  525. Aishwarya says:

    Hey arse, you didnt take pakistan away from indians idiot. you licked britishers feet to give you have a separate land. You guys begged Indians for your land back after mercilessly beaten up during the two wars.

  526. Kalyan says:

    it is already established that the attackers arrived from pakistan by the water route (details are on news websites), and at least some of them were pakistani nationals. but this doesn’t mean that we are talking of stern action because they were ‘pakistanis’ – we would have taken the same stand even if they were other nationals. what the people of india seriously want now is to create a mechanism of flushing out all terror elements from india, and prevent further infiltrations, irrespective of nationality. and we strongly resolve to ‘crush’ any such attempt in the future, even if it has deep consequences. we are ready to sacrifice to ensure safety for our future generations, with all our will and might. this will be taken seriously now – enough is enough !

  527. Aishwarya says:

    Hey arse, you didnt take pakistan away from indians idiot. you licked britishers feet to give you have a separate land. You guys begged Indians for your land back after mercilessly beaten up during the two wars.

  528. Kalyan says:

    it is already established that the attackers arrived from pakistan by the water route (details are on news websites), and at least some of them were pakistani nationals. but this doesn’t mean that we are talking of stern action because they were ‘pakistanis’ – we would have taken the same stand even if they were other nationals. what the people of india seriously want now is to create a mechanism of flushing out all terror elements from india, and prevent further infiltrations, irrespective of nationality. and we strongly resolve to ‘crush’ any such attempt in the future, even if it has deep consequences. we are ready to sacrifice to ensure safety for our future generations, with all our will and might. this will be taken seriously now – enough is enough !

  529. mohammedansari65 says:

    True VinayakPakis don’t know where they stand. This si what happens when a mentally ill president leads the country. Looks like citizens too are ill.

  530. mohammedansari65 says:

    True VinayakPakis don’t know where they stand. This si what happens when a mentally ill president leads the country. Looks like citizens too are ill.

  531. Dinesh_Corner says:

    Please understand that it is very evident that some of the agencies of Pakistan were indeed involved.But at the same time it is important to remember the state of affairs in Pakistan. The country’s administration in chaos . There are different centres of powers; ISI, Taliban, President, Democratic setup and other local ethnic groups. And indeed bcoz of all these; it has become even difficult for them to control this menace. A common Pakistani is as hardly hit as an Indian. Don’t generalise!! While this would necessarily require co-operation on both side while dealing with investigations; at the same time Pakistan have to come hard on hardliners and face the facts; even though it will ce calling for short term local chaos.

  532. gmmelectrical1 says:

    Well I could not read all the comments and will some body read mine i am not sure. It is a historical fact that Pakisthan was carved out of India and that is what the pakisthan govts. of every type have tried to deny and also their military rulers.So it is not surprising that the people are also trying to do that denying facts by giving logic where no logic applies as religion is propagated not as logic but only instructions from God????????? or from selfish interpreters of the faith.If pakistan gives them residence and protection then they are also part of the game, We have our problems is the govt., agencies manning the inteligence are really intelligent fools and the beuracracy has all all along lived in the state of denial as that is comfortable for them and they need not do any work.Politicians the less we say about them is better, particularly the vote politics has made us venerable when we do not carry out court decessions or delay them.So in a way pakistan found it easy to do becuase of our internal situation, but we can vouch for one thing, we are not fools that if we do something like this we will not make it so apparent as pakistan has done, wether govt. or pvt. citizens.Let the Pakistan govt.check the funding sources and they will find that in the name of religious charity the money comes and then is used for terrorist activities.gautam

  533. Dinesh_Corner says:

    Please understand that it is very evident that some of the agencies of Pakistan were indeed involved.But at the same time it is important to remember the state of affairs in Pakistan. The country’s administration in chaos . There are different centres of powers; ISI, Taliban, President, Democratic setup and other local ethnic groups. And indeed bcoz of all these; it has become even difficult for them to control this menace. A common Pakistani is as hardly hit as an Indian. Don’t generalise!! While this would necessarily require co-operation on both side while dealing with investigations; at the same time Pakistan have to come hard on hardliners and face the facts; even though it will ce calling for short term local chaos.

  534. gmmelectrical1 says:

    Well I could not read all the comments and will some body read mine i am not sure. It is a historical fact that Pakisthan was carved out of India and that is what the pakisthan govts. of every type have tried to deny and also their military rulers.So it is not surprising that the people are also trying to do that denying facts by giving logic where no logic applies as religion is propagated not as logic but only instructions from God????????? or from selfish interpreters of the faith.If pakistan gives them residence and protection then they are also part of the game, We have our problems is the govt., agencies manning the inteligence are really intelligent fools and the beuracracy has all all along lived in the state of denial as that is comfortable for them and they need not do any work.Politicians the less we say about them is better, particularly the vote politics has made us venerable when we do not carry out court decessions or delay them.So in a way pakistan found it easy to do becuase of our internal situation, but we can vouch for one thing, we are not fools that if we do something like this we will not make it so apparent as pakistan has done, wether govt. or pvt. citizens.Let the Pakistan govt.check the funding sources and they will find that in the name of religious charity the money comes and then is used for terrorist activities.gautam

  535. Umair Imam says:

    I would like to post this video with some historic facts.

  536. Anurag's says:

    Ali Obviously I am not a Spy or Intelligence Man… But think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner’s mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  537. Umair Imam says:

    I would like to post this video with some historic facts.

  538. Anurag's says:

    Ali Obviously I am not a Spy or Intelligence Man… But think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner’s mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  539. Anurag's says:

    Ali Obviously I am not a Spy or Intelligence Man… But think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner’s mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  540. Anurag's says:

    Ali Obviously I am not a Spy or Intelligence Man… But think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner’s mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  541. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  542. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  543. Ashish says:

    Wasi….where have you disappeared

  544. Ashish says:

    Wasi….where have you disappeared

  545. Aishwarya says:

    All the explosives laden in the truck to blast JW Mariott in Pakistan was from China. Long live Pak-Chini friendship.

  546. Aishwarya says:

    All the explosives laden in the truck to blast JW Mariott in Pakistan was from China. Long live Pak-Chini friendship.

  547. Kartik says:

    wasi must be washing his pants after pissing himself in it. I think his home is being bombed and hes hiding in some gutter with the rats.

  548. bharat says:


  549. Kartik says:

    wasi must be washing his pants after pissing himself in it. I think his home is being bombed and hes hiding in some gutter with the rats.

  550. bharat says:


  551. Anurag's says:

    Ali Obviously I am not a Spy or Intelligence Man… But think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner’s mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  552. Anurag's says:

    Ali Obviously I am not a Spy or Intelligence Man… But think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner’s mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  553. Aishwarya says:

    Wasi said he has leave to prepare a business plan for presentation in Geneva. Wasi is a pimp and so he is struggling hard to put pakistan in the global trade map. And now he is preparing a business plan to sell his mother, sisters, wives & daughters to the swiss in geneva. ROL!

  554. Aishwarya says:

    Wasi said he has leave to prepare a business plan for presentation in Geneva. Wasi is a pimp and so he is struggling hard to put pakistan in the global trade map. And now he is preparing a business plan to sell his mother, sisters, wives & daughters to the swiss in geneva. ROL!

  555. Pallab says:

    Makes no sense. The country from where these caught terrorist belong follow obvious education. It is a known fact. Country in debt. Jealous .. for obvious reasons.Recent economy says this. Anyone can find out. But guys.. Indians have achieved this by good education system, hard working people. You cant have a good country with proper ethics in a country where 99% of whatever they say (equivalent of NRIs) . are taxi drivers. All these lack with our neighbouring country because being a very very poor country. I have sympathy for those few there who dont envy India status and position in the world today. But.. this is limit… to enter elsewhere and do this again and again. Honestly, are the educated class there as big as our educated people in the small state of Mizoram ??? We all know the answer…I agree that Terrorism is their religion and they dont see whether we are Muslims or Hindus or Christians…!!but also if ever any terrorist followed any religion.. can anyone vite which they followed 99.9% of times?? I recently heard “Yeh Hum nahi.. “… I would say honestly.. agar aap nahi toh shayed aur kahin nahi

  556. Santosh I says:

    If the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Islamist militants as it appears, the Indian government will have little choice, politically speaking, but to blame them on Pakistan. That will in turn spark a crisis between the two nuclear rivals that will draw the United States into the fray.At this point the situation on the ground in Mumbai remains unclear following the militant attacks of Nov. 26. But in order to understand the geopolitical significance of what is going on, it is necessary to begin looking beyond this event at what will follow. Though the situation is still in motion, the likely consequences of the attack are less murky.We will begin by assuming that the attackers are Islamist militant groups operating in India, possibly with some level of outside support from Pakistan. We can also see quite clearly that this was a carefully planned, well-executed attack. Given this, the Indian government has two choices. First, it can simply say that the perpetrators are a domestic group. In that case, it will be held accountable for a failure of enormous proportions in security and law enforcement. It will be charged with being unable to protect the public. On the other hand, it can link the attack to an outside power: Pakistan. In that case it can hold a nation-state responsible for the attack, and can use the crisis atmosphere to strengthen the government’s internal position by invoking nationalism. Politically this is a much preferable outcome for the Indian government, and so it is the most likely course of action. This is not to say that there are no outside powers involved — simply that, regardless of the ground truth, the Indian government will claim there were. That, in turn, will plunge India and Pakistan into the worst crisis they have had since 2002. If the Pakistanis are understood to be responsible for the attack, then the Indians must hold them responsible, and that means they will have to take action in retaliation — otherwise, the Indian government’s domestic credibility will plunge. The shape of the crisis, then, will consist of demands that the Pakistanis take immediate steps to suppress Islamist radicals across the board, but particularly in Kashmir. New Delhi will demand that this action be immediate and public. This demand will come parallel to U.S. demands for the same actions, and threats by incoming U.S. President Barack Obama to force greater cooperation from Pakistan.If that happens, Pakistan will find itself in a nutcracker. On the one side, the Indians will be threatening action — deliberately vague but menacing — along with the Americans. This will be even more intense if it turns out, as currently seems likely, that Americans and Europeans were being held hostage (or worse) in the two hotels that were attacked. If the attacks are traced to Pakistan, American demands will escalate well in advance of inauguration day.There is a precedent for this. In December 2001 there was an attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi by Islamist militants linked to Pakistan. A near-nuclear confrontation took place between India and Pakistan, in which the United States brokered a stand-down in return for intensified Pakistani pressure on the Islamists. The crisis helped redefine the Pakistani position on Islamist radicals in Pakistan.In the current iteration, the demands will be even more intense. The Indians and Americans will have a joint interest in forcing the Pakistani government to act decisively and immediately. The Pakistani government has warned that such pressure could destabilize Pakistan. The Indians will not be in a position to moderate their position, and the Americans will see the situation as an opportunity to extract major concessions. Thus the crisis will directly intersect U.S. and NATO operations in Afghanistan.It is not clear the degree to which the Pakistani government can control the situation. But the Indians will have no choice but to be assertive, and the United States will move along the same line. Whether it is the current government in India that reacts, or one that succeeds doesn’t matter. Either way, India is under enormous pressure to respond. Therefore the events point to a serious crisis not simply between Pakistan and India, but within Pakistan as well, with the government caught between foreign powers and domestic realities. Given the circumstances, massive destabilization is possible — never a good thing with a nuclear power.This is thinking far ahead of the curve, and is based on an assumption of the truth of something we don’t know for certain yet, which is that the attackers were Muslims and that the Pakistanis will not be able to demonstrate categorically that they weren’t involved. Since we suspect they were Muslims, and since we doubt the Pakistanis can be categorical and convincing enough to thwart Indian demands, we suspect that we will be deep into a crisis within the next few days, very shortly after the situation on the ground clarifies itself.

  557. Kartik says:

    The major difference between pakistan & India is In India our country, our motherland comes first even before our mother and we are like brothers & sisters regardless of relegion, gender, or any other reason but you pakistanis are terrorists first, muslims next, and then being a paki comes in the third place. You know pakis have no place in the world. I'm proud to say that being in UK, there is no fuckin PAKI in my workplace.

  558. Pallab says:

    Makes no sense. The country from where these caught terrorist belong follow obvious education. It is a known fact. Country in debt. Jealous .. for obvious reasons.Recent economy says this. Anyone can find out. But guys.. Indians have achieved this by good education system, hard working people. You cant have a good country with proper ethics in a country where 99% of whatever they say (equivalent of NRIs) . are taxi drivers. All these lack with our neighbouring country because being a very very poor country. I have sympathy for those few there who dont envy India status and position in the world today. But.. this is limit… to enter elsewhere and do this again and again. Honestly, are the educated class there as big as our educated people in the small state of Mizoram ??? We all know the answer…I agree that Terrorism is their religion and they dont see whether we are Muslims or Hindus or Christians…!!but also if ever any terrorist followed any religion.. can anyone vite which they followed 99.9% of times?? I recently heard “Yeh Hum nahi.. “… I would say honestly.. agar aap nahi toh shayed aur kahin nahi

  559. Santosh I says:

    If the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Islamist militants as it appears, the Indian government will have little choice, politically speaking, but to blame them on Pakistan. That will in turn spark a crisis between the two nuclear rivals that will draw the United States into the fray.At this point the situation on the ground in Mumbai remains unclear following the militant attacks of Nov. 26. But in order to understand the geopolitical significance of what is going on, it is necessary to begin looking beyond this event at what will follow. Though the situation is still in motion, the likely consequences of the attack are less murky.We will begin by assuming that the attackers are Islamist militant groups operating in India, possibly with some level of outside support from Pakistan. We can also see quite clearly that this was a carefully planned, well-executed attack. Given this, the Indian government has two choices. First, it can simply say that the perpetrators are a domestic group. In that case, it will be held accountable for a failure of enormous proportions in security and law enforcement. It will be charged with being unable to protect the public. On the other hand, it can link the attack to an outside power: Pakistan. In that case it can hold a nation-state responsible for the attack, and can use the crisis atmosphere to strengthen the government’s internal position by invoking nationalism. Politically this is a much preferable outcome for the Indian government, and so it is the most likely course of action. This is not to say that there are no outside powers involved — simply that, regardless of the ground truth, the Indian government will claim there were. That, in turn, will plunge India and Pakistan into the worst crisis they have had since 2002. If the Pakistanis are understood to be responsible for the attack, then the Indians must hold them responsible, and that means they will have to take action in retaliation — otherwise, the Indian government’s domestic credibility will plunge. The shape of the crisis, then, will consist of demands that the Pakistanis take immediate steps to suppress Islamist radicals across the board, but particularly in Kashmir. New Delhi will demand that this action be immediate and public. This demand will come parallel to U.S. demands for the same actions, and threats by incoming U.S. President Barack Obama to force greater cooperation from Pakistan.If that happens, Pakistan will find itself in a nutcracker. On the one side, the Indians will be threatening action — deliberately vague but menacing — along with the Americans. This will be even more intense if it turns out, as currently seems likely, that Americans and Europeans were being held hostage (or worse) in the two hotels that were attacked. If the attacks are traced to Pakistan, American demands will escalate well in advance of inauguration day.There is a precedent for this. In December 2001 there was an attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi by Islamist militants linked to Pakistan. A near-nuclear confrontation took place between India and Pakistan, in which the United States brokered a stand-down in return for intensified Pakistani pressure on the Islamists. The crisis helped redefine the Pakistani position on Islamist radicals in Pakistan.In the current iteration, the demands will be even more intense. The Indians and Americans will have a joint interest in forcing the Pakistani government to act decisively and immediately. The Pakistani government has warned that such pressure could destabilize Pakistan. The Indians will not be in a position to moderate their position, and the Americans will see the situation as an opportunity to extract major concessions. Thus the crisis will directly intersect U.S. and NATO operations in Afghanistan.It is not clear the degree to which the Pakistani government can control the situation. But the Indians will have no choice but to be assertive, and the United States will move along the same line. Whether it is the current government in India that reacts, or one that succeeds doesn’t matter. Either way, India is under enormous pressure to respond. Therefore the events point to a serious crisis not simply between Pakistan and India, but within Pakistan as well, with the government caught between foreign powers and domestic realities. Given the circumstances, massive destabilization is possible — never a good thing with a nuclear power.This is thinking far ahead of the curve, and is based on an assumption of the truth of something we don’t know for certain yet, which is that the attackers were Muslims and that the Pakistanis will not be able to demonstrate categorically that they weren’t involved. Since we suspect they were Muslims, and since we doubt the Pakistanis can be categorical and convincing enough to thwart Indian demands, we suspect that we will be deep into a crisis within the next few days, very shortly after the situation on the ground clarifies itself.

  560. Kartik says:

    The major difference between pakistan & India is In India our country, our motherland comes first even before our mother and we are like brothers & sisters regardless of relegion, gender, or any other reason but you pakistanis are terrorists first, muslims next, and then being a paki comes in the third place. You know pakis have no place in the world. I'm proud to say that being in UK, there is no fuckin PAKI in my workplace.

  561. hitesh says:

    just kick all paki crickters and singers from india and make strict visa laws for them

  562. hitesh says:

    just kick all paki crickters and singers from india and make strict visa laws for them

  563. hitesh says:

    just kick all paki crickters and singers from india and make strict visa laws for them

  564. hitesh says:

    just kick all paki crickters and singers from india and make strict visa laws for them

  565. Kartik says:

    I have a friend who is a travel agent, once he had some 16 Indians & 12 Pakis going on a package tour to singapore, he helped them in their tourist visa process for the singapore visa. All 16 Indains successfully got their visa & 'NO PAKI' got his/her visa. This obviously means you people are a piece of shit, you are not wanted anywhere. So go kill yourselves or go fuck some rats arse in your gutter called Pakistan

  566. Kartik says:

    I have a friend who is a travel agent, once he had some 16 Indians & 12 Pakis going on a package tour to singapore, he helped them in their tourist visa process for the singapore visa. All 16 Indains successfully got their visa & 'NO PAKI' got his/her visa. This obviously means you people are a piece of shit, you are not wanted anywhere. So go kill yourselves or go fuck some rats arse in your gutter called Pakistan

  567. mohammedansari65 says:

    KartikPakis they jump too much for being friend of China however little to their knowledge Indians get visa for chian in 2 working days against Pakistanis who get after one month.

  568. Anurag's says:

    Here is what Pakistani jornalist Ahmed Rashid has to say… Read through Pak Men't know How Pakis Will Feel after Seeing this, Paki Terrorist was produced to Justice, here it is in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  569. priya says:

    I was going thru some of the posts here..very engaging and playful cross border banter for sure. But I have a question. Does anyone know why India and Pakistan dislike each other so much? how it started? lets name all the reasons why we didnt like each other and why we do not like each other now shall we? Do you think the reasons were progressively embellished over a period of time? Do you think at least part of the reason is because intelligent and educated people like us, are too lazy or otherwise preoccupied to be responsible, informed and inquisitive citizens who are capable of, and ask the right questions, to the right people, demand the right information and answers, and then respond with informed and responsible decisions and emotions? Can you tell me why brilliant, educated, rational people behave like irrational and irresponsible idiots when it involves these two neighbours? Do you think we should wait for the investigations to conclude and proper information provided before we engage in such scintillating cross border accusations and ‘informative’ versions on historical facts? Much like our politicians in fact whom ironically, we detest! Also, should we be a little more mature, responsible, cautious, informed – and perhaps a little more Indian – before we decide how we should respond? I say a little more Indian because, unlike many other countries in the world, mine is a democracy, a tolerant and multicultural society. And above all other achievements, the fact that I can have close muslim frens, a buddhist landlady, christian boyfren, and that this country allows me to do so – is my pride. Somehow, we have managed, and still manage to live with each other in relative peace. Lets not ruin it or allow anyone else – Indian, pakistani, american, whoever – to do so and make us behave in a manner that is unlike what our country represents. I also think this is a brilliant opportunity to show that we as a country, and each citizen, has the capacity to understand this new world we live in, and deal with it with remarkable maturity. Unlike even the US for that matter! And for all those who are quick to point out the problems in my country, yes, we do have problems. But the point is it my country’s problems. We are dealing with it and we will learn to deal with it better. Its simple. Would you like it if somebody came uninvited to your house? No? Same here. If we need help, we will ask.

  570. Ashish says:

    I stronly feel that this havoc be taken up by the world at large and we all should invade pakistan for all possible hide outs where such terririst may be getting trained and then put their lives to an end then and there.

  571. mohammedansari65 says:

    KartikPakis they jump too much for being friend of China however little to their knowledge Indians get visa for chian in 2 working days against Pakistanis who get after one month.

  572. Anurag's says:

    Here is what Pakistani jornalist Ahmed Rashid has to say… Read through Pak Men't know How Pakis Will Feel after Seeing this, Paki Terrorist was produced to Justice, here it is in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  573. priya says:

    I was going thru some of the posts here..very engaging and playful cross border banter for sure. But I have a question. Does anyone know why India and Pakistan dislike each other so much? how it started? lets name all the reasons why we didnt like each other and why we do not like each other now shall we? Do you think the reasons were progressively embellished over a period of time? Do you think at least part of the reason is because intelligent and educated people like us, are too lazy or otherwise preoccupied to be responsible, informed and inquisitive citizens who are capable of, and ask the right questions, to the right people, demand the right information and answers, and then respond with informed and responsible decisions and emotions? Can you tell me why brilliant, educated, rational people behave like irrational and irresponsible idiots when it involves these two neighbours? Do you think we should wait for the investigations to conclude and proper information provided before we engage in such scintillating cross border accusations and ‘informative’ versions on historical facts? Much like our politicians in fact whom ironically, we detest! Also, should we be a little more mature, responsible, cautious, informed – and perhaps a little more Indian – before we decide how we should respond? I say a little more Indian because, unlike many other countries in the world, mine is a democracy, a tolerant and multicultural society. And above all other achievements, the fact that I can have close muslim frens, a buddhist landlady, christian boyfren, and that this country allows me to do so – is my pride. Somehow, we have managed, and still manage to live with each other in relative peace. Lets not ruin it or allow anyone else – Indian, pakistani, american, whoever – to do so and make us behave in a manner that is unlike what our country represents. I also think this is a brilliant opportunity to show that we as a country, and each citizen, has the capacity to understand this new world we live in, and deal with it with remarkable maturity. Unlike even the US for that matter! And for all those who are quick to point out the problems in my country, yes, we do have problems. But the point is it my country’s problems. We are dealing with it and we will learn to deal with it better. Its simple. Would you like it if somebody came uninvited to your house? No? Same here. If we need help, we will ask.

  574. Ashish says:

    I stronly feel that this havoc be taken up by the world at large and we all should invade pakistan for all possible hide outs where such terririst may be getting trained and then put their lives to an end then and there.

  575. Anurag's says:

    Here is what Pakistani jornalist Ahmed Rashid has to say… Read through Pak Men't know How Pakis Will Feel after Seeing this, Paki Terrorist was produced to Justice, here it is in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  576. Anurag's says:

    Here is what Pakistani jornalist Ahmed Rashid has to say… Read through Pak Men't know How Pakis Will Feel after Seeing this, Paki Terrorist was produced to Justice, here it is in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.

  577. Wipro Kolkata says:

    You and Your Country are neck deep into trouble.1) There was no demand from those basturds.2) They asked for US and UK passport holders after they enter the hotels3) They did all this in night so that US and entire west could see4) They did it only on the Thanksgiving day, to screw the festive spirit.5) They did this just before Obama was to be sworn in as the President6) Whatever areas they had targeted earlier in India were never that influencial.7) Two of them were holding British Passports but were Pakistanies by birth.There are more than 100 such evidences to point everything to Pakistan. You are going to have it again this time from us like 2001.

  578. Wipro Kolkata says:

    You and Your Country are neck deep into trouble.1) There was no demand from those basturds.2) They asked for US and UK passport holders after they enter the hotels3) They did all this in night so that US and entire west could see4) They did it only on the Thanksgiving day, to screw the festive spirit.5) They did this just before Obama was to be sworn in as the President6) Whatever areas they had targeted earlier in India were never that influencial.7) Two of them were holding British Passports but were Pakistanies by birth.There are more than 100 such evidences to point everything to Pakistan. You are going to have it again this time from us like 2001.

  579. Ali says:

    Guys don’t be fooled by ur security agencies and government. this attack was carried out by your own agencies or some third country’s agency but with the help of ur security agencies. Is this the security and intelligence that these terrorists reached inside a five star hotel with weapons and explosives and no body knew it?

  580. Anurag's says:

    Here is what Pakistani jornalist Ahmed Rashid has to say… Read through Pak Men't know How Pakis Will Feel after Seeing this, Paki Terrorist was produced to Justice, here it is in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner's mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  581. Ali says:

    Guys don’t be fooled by ur security agencies and government. this attack was carried out by your own agencies or some third country’s agency but with the help of ur security agencies. Is this the security and intelligence that these terrorists reached inside a five star hotel with weapons and explosives and no body knew it?

  582. Anurag's says:

    Here is what Pakistani jornalist Ahmed Rashid has to say… Read through Pak Men't know How Pakis Will Feel after Seeing this, Paki Terrorist was produced to Justice, here it is in Case you do not believe the Caught Mujahidin Story have a look at this pictures taken by an amature Photographer and then read this then you realize that indeed there is a caught Fidayeen. Don't try to defend someone who is a guilty. Also Having defended Terrorists for long you can see urself what have these guys made your country into.1980 : India was trying to get like Pak, Paks Per capita Income 4 Times higher than india, Currency Twice as Strong as india, Pakistan "Noor" of western world.2008: I wouldn't comment (check Stats), I am not sure Pakistan would even remain a nation and is due for its own demise.You have lost your leaders (Bhutto) and you still trying to defend the terrorist. Atleast we indian support the law if there is anything to do with Terrorist whether Hindu terrorism or Muslim Terrorism.Abandon the Jihad, Mullas and Madarsas and Follow the Koran, Mohammad Saheb and Real Islam.think it over how many guys did it took to Kill Benazir or tried killing during her reentry to pak… not more than 2-3. The details will be out not in a long time.In any case what u trying to insunate by asking such question… do you think it took more than 100 people to do this job… or is it just the staged drama? For those Killing of scores of people is drama speaks abt the questioner's mentality.Even if the public is fooled how can the people involved be fooled by themselves… Even if no body accepts its still the Allah, the almighty god who is looking over all this…. Jannnat to Jihadi to door ki baat hai…. If the terrorists souls (If there are any) wont get an entries to even Hell…. And this even those who are preaching Jihaad knows pretty well.Apni akal lagao, Bahkawo mein naa aao.Long live Muslims, Long Dead are the Jihadis, Mullas and Jihad preaching Madarsas.In the war of civilizations between Mulsims,Hindus and Chirstians its only the True Koran preaching muslims who are going to be survived not the Jihadis. Jihad will be rooted out sooner or later. Its just that a lot of true Muslims too might lose their Lives because of sins of their Jihadi Brothers. I pray to allah they should be granted entries to Jannat.Preach Koran, Follow Mohammed and be true muslims,,,,, in the war of civilzations Allah, the alimighty, The God is only going to favour True Humans and not the Jihad preachers

  583. babu says:

    its all politics….these fuckers really did a very hideous job.. but it also made clear that our intelligence bureau is a complete failure..we pay a lot as taxes just for these fucking politicians to grow their own homes…they were busy blaming each other at such a time when our commandos were fighting to their deaths…if i would have power to make all these innocent people understand the real cause then i would urge them to stop voting…no votes no fights..just go for one president like the US ..fucking so many MLA’s CM’s, what the hell r they doing for us???

  584. Ashish says:

    IT is very simple to understand that why parents do not teach violence to there children. As they know for sure that if this is taught one day it shall ruin them only. The same is the state in paksitan now. The local leaders have poisoned the brains of youth and in turn they have transformed into blood sucking rascals in the shape of terrorist. Slowly it is also observed that these irritated youth not only impact other nations but have of late also started settling their disputes by the heinous act of terrorism (take the example of RDX blast in Marriott hotel in Pakistan)It is not time that the religious leaders driving the youth realize that its their turn to face the consequences of what they have taught.

  585. babu says:

    its all politics….these fuckers really did a very hideous job.. but it also made clear that our intelligence bureau is a complete failure..we pay a lot as taxes just for these fucking politicians to grow their own homes…they were busy blaming each other at such a time when our commandos were fighting to their deaths…if i would have power to make all these innocent people understand the real cause then i would urge them to stop voting…no votes no fights..just go for one president like the US ..fucking so many MLA’s CM’s, what the hell r they doing for us???

  586. Ashish says:

    IT is very simple to understand that why parents do not teach violence to there children. As they know for sure that if this is taught one day it shall ruin them only. The same is the state in paksitan now. The local leaders have poisoned the brains of youth and in turn they have transformed into blood sucking rascals in the shape of terrorist. Slowly it is also observed that these irritated youth not only impact other nations but have of late also started settling their disputes by the heinous act of terrorism (take the example of RDX blast in Marriott hotel in Pakistan)It is not time that the religious leaders driving the youth realize that its their turn to face the consequences of what they have taught.

  587. Raghav says:

    @ http://www.smartvisionzone.comClearly you don’t know much about your own country ( might be because you are also involved in planning terror attacks in other country ..okk that was just an emotional and angry reaction ) …there is a Faridkot city in Pakistan. Here are the details –“Faridkot google satellite map! This place is situated in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan, its geographical coordinates are 30° 16′ 30″ North, 71° 57′ 30″ East”..and to reply to your other statements well yes ..these two case you mentioned have no involvement from Pak it seems for now ..but now you can understand what kind of reputation you country has established …Parliament attack well say whatever you may but facts revealed the truth and do some more fact finding ..and what about the other cases …fact of Kargil, Bombay blast -Dawood Ibrahim is in your country, Al Quiada and terrorist from Afganistan is in your country, The terrorist we had to release after Kandhar hijack is safely sheltered in yoour country (no it’s not our intelligence …you very own Ptv showed him holding rallies ) …the list is long … you really need to accept because it is your kind of ostrich mentality which is now affecting you own country ..these same terrorist are now after your asses so stop justifying and covering the shit that your people have created …Obviously I don’t deny the failure of our own intelligence and politicians….but atleast we are bring them to justice irrespective of their religion unlike you guys …but you have to stop ignoring the fact about the reputation of your own country that have shaped in whole world …my friend just opened the news of Pakistan and your media is busy painting a different picture ..they are still not allowing you guys to know that we have got the terrorist who is spilling the beans ….

  588. Sudipta says:

    Dear Ahmed and Wasi,All the people who were involved in this attacks were Pakistani nationals,and Bangladeshis too.The terrorist who got caught in the act is a LeT associate.He has been trained in Pakistani soil.The LeT chief’s and other chief’s of ur ISI sponsored Terrorist Groups give public speeches in Pakistan.Ur govt does nothing.The POK is being used as trainee ground for Terrorists.U military people gives trainings.Ur govt is a beggar.Asking money from the world to save them,in this tym of Global Meltdown.Instead of spending money on buying aircrafts’ and funding on missile programs,they should concentrate on their own financial system.Wasi- u know who is A.Q.Khan??? Ur own man-gentle sober learned,who went on world voyage selling nuclear technologies-to spread fear and anxiety.Wat do the world call u???Bloodthirsty animals???Look ur own men from the upper society like A.Q.Khan is spreading terrorism.Should we trust u???Leave aside the terrorists.Buddy instead of pointing fingers at us,plzz take time and think.Dont play blame games.U will remain beggars all through.Wat we have done all these years is produced humans,who can built this world a better place.Not like ur fundamentalist approach,u people come this world to destroy the peace.So dear Ahmed and Wasi-Wait for a few days,the truth will come out,till then kindly keep ur mouth shut.U have no right to blabber right now.Dirty minded Pakis.Don’t even know how to speak to persons,how do u work in ur office???U must be a delivery boy-Wasi!

  589. Raghav says:

    @ http://www.smartvisionzone.comClearly you don’t know much about your own country ( might be because you are also involved in planning terror attacks in other country ..okk that was just an emotional and angry reaction ) …there is a Faridkot city in Pakistan. Here are the details –“Faridkot google satellite map! This place is situated in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan, its geographical coordinates are 30° 16′ 30″ North, 71° 57′ 30″ East”..and to reply to your other statements well yes ..these two case you mentioned have no involvement from Pak it seems for now ..but now you can understand what kind of reputation you country has established …Parliament attack well say whatever you may but facts revealed the truth and do some more fact finding ..and what about the other cases …fact of Kargil, Bombay blast -Dawood Ibrahim is in your country, Al Quiada and terrorist from Afganistan is in your country, The terrorist we had to release after Kandhar hijack is safely sheltered in yoour country (no it’s not our intelligence …you very own Ptv showed him holding rallies ) …the list is long … you really need to accept because it is your kind of ostrich mentality which is now affecting you own country ..these same terrorist are now after your asses so stop justifying and covering the shit that your people have created …Obviously I don’t deny the failure of our own intelligence and politicians….but atleast we are bring them to justice irrespective of their religion unlike you guys …but you have to stop ignoring the fact about the reputation of your own country that have shaped in whole world …my friend just opened the news of Pakistan and your media is busy painting a different picture ..they are still not allowing you guys to know that we have got the terrorist who is spilling the beans ….

  590. Sudipta says:

    Dear Ahmed and Wasi,All the people who were involved in this attacks were Pakistani nationals,and Bangladeshis too.The terrorist who got caught in the act is a LeT associate.He has been trained in Pakistani soil.The LeT chief’s and other chief’s of ur ISI sponsored Terrorist Groups give public speeches in Pakistan.Ur govt does nothing.The POK is being used as trainee ground for Terrorists.U military people gives trainings.Ur govt is a beggar.Asking money from the world to save them,in this tym of Global Meltdown.Instead of spending money on buying aircrafts’ and funding on missile programs,they should concentrate on their own financial system.Wasi- u know who is A.Q.Khan??? Ur own man-gentle sober learned,who went on world voyage selling nuclear technologies-to spread fear and anxiety.Wat do the world call u???Bloodthirsty animals???Look ur own men from the upper society like A.Q.Khan is spreading terrorism.Should we trust u???Leave aside the terrorists.Buddy instead of pointing fingers at us,plzz take time and think.Dont play blame games.U will remain beggars all through.Wat we have done all these years is produced humans,who can built this world a better place.Not like ur fundamentalist approach,u people come this world to destroy the peace.So dear Ahmed and Wasi-Wait for a few days,the truth will come out,till then kindly keep ur mouth shut.U have no right to blabber right now.Dirty minded Pakis.Don’t even know how to speak to persons,how do u work in ur office???U must be a delivery boy-Wasi!

  591. Wellingborough Family says:

    Can anyone enlighten us… especailly those denying Pakistani involvement……why the Pak ISI Chief has done a U-turn?? To me, & the rest of the world… that is an admission of involvement & guilt. You guys, the Pakistani's have been involved in all major attacks in India.

  592. Wellingborough Family says:

    Can anyone enlighten us… especailly those denying Pakistani involvement……why the Pak ISI Chief has done a U-turn?? To me, & the rest of the world… that is an admission of involvement & guilt. You guys, the Pakistani's have been involved in all major attacks in India.

  593. Vennelakanti says:

    This is first time I have seen an interactive blog.I thought this was to share information ,feelings and build bridges.Both content and expression desrve to be positive.The fact there are terror creators from all communities should not be forgotten.It is sad that only a few malign their own religion by quoting their texts out of context and justify their negative behaviour.Neither Quran nor Hadith justify killing innocent people.Quran says that people who ignore orphans will go to Hell.The ones who create orphans cannot go to Heaven.The terror at Hotel Merriot and now at Mumbai Hotels is against the teachings of quran.The LTTE militanta also create orphans and their acts are against the teachings of The Bhagavadhita and The Bible.Criminals do not follow their religion.Terrorists,Pirates,Rapists.Murderers have no religion.They are pathologically criminal and deserve punishment.There is no need to malign any religion or community.prakasam

  594. suman says:

    The Indian media and ppl are crying so over this situation of mumbai killings. But no one in this group or media are not taling about Hindu extremist activities on christians in Orissa and Karnataka. The Hindu/RSS ppl are killing thousands of poor christians for practing their choice of religion. We should condem Hindu terrorists as well as Muslim.

  595. Vennelakanti says:

    This is first time I have seen an interactive blog.I thought this was to share information ,feelings and build bridges.Both content and expression desrve to be positive.The fact there are terror creators from all communities should not be forgotten.It is sad that only a few malign their own religion by quoting their texts out of context and justify their negative behaviour.Neither Quran nor Hadith justify killing innocent people.Quran says that people who ignore orphans will go to Hell.The ones who create orphans cannot go to Heaven.The terror at Hotel Merriot and now at Mumbai Hotels is against the teachings of quran.The LTTE militanta also create orphans and their acts are against the teachings of The Bhagavadhita and The Bible.Criminals do not follow their religion.Terrorists,Pirates,Rapists.Murderers have no religion.They are pathologically criminal and deserve punishment.There is no need to malign any religion or community.prakasam

  596. suman says:

    The Indian media and ppl are crying so over this situation of mumbai killings. But no one in this group or media are not taling about Hindu extremist activities on christians in Orissa and Karnataka. The Hindu/RSS ppl are killing thousands of poor christians for practing their choice of religion. We should condem Hindu terrorists as well as Muslim.

  597. mobeenahmed says:

    Hi,I can agree with all of you. But give me few answers. What happened in Samjhoata Express Blast in 2007? Who was involved in those blasts? Indian media blamed pakistan initially. But later on indian investigation agencies found that Indian Army officers are involved in those terror attacks. These are all Hindu ziaonists tactics and they are playing with the lives of innocent indians and pakistanis. We have to stop and condem all these terrorist activities. Thanks

  598. mobeenahmed says:

    Hi,I can agree with all of you. But give me few answers. What happened in Samjhoata Express Blast in 2007? Who was involved in those blasts? Indian media blamed pakistan initially. But later on indian investigation agencies found that Indian Army officers are involved in those terror attacks. These are all Hindu ziaonists tactics and they are playing with the lives of innocent indians and pakistanis. We have to stop and condem all these terrorist activities. Thanks

  599. Somnath says:

    Hello I am a common Indian who has access to Media reports only.In my opinion Pakistan Govt is a puppet govt in the hands of Islamic fanatics and the millitary which is bound to nurture terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism for securing its own existence.The moves made by Islamic radicals or the army there are not guided by the Govt. Even the move made my pakistani Army at Kargil was not known by the then Pak PM.The Demon of Islamic terrorism that has been nurtured in Pak soil has become a large frankestein now threatening its own people as well as the whole world.The Leading Powers in the world should join hands,invade pakistan,sanitise its soil off these elements, otherwise would have to pay a larger price later.

  600. Somnath says:

    Hello I am a common Indian who has access to Media reports only.In my opinion Pakistan Govt is a puppet govt in the hands of Islamic fanatics and the millitary which is bound to nurture terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism for securing its own existence.The moves made by Islamic radicals or the army there are not guided by the Govt. Even the move made my pakistani Army at Kargil was not known by the then Pak PM.The Demon of Islamic terrorism that has been nurtured in Pak soil has become a large frankestein now threatening its own people as well as the whole world.The Leading Powers in the world should join hands,invade pakistan,sanitise its soil off these elements, otherwise would have to pay a larger price later.

  601. Ashish says:

    Ali We do agree to your comment that it’s a shame on our intelligence and also we may not be able to overrule the possibility that there can be some persons who may have actually helped these animals to achieve their objective, but never the less, it is evident from the statement that one of the terrorist have made that all were belonging to Pakistan and hail from there. They obtained the training from one of the agencies there and also D company helped them to get their way through Mumbai.When will you guys realize that war may be a necessary evil, but it is not a solution to achieve peace. Let me ask you a question, you know India and Pak gained independence at the same time, almost the same day. Also India and Pakistan had a similar set of people at the time of inception. (1947). What has led to a vast gap in between the two countries in the past 60 years? Why do we see lots of Indians at key positions across various multinationals and across continents, while you people have a global image of terrorist producing nation. Why is that India is growing on all faces and you people are still finding yourself in a poor state and asking for global help to support your economy.Just think…..

  602. Ashish says:

    Ali We do agree to your comment that it’s a shame on our intelligence and also we may not be able to overrule the possibility that there can be some persons who may have actually helped these animals to achieve their objective, but never the less, it is evident from the statement that one of the terrorist have made that all were belonging to Pakistan and hail from there. They obtained the training from one of the agencies there and also D company helped them to get their way through Mumbai.When will you guys realize that war may be a necessary evil, but it is not a solution to achieve peace. Let me ask you a question, you know India and Pak gained independence at the same time, almost the same day. Also India and Pakistan had a similar set of people at the time of inception. (1947). What has led to a vast gap in between the two countries in the past 60 years? Why do we see lots of Indians at key positions across various multinationals and across continents, while you people have a global image of terrorist producing nation. Why is that India is growing on all faces and you people are still finding yourself in a poor state and asking for global help to support your economy.Just think…..

  603. Moha's says:

    If you believe in what you are told, if you believe in what you hear, you do NOT know anything. If you think you know the facts, that you are told, you do NOT know the facts.Why should I believe in what some guy standing in a press confrenece tells me….ask yourself that question for once.Its very easy to say its pakistan, its very easy for people to say its India…blah blah…but think….Why? Think why did that bloke running with an AK 47 do it? Think why did they blow up WTC? Think why do people believe in Osama and all these fellows… Think why do we need this violence? Think through one word….POWER!….I still think with my own head… Do you?

  604. Amani says:

    Get your head out of your arse. These imbeciles came from Pakistan. that said, it’s not Pakistanis as a whole who are responsible, but a few Pakistani nationals.

  605. Moha's says:

    If you believe in what you are told, if you believe in what you hear, you do NOT know anything. If you think you know the facts, that you are told, you do NOT know the facts.Why should I believe in what some guy standing in a press confrenece tells me….ask yourself that question for once.Its very easy to say its pakistan, its very easy for people to say its India…blah blah…but think….Why? Think why did that bloke running with an AK 47 do it? Think why did they blow up WTC? Think why do people believe in Osama and all these fellows… Think why do we need this violence? Think through one word….POWER!….I still think with my own head… Do you?

  606. Amani says:

    Get your head out of your arse. These imbeciles came from Pakistan. that said, it’s not Pakistanis as a whole who are responsible, but a few Pakistani nationals.

  607. rohit says:

    Just open ur eyes and see the facts and figures..those terrorists are PAKIS national…the KARGIL WAR was having pakistani army was involved….the PAK ARMY is giving training in POK to these bullshits….if u dont want us to blame pakistan(ofcourse the extremists there in that country)..then urge ur governemnte to send ISI cheif..else…..we can drag him from ur home…..but we dont want to do that….<> we are not saying that all pakis should be blamed<> pakis citoizens are also facing same fear from last decade……but then why ur government is not supporting other countries to eradiciate the terrorists from pak??so that ur country wil not be blamed further…..sorry to say but now enough is enough………….stop making terrorists in POK..else IOP will not be that much far…..

  608. rohit says:

    Just open ur eyes and see the facts and figures..those terrorists are PAKIS national…the KARGIL WAR was having pakistani army was involved….the PAK ARMY is giving training in POK to these bullshits….if u dont want us to blame pakistan(ofcourse the extremists there in that country)..then urge ur governemnte to send ISI cheif..else…..we can drag him from ur home…..but we dont want to do that….<> we are not saying that all pakis should be blamed<> pakis citoizens are also facing same fear from last decade……but then why ur government is not supporting other countries to eradiciate the terrorists from pak??so that ur country wil not be blamed further…..sorry to say but now enough is enough………….stop making terrorists in POK..else IOP will not be that much far…..

  609. Moha's says:

    I am a proud Indian…. and I dont give a shit about what is what…half of what I hear from any media is crap for me….I never asked anyone to change their perspective, that said and done… you cant change mine…. enjoyn the hatred….

  610. Moha's says:

    I am a proud Indian…. and I dont give a shit about what is what…half of what I hear from any media is crap for me….I never asked anyone to change their perspective, that said and done… you cant change mine…. enjoyn the hatred….

  611. Khaleel says:

    Terrorism does not have any religion, as Amir Khan well said, and which is a universal fact.Anyone blaming Muslims or Hindus or Christians has a mere lack of common sense. It’s the unfortunate Indian Politicians who should be held resposible for these attacks rather than the attackers themselves. Not to mention, the attackers ought to be hanged or tied to a grenade to taste what death is. However, the Politicians should be ashamed of themselves, only if they had their security and intelligence assigned for the Country in general and the public, this wouldn’t have happened.As far as, racist comments against different communities, especially Muslims are concerend, then that would be a cowardly and media-brain washed comment. Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. If any terrorist has a muslim name it does not mean he is a muslim, he could also be a Hindu who changed his identity only to reverbrate hatred against muslims. Or even if he has a muslim name for the matter, then he is not a Muslim as Islam does not teach killing and violence. No religion teaches this. Use your common sense friends.

  612. Khaleel says:

    Terrorism does not have any religion, as Amir Khan well said, and which is a universal fact.Anyone blaming Muslims or Hindus or Christians has a mere lack of common sense. It’s the unfortunate Indian Politicians who should be held resposible for these attacks rather than the attackers themselves. Not to mention, the attackers ought to be hanged or tied to a grenade to taste what death is. However, the Politicians should be ashamed of themselves, only if they had their security and intelligence assigned for the Country in general and the public, this wouldn’t have happened.As far as, racist comments against different communities, especially Muslims are concerend, then that would be a cowardly and media-brain washed comment. Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. If any terrorist has a muslim name it does not mean he is a muslim, he could also be a Hindu who changed his identity only to reverbrate hatred against muslims. Or even if he has a muslim name for the matter, then he is not a Muslim as Islam does not teach killing and violence. No religion teaches this. Use your common sense friends.

  613. ANANT says:

    Unfortunately, Pakistan is at a point where it can not control what it created. Hatred towards India is Pakistan’s oxygen. It is a failed state. If Pakistan does not take steps to dismantle the terror modules that operate from within their country, they may have to just stand and watch as others will certainly do it for them sooner than later. WAKE UP PAKISTAN….

  614. ANANT says:

    Unfortunately, Pakistan is at a point where it can not control what it created. Hatred towards India is Pakistan’s oxygen. It is a failed state. If Pakistan does not take steps to dismantle the terror modules that operate from within their country, they may have to just stand and watch as others will certainly do it for them sooner than later. WAKE UP PAKISTAN….

  615. Vinster Picks says:

    All the people saying Pak has not done it should be told Musharraf and all pakis were saying the same during Kargil. And the shameless bstrds were not accepting their soldiers bodies back aswell. Then came the book of Musharraf and revealed all. I think Pakistan shd be changed to Jhoothistan. Cowards.

  616. Vinster Picks says:

    All the people saying Pak has not done it should be told Musharraf and all pakis were saying the same during Kargil. And the shameless bstrds were not accepting their soldiers bodies back aswell. Then came the book of Musharraf and revealed all. I think Pakistan shd be changed to Jhoothistan. Cowards.

  617. Kartik says:

    Wasi, i think its time you eat your own PAKI shit, oh hey i forgot, I think your toilet potty was bombed he fuck out. Go find some in your PAKI gutter, u will find loads of shit to eat.

  618. Kartik says:

    Wasi, i think its time you eat your own PAKI shit, oh hey i forgot, I think your toilet potty was bombed he fuck out. Go find some in your PAKI gutter, u will find loads of shit to eat.

  619. purab says:

    Ali, Free nd several other F**kis…U guyz will never admit the truth, because even ur soul has been sold to Islamic fanatics.Because of u fanatics, the world wll definetely face a 3rd world war situation in future.How do u guyz get completely brainwashed is an astonishing thing….even before thinking what mayhem that may cause.A software engineer was caught here recently for Delhi blasts, even that a**hole thought nothing would happen, but destiny fucked him up.So better wake up and do gud smthng for ur country, which has idiot eunchs like u….

  620. Aishwarya says:

    Hey Mr.Somnath, even india is ruled by criminals, Manmohan and Advani are just the mask for these criminals. The PMs & CMs cant do a shit with these criminal MPs/MLAs and their chelas

  621. purab says:

    Ali, Free nd several other F**kis…U guyz will never admit the truth, because even ur soul has been sold to Islamic fanatics.Because of u fanatics, the world wll definetely face a 3rd world war situation in future.How do u guyz get completely brainwashed is an astonishing thing….even before thinking what mayhem that may cause.A software engineer was caught here recently for Delhi blasts, even that a**hole thought nothing would happen, but destiny fucked him up.So better wake up and do gud smthng for ur country, which has idiot eunchs like u….

  622. Aishwarya says:

    Hey Mr.Somnath, even india is ruled by criminals, Manmohan and Advani are just the mask for these criminals. The PMs & CMs cant do a shit with these criminal MPs/MLAs and their chelas

  623. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTAN

  624. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTAN

  625. Kartik says:

    I know the feeling of a terrorist, what trauma he has to go through. He has to undergo sodomy sessions every day, every night, every fucking moment on his arse as bum thirsty mulahs relentlessly fire into his arse from all angles. NO wonder he is so deprived of firing that he targets innocent people.

  626. Kartik says:

    I know the feeling of a terrorist, what trauma he has to go through. He has to undergo sodomy sessions every day, every night, every fucking moment on his arse as bum thirsty mulahs relentlessly fire into his arse from all angles. NO wonder he is so deprived of firing that he targets innocent people.

  627. Iqraa says:

    U looser Indians..Cant control ur own homeland security n just have this thing to blame pakistan..pak gives a shit to ur asses..Fuck Shiv sina..Fuck Baal Thaakray..

  628. Iqraa says:

    U looser Indians..Cant control ur own homeland security n just have this thing to blame pakistan..pak gives a shit to ur asses..Fuck Shiv sina..Fuck Baal Thaakray..

  629. prashant says:

    I just want to ask few questions here:a. If Pakistan Govt is not assisting in any terrorism activities, then why are they hiding India’s some of the most wanted criminals in their country?b. Why are most of the terrorists attacking in India of Pakistan origin / nationality?With end of Musharraf era, I had thought there will be new beginning in relations between two countries, but the attitude of present Govt. seems no different than earlier Govt.I only hope this attack helps bring India and US closer and remove all misunderstandings / misconceptions between two countries.-prashant

  630. George says:

    I have nothing against pakistan or their citizens but i will tear their bladders out whoever is sheltering this bloody terriorist & who does not have the guts to fight like a man face to face. The people who supply them with the ammunition & money are spineless people who have always lost in the war & never will win. So they have started fighting like cowards that they are by killing innocent people in the name of freedom & relgion. Even people in India who kill in the name of religion has to be burned to death. God made a religion for people to have peace & not disrupt them. Man cannot bring back a life taken then he has no right to take them. Especially the cowards supported by the pak army. Taking hostages of innocent people & killing them might make them look like heroes to the rest of the cowards hiding in their dipolmatic positions in the govt claiming we have no hand but believe me if i get the chance to wring their necks will leave no stone unturned to do the same.

  631. prashant says:

    I just want to ask few questions here:a. If Pakistan Govt is not assisting in any terrorism activities, then why are they hiding India’s some of the most wanted criminals in their country?b. Why are most of the terrorists attacking in India of Pakistan origin / nationality?With end of Musharraf era, I had thought there will be new beginning in relations between two countries, but the attitude of present Govt. seems no different than earlier Govt.I only hope this attack helps bring India and US closer and remove all misunderstandings / misconceptions between two countries.-prashant

  632. George says:

    I have nothing against pakistan or their citizens but i will tear their bladders out whoever is sheltering this bloody terriorist & who does not have the guts to fight like a man face to face. The people who supply them with the ammunition & money are spineless people who have always lost in the war & never will win. So they have started fighting like cowards that they are by killing innocent people in the name of freedom & relgion. Even people in India who kill in the name of religion has to be burned to death. God made a religion for people to have peace & not disrupt them. Man cannot bring back a life taken then he has no right to take them. Especially the cowards supported by the pak army. Taking hostages of innocent people & killing them might make them look like heroes to the rest of the cowards hiding in their dipolmatic positions in the govt claiming we have no hand but believe me if i get the chance to wring their necks will leave no stone unturned to do the same.

  633. Kartik says:

    Mr/mrs Igraa, look around you, your country, its a gutter filled with desperate rats who wants to get famous. If you really want to get famous then join movies, make porn movies by screwing your mullahs, or go fuck some rat in your gutters. Dont fuck around with the world. Fuck off.

  634. Iqraa says:

    Why do u not mention the times when poor muslims were being killed in Gujrat riots?? Were u fucking assholes sleeping at that time??I think India deserves these kind of attacks..

  635. Kartik says:

    Mr/mrs Igraa, look around you, your country, its a gutter filled with desperate rats who wants to get famous. If you really want to get famous then join movies, make porn movies by screwing your mullahs, or go fuck some rat in your gutters. Dont fuck around with the world. Fuck off.

  636. Iqraa says:

    Why do u not mention the times when poor muslims were being killed in Gujrat riots?? Were u fucking assholes sleeping at that time??I think India deserves these kind of attacks..

  637. bharat says:


  638. bharat says:


  639. Kartik says:

    Mr/Mrs fucking Iqraa, whatever happens in Gujarat or kashmir is India's internal matter and you fucking PAKI's have no jurisdiction in my motherland's affairs, so fuck off from my motherland and look after your own raped mothers, sisters & daughters.

  640. Kartik says:

    Mr/Mrs fucking Iqraa, whatever happens in Gujarat or kashmir is India's internal matter and you fucking PAKI's have no jurisdiction in my motherland's affairs, so fuck off from my motherland and look after your own raped mothers, sisters & daughters.

  641. Iqraa says:

    Before telling Wasi of his origins..ask ur mother from where did u got birth from?? Ask sure she isnt even sure where u came from..ass hole

  642. Iqraa says:

    Before telling Wasi of his origins..ask ur mother from where did u got birth from?? Ask sure she isnt even sure where u came from..ass hole

  643. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa I'm sure I'm not sure where your mother came from but I'm sure where you came from. Your mother had wandered into a forest nine months b4 you were born & a bunch of pigs relentlessly gangraped her, and thats where you were born u PAKI pigshit.

  644. Syed says:

    Hi! This is shahbaz from India,I had been reading the comments from both side of the border. Whoever was involved in this crime is not a Muslim, because a Muslim is a muslim only if he follows the laws of Islam,and Islam does not support terrorism, it does not allow anyone to take the lives of the innocent. Kiran wrote about the wrong fundamentals of Islam, it is not about the fundamentals of Islam,they are absolutely correct religiously and scientifically. it is the lack of understanding about islam. You can just open your mouth and blam islam for everything. Now, as far as the reports say that there is the involvent of a pakistan, I suppose that the news should be first verified for its genuity, and if it is found to be correct, then we the muslims of India request the Government Of India to first finish off any diplomatic relationship with Pakistan. May Allah the Almighty who knows all punish all those involved in the Mumbai terrorism severely, Aameen.

  645. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa I'm sure I'm not sure where your mother came from but I'm sure where you came from. Your mother had wandered into a forest nine months b4 you were born & a bunch of pigs relentlessly gangraped her, and thats where you were born u PAKI pigshit.

  646. Syed says:

    Hi! This is shahbaz from India,I had been reading the comments from both side of the border. Whoever was involved in this crime is not a Muslim, because a Muslim is a muslim only if he follows the laws of Islam,and Islam does not support terrorism, it does not allow anyone to take the lives of the innocent. Kiran wrote about the wrong fundamentals of Islam, it is not about the fundamentals of Islam,they are absolutely correct religiously and scientifically. it is the lack of understanding about islam. You can just open your mouth and blam islam for everything. Now, as far as the reports say that there is the involvent of a pakistan, I suppose that the news should be first verified for its genuity, and if it is found to be correct, then we the muslims of India request the Government Of India to first finish off any diplomatic relationship with Pakistan. May Allah the Almighty who knows all punish all those involved in the Mumbai terrorism severely, Aameen.

  647. George says:

    Hands down we should appreciate the bravey shown by the terrorist in killing those innocent people,woman & children. Hope the people who have supported this ghastly act of bravery by killing innocent people are rewarded by God for whom they claim are to be fighting for. Hope they live a life which is always filled with the blessings given by the relatives & loved ones of the people who died. I dont understand why doesnt India ever understand that they have to start learning such technics & send out some of the commandos on such missions of honours to make them understand that do not take our silence as our incapability & if we retaliate then Pakistan I swear will be called India once again…. After all you are just a waste of sperm you bloody terrorist & whoever supports them. Remember very well we gave you Freedom We can always take it back as well. You guys are our products living on Gods mercy on a land given away by us. If you talk Kashmir was part of Pakistan & that you need it back… Then i dont ask you to give us Kashmir what i ask is to give us Pakistan as pakistan was part of India as well till Gandhiji thanks to the british manipulation let the cowards call themselves as pakistanis…. stop crying for kashmir or we need pakistan back

  648. George says:

    Hands down we should appreciate the bravey shown by the terrorist in killing those innocent people,woman & children. Hope the people who have supported this ghastly act of bravery by killing innocent people are rewarded by God for whom they claim are to be fighting for. Hope they live a life which is always filled with the blessings given by the relatives & loved ones of the people who died. I dont understand why doesnt India ever understand that they have to start learning such technics & send out some of the commandos on such missions of honours to make them understand that do not take our silence as our incapability & if we retaliate then Pakistan I swear will be called India once again…. After all you are just a waste of sperm you bloody terrorist & whoever supports them. Remember very well we gave you Freedom We can always take it back as well. You guys are our products living on Gods mercy on a land given away by us. If you talk Kashmir was part of Pakistan & that you need it back… Then i dont ask you to give us Kashmir what i ask is to give us Pakistan as pakistan was part of India as well till Gandhiji thanks to the british manipulation let the cowards call themselves as pakistanis…. stop crying for kashmir or we need pakistan back

  649. Iqraa says:

    Lisn was muslims who were killed in Hyd Deccan and Gujrat its MY AFFAIR ok..let me tell u whats ur affair..ask shiv sina to fuck ur mother the same way he did b4 u were born..It will remind u of ur origins..I am sure she has forgotten from where you came from..

  650. Iqraa says:

    Lisn was muslims who were killed in Hyd Deccan and Gujrat its MY AFFAIR ok..let me tell u whats ur affair..ask shiv sina to fuck ur mother the same way he did b4 u were born..It will remind u of ur origins..I am sure she has forgotten from where you came from..

  651. saksham says:

    dear ahmadThis is very unfortunate of u that u r still not recognizing What is happening around u…..ur government has agreed about terrorist acts moreover the bombing of indian embassy in afghanistan was planned by I.s.I….both indian , afghanistan and united states government has confirmmed the role of pakistan especially I.S.I in it and i am also failing to understand that such camps are churning young people as terrorist and then also ur government is not getting any information that were they are……I want to mention 1 more thing that i have also seen videos of heads of jaish-e-mohammed and L.E.T moving freely in cars with gunmen on the streets of karanchi which clearly states secretive support of I.S.I……….Every1 know that the biggest culprit of all these tragedies is I.S.I which is acting as a hatcher for these terrorist organisation

  652. Aishwarya says:

    How does a Pakistani recognize his mother in burqah/veil?By smelling her arse

  653. saksham says:

    dear ahmadThis is very unfortunate of u that u r still not recognizing What is happening around u…..ur government has agreed about terrorist acts moreover the bombing of indian embassy in afghanistan was planned by I.s.I….both indian , afghanistan and united states government has confirmmed the role of pakistan especially I.S.I in it and i am also failing to understand that such camps are churning young people as terrorist and then also ur government is not getting any information that were they are……I want to mention 1 more thing that i have also seen videos of heads of jaish-e-mohammed and L.E.T moving freely in cars with gunmen on the streets of karanchi which clearly states secretive support of I.S.I……….Every1 know that the biggest culprit of all these tragedies is I.S.I which is acting as a hatcher for these terrorist organisation

  654. Aishwarya says:

    How does a Pakistani recognize his mother in burqah/veil?By smelling her arse

  655. bharat says:


  656. bharat says:


  657. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa or whoever the fuck you were, remember bangladesh, it was muslims who were killed there in 1973 by ur fucking PAKI MUSLIM army, because they belonged to shia community. Your prime minister candidate Benazir Bhutto was a muslim, And all afghans who had undergone torture & relentless killing by the taliban were muslim. And I also have proof that taliban were officers of pakistan forces and are now occupying plum positions with your mother and grandmother & sister & daughter available to service their deeds everyday. Mayb ur father is sucking their cocks & maybe ur son is giving his butt.

  658. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa or whoever the fuck you were, remember bangladesh, it was muslims who were killed there in 1973 by ur fucking PAKI MUSLIM army, because they belonged to shia community. Your prime minister candidate Benazir Bhutto was a muslim, And all afghans who had undergone torture & relentless killing by the taliban were muslim. And I also have proof that taliban were officers of pakistan forces and are now occupying plum positions with your mother and grandmother & sister & daughter available to service their deeds everyday. Mayb ur father is sucking their cocks & maybe ur son is giving his butt.

  659. igreen1234 says:

    Hi All,In total how many people died and injured roughly 500 approx but because of the media coverage people are so involved. Come on lets points fingers at the Pakistani’s….moron’s what bot the poor people dying on the streets. the Indian Politicians are to be blamed for the poverty of more than 500 in thousands dying. What bot that idiot Salman Khan…he killed so many people on the streets…is there no value to their lives and their families. But people still see his movies. I am Indian but I believe we should clean our own house then point fingers at others. We get so emotional when Pakistan is involved. What happend with Tahelka…politicians caught on camera? Rajesh

  660. igreen1234 says:

    Hi All,In total how many people died and injured roughly 500 approx but because of the media coverage people are so involved. Come on lets points fingers at the Pakistani’s….moron’s what bot the poor people dying on the streets. the Indian Politicians are to be blamed for the poverty of more than 500 in thousands dying. What bot that idiot Salman Khan…he killed so many people on the streets…is there no value to their lives and their families. But people still see his movies. I am Indian but I believe we should clean our own house then point fingers at others. We get so emotional when Pakistan is involved. What happend with Tahelka…politicians caught on camera? Rajesh

  661. Surya Gupta says:

    Guys…at least wasi cares to know and discuss about India…sparing the fact that te talks utter rubbish like most Pakis do…….another fact– he is mentally ill as all of u must have understood by now..talking of myself I dont care a damn of what Pak is and what its economy or entertainment industry is(mentioning just coz he has put a lot of stress on these).I pray to the almighty for the peace of the souls of the martyrs and the people of Mumbai who died in this cowardly act of Pakis and wish I could have the powers to give them a lesson inspite of blaming anyone else.May God punish all who were involved in this terrorism.

  662. Surya Gupta says:

    Guys…at least wasi cares to know and discuss about India…sparing the fact that te talks utter rubbish like most Pakis do…….another fact– he is mentally ill as all of u must have understood by now..talking of myself I dont care a damn of what Pak is and what its economy or entertainment industry is(mentioning just coz he has put a lot of stress on these).I pray to the almighty for the peace of the souls of the martyrs and the people of Mumbai who died in this cowardly act of Pakis and wish I could have the powers to give them a lesson inspite of blaming anyone else.May God punish all who were involved in this terrorism.

  663. Neelesh says:

    What about sanskar bharti kendras run by the RSS where small children are taught to hate muslims?Why don’t we Indians speak about terrorism when VHP and Bajrang Dal kill innocent persons in Orissa (just because they are Christians)?Why do we ask Afzal (or is it Afroze) to be hanged, and in the same breath forget about Dara Singh (a VHP activist) who mercilessly killed Graham Staines and locked his two kids in a car and set it on fire?Even before an investigation is ordered, we had Vajpayee (former PM) giving a clean chit to VHP after Christians were butchered in Dangs district in South Gujarat.Why none of us asks for the original terrorist, Mr. L.K. Advani to be punished for fomenting all sorts of religious hatred by using a Rath Yatra and exhorting “Ek dhakka aur do, Babri Masjid Tod do”.?Why is no action taken on MNS chief Raj Thackeray even though he terrorises North Indians and is therefore a terrorist?Why we have no spine to lock up Bal Thackeray even though he harrassed all South Indians in the 60s and 70s, and is therefore a terrorist.Please, all fellow Indians, listen to me: be sane and do not point fingers at our neighbours. Remember that when you point one finger at someone, three fingers point at you.Please. Please remain peaceful and do not blame any religion or country. All countries are grappling against terrorism. We need to bravely fight the terrorists and not pore over their religion or country.

  664. purplesque says:

    Please. Lets stop the finger pointing. It is time for Indians and Pakistanis to unite and face their respective governments, make them responsible and end this slaughter. Don’t forget that the people who died were Hindu, Muslim, Christians ans Jews alike. I say this as an Indian with family in the army.

  665. Neelesh says:

    What about sanskar bharti kendras run by the RSS where small children are taught to hate muslims?Why don’t we Indians speak about terrorism when VHP and Bajrang Dal kill innocent persons in Orissa (just because they are Christians)?Why do we ask Afzal (or is it Afroze) to be hanged, and in the same breath forget about Dara Singh (a VHP activist) who mercilessly killed Graham Staines and locked his two kids in a car and set it on fire?Even before an investigation is ordered, we had Vajpayee (former PM) giving a clean chit to VHP after Christians were butchered in Dangs district in South Gujarat.Why none of us asks for the original terrorist, Mr. L.K. Advani to be punished for fomenting all sorts of religious hatred by using a Rath Yatra and exhorting “Ek dhakka aur do, Babri Masjid Tod do”.?Why is no action taken on MNS chief Raj Thackeray even though he terrorises North Indians and is therefore a terrorist?Why we have no spine to lock up Bal Thackeray even though he harrassed all South Indians in the 60s and 70s, and is therefore a terrorist.Please, all fellow Indians, listen to me: be sane and do not point fingers at our neighbours. Remember that when you point one finger at someone, three fingers point at you.Please. Please remain peaceful and do not blame any religion or country. All countries are grappling against terrorism. We need to bravely fight the terrorists and not pore over their religion or country.

  666. purplesque says:

    Please. Lets stop the finger pointing. It is time for Indians and Pakistanis to unite and face their respective governments, make them responsible and end this slaughter. Don’t forget that the people who died were Hindu, Muslim, Christians ans Jews alike. I say this as an Indian with family in the army.

  667. ronan_4u says:

    i am not surprised at involment of british muslims from pakk, i have seen so much hatered in them dont knw why they live in britan when they hate british/western culture bloddy illleterate rats from pak spread across the world ……

  668. Pranav says:

    Why are we even replying to Mr. Wasi. Leave him blabbering !

  669. Kartik says:

    pakistan is the cause of all worry & tension, lets attack pakistan in all forms possible, whatever we are, wherever we are we can fight pakistan

  670. ronan_4u says:

    i am not surprised at involment of british muslims from pakk, i have seen so much hatered in them dont knw why they live in britan when they hate british/western culture bloddy illleterate rats from pak spread across the world ……

  671. Pranav says:

    Why are we even replying to Mr. Wasi. Leave him blabbering !

  672. Kartik says:

    pakistan is the cause of all worry & tension, lets attack pakistan in all forms possible, whatever we are, wherever we are we can fight pakistan

  673. sudarshan says:

    I work for goldman sachs south asia-there is a wasi who cleans toilets in our office-abey wasi mutth mar mar ke pagal to nAHI HO GAYA?…

  674. sudarshan says:

    I work for goldman sachs south asia-there is a wasi who cleans toilets in our office-abey wasi mutth mar mar ke pagal to nAHI HO GAYA?…

  675. Aishwarya says:

    Mr. Fuckin Iqra, We know how to protect our muslims or how our muslims will protect us when our country is in trouble. You go and fuckin protect your mother before she is fucked by the chinese. You cant even protect your muslims in taliban in your own country and you want to try farting in other places. We opened an embassy in afghanistan to protect the muslims there and provide them with basic facilities which you idiots looted. Get your basic knowledge right before starting a conversation you son of diseased rotten pig with a chicken shit sized diseased half cut dick.

  676. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa, r u pissing in your pants now? or giving you butt to a paki pig? mayb ur house is bombed to rubble. Even Allah will not help motherfuckers like you, coz u r inhuman bastards

  677. Aishwarya says:

    Mr. Fuckin Iqra, We know how to protect our muslims or how our muslims will protect us when our country is in trouble. You go and fuckin protect your mother before she is fucked by the chinese. You cant even protect your muslims in taliban in your own country and you want to try farting in other places. We opened an embassy in afghanistan to protect the muslims there and provide them with basic facilities which you idiots looted. Get your basic knowledge right before starting a conversation you son of diseased rotten pig with a chicken shit sized diseased half cut dick.

  678. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa, r u pissing in your pants now? or giving you butt to a paki pig? mayb ur house is bombed to rubble. Even Allah will not help motherfuckers like you, coz u r inhuman bastards

  679. Waheed says:

    It is true that terrorists don’t have any religion. This is not the time for blaming each other. Even if the terrorists are from Pakistan , Indians are the ones who have supported them in this bloody battle.

  680. Kabeer Aslam says:

    Mr.Hasan writes that he doesnt think so, and believes that just because he doesnt think so, it cant be that way… for the unintiated, the Paki leadership backtracked on sending Ahmed Shuja Pasha, because you dont send perpetrators to investigate.(PERCEPTION isnt always fatal, contrary to what Mr. Hasan believes). Again,he has given some nice maps, telling people that Karachi is 900 kms from Mumbai, But evidence from the Pakistani caught says that they stopped at Porbandar, effectively making the distance half of that. AGain, commeting for the sake of commenting, he goes on to say that the media was “SPECULATING” that they knew Marathi(he himself calls it speculation,and himself believes it to prove a dumb point), while the terrorists claimed they were Indian Hyderabadis,and again, evidence from tracked conversations told us they talked in Pakistani Punjabi. AGain he says that the waters were closely guarded,but when you wanna send something, you dont guard it,so effectively the TERRORISTS just had to go through Indian waters, Again he ASSUMES that the boats were inflatable, but doesnt know that they came in trawlers first,and then boarded the boats(3 of them)to come to Mumbai(ALL THIS ACCORDING TO THE PAKI CAPTURED)Allah save us from these dumb blogs..Nice pics anyways

  681. oms says:

    Karachi was on call all the time… Actually pakistanis themselves don’t know all the groups working in Pak and screwing their asses. BTW when was the last time Pak accepted they were involved in any terrorist activity? You guys are way too much into it dude… And someday when the Talibanis or some other motherfucking group from one of ur madarsa hits u it will hurt u exactly how it hurts us today!!!The headline of this thread should read a little differently…“Mumbai Attacks… Pakistan? Obviously… who else!!”

  682. Waheed says:

    It is true that terrorists don’t have any religion. This is not the time for blaming each other. Even if the terrorists are from Pakistan , Indians are the ones who have supported them in this bloody battle.

  683. Kabeer Aslam says:

    Mr.Hasan writes that he doesnt think so, and believes that just because he doesnt think so, it cant be that way… for the unintiated, the Paki leadership backtracked on sending Ahmed Shuja Pasha, because you dont send perpetrators to investigate.(PERCEPTION isnt always fatal, contrary to what Mr. Hasan believes). Again,he has given some nice maps, telling people that Karachi is 900 kms from Mumbai, But evidence from the Pakistani caught says that they stopped at Porbandar, effectively making the distance half of that. AGain, commeting for the sake of commenting, he goes on to say that the media was “SPECULATING” that they knew Marathi(he himself calls it speculation,and himself believes it to prove a dumb point), while the terrorists claimed they were Indian Hyderabadis,and again, evidence from tracked conversations told us they talked in Pakistani Punjabi. AGain he says that the waters were closely guarded,but when you wanna send something, you dont guard it,so effectively the TERRORISTS just had to go through Indian waters, Again he ASSUMES that the boats were inflatable, but doesnt know that they came in trawlers first,and then boarded the boats(3 of them)to come to Mumbai(ALL THIS ACCORDING TO THE PAKI CAPTURED)Allah save us from these dumb blogs..Nice pics anyways

  684. oms says:

    Karachi was on call all the time… Actually pakistanis themselves don’t know all the groups working in Pak and screwing their asses. BTW when was the last time Pak accepted they were involved in any terrorist activity? You guys are way too much into it dude… And someday when the Talibanis or some other motherfucking group from one of ur madarsa hits u it will hurt u exactly how it hurts us today!!!The headline of this thread should read a little differently…“Mumbai Attacks… Pakistan? Obviously… who else!!”

  685. SUNIL says:

    I have not heard of some fund for helping Indian terror victims, who has started it, where?

  686. SUNIL says:

    I have not heard of some fund for helping Indian terror victims, who has started it, where?

  687. Kabeer Aslam says:

    And for Mr. Wasi – Indians can masturbate because we have penises – Pakis dont even have a Penis to fight an OPEN WAR with Indians, so they move about without a PENIS,hiding and FIGHTING

  688. Kartik says:

    I want t visit pakistan, Im sure Mr Iqraa will be a good host. Mr Iqraa do you have toilets or do I have to shit in ‘holes in the wall’ where americans and Indians have bombed your homes. I think I will be lucky if I have rat’s arse and pork for dinner, or I will stay hungry rather than eating pigshit which is pakistan’s staple diet.

  689. Kabeer Aslam says:

    And for Mr. Wasi – Indians can masturbate because we have penises – Pakis dont even have a Penis to fight an OPEN WAR with Indians, so they move about without a PENIS,hiding and FIGHTING

  690. Kartik says:

    I want t visit pakistan, Im sure Mr Iqraa will be a good host. Mr Iqraa do you have toilets or do I have to shit in ‘holes in the wall’ where americans and Indians have bombed your homes. I think I will be lucky if I have rat’s arse and pork for dinner, or I will stay hungry rather than eating pigshit which is pakistan’s staple diet.

  691. datta says:

    iqraa, abe daadichod, u r worried abt your muslim brothers being killed in india. every muslim in india is more happy than every one in your fuckistan. In fact you muslims are culling innocent hindus in bangladesh. if u think india deserves these attacks, your fuckistan and bangladeshi muslims dont have a right to breathe and pollute this air.

  692. sudarshan says:

    If you consider terrorists to be of no religion then they must be secular?..clearly not the case-THEY ARE MUSLIMS AND FOLLOW THE QURAN WHICH FORCES THEM TO CONVERT THE WHOLE WORLD INTO A ISLAMIC STATE!!

  693. datta says:

    iqraa, abe daadichod, u r worried abt your muslim brothers being killed in india. every muslim in india is more happy than every one in your fuckistan. In fact you muslims are culling innocent hindus in bangladesh. if u think india deserves these attacks, your fuckistan and bangladeshi muslims dont have a right to breathe and pollute this air.

  694. sudarshan says:

    If you consider terrorists to be of no religion then they must be secular?..clearly not the case-THEY ARE MUSLIMS AND FOLLOW THE QURAN WHICH FORCES THEM TO CONVERT THE WHOLE WORLD INTO A ISLAMIC STATE!!

  695. souparnika holla says:

    east!!? no man, its in west. check it again. near choupathy beach,U shape beach

  696. souparnika holla says:

    east!!? no man, its in west. check it again. near choupathy beach,U shape beach

  697. sudarshan says:


  698. sudarshan says:


  699. Hardik says:

    I love the advancement in technology.Now we can post our thoughts about things that impact us most.First, of all my heart goes out for all the innocent people who lost their lives.Am not anti-pakistan, but the truth is, most of the time (99%) such acts happen, it has pakistani involvement.I am really proud of our brave soldiers who have shown that they are the best, no matter it be kargil, kashmir, mumbai… any part of the country.But what abt our politicans? evrytime PM jst expresses his condolences and the matter is over.I read an article where after 911, there have not been a single attack on american soil.And look at india, we cannot bring the real culprits of AI hijacking, mumbai blasts,parliamnet attach to justice.We as people need to raise voice to let out government know, its enough.Our eyes are now dry and there is blood instead of tears.One way to do tat is through internet.In canda, the province of ontario, there was a new rule to be passed by government for teenagers which brought lot of restrictions.On facebook, a guy started a social group to protest it.The result, it is so huge that, the minister is planning to abandon the plan to pass the we need such kind of thing, to open our eyes of government to take some action.

  700. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  701. Aishwarya says:

    MR.Kabeer, Pakistanis are trying to steal the technology from US and begging from chinese for penis replacement surgery just like they did with the nuclear weapon. And their nuclear explosion is just enough to burst a truck load of our politicians. And the funny part is they dont even know who is in control of their nuclear weapon, Taliban? US or maybe chinese even.

  702. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa, what is your view about Pak TV PIA etc. Pakistan is like a gutter, rats scurrying everywhere, on the north end of the gutter rats are slaughtered by americans, on the south end of the gutter, rats r slaughtered by Indians, all the times the rats want to get out and eat the healthy non gutter food. But rats spread virus and ought to remain in the gutter. So PAKI's enjoy your gutter & mr IQraa, do you get drinking water, or do you manage with pigpiss?

  703. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  704. Hardik says:

    I love the advancement in technology.Now we can post our thoughts about things that impact us most.First, of all my heart goes out for all the innocent people who lost their lives.Am not anti-pakistan, but the truth is, most of the time (99%) such acts happen, it has pakistani involvement.I am really proud of our brave soldiers who have shown that they are the best, no matter it be kargil, kashmir, mumbai… any part of the country.But what abt our politicans? evrytime PM jst expresses his condolences and the matter is over.I read an article where after 911, there have not been a single attack on american soil.And look at india, we cannot bring the real culprits of AI hijacking, mumbai blasts,parliamnet attach to justice.We as people need to raise voice to let out government know, its enough.Our eyes are now dry and there is blood instead of tears.One way to do tat is through internet.In canda, the province of ontario, there was a new rule to be passed by government for teenagers which brought lot of restrictions.On facebook, a guy started a social group to protest it.The result, it is so huge that, the minister is planning to abandon the plan to pass the we need such kind of thing, to open our eyes of government to take some action.

  705. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  706. Aishwarya says:

    MR.Kabeer, Pakistanis are trying to steal the technology from US and begging from chinese for penis replacement surgery just like they did with the nuclear weapon. And their nuclear explosion is just enough to burst a truck load of our politicians. And the funny part is they dont even know who is in control of their nuclear weapon, Taliban? US or maybe chinese even.

  707. Kartik says:

    Mr Iqraa, what is your view about Pak TV PIA etc. Pakistan is like a gutter, rats scurrying everywhere, on the north end of the gutter rats are slaughtered by americans, on the south end of the gutter, rats r slaughtered by Indians, all the times the rats want to get out and eat the healthy non gutter food. But rats spread virus and ought to remain in the gutter. So PAKI's enjoy your gutter & mr IQraa, do you get drinking water, or do you manage with pigpiss?

  708. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  709. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  710. sudarshan says:

    I would like to appeal to all non muslims to stop shopping at paki/muslim owned businesses in the Uk as they are helping in the funding of the extremists to help them buy arms to kill our families .

  711. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  712. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  713. sudarshan says:

    I would like to appeal to all non muslims to stop shopping at paki/muslim owned businesses in the Uk as they are helping in the funding of the extremists to help them buy arms to kill our families .

  714. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  715. Sada Punekar says:

    preposterous!!! I think it has been proved numerous times that pakistan and its ISI is behind many lame attacks all over world if not india. India is their main target. you tell me mr. blogger what have you acheived by hating india? You missed the most important economic tie in asia.. Dont tell me you have very good ties with china..

  716. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  717. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  718. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  719. Sada Punekar says:

    preposterous!!! I think it has been proved numerous times that pakistan and its ISI is behind many lame attacks all over world if not india. India is their main target. you tell me mr. blogger what have you acheived by hating india? You missed the most important economic tie in asia.. Dont tell me you have very good ties with china..

  720. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  721. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  722. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  723. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  724. NitinGaur says:

    Here are my 2 cents….If the Pakistanis and or Muslims of the world are offended by the reactions and perceptions of world citizens, and ‘Our’ ( rest of the world vs. world’s Muslims), it is up to you to address the image and perceptions of the hardline image of the religion. I do not believe any religion preaches voilence, and Islam is no exception. But non of the Islamic clerics or leaders, stand up at such occasions, and denounce it, and preach Muslims, that this is NOT what Islam teaches. What angers me the most is that these uneducated youth, who know nothing more than Islam, are ready to destruct, without understanding the difficulty and skills involved to construct and build something. So because Pakistan is seemingly the breeding ground for such miscreants, the responsibility is ultimately yours and your governance infrastructure. You need to focus on Jobs, education and wel being of your people, so they love their life and respect others.Just a few centsNitin Gaur

  725. George says:

    Stop Crying 4 Kashimr claiming that it was a part of Pakistan… Do not forget the Fact that Pakistan was a part Of India then we wont Pakistan back as well

  726. NitinGaur says:

    Here are my 2 cents….If the Pakistanis and or Muslims of the world are offended by the reactions and perceptions of world citizens, and ‘Our’ ( rest of the world vs. world’s Muslims), it is up to you to address the image and perceptions of the hardline image of the religion. I do not believe any religion preaches voilence, and Islam is no exception. But non of the Islamic clerics or leaders, stand up at such occasions, and denounce it, and preach Muslims, that this is NOT what Islam teaches. What angers me the most is that these uneducated youth, who know nothing more than Islam, are ready to destruct, without understanding the difficulty and skills involved to construct and build something. So because Pakistan is seemingly the breeding ground for such miscreants, the responsibility is ultimately yours and your governance infrastructure. You need to focus on Jobs, education and wel being of your people, so they love their life and respect others.Just a few centsNitin Gaur

  727. san says:

    Guys,For a moment just put a step back and hold your breath. Its not a time to fight with each other. I am an indian and my blood is boiling as well, but displaying the anger against each other will not take us anywhere.I am an Indian and a true Indian, but I believe that like us the general people of Pakistan also hates terrorism. In fact Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism (in a much smaller scale than India) with multiple strikes at various part of Pakistan.So, if someone is having an opinion that India should respond back with an attack to Pakistan, specially a nuclear attack, that would nothing but a govt sponsored terrorism.What is unfortunate at Pakistan is that there are multiple terrorist outfits at Pakistan on which Pak Govt has no control. Pak Govt historically has very less control over its own armed forces, and virtually no control over ISI. And in many cases these agencies are providing much needed support to these various terrorist outfits for doing anti-India activities. There are so many muslim activist in Pakistan who strongly supports such act and may be due to this the Pak Govt do not want to do much. End of the day, Pakistan also does have a vote bank driven politics very much like India. That may be the reason why Dawood Ibrahim roams around at Pakistan and even after knowing his all whereabouts, the Pakistan Govt has nothing to say or act.At the same time, shame on the Indian Govt and politicians as well. Despite so many attacks and intelligence failures, there has been no action taken to correct the loopholes – perhaps because no politicians died here during such attacks and as they feel very secure by virtue of having high profile security cover.For general people like us, its not the time to fight with each other, but rather mount pressure on our respective govt to take corrective actions on their front.

  728. san says:

    Guys,For a moment just put a step back and hold your breath. Its not a time to fight with each other. I am an indian and my blood is boiling as well, but displaying the anger against each other will not take us anywhere.I am an Indian and a true Indian, but I believe that like us the general people of Pakistan also hates terrorism. In fact Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism (in a much smaller scale than India) with multiple strikes at various part of Pakistan.So, if someone is having an opinion that India should respond back with an attack to Pakistan, specially a nuclear attack, that would nothing but a govt sponsored terrorism.What is unfortunate at Pakistan is that there are multiple terrorist outfits at Pakistan on which Pak Govt has no control. Pak Govt historically has very less control over its own armed forces, and virtually no control over ISI. And in many cases these agencies are providing much needed support to these various terrorist outfits for doing anti-India activities. There are so many muslim activist in Pakistan who strongly supports such act and may be due to this the Pak Govt do not want to do much. End of the day, Pakistan also does have a vote bank driven politics very much like India. That may be the reason why Dawood Ibrahim roams around at Pakistan and even after knowing his all whereabouts, the Pakistan Govt has nothing to say or act.At the same time, shame on the Indian Govt and politicians as well. Despite so many attacks and intelligence failures, there has been no action taken to correct the loopholes – perhaps because no politicians died here during such attacks and as they feel very secure by virtue of having high profile security cover.For general people like us, its not the time to fight with each other, but rather mount pressure on our respective govt to take corrective actions on their front.

  729. Kartik says:

    I have friends who were in counter insurgency & have left it because it exceeded the limit of insanity & torture. People could hear shouts of captured terrorists for hours for miles begging the authorities for mercy. The geneva conventions dont apply there, they are a citizen of nowhere. No human rights arsehole like arjun singh can come & defend them.The torture I like most is piercing their testacles penises with hooks and the end of the hooks are tied to heavy stone, and they r made to watch blue films all day all night long. I'd love it if they posted the video on youtube.

  730. Kartik says:

    I have friends who were in counter insurgency & have left it because it exceeded the limit of insanity & torture. People could hear shouts of captured terrorists for hours for miles begging the authorities for mercy. The geneva conventions dont apply there, they are a citizen of nowhere. No human rights arsehole like arjun singh can come & defend them.The torture I like most is piercing their testacles penises with hooks and the end of the hooks are tied to heavy stone, and they r made to watch blue films all day all night long. I'd love it if they posted the video on youtube.

  731. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTAN

  732. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTAN

  733. Kailash says:

    I don’t know why we are blaming Pakistanis we have to blame our the most corrupted politicians on the face of this planet. If you read these stories “Tiger menon got Interim bail”, “the Guy who is carrying with AK -47 got released bcoz of no evidence” Dawood who is the worst human of this century is moving freely.Why all these things are happening? Because of our own corrupted leaders. If they leave Police and CBI yo do their work then we won’t see any of these. If you trace back any terrorist activity in our country it will end with any one leader. Congress govt can’t any take any action against Muslims becoz they will loose major chunk of their vote. BJP can’t touch Hindu Fundamentalists becoz they will loose their part. And Christians missionaires step in the roit torn areas and try to convert them to christianity which eventually divide the society further. It took 300 years for us to get independence from britishers, it will take at least 500 yrs to get independence from these most corrupted and in human politicians

  734. Kailash says:

    I don’t know why we are blaming Pakistanis we have to blame our the most corrupted politicians on the face of this planet. If you read these stories “Tiger menon got Interim bail”, “the Guy who is carrying with AK -47 got released bcoz of no evidence” Dawood who is the worst human of this century is moving freely.Why all these things are happening? Because of our own corrupted leaders. If they leave Police and CBI yo do their work then we won’t see any of these. If you trace back any terrorist activity in our country it will end with any one leader. Congress govt can’t any take any action against Muslims becoz they will loose major chunk of their vote. BJP can’t touch Hindu Fundamentalists becoz they will loose their part. And Christians missionaires step in the roit torn areas and try to convert them to christianity which eventually divide the society further. It took 300 years for us to get independence from britishers, it will take at least 500 yrs to get independence from these most corrupted and in human politicians

  735. HEMANT says:

    First thing first, the terrorist are from pakistan, citizen of pakistan. Trained by LET or alqeda but the fact is why all the terrorist are pakistani, why not afghani or someone else.If pakistan is clear, then allow our army and provide assistance to remove all terrorists. Will you do that. Dont talk something or do something, lets go for war and finish this once for all.

  736. HEMANT says:

    First thing first, the terrorist are from pakistan, citizen of pakistan. Trained by LET or alqeda but the fact is why all the terrorist are pakistani, why not afghani or someone else.If pakistan is clear, then allow our army and provide assistance to remove all terrorists. Will you do that. Dont talk something or do something, lets go for war and finish this once for all.

  737. Deepan S. says:

    Simple thing, we as Indians are not saying that it was the Pakistani Goverment which was responsible, but the rogue elements inside the Goverment and the Spy Agency who are carrying out these activities.I am sorry to say, but the way Pakistan is perceived by other countries, this is going to further dent its image.Again FBI, Scotland Yard also are going to probe this investigation, so it would become evident as to who is behind such a dastardly act.My Heart goes out to all the Victims, who have died in Mumbai.

  738. Deepan S. says:

    Simple thing, we as Indians are not saying that it was the Pakistani Goverment which was responsible, but the rogue elements inside the Goverment and the Spy Agency who are carrying out these activities.I am sorry to say, but the way Pakistan is perceived by other countries, this is going to further dent its image.Again FBI, Scotland Yard also are going to probe this investigation, so it would become evident as to who is behind such a dastardly act.My Heart goes out to all the Victims, who have died in Mumbai.

  739. amorous says:

    isnt there just too much hate between india and pakistan ?i think we should have a all out nuke war once n for all and settle all scores! lets have mutualy assured destruction ? any ways! i feel sorry for all the people who have died in mumbai-may god bless them and give patience to there families!i dont kno who did the mumbai act and even if pakistan did, i dont really mind it cuz from many years iv been told (correctly or brain washed?) that india has been always trying to harm my country. and i am sure same goes for any indian!we both nations have just too much hate against each other. we hate on the basis of nationality, religion and you name it. but did any of us even considerd we are HUMANS first n than indian or pakistani ?if we had thought about it, may be there had been far less hate!

  740. amorous says:

    isnt there just too much hate between india and pakistan ?i think we should have a all out nuke war once n for all and settle all scores! lets have mutualy assured destruction ? any ways! i feel sorry for all the people who have died in mumbai-may god bless them and give patience to there families!i dont kno who did the mumbai act and even if pakistan did, i dont really mind it cuz from many years iv been told (correctly or brain washed?) that india has been always trying to harm my country. and i am sure same goes for any indian!we both nations have just too much hate against each other. we hate on the basis of nationality, religion and you name it. but did any of us even considerd we are HUMANS first n than indian or pakistani ?if we had thought about it, may be there had been far less hate!

  741. Kartik says:

    There is only one way of decontaminating & disinfecting the world. Pakistan ought to be bombed & nuked by all other countries…..

  742. Kartik says:

    There is only one way of decontaminating & disinfecting the world. Pakistan ought to be bombed & nuked by all other countries…..

  743. Kartik says:

    I always dreamt of teaching my grandchildren taking them to an endless land of rubble & telling them, this was a place called pakistan, now there is no life here except rubble. It was filled with ruthless motherfuckers who were nuked to death by the world collectively.

  744. Waheed says:

    Yes pakistan needs to be bombed and all indian bollywood actresses needed to be fucked.

  745. Aishwarya says:

    A destroyed pakistan is not only good for India but the entire world. We are all wasting our manpower by having private security guards at every nook and corner of this country. Every shop needs a morning and night duty security guard, just look at the waste of manpower, we might as well deploy this manpower for some productive purposes.

  746. Kartik says:

    I always dreamt of teaching my grandchildren taking them to an endless land of rubble & telling them, this was a place called pakistan, now there is no life here except rubble. It was filled with ruthless motherfuckers who were nuked to death by the world collectively.

  747. Waheed says:

    Yes pakistan needs to be bombed and all indian bollywood actresses needed to be fucked.

  748. Aishwarya says:

    A destroyed pakistan is not only good for India but the entire world. We are all wasting our manpower by having private security guards at every nook and corner of this country. Every shop needs a morning and night duty security guard, just look at the waste of manpower, we might as well deploy this manpower for some productive purposes.

  749. TEJINDER says:

    This is open chellange , that u pakis know how to stab in back,and it is historic fact.Have guts lets fight it out on any border,as we have spilled ur gutts and screwed ur backside in last not so far history.Killing innocent cives is ur religeon and not ours. also u killchildren and females with pride.Your fucken mullahs take pride in declaring other religeons as kafirsbut u are kafirs in reality.Enough is enogh, the world is readyto show u your place.

  750. TEJINDER says:

    This is open chellange , that u pakis know how to stab in back,and it is historic fact.Have guts lets fight it out on any border,as we have spilled ur gutts and screwed ur backside in last not so far history.Killing innocent cives is ur religeon and not ours. also u killchildren and females with pride.Your fucken mullahs take pride in declaring other religeons as kafirsbut u are kafirs in reality.Enough is enogh, the world is readyto show u your place.

  751. Kartik says:

    Done deal Waheed, u get busy crewing all bollywood actresses whom i dont give a flying fuck, I will get busy scheming on how to destroy pakistan to stone age.

  752. Kartik says:

    Done deal Waheed, u get busy crewing all bollywood actresses whom i dont give a flying fuck, I will get busy scheming on how to destroy pakistan to stone age.

  753. Aishwarya says:

    Hahaha! Waheed, so you are desperate for a fuck is it. You loser, you go fuck a hole in the wall. Anway thats what it feels like to fuck a woman in her burqah/veil.

  754. Aishwarya says:

    Hahaha! Waheed, so you are desperate for a fuck is it. You loser, you go fuck a hole in the wall. Anway thats what it feels like to fuck a woman in her burqah/veil.

  755. Waheed says:

    Yes Mr. karthik. I am an Indian but this is my desire. I think this would be a proper time to fuck them.

  756. Kartik says:

    well said aishwarya, the despos wouldnt even know whether they r fucking a woman, a mullah or a fucking pig

  757. Waheed says:

    Yes Mr. karthik. I am an Indian but this is my desire. I think this would be a proper time to fuck them.

  758. Kartik says:

    well said aishwarya, the despos wouldnt even know whether they r fucking a woman, a mullah or a fucking pig

  759. Vishal says:

    Rite now the Indian Govt. has only asked the Pak govt. to co-operate by sending the ISI chief. If u guys r not ready to even co-operate, then i think its time we declare war on Pak…whether its nuclear or any other. It shall be either u or us that survives, both can not co-exist like this.

  760. Vishal says:

    Rite now the Indian Govt. has only asked the Pak govt. to co-operate by sending the ISI chief. If u guys r not ready to even co-operate, then i think its time we declare war on Pak…whether its nuclear or any other. It shall be either u or us that survives, both can not co-exist like this.

  761. Saamai says:

    Hi, Whatever happened is totally wrong. We have lost so many innocent lives in this evil game. But the statement that guy is from Fareedkot, Pakistan doesn’t gives any real indication that he is from there. If Mumbai Police will torture you then u will accept that u r from Pluto. This is not a evidence at all. Also, on what visa 10-12 of them have entered in Mumbai earlier to take snaps and create layouts. This has been done by MNS guys on the orders of their beloved leader Raj Thakeray. No Terrorist has ever entered Mumbai from this route in last 62 years. How come they have used rubber boats to do the same this time.

  762. Saamai says:

    Hi, Whatever happened is totally wrong. We have lost so many innocent lives in this evil game. But the statement that guy is from Fareedkot, Pakistan doesn’t gives any real indication that he is from there. If Mumbai Police will torture you then u will accept that u r from Pluto. This is not a evidence at all. Also, on what visa 10-12 of them have entered in Mumbai earlier to take snaps and create layouts. This has been done by MNS guys on the orders of their beloved leader Raj Thakeray. No Terrorist has ever entered Mumbai from this route in last 62 years. How come they have used rubber boats to do the same this time.

  763. Kartik says:

    had a doubt, when a paki mullah screws his wife, how does he know whos behind the burqa, might be his sister, his daughter, his mother or even his grandmother… ha ah ah ah ah ha ha ha

  764. Waheed says:

    So what are the Indians doing. The coastal guards received money from these terrorists and allowed them to enter Mumbai. They should also be Bombed.If u guts and courage go and strike them after flushing the dirty elements from our politics and security systems.

  765. Kartik says:

    had a doubt, when a paki mullah screws his wife, how does he know whos behind the burqa, might be his sister, his daughter, his mother or even his grandmother… ha ah ah ah ah ha ha ha

  766. Waheed says:

    So what are the Indians doing. The coastal guards received money from these terrorists and allowed them to enter Mumbai. They should also be Bombed.If u guts and courage go and strike them after flushing the dirty elements from our politics and security systems.

  767. Blogey says:

    In response to the bloggers question on Q: how could they allow pakistanis to just enter India like that?A: Well Pakistanis and Indians do not look much different. Specially Pakistanis and North Indians. Any of these terrorists would have been easily welcomed and treated with tea and samosa in my house in Bombay. Sadly they wanted bullets not a chat over tea and samosa. Inspite of their brutality I heard them being referred to as ‘Terrorists Uncle’ by kids. My mom was saying their language is so civil why is their behavior so inhuman. She is already fallen sick in the face of such a close encounter with in-humanism. It is sad that our families have to see such days and live in such times. I hope we resolve these problems humanely or inhumanely so that our future generations can live in peace.–

  768. Blogey says:

    In response to the bloggers question on Q: how could they allow pakistanis to just enter India like that?A: Well Pakistanis and Indians do not look much different. Specially Pakistanis and North Indians. Any of these terrorists would have been easily welcomed and treated with tea and samosa in my house in Bombay. Sadly they wanted bullets not a chat over tea and samosa. Inspite of their brutality I heard them being referred to as ‘Terrorists Uncle’ by kids. My mom was saying their language is so civil why is their behavior so inhuman. She is already fallen sick in the face of such a close encounter with in-humanism. It is sad that our families have to see such days and live in such times. I hope we resolve these problems humanely or inhumanely so that our future generations can live in peace.–

  769. Saamai says:

    We usually say “Apne Gareban mein jhankoo sab dikhae de ga” but for Indian i would like say “Apni lungi mein jhankoo Balasahab Thakeray kharee position mein nazar aen gay”. It was an insider’s job buddy. Must be a MNS or VHP guy.

  770. Saamai says:

    We usually say “Apne Gareban mein jhankoo sab dikhae de ga” but for Indian i would like say “Apni lungi mein jhankoo Balasahab Thakeray kharee position mein nazar aen gay”. It was an insider’s job buddy. Must be a MNS or VHP guy.

  771. Blogey says:

    @Aisharya: regarding destroyed pakistan being better for India.We need to destroy the terror cells in Pakistan but not Pakistan. Sadly we need a strong Pakistan which can take care of its own terrors cells and not use them against India. Pakistan needs to start existing for itself rather than against India. I think India will end up loaning Pakistan money so that it does not end up as a failed state where terrorists run amok. Take the example of Iraq or Afghanistan. These states need to be strong, stable and friendly. We need a friendly neighbor at the same time we also need a strong neighbor. I had not liked the idea of giving Pakistan Rs. 40 crore at the time of partition but I think a time will come when we will end up giving them money to not be sick anyways. We are also investing heavily in Afghanistan so it prospers as a non-Taliban state. So a destroyed Pakistan is definitely not good for India.

  772. Blogey says:

    @Aisharya: regarding destroyed pakistan being better for India.We need to destroy the terror cells in Pakistan but not Pakistan. Sadly we need a strong Pakistan which can take care of its own terrors cells and not use them against India. Pakistan needs to start existing for itself rather than against India. I think India will end up loaning Pakistan money so that it does not end up as a failed state where terrorists run amok. Take the example of Iraq or Afghanistan. These states need to be strong, stable and friendly. We need a friendly neighbor at the same time we also need a strong neighbor. I had not liked the idea of giving Pakistan Rs. 40 crore at the time of partition but I think a time will come when we will end up giving them money to not be sick anyways. We are also investing heavily in Afghanistan so it prospers as a non-Taliban state. So a destroyed Pakistan is definitely not good for India.

  773. Kartik says:

    we dont need no fucking neighbour, I hate having fuckistan as my neighbour, pakistan is a shame to the world and oughta be eliminated

  774. Kartik says:

    we dont need no fucking neighbour, I hate having fuckistan as my neighbour, pakistan is a shame to the world and oughta be eliminated

  775. Kartik says:

    When there was bird flu, all chicken were culled regardless of whether the chicken had the disease or not, similarly all PAKI’s must be exterminated regardless of whether they are affected by wahaabi flu or not

  776. Kartik says:

    When there was bird flu, all chicken were culled regardless of whether the chicken had the disease or not, similarly all PAKI’s must be exterminated regardless of whether they are affected by wahaabi flu or not

  777. Aishwarya says:

    Wah Blogey! you enlightened me. You know what Pak has done to itself when US provided them money. YOu are still dreaming of a strong Pakistan with no rogue elements and terror cells? You could if you can wait for another 1000 years

  778. Aishwarya says:

    Wah Blogey! you enlightened me. You know what Pak has done to itself when US provided them money. YOu are still dreaming of a strong Pakistan with no rogue elements and terror cells? You could if you can wait for another 1000 years

  779. ahmed says:

    HiThis is Ahmed from INDIAMr. Wasi U have to agree what others are telling here that terrorism is trained in pakistan because u cant deny the fact as ur also attacked by the terrorists what more evidence u want.Talk on the fact whats happned defend your self as a human being by condeming it as it was wrong killing innocents,instead of talking about the size of the pennis geographically u must also have the same size as pakistan itself was india and very soon its days are counting to re become INDIA.Ur government is not fit to run the country and saveguard there own people this is the fact.My dear INDIAN brothers one person asked why they are called kafirs-muslim-means believing in monethism, Kafir-means Nonbeliever there is nothing wrong in it dont get confused.We are following hinduism, Islam & Christianiky or Sikhism etc because we have been taken birth to them not by choice but geographoically we belong to the same land lets not fight on religion and increase more hatred lets unite NO RELIGION ONLY INDIAN and fight the wrong doers.

  780. ahmed says:

    HiThis is Ahmed from INDIAMr. Wasi U have to agree what others are telling here that terrorism is trained in pakistan because u cant deny the fact as ur also attacked by the terrorists what more evidence u want.Talk on the fact whats happned defend your self as a human being by condeming it as it was wrong killing innocents,instead of talking about the size of the pennis geographically u must also have the same size as pakistan itself was india and very soon its days are counting to re become INDIA.Ur government is not fit to run the country and saveguard there own people this is the fact.My dear INDIAN brothers one person asked why they are called kafirs-muslim-means believing in monethism, Kafir-means Nonbeliever there is nothing wrong in it dont get confused.We are following hinduism, Islam & Christianiky or Sikhism etc because we have been taken birth to them not by choice but geographoically we belong to the same land lets not fight on religion and increase more hatred lets unite NO RELIGION ONLY INDIAN and fight the wrong doers.

  781. Kartik says:

    Terrorism is a disease & everyone knows that fuckistan or eunuchistan is the epicentre & breeding ground of it. Being its neighbour I dont want India to be the bleeding ground when our neighbours are breeding ground. So fuck fuckistan

  782. Kartik says:

    Terrorism is a disease & everyone knows that fuckistan or eunuchistan is the epicentre & breeding ground of it. Being its neighbour I dont want India to be the bleeding ground when our neighbours are breeding ground. So fuck fuckistan

  783. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  784. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  785. Nadeem says:

    Listen!I m a Pakistani Muslim, living far away from Pakistan. Let me assure you i was so hurt to see all this what happened in Mumbai and continued till three days. Can u imagine a Pakistani Foreign Minister in India for CBMs and to discuss the modalities of improving relations between the two nations and in parellel Pakistan doing this all barbaric brutalities with the innocent people. Atleast my mind doesnot accept this. If u remember, how did United States get the access in Afghanistan by plotting the twin tower conspiracy and even without establishing the fact they were in the region and still are. Americans had to remain in this region for many strategic gains like Russia and China in close vicinity and there so called non nato ally. Pakistan is already dugged in so many troubles and we have no option to ask for more. Please find out as your media quoted that this guy from Faridkot who speaks fluent english…. where has he been living other than Pakistan. I tell u there is surely a thrid party involved in it who just want a uni polar business in this Global village. Imagine the PCB chairman trying to convince the BCCI for the cricket series and in return Pakistan would demonstrate such horrifing act of terrorism. There were statments of solving Kashmir issues bilaterally without involving any other in the recent past …quite encouraging were those … and then u think Pakistan would try to sandwich herself by again going to war with her neighbours ….I swear i broke into tears when i saw the baby boy of that jews family crying like anything … i feel very sad and would like to convey my condolence for all those who lost their dears in this and may God give them strengths to bear their irrepairable loss and rest the soul in peace.

  786. Nadeem says:

    Listen!I m a Pakistani Muslim, living far away from Pakistan. Let me assure you i was so hurt to see all this what happened in Mumbai and continued till three days. Can u imagine a Pakistani Foreign Minister in India for CBMs and to discuss the modalities of improving relations between the two nations and in parellel Pakistan doing this all barbaric brutalities with the innocent people. Atleast my mind doesnot accept this. If u remember, how did United States get the access in Afghanistan by plotting the twin tower conspiracy and even without establishing the fact they were in the region and still are. Americans had to remain in this region for many strategic gains like Russia and China in close vicinity and there so called non nato ally. Pakistan is already dugged in so many troubles and we have no option to ask for more. Please find out as your media quoted that this guy from Faridkot who speaks fluent english…. where has he been living other than Pakistan. I tell u there is surely a thrid party involved in it who just want a uni polar business in this Global village. Imagine the PCB chairman trying to convince the BCCI for the cricket series and in return Pakistan would demonstrate such horrifing act of terrorism. There were statments of solving Kashmir issues bilaterally without involving any other in the recent past …quite encouraging were those … and then u think Pakistan would try to sandwich herself by again going to war with her neighbours ….I swear i broke into tears when i saw the baby boy of that jews family crying like anything … i feel very sad and would like to convey my condolence for all those who lost their dears in this and may God give them strengths to bear their irrepairable loss and rest the soul in peace.

  787. Nadeem says:

    Listen!I m a Pakistani Muslim, living far away from Pakistan. Let me assure you i was so hurt to see all this what happened in Mumbai and continued till three days. Can u imagine a Pakistani Foreign Minister in India for CBMs and to discuss the modalities of improving relations between the two nations and in parellel Pakistan doing this all barbaric brutalities with the innocent people. Atleast my mind doesnot accept this. If u remember, how did United States get the access in Afghanistan by plotting the twin tower conspiracy and even without establishing the fact they were in the region and still are. Americans had to remain in this region for many strategic gains like Russia and China in close vicinity and there so called non nato ally. Pakistan is already dugged in so many troubles and we have no option to ask for more. Please find out as your media quoted that this guy from Faridkot who speaks fluent english…. where has he been living other than Pakistan. I tell u there is surely a thrid party involved in it who just want a uni polar business in this Global village. Imagine the PCB chairman trying to convince the BCCI for the cricket series and in return Pakistan would demonstrate such horrifing act of terrorism. There were statments of solving Kashmir issues bilaterally without involving any other in the recent past …quite encouraging were those … and then u think Pakistan would try to sandwich herself by again going to war with her neighbours ….I swear i broke into tears when i saw the baby boy of that jews family crying like anything … i feel very sad and would like to convey my condolence for all those who lost their dears in this and may God give them strengths to bear their irrepairable loss and rest the soul in peace.

  788. Nadeem says:

    Listen!I m a Pakistani Muslim, living far away from Pakistan. Let me assure you i was so hurt to see all this what happened in Mumbai and continued till three days. Can u imagine a Pakistani Foreign Minister in India for CBMs and to discuss the modalities of improving relations between the two nations and in parellel Pakistan doing this all barbaric brutalities with the innocent people. Atleast my mind doesnot accept this. If u remember, how did United States get the access in Afghanistan by plotting the twin tower conspiracy and even without establishing the fact they were in the region and still are. Americans had to remain in this region for many strategic gains like Russia and China in close vicinity and there so called non nato ally. Pakistan is already dugged in so many troubles and we have no option to ask for more. Please find out as your media quoted that this guy from Faridkot who speaks fluent english…. where has he been living other than Pakistan. I tell u there is surely a thrid party involved in it who just want a uni polar business in this Global village. Imagine the PCB chairman trying to convince the BCCI for the cricket series and in return Pakistan would demonstrate such horrifing act of terrorism. There were statments of solving Kashmir issues bilaterally without involving any other in the recent past …quite encouraging were those … and then u think Pakistan would try to sandwich herself by again going to war with her neighbours ….I swear i broke into tears when i saw the baby boy of that jews family crying like anything … i feel very sad and would like to convey my condolence for all those who lost their dears in this and may God give them strengths to bear their irrepairable loss and rest the soul in peace.

  789. raseema says:

    On the whole even if it is an Indian (previously Indian) national, Dubai national, Saudian national, if he is prompting the attacks in this case Dawood Ibrahim, as long as he is given protection of living in Pakistan That Country becomes responsible for his actions.

  790. Jay..E.I.L.T.H.A.B.H.A.E. says:

    <>zaks said… And yes we need some one like Modi/Raj Thackerey to strom POK. that is Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and not ‘Azad Kashmir’ as you paki’s refer to and flush out all bloody pakis.. got it Ahmed Hassan<>HA HA HA HA, I feel sorry for people like you, its because of people like you that India can only SPEAK too much and DO very little. You are the kind of people the media, the politicians can EASILY manipulate and use as a puppet, now lets talk about your so called heroes….SHALL WE??Modi: Called Hemant Karkare a traitor just because he was not stereotyping people and said that exteremists and terrorists could come from any religion and not specefic to muslims, but that traitor was the one who died saving the country and our Modi was in Mumbai to blame congress so he can garner votes for his party.Raj: Yeah, Marathi Manus person, I would like to remind this hero of yours that the real Maharashtra is not Mumbai, the real India is not metros and if he realy cares for Maharashtra then ask him to first go and save the farmers in the rural areas and then open his big mouth and not capitalise on commercial cities for votebanks.All I want for people of India to do is, infact the entire world that STOP STEREOTYPING people, the pakistanis also love peace, yes there are extremists there who turn into terrorists but to beat a disease like terrorism you need to understand how perfect of a system it is and the hows and whats of it before taking steps, just shouting “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” “KILL THOSE PAKIS” is easy when you are sitting at the comfort of ur living room.People cry about lack of security but the same people get agitated and lose patience when they have to wait in line for a long time during police checking. If you want a change, take responsiblity for the same, dont just go around shouting for a change. To fight terrorism, one needs to understand why its happening and not just go around killing more innocent people like America did to Iraq.Please think maturely ATLEAST NOW!!

  791. raseema says:

    On the whole even if it is an Indian (previously Indian) national, Dubai national, Saudian national, if he is prompting the attacks in this case Dawood Ibrahim, as long as he is given protection of living in Pakistan That Country becomes responsible for his actions.

  792. Jay..E.I.L.T.H.A.B.H.A.E. says:

    <>zaks said… And yes we need some one like Modi/Raj Thackerey to strom POK. that is Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and not ‘Azad Kashmir’ as you paki’s refer to and flush out all bloody pakis.. got it Ahmed Hassan<>HA HA HA HA, I feel sorry for people like you, its because of people like you that India can only SPEAK too much and DO very little. You are the kind of people the media, the politicians can EASILY manipulate and use as a puppet, now lets talk about your so called heroes….SHALL WE??Modi: Called Hemant Karkare a traitor just because he was not stereotyping people and said that exteremists and terrorists could come from any religion and not specefic to muslims, but that traitor was the one who died saving the country and our Modi was in Mumbai to blame congress so he can garner votes for his party.Raj: Yeah, Marathi Manus person, I would like to remind this hero of yours that the real Maharashtra is not Mumbai, the real India is not metros and if he realy cares for Maharashtra then ask him to first go and save the farmers in the rural areas and then open his big mouth and not capitalise on commercial cities for votebanks.All I want for people of India to do is, infact the entire world that STOP STEREOTYPING people, the pakistanis also love peace, yes there are extremists there who turn into terrorists but to beat a disease like terrorism you need to understand how perfect of a system it is and the hows and whats of it before taking steps, just shouting “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” “KILL THOSE PAKIS” is easy when you are sitting at the comfort of ur living room.People cry about lack of security but the same people get agitated and lose patience when they have to wait in line for a long time during police checking. If you want a change, take responsiblity for the same, dont just go around shouting for a change. To fight terrorism, one needs to understand why its happening and not just go around killing more innocent people like America did to Iraq.Please think maturely ATLEAST NOW!!

  793. Aishwarya says:

    My dear Nadeem, there is this creation of yours called ISI. Destroy them and everyone will live peacefully. Please dont say Americans themselves destroyed the twin towers killing more than 5000 of their own people to get access to afghanistan. That is so ridiculous and utter stupidity. They could have entered by other means too, which for US is not very difficult. I love the americans by the way, just as much as i hate the chinese dwarfs.

  794. Aishwarya says:

    My dear Nadeem, there is this creation of yours called ISI. Destroy them and everyone will live peacefully. Please dont say Americans themselves destroyed the twin towers killing more than 5000 of their own people to get access to afghanistan. That is so ridiculous and utter stupidity. They could have entered by other means too, which for US is not very difficult. I love the americans by the way, just as much as i hate the chinese dwarfs.

  795. Kunal says:

    Have been following this debate for a long time which at times has touched abysmal lows. First of all, shame on anybody who has used muslims & Islam losely. In my opinion, you are no better than an Osama if your judgement is so colored, illogical & conservative. I am no "Dove". Let's fight terrorism tooth & nail, if required let's go ahead and strike terror cells INSIDE PAKISTAN. But at no time, we should be forgetting humanity & turning into evils perpetrating crime in the name of religion that we are proposing to fight. If we turn into evils ourselves, we will lose the identity that we makes us distinct, that makes us "INDIANS", a tag that so many people in this debate have been flaunting. So called "patriotic Indians", next time election comes around don't just sit around & blog but rather go out and VOTE! Make change happen, make politicians realise that they can't be "SOFT" against terrorism and win elections.

  796. Kunal says:

    Have been following this debate for a long time which at times has touched abysmal lows. First of all, shame on anybody who has used muslims & Islam losely. In my opinion, you are no better than an Osama if your judgement is so colored, illogical & conservative. I am no "Dove". Let's fight terrorism tooth & nail, if required let's go ahead and strike terror cells INSIDE PAKISTAN. But at no time, we should be forgetting humanity & turning into evils perpetrating crime in the name of religion that we are proposing to fight. If we turn into evils ourselves, we will lose the identity that we makes us distinct, that makes us "INDIANS", a tag that so many people in this debate have been flaunting. So called "patriotic Indians", next time election comes around don't just sit around & blog but rather go out and VOTE! Make change happen, make politicians realise that they can't be "SOFT" against terrorism and win elections.

  797. ahmed says:

    AShHi Karthik,I Think u r hatred fool u wanted to know when mullah fucks who was inside the Burqa.Ur mother damn it and u r the product dont laugh without knowing the reasons and fact.Do not critisise others lets we see how correct we are

  798. ahmed says:

    AShHi Karthik,I Think u r hatred fool u wanted to know when mullah fucks who was inside the Burqa.Ur mother damn it and u r the product dont laugh without knowing the reasons and fact.Do not critisise others lets we see how correct we are

  799. Aishwarya says:

    Mr.Ahmed, Karthik’s mother doesnt wear a Burqah, it can only be your mother in burqah fucked by a confused neighbourhood mullah. Hahaha

  800. Aishwarya says:

    Mr.Ahmed, Karthik’s mother doesnt wear a Burqah, it can only be your mother in burqah fucked by a confused neighbourhood mullah. Hahaha

  801. google says:

    Hi all,I am a Muslim and would like to say something as follows.1. Islam is a peaceful religion and has come for whole mankind.2. There is a surge of an element of Fanaticism and extremism in whole world.3. Has somebody analysed why this incident happened? what is the root cause of this terrorism?4. Although, this Mumbai attack or any terrorist activity in any part of world should be condemned strongly as all religions do not allow to kill innocent people. 5. I as a human being, felt pain when I was watching news channel that innocent people have been killed. I also got the same feeling when civilian and innocent Kashmir people are tortured and then martyred. Did you ever ask yourself that a child whose father has been killed without any involvement of militancy, has a feeling that he will not see his father forever. Children love their parents and when parents leave from the world due to natural death or some terrorist activity, their feelings cannot be explained. I have the same feeling for the Indian commandos whose children will suffer too.6. If there is war between us, then this will be nuclear war and both of us including generation to generation will suffer.7. Please, I urge Indian and Pakistani governments to give us the peaceful environment and solve all issues including Kashmir through dialogues and these dialogues should have actionable outcomes.8. India and Pakistan, please come together and work together to make the South Asia, a peaceful region.9. Lastly, cricket should not suffer and should be a source of love among Indians and Pakistanis fans.Thanks.Taqi

  802. google says:

    Hi all,I am a Muslim and would like to say something as follows.1. Islam is a peaceful religion and has come for whole mankind.2. There is a surge of an element of Fanaticism and extremism in whole world.3. Has somebody analysed why this incident happened? what is the root cause of this terrorism?4. Although, this Mumbai attack or any terrorist activity in any part of world should be condemned strongly as all religions do not allow to kill innocent people. 5. I as a human being, felt pain when I was watching news channel that innocent people have been killed. I also got the same feeling when civilian and innocent Kashmir people are tortured and then martyred. Did you ever ask yourself that a child whose father has been killed without any involvement of militancy, has a feeling that he will not see his father forever. Children love their parents and when parents leave from the world due to natural death or some terrorist activity, their feelings cannot be explained. I have the same feeling for the Indian commandos whose children will suffer too.6. If there is war between us, then this will be nuclear war and both of us including generation to generation will suffer.7. Please, I urge Indian and Pakistani governments to give us the peaceful environment and solve all issues including Kashmir through dialogues and these dialogues should have actionable outcomes.8. India and Pakistan, please come together and work together to make the South Asia, a peaceful region.9. Lastly, cricket should not suffer and should be a source of love among Indians and Pakistanis fans.Thanks.Taqi

  803. Rajeel says:

    Pakistan does not have control over its own soil, how can it ever deny the involvement of Pakistani nationals in the Mumbai Attack? What is interesting to note is the name they used, Deccan Mujaheedin…maybe to show that those involved were internal forces and they were fighting for the so called rights of Indian Muslims. Hell we don’t want heroes who kill us our brothers and sisters. Pakistani government promises to act against terror, how can you ever act on something when you can’t even acknowledge the problem. If they feel Indian muslims have sympathy for their pseudo “martyrs” I must say that is a wishful thinking on their part and we are running out of patience. Don’t force us to start a true Jihad against your terror.

  804. Rajeel says:

    Pakistan does not have control over its own soil, how can it ever deny the involvement of Pakistani nationals in the Mumbai Attack? What is interesting to note is the name they used, Deccan Mujaheedin…maybe to show that those involved were internal forces and they were fighting for the so called rights of Indian Muslims. Hell we don’t want heroes who kill us our brothers and sisters. Pakistani government promises to act against terror, how can you ever act on something when you can’t even acknowledge the problem. If they feel Indian muslims have sympathy for their pseudo “martyrs” I must say that is a wishful thinking on their part and we are running out of patience. Don’t force us to start a true Jihad against your terror.

  805. Kartik says:

    Traitor in his own language. I'm sure he must have burst crackers and distributed sweets when his countrymen were dying on the streets of mumbai. Ever heard of the word 'Inquilab'. It is going to be unleashed both within India & on fuckistan. Every fucking paki mullah is going to have his own ass raped before his mother or sister or daughter. One other doubt, wont his penis get stuck in the mullah's beard before he screws his own mother behind the burqa, does urs get stuck Mr Ahmed?

  806. Kartik says:

    Traitor in his own language. I'm sure he must have burst crackers and distributed sweets when his countrymen were dying on the streets of mumbai. Ever heard of the word 'Inquilab'. It is going to be unleashed both within India & on fuckistan. Every fucking paki mullah is going to have his own ass raped before his mother or sister or daughter. One other doubt, wont his penis get stuck in the mullah's beard before he screws his own mother behind the burqa, does urs get stuck Mr Ahmed?

  807. vihari says:

    hindhy terrorism, half knowledge people saying these words. but my dear delusional heroes, that is an election gimmick. remember it didn’t proved. ATS don’t have any witness, clue. They are making these statement for their bosses in politics, for up comming election to side line islamic terrorism and got failure in preventing it.

  808. vihari says:

    hindhy terrorism, half knowledge people saying these words. but my dear delusional heroes, that is an election gimmick. remember it didn’t proved. ATS don’t have any witness, clue. They are making these statement for their bosses in politics, for up comming election to side line islamic terrorism and got failure in preventing it.

  809. Shiv says:

    I always thought Karachi is in Pakistan and I think I heard it right I guess, all these terrorists were trained in Karachi. Ask this Idiot to shut up. One day somebody (like USA did it in Afghanistan and Iraq) will clean them. Wait for that

  810. Himanshu says:

    Fcking Wasi ,y ??u don’t masterbate or there is something else out there, U bastard ……….And your $1000,How many life of the people is it going to bring back ?U cowards, you can only do this. You people only have done this, u r doing this since 1947. I guess now the time has come to launch a attack on you people and these fcking cowards ….

  811. Kartik says:

    thanx aishwarya, Kandon se kande milaate hain, kadmon se kadam milaate aur qayar dushman ka nishaan mithate hain..

  812. Shiv says:

    I always thought Karachi is in Pakistan and I think I heard it right I guess, all these terrorists were trained in Karachi. Ask this Idiot to shut up. One day somebody (like USA did it in Afghanistan and Iraq) will clean them. Wait for that

  813. Himanshu says:

    Fcking Wasi ,y ??u don’t masterbate or there is something else out there, U bastard ……….And your $1000,How many life of the people is it going to bring back ?U cowards, you can only do this. You people only have done this, u r doing this since 1947. I guess now the time has come to launch a attack on you people and these fcking cowards ….

  814. Kartik says:

    thanx aishwarya, Kandon se kande milaate hain, kadmon se kadam milaate aur qayar dushman ka nishaan mithate hain..

  815. Kartik says:

    and I'm sure Mr Wasi would have paid $10000 out of his other hand to LET to unleash havoc and kill innocent women & children, fucking coward

  816. Kartik says:

    and I'm sure Mr Wasi would have paid $10000 out of his other hand to LET to unleash havoc and kill innocent women & children, fucking coward

  817. Kartik says:

    I’m sure Mr Ahmed’s half cut cowardly dic wouldnt even fit a rat’s arse, let alone his mothers, he must be using his bald head to do the fucking, bloody coward burqafucker

  818. Kartik says:

    I’m sure Mr Ahmed’s half cut cowardly dic wouldnt even fit a rat’s arse, let alone his mothers, he must be using his bald head to do the fucking, bloody coward burqafucker

  819. cape says:

    Mr.Ahmed , Wake up ! man ! are you in sleep ??I have worked in Middle East for long years and met a lot of nationalities and also Pakistanis. For your information, I have met Pakistanis who are migrated from India during 1950-60, they are from different regions of India. So I personally know Tamil , Malayalee,Bihari,UP,Punjab Pakistanis. So there could be some people who also migrated from Mumbai to Pakistan ? Do you think they start to speak only in Urdu in their home ? they surely speak their own mother tongue, when at home. So making a point that no pakistani can speak Marathi is not a qualified reason to suspect these guys. Also according to captured terrorist, one of their gang member has come to India and he is working in TAJ from the past 10 months as a trainee. ( this is confirmed by his collegue, who was shot by this guy ) I have met a number of bangladeshi working in Mumbai hotels as chef/cooks for long time. So don’t tell us that, they were not Pakistanis. Police have enough evidence to show that, they all came from Pakistan in a Vietnam merchat vessel, in the Sea they have hijacked a Indian fish trawler, killed the person on board, then with Indian flag flying indian fishing boat has come near the shore, where your Friend and guest Dawood Ibrahim man has provided necessary equipment and rubber boats to land near gateway of India. ( there is TAJ hotel staff from local fisher community have seen them and spoke to them and after this attackes have informed the Police that he has met these guys, just few hours ago coming out from the sea ) So Mr.Ahmed, you been cornered, so is you Govt. for telling lies to the world. They have agreed to send ISI chief to India and suddenly they decided to stop, simply because, if he comes, I am sure Indian govt have made arrangements to present our prize catch the lone terrorist in front of your ISI cheif to see his reaction. ( but alas ! may be this terrorist might have even met ISI cheif for briefing before they boarded the boat to India ??? ) Surely this will put ISI chief in very difficult position ??? So govt of pakistan thought, may be Indian might read the body language of ISI cheif and find out the real truth ( since US/UK/Isreal security guys will be also watching your ISI chief from the other room from the CCTV ??? ) My friend the whole world is watching you people now more closely then before, I advice you all should start a movement and force govt to catch all the wanted elements in your country to UN / world court. Otherwise one day, you will all suffer like other countries in the world, who went against everyone in the world.

  820. cape says:

    Mr.Ahmed , Wake up ! man ! are you in sleep ??I have worked in Middle East for long years and met a lot of nationalities and also Pakistanis. For your information, I have met Pakistanis who are migrated from India during 1950-60, they are from different regions of India. So I personally know Tamil , Malayalee,Bihari,UP,Punjab Pakistanis. So there could be some people who also migrated from Mumbai to Pakistan ? Do you think they start to speak only in Urdu in their home ? they surely speak their own mother tongue, when at home. So making a point that no pakistani can speak Marathi is not a qualified reason to suspect these guys. Also according to captured terrorist, one of their gang member has come to India and he is working in TAJ from the past 10 months as a trainee. ( this is confirmed by his collegue, who was shot by this guy ) I have met a number of bangladeshi working in Mumbai hotels as chef/cooks for long time. So don’t tell us that, they were not Pakistanis. Police have enough evidence to show that, they all came from Pakistan in a Vietnam merchat vessel, in the Sea they have hijacked a Indian fish trawler, killed the person on board, then with Indian flag flying indian fishing boat has come near the shore, where your Friend and guest Dawood Ibrahim man has provided necessary equipment and rubber boats to land near gateway of India. ( there is TAJ hotel staff from local fisher community have seen them and spoke to them and after this attackes have informed the Police that he has met these guys, just few hours ago coming out from the sea ) So Mr.Ahmed, you been cornered, so is you Govt. for telling lies to the world. They have agreed to send ISI chief to India and suddenly they decided to stop, simply because, if he comes, I am sure Indian govt have made arrangements to present our prize catch the lone terrorist in front of your ISI cheif to see his reaction. ( but alas ! may be this terrorist might have even met ISI cheif for briefing before they boarded the boat to India ??? ) Surely this will put ISI chief in very difficult position ??? So govt of pakistan thought, may be Indian might read the body language of ISI cheif and find out the real truth ( since US/UK/Isreal security guys will be also watching your ISI chief from the other room from the CCTV ??? ) My friend the whole world is watching you people now more closely then before, I advice you all should start a movement and force govt to catch all the wanted elements in your country to UN / world court. Otherwise one day, you will all suffer like other countries in the world, who went against everyone in the world.

  821. munif says:

    Come on Mate..wake up!!! Now do not tell me that Osama was not after 9/11.

  822. Kunal says:

    Kartik, will being abusive solve India's problems? If anything, you are insulting people & security forces killed in Mumbai by making such frivolous comments. I don't want to come around & preach people, but I am extremely angry and furious by recent happenings & it seems to me that you are more interested in giving out graphic details of sexual encounters than terrorism or India's problems. My appeal to all Patriotic Indians is, if you can't do anything better, at least go out & VOTE!! Also, please, don't ever stereotype things & start using terms like Muslims & Islam losely. Such stereotyping is the best breeding ground for Terrorism.

  823. munif says:

    Come on Mate..wake up!!! Now do not tell me that Osama was not after 9/11.

  824. Kunal says:

    Kartik, will being abusive solve India's problems? If anything, you are insulting people & security forces killed in Mumbai by making such frivolous comments. I don't want to come around & preach people, but I am extremely angry and furious by recent happenings & it seems to me that you are more interested in giving out graphic details of sexual encounters than terrorism or India's problems. My appeal to all Patriotic Indians is, if you can't do anything better, at least go out & VOTE!! Also, please, don't ever stereotype things & start using terms like Muslims & Islam losely. Such stereotyping is the best breeding ground for Terrorism.

  825. Lucky says:

    Well… when ever something wrong happens in india, the indian intelligence agencies start balming Pakistan,wihout any investigation. (like if something wrong happens in Iraq, Afghanistan,etc.. it goes to alqaida’s credit.). Indian Intelligence Agencies should start thinking something else now because this is very old excuse for their sluggihess.Look into India there is BJP, ShivSen and other terrorist political organisations. elections are close and these parties can do anything to win.. Anyways whoever did this is common enemy of PAKISTAN and INDIA and this common enemy has given more damage to PAKISTAN then INDIA and i think its the time to stop playing balme game and start working togather. LONG LIVE PEACE

  826. Gururaj says:

    Mr Wasi….wy dont you shut the fuck up?????just wait for the day indian troops get a chance to enter POK…these guys are fucken roaches…u dont sympathize with them u RAID THEM!!!!yea and one more thing….FUCK YOU ASSSHOLE!!

  827. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    in all of this rhetoric did anyone consider reality all of you are inhuman , you dont care about the victims , why do you want to find religon and blame it I am a hindu and i think these rats got away easy , death was the best that could happen to them for reality read

  828. Lucky says:

    Well… when ever something wrong happens in india, the indian intelligence agencies start balming Pakistan,wihout any investigation. (like if something wrong happens in Iraq, Afghanistan,etc.. it goes to alqaida’s credit.). Indian Intelligence Agencies should start thinking something else now because this is very old excuse for their sluggihess.Look into India there is BJP, ShivSen and other terrorist political organisations. elections are close and these parties can do anything to win.. Anyways whoever did this is common enemy of PAKISTAN and INDIA and this common enemy has given more damage to PAKISTAN then INDIA and i think its the time to stop playing balme game and start working togather. LONG LIVE PEACE

  829. Gururaj says:

    Mr Wasi….wy dont you shut the fuck up?????just wait for the day indian troops get a chance to enter POK…these guys are fucken roaches…u dont sympathize with them u RAID THEM!!!!yea and one more thing….FUCK YOU ASSSHOLE!!

  830. Gods.chiefpilot says:

    in all of this rhetoric did anyone consider reality all of you are inhuman , you dont care about the victims , why do you want to find religon and blame it I am a hindu and i think these rats got away easy , death was the best that could happen to them for reality read

  831. Mehaal Rai says:

    Lol !!! your mindblowing ! ” We dint do it ” ??? ! From when did u start representing the entire nation of the most amazing honest country of the world ” Pakistan ” !!!! Its funny that you did have time to use google Earth but not check the news !!!! Or is the news also misleading you … ? Anyway the truth is i don really care because ” WHAT GOES AROUND , COMES AROUND ” !!!! IF AT ALL , THERE IS AN AMAZING ATTACK LIKE THE ONE THAT HAPPENED AT THE MARRIOT AGAIN in your amazing country, I WILL DEFN MAKE A POST IN MY BLOG SAYING ” WE DINT DO IT ” AND ALSO THE EXACT GOOGLE SNAPSHOTS WITH THE THE EXACT STUFF you wrote ! Have a wonderful day !!!

  832. 2zameer says:

    Sirji,As repeatedly said that terrorism doesn’t follow a religion/region, there were muslims dead in this attack if terrorism know the religion all them would have got saved. what we say is whenever there is a attack why only pakistani link comes out? Do you Pakistanis really belong to the true religion or you people are just following the religion for namesake? I would prefer Hanging the Terrorist who caught alive on Gate of India and lit the Candles down there, to show the world that if anybody tries harm Indians their A**** will be burnt alive. We know even if the terrorist says that he is from Pakistan, Pakistan might say we don’t have boys in pakistan he doesn’t belongs to us…..

  833. Mehaal Rai says:

    Lol !!! your mindblowing ! ” We dint do it ” ??? ! From when did u start representing the entire nation of the most amazing honest country of the world ” Pakistan ” !!!! Its funny that you did have time to use google Earth but not check the news !!!! Or is the news also misleading you … ? Anyway the truth is i don really care because ” WHAT GOES AROUND , COMES AROUND ” !!!! IF AT ALL , THERE IS AN AMAZING ATTACK LIKE THE ONE THAT HAPPENED AT THE MARRIOT AGAIN in your amazing country, I WILL DEFN MAKE A POST IN MY BLOG SAYING ” WE DINT DO IT ” AND ALSO THE EXACT GOOGLE SNAPSHOTS WITH THE THE EXACT STUFF you wrote ! Have a wonderful day !!!

  834. 2zameer says:

    Sirji,As repeatedly said that terrorism doesn’t follow a religion/region, there were muslims dead in this attack if terrorism know the religion all them would have got saved. what we say is whenever there is a attack why only pakistani link comes out? Do you Pakistanis really belong to the true religion or you people are just following the religion for namesake? I would prefer Hanging the Terrorist who caught alive on Gate of India and lit the Candles down there, to show the world that if anybody tries harm Indians their A**** will be burnt alive. We know even if the terrorist says that he is from Pakistan, Pakistan might say we don’t have boys in pakistan he doesn’t belongs to us…..

  835. Waheed says:

    Dear folks try to find the root cause of the problems. it is the Hindu Terror in Gujarat and the demolition of the Babri Masjid. This is the reason why these people are doing it and even if according to Mr Karthik and Aishwaraya pakistan is Bombed , it will happen again and again in India.

  836. Kartik says:

    Mr Ahmed, considering you are a bloody ruthless paki. Do you dip your assault rifles in your mother’s cunts to get ruthless? Or do you take bath in pigpiss u fucking cowards. Im sure u must have serviced giving your booty to maulana Masood fucking Azhar . Ha ha ha

  837. bharat says:

    i don`t understand how & why these fucking pakis… are denying their involvement, its a well known thing that where ever terrorism is in this world are because of these fucking muslims, obviously they are threat for civilised society & posses no moral values for humanity.

  838. Waheed says:

    Dear folks try to find the root cause of the problems. it is the Hindu Terror in Gujarat and the demolition of the Babri Masjid. This is the reason why these people are doing it and even if according to Mr Karthik and Aishwaraya pakistan is Bombed , it will happen again and again in India.

  839. Kartik says:

    Mr Ahmed, considering you are a bloody ruthless paki. Do you dip your assault rifles in your mother’s cunts to get ruthless? Or do you take bath in pigpiss u fucking cowards. Im sure u must have serviced giving your booty to maulana Masood fucking Azhar . Ha ha ha

  840. bharat says:

    i don`t understand how & why these fucking pakis… are denying their involvement, its a well known thing that where ever terrorism is in this world are because of these fucking muslims, obviously they are threat for civilised society & posses no moral values for humanity.

  841. Joseph says:

    friends in pakistan, why you are allowing your land to be used against india ? harbouring terroists like al qaida, Let , Dawood.. This is crazy and disgusting. Done even talk that pak is not involved? they are your ISI policticians army everonen is involved. Crap man ..your country is a shit and should be deleted from the world map for ever world. stop terrorism around the work

  842. Aishwarya says:

    Mr.Kunal, Karthik is not against an Indian Muslim, but he is as much against a Pakistan muslim as much I am. And you talk about voting? Advani and manmohan are just the face of a party. But they cant do anything because their support is only from the criminal MPs/MLAs and their chelas. And by they way I did vote and I got a dumb arse inturn.

  843. Joseph says:

    friends in pakistan, why you are allowing your land to be used against india ? harbouring terroists like al qaida, Let , Dawood.. This is crazy and disgusting. Done even talk that pak is not involved? they are your ISI policticians army everonen is involved. Crap man ..your country is a shit and should be deleted from the world map for ever world. stop terrorism around the work

  844. Aishwarya says:

    Mr.Kunal, Karthik is not against an Indian Muslim, but he is as much against a Pakistan muslim as much I am. And you talk about voting? Advani and manmohan are just the face of a party. But they cant do anything because their support is only from the criminal MPs/MLAs and their chelas. And by they way I did vote and I got a dumb arse inturn.

  845. raj says:

    Dear frndzz,To me the best option is to just bomb those traning camps being operated in pak occupied kashmir…

  846. raj says:

    Dear frndzz,To me the best option is to just bomb those traning camps being operated in pak occupied kashmir…

  847. Kartik says:

    sure kunal, im wasting my own energy, these ppl never change, laaton ka bhoot baaton se nahi maante

  848. Kartik says:

    sure kunal, im wasting my own energy, these ppl never change, laaton ka bhoot baaton se nahi maante

  849. Waheed says:

    The Killing of ATS chief is a clear indication that this is the handiwork of Indian terror organizations. he was the lone figure standing against them. BJP/VHP/BAJRANg DAl and other hindu terrorist organizations will benefit it from most.

  850. Gururaj says:

    AGREEE WITH you karthik and kunal…only one option is clean out POK….

  851. Waheed says:

    The Killing of ATS chief is a clear indication that this is the handiwork of Indian terror organizations. he was the lone figure standing against them. BJP/VHP/BAJRANg DAl and other hindu terrorist organizations will benefit it from most.

  852. Gururaj says:

    AGREEE WITH you karthik and kunal…only one option is clean out POK….

  853. Asad Raza says:

    In the name of God!Dear Friends,Some People have this view also about this incident : dont agree or disagree with what’s said in the above blog until things are finally out.

  854. Gururaj says:

    Mr Waheed…no offense to citizens of pakistan.i do have some good pakistani freinds out here..but i seriously think you are freakin out of your mind….asshole , just try and have a glimpse of whats happened here….asshole , major unnikrishnan… loook at the age in which he died…assshole its very easy to comment on others….i really wonder what kind of an education you have ever received which prompts ur shit licking analytical skills

  855. Asad Raza says:

    In the name of God!Dear Friends,Some People have this view also about this incident : dont agree or disagree with what’s said in the above blog until things are finally out.

  856. Gururaj says:

    Mr Waheed…no offense to citizens of pakistan.i do have some good pakistani freinds out here..but i seriously think you are freakin out of your mind….asshole , just try and have a glimpse of whats happened here….asshole , major unnikrishnan… loook at the age in which he died…assshole its very easy to comment on others….i really wonder what kind of an education you have ever received which prompts ur shit licking analytical skills

  857. Aishwarya says:

    Dear Waheed, Babri & Gujarat happened because you didnt let the other people to live in peace. We waited for decades hoping that you would stop this barbaric deeds, but you never did and this just provoked others. Babri and gujarat didnt happen just hindus wanted to do it, but they were provoked. But now we have grown intelligent, we dont get provoked internally, our only destination is rublistan.

  858. LN Ramesh says:

    Well, I want to make some points clear. The a pakistani govt official compares LeT with the extremists in India. But he has to notice that indian extremists dont go across borders. It is our own problem. Can pakistani govt point to Indian extremists in any incident that happens in pakistan. If at all the extremists in India start crossing border, i am sure it will take no time to control the terrorists there. So the pakistani govt should not point the things in india, but should try to control the terrorists in their own country, otherwise their own existence may be questioned.

  859. bharat says:

    now its a best time to bombard in POK after all it`s an epicentre of terrorism it has been even proved by the court of law in US

  860. Aishwarya says:

    Dear Waheed, Babri & Gujarat happened because you didnt let the other people to live in peace. We waited for decades hoping that you would stop this barbaric deeds, but you never did and this just provoked others. Babri and gujarat didnt happen just hindus wanted to do it, but they were provoked. But now we have grown intelligent, we dont get provoked internally, our only destination is rublistan.

  861. LN Ramesh says:

    Well, I want to make some points clear. The a pakistani govt official compares LeT with the extremists in India. But he has to notice that indian extremists dont go across borders. It is our own problem. Can pakistani govt point to Indian extremists in any incident that happens in pakistan. If at all the extremists in India start crossing border, i am sure it will take no time to control the terrorists there. So the pakistani govt should not point the things in india, but should try to control the terrorists in their own country, otherwise their own existence may be questioned.

  862. bharat says:

    now its a best time to bombard in POK after all it`s an epicentre of terrorism it has been even proved by the court of law in US

  863. Gururaj says:

    asad raza,i suggest u take up history lessons before taking up such comments….mother fucker.. name at least 5 hindus who have ever blown themselves up in front of innocent citizens…u fucken brainless moron

  864. Gururaj says:

    asad raza,i suggest u take up history lessons before taking up such comments….mother fucker.. name at least 5 hindus who have ever blown themselves up in front of innocent citizens…u fucken brainless moron

  865. RealMy3 says:

    Come on guys! be rational. First of all I am Indian (and Hindu), Pakistanis did this attack? absolutely not! some Pakistani terrorists did. Look ours self Indians, we(Indians) have the most notorious and ugliest home grown terrorism (Eg: SIMI) we instigated it, now can’t protect it from (I know some of your contradict to me). What I am trying to say is, Indian government is always blaming Pakistan whenever there is terrorist attack, aren’t we get bored of hearing the same statement again and again? The blames might be correct, but we failed to show the evidence to international community because all the terrorist attacked are involved by local also.Yes, Pakistan Government is inapt to control ISI which are supporting radical groups and at the same time wait and see for more local support for the so called Pakistani terrorist in Mumbai attack (some locals supplied logistic, dry fruits etc..), Indian Government also failed to tight the screw on terrorist despite the series terrorist attacks. We should stop blame game and take string actions. Yes its the time to DO not to BLAME

  866. Gururaj says:

    mr asad,seriously dude… i get a chance i would personally fuck your asss….

  867. Waheed says:


  868. manu says:

    Dude you are the lamest motherfucking guy who denies that pak is not involved.Pakistan is filled with the bastards and cowards. You dogs have lost humanity and forgot that you were a part of India once.If given a chance I will eliminate you all motherfucking bastards from the face of the earth and eliminate your race.

  869. RealMy3 says:

    Come on guys! be rational. First of all I am Indian (and Hindu), Pakistanis did this attack? absolutely not! some Pakistani terrorists did. Look ours self Indians, we(Indians) have the most notorious and ugliest home grown terrorism (Eg: SIMI) we instigated it, now can’t protect it from (I know some of your contradict to me). What I am trying to say is, Indian government is always blaming Pakistan whenever there is terrorist attack, aren’t we get bored of hearing the same statement again and again? The blames might be correct, but we failed to show the evidence to international community because all the terrorist attacked are involved by local also.Yes, Pakistan Government is inapt to control ISI which are supporting radical groups and at the same time wait and see for more local support for the so called Pakistani terrorist in Mumbai attack (some locals supplied logistic, dry fruits etc..), Indian Government also failed to tight the screw on terrorist despite the series terrorist attacks. We should stop blame game and take string actions. Yes its the time to DO not to BLAME

  870. Gururaj says:

    mr asad,seriously dude… i get a chance i would personally fuck your asss….

  871. Waheed says:


  872. manu says:

    Dude you are the lamest motherfucking guy who denies that pak is not involved.Pakistan is filled with the bastards and cowards. You dogs have lost humanity and forgot that you were a part of India once.If given a chance I will eliminate you all motherfucking bastards from the face of the earth and eliminate your race.

  873. Free says:

    The Mother Fucker are still bullshitting !!!!!!!! By the way Barking Dogs seldom bites …..

  874. Kunal says:

    Dear Aishwarya / Karthik, as I said earlier, I am no DOVE. Terrorism must be dealt with an IRON FIST. But who will do that? Why I talked about voting is that vote out anybody who's soft on terrorism. Let politicians understand that BEING SOFT ON TERRORISM CAN LOSE THEM VOTES. Currently they are happy counting vote banks basis caste / region / religion. And these fools in government actually believe that by being soft on terrorism they will be perceived as "Secular" & Pro-MUSLIMS!!! That notion is something that needs to be spit upon & buried in this election itself.

  875. Free says:

    The Mother Fucker are still bullshitting !!!!!!!! By the way Barking Dogs seldom bites …..

  876. Kunal says:

    Dear Aishwarya / Karthik, as I said earlier, I am no DOVE. Terrorism must be dealt with an IRON FIST. But who will do that? Why I talked about voting is that vote out anybody who's soft on terrorism. Let politicians understand that BEING SOFT ON TERRORISM CAN LOSE THEM VOTES. Currently they are happy counting vote banks basis caste / region / religion. And these fools in government actually believe that by being soft on terrorism they will be perceived as "Secular" & Pro-MUSLIMS!!! That notion is something that needs to be spit upon & buried in this election itself.

  877. Free says:

    Manu,still barking against the Pakistan ? ok do your job. I can understand that this is ur job …..Good … keep it up mother fucker

  878. Free says:

    Manu,still barking against the Pakistan ? ok do your job. I can understand that this is ur job …..Good … keep it up mother fucker

  879. Aishwarya says:

    Hey “Arsehole” Waheed, we are not commenting, we are threatening you. And you are still sticking around this place like a long lost friend. Get lost you jerk.

  880. Kartik says:

    Mr Ahmed, considering you are a bloody ruthless paki. Do you dip your assault rifles in your mother’s cunts to get ruthless? Or do you take bath in pigpiss u fucking cowards. Im sure u must have serviced giving your booty to maulana Masood fucking Azhar . Ha ha ha

  881. Gururaj says:

    you know what ASSHOLE Means…thats a synonym for waheed…whatever ur fucken name actually means…you are not instigating us SOB…u seriously represent the lame impotent individualy trying to justify your country…the day we get inside is the day u lose ur ASSHOLE

  882. Aishwarya says:

    Hey “Arsehole” Waheed, we are not commenting, we are threatening you. And you are still sticking around this place like a long lost friend. Get lost you jerk.

  883. Kartik says:

    Mr Ahmed, considering you are a bloody ruthless paki. Do you dip your assault rifles in your mother’s cunts to get ruthless? Or do you take bath in pigpiss u fucking cowards. Im sure u must have serviced giving your booty to maulana Masood fucking Azhar . Ha ha ha

  884. Gururaj says:

    you know what ASSHOLE Means…thats a synonym for waheed…whatever ur fucken name actually means…you are not instigating us SOB…u seriously represent the lame impotent individualy trying to justify your country…the day we get inside is the day u lose ur ASSHOLE

  885. python says:

    Every Paki Muslim who does not agree that Pakis attacked Mumbai are Infidels and I would call the religion they practice as Infidel religion and also their Prophet an infidel!We dont need such religious practices that glorifies Infidels like Azam.

  886. Waheed says:

    hi Dear aishwariya i am an indian and i live in india, don’t threaten me

  887. python says:

    Every Paki Muslim who does not agree that Pakis attacked Mumbai are Infidels and I would call the religion they practice as Infidel religion and also their Prophet an infidel!We dont need such religious practices that glorifies Infidels like Azam.

  888. Waheed says:

    hi Dear aishwariya i am an indian and i live in india, don’t threaten me

  889. Zahid says:

    FaridKot district .. Is it in pakistan … I don’t know any city in pakistan with this name .. Even you can search on internet and you might get surprised from the results .. Faridkot is in INDIA, PUNJAB.

  890. florags says:

    hey guys just leave this wasi alone. he is just yanking your chain. he is the kind of person who lights a fire and then sits down to watch the fun. he has successfully directed the focus away from the misery of the poor victims of a senseless carnage perpetrated by misguided elements of humanity

  891. Gururaj says:

    asshole.. she is not threatening you…u possibly dont deserve to be an india…i know we do have rotten apples…ur an example of a rotten swineget the fuck out of here

  892. Zahid says:

    FaridKot district .. Is it in pakistan … I don’t know any city in pakistan with this name .. Even you can search on internet and you might get surprised from the results .. Faridkot is in INDIA, PUNJAB.

  893. florags says:

    hey guys just leave this wasi alone. he is just yanking your chain. he is the kind of person who lights a fire and then sits down to watch the fun. he has successfully directed the focus away from the misery of the poor victims of a senseless carnage perpetrated by misguided elements of humanity

  894. Gururaj says:

    asshole.. she is not threatening you…u possibly dont deserve to be an india…i know we do have rotten apples…ur an example of a rotten swineget the fuck out of here

  895. Free says:

    Waheed, The Fucking Indians are mind less and sense less. They dont want to clear their own home. They know just barking to other. So let them doing their job !!!!

  896. Free says:

    Waheed, The Fucking Indians are mind less and sense less. They dont want to clear their own home. They know just barking to other. So let them doing their job !!!!

  897. Jawad Asif says:

    Pakistan will remain there and you bloody Extremist Indians will watch and see. You Indians forgot what you did with muslims in Gujrat. Your “darpook” army couldn’t control 4 terrorists in TAG hotel for more then 4 days. only few gun man controlled the whole Mumbai than you can image what your army will do if Pakistan army will get into position. You Indians keep barking like dogs, Your army is terrorist, point fingers to your army as they were also involved in “samjhota express” blast. we won’t give any explanations to “darpooks”. Do what ever you want. Pakistan Zindabad..

  898. Waheed says:


  899. florags says:

    hey guys:just leave wasi alone. he is just trying to test your patience. he is clearly a smart person who knows how to yank peoples’ chains. he is the kind of person who sits back and watches the fun after he has lit the fire

  900. Gururaj says:

    mr freee…its hilarious seeing you trying to write in english…do you want to start this in URDU..

  901. Jawad Asif says:

    Pakistan will remain there and you bloody Extremist Indians will watch and see. You Indians forgot what you did with muslims in Gujrat. Your “darpook” army couldn’t control 4 terrorists in TAG hotel for more then 4 days. only few gun man controlled the whole Mumbai than you can image what your army will do if Pakistan army will get into position. You Indians keep barking like dogs, Your army is terrorist, point fingers to your army as they were also involved in “samjhota express” blast. we won’t give any explanations to “darpooks”. Do what ever you want. Pakistan Zindabad..

  902. Waheed says:


  903. florags says:

    hey guys:just leave wasi alone. he is just trying to test your patience. he is clearly a smart person who knows how to yank peoples’ chains. he is the kind of person who sits back and watches the fun after he has lit the fire

  904. Gururaj says:

    mr freee…its hilarious seeing you trying to write in english…do you want to start this in URDU..

  905. Trendy says:

    Hats off to hussainjakati from Goa.I am with you.

  906. Trendy says:

    Hats off to hussainjakati from Goa.I am with you.

  907. Aishwarya says:

    then you have lost your mind for not being able to grasp the facts and analyze. If malegaon was blasted by Hindus, it was because they were provoked for decades. And so was babri and gujarat. Dont forget the 80s when muslims in India bursted crackers when pakistan cricket team won. Atleast now they dont do that because they have learned pakistan arseholes dont care a shit about them and they just use them to plant bombs, just like the US used them to keep india on leash.

  908. Gururaj says:

    mr waheed thats ur mothers name …..i gave it to her.. when i fucked her hard last night…

  909. Aishwarya says:

    then you have lost your mind for not being able to grasp the facts and analyze. If malegaon was blasted by Hindus, it was because they were provoked for decades. And so was babri and gujarat. Dont forget the 80s when muslims in India bursted crackers when pakistan cricket team won. Atleast now they dont do that because they have learned pakistan arseholes dont care a shit about them and they just use them to plant bombs, just like the US used them to keep india on leash.

  910. Gururaj says:

    mr waheed thats ur mothers name …..i gave it to her.. when i fucked her hard last night…

  911. Waheed says:


  912. Free says:

    Jawad,your are right. Their so called brave commandos took three or four days to kill them. I saw in news paper that in railway station, there were so much police man but when this incident took place, they ran way instead of saving life of innocent people.

  913. Waheed says:


  914. Free says:

    Jawad,your are right. Their so called brave commandos took three or four days to kill them. I saw in news paper that in railway station, there were so much police man but when this incident took place, they ran way instead of saving life of innocent people.

  915. bharat says:

    dear WAHEED as an indian muslim don`t you think that its the best time to bombard POK give your honest view

  916. Jawad Asif says:

    @python: listen you fucking ASS hole, go to your fucking “bhagwan” and cry out there….

  917. Gururaj says:

    jawad asif.we alredy have one asif here begging for his life…u forget the wars we have had with yur country…you and your country are built out of indian waste…we shit and it passes on to your homes….face to face combat???assshole….4 days and your entire ISI would be wiped out

  918. Kunal says:

    I agree with Florags. The focus has shifted & the comments have stooped to the lows that Wasi wanted it to be at. I have just learnt that a junior from my MBA college (XLRI, Khushboo Jha) has lost her fiancee in the Mumbai attack. We have the choice of either responding to jerks like "Wasi" or think & act. DO GO OUT & VOTE! VOTE TO VOTE THIS SPINELESS GOVERNMENT OUT!!

  919. Aishwarya says:

    Ah waheed, I like all those styles, but I dont make love with motherfuckers. You could ask your mother though.

  920. python says:

    Infidel Pakistan!

  921. bharat says:

    dear WAHEED as an indian muslim don`t you think that its the best time to bombard POK give your honest view

  922. Jawad Asif says:

    @python: listen you fucking ASS hole, go to your fucking “bhagwan” and cry out there….

  923. Gururaj says:

    jawad asif.we alredy have one asif here begging for his life…u forget the wars we have had with yur country…you and your country are built out of indian waste…we shit and it passes on to your homes….face to face combat???assshole….4 days and your entire ISI would be wiped out

  924. Kunal says:

    I agree with Florags. The focus has shifted & the comments have stooped to the lows that Wasi wanted it to be at. I have just learnt that a junior from my MBA college (XLRI, Khushboo Jha) has lost her fiancee in the Mumbai attack. We have the choice of either responding to jerks like "Wasi" or think & act. DO GO OUT & VOTE! VOTE TO VOTE THIS SPINELESS GOVERNMENT OUT!!

  925. Aishwarya says:

    Ah waheed, I like all those styles, but I dont make love with motherfuckers. You could ask your mother though.

  926. python says:

    Infidel Pakistan!

  927. Jawad Asif says:

    @Gururaj: If you think like that… go live with it…. this may give you some “fake happiness”I suggest you to live in the realy world

  928. Shailendra says:

    To the terrorists: Fuckers Mumbai is bleeding but not India’s integrity. Your Allah never gonna forgive youself…

  929. Free says:

    Aishwarya, this bitch is totally sense less and is writing non sense. She does not know the details. Just got the information from the fucking indian press and here she is barking

  930. Jawad Asif says:

    @Gururaj: If you think like that… go live with it…. this may give you some “fake happiness”I suggest you to live in the realy world

  931. Shailendra says:

    To the terrorists: Fuckers Mumbai is bleeding but not India’s integrity. Your Allah never gonna forgive youself…

  932. Free says:

    Aishwarya, this bitch is totally sense less and is writing non sense. She does not know the details. Just got the information from the fucking indian press and here she is barking

  933. python says:

    The word Ramadan was also borrowed from Ram and dyan.So is ur fucking religion Islam, the religion of slaves , ask Abhraham or Ismail!

  934. nicky says:

    I am indian.. and i seriously think we should have some consideration for another human being.. People of pakistan – we agree that alot of you are innocents and that you didn’t have anything to do with the killings in india. However, you become guilty from innocent when you do not stand up and condemn such acts from the citizens of your country and try and put a stop to it within your own country. Atleast try and not criticize the victim…and have sympathy for another human being.. after all we shared the same land once long time ago.. lets us not hate each other and try and help one another. !!

  935. biru says:

    First of all my sympathies and heart goes with the families, who lost their loved ones in this brutal act of terrorism. Some of my friends on the blog attribute all that happend to Islam, which is not very fair. Today’s India is One such big India because of Muslims and Islam. Just move your head around and look back. Until 1323 B.C Kakatiya empire India was not the one you are proud of today. Starting from Islamic Sultanates 1206, it emerged as one integral nation during the Mughal Empire as was ruled by Muslims with all piece and hormony. It had Lahore, Agra, Delhi and Kabul as its capital, when it was one of the largest countries of the world. Now you blaming the same people as terrorist who made india for you. It is not a justification for all that has happend to the innocent people, who become victim of this cowerdly act. But at the same time, it is not very fair to blame the whole nation for what happend.

  936. Kartik says:

    free wahid, jawad and to all u pai motherfuckers whose half cut cocks cant even fit a mosquito’s arse. Where was ur penis when we fucked you in kargil, where was ur penis when we literally jammed our assault rifles in your booty during 1973 bangladesh. go drink pigpiss u motherfuckers.

  937. python says:

    The word Ramadan was also borrowed from Ram and dyan.So is ur fucking religion Islam, the religion of slaves , ask Abhraham or Ismail!

  938. nicky says:

    I am indian.. and i seriously think we should have some consideration for another human being.. People of pakistan – we agree that alot of you are innocents and that you didn’t have anything to do with the killings in india. However, you become guilty from innocent when you do not stand up and condemn such acts from the citizens of your country and try and put a stop to it within your own country. Atleast try and not criticize the victim…and have sympathy for another human being.. after all we shared the same land once long time ago.. lets us not hate each other and try and help one another. !!

  939. biru says:

    First of all my sympathies and heart goes with the families, who lost their loved ones in this brutal act of terrorism. Some of my friends on the blog attribute all that happend to Islam, which is not very fair. Today’s India is One such big India because of Muslims and Islam. Just move your head around and look back. Until 1323 B.C Kakatiya empire India was not the one you are proud of today. Starting from Islamic Sultanates 1206, it emerged as one integral nation during the Mughal Empire as was ruled by Muslims with all piece and hormony. It had Lahore, Agra, Delhi and Kabul as its capital, when it was one of the largest countries of the world. Now you blaming the same people as terrorist who made india for you. It is not a justification for all that has happend to the innocent people, who become victim of this cowerdly act. But at the same time, it is not very fair to blame the whole nation for what happend.

  940. Kartik says:

    free wahid, jawad and to all u pai motherfuckers whose half cut cocks cant even fit a mosquito’s arse. Where was ur penis when we fucked you in kargil, where was ur penis when we literally jammed our assault rifles in your booty during 1973 bangladesh. go drink pigpiss u motherfuckers.

  941. Waheed says:


  942. Gururaj says:

    mr python…i just know they were the names of some pigs here….which we castrated and threwthem in the indus river to flow into ur country…

  943. Jawad Asif says:

    @python: the word “bhagwan” came from “bhag” ja phatoo kahin key..

  944. Waheed says:


  945. Gururaj says:

    mr python…i just know they were the names of some pigs here….which we castrated and threwthem in the indus river to flow into ur country…

  946. Jawad Asif says:

    @python: the word “bhagwan” came from “bhag” ja phatoo kahin key..

  947. nicky says:

    unfortunately United States has its own interest in why India and Pakistan should not fight – partly i agree with coz i have family in India and don’t want india to go to war.. also coz i luv my country and hope to see it prosper and not reverse. Lets hope for the best.

  948. Gururaj says:

    u chutiya waheed…whose fuckin blaming religion…its you whose got your religion confused….

  949. nicky says:

    unfortunately United States has its own interest in why India and Pakistan should not fight – partly i agree with coz i have family in India and don’t want india to go to war.. also coz i luv my country and hope to see it prosper and not reverse. Lets hope for the best.

  950. Gururaj says:

    u chutiya waheed…whose fuckin blaming religion…its you whose got your religion confused….

  951. Free says:

    hahahahha Gururaj is talking about our lovely ISI. Dear be calm otherwise i will disclose that you are the son of ISI and ISI was involved when u got birth 😀

  952. Kartik says:

    Jawad, do you have a sister? Does she wear burqa? if so how many times have u screwed her and glorified your act, because such things only happen in eunuchistan

  953. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: once thins cock will go inside your sisters Ass than her screaming will tell you .. how long it is…

  954. Waheed says:


  955. Gururaj says:

    MR free…i really wish that some day i get to see u , face to face….youl truly be freee that day…

  956. Free says:

    hahahahha Gururaj is talking about our lovely ISI. Dear be calm otherwise i will disclose that you are the son of ISI and ISI was involved when u got birth 😀

  957. Kartik says:

    Jawad, do you have a sister? Does she wear burqa? if so how many times have u screwed her and glorified your act, because such things only happen in eunuchistan

  958. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: once thins cock will go inside your sisters Ass than her screaming will tell you .. how long it is…

  959. Waheed says:


  960. Gururaj says:

    MR free…i really wish that some day i get to see u , face to face….youl truly be freee that day…

  961. Aishwarya says:

    Mr. Free, where are you free? In your undies? Even that must be sticking now with your diseased cock hanging out there unwashed for days. I dont have to depend on Indian press for information because I am the press.

  962. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  963. python says:

    the day wood with circumcized wood dawood and Mr Bob Woolmer all know how the slavish country Pakistan behaves!

  964. Aishwarya says:

    Mr. Free, where are you free? In your undies? Even that must be sticking now with your diseased cock hanging out there unwashed for days. I dont have to depend on Indian press for information because I am the press.

  965. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  966. python says:

    the day wood with circumcized wood dawood and Mr Bob Woolmer all know how the slavish country Pakistan behaves!

  967. Jawad Asif says:


  968. Jawad Asif says:


  969. Kartik says:

    free will be free indeed, free of life when his soul will be freed from his body and his guts will be freed out of his bums

  970. python says:

    how much a paki woman costs, we wud like to see a nude dance in PTV broadcast in all islamic hotels all over the world,u slaves! IMF beggars!

  971. Nadeem says:

    I know you all are badly hurt. Look lady i dont stop you from loving or hating any country but do u really think those twin planes crashed the twin towers into ashes. U need to see that documentry on the construction of those and even the movie farenhiet. Anyways in this world who is the leading supplier of weapons, ammonutions and destructive toys? For them to earn their bread and butter they need to sell them and how can they do it … by creating this world unsafe … u know they had to gain the sympathies of the world by making them fearful …how many attacks did take place in USA after 9/11? none. How many WMDs did they find in Iraq? none. now unfortunately Pakistan is the only declared muslim nuclear state so this all worldy politics is really beyond comprehension of a common man. You know Pakistan is going through this tumour of terrorism and i can understand your pain but please put your figures right, let this investigation b made public with actual facts and figures not like what has been happening with the inquires of Samjhota Express and Mosque Bombing which has gone to the waste. Try addressing the root causes instead of blaming. And for all those who are abusing Pakistan and the muslims please refrain from such unethical responses.

  972. Free says:

    hahahahahaGururaj, its mean really the ISI was involved when u were getting birth ……. ohhh very nice yar ……. our ISI is so much strong now i came to know …. really proud to be pakistani and proud to have an excellent agency like ISI ….. well done ISI

  973. Gururaj says:

    aishwarya,this guy is not freee…freee means he is free from everythign..i doubt he even has a cock…dunno how he is taking in so much insult… and still managing to post comments??????maan this guy is really shameless.even a pig outbeats you in terms of self respect….eat your own shit freee…. i guess thatl be free for you….ur countries economy is anyway going down..python, free, and all you asssholes… make sure you are worthy enough to even speak to us…go fuck yourseelf

  974. bharat says:

    waheedyou must have heard about muslims celebrating in gulf.thats the thing they want,they are not killing hindus or muslims or christians they only want to slow down the pace of indian economy and i am the firm beleiver they will not be able to we will surely defeat them from our strong will as in past we have been.

  975. Aishwarya says:

    Hey mr.”Free” that ISI thingy is an old joke. Come up with something new. Be creative you dumbhead loser staying in a failed nation.

  976. Jawad Asif says:

    I am still thknig only 10 terrorist fucked the whole Mumbai… haha…

  977. Kartik says:

    free will be free indeed, free of life when his soul will be freed from his body and his guts will be freed out of his bums

  978. python says:

    how much a paki woman costs, we wud like to see a nude dance in PTV broadcast in all islamic hotels all over the world,u slaves! IMF beggars!

  979. Nadeem says:

    I know you all are badly hurt. Look lady i dont stop you from loving or hating any country but do u really think those twin planes crashed the twin towers into ashes. U need to see that documentry on the construction of those and even the movie farenhiet. Anyways in this world who is the leading supplier of weapons, ammonutions and destructive toys? For them to earn their bread and butter they need to sell them and how can they do it … by creating this world unsafe … u know they had to gain the sympathies of the world by making them fearful …how many attacks did take place in USA after 9/11? none. How many WMDs did they find in Iraq? none. now unfortunately Pakistan is the only declared muslim nuclear state so this all worldy politics is really beyond comprehension of a common man. You know Pakistan is going through this tumour of terrorism and i can understand your pain but please put your figures right, let this investigation b made public with actual facts and figures not like what has been happening with the inquires of Samjhota Express and Mosque Bombing which has gone to the waste. Try addressing the root causes instead of blaming. And for all those who are abusing Pakistan and the muslims please refrain from such unethical responses.

  980. Free says:

    hahahahahaGururaj, its mean really the ISI was involved when u were getting birth ……. ohhh very nice yar ……. our ISI is so much strong now i came to know …. really proud to be pakistani and proud to have an excellent agency like ISI ….. well done ISI

  981. Gururaj says:

    aishwarya,this guy is not freee…freee means he is free from everythign..i doubt he even has a cock…dunno how he is taking in so much insult… and still managing to post comments??????maan this guy is really shameless.even a pig outbeats you in terms of self respect….eat your own shit freee…. i guess thatl be free for you….ur countries economy is anyway going down..python, free, and all you asssholes… make sure you are worthy enough to even speak to us…go fuck yourseelf

  982. bharat says:

    waheedyou must have heard about muslims celebrating in gulf.thats the thing they want,they are not killing hindus or muslims or christians they only want to slow down the pace of indian economy and i am the firm beleiver they will not be able to we will surely defeat them from our strong will as in past we have been.

  983. Aishwarya says:

    Hey mr.”Free” that ISI thingy is an old joke. Come up with something new. Be creative you dumbhead loser staying in a failed nation.

  984. Jawad Asif says:

    I am still thknig only 10 terrorist fucked the whole Mumbai… haha…

  985. Lost in Translation says:

    I spent 4 days following the news, and some nights awake because of depression. I am a Muslim Indian. People need to stop fighting with each other here. Indians and Pakistanis please direct your anger at the terrorists….Sorry Major Unnikrishnan – I am sure you would not have supported this type of blogging….

  986. Lost in Translation says:

    I spent 4 days following the news, and some nights awake because of depression. I am a Muslim Indian. People need to stop fighting with each other here. Indians and Pakistanis please direct your anger at the terrorists….Sorry Major Unnikrishnan – I am sure you would not have supported this type of blogging….

  987. python says:

    Ur Mushraaf has never won a single war! go back to ur fucking ideas how to hold a gun properly and try to shoot the prophet, chutiya prophet

  988. Free says:

    Aish, really u r mad … u bitch.. u swine ….. u dont that when this fucking incident took place, ur media was telling a different story and after few hours it began a new story and still they all are telling the different stories……. salay chotiay ….

  989. Kartik says:

    @jawad, i dont know you clean your beard with your half cut PAKI cock or brush your teeth with your PAKI pubic hair, but i know for sure you clean the hole in your assault rifle with your tiny little cock lubricated by your sisters cum

  990. Waheed says:


  991. python says:

    Ur Mushraaf has never won a single war! go back to ur fucking ideas how to hold a gun properly and try to shoot the prophet, chutiya prophet

  992. Free says:

    Aish, really u r mad … u bitch.. u swine ….. u dont that when this fucking incident took place, ur media was telling a different story and after few hours it began a new story and still they all are telling the different stories……. salay chotiay ….

  993. Kartik says:

    @jawad, i dont know you clean your beard with your half cut PAKI cock or brush your teeth with your PAKI pubic hair, but i know for sure you clean the hole in your assault rifle with your tiny little cock lubricated by your sisters cum

  994. Waheed says:


  995. Gururaj says:

    ISI… proud of the ISI???hahahah ….they are probably fucking your mom right now….go be proud of them now….

  996. Aishwarya says:

    If at all our stupid leaders had bombarded pakistan (posessing a chicken shit size nuclear bomb) we wouldnt have lost uniikrishnan.

  997. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik : I had screwed it in your mother’s ass also.. which resulted in the birth of such “she male” like you…

  998. Gururaj says:

    ISI… proud of the ISI???hahahah ….they are probably fucking your mom right now….go be proud of them now….

  999. Aishwarya says:

    If at all our stupid leaders had bombarded pakistan (posessing a chicken shit size nuclear bomb) we wouldnt have lost uniikrishnan.

  1000. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik : I had screwed it in your mother’s ass also.. which resulted in the birth of such “she male” like you…

  1001. sayyar says:

    First of all my heartiest condolences to the families, which lost their dears and nears in this mayhem.This was an act of barbarism and no human can even think of taking innocent lives. I went through several comments from our indian fellows. Most of them have held Pakistan responsible for this act, while others have even gone beyond that and blamed Islam as the rute cause of terrorism. Unfortunately, it has been a consistant habit of the Indian media and government to finger at Pakistan after any such incident happens. Infact there are a lot of terrorist groups working in several parts of india, and now this fact is well established that even the indian army is breeding ground for such elements. We have a fresh example of a colonel involved in samjhota express bombing. About allegations that the terrorists came from pakistan, such allegations were also put in the past, but no one has proved. Some indian newspapers have reported that the indian prime minister summoned ISI chief to come and answer the allegations. Let me tell you, Pakistan is not an indian colony. Pakistan is ready to assist but in a dignified way, not at the cost of our national pride.

  1002. sayyar says:

    First of all my heartiest condolences to the families, which lost their dears and nears in this mayhem.This was an act of barbarism and no human can even think of taking innocent lives. I went through several comments from our indian fellows. Most of them have held Pakistan responsible for this act, while others have even gone beyond that and blamed Islam as the rute cause of terrorism. Unfortunately, it has been a consistant habit of the Indian media and government to finger at Pakistan after any such incident happens. Infact there are a lot of terrorist groups working in several parts of india, and now this fact is well established that even the indian army is breeding ground for such elements. We have a fresh example of a colonel involved in samjhota express bombing. About allegations that the terrorists came from pakistan, such allegations were also put in the past, but no one has proved. Some indian newspapers have reported that the indian prime minister summoned ISI chief to come and answer the allegations. Let me tell you, Pakistan is not an indian colony. Pakistan is ready to assist but in a dignified way, not at the cost of our national pride.

  1003. nicky says:

    Hum Honge Kamiyaab Hum Honge Kamiyaab Hum Honge Kamiyaab Ek Din…Ho Ho mun main hain wiswash pura hai wiswashHum Honge Kamiyaab Ek Din…Ho gi shaan charo aur Ho gi shaan charo aur Ho gi shaan charo aur Ek DinHo Ho mun main hain wiswash pura hai wiswashHum Honge Kamiyaab Ek Din…Guys lets be resilient and keep our heads strong and sharp.. Yes it is very wrong what they did to us. But we will take revenge not by Killing but by Succeeding and Taking India Forward and becoming one of the super powers of the world. This will make the world respect India more and give us the Financial ability to strengthen the morale and security of our nation !! Our nation had one of the greatest teacher and leader, the mankind has ever witnessed. Lets not ignore and disregard his teachings and keep him in our minds long after he is gone as his teachings and values were what brought freedom to India. Lets continue to walk on that path and fight terrorism with intelligence and not with Emotion – which is what terrorists do !! lets be smart about the future of our nation !!

  1004. python says:

    waheed, puck u, I dont care if u r Indian muslim or Indian chute. these pakis need to be fucked in open air and thrown out of milky way, fucking arses

  1005. Free says:

    Aish, I am seriously thinking that ISI which is consist of few hundred people and they are giving an excellent lesson and when the whole Pak Army will come then u all will search the place for hiding …….

  1006. Jawad Asif says:

    Aswwariya: I think I have to blast my cock inside you also .. to shut your lill lower lips…

  1007. nicky says:

    Hum Honge Kamiyaab Hum Honge Kamiyaab Hum Honge Kamiyaab Ek Din…Ho Ho mun main hain wiswash pura hai wiswashHum Honge Kamiyaab Ek Din…Ho gi shaan charo aur Ho gi shaan charo aur Ho gi shaan charo aur Ek DinHo Ho mun main hain wiswash pura hai wiswashHum Honge Kamiyaab Ek Din…Guys lets be resilient and keep our heads strong and sharp.. Yes it is very wrong what they did to us. But we will take revenge not by Killing but by Succeeding and Taking India Forward and becoming one of the super powers of the world. This will make the world respect India more and give us the Financial ability to strengthen the morale and security of our nation !! Our nation had one of the greatest teacher and leader, the mankind has ever witnessed. Lets not ignore and disregard his teachings and keep him in our minds long after he is gone as his teachings and values were what brought freedom to India. Lets continue to walk on that path and fight terrorism with intelligence and not with Emotion – which is what terrorists do !! lets be smart about the future of our nation !!

  1008. python says:

    waheed, puck u, I dont care if u r Indian muslim or Indian chute. these pakis need to be fucked in open air and thrown out of milky way, fucking arses

  1009. Free says:

    Aish, I am seriously thinking that ISI which is consist of few hundred people and they are giving an excellent lesson and when the whole Pak Army will come then u all will search the place for hiding …….

  1010. Jawad Asif says:

    Aswwariya: I think I have to blast my cock inside you also .. to shut your lill lower lips…

  1011. mee says:

    Free,Waheed,jawad asif,zahid, you guys rock. An important thing to see while you are looking at the picture of the terrorist guy that he has a reddish-pink band(ribbon)in his right hand which is exactly the same Hindu usually wear, just try to zoom the picture and focus on his right hand. Guyz you should consider this coz Yesterday i heard indian media saying that accent of terrorist was not of Indians but of Pakistan origin and their language type was just like punjabi. Now if they can say like that stuff then we should also raise this issue that they should need to see his hand closely and understand that the terrorist is a hindu.Salut to all you guysZINDABAD PAKISTAN

  1012. Gururaj says:

    probably free and jawed asif are fucking each other right now….

  1013. bharat says:

    mr waheedjust go through the first page of this blog u will get the situation i dont understand why the hell people are celebrating this and saying “see indians we did this to you”.

  1014. mee says:

    Free,Waheed,jawad asif,zahid, you guys rock. An important thing to see while you are looking at the picture of the terrorist guy that he has a reddish-pink band(ribbon)in his right hand which is exactly the same Hindu usually wear, just try to zoom the picture and focus on his right hand. Guyz you should consider this coz Yesterday i heard indian media saying that accent of terrorist was not of Indians but of Pakistan origin and their language type was just like punjabi. Now if they can say like that stuff then we should also raise this issue that they should need to see his hand closely and understand that the terrorist is a hindu.Salut to all you guysZINDABAD PAKISTAN

  1015. Gururaj says:

    probably free and jawed asif are fucking each other right now….

  1016. bharat says:

    mr waheedjust go through the first page of this blog u will get the situation i dont understand why the hell people are celebrating this and saying “see indians we did this to you”.

  1017. Aishwarya says:

    Bitch, Swine? Thats how you address your mother, sisters, daughters and wives in pakistan is it? Thanks I learnt something new today. Here in India we dont do that. Next time when I come there bombarding I will call all those women the same thing, because it must be normal for them. Atleast I learnt something after wasting my time for so long.

  1018. Jawad Asif says:

    All Pakistan Guys… Cheer up… Pakistan Rock…n will give huge COCKs to darpook indiansss

  1019. Kartik says:

    @jawad, do you now what is the meaning of PAKISTANP = PigshitA = AssholeK = KinkyI = IrresponsibleS = SexstarvedA = ArrogantN = Namakharam

  1020. Aishwarya says:

    Bitch, Swine? Thats how you address your mother, sisters, daughters and wives in pakistan is it? Thanks I learnt something new today. Here in India we dont do that. Next time when I come there bombarding I will call all those women the same thing, because it must be normal for them. Atleast I learnt something after wasting my time for so long.

  1021. Jawad Asif says:

    All Pakistan Guys… Cheer up… Pakistan Rock…n will give huge COCKs to darpook indiansss

  1022. Kartik says:

    @jawad, do you now what is the meaning of PAKISTANP = PigshitA = AssholeK = KinkyI = IrresponsibleS = SexstarvedA = ArrogantN = Namakharam

  1023. python says:

    jawed, clean ur lund and come in front of gateway of India and fight in open if u are true to ur infidel ideas of ur fucking religion.cowards , ur fucking face will be smeared with pigs excreta

  1024. Jawad Asif says:

    @Gururaj: keep waiting you will be fucked soon…

  1025. python says:

    jawed, clean ur lund and come in front of gateway of India and fight in open if u are true to ur infidel ideas of ur fucking religion.cowards , ur fucking face will be smeared with pigs excreta

  1026. Jawad Asif says:

    @Gururaj: keep waiting you will be fucked soon…

  1027. Free says:

    hahahhahaha gururaj ….your are the son of ISI ……..nice nice …by the way how many indians are the son of ISI ? ? ? I think the whole fucking nation bcoz on all incidents in india, ISI always behind ….. is not it ?

  1028. Aishwarya says:

    When we start getting offensive you cry like kids for candies. Thats what you did when you lost the two previous wars. You cried for your land back. This time there wont be anyone to cry. Just rubbles.

  1029. Jawad Asif says:

    @python: you phatoo indian.. you will hide inside your homes even If i will come naked with my cock pointing towards your ASSESS

  1030. Free says:

    hahahhahaha gururaj ….your are the son of ISI ……..nice nice …by the way how many indians are the son of ISI ? ? ? I think the whole fucking nation bcoz on all incidents in india, ISI always behind ….. is not it ?

  1031. Aishwarya says:

    When we start getting offensive you cry like kids for candies. Thats what you did when you lost the two previous wars. You cried for your land back. This time there wont be anyone to cry. Just rubbles.

  1032. Jawad Asif says:

    @python: you phatoo indian.. you will hide inside your homes even If i will come naked with my cock pointing towards your ASSESS

  1033. Free says:

    hahahahahhhaJust For Aish ..” AAs-li pari ka dhaga Gand phati too bhaga “nice couplet yar ……….

  1034. Kartik says:

    @Jawadyour daughter and sister also told me other definitions of pakistan in bed last night when i was sandwiched between them. Im too lazy and i forgot, I dont even remember their fucking PAKI names

  1035. python says:

    pigs excreta needs to be sent by express mail for ur ramzan meals of ur mother

  1036. Free says:

    hahahahahhhaJust For Aish ..” AAs-li pari ka dhaga Gand phati too bhaga “nice couplet yar ……….

  1037. Kartik says:

    @Jawadyour daughter and sister also told me other definitions of pakistan in bed last night when i was sandwiched between them. Im too lazy and i forgot, I dont even remember their fucking PAKI names

  1038. python says:

    pigs excreta needs to be sent by express mail for ur ramzan meals of ur mother

  1039. Gururaj says:

    jawad asif…i think that mr freee is not giving you a free fuck……no sons of ISI here….from 1947 onwards uve been dependant on our mercy and you will always be…

  1040. Tutu420 says:

    Hi, Pakistan does not have even enough money to stay live after Dec 08 and IMF is symphatized to give Pakis loan so that their govt can run few more months. Inspite of that the govt is spending money to train terrorists to get killed in India through ISI. What a shame. You Pakistani people are still living in mediavel period of babar time. You will go to hell soon. It’s been too much now. India should attack POK and clean all those sh*ts creating problems all over the world like the US is doing now a days attacking your NWF.

  1041. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: you are not lazy actually you forgot your dildo… at home and your sister and mother…was playing with it… taking it in her shitty ASS

  1042. Gururaj says:

    jawad asif…i think that mr freee is not giving you a free fuck……no sons of ISI here….from 1947 onwards uve been dependant on our mercy and you will always be…

  1043. Tutu420 says:

    Hi, Pakistan does not have even enough money to stay live after Dec 08 and IMF is symphatized to give Pakis loan so that their govt can run few more months. Inspite of that the govt is spending money to train terrorists to get killed in India through ISI. What a shame. You Pakistani people are still living in mediavel period of babar time. You will go to hell soon. It’s been too much now. India should attack POK and clean all those sh*ts creating problems all over the world like the US is doing now a days attacking your NWF.

  1044. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: you are not lazy actually you forgot your dildo… at home and your sister and mother…was playing with it… taking it in her shitty ASS

  1045. Kartik says:

    well said python, & i think PAKI mail will be faster in delivering PIG EXCRETA for his moms ramzan meal, they may even hijack a DHL or FEDEX aircraft to do this job

  1046. Tutu420 says:

    All Indians are requested to report abuse for this blog and close it !

  1047. Jawad Asif says:

    @Tutu420: you can’t even look with a bad eye toward pakistan.. you have just seen the trailor in Mumbai.. just 10 of your local terrorists .. had engaged your army for more than 4 days… hahaha… We will show you the complete film

  1048. Kartik says:

    well said python, & i think PAKI mail will be faster in delivering PIG EXCRETA for his moms ramzan meal, they may even hijack a DHL or FEDEX aircraft to do this job

  1049. Tutu420 says:

    All Indians are requested to report abuse for this blog and close it !

  1050. Jawad Asif says:

    @Tutu420: you can’t even look with a bad eye toward pakistan.. you have just seen the trailor in Mumbai.. just 10 of your local terrorists .. had engaged your army for more than 4 days… hahaha… We will show you the complete film

  1051. Waheed says:


  1052. Waheed says:


  1053. Jawad Asif says:

    hahah.. well said waheed.. hahaha…

  1054. Free says:

    Aish, please correct the record, in 1965 we captured your city “Kher Kerum” which had two cinema that time.In 1975, we were fighting against the terrorist in east pakistan and you attacked on us from behind. you coward people can fight from you follow this rule that “Bagal mai choori or moo mai ram ram” Idiot

  1055. the thinker says:

    for all those pakis who dont bother to know their geography at this and tell me if its there in pakistan or not…..

  1056. Kartik says:

    @Jawad, how r the dildos in pakistan man? R they half cut as well? mayb even dildos there have to go through circumcision, r dildos also cowards like your PAKI penises? You know what the paki flag means, the moon on it means the Indian penis & the star on it means a PAKI cunt, y isnt the moon inside the star then? because PAKI cunt stinks of pig cum… ha ha ha ha

  1057. Waheed says:


  1058. Jawad Asif says:

    hahah.. well said waheed.. hahaha…

  1059. Free says:

    Aish, please correct the record, in 1965 we captured your city “Kher Kerum” which had two cinema that time.In 1975, we were fighting against the terrorist in east pakistan and you attacked on us from behind. you coward people can fight from you follow this rule that “Bagal mai choori or moo mai ram ram” Idiot

  1060. the thinker says:

    for all those pakis who dont bother to know their geography at this and tell me if its there in pakistan or not…..

  1061. Kartik says:

    @Jawad, how r the dildos in pakistan man? R they half cut as well? mayb even dildos there have to go through circumcision, r dildos also cowards like your PAKI penises? You know what the paki flag means, the moon on it means the Indian penis & the star on it means a PAKI cunt, y isnt the moon inside the star then? because PAKI cunt stinks of pig cum… ha ha ha ha

  1062. Waheed says:


  1063. nicky says:

    I am indian but I completely agree with Taqi (Google). We should not have nuclear war. our families and coming generations will suffer.. and nothing good will come out of it.. Violence is not the way.. The motive of terrorists is to create anger and hostility but our motive should be to resist such ideologies or we are no better. May Peace prevail on earth.

  1064. Aishwarya says:

    Ok Guys, I am off to the pubs in bangalore. And Mr. “Free” in undies, next time watch out when you are fucking a woman in burqah. She could be your sister, daughter, mother or who knows your granny too. I am sure you dont mind doing it anyway. Meanhwile if you are too horny go fuck that hole in the wall which your father got it made for you when you were trying to fuck that pig.

  1065. Free says:

    hahahahah Waheed……….Great job yar ………… u rocked buddy…….

  1066. human says:

    all Muslims are not the trouble makers. But the problem is “blind muslims” who do not have power to think and question. Anything that comes with the tag of religion s ultimate for them. But their are few who can think. So dear Muslim friends, if u are not the blind one then instead of wasting time on blog, come together and tell ur blind friends that u also feel bad about what they did and they are not part of you and ur religion.

  1067. nicky says:

    I am indian but I completely agree with Taqi (Google). We should not have nuclear war. our families and coming generations will suffer.. and nothing good will come out of it.. Violence is not the way.. The motive of terrorists is to create anger and hostility but our motive should be to resist such ideologies or we are no better. May Peace prevail on earth.

  1068. Aishwarya says:

    Ok Guys, I am off to the pubs in bangalore. And Mr. “Free” in undies, next time watch out when you are fucking a woman in burqah. She could be your sister, daughter, mother or who knows your granny too. I am sure you dont mind doing it anyway. Meanhwile if you are too horny go fuck that hole in the wall which your father got it made for you when you were trying to fuck that pig.

  1069. Free says:

    hahahahah Waheed……….Great job yar ………… u rocked buddy…….

  1070. human says:

    all Muslims are not the trouble makers. But the problem is “blind muslims” who do not have power to think and question. Anything that comes with the tag of religion s ultimate for them. But their are few who can think. So dear Muslim friends, if u are not the blind one then instead of wasting time on blog, come together and tell ur blind friends that u also feel bad about what they did and they are not part of you and ur religion.

  1071. human says:

    Aditya, dont that all Muslims are terrorist, please say that all “BLIND MUSLIMS” are terrorist whether they are in Pakistan or India. They dont have mind to use and think and question. It comes from the religion to shed blood and they don’t argue on that. Muslims, who have guts to start a discussion on blog but don’t have guts to say that we oppose all those Muslims who are behind these attacks. If a Hindu is bad we call him bad but Muslims can not do that. So dear Muslim friends please wake up and think and show courage to criticize ur Blind Brothers.

  1072. Gururaj says:

    i trhink….karthik…python…aishwarya…just leave wahid , free and javed asif together for a nice threesome….let them enjoy together…we have work to do unlike these mother fuckers….

  1073. Waheed says:


  1074. human says:

    Aditya, dont that all Muslims are terrorist, please say that all “BLIND MUSLIMS” are terrorist whether they are in Pakistan or India. They dont have mind to use and think and question. It comes from the religion to shed blood and they don’t argue on that. Muslims, who have guts to start a discussion on blog but don’t have guts to say that we oppose all those Muslims who are behind these attacks. If a Hindu is bad we call him bad but Muslims can not do that. So dear Muslim friends please wake up and think and show courage to criticize ur Blind Brothers.

  1075. Gururaj says:

    i trhink….karthik…python…aishwarya…just leave wahid , free and javed asif together for a nice threesome….let them enjoy together…we have work to do unlike these mother fuckers….

  1076. Waheed says:


  1077. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: I think.. you are underage… only over 18s are allowed here… so just go back in your bathroom.. rub your lill date with soap and try to make it stand .. than come out here.. I am damn sure you can’t come back .. hahaha

  1078. Free says:

    Gururaj Jani, As your fucking Indians says that on every incident in india, the ISI must exists. So according to this definition you are the son of ISI …….. so do u write ISI in your father’s column?

  1079. Waheed says:


  1080. Kartik says:

    might taste as good as pigshit in a PAKI hamburger he he

  1081. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: I think.. you are underage… only over 18s are allowed here… so just go back in your bathroom.. rub your lill date with soap and try to make it stand .. than come out here.. I am damn sure you can’t come back .. hahaha

  1082. Free says:

    Gururaj Jani, As your fucking Indians says that on every incident in india, the ISI must exists. So according to this definition you are the son of ISI …….. so do u write ISI in your father’s column?

  1083. Waheed says:


  1084. Kartik says:

    might taste as good as pigshit in a PAKI hamburger he he

  1085. Lost in Translation says:


  1086. Gururaj says:

    sorry waaheeed.. i am busy fucking your mom right now…sorry gtg….

  1087. Lost in Translation says:


  1088. Gururaj says:

    sorry waaheeed.. i am busy fucking your mom right now…sorry gtg….

  1089. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: I think you hav e tasted those shiity hamburger.. don’t worry we made those specially for you people

  1090. Waheed says:


  1091. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: I think you hav e tasted those shiity hamburger.. don’t worry we made those specially for you people

  1092. Waheed says:


  1093. Jawad Asif says:

    Gururaj: go on .. your mother and sister is also busy doing this with my dad.. hahaha

  1094. Free says:

    Dear Aish,so sad, u r looking so much angry…. why dear? please stay here … i have more information for u.

  1095. Tutu420 says:

    Hi all, just go to the following link and report abuse for this blog.

  1096. Waheed says:


  1097. Jawad Asif says:

    Gururaj: go on .. your mother and sister is also busy doing this with my dad.. hahaha

  1098. Free says:

    Dear Aish,so sad, u r looking so much angry…. why dear? please stay here … i have more information for u.

  1099. Tutu420 says:

    Hi all, just go to the following link and report abuse for this blog.

  1100. Waheed says:


  1101. Kartik says:

    @jawad, i had a friend from peshawar who was a pathan, who was an akhunzada, but inspite of that he was scared to tie his shoelaces while going to school, guess y? coz he would be sodomised from behind by sex starved mullahs, so did u leave your shoelaces open or did u volunteerly bend ur bum to give the mullahs a good time

  1102. Free says:

    For all the fucking indians” AAs-li pari k dhagayGand phati too bhagay “

  1103. Kartik says:

    @jawad, i had a friend from peshawar who was a pathan, who was an akhunzada, but inspite of that he was scared to tie his shoelaces while going to school, guess y? coz he would be sodomised from behind by sex starved mullahs, so did u leave your shoelaces open or did u volunteerly bend ur bum to give the mullahs a good time

  1104. Free says:

    For all the fucking indians” AAs-li pari k dhagayGand phati too bhagay “

  1105. Waheed says:


  1106. Kartik says:

    For all PAKI sisterfuckersLaaton ke bhooth baaton se nahi maante hai

  1107. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  1108. human says:

    dear Mr Wasi,Thanks for ur help. but we dont need ur money what we need is strong support from you to tell that u as a muslim stand against all this and whoever doing all this can not be a true muslims. When all muslims who want to shed blood can come together why not all others, who feel this is wrong. Dont u have a voice or dont u know how to convey ur message. Ask ur govt. why they step back? and ask ur people that do they really know where does the money that they donate on the name of religion (Muslim funds)?

  1109. Waheed says:


  1110. Kartik says:

    For all PAKI sisterfuckersLaaton ke bhooth baaton se nahi maante hai

  1111. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  1112. human says:

    dear Mr Wasi,Thanks for ur help. but we dont need ur money what we need is strong support from you to tell that u as a muslim stand against all this and whoever doing all this can not be a true muslims. When all muslims who want to shed blood can come together why not all others, who feel this is wrong. Dont u have a voice or dont u know how to convey ur message. Ask ur govt. why they step back? and ask ur people that do they really know where does the money that they donate on the name of religion (Muslim funds)?

  1113. Waheed says:


  1114. Kartik says:

    Waheed, now that ive kept my side of the deal, when do i get to visit the PAKI harem with Jawad’s entire family in it?

  1115. Lost in Translation says:


  1116. Waheed says:


  1117. Kartik says:

    Waheed, now that ive kept my side of the deal, when do i get to visit the PAKI harem with Jawad’s entire family in it?

  1118. Lost in Translation says:


  1119. Kartik says:

    i dont giv a fuck coz i noe that half cut PAKI cocks cant even fuck an ant let alone their own grandmothers

  1120. Waheed says:


  1121. Jawad Asif says:


  1122. Kartik says:

    i dont giv a fuck coz i noe that half cut PAKI cocks cant even fuck an ant let alone their own grandmothers

  1123. Waheed says:


  1124. Jawad Asif says:


  1125. Free says:

    Yar Waheed, in Bolywood, there are lot of Khans(Pathans) and i m thinking that what the hell they did with all the heroins 😀

  1126. mee says:

    kartik!!You should need to behave!! you sick you knw what the fuck you are writing. Dont use our Prophet name or wise i can let you know. wat the fuck you indians cheap barwa’s!!!

  1127. Kartik says:

    hey waheed, help me out man, give me the passport to jawad’s sister’s PAKI cunt… please waheed

  1128. Free says:

    Yar Waheed, in Bolywood, there are lot of Khans(Pathans) and i m thinking that what the hell they did with all the heroins 😀

  1129. mee says:

    kartik!!You should need to behave!! you sick you knw what the fuck you are writing. Dont use our Prophet name or wise i can let you know. wat the fuck you indians cheap barwa’s!!!

  1130. Kartik says:

    hey waheed, help me out man, give me the passport to jawad’s sister’s PAKI cunt… please waheed

  1131. Waheed says:


  1132. Waheed says:


  1133. Jawad Asif says:


  1134. Waheed says:


  1135. Jawad Asif says:


  1136. Waheed says:


  1137. Jawad Asif says:


  1138. Free says:

    ohhhh shit ,I think Aish darling got angry and left this wonderful discussion 😦so sad, Plz Aish come back … we are felling lonely 😀

  1139. Waheed says:


  1140. Jawad Asif says:


  1141. Jawad Asif says:


  1142. Free says:

    ohhhh shit ,I think Aish darling got angry and left this wonderful discussion 😦so sad, Plz Aish come back … we are felling lonely 😀

  1143. Waheed says:


  1144. Jawad Asif says:


  1145. Kartik says:

    dear mee, im so bored of the constant blogging that im too lazy to type, im not gaiainst your relegion or your prophet, I’m against people like Maulana Masood Azhar who spread lies in the name of Islam, and if islam means what Maulana Masood Azhar says, then I dont give a donkeys arse to such followers

  1146. mee says:

    You sick indian barway’s!!! Salay chotiay!! You sick bastards are so afraid that one of your asshole suicide yesterday coz he was afraid of those terrorist attacks. Chotiay indian’s if you could have a heart then the whole nation could have rammed in to the Taj hotel and face those motherfuckers who were busy fucking your moms and families.

  1147. human says:

    Look at the language that Pakis are using here, well Indians (Muslims or Hndus) dont waste ur time in replying these frustrated people who dont have a control on their own lives and are blind and dont have power to think. As far as fucking the Indians is concerned, dear Pakis, its against ur dear Kuran and allah will punish u …………………………hehehhehehehhe…………….dont be double standard, on shedding the blood u give reference of Kuran now what happened to ur teaching. Well the Moral of the story, first save ur own asses, come out of ur frustration and then say anthing else to anyone. God (Allah) bless you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1148. Kartik says:

    dear mee, im so bored of the constant blogging that im too lazy to type, im not gaiainst your relegion or your prophet, I’m against people like Maulana Masood Azhar who spread lies in the name of Islam, and if islam means what Maulana Masood Azhar says, then I dont give a donkeys arse to such followers

  1149. mee says:

    You sick indian barway’s!!! Salay chotiay!! You sick bastards are so afraid that one of your asshole suicide yesterday coz he was afraid of those terrorist attacks. Chotiay indian’s if you could have a heart then the whole nation could have rammed in to the Taj hotel and face those motherfuckers who were busy fucking your moms and families.

  1150. human says:

    Look at the language that Pakis are using here, well Indians (Muslims or Hndus) dont waste ur time in replying these frustrated people who dont have a control on their own lives and are blind and dont have power to think. As far as fucking the Indians is concerned, dear Pakis, its against ur dear Kuran and allah will punish u …………………………hehehhehehehhe…………….dont be double standard, on shedding the blood u give reference of Kuran now what happened to ur teaching. Well the Moral of the story, first save ur own asses, come out of ur frustration and then say anthing else to anyone. God (Allah) bless you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1151. Waheed says:


  1152. Free says:

    Yar Jawad, u r right. These fucking indians says thay “Jaa’ey Hind” dont worry .. hamra L poora ja’ey ga inn sab k andar … or visa ki b need nahe hogi … waysay he chala ja’ey ga .. yahi say 😀

  1153. Waheed says:


  1154. Free says:

    Yar Jawad, u r right. These fucking indians says thay “Jaa’ey Hind” dont worry .. hamra L poora ja’ey ga inn sab k andar … or visa ki b need nahe hogi … waysay he chala ja’ey ga .. yahi say 😀

  1155. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: dear kartik we are also not agaist hinduism but if i see the leaders like “baal thakrey” I give a shit to his followers

  1156. Kartik says:

    hmm big pathans with little cocks and that too half cut, im sure even the pigs in India wont be happy with their cocks, coz all of ur PAKI sisters are already raped & killed by ur mullahs, you have nothing left there except sheep or holes of assault rifles

  1157. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik: dear kartik we are also not agaist hinduism but if i see the leaders like “baal thakrey” I give a shit to his followers

  1158. Kartik says:

    hmm big pathans with little cocks and that too half cut, im sure even the pigs in India wont be happy with their cocks, coz all of ur PAKI sisters are already raped & killed by ur mullahs, you have nothing left there except sheep or holes of assault rifles

  1159. Waheed says:


  1160. Jawad Asif says:

    @human : another chotiya come here..I think is ki bajani pary gi .. haha.. guys get ready

  1161. Waheed says:


  1162. Waheed says:


  1163. Jawad Asif says:

    @human : another chotiya come here..I think is ki bajani pary gi .. haha.. guys get ready

  1164. Waheed says:


  1165. Jawad Asif says:

    you forgot your sisters has been fucked by “nangey pandits” haha.. who are always ready to bring there dates out for your sisters in mandirsss

  1166. Jawad Asif says:

    you forgot your sisters has been fucked by “nangey pandits” haha.. who are always ready to bring there dates out for your sisters in mandirsss

  1167. Sanjib says:

    All the evidence leads to Pakistan; whether the govt denies or accepts ( no sane govt. does). That Azar Masood operates from Pakistan is well known, that Dawood is supported by ISI is well known, that cross-border terrorism is supported by ISI is well known. Pakistan can go hoarse in saying that they know nothing about this, but I am sure that ISI knows a thing or two about it. And ISI is funded by the Pakistan Government. So, where does all the links lead to ? 90% of the terrorist acts across the world involves a pakistani, directly or indirectly. Its a shame to that country which has survived solely by perpetrating violence and terrorism, in the name of religion, in the name of independence, whatever comes to their mind. The common man in Pakistan has no role to play, but definitely the ISI and the Govt. does. And they should face the most serious consequences. They will face. No one can save them. We Indians by nature are resilient. But even that has reached its limit. Let the people of Pakistan know that, their Government and its support to ISI will bring them utter misfortune, just like our innocent countrymen has faced. And it is according to their religion: an eye for an eye.

  1168. Kartik says:

    well said Human, all that comes out of a gutter is pigshit. Goodbye folks. I have better work to do, I have to clean my rifle in the barracks, who knows another paki might be shot down in Jammu where i live and I’d want to be the proud one shooting the sonofaPAKIbitch

  1169. human says:

    oh man they are really frustu…………….from Mumbai to Ramyan…………they dont even know how to say something or put a point…………….we, the real muslims are very sorry for them and sorry for allah as these idiots are spoiling his name and name of our religion. Allah!!!!!!!!!!!! please forgive them.

  1170. Free says:

    Mr Human, our ISI fucked u, still fucking and will fuck u untill u change your behavior.And as far as our frustration is concerned, we are frustrated. If you see this blog from start you will find that all this bullshitting did start your fucking indians brother and sister. We were saying that let the investigation complete then say your opinion but all in vain …

  1171. Sanjib says:

    All the evidence leads to Pakistan; whether the govt denies or accepts ( no sane govt. does). That Azar Masood operates from Pakistan is well known, that Dawood is supported by ISI is well known, that cross-border terrorism is supported by ISI is well known. Pakistan can go hoarse in saying that they know nothing about this, but I am sure that ISI knows a thing or two about it. And ISI is funded by the Pakistan Government. So, where does all the links lead to ? 90% of the terrorist acts across the world involves a pakistani, directly or indirectly. Its a shame to that country which has survived solely by perpetrating violence and terrorism, in the name of religion, in the name of independence, whatever comes to their mind. The common man in Pakistan has no role to play, but definitely the ISI and the Govt. does. And they should face the most serious consequences. They will face. No one can save them. We Indians by nature are resilient. But even that has reached its limit. Let the people of Pakistan know that, their Government and its support to ISI will bring them utter misfortune, just like our innocent countrymen has faced. And it is according to their religion: an eye for an eye.

  1172. Kartik says:

    well said Human, all that comes out of a gutter is pigshit. Goodbye folks. I have better work to do, I have to clean my rifle in the barracks, who knows another paki might be shot down in Jammu where i live and I’d want to be the proud one shooting the sonofaPAKIbitch

  1173. human says:

    oh man they are really frustu…………….from Mumbai to Ramyan…………they dont even know how to say something or put a point…………….we, the real muslims are very sorry for them and sorry for allah as these idiots are spoiling his name and name of our religion. Allah!!!!!!!!!!!! please forgive them.

  1174. Free says:

    Mr Human, our ISI fucked u, still fucking and will fuck u untill u change your behavior.And as far as our frustration is concerned, we are frustrated. If you see this blog from start you will find that all this bullshitting did start your fucking indians brother and sister. We were saying that let the investigation complete then say your opinion but all in vain …

  1175. Jawad Asif says:

    @Sanjib: han theek hey theek hey.. apney evedences apney pass hi rakho…. or lund par charhooo

  1176. Jawad Asif says:

    @Sanjib: han theek hey theek hey.. apney evedences apney pass hi rakho…. or lund par charhooo

  1177. Praveen VK says:

    As a Muslim and a Pakistani, I can expect only such an article from you. Most of the thing you mentioned in the article are completely garbage or else you are a dumb. We caught one terrorist alive and confessed everything about Pakistan’s involvement. We got two more hijacked boats full of RDX. Got one satellite phone from a terrorist, which had so many calls to Pakistan. India is giving visa to Pakistani’s in the name of friendship. But this is what these animals are doing, some of them came months before to prepare the layout of Taj. There are numerous other evidences and I can’t understand how someone can be so dumb to say that Pakistan is not involved. We have seen Kargil and many other proxy wars lead by Pakistan. A country which doesn’t have credibility and its people are far from the authorities and government. Pakistani’s don’t have any control on the government. If there was any Kargil will never happen. Then how can you stand for such a failed and a group of criminals? People like you are polluting Islam, by justifying all of their cowardly acts. Unity is good but not anything in the name of Islam. I some time feels like you guys are brainwashed mobs, who do anything for their mob.

  1178. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik :go go kartik your mom is calling you .. so clean her ASs with my cum..

  1179. Praveen VK says:

    As a Muslim and a Pakistani, I can expect only such an article from you. Most of the thing you mentioned in the article are completely garbage or else you are a dumb. We caught one terrorist alive and confessed everything about Pakistan’s involvement. We got two more hijacked boats full of RDX. Got one satellite phone from a terrorist, which had so many calls to Pakistan. India is giving visa to Pakistani’s in the name of friendship. But this is what these animals are doing, some of them came months before to prepare the layout of Taj. There are numerous other evidences and I can’t understand how someone can be so dumb to say that Pakistan is not involved. We have seen Kargil and many other proxy wars lead by Pakistan. A country which doesn’t have credibility and its people are far from the authorities and government. Pakistani’s don’t have any control on the government. If there was any Kargil will never happen. Then how can you stand for such a failed and a group of criminals? People like you are polluting Islam, by justifying all of their cowardly acts. Unity is good but not anything in the name of Islam. I some time feels like you guys are brainwashed mobs, who do anything for their mob.

  1180. Jawad Asif says:

    @Kartik :go go kartik your mom is calling you .. so clean her ASs with my cum..

  1181. Jawad Asif says:

    preveen: we do have al th evidences that Indian RAW has been involved in the blast at “samjhota express” not only us but your intelligence agencies has been saying this… That means your army is terrorist .. first check your self inside.. and then point towards others..

  1182. human says:

    Indians will say this because they are angry as they have lost their dear ones, what u have lost and why u are replying in the same way? if you are a Muslim then I am sure u were not taught this way as I was not. If fucking each other could have solved the problem then instead of guns everybody was carrying something else.

  1183. Jawad Asif says:

    preveen: we do have al th evidences that Indian RAW has been involved in the blast at “samjhota express” not only us but your intelligence agencies has been saying this… That means your army is terrorist .. first check your self inside.. and then point towards others..

  1184. human says:

    Indians will say this because they are angry as they have lost their dear ones, what u have lost and why u are replying in the same way? if you are a Muslim then I am sure u were not taught this way as I was not. If fucking each other could have solved the problem then instead of guns everybody was carrying something else.

  1185. human says:

    somone few blogs back wrote the bigest truth, that criminals start it and then whole population fight. does not matter if you are Indian or Pakistani, hindu or muslim, if you are against all this then say it loud rather than blamming each other and blamming those who does not do anything except writing these blogs

  1186. human says:

    somone few blogs back wrote the bigest truth, that criminals start it and then whole population fight. does not matter if you are Indian or Pakistani, hindu or muslim, if you are against all this then say it loud rather than blamming each other and blamming those who does not do anything except writing these blogs

  1187. Sanjib says:

    That you guys are cowards and an uneducated lot are showing !!! You fools want evidence??? Its like your sister comes complaining to you that she had been raped and you ask for evidence !!! Ofcourse, in your country your sister is either killed or jailed for being raped and not the rapist. So, that way yours statements are justified.

  1188. Shaj says:

    correct me if Im wrong ,Has Saudi Arabia officially condemend this attack yet ??? I dont think so .

  1189. Sanjib says:

    That you guys are cowards and an uneducated lot are showing !!! You fools want evidence??? Its like your sister comes complaining to you that she had been raped and you ask for evidence !!! Ofcourse, in your country your sister is either killed or jailed for being raped and not the rapist. So, that way yours statements are justified.

  1190. Shaj says:

    correct me if Im wrong ,Has Saudi Arabia officially condemend this attack yet ??? I dont think so .

  1191. Lost in Translation says:

    Thank you human….

  1192. Lost in Translation says:

    Thank you human….

  1193. avtar jain says:

    All FriendsDear Pakistani and Indians doston!!I am neither in favor of any of your country, nor against. What so ever happened, was inhuman. Who so ever is connected, must be punished.If you are not from investigation team please do not comment your anticipations. Mumbai attack is no benefit for pakistan and not for india as well.Try to be chill and be friendly. Forgive the person abusing you please and keep talking peacefully. I guarantee you you can change the world.Anger never ends in peace, only love do.pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerestrain yourselfthankshuman like you who want to live happily

  1194. bhudev says:

    Dear All,this is true that the epicenter of the terrorism is PAK(former part of hindustan).This is actually the mistake done by one idiot called gandhi and nehru for which we are stillpaying the price by so much of bloodshed of our dear brothers and sisters.Till today remains of Shri nathuram godse are not being dispersed…as per his last wish which was to have indus river under indian flag.Only for the political favors of Nehru and Gandhi…..we had PAK and India. And these political forces are still working to make more such parts.Need to stop them right now….otherwise everyone would be having his own territory and india would engulf in civil war.

  1195. Rino says:

    Dear AllMany governments support different terrorist groups to fullfill their own interests, mainly staying in power. It is not just Pakistan. I am Sri Lankan. For example when we had LTTE leader Pirapaharan’s noose tigthened we were pressurised by India to let him go. The consequence of which is continuing bloodbath in my country. Politicians in Tamil Nadu are playing the same old card again and voicing support for this terrorists. Every government should clean up their acts and unite against terrrorism.Rinzan

  1196. human says:

    Dear Indians,Being a Muslim and More than that being an Indian, I request that remember Gandhi and stop throwing mud on each other. We are angry I know, but what we can do now? dont waste ur time in replying some frustrated idiot, so called muslims. just think what we can do to make ourself and out country strong. what we can do bring a powerful govt that instead of using people for their own benefit will do something for the nation. What we can do to make our democracy and our country great. Can we start a healthy discussion on that through this blog?

  1197. Durgesh says:

    Hello Wasi , Ahamad…and all Pakistani…why don’t you come on face to face..why r u playing like this….just give one chance to us…only chance for face to face… then we’ll show u how we Indian are, don’t forget 1965, 1971, and 1999.

  1198. Shaj says:

    Somebody answer my question ,has Saudi govt officially condemned this attack ? I dont think so , because its the birth place of Islamic terrorism.I wont blame Pakistan govt for all this ,the root of Islamic terrorism lies somewhere else …let me know your thoughts …

  1199. mee says:

    Oh Chotiay Durgesh!!!Get the fuck out of here!! Salay you forgot when Paki’s gave u a a BIG bamboo in your ass in 1965. Dont forget 99 as well when your Sister ask me to Fuck her coz your brother in law was fucked by Paki guns.Kiss any ass!!! bros!!Dont get yourself dirty with these fucking indian’s. They are just doing a copy paste from their newspapers and channels.ZINDABAD PAKISTAN

  1200. kishore says:

    donot waste ur energy in proving u r innocent..stop this google earth crap…being pakistani means being terrorist..whole world agrees…

  1201. human says:


  1202. anand kumar says:

    Dear Ahmed,We dont blame you or Pakis for all this, its fault of our Corrupt, indecisive Politicians and policymakers otherwise one full fledge war some 10-12years earlier would have erased Pak from World map, even today its not late. Let god give them brain

  1203. आव्या says:

    While we Indians (Hindu, Muslim, Christians or any other religion) land on Moon and work harder for further progress and constructive missions, why many in Pakistan keep on creating mess for the whole world? I understand that not every person in Pakistan is bad, but the fact remains that terrorists get man, money and military support in Pakistan. All the money and man power that Pakistan spends for troubling India, if they use it for betterment of their own people then perhaps Pakistan won’t have to live at the mercy of USA.

  1204. Manoj says:

    The terrorist got two vessels, one was MV Alfa and the other a fish trawler Kuber from Gujrat which they overpowered…the detail is clear, this entire operation is sponsered by Lasker and Jaish, and surely supported by ISI. To all Pakistnis, do not take this as accusation towards your nation, but can you guys denies the fact that your own country is being run by atocrats and not the govt in Islamabad? This terror monster is one created by you people and now has gone out of your hand…And INDIA will act this time, they have to

  1205. human says:


  1206. Maira says:

    dude why should we send our ISI chief to carry out your investigations,, it doesnt matter if the idiotic zardari government said he should, its anyways a governement that nobody supports and is soon going to fall, anyways if india is such great country then u should have no problem carrying out investigations and stopping such terrorists. and nywyas would u send your RAW chief to pakistan if such an event (god forbid) happened in our country.then !i dont believe any pakistani was involved, the guy belonged to occupied kashmir which is (according to you your region) so if u want to blame anyone, blame yourselves. they also found out tht 1 guy was from britain, so now ure going to attack britain too. and wht abt those who were from india, so you’re going to attack india too!dont be stupid, a terrorist has no nationality and no religion. we pakistanis fully condemn such a terrorist act but we dont have to prove ourselves innocent in front of u !

  1207. michael says:

    Free,I think u juzt have nuts in ur brain….e terrorist who struck mumbai were hiding n holding hostages.Hence e commandoes took 3 dayz. Being an european, even we r aware that e so called pakistan army would crumble in 3 weeks, if india had to use force. (Go read some articles on such issues and get urself updated. Wat e world is concerned is a nuke war break out, bcos e whole world knows there r some freak nutz (just like u) in pakistan who dont use their brains.

  1208. Edi says:

    Its funny how you 2 jokers Wasi and Yousuf or whtevaurfuckinnameis have covered various lame claims from some pseudo intellectual Google earth logic to size of penis to China to Afghanistan. You guys are just fighting to prove that 2 plus 2 ain’t 4. (OR lemme think, are you trying to divert the attention of a common man to prepare for yet another attack??)Talking about Godhra, dude(s) do not even start with what your brethren carries out here. They got a tight slap in the form of “hindu” backlash, thanks to our pseudosecular media for the term. Though a bit overboard, it shut you guys up for good in Gujrat.And Ambica or whatever your pseudonym is. You think that Hindus instigated Muslims by demolishing that fake Mosque? I think you need to get your facts straight about what guys like Babar did in India. I don’t blame those 2 Pakis in the thread, the pseudoseculars like you are the real termites here, just like the commies.

  1209. Manoj says:

    Jawad and Waheed…Well I suggest you take care of your mother (or mothers!!) and sisters…if this is how a guy who can write english in Pakistan feels ( which I am told anyway are few)..then this country has nothing left in moral values….And I am told that Pathans likes the Punjabis of PAK!!!!!

  1210. Maira says:

    oh and all the terrorist in boat theory….are all presumptions as of now. infact u should question yourselves as to how an unidentified boat can enter ure safely guarded waters. and if it can then u better have a look at your security plans before blaming others!

  1211. Hello says:

    Can we clap with one hand?I am not justifying the act of terrorism by these mean people but how many of us can say that the majority community of India is just with the minorities? If we find an honest answer then we can find a solution to this senseless terrorism.

  1212. ATISH says:

    wassi,when you used foul language and comment of course it is better to write ajoke about you. During sex people of the world sa like Oh/Uh or something else. You people say Dheere bhai jaan, ami uth jayegi.

  1213. Manoj says:

    I am laughing at the knowledge of these BASTARD Pakis….They had nothing and came in power on grant of INdiaThey are fucked royaly everytime..and run to US for cover in every war including Kargil?? which one idiot is saying they actuly WON!!!! then why the hell your PM was wagging his tell at White House on 4th of July!!!And to all INDIAN…this pakis has nothing, no jobs, no law…and even their mothers does not know the number of kids they give birth too!!!!So do not pay attention to their comments, these guys are born with a confused mind cause the siemen to concive them was also mis of may 6-8 guys!! and Pakis do not try to understand this sentence…it is beyond the bilogy taught in your nuclear LABS!!!! which are run bu chiense!!!!!

  1214. DK says:

    Remember one thing any Terrorism, hijacking any where in the world has roots in Pakistan – either they are born in Pakistan or trained in Pakistan or the least are funded by groups in Pakistan. This is their biggest investment, it is in their teaching this the way this country behaves and India has to pay the price for having such a bad neighbor. Until common man on the street wakes up and calls for a change this country is beyond repair. Only Allah can help you Pkistan.

  1215. Apocalyptus says:

    Dude, before penning down your views on such a serious incident get your facts right!You don’t have to be an Einstein to figure out exactly what has taken place. The entire Pakistan may not be anti-india but this is a known and accepted fact throughout the world that most of the Pakistanis just can’t come to terms with the fact that India is slowly but steadily emerging as a Global Superpower while future of Pakistan is completely doomed – it is going into a deeper and deeper shithole.Some radical people, of course with the help of Al Quaeda and the like thought they would shatter the heart of India’s business capital and halt the country’s progress. The guy caught alive, Azam Amir Qasab (or Kasav , whatever the mofo’s name is) hails from Faridkot in Pakistan.Out of 40 terrorists involved in this ‘operation’ 29 are Your own people and 11 are Bangladeshi extremists. We, Indians have seen and taken enough of this. You guys should thank Allah that since 1947 India has been ruled and led by wimps and not by men with balls. Otherwise the very existence of your country would have been in serious geopardy.But now India is angry. The common Indian has woken up and is not ready to take any of this shit any more.The Countdown has already begun. Beware !!!

  1216. Kartik says:

    Waleed, it was your mom i was cleaning with my um, but her burqa is still giving me trouble, coz my cock is not small enough to pass through the material. And u pais havent leart yet eh. Mee go fuck a mullah with a green flag for all i care, you ppl r pigs & pigs u will remain eating pigshit all day long & drinking pigpiss, u ppl r a virus that oughta be exterminated from this world

  1217. Saad says:

    10 men! 10 men brings this country to its knees! ha!and they talk of their “commandos” (read: wusses) who tried to mount a “rescue” operation to save the Jewish Rabbi, by dropping down a heli. Poor Rabbi, he probably got killed because the militants found out that the wusses were trying to barge in through the roof. Somebody teach these Indians how to conduct discreet resuce operations. but seriously 10 men? ahahahaha! thats all it takes to bring this country to a halt!

  1218. Maira says:

    these blogging comments are hopeless. u all should be ashamed of yourselves,,including these so called “indian and pakistani patriots.”

  1219. Shaj says:

    Im sorry that i got into this discussion casue I see a lot of hate comments over here ..noboy is ready for a serious discussion … Im out of here …

  1220. Durgesh says:

    My Dear Mee and all Maderchod Pakistanio… looks like you people are really frustrated…in getting danda in your gaand…don’t worry ..we’ll do it ..we’ll do it very soon…infact we have started …bahanchod salo…we fucked you bastard three times(1961, 1971, 1999) :-)…still you are not satisfied???

  1221. sudhir says:

    Hello, I used to argue myself about the idea about diversity…but the way things happening areound the world…makes me think that it is a wishfull thinking.I m a hindu with lots of friends….lots of them happened to be muslims. But I have declare that there is a problem with few muslim brothers, their reliegion is not growing.We have to look back and learn from history, the Jihad you are waging is not new….it happend …in earlier days also, and we will not find any result out of aggression. Nobody wins in a war…both party looses, but when you engage ina dialog….remembser what happens…you will be able to see other persons point of view. so you will start listen and learn about the other person, so we will be able to understand why the other is reacting or doing things .Relegion is an institution to make a person to live a better life.Whatever ..your comment that …this attack is not of a pakistani operation…it is a muslim fundamentalist operation, so….eventhough this is not a blame to all the muslim community…but you have to own some responsibility. If you read and analyse the terrorist attacks happening the world…there is one connecting link…after the attack or before the attacke you can see people will be flying to Pakistan, and they will be chattering to somebody in pakistan…so please analyse and take some responsibility.One thought…everyboody dies…as hindu when I die and after that , then the gos shows up as Allah ….or as a Muslim you die and the god shows up in front of you as Shiva or Christ….what we are going to do…how you will take that….. so we are all figting passionatley for the name of reliegion…as like my god is the orginal …yours is fake… kind of childish…Humanity should be the nature…our common thread …being human …should be the relegion of the world

  1222. Sierra says:

    That asshole Wasi sucks. U bloody halfprick dont hav a fuckin half brain. I think that this asshole has some medical problem in his prick that’s why his centre of barking is around penises….please wasi…go to a doctor because i think that the infection has spread to your fuckin brain. and yes…may u be circumsised for ur infection if at all anything of ur prick is left.

  1223. human says:

    Hey Indian and Pakistanis,\can we stop this stupid discussion and use our time and energy for something else. This was the intension of terrorist to make people fight against each other. and now they are happy that so many idiots are fighting now.

  1224. Maira says:

    i mean i’m leaving this blog too.

  1225. salil says:

    abe saalooo pakistaniyon kuttoo,,,tumhari kitni baar maari hai like 1965,69, 71,99…..and 71 main toh tum logo ne naak bhi ragad di thi…tum logo koi sharam nai hai……tum ganduo ladai ki baatein mat kiya karo……..

  1226. Manoj says:

    Ya Saad,Cause in this country we still belive for human values unlike pakistan where nuts like you think that 10 guys can do anything..If you want to check your balls and force of it…come out in open rather then gliding in darkness…but then that has been your tradition and religion…I do not know how many asses of you guys have been wiped but you people do not seems to understand..SO much so that US is firing a missle evey day in your country and you guys can do NOTHING…so in your case…it is a machine which can bring you down to your knees…!!!!He he…I know the truth hurts below the belt but it is …TRUTH…you guys are Hinjdas..who can do all this nonsense…or should I remind you the famous line of 71 war…of attack by India..But the thing is that is pastOne has to look at the future,….we have one and you guys do not have one…till 3 days back we wanted you guys to have one future but now we want only one future of yours…LIQUIDATION!!!

  1227. Peaceful Musings says:

    Hi All,I found this interesting to read: wanted to share with you all!Thanks,

  1228. Sriram says:

    Hey Wasi:Get off yor piddly 2M $ pittance of a yearly bonus high horse at Goldman Sachs. You dimwitted prick. There are enough and more of us Indians like me making several hundred million dollars a year bring new technologies such as new optics/image processing/semiconductors/ to market. You investment banker Goldman Sachs pricks are at our doors looking for IPO oppotunities. You people cannot create new ideas; all you can is ride on the coattails of great minds and suck commisions off of our ideas. The entire credit crunch is due to bloodsucking bankers such as you. What do you do for a living anyway? Can you understand simple stochastic calculus? Who the hell do you think you impress with your Goldman Sachs bonus?It is immaterial and irrelevant what you dimwitted brainwashed Muslims in Pakistan think. When religion becomes your raison d’etre, you lose all focus and rationality. All you Muslims were Hindus and Budhdhists, until your forefathers were forcibly converted. Who were your forefathers? Where did you come from? Are you not ashamed of how you are the product of conquest?????Your new religion, which cannot accomodate pluralism or free thought is simply a euphemism for lunacy. Once you are in this train of thought, everyone else and every other belief will seem irrational to you. Therefore, it is not rational to reason with your lot. You reason with people who see reason. When people cannot see reason, you have to talk the language that they understand. If violence is what you will spew, it will return to you, in spades.Twisting a proverbial quote, I rephrase: “Tis the worst of times and tis the best of times”. This may be a dark time in India, but, how do you think India will react to the fact that people came across in boats and shot innocent civilians?Wait and watch what comes the way of your lot. Sincerely,MetricTensorOnManifold

  1229. Sriram says:

    Hey Wasi:Get off yor piddly 2M $ pittance of a yearly bonus high horse at Goldman Sachs. You dimwitted prick. There are enough and more of us Indians like me making several hundred million dollars a year bring new technologies such as new optics/image processing/semiconductors/ to market. You investment banker Goldman Sachs pricks are at our doors looking for IPO oppotunities. You people cannot create new ideas; all you can is ride on the coattails of great minds and suck commisions off of our ideas. The entire credit crunch is due to bloodsucking bankers such as you. What do you do for a living anyway? Can you understand simple stochastic calculus? Who the hell do you think you impress with your Goldman Sachs bonus?It is immaterial and irrelevant what you dimwitted brainwashed Muslims in Pakistan think. When religion becomes your raison d’etre, you lose all focus and rationality. All you Muslims were Hindus and Budhdhists, until your forefathers were forcibly converted. Who were your forefathers? Where did you come from? Are you not ashamed of how you are the product of conquest?????Your new religion, which cannot accomodate pluralism or free thought is simply a euphemism for lunacy. Once you are in this train of thought, everyone else and every other belief will seem irrational to you. Therefore, it is not rational to reason with your lot. You reason with people who see reason. When people cannot see reason, you have to talk the language that they understand. If violence is what you will spew, it will return to you, in spades.Twisting a proverbial quote, I rephrase: “Tis the worst of times and tis the best of times”. This may be a dark time in India, but, how do you think India will react to the fact that people came across in boats and shot innocent civilians?Wait and watch what comes the way of your lot. Sincerely,MetricTensorOnManifold

  1230. AWorldApart says:

    I got tired of reading the comments…”they did it, we didnot”…still in kindergarten it seems…To be truthful, what is this about??…sadly its all about religion in the hands of the wrong people…Get over it…the terrorist were of Pakistani origin, but I bet any normal Pakistani will disown them…like I have disowned RSS, and Bajrang Dal and co…If this was a military attack, we have every right to scream Pakistan…but not here…But nor does any sane Pakistani have the right to write that Pakistan didnt do it…maybe the writer can take collective responsibility of an entire country…Good for you…< HREF="" REL="nofollow">Revisiting Mumbai 9-11<>

  1231. Don Amrav says:

    quite a lot of brickbats going around and this wasi guy seems to take it hard. he is frustrated. swig a budweiser and cool it buddy.

  1232. sibasis says:

    hello wasi,you have been talking a lot…i stay in UK and I know what u all…u r bloody rag pickers….Now dont talk about what we do ….you shitty porkkis dont have any right to comment on us as u got alms from India to get the country….Saale Khaane ko paise nahi hai…..Islam ko badhaane ke lie bache paida karte ho….Only because of you bllody paki terrorists…Our Indian Muslims feel shameful…but dont worry….tum Hindustan ka ek chhota tukda ho…aur tumhara yeh Laskare tayiba humara kuchh bigaad nahi sakta…Agar dum hai to ladhke dikhaao..How many times we will beat u…..You bloody pakis are a shit on the holy chaadar of peace spread by the Almighty….You people will be no more and will be burnt into ash like Afghanistan…….Sharm nahi aati achhe logon ke saamne penis ki baat karte hue…talk the same in front of ur mother n sis…..Apni aukaad badhaao….Whatever happened in Mumbai is a fault of our corrupt politicians…or else ur paki terrorists wud have been no more..

  1233. Sierra says:

    That asshole Wasi sucks. U bloody halfprick dont hav a fuckin half brain. I think that this asshole has some medical problem in his prick that’s why his centre of barking is around penises….please wasi…go to a doctor because i think that the infection has spread to your fuckin brain. and yes…may u be circumsised for ur infection if at all anything of ur prick is left.

  1234. salil says:

    u all mother fuckers paki ……u are better fuckin ur own mothers and sisters rather than discussion this serious issue….bastards…….

  1235. sibasis says:

    Hello Waheed…you pakistanis can never think better than this..Ravan Sita….thats it…nothing else…How will you think when some one talks the same about your mother like this……..or you dont have mother….

  1236. Abhi says:

    Dear All,The scriptures of all religions talk about the unity of life and it really saddens me to see all this violence in the name of God (whatever name or form we address it). Please stop all these acts of violence and denigration of others’ religion.Please let us extinguish anger, fear, hatred from our own mind and work together in building a peaceful and safe world for our children to grow up in. I sincerely pray and hope that the Islamic world learns more about the NON VIOLENT Soldier of Islam called Badshah Khan (Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan or better know as the Frontier Gandhi).Do you know that he raised a NON VIOLENT army of a 1,00,000 PATHANS ??? He was a devout Muslim and if only the misguided Muslim youth would turn to him rather than those fanatic/heartless lunatics who don’t know a word about what Islam is all about, we would have a much safer and peaceful world today!“The test of Jihad lies in the willingness to suffer, not in the practice of warfare” – from the Holy Koran.(and how those lunatics are misinterpreting the teachings of their own religion to kill people is truly baffling and sad).HOW can anyone who believes in a Merciful God ever harm others???(for doesn’t the Holy Koran start with …..In the Name of God Most gracious, most Merciful ?)Please pray for the innocent people and familieswho are suffering from such inhuman acts in India and elsewhere.In whatever form/name of God you believe in,PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE EVERYWHERE!!-Abhi

  1237. Sierra says:

    u kno asshole jawad. all your pathans are fuckin each other’s ass

  1238. PS says:

    No need to prove or argue on the fact that these are Pakistanis trained in Pakistani soil by Pakistani terrorist organization. It’s pretty clear. We should blame our government that doesn’t strengthen security. Today these terrorists came by boat, tomorrow they may be air-dropped, who knows… but we should be prepared and ready to tackle the situation. If we would have acted fast more innocent lives could have been saved. What we achieve by sending Chandrayan-I? What we are trying to prove the world, if we are not able to counter terrorism or retaliate? Our government now should stop the usual diplomacy and put pressure on Pak to handover LeT Chief. Else act upon like what U.S did in Afghan? If U.S can why can’t we? If Pak couldn’t tackle them we should help them tackle 🙂

  1239. Gaurav says:

    hey,any country which abets terrorists ultimately pays the priceIndira ( killed by sikhs)Rajeev (killed by LTTE)Benazir ( Killed by ?)Lebanon ( who remembers beirut ?)nobody in pakistan can control that frankensein called ISI

  1240. salil says:

    abe free n wasi………..ur army got beaten 3 or 4 times by our indian army….wat more u ask for???….this time u all will vanish from the world map…….

  1241. Kartik says:

    waheed is supposedly an indian, i think hes a fuckin paki refugee hiding in India bcoz a mullah was after his arse after raping his mom. Waheed u r fucked anyways, bcoz if u r n India u will be hunted, clobbered and skinned alive and u will be then washed with pig shit, if u run away to pakistan it will be nuked in a short while, u have nowhere to go U paki motherfuckers, so pray Allah or ur dear Mullah whom u love more than Allah and go hide in the gutter with the rats.

  1242. Gaurav says:

    Its all the work of ISI. And if Zardari doesnt watch his mouth, he will be sitting with his dead begum soon enough.ISI will get him too

  1243. salil says:

    gandu waheed and jawed aaj teri amma aor behan kahin aor gayi hai kya chudvane ya kissi indian ke satth 3 sum kar rahi hai………

  1244. Hiren says:

    shut the fuck up you damn paki…just like your fucking govt. stop saying that u muthfuka’s were not involved in this crime…history has always said that u fucking paki fuckers always attack from the back…grow enough balls to come in the front and attack…the dumb fuck who got caught has revealed that he was trained by the LeT and Paki. Navy and he is from pakistan…how much evidence do u need in order to prove the paki. involvement??…

  1245. satyajit debnath says:


  1246. Kartik says:

    Question:- Pakistaaniyon ki zabaan itna ganda kyun hota hai?Answer:- Kyun ki bachpan se ab tak unka gaand itna maara gaya hai ki ganda gaaliyon ke alaawa aur kuch khayaal hi nahi aata hai dimaag mein

  1247. Lost in Translation says:

    Candle light vigil all over the world. Please join and stop wasting your time insulting each other….

  1248. human says:

    Lost in transalation, u r so right.“people who are “lost in stupid discussion” listen him. I am joining this as a Muslim and as an Indian.

  1249. Adeel says:

    Question to all Indian what have you done to help Pakistan to get rid of extremist..NOTHING!..India has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world and yet they are discriminated everyday and when Gul Pang and indian actress talk about this, she was called an unpatriotic in indian media..not just that if your a lower cast ppl will look down upon u.killing of Anti-terror chief and other high level officer is not a coincidence, u can blame pakistan as much as u want to..u can blame kashmiri as much as u want to, u can blame every muslim as much as u want to..for India to prosper they need stable pakistan, my suggestion to Indian and China help pakistan and afghanistan with thr economy, for them to become a supper power they need neighbors who are stable and help them to get rid of terrorism..i knw it is easier said then it is done..but remember India and Paki were divided for sole reason, so we could fight for the rest of our life…When 9/11 happened probably every indian like the rest of the world said that U.S gov’t had to be involved for such an attack to take place, what makes you thing that some of the indian were not involve in this….Blame Pakistan as much as u want to..attack pakistan it will only make things difficult for indian to prosper, the more unstable pakistan is the more headache it is for INDIA. I am posting some links. People Pls read them.Below are a few short articles that provide interesting information. The first article covers the unfortunate events which have taken place in Mumbai, very similar to what we have been hearing on TV. The second (which I feel is key) and third articles cover what happened a few weeks ago and is something most of us have not seen on TV. I also think the articles will help us understand that there could have easily been more than the one obvious threat (which is mentioned frequently on TV) to the Chief who unfortunately lost his life as mentioned in the first article.It is all very sad. May the Lord Bless us all.1.“The death of Bombay’s top anti terrorist officer is a devastating blow to a police force struggling to confine a burgeoning Islamist threat. “ Malegaon blasts: Lt-Col Purohit held

  1250. Lost in Translation says:

    Candle light vigil all over the world. Please join and stop wasting your time insulting each other….

  1251. spurdozer says:

    I am from Karachi Paksitan. I deeply regret the Mumbai attacks. I just wanted to comment on comments made by KIRAN. KIRAN you are going over the top here. It’s not Islam who preaches that Wife should be murdered alongside her husband. Islam preaches all men are equal. Not Brahmans and Shudras and Vaishas and whatever. You don’t need to insult our holy book or I can say many things about your GEETA. And remember every action has equal and opposite reaction. You don’t condemn those killed in Iraq and Lebanon. And according to reports more than a hundred thousand people have been killed in Iraq war already. Are they not men? I condemn every single death in Mumbai but what about thousands of muslims killed. Oh yes, the missile just hit the wrong target. And don’t tell me Indians are saints. Weren’t you guys involved in 1971 war and helped the Bangladeshi’s. My forefathers are from Bihar and my grandpa got killed in Bangladesh. Ask my mother what it feels when someone’s father and friends are killed in front of their eyes and they aren’t able to do anything. I know you guys are shocked about Mumbai terrorist attacks. But don’t talk shit about something you clearly don’t know and I am damn sure you know fuck all about Islam. You are from that group of people who believe each and every word the media say? Do your research before what you say? PEHLE SOCHO PHIR BOLO

  1252. bilal says:

    My God guys, can you all please stop the anti-pakistani, anti-indian rhetoric. Please guys! Don’t you see, this is the real goal of the perpetrators, for us to fight. I’m pakistani but I DEFINITELY do not hate my indian brethren. And how can I hate a whole country as a block, that would mean I’m psychotic or delusional at the least. It doesn’t make sense. Hate particular people in Pakistan and India but dont hate the entire region, that doesn’t make sense! Also, the media, the terrorists, the powers that be, they are all helping us reach that stage that we are yelling curses at each other, because that’s a perfect situation for them, they live for our destabilization. But we are united, as human beings first and then as south asians who share a common culture and language, and will not let these outside elements destroy our unity, because that is a win for them (the terrorists, the media exploiting this event, the politicians who have alter intentions) and a loss for us, the average person living in India or Pakistan.Please stop this, even though it good to be patriotic, hell I even admit that its a lot of fun sometimes, but not right now, we need to do the opposite of what is expected from us from all these elements around us. As long as we do the opposite, we have surely defeated the elements that surround us. And the opposite of Hate is persistant peace. Lets start a march against terrorism, muslims and hindus and jews and christians, united against terrorism. That’s what NOT expected of us, but we actually have to make an effort ourselves. Who is with me my brothers?

  1253. jaivariya says:

    we need to stop arguing we are doing exactly what is expected instead of trying point fingers we should unite and fight this virus of terrorism once in for all we have all suffered i have witness 3 suicide attacks and god knows why i am still alive. be it paki indian afghani this virus is everywhere and its hurting everyone so lets stop pointing fingers and joib hands to help each other get through this and help erradicate the problem instead fueling the fire further and further the more hate we have for each other the more it is easier for them to use it against us they are killing us shud we do the same kill each other help them accomplish their goals instead of protecting and saving our fellow humans, neighbours, freinds watever we are. P.S by they them i mean terrorist god knows who they are alqaeda, tamil tigers, KKK lets not escalate the hate further.

  1254. Praveen says:

    hey motherfucking paki assholewat the hell r u trying to proveei doubt whthr u r one of themshut the fuck up and shove these theories up ur father’s ass

  1255. Sam says:

    get over the hate bloody pakistani bhenchod……….

  1256. Lucky_s says:

    Every one Don’t play the blame game. its all the political game played by the opposition, just to divert the peoples mind from the ongoing malegaon trial. All the officer involved in the case are no more to unmask the real culprits. There were no attacks in the US after 7/11 the clear reason is they do not play the divide and rule policy in their country like in india this minister play. If we all stand together with the same spirit of unity no terrorist will ever dare to attack our nation.Lucky_s

  1257. gugi says:

    madarchod wasi..i just finished sleeping wit your was nice

  1258. Sam says:

    suar salo, kamino, kutto se bhi buri maut maorge bhenchode tumhare logo ne kiya he Mumbai me u wud hv to pay dearly for it…….we wont die on some frantic calls of ur Allah or Khuda or whoever……sammjhe Pakistani kutte…….salo tumhare liye bahut sari galiyaa bhi kam he…..duniya ke 10 billion harami mare honge jab tum jaise sade huye insaniyat ke dushman aur keede makode paida huye honge………U guys dont see the blood in ur own towns and cities ? Aint u fed up of doing the same for last 61 yrs ? aint u not keen to go n live in civilized world….just killing innocent ppl gives u happiness ?what stuff r u guys made of ? aaint u humans ? are u animals? do u hv hearts ? dint u see how ppl in Marriott died ? dint ur hearts melt then ? u stil hv the audacity to strike us ? the day India gets enough of u , u guys wont be even alive to see the next genration!!u r sick, inhuman, disgusting, bloody loosers, beasts and assholes and a shame on humanity country!!! bloody nursery of terrorism exported to evry part of world!!!

  1259. gugi says:

    bilal we arre with you but this wasi has to stop

  1260. Kartik says:

    pakistan = terrorist = bhenchod = suvarchod

  1261. VikTom says:

    Hey all…Well some good points there. But I think both the govts are handling the situation a bit wrongly, well not a bit, totally. While I do not understand why Pakistan backed off from sending the ISI chief I neither get the way our govt is behaving. If they have sources that elements in Pakistan are involved – and specially in matter like these when the international front has gathered to tackle the situation- why don’t we handle the situation with a little strategy and leave diplomacy behind.What I suggest is not any breakthrough of the ideas but:The govts (and I refer to all those who are ‘actually’ concerned about terrorism in the world: India, PAK (if!), Scotland, Israel, US, UK) should form a special task force headed by Indian officials/agencies (as the matter concerns us the most). And this force should be allowed to probe in Pakistan with all rights(as the Pak govt boasts of full support). If we have proofs and links and Pak is ready to not get into the way of this force then, I think, this way we can nail them.

  1262. Praveen says:

    fuck U shameless PAKIS!

  1263. ak says:

    There is no dubt ,this is handiwork of Pakistan’s intelligence involving Pakistani nationals. I also think this is the right time and opportunity for indian govt to take military action on Pakistan occupied Kashmir and get that piece of land.–Arif Khan

  1264. Peaceful Musings says:

    In God’s name!Hi All,Terrorism is really a black blot on the face of humanity. Terrorism in all its manifestations must be eliminated be it state sponsored terrorism , as we see in case of Israel in Palestine,or individual independent terror groups like Al-Qaida, Let, Bajarang dal etc.Terrorism does not serve any purpose. It only creates more and more hatred.We all the people of this world should come together to protest against all kinds of terror.Regards,

  1265. Rajiv says:

    Dear Ahmad, If you are truly against terrorism, then you will look at all bits of data with immense suspicion. Atleast some of the data points to a terrorist from Pakistan captured alive. If I were a pakistani, I would ask myself “How did he come to India and how was he able to be so sophisticated in his execution? Did he get training? Where did he get the training from? Is it possible that some PAK agency trained him? The same applies to India too when an incident like Godhra happens. Personally, I asked myself all teh above questions and yes the answer about who perpetuated the heinious crimes was obvious. If you are sincere in solving the terrorism issue, then ask your conscience the abobe questions. The answer is an obvious one and you will see it. It is not a time for us to get defensive but accept the reality

  1266. VMP says:

    It’s obvious Pakistan didn’t do it. But they allowed. All the Pak officials can say is “We weren’t involved, but we will support India and help out.” That’s all???We need to start a war…that’s the only solution. I’ve had it with the Pak government not taking responsibility.It’s time for the world to wipe Pakistan off the face of the earth.Jai Hind!

  1267. Kartik says:

    there was no advance weaponry used in Godhra, no kalashikovs no m16's no UZI's and of course no grenades. But n the contrary from a gps phone to the number of ammuntion & supply, these people had a proper training & arsenal. The main question is Y dont we do the same thing, train mercenaries in commando tactics & make them blow up LET's 7 HUB's offices in karachi, or atleast blow a PAKI naval warship with semtex

  1268. rahul says:

    Pakistan has become a failed state.any failed state will always try to make other states like it.denying role in terrorist activities is a part of their operation.I strongly suggest dont trust pakistan.This is a nation based on the concept of hate to other religions.we have to eleminate pakistan if we want to make world peaceful.

  1269. Neeku says:

    Dude, I am Indian, hindu in United States whose family is married to a pakistani and who also have friends from lahore and karachi…. BUT you completely denying that there were no elements of pakistan involved in this horrendeus act is BULLSHIT. There is enough evidence that there were elements of pakistan who ARE RESPONSIBLE for this. I am NOT Saying that all pakistanis are terrorists… But YES the ones who terrorised Mumbai were certainly trained in your pakistan. Tell me and show me one Indian National loosely linked with your Marriot incident. Tell me one name… I bet you will have to eat your words and promise back… they way your Goverment promised to send you intelligence chief.This is just disgusting that you are even attempting to defend at times like this…

  1270. Sanket says:

    Dear I would only say one line. “If pakistani Gov. not able to control or not want to control the Extreemist. Let the Indian Army come into pakistan and we will show you how to clean like we did in Taj….”

  1271. Neeku says:

    P.S: Keep you (Perpetual) emptiness/”Utter” Stupidity to yourself at times like this… Its truly appalling !

  1272. Gaurav says:

    Have not read all the comments but here’s what I would say to fellow Pakistani citizens of the world: Condemn the killings, condemn the practice of overtly training the terrorists. All I hear are “guilt ridden” Pakistanis saying we did not do it. Your politicians and Army brass are fooling you into believing that they are not behind this. Open your eyes, stand up for what is right, stand up for democracy and you will enjoy it’s sweet fruit.Remember abating a crime is as bad as committing the crime. By not speaking up against your government and army, Pakistani citizens are committing a big crime.

  1273. VikTom says:

    okay wat abt Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amir Kasar..dont u ppl think hez insulting the name of ur Muhammad( u say)…any PAKIcondemning him…and hey ppl..plz stop this bullshit of abusing each others…

  1274. dipak says:

    yes pakistan defin. involved in this coward attack..if not then why initially gilani accepts to send its ISI chief to India and later takes take U turn to send its representative. ( wrt to Manmohan singhs summons ) one kafir terror. who has been captured belongs to faridkot,and yes there are some species in indian societies who involved in this attack…i am working in a MNC along with a momedian collegue when i discussed this matter with this he initially refused that the militants belongs to pakistan and they may be hindu extremist but truth never hides…i want to say this is the love affection these people have towards pakistan ..who rejoices whenever india lost to Pakistan ( and many more incidents )Most of Indians are seperated from Pakistan only physically not mentally,though they have forgotten that indian muslims termed as`kaafir` in pakistan.I want to request Indian government stop your all the talks with pakistan ,stop all samjauta exp. and all crap things through which pak exports terrorist to India,Mr PM dont be so soft ..we are rapidly moving towards hell of enslaving…and finally I urge all the Indian People pls for god seck dont elect these corrupt politicians they are the root of all these nasty things…if any gov. fails in any aspect of nations interest wipe it …god bless all those innocent people who died in this coward attack.

  1275. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    And what about you, Sriram? are not the Indians of today the products of conquests by the Aryans who were not Indians? and even the Hindu religions is not your own, it is borrowed from the Aryans. It was the Aryans who created the Vedas and other such things. And what you are saying applies to you also. You are also talking in terms of religion, in case you haven’t noticed.

  1276. mee says:

    Oh VMP, Rajiv, PraveenSalay Kutton bhoonkna band karo!!! U sick bastards, Tum jaisay barwoon kay liye mein aik Paki hi kafi hoon.. Just shut up!! &Miss Neeku I just wanted to tell you something that don’t forget those freedom movements which are prevailing in your country, you just have to watch yourself before blaming someone. Assam, Naga, Mizo are all those violent movements in india and don’t forget khalistan.You betta watch urselfZINDABAD PAKISTAN

  1277. purab says:

    Ahmed Rashid, Jawed Asif nd waheed….the f**kisUr penis is already cut by Allah, why do u want the other half to be cut.Abe lando….apna ghar dekho pehle, aur phir dusro ke ghar me jhakana.Malegaon aur samjhota express jo bhi hua, that’s justified.U all muslims are same…even Indian muslims are pain for India.

  1278. Shahida says:

    OMG Do people know what they are saying!!! Does even CNN know what it is saying?CNN stated that the terrorist made calls to Jalalabad in Pakistan. Jalalabad is in Afghanistan!!Some guy over here said they captured a terrorist and he was from Faridkot in Pakistan. FARIDKOT IS IN INDIA!!! WTH kinda retardation is going around!

  1279. mee says:

    Hy PurabKuttay tumharay Ravan ki maan chodoon. Bhoonk mat kuttay.Dont put me in a position to say something more about your religion.i Swear i’m gona screw you asshole.Mind it and if you say something against islam then beware of me.

  1280. SabsebadaKafir says:

    The problem is more serious and deeper than what people think it is.The Pakistanis and Muslims elsewhere should finally accept and realize that Islam has lost the battle for South Asia. They and their sultans/nawabs/Alamgirs/jahanpanahshave been defeated. The pakistanis should realize that the tuks and persians have been driven out by the hindus and sikhs. The pakistanis need not pee in their pants anymore, they can safely return to the Hindu fold. THey are more than welcome.Anyways, Kashmir will now be converted to Hinduism completely.Those who don’t agree can go to Saudi Arabia(not Pakista because Pakistan will also be converted to Hinduism in due course). Sorry , but that is the way it is. Dear Pakistani’s , your well wishing Kafir has received a revelation from God and God is asking him to tell the Pakistanis to become Hindus at the earliest as God does not see any future for your their children in Islam.Ohm Namah Shivay! The Trishul will destroy Mecca.

  1281. nelson says:

    This is typical Pakistan’s attitude. Whenever, there are at fault, they never admit. Its about time, India gives cracks down on these terrorists.

  1282. amal says:

    all the above post rm u pakis shows that we dont need ny more evidence.. arrogant brainless bas***ds like u only can do this kind of a coward act.. and abt Samjodha we are sure its done by LET and no indian hand on that…Pls understand india is a free country and here freedom of expression is 100% allowed nd nt like f**king pak where things are controlled by always defeated (48,65,71,98) pak army.. And abt investigation we do it 100% sincerly as u can c it in malagon.. we dont spare any body who act against our country… and we dont give our mother land for anybody to act against other places..And please look into ur western province .. if u are not incubating terrrist , then why US and nato force raiding ur integral part and attacking the places??

  1283. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Why can’t people have a meaningful discussion instead of this bullshit?

  1284. dipak says:

    yes pakistan defin. involved in this coward attack..if not then why initially gilani accepts to send its ISI chief to India and later takes take U turn to send its representative. ( wrt to Manmohan singhs summons ) one kafir terror. who has been captured belongs to faridkot,and yes there are some species in indian societies who involved in this attack…i am working in a MNC along with a momedian collegue when i discussed this matter with this he initially refused that the militants belongs to pakistan and they may be hindu extremist but truth never hides…i want to say this is the love affection these people have towards pakistan ..who rejoices whenever india lost to Pakistan ( and many more incidents )Most of Indians are seperated from Pakistan only physically not mentally,though they have forgotten that indian muslims termed as`kaafir` in pakistan.I want to request Indian government stop your all the talks with pakistan ,stop all samjauta exp. and all crap things through which pak exports terrorist to India,Mr PM dont be so soft ..we are rapidly moving towards hell of enslaving…and finally I urge all the Indian People pls for god seck dont elect these corrupt politicians they are the root of all these nasty things…if any gov. fails in any aspect of nations interest wipe it …god bless all those innocent people who died in this coward attack.

  1285. Kartik says:

    mee, u r exceeding the limits, y r u blogging behind a computer screen you coward, come out in the open. Tab pata chalega kaun kiska gaand maarega. We have already shed a lot of blood, we r used to it & we will fuck each and every one of your PAKI happiness.

  1286. Vijay says:

    Dear Friends,I have read maximum of comments and conversations on this blog, I was in bad taste to read.I also feel sorry for the people who lost their lives at Mumbai.Terrorist and Terrorism does not have International Boundaries , Does not follow any RELIGION , Does not know Humanity. It is a problem with all the nations with different names so every country is suffering.I just request you all people to STOP PLAYING BLAME GAME !!!Please consider the Terrorist BLASTS in India and Pakistan also.. Muslims, Hindues, Christians and other people dies. They do not see the religion and nationality when they KILL.Just think Why Terrorist Raises ? Who Makes them Terrorist ? Who Plays the Role of Back Seat Driver ? I also request to the people who are trying to show their grievance with their offensive postings .. Please stop it is adding Venom to our relations.Thanks

  1287. python says:

    wa heed, did u know ravan and sita were mortals and had dicks and cunts. Prophet mohammed was gay and he was fucked openly by gay men like your great grandfather

  1288. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Actually, the kaaba in Mecca was the site of the Prophet Mohammed(pbuh – Piss be upon him) Toilet. That is why the Muslims like to go there.How come Muslims bow to a rapist bandit from 7th century Arabia. The trishul will get Allah in the ass.Ohm namah shivay!

  1289. RightAndWrong says:

    Beware of half truths; you may have gotten the wrong half.In the last few days, I have read just about every permutation possible of the attacks – from the extreme right to the extreme left. Indian government must first establish beyond a reasonable doubt who these perpetrators were and who provided them support within India. They have been proven wrong before. The whole episode and the way it is being handled looks like a reality show. The journalist rather than just reporting have become the judge, jury and executioner. India media has spun this inextricably into a web of confusion. It is gratuitous to see Times of India advertising to have 9 million hits on their since this tragedy started.Complex problems usually have simple, easy-to-understand wrong answers. India must wake up to reality of its own internal conflicts and the growing insurgency that threatens it’s own existence. The operation of this scale cannot be carried out by a handful of individuals who traveled long distance to reach Mumbai – they were not supermen. Indeed if they did come through the sea, then they must have had deep logistical support from within India, and that should be a bigger cause of concern for India.As far as Pakistan is concerned, India should work with Pakistan to better understand the situation and devise a plan to jointly fight this menace. Both of these countries cannot dig out their lands and move them somewhere else. They are both joined at the hip, and have a shared past, present and future. If one falls, so will the other. Nothing is ever so bad that it can’t get worse. Now is the perefect time to turn this tragedy to their mutual advantage or else…

  1290. Kartik says:

    ha ha ha well put python, who knows there were sheep & donkeys in the desert as well, and of course holes in walls all across the saudi desert

  1291. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    mind ur language, python. by the way, ur name suits you perfectly, only u have a human form. it is people like you who support Raj Thackeray and the like, and divide India more than the terrorists. PEOPLE, PLEASE KEEP EACH OTHER’S RELIGION OUT OF THIS DISCUSSION AND TALK ANOUT THE EVENT FOR WHICH IT WAS STARTED, WITHOUT BLAMING EACH OTHER UNNECESSARILY

  1292. Kartik says:

    Mr Free Indian muslim, it was in the name of relegion the terrorists in mumbai started all this, theres no turning back now. Im not against any Indian muslim or ur relegion. I'm against the wahhabi mentality of pigfucking pakis who are blindly led by war criminals such as 'Maulana Masood Azhar' into terrorism & killing innocents in the name of relegion.

  1293. mee says:

    SabsebadaKafir, Vik TomYou cow piss drinking, malnourished hindu bastards.Go fuck your Sita or Rama or Vashnu or whatever the fuck you call ….you moron!!!ZINDABAD PAKISTAN

  1294. purab says:

    Mee…What the fuck u will utter…U r already following a rapist’s(Prohet) religion…which is false and thirdclass.What will u utter..mother fucker.

  1295. VikTom says:

    @SHAHIDA: is also a city in multan..pakistan.get a lil geo..and yeah News channels hv got no knowledge

  1296. Kartik says:

    mee since youve decided to take it head on then listen to this, there is a bell in mecca, everytime someone tries to ring it , it doesnt give a sound, bcoz it had the p******’s half cut cock dangling in it.

  1297. amal says:

    ny way pak wont be there after 2-3 years. western province is now itself controlled by Alquida.. and rest of pak is begging in the feet of IMF to get a loan so that they can buy food grains.. next somalia is going to happen there..

  1298. Ali Ahsan Warraich says:

    WELL WELL! I am tired of India blaming for their shit,(if ISI is involved) it only means this that INDIA has lack of security and their so called big and strong navy (which shoots some other country ships as pirates lol) even don’t know about it with a good speed from karachi to mumbai by ocean..lets see it will take 32 hours …and INDIAN MEDIA what a great media they all conflict the news and start blaming on pakistan give me break INDIA , the truth is its a cover up for MALIGAON investigation now most of the persons involed r dead all these officers so now on that chapter is closed and now this new blame game has started well if INDIA think they can solve these problems i guess they should try their best …and they wana bring WAR on PAKISTAN with this excuse we people of PAKISTAN r ready for enough is enoght…even when a cow dies in INDIA its blamed on PAKISTAN…thats a shame FOR RAW and other indian inteligent agencies…

  1299. Sam says:

    Bhai logo, is mee ko khopche me leke kambal kutai karte hain……and is waheed ko bhi….kutto ko peeche kar dete he inke….kha jayenge in logo ko……wud be fun

  1300. VikTom says:

    yeah FreeIndianMuslim …your alias suggests ur dis-objectiveness…:D

  1301. dipak says:

    i proud on sadhvi pragya and LT purohit …game is started by you and be sure that we will end it..story begins now

  1302. Sam says:

    mee n all u shitty pakies r u gonna fuck ur allah, khuda and prophet ? say a word more abt Hindu gods and seeeeee

  1303. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Mee,Kafirs don’t need to fuck Sita or Rama or Vashnu. Pakistani actresses/women come to India on their own to fuck. But don’t worry ,no baby will be born as the kafir likes to fuck them in the ass.

  1304. Kartik says:

    One other thing mee, your local mullah cut half your bulla when you were a kid and ate it, if you PAKI's still keep pestering India with your cowardly warfare, the leftover of your cock, the other half will be promptly cut & u will turn eunuchs, samjhe bhenchod, suvarchod

  1305. mee says:

    Sabsebadakafir ? OR Sabsebadaharamikafir?You fucking hindu’s should Read This…………………hahahahahahahahahahah…Question:Why all Hindus men are the nastiest people and all Hindu women are the cheapest tarts?Answer: Hindu men have the smallest penis among human species and it has been recently researched by Harvard University that the smaller the penis, the nastier the people, and the sluttiest their women because they don’t get enough G.A.Z.I.M.S.:).Here is a South Korean song dedicated to 800 million tiny penis nasty Hindu men and their cheap tart women:) sita/ass

  1306. Mithu says:

    Muslims all over the world are living life of lies and denials. What Muslims recieve in their upbringing that they grow up in hatred and anger on humanity? Obviosly, unless Pakistanis accepts they are living in self-denial of the truth, they will never change and will always be hated by world not for who they are, but for what they do to others. I even pray for the souls of these terrorist as this is the not the death God wanted for them. May God forgive them and show mercy to their souls. May the people of Pakistan see the face of real God who is forever forgiving and mercy.Pakistan if you want prosperity and peace, it lies within your own hearts! Search for one within yourself!

  1307. mee says:

    kartik!!!Teri maan ki kuss!! You cheap hinduhahah

  1308. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Ali Ahsan Warraich ,hmmmmmmmmm, from the Wwarraich Jat clan, but Ali Ahsan. Looks like Aurangzeb really got your great grand mother.Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.hehehehohoho hahaha.

  1309. Digish Shah says:

    One piece of advice to govt. of India…Let’s just take back Pak and clean up the mess on our own, I bet the pakistani people won’t mind to live in a country that’s economically and socially stronger

  1310. Kalpana says:

    I really pity pakistanis. I know they do not like being called a “terrorist country” but unfortunately, that is the truth. But again I also know that most citizens do not agree to terrorism. There is a very strong backing of ISI in this. ISI is an organization created by the govt. of pakistan and now it has become a rogue organization which cannot be controlled by anyone. It is time you citizens take to the streets and start protests against ISI maybe then something can workout. As long as ISI is given a free hand terrorism will for sure continue. Ofcourse, I do not agree with any of your analysis.

  1311. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Mee,All pakistanis were Hindus too! How come after being converted to Islam their penises suddenly became bigger. Are they really Penises or the Mustafa gave them Dildos.

  1312. dipak says:

    saale mathechod wahid tu kashmir ki nahin pakistan ki aulad hai matherchod sita aur ravan ka nata baap beti ka tha lekin tum logo ko kya pata jisme bap hi beti ko chodta hai you bastard you belongs to pakistan then why you are writing waheed from Kashmir India,saalo tum logo ko bahut khujali chadhi hai na bahut jald hamari army use bhoozayegi….saalo tum jis thali mein khate ho usi mein chhed karte ho .

  1313. dipak says:

    saale mathechod wahid tu kashmir ki nahin pakistan ki aulad hai matherchod sita aur ravan ka nata baap beti ka tha lekin tum logo ko kya pata jisme bap hi beti ko chodta hai you bastard you belongs to pakistan then why you are writing waheed from Kashmir India,saalo tum logo ko bahut khujali chadhi hai na bahut jald hamari army use bhoozayegi….saalo tum jis thali mein khate ho usi mein chhed karte ho .

  1314. Tarun says:

    Abey Pakistani sooron, pehle apne desh ko sambhalo jo US ke saamne haath faila ke baithte ho…pehle apni kuch aukat banao baad me baat karo…khaane ko paise nahin hain aur badi baate karne chale…kuch sharm he to apne desh ki taraaki ka socho aur natakbazi band karo…Auraton ki izzat to tumko karna aata nahin..aur fuck shuck ki baatein karte ho…apni maa behno se bhi yahi kehto ho????Agar kuch self respec apne desh ke sudhaar ka socho….manav jaati ke kalyan ka socho…baat karte hai saale…

  1315. purab says:

    Sabsebadakafir,Kartik….dude m proud of u guyz.Let’s fuck this half cut allah followers..Saale aadha land rahkar bhi, zabaan kitna chalate hain…

  1316. TRUE INDIAN says:

    I simply dont know whether the country name PAKISTAN is running terrorism or is being run by Terrorists.Its seem that both the things are correct.And why the Muslim people are brainwashed so easily i simply dont know.One day India would surely do something to Pakistan to ease the pressure on whole world.I pray OBAMA will stop breast-feeding the PAKISTAN when he start working as prez.A country which is bankrupt & A nation which has no money to buy a single-day supply of petrol is buying the weapons just to compete with "INDIA".Just remember your limits and your earnings before buying anything.

  1317. python says:

    mee ki aulad, tere ko gadha bhi nahin chodega, sirf tere maa ko chodega

  1318. Rimzu says:

    I know all the Pakistani people don’t support terrorism . hey Pakistan first look at yourself , you are a beggar county . first find some education , then food ..Terrorism is not the solution .The whole world HATES you ….shame on you

  1319. amal says:

    Pakis are ready 4 war!!!!!!!!!!!! joke of the millanium.. they do only shadow war like they did in Kargil.. they even afraid of claimimg their soldgiers bodies!!!!!!!!! and saying will come for WAR!!!!!…. Pak is the only country after WW II , did a full surrender in a war (1971)please read the inistrument of surrender.. this time we need to change year and pak eastern command to pakistan and name of respective generals..Shame on you guys!!! born to get defeated!!!

  1320. Free says:

    Rimzo, first Look into your so called “mayra bharat mahan”. You have more than 80% bloody poor peoples. Please do something for them first then talk with us …..

  1321. python says:

    Free gandu, tere baap ka raj hai kya.chup chutiye… tere maa ki mamma dabadoonga … saala80% fulla doonga.. gandu…

  1322. mee says:

    we Just said that we are bringing our army to the border aur tum salay chotiay indians ki saans rukh gayi ha…..hahahah.

  1323. Free says:

    Purab, abay tum log adhay lund ka faida nahe daykh rahay .. tumhari bolywod ki all heroins KHAN’s k lund per mar rahi hai .. like AISH nay pahlay samlan khan say marwa’ey .. or aab Katrina ki marnay mai laga hova hai …. 😀

  1324. amal says: see the instrument of surrender Paki signed way back in 71 and they are going to repeat in 2009!!!

  1325. Tarun says:

    Free,I don’t knw from where you get your nos…but anyway we are way ahead of you in ever sense…so sir, please do something about your country which only spews venom and haterd…which is the hotbed of terrorism…we are way ahead of you…

  1326. Free says:

    Dipak, tum kis chotiya army ki bat kar rahay hooo .. jin k lalu commando nay 4 din laga diay 4 terrorist ko marnay mai … or pata nahee kaysi tum logo nay navy pal kar rakhi hovi hai k loog speed boats mai bath kar waha aa jatay hai … or tum logo ki gand mar kar chalay jatay hai … abay bhan-chodo … 10 bandooo nay tum logo ki army ki gand mar kar rakhi doo too soocho k agar tumhara wasta pak army say par gaya too tum sab k sab apni dhoo-ti-ya gee-li kar do gay 😀

  1327. thalaivan says:

    In Pakistan, country is run by ISI and Army and not by elected government.Oflate, both have been infiltrated by religious fanatics who support terrorism. It took united states long to realise this and they are tightening the noose around Pakistan. They can not hoodwink India as we bore the brunt of Pakistan sponsored terrorism right from 1948. Nobody is more experienced more than India with the blatant lies of Pakistan and the allied propaganda . But slowly, the world stated realising that ISI is the breeding international terrorism thrugh (You call it any name) Al Quida, Taliban, LET , JEM et al. If Pak refrains from such things and refine themselves to civilised living , it will be better for both the countries. If not, collectively, we will become the biggest laughing stock of the western world(Leave alone Chinese who utilised this misgiving to their maximum advantage)

  1328. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Free,Let me tell you a joke.Once there was a fight between Allah and Hanuman. They decided that each one has three turns to kick the other in the ass and the kick should be so hard that the other should not come back.Allah kicks first, hanuman disappears for for 1 month but comes back. Allah kicks him hard again and Hanuman disappears for 1year and comes back. Then Allah kicks him harder and Hanuman disappears for 10 years but comes back. Now Hanuman sings ‘Ha Ab meri bari ! mari bari! allah miya! . Now Hanuman kicks Allahs ass so hard that Allah disappears and the musalmaan is still holding his hands in a cup to catch him.hehehehuhuhuhohohohahaha.

  1329. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Free,Let me tell you a joke.Once there was a fight between Allah and Hanuman. They decided that each one has three turns to kick the other in the ass and the kick should be so hard that the other should not come back.Allah kicks first, hanuman disappears for for 1 month but comes back. Allah kicks him hard again and Hanuman disappears for 1year and comes back. Then Allah kicks him harder and Hanuman disappears for 10 years but comes back. Now Hanuman sings ‘Ha Ab meri bari ! mari bari! allah miya! . Now Hanuman kicks Allahs ass so hard that Allah disappears and the musalmaan is still holding his hands in a cup to catch him.hehehehuhuhuhohohohahaha.

  1330. Tarun says:

    The instrument of accession is here:, read it carefully…next time your mentally unstable PM will sign it…Actually your PM also represent the state of mind of all you Pakis…

  1331. python says:

    Benzair was raped by her own husband who is mental president of pakistan.what can such a nation do, wage a war, fucker president cant even find a stable choot to fuck daily

  1332. Free says:

    Kalpana, it can be only your kalpana that we will protest again our ISI. ISI is our proud and we are proud of it. ISI is doing their job in an excellent way 😀

  1333. KISHORE says:

    This Wasi guy has the biggest prick in the world,therefore he does not mastrubate he auto fucks himself with his long prick.

  1334. mee says:

    well said FREE

  1335. purab says:

    Abey Free… Baat toh tujhe samjhana chahiye…Salman ka lund aadha hain aur woh shaadi bhi nahi kiya aaj tak. Land aadha toh aadha..uttha bhi nahi woh chutiya ka.In short he is namard…like u all half cut dicks.Aur rahi baat katrina, hamare akshay kumar ne usse already kha liya hain…hahahahaha.

  1336. inattivo parole says:

    mee,U Pakistanis r not coming in terms with the reality. You help bred the terrorists and export them to your neighbours. You r the ones who created a mess in afghanistan. Terrorist organisations operating from your soil attack India everytime. You have already lost economically and terror export is all you are left with. And this very terrorism is now also creating a pain in your own ass. Pakistan is a mess and people like you (i am refering to “mee”) are dastards who can only argue with thier false and incorrect comments.

  1337. python says:

    free so u admit u did the mumbai blasts which is why we say pakis have no head they agree to the blog that isi did it

  1338. FreeIndianMuslim says:


  1339. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Free, Salman ka bacha kucha lund uski Hindu maa ne kaat ke phek diya and dildo fit kar diya.Usko pata that ki Hindustan mein ladkiyon ko addha lund pasand nahin. Jub Aishwarya ko pata chala to turunt Salman ke gaand pe laath maar ke chali gayi. Ab woh kaif ki maar raha hai.

  1340. Free says:

    Sabsaybarakafar, I think tayray dimag per ISI charh ga’ey hai .. so better yahi hai k bahar ja’o or apni ga’o mata (cow) ka urine p kar aa ja’o … tumhara mind set ho ja’ey ga 😀 ..waysay jo tum nay joke sonaya … uss mai hans-na kaha tha ? yar yey to bata daytay at least ….. so sad … chaloo next joke mai zarror batana

  1341. Tarun says:

    You talk about our army…you have always been beaten by us…u surrendered in 1971…you had to bite the dust in Kargil…and you talk of our army…we can wipe off your existence any time…you always stab from the behind…fight a proxy war..come and fight man to man and then talk….gand mein dum nahin..hum kissi se kam nahin…

  1342. Just Another says:

    <>Wasi said…You fucking Hindutva terrorists rape Christian nuns! Of all the crazy shit Muslim terrorists have done, I have never heard of them raping doing that.But I read that it was not considered rape, because the penises were so small, there was no contact made.<>Dear Wasi, As per ur assertion that u have never heard a muslim rape story, kindly go through following news articles:A Pakistani Rape, and a Pakistani Love Story [By NY Times]<>Excerpt: Rapes occur in Pakistan at an estimated rate of one every two hours, and the rape itself is only the beginning of the horror. As in much of the world, the victim is frequently expected to atone for her “sin” by killing herself, while her attacker goes unscathed ……….<>The Politics of Rape in Pakistan:Victim or Criminal?By Mehnaz Sahibzada<>Excerpt: “Fifteen-year-old Jehan Mina became pregnant after being raped by her uncle and cousin. Her family filed a complaint of rape but since there were no witnesses, the alleged rapists were acquitted. Yet her pregnancy was proof that “zina” [extra-marital sexual intercourse] had taken place and she was sentenced to 100 lashes in public. The punishment was later converted to 3 years imprisonment and 10 lashes.”–excerpt taken from an Amnesty International News Release on Pakistan, 10 June 1997<>I wish now u will say that they are all Hindu Indian men who roam freely in pakistan and rape at the frequency of one every two hours ;)….

  1343. Free says:

    Paython,your PM is a reboot, when sonia press on button it starts talking and ur president what is her name? i think parthi patel… I saw a news on a site that Advani fuck her on daily basis.. what a president and pm u have .. nice yar

  1344. ANAND says:

    There is enough evidence revealing pakistan and LET involvement in mumbai attacks.India should directly attack LET groups across the border and give them answer by hitting them hard.

  1345. python says:

    free indian muslim, we have problems with the mentality of muslims like u to kill anyone. babri masjid . godhra, everything is justified now after mumbai blasts. dont blame if another muslim is killed in india or ur India is destroyed for we see no difference in a muslim like u or over the border.

  1346. arpit says:

    Hey Man..!! if u think urself to be so much caree for pakistan and its activity….better you take an action against ur govt to ban ISI and to Blow up all the training camps of LET and all the fucking millitants ass hiding places…..dont go by ma language this actually is the aggression …they kill inocent people..that to by hiding themself….ask these militants to get get sillicon boobs on there chest…better can fight from the front….ne ways the agenda is collect some guys like u ….and go for an agitation against ur govt and ask for what i request….thanks..Bro

  1347. Tarun says: are always at the losing end…trying to defend urself…why dont you accept defeat gracefully and work on improving the lot of your country…

  1348. arpit says:

    Hey Man..!! if u think urself to be so much caree for pakistan and its activity….better you take an action against ur govt to ban ISI and to Blow up all the training camps of LET and all the fucking millitants ass hiding places…..dont go by ma language this actually is the aggression …they kill inocent people..that to by hiding themself….ask these militants to get get sillicon boobs on there chest…better can fight from the front….ne ways the agenda is collect some guys like u ….and go for an agitation against ur govt and ask for what i request….thanks..Bro

  1349. mee says:

    inattivo parole I am Proud to be a Paki and betta you should check freedom movements in India.. You Indians are so sick that you burn christians alive in their homes. Dont fucking tell me its not true YES IT IS!!! OR Dont tell me it was ISI

  1350. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    Oye Free,at least update your General Knowledge when talking about anything at all, ok?

  1351. Ali says:

    why u ppl are so much impressed with pakistan and pakistanis always looking what they are doing whats happening there go to amenesity international and check the rate of rapes in india its much much higher than pakistan. and yaar free still fucking these ass holes. actually they are dick suckers and want every dick in their asses and if someone don’t do it they force him to fuck their ass.But conclusion to everything in india is Pakistan did it.Bacha paida ho tu woh bhi Pakistan tay paa doo 😉

  1352. python says:

    we must destroy the red mosque in pakistan,

  1353. Free says:

    Tarun, i think u dont know about the history, In 1965, it was india who attack on pakistan at night(coward) and on that war we captured your city which was Kher Kiram. this city had two cinema that time.In 1971, we were fighting against the terrorist in our east pakistan and you attack on us from behind.And your chan-kiya says that “Bagal mai chorrii or moo mai ram ram” Idiot

  1354. AirBoss says:

    Please read this…Its very sad to see comments like these at such grave times..

  1355. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow"><>

  1356. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    that, is the problem, Python. Muslims in India have feltinsecure ever since Vallabhbhai Patel said that the only Muslim in India was Nehru. Imagine a leader of his stature saying that! No wonder Advani and the like do it now. they have got the license to do so.

  1357. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Free, “you attack on us from behind”. See I told you kafir always likes to take from behind.

  1358. Wasi says:

    What do you get when all of China takes a shit?Dirty, black India.

  1359. UCP says:

    **VERY IMPORTANT**I was talking to someone on internet very close to Hemant Karkare, what I bileve from this very close source is that the kind of investigation Hemant Karkare was doing was about to uncover big political and some military names of indian top leadership involved in Malegaon bombings. He already proved one Colnol of military and two other military men for providing military explosives which killed indians. There is a big consipiracy going on by some highly curropt politicians of india.It was never otherwise possible that encounter specialist like Hemant Karkare would have been killed so easily. Sources are also telling that he riceve gun shots from a close distance from behind not front.The question is if he is not killed by terrorists then who killed him from behind?I have explained what I came to know, thanks.

  1360. python says:

    why not advani was born in karachi and hence he can fuck sonia at will.Please also call ur alqaida friends to fuck sonia , if u want u buy one and get one free, get her daughter priyanka too free of cost

  1361. Tarun says:

    Mee (pata nahin kya naam rakha hai maa-baap ne) WE ARE MUCH BETTER OFF THAN YOU PAKIS…Your human rights record is the worst in history of mankind…so don’t talk about our human rights…yes exceptions are there but for PAKI these exceptions are the norm…saale teen teen shaddyan karte ho…aur baat kerte ho…parde mein aurton ko chupa ke rakhte ho…Next time we will send all these Paki Mulla’s on Chandrayaan -2 so that the world lives in peace…

  1362. purab says:

    Well said python….Babri masjid, gujrat and malegaon..all r justified, because u guyz started the game.All muslims r same, b it here or nywhere in world…u guyz r extremists to the core.

  1363. amal says:

    paki cant improve there country since there is none exist.. its like west controlled by taliban.. middle controlled by ISI and the eastrn part controlled by LET and dawood….. they only thing unite them is poverty and they are begging every where..they are always a defeated country.. got defeted 4 times from Indias hand and now nato is daily attacking their western province and like a eunich they are just seeing the assult

  1364. Wasi says:

    British MI6 is now saying that the attack was done by BJP/Modi.

  1365. Free says:

    FreeIndiaMuslim,I know the history of Hindu, They used to giver their wives and daughters to Muslim king and still your are doing the same thing. Fucking people ……

  1366. Ali says:

    Guys, “Mee” “Free” i think we should leave them. Khassi hain saalay. Indians are such a shitty nation they can’t defend themselves against a simple small organization like Laskar-e-Taiyaba how come they gonna fight with the whole nation. this just simple organization panetrated and attacked them wherever they wanted to and their security agencies could do nothing except scratching their asses.Let them do whatever they want to. Indians see u in the battle field. please bring some beautiful people when u come to fight (which you have very rare)coz i don’t like to fuck dirty black asses.

  1367. spurdozer says:

    Karthik and Python you are crossing your limits. Tumhare liye to bas meain hi kafi hoon. Agar ab kuchh bola to teri sita ki choot main machhli ka kaanta le kar ghus jaoon ga. Teri seeta ko pure India or Ram ke saamne dildo charhaoon ga. Abe ram ki gand mein ravan ka land ghusaoon ga. Teri parvati ki choot main chhatri daal ke khol doon go. Teri sita ke chupay lagaoon ga. HAHAHAHAHA

  1368. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Tarun, We should not forget to send Mullah Amar singh and Maulana Mulayam too.

  1369. Tarun says:

    Wasi…whatever you say ….does it have any credibility????Your dicatators and generals are the most treacherous kind of people…when they have no credibility what do you have ????

  1370. Tarun says:

    Ali…it seems you have forgooten 1971 and Kargil..khaded kar rakh diya tha…

  1371. Free says:

    Paython, I think first bomb should be drop on RSS and bajrang HQ. Fucking bal thakray and raj thakray should kill first. they are the biggest terrorist of the way we have lot of red mosque, for whom u r talking about ?

  1372. mee says:


  1373. Ali says:

    spurdozer behave man don’t get to the religions, we should respect their gods and goddess. everything else is fine.

  1374. amal says:

    hi Ali please see this Pakis are the only one signed a doccument like this after world war II!!!!!!!!

  1375. Tarun says:


  1376. python says:

    ali, it is a war u r speaking not an please dont just come with a condom over cut penis. In case u insist, osama bin laden fucks paki fellow soldiers as he has run out of arab wives, please put on the pig fragrant condom.

  1377. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Spurdozer, “machhli ka kaanta” laayega kahan se. Woh to Mustafa kaa lund tha. Pehle woh jaake ukhaad ke leker aa.Ya mustafa ya mustafa…!

  1378. Ali says:

    you know abt kargil what ur liar officials told u and u convinced the world by offering your sisters to them. for last 30 years u are begging to us to stop infiltration in kashmir but u couldn’t secure ur border and whatever the limited number of freedom fighters are pain in ur ass even today.

  1379. inattivo parole says:

    mee You chech whats happening in Pakistan.. You are in complete mess. You people train and export terror, while india is not doing so. Crimes take place in every country which are to be stopped by the country itself internally but question here is “why pakistan allows terror organisations to operate on its soil?” If these outfits would have been spreading terror in pakistan only, then there would have been no blames from india. The point is that the jihadis are trained and send to fight. this is probably because pakistan is waging a limited war on india because they cannot go for a complete war.

  1380. python says:

    spurdozer, if u knew my limits, u wud recite every line of quoran reverse

  1381. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Ali, “for last 30 years u are begging to us to stop infiltration in kashmir but u couldn’t secure ur border and whatever the limited number of freedom fighters are pain in ur ass even today” …who told you that. Last 30 years we are fucking kashmiri women and we need 20 more years, then Kashmir will be hindu and then there will be a thousand years of peace.

  1382. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1383. Free says:

    Tarun, dont say this. As your father is ISI and ISI was involved when u were getting birth 😀

  1384. mee says:

    TO ALL FUCKING HINDU INCLDUING SabsabadakafirFrom The TimesSeptember 11, 2008Christians in India face prospect of more attacks by extremistsA Christian girl whose face was burnt during the recent religious violence, sits in a shelter at Raikia village in the eastern Indian state of OrissaRhys Blakely in Bombay Attacks on nuns, churches and Christian refugees across India are stoking fears that Hindu extremists are planning to target minority communities as the country prepares for a general election. The worst anti-Christian violence in India since independence 60 years ago came in Kandhamal district, in the state of Orissa, in recent weeks. Hindu fanatics attempted to poison water sources at relief camps holding at least 15,000 people displaced by mob violence, local activists alleged. Hundreds of Christian refugees in the region were told not to return to their homes unless they converted to Hinduism. In Chattisgarh, central India, two nuns from the Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa, were beaten by a mob when they took four orphans to an adoption centre. A spokesman for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India said:“These nuns are known for spending their life for the service of the poorest of the poor in the world. In India most of the beneficiaries of their services belong to the Hindu society.” A church was burnt down in Karnataka, southern India, the state that recorded the highest number of anti-Christian incidents in India last year. There were also reports of violence in Madhya Pradesh, central India.

  1385. spurdozer says:

    Yaar ALI. I can’t stand them publicly insulting our prophet, Allah and The holy book yaar. MAin tumhaain bata nahin sakta what Python and sabse bada kafir said to our beloved prophet. But still we are muslims and should not react like that so sorry any other Hindus which feel Offended by our last post. SoRRY

  1386. Ali says:

    @ amal read this document before posting this link, “” or should i translate it for u? “Indians proofs” yaar kabhi tu sahi cheez bol diya karoo. Read it closely what it is?

  1387. Susant says:

    ..AFTER the arrest of the terrorist its crystal clear that Pakistan has a hand in it.(i don’t mean the people of pakistan)but the govt(ISI).Else why would you deny that Dawood is not in Pak when the whole world has all the proof that he is there. What is PAK doing to curb LeT and JeM.Just to remind you Pak that today you are breeding them and be sure that you are the one going to get engulfed by it soon as terrorism has no religion.

  1388. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Mee, I challenge every pakistani of the world to shoot their cum in 30(the pakistani can’t come that is why their women are now coming to India) secs forget about shooting down 5 jets in 30 secs..

  1389. Wasi says:

    From the New York Times:“A senior Indian government official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Prime Minister Singh told Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani that he was aware Pakistan was not involved in the attack and only had to cast blame on the country due to electoral pressures. British intelligence officials are also pointing suspicion toward a shadowy group of “black ops” associated with Narendra Modi, the firebrand chief minister of the state of Gujarat.”

  1390. Ali says:

    @ SabsebadaKafir, this is the indian mentality if things could have been changed like this u would have been muslim by now as we fucked u hindus for more than 800 years.

  1391. Free says:

    Meee,Christians in India face prospect of more attacks by extremistsI think ISI was involved on that incident and all the fucking indians was just watching our ISI …..

  1392. python says:

    spurdozer, lag gayi … we know ur weakpoint,just we will all piss on the quoran in cnn and it will be broadcast in tv screens

  1393. FreeIndianMuslim says:


  1394. mee says:

    SabsabadakafirSalay chotiay tou apni maan ko chod chod kar khasi ho gaya ha. Tou mujeh sach bata tou BARWA ha kay nehin, Tum indians ko Duniya Barwa kahti ha , kahti hay kay nehin? SACH BATA MAAN KAY CHODODID I SAID SOMETHING WRONG ?

  1395. Tarun says:


  1396. I am says:

    FREEINDIANMUSLIM,So you are saying because babri masjid was demolished its OK to perpetrate terror for the rest of your life, ‘coz of 1 incident? Why don’t you talk of all the terror committed by muslims in India? So you agree with mumbai blasts? Why do you quote one or two incidents done by Hindus and give a blind eye to those committed by muslims?Is it OK for that IM guy – very well educated earning 19 lacs per annum to get brainwashed and kill people and you never want to discuss it.Why do you cry foul when Hindus have had enough of muslim appeasing which is happening and which I am sure you are aware of and commit a crime or two?Why are you people self pitying always? Its because of such kind of thinking you’ll never be an Indian? Always want to be distinguished even when living in India. You have all the means that everyone else have, the govt. provides subsidies for everything you do right from shitting. So, what are you people crying about?

  1397. Free says:

    actually all the hindus does the same thing while taking ASHNAN in ganga. their mother, sisters, wives, daughers takes bath in front of thousand of people and shows their black body …….. idoit, nonsense and fucking people…….

  1398. Ali says:

    thanks spurdozer. u r great.

  1399. Wasi says:

    Why does Modi have sex with Vajpayee and Advani?

  1400. python says:

    Please take modi, vajpayee, advani to karachi, dawood wud like a foursome

  1401. Wasi says:

    Please go stick Shiva’s linga up your ass.

  1402. Tarun says:


  1403. spurdozer says:

    Python. Yes for sure I feel enraged by your language towards our beloved prophet. Lekin tumhain mirchi nahin lagai gi because all Hindus are actually aethists.

  1404. bapinaa says:

    hi all indians plz stop arguing at these pigs , they r mend that way their mind set is such ,because the greatest pig ( momammad) has taught them to do know more follow the link ,( in which a human being Ali sina born as muslim but not now has in a interview told to jerujelum post what a pig(muslim) thinks. what their father pig taught

  1405. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Ali, First get your facts right. “this is the indian mentality if things could have been changed like this u would have been muslim by now as we fucked u hindus for more than 800 years.” Your ancestors were also Indian and it is they who were fucked and became muslims.We hindus fucked those who fucked you and they ran away.

  1406. Free says:

    hahahahahaTarun,ganga mai ashnan ka sontay he gand mai aag lag ga’ey ….. bhan-chood salay chotia loog .. apni bahan or bayti k mamay pori dunya ko dikha tay hai .. saloo nay ganga main naha naha kar ganga k pani ko kharb kar diya hai … salay chotiyay

  1407. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1408. FreeIndianMuslim says:

    No use talking to deluded people. I’m outta here.

  1409. Ali says:

    what a shame for indians, they think pakistan did all this and then they say pakistan has a mentally sick president. just think guys they are such a nation that they can be fucked by people led by a mad man. what a shame

  1410. python says:

    and spurdozer u r infidels

  1411. inattivo parole says:

    Ali Muslims ruled hindus for 800 years but still they were just able to convert a fraction of them into muslims. Those living in pakistan and the muslims living in india were the only ones who were converted. They were weak so they converted. others became sikhs or remained hindus.

  1412. amal says:

    @ Ali read this man .. are going to do this again!!

  1413. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Mee, Tum sahi keh rahe ho. Main Bhadwa hoon, lekin bhadwagiri karta hoon Pakistani randiyon ke saath.Sahi bolta hain! Sahi bolta hain!

  1414. Wasi says:

    NDTV says one of the terrorists also was found carrying his birth certificate, pictures of his family, a Pakistani ID card, birthday cards from birthdays past, phone numbers of over 100 friends and family, his license plate, the deed to his house, and a keychain that said ‘I Love Pakistan!’If NDTV said it, it must be true!

  1415. Free says:

    salay ganga main ashnan laytay hovay pata nahee kis kis k lund layti hai ….. jabhi too saloo ki itni population ho ga’ey hai .. saray haram ki nasal hai .. bhan-chood

  1416. python says:

    freeindianmuslim, dont run away, dhar gaye

  1417. AirBoss says:

    <>< HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<><>

  1418. Ali says:

    @SabsebadaKafir i’ve my records perfectly right coz i’m a pathan and we fucked u assholes for 800 years coming from afghanistan and central asia and u people couldn’t do anything in 800 years. i think u have to be reborn 700 times to fulfill ur shitty dreams

  1419. mee says:

    TARUNI think you better check your PM teeth, salay nay sonia ki chooth say nikal kar moun mein dalay hoye hain…..hahahahahaNaqli teeths hain tumharay PM kay…haha GANDOO INDIANS

  1420. Ajay says:

    I don’t know if this is the right time to blame others. But, definitely there are elements in our society who are extremists and then it depends on us if we call them terrorist or anything else but they are threat to society.I have been watching news closely and I can’t believe Mr. Modi and Mr. R. R. Patil’s views on this horrific plot. It seems like Mr. Modi has got some God’s power who can sense where next attack will be. It seems like a big conspiracy. Killing of the ATS chief Mr. Karkade and other officers bring doubts to my mind, who has been leading the investigations to the Malegaon Blasts. I can digest if people use words like “islamic terrorism”, then why people don’t agree with “hindu terrorism”. If terrorist groups from Pakistan are involved in this then involvements of Indian groups can’t be denied either.

  1421. spurdozer says:

    Tarun Hamara Zardari kum se kum tumhare MAn-mohaney Singh se to achha hi hai. He is a carbon copy of that gay in Dostana with a pagdi and beard. Such batao Man Mohan Apni speech Hi-LA keh ke start karta hai na.

  1422. python says:

    abe gandu, ur religion is only 13 centuries old. in India many languages are older than ur prophet, so keep ur lund bulb inside ur zips

  1423. Ajay says:

    I don’t know if this is the right time to blame others. But, definitely there are elements in our society who are extremists and then it depends on us if we call them terrorist or anything else but they are threat to society.I have been watching news closely and I can’t believe Mr. Modi and Mr. R. R. Patil’s views on this horrific plot. It seems like Mr. Modi has got some God’s power who can sense where next attack will be. It seems like a big conspiracy. Killing of the ATS chief Mr. Karkade and other officers bring doubts to my mind, who has been leading the investigations to the Malegaon Blasts. I can digest if people use words like “islamic terrorism”, then why people don’t agree with “hindu terrorism”. If terrorist groups from Pakistan are involved in this then involvements of Indian groups can’t be denied either.

  1424. manish says:

    Hi Friends,I would like to ask one question from all of you that if you see any where in world russia,china,israel,iraq,Britain,Australia,US,Afganistan…..etc…etcin all these above mentioned countries including india terrorism is being spread out by only one community?Is this the only community which is being suffered in all nations hence they are becoming terrorists?

  1425. Balakrishna says:

    our officials may be involved but why dont u have any control on your soil. why is pakistan a safe haven for terrorists? Dont you think our armed forces has better work to do than foiling your malign attempts ???? If they really want such crimes to happen they can do it to the ppl where they are operating from. RSS or Bajrang Dal has plotted in India which is our internal problem and u dont have any say on that so let those terrorists camps to use u pakis and aak them to refrain from spreading it to other nationsmake it your internal problem…. and the whole world will nt raise a finger at u then … fuckers

  1426. Tarun says:

    Free and Ali…you keep forgetting that we have fucked you in 65,71 and Kargil…Free…chasma jis rang ka pehno duniya us rang ki nazar aati hai…jo baat to likh raha hai asal mein teri secretkahani hai 🙂tera aur tere desh ka origin hi aisa hai..India aur Britain ki najayaaz aulaad hai tera desh…aur tu bhi aise hi paida hua hai…gutter ke kide..

  1427. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Ali, Good you told me that you are pathan. My ancestors also came from Afghanistan 600 years ago. But they moved out of Afghanistan and reamined Hindus. They did not wait for the Turks,Uzbeks,Tajiks and ARabs to come fuck them like you. But when the time was ripe they went back to Afghanistan and fucked you.

  1428. python says:

    bomb blasts in quetta.

  1429. Free says:

    hahahhahah wasi,what the terrorist they were…. excellent ….. means they had everything. i think u forgot to add one more thing that terrorist had the ID card of ISI as well …….. 😀salay chotiya loog …. lagta hai k saloo ka dimag grass khanay gaya hova hai ya phir cow ka urine pnay … salay shoo-dar or dillat kahi k

  1430. Wasi says:

    Gallup has a survey release today:94% of Pakistanis condemn the Mumbai attacks.63% of Indians want to use nuclear weapons against Pakistan.Who are the terrorists? Indians.

  1431. Sukhwinder Singh says:

    Hi Ahmed,All terrorist who are killed in Mumbai are PAKISTANI National. Here is ther proof :Terrorists were trained in commando warfare Team TOI New Delhi: The gang of 10 desperados who wreaked mayhem in Mumbai for three days were made to believe by their Lashkar bosses that they were not being sent on a suicide mission and that they would be coming back alive. In an sensational disclosure made by Ajmal Amir Kasab, the jihadi nabbed alive by Mumbai cops, the group had planned to sail out on Thursday. Their recruiters had even charted out the return route for them and stored it on the GPS device which they had used to navigate their way to the Mumbai shoreline. This suggests that the terrorists were willing to undertake a mission which they knew would be very risky, but not necessarily suicidal. Sources said that the bait of safe return must have been used by the recruiters to convince those wavering to join the audacious plot against Mumbai. Terrorist’s confession reveals strong Pak link New Delhi: In another disclosure made by Ajmal Amir Kasab, he said that all 10 terrorists were trained in marine warfare along with the special course Daura-e-Shifa conducted by the Lashkar-e-Toiba in what at once transforms the nature of the planning from a routine terror strike into a specialized raid by commandos. Battle-hardened ATS officials are surprised by the details of the training the terrorists were put through before being despatched for the macabre mission. This amounted to an offensive from the sea, said a source. Ajmal has revealed the name of his fellow jihadis — all Pakistani citizens — as Abu Ali, Fahad, Omar, Shoaib, Umer, Abu Akasha, Ismail, Abdul Rahman (Bara) and Abdul Rahman (Chhota). The account of Ajmal also strengthens the belief that powerful elements in the Pakistani establishment may have been involved. According to him, the group set off on November 21 from an isolated creek near Karachi without the deadly cargo of arms and ammunition they were to use in Mumbai. The group received arms and ammunition on board a large Pakistani vessel which picked them up the following day. The vessel, whose ownership is now the subject of an international probe, had four Pakistanis apart from the crew. A day later, they came across an Indian-owned trawler, Kuber, which was promptly commandeered. Four of the fishermen who were on the trawler were killed, but its skipper, Amarjit Singh, was forced to proceed towards India. Amarjit was killed the next day, and Ismail — the terrorist who was killed at Girgaum Chowpaty — took the wheel. A trained sailor, Ismail used the GPS to reach Mumbai coast on November 26. The group, however, slowed down its advance as they had reached during the day while the landing was planned after dusk. The group shifted to inflatable boats, before disembarking at Badhwar Park in Cuffe Parade. They split up into batches of two each. Ismail and Ajmal took a taxi to CST. Two other batches headed for Oberoi and Nariman House. The remaining four went to Taj Hotel

  1432. Varun says:

    Oh its pretty clear that some agency in Pakistan did this. The point is that should be blame Govt of Pak for this? Well, yes because though they might not be involved in this, but the fact remains that Pak has been unable to finish these terror groups like LET, JEM inside their own country inspite of international pressure. Now, the arrested terrorist has clearly told us that they were trained in POK camps. Inspite of India telling Pak govt to stop these camps because obviously “that part of Kashmiri land” comes under Pak administration so its Pak’s responsibilty. But they have’nt done so. With the result now they are becoming victims of themselves.So what should we do. Well, if the Pak govt and it’s army is so incompetent to remove the terror camps from POK, I would request the Indian Govt to “help” the Pak govt by sending out counter terrorist commandos. I m dead sure they will succeed because they are the best as shown in Mumbai. So, to Pak: Guys we know you are quite incompetent so why done you just allow our army to enter POK finish of the terror camps there and then we are happy and you be happy too.What say?

  1433. python says:

    Wasi … friend the biggest terrorist is gallup poll to ask these questions.

  1434. Ali says:

    @ balakrishna u have third largest army in India a huge defence budget why can’t u stop these so called terrorisms to enter ur country? u can’t do anything assholes. they are all doing these because of ur deeds and ur attrocities. u people only know one name “Pakistan”. Pakistan is in ur hearts and minds.

  1435. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1436. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Ali, Islam is not your religion, My Friend. Come back to the Hindu fold. You and your future generations will have a very bright future.Believe in the glory of Shiva. He will protect you.

  1437. Free says:

    Ajay.. I am totally agreed with u. Earlier we were saying the same thing but they dont want to listen anything else. They just want to create a link with the pakistan……

  1438. spurdozer says:

    Abe Python Hamara religion sirf 13 centuries old hai phir bhi puri duniya main phel gaya hai. Tumahre religion ki tarah nahin jo prosper hone ki bajae khatam ho raha hai.

  1439. stud buddy says:

    Look around the world and you see whereever there is unrest, Muslims have some role in it. I believe it is time to eliminate Pakistan once and for all. India has given them several chances to straighten but they do not seem to get the point.

  1440. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1441. python says:

    Gallup questions must bea) Pakis did the mumbai blasts yes by entire world except karachithen 94% of pakis condemn it6% most in karachi appreciated it

  1442. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1443. amal says:

    Ali so when u pakis going to sign it again!!!!

  1444. Tarun says:

    Wasi…you got your nos wrong…<>100% Indians want to use nuclear bomb against Pakistan<>What do you say Indians ???

  1445. Wasi says:

    I have talked to so many Americans in recent days. They tell me they thought India was going to be a global power, but now they realize it is still a third world shithole.So I told them my favorite joke. What do you get when all of China takes a shit?Dirty, black India.

  1446. Ali says:

    @ varun we saw ur counter terrorism commandos who took 3 days to eliminate 10 of them and couldn’t save the lives of 200 people killed by 10 people. don’t give this option to us we are far better than u.

  1447. Free says:

    Paython, May b u will have ancient languages but there is only one country of hindu which is india and we muslim has 56 countries 😀

  1448. spurdozer says:

    Someone famously said Indians are witty but patheticly dim-witted when it comes to Pakistan.

  1449. Ali says:

    @ amal where are the signs on this document man?

  1450. python says:

    spurdozer,ur religion has declined in south asia. thats the truth

  1451. amal says:

    this attack was planned and carried out by Pakis.. these officers got killled in acton and th terrorists are not gone after them.. and a officer in the rank of IG is not necessorly should go for action and so nobody can plan such a plot to kill him.. this was an accident as he underestimate the situation!!

  1452. Wasi says:

    It is late night in India. What are you Hindu fucks doing? You are busy posting on the net while your wives are being fucked by Christians with bigger penises.

  1453. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Free, India is larger and bigger than those 56 countries put together.If whole of india pees there will be floods in those 56 countries.

  1454. Tarun says:

    Free so you agree we are an ancient country…so all the 56 countries are the offshoot of India…India baap hai sabka

  1455. Kartik says:

    u fucking wasi, im going to come to your office in London & clobber you to death, u pig fuckin PAKI, India is atleast better than the sodin gutter pakistan where the only thing they do is take young boys such as yourself and bumfuck them in the madrassah by ass thirsty mullahs In the name of Allah…….

  1456. Ali says:

    guys sabsebadakafir kahan gya yaar abhi tu mein nay sirf yeh batay kay mein pathan hun uski tu wahin par phatt gaye

  1457. Free says:

    hahahahah Tarun,ganga mai ashnan ka son kar gand main andar tak aag or mirchi lag ga’ey hai ….salay chotia log …waysay next time tum kab apni sisters ko lay kar jaa rahay hooo ganga mai ashnan k liay …plz. mujhay zarror inform karna .. zara mai b too daykho… ashnan kartay hovay wo kay-c lagti hai 😀

  1458. python says:

    u cud not even save ur last king bahdhur shah zafar..see where ur religion has got u.. u rule no states in India. none..and pakistan is a failed state where musharaaf drinks alcohol, so where is the concept of shariaat rule based state

  1459. Wasi says:

    China is laughing at you guys. India will never be able to match China.India is a lepor colony.

  1460. manish says:

    Hi wasi i was looking one answer from uHi Friends,of you that if you see any where in world russia,china,israel,iraq,Britain,Australia,US,Afganistan…..etc…etcin all these above mentioned countries including india terrorism is being spread out by only one community?Is this the only community which is being suffered in all nations hence they are becoming terrorists?

  1461. Sukhwinder Singh says:

    Dear Ahmed,ALL terrorist who attacked Mumbai were PAKISTANI NATIONAL. Here is the Proof :Terrorists were trained in commando warfare Team TOI New Delhi: The gang of 10 desperados who wreaked mayhem in Mumbai for three days were made to believe by their Lashkar bosses that they were not being sent on a suicide mission and that they would be coming back alive. In an sensational disclosure made by Ajmal Amir Kasab, the jihadi nabbed alive by Mumbai cops, the group had planned to sail out on Thursday. Their recruiters had even charted out the return route for them and stored it on the GPS device which they had used to navigate their way to the Mumbai shoreline. This suggests that the terrorists were willing to undertake a mission which they knew would be very risky, but not necessarily suicidal. Sources said that the bait of safe return must have been used by the recruiters to convince those wavering to join the audacious plot against Mumbai. Terrorist’s confession reveals strong Pak link New Delhi: In another disclosure made by Ajmal Amir Kasab, he said that all 10 terrorists were trained in marine warfare along with the special course Daura-e-Shifa conducted by the Lashkar-e-Toiba in what at once transforms the nature of the planning from a routine terror strike into a specialized raid by commandos. Battle-hardened ATS officials are surprised by the details of the training the terrorists were put through before being despatched for the macabre mission. This amounted to an offensive from the sea, said a source. Ajmal has revealed the name of his fellow jihadis — all Pakistani citizens — as Abu Ali, Fahad, Omar, Shoaib, Umer, Abu Akasha, Ismail, Abdul Rahman (Bara) and Abdul Rahman (Chhota). The account of Ajmal also strengthens the belief that powerful elements in the Pakistani establishment may have been involved. According to him, the group set off on November 21 from an isolated creek near Karachi without the deadly cargo of arms and ammunition they were to use in Mumbai. The group received arms and ammunition on board a large Pakistani vessel which picked them up the following day. The vessel, whose ownership is now the subject of an international probe, had four Pakistanis apart from the crew. A day later, they came across an Indian-owned trawler, Kuber, which was promptly commandeered. Four of the fishermen who were on the trawler were killed, but its skipper, Amarjit Singh, was forced to proceed towards India. Amarjit was killed the next day, and Ismail — the terrorist who was killed at Girgaum Chowpaty — took the wheel. A trained sailor, Ismail used the GPS to reach Mumbai coast on November 26. The group, however, slowed down its advance as they had reached during the day while the landing was planned after dusk. The group shifted to inflatable boats, before disembarking at Badhwar Park in Cuffe Parade. They split up into batches of two each. Ismail and Ajmal took a taxi to CST. Two other batches headed for Oberoi and Nariman House. The remaining four went to Taj Hotel.ANY COMMENT OR EXECUSE YOU STILL HAVE FOR INVOLVEMENT OF PAKISTAN THEN PLEASE LET KNOW THE READERS.

  1462. Kartik says:

    u motherfuckin pakis dont forget that ur ancestor was Indian, there is an Indian in every pai, but there is no paki in any Indian neither is there any bloody PAKI anywhere else in the world, the blood that is so dirty that even a pig would hesitate to lick

  1463. Tarun says:

    Wasi…you and ur religion only know how to degrade women…perhaps the reason why Islam is despised the world over…Perhaps people like Michael Jackson are apt for ur religion…

  1464. Mike says:

    ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS…BUT ALL TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS….Having said that, I have not seen any uproar in any Muslim country or community against this cowardly act of terrorism. Read the article below and just think again about the priorities of Muslims….Below is a piece that has been going around the internet about the Danish cartoons and the Islamic response to them. I am not sure who wrote it, but it expresses well the ludicrousness of the entire situation. ———————————————————————–I woke up this morning to see video on the news, showing rampaging, rioting, killing and general destruction. Muslims around the world. In Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Rim Muslim Mobs spreading mayhem. It seems that these mighty mad Muslims are rioting and firing their ever-present AK-47’s into the air because of cartoons. Yup … this latest epidemic of Muslim outrage comes to us because some newspapers in Norway and Denmark published some cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslim outrage huh. OK … let’s do a little historical review. Just some low lights: Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage. Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage. Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage. Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage. Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage. A Muslim attacks a missionary children’s school in India. Kills six. No Muslim outrage. Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia. Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage. Let’s go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage. Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage. Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage. Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage. Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage. Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage. Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage. Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage. Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged. Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims .. no Muslim outrage … but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose. Come on, is this really about cartoons? They’re rampaging and burning flags. They’re looking for Europeans to kidnap. They’re threatening innkeepers and generally raising holy Muslim hell not because of any outrage over a cartoon. They’re outraged because it is part of the Islamic jihadist culture to be outraged. You don’t really need a reason. You just need an excuse. Wandering around, destroying property, murdering children, firing guns into the air and feigning outrage over the slightest perceived insult is to a jihadist what tailgating is to a Steeler’s fan. I know and understand that these bloodthirsty murderers do not represent the majority of the world’s Muslims. When, though, do they become outraged? When do they take to the streets to express their outrage at the radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule? Islamic writer Salman Rushdie wrote of these silent Muslims in a New York Times article three years ago. “As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?” Indeed. Why not?

  1465. Wasi says:

    I think Hinduism has it wrong.All Hindus are untouchable. They smell like shit.

  1466. Varun says:

    @aliwell unlike “some” country’s we Indians value life, Sir. Incase you didnt know this, but the terrorists held hostages and so obviously the commandos could not just open fire or else the operation would have been over way earlier. If this was some other country, maybe the strategy would have been Go for the kill even if couple hostages have to be sacrificed. But Indian army does not operate that way Ali. Also, even the best forces in the world cannot do anything if the terrorist decide to just randomly open fire at whoever they see. Well, let’s put it this way. If this attack would have been in your country I m pretty sure the operation would have been over in a day because half the terrorists would have been helped by your army itself to get away through the back door of the hotel 😛Seriously!!! I don’t whether you take this as a joke or no.

  1467. bapinaa says:

    see this film by greet wilders, it reveals the true teachings of pig shit quran

  1468. python says:

    china will fall in its own trap.for u guys in pakistan, u will vanish in some years spilt in many states.

  1469. Tarun says:


  1470. python says:

    all muslims smell like pigs from shit holes

  1471. Kartik says:

    from when we were kids we were taught all along from childhood that we had to sratch our arses with our fingers, we were not as choosy as you people who were taught to scratch ur arse with a kalashnikov all along, by mullahs with half cut cocks fucking your arses 10 at a time coz one penis was so small it culdnt enter a rats arse

  1472. Wasi says:

    Admit it — Indians and Pakistanis are too emotional. We blame each other for our own failings. Pakistan is fucked because it has fucked itself. India is fucked because it has fucked itself (albeit with small penises).Your intelligence agencies are a miserable failure. Your terrorists came from inside the country. They trained with the Tamil Tigers.

  1473. Free says:

    hahahahahah ,all your fucking indians does job there. even in UAE, we can find easily atleast 5 indians under the stone…. “So called Mayra bharat Mahan”bhan-choodo k yaha jobs nahee hai too bahar jaatay hai gand marwanay k liay …

  1474. python says:

    wasi ur son will be called a terrorist before he is born, wah wah! what a generation to beckon

  1475. Wasi says:

    The World Bank published a study in 2004 predicting the split up of India into 24 separate countries by 2050.Bye Bye India! WELCOME MUGHALISTAN!

  1476. Wasi says:

    Tarun, what did you say? I can’t hear you when you have Shiva’s lingam stuffed in your mouth.

  1477. python says:

    i eat mughalai curry for dinner,how abt balochi curry and sindhi curry and newp masala omellete and lahore chutney

  1478. spurdozer says:

    All you Islam criticizers the greatness of our religion lies in the fact that it took our religion only 13 centuries to spread all over the world and the population of muslims is twice the population of Hindus. HAHAHAHA

  1479. ritwik says:

    Well I believe it is our Indian politicians who are trying to deflect criticism by blaming Pakistan for this which itself doesnt have direct control over these jihadis anymore. Even if the terrorists were pakistani nationals, there is nothing Pakistan could have done to stop this from happening. Sadly indian politicians will never have the will & intellect to develop a pro active policy to counter such threats.

  1480. Kartik says:

    had it not been for the hostages, it would have taken just 1 NSG commando to exterminate the 10 of you cowards, and wasi u will suffer for what you have said, Im going to find you, drag you to trafalgar square & beat the shit out of you in front of all britishers coz u pigfuck, you are a terrorist and a shame on britain

  1481. Varun says:

    I wonder why is POK called "Pakistan occupied Kashmir. India never calls J&K as "Indian occupied Kashmir"? Any answers to that?

  1482. python says:

    wasi ur children will be called terrorists in history books forever

  1483. sudarshan says:

    wasi mera bhai haimere baap ne uski maa ko chooda tha gaand mein!

  1484. spurdozer says:

    All you Islam criticizers the greatness of our religion lies in the fact that it took our religion only 13 centuries to spread all over the world and the population of muslims is twice the population of Hindus. HAHAHAHA.

  1485. spurdozer says:

    All you Islam criticizers the greatness of our religion lies in the fact that it took our religion only 13 centuries to spread all over the world and the population of muslims is twice the population of Hindus. HAHAHAHA

  1486. amal says: did u find the signature???? nobody can degrade more!!!!

  1487. Wasi says:

    Admit it, you Hindus did nothing for 1,000 years. You lived off of Muslims. Let them rule the land. Now you think you can become a superpower. You copy Germany. Academic studies show how the RSS imitated the fascist brown shirts movement in Germany. Now you have your own Reichstag burning to inflame nationalist passions in India. Modi is an evil Hitler waiting to rule India.Too bad he will do to India, what Hitler did to Germany. Modi will overstretch and India will split up into smaller countries.

  1488. python says:

    half f women islam is not counted as they r free for all fucking materialex: in kashmir

  1489. Free says:

    Yar Tarun, tell me when u will go to ganga for taking ashnan with your family …..

  1490. Dilu says:

    — Just for your information, FaridKot named city\district is also present in India :):)— It is famous for subcontient police that they can even make an elephant admitt that he is behind a crime :). Torture can do such magics. So indian police/intelligence agencies can torture that terrorist to convince him that he is from Pakistan.— Like all Indians are convinced that elements in PK are behind these attacks. All Pakistanis are also convinced that Indians are behind insurgency\terrorism in two of our provinces. Will you guys please send chief of Raw because we want to investigate some thing :):)— It was alleged by an indian friend that pakistan while progressing on peace table keeps on doing such things behind the scenes.(I dont remember exact words). Do you guys knows that one our rivers (Channab) orignating from Indian occupied kashmir is almost dried. Our farms are drying becuase of this. It is a kind of state terrorism for us. Our president etc pleaded India but to no benefit. For details please see— There are so many things where Pakistanis are 100% sure that they are right and Indians are also 100%sure that they are right.So i suggest that we two nations should sit and solve our problems peace fully and keeping reservations of each other in mind.— No one even think of initiating a war. Both countries are nuclear powers and result would be mutual destruction. It is up to Indians to decide what to do and I hope that sanity will prevail.

  1491. Kartik says:

    was the minaret in mecca a symbol of the prophet’s chopped prick? who started it all btw, the chopping business, prophet salaa koi kasai hoga

  1492. Tarun says:

    Free…jo tu gaali bolta hai…teri paidaish waise hi hui hai…kyon apne zakhm haer kar raha hai…Wasi…ur mistaken…tere deshwasiyon ke ke boobs stuffed hai mouth mein…

  1493. spurdozer says:

    Varun in Pakistan, Pakistani side Kashmir is called AZAD KASHMIR and J&K is called Indian occupied Kashmir so no difference there.

  1494. python says:

    wasi, we are fucking ur beloved kashmir past 60 years we love every bit of itspeak for ur current generation and compare the stats

  1495. Dilu says:

    — Just for your information, FaridKot named city\district is also present in India :):)— It is famous for subcontient police that they can even make an elephant admitt that he is behind a crime :). Torture can do such magics. So indian police/intelligence agencies can torture that terrorist to convince him that he is from Pakistan.— Like all Indians are convinced that elements in PK are behind these attacks. All Pakistanis are also convinced that Indians are behind insurgency\terrorism in two of our provinces. Will you guys please send chief of Raw because we want to investigate some thing :):)— It was alleged by an indian friend that pakistan while progressing on peace table keeps on doing such things behind the scenes.(I dont remember exact words). Do you guys knows that one our rivers (Channab) orignating from Indian occupied kashmir is almost dried. Our farms are drying becuase of this. It is a kind of state terrorism for us. Our president etc pleaded India but to no benefit. For details please see— There are so many things where Pakistanis are 100% sure that they are right and Indians are also 100%sure that they are right.So i suggest that we two nations should sit and solve our problems peace fully and keeping reservations of each other in mind. — No one even think of initiating a war. Both countries are nuclear powers and result would be mutual destruction. It is up to Indians to decide what to do and I hope that sanity will prevail.

  1496. Tarun says:

    Free…mein to duniya mein akela hun…teri family se time milega to kahin jaon na…:-)

  1497. Sam says:

    I have been living overseas for a number of years and have many close Muslim friends from both Pakistan and Bangladesh. Surprisingly, whenever we discuss the anti India/ Pakistan propaganda in India/ Pakistan, we are all unanimously of the opinion that this is the work of uneducated people and deviant politicians/ so called religious leaders who have only their own personal ends in mind.We condemn this cowardly attack in unison and believe India and Pakistan should never have been divided in the first place. World over divided countries are coming together, uniting their might and becoming one powerful economic/ political force, while we keep trying to decimate each other. Are we any better than animals? Haven’t we learnt anything from our warrign history. When two lands fight with each other, a third country wins! Here’s what I propose – Let’s unite, live in peace and harmony as the majority of Muslims and Hindus do in India, divert our respective military budgets to improving the infrastructure and quality of lives and we will indeed become the greatest nation on Earth and fulfill our destiny. Let’s see a show of hands in India and Pakistan who want to achieve this and start an unstoppable movement towards unity – From Afghanistan to Burma, we will be one! We will be INDIA.

  1498. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1499. Wasi says:

    What do you get when all of China takes a shit?INDIA!!Remember, the World Bank predicts the breakup of India by 2050.WELCOME MUGHALISTAN. MUGHALISTAN COMING SOON. BYE BYE BHARAT!!Muslims will free the dalits and Christians and low caste Hindus.No more Brahmin fascism.Modi can suck on Shiva’s lingam.

  1500. Kartik says:

    islam spread so fast bcoz the prophet was a mass rapist & he taught every one of his followers to fuck & produce as many children as possible, thats your motto, the motto of islam, produce children & have the greatest population & take over the world, u fucking losers, remember if u produce one 100 will die, 50 of whom will be killed by either India or US, and the rest will be killed by your own sunni deobandi pathan motherfuckers

  1501. spurdozer says:

    Tarun I am sorry to hear that you are a bharwaa.

  1502. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1503. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1504. Tarun says:

    Spurdozer…thanks for <>YOUR<> introduction 🙂

  1505. Free says:

    Tarun…….for ur kind information we dont go ganga you fucking people go there…by the way how many times you went there? tell me yar .. i m waiting…. if u have not any plan then i can make plan to go there with ur family. I will take care all of them 😀

  1506. Kartik says:

    and maulana masood azhar can suck the prophet's half cut cock, spread on Indian cum & pig shit

  1507. Varun says:

    @spurdozerWho lives in Azad Kashmir anyways? Terrorists right? I dont say this. The world does. I am just stating it.So what kind of Azadi it is. Oh ya I see, the Azadi to kill inhumanly. Dude, check out J&K. Inspite of the terror attacks, J&K went to polls and people voted. That's what you call Azadi.

  1508. python says:

    islam itslf split in so many countriespakistanchinese muslim territorybangladeshafganistan

  1509. Wasi says:

    Winston Churchill said, “The Indian is a backwards beast. He responds to the slightest incitement. His black skin becomes blacker with rage.”

  1510. spurdozer says:

    Tarun is a bharwaa. HAHAHA.

  1511. python says:

    chinese muslims are arse fuckrd

  1512. Tarun says:

    @FREEsome problem with ur eyesight??? See my last response again

  1513. Free says:

    wasi,it will be khalis-tan, nagaland, aasam, kashmir and my more … and the fucking india will divide into many countries ……….

  1514. python says:

    china gonna attack u infidels

  1515. Kartik says:

    free, your name itself suggests that ur r a free fuck, ur bum & ur entire family is available for free, is it buy one get one free or fuck one fire one free? i am a miser & i want a free deal. So how bout me & my entire army fucking your entire family when we attack eunuchistan & occupy it u motherfucking pigshit

  1516. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1517. spurdozer says:

    Oh Yeah VARUN. Elections manipulated by the Government of India. Han

  1518. Tarun says:

    Spurdozer…thanks again for <><>YOUR<><> introductionHA HA HA

  1519. python says:

    instead of reading namaaz towards mecca u will be looking at beijing.chinese muslims will be soon in pakistan

  1520. Wasi says:

    You Indians are stupid. You killed Gandhi. Now you are replacing him with Modi. He is a fascist and will bring India down. We all know Modi organized the terror attacks. He is a murderer and a liar.Modi killed Hindu pilgrims years ago, just so thousands more Muslims could be killed.NEVER FORGET THAT.NEVER FORGET SAMJHOTA EXPRESS.

  1521. Free says:

    loo g……. aaj pata chala hai k Tarun really main ISI ki ollad hai 😀hahahaha ya phir ko’e goora india aa kar kisi hindo ko chod kar gaya hoga jabhi yey tarun aaya hai .. or phir wo goora apnay mulk mai, maa randi khanay mai, or yey anath aasram mai 😀zabar 10 yar ….. nice tarun …

  1522. spurdozer says:

    @TRUE INDIAN. OBAMA sala jis ki gand maare, Tum Indians saale us ki gaand chaat-tey rehna. hahaha

  1523. Mike says:

    To Wasi & FreeIndiaMuslim……You guys are obviously Pakis from Fuckistan….There is a 99% probability that you are fake Muslims because centuries back those Moguls forcefully converted Hindus to Muslims. You guys are offshoots of those HINDUS. Also, explain me something….when India was split into Fuckistan and India, the Muslim population in India was 8% and Hindu population in Fuckistan was 4%. Today, Muslims population is over 13% in India and Hindu population is less than 0.1% in Fuckistan. In the name of your stupid religion, you marry more than one woman and keep on making kids. Guys, you have a serious problem. Now it's time you both bend over and ask your dumbass Allah to give it to you from behind…..Sadly enough, I must say that the only good things that come out of suicide bombers in Muslim countries is they kill more Muslims than anyone else. I am not a racist but your actions prompt me to write this. I have a simple question for you dumbass Muslims….When you become a suicide bomber and die, there are, so you have been told, 61 virgins waiting for you in the paradise. How about if a Muslim girl becomes a suicide bomber and dies, will there be 61 STUDS waiting for her in the paradise…..Bwhahahahahahahah

  1524. fizzz says:

    Guyzz… I am an indian,, though wazi sounds crazy.. he is right on many things. Lets accept the fact that we have a bunch of hypocrites as our leaders who are in power doing nothing for the country. The war should be declared towards them. Just look atg what priyanka Gandhi said.. would it have been Indira , she would have given a befetting response to this attack. Thats the voice we need to hear.

  1525. Wasi says:

    Fascism is a disease that will bring India down. It had a chance to become a global power. Now it decided to go with Modi, follow his bait, and become a stupid fascist state. This is part of a plot of the goras, to keep India down. THANK FOR COMPLYING!

  1526. Tarun says:

    Wasi…who killed Zia ul Haq…who killed Bhutto father and daughter…Exceptions are there everywhere…but for PAKI Exception is the NORM…

  1527. python says:

    wasi, ur mothers will be sold in chinese markets, they love paki cunts

  1528. Kartik says:

    u fucking fuckistanis r jealous coz pakistan is already getting divided, into punjab, baluchistan, sind, hyderabad, quetta etc, ha ha fucking hell, u r surrounded on all sides by enemies, US on the north, India on the south, china on the west, russia and china are already making a secret deal as to what parts of fuckistan they would take after occupying pakistan, u think US or UN will interfere when china attacks you, no one will stop em coz u r filthy motherfuckers who drink the blood of your own founders.

  1529. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1530. Tarun says:

    Free…Thanks for telling the whole world about your Lineage…

  1531. spurdozer says:

    @ TARUN yaar tension kyun leta hai. Tu duniya main akela hai, yeh sun kai mujhe bohat dukh hua really. Meri baat maan aik baar psychiatrist ka visit kar le, Faida hoga.

  1532. Wasi says:

    Indians have been orchestrated terror attacks in their own country for quite some time.This is just a ploy by Modi to win the election. He is making Congress look stupid. He is trying to replace Gandhism with fascism.

  1533. Varun says:

    @Spurdozer Well if it’s any consolance to you the leader selected is a Muslim too if you wanted to hear it that way.But elections han? Like you mean army chief laying siege on PM and then taking over as president and then some years of lapping up money and weapons decides to go for elections which invarialbly lead to failure govts and then is chucked out of his job himself because he had apparently converted the country into a “Failed State”. Why dont you just sit back and manage your own country first and let us manage ours. Both have enough problems of their own. Just one problem. Terrorism. So do us a favor and kill the terrorists in your country or allow us to kill them. But you dont want to do either. Fine, then pay the price. I just pray the next time it’s not some hotel in Karachi or Islamabad!

  1534. python says:

    wasi even if agree modi did it, what abt attacks at marriot hotel , even that was done by modi?

  1535. Faisal says:

    Hello Wake Up All Indians….Empty some buckets full of water on their heads my fellow Pakistanis. Let sanity prevail.Wow, believing what your “efficient” police and security agencies told you via your great media“They were speaking in Punjab/Urdu…..Marathi”“One Belongs to FaridKot……”“Calls made to Karachi on satellite phones….”Don’t you indians Think before you speak or at least communicate in creating a credible story. Take a look at this extract from Times of India“The arrest of three Pakistani nationals hailing from Multan in connection with Mumbai siege has once again revealed the role of Lashkar-e-Taiba in directly carrying out terror strikes in India after the Akshardham attack in 2002.Police and central security personnel have arrested at least three Pakistanis including Ajmal Amir Kamal, a resident of Faridkot near Multan in Pakistan’s Punjab province. All the three belong to the suicide squad of Lashkar-e-Taiba.The militants had told interrogators that 12 of them had left in a merchant vessel from the port-city of Karachi, which was on its way to Vietnam, from which they got down and rowed 10 nautical miles into Indian waters upto Gateway of India.”Then The Time of India again retracts the story and now has posted this“They had come in a ship and used a boat to come to the shore, said the police. “Four Indians were already on the boat and the terrorists killed three of them while they used one, Amar Narayan, to handle the boat. When the boat was just three nautical miles away from shore, they slit Narayan’s throat and dumped his body in the trawler. They then used their own skill to come to shore.” Are you people gone nuts. Won’t your navy or maritime agency had spotted the trawler this close to the shore.Also the terrorists were so well trained that they got words of appreciation from your own marcos and nsg brethrens in terms of operational preparedness and tactics. If they were so well prepared were they fool enough that they would talk to their high ups any where as to what to do next.In words of your own nsg and marcos greats, commandos are trained to execute their operation in individual capacity once they reach their destinations.Commander (retired) Prakash Panda, who served two tours with IPKF told this to times of India in latter part of his interview (in which he spoke about operation trident the Indian assault on Karachi Port in 1971 war and the current Mumbai Operations)“ I am astonished at the discipline, fire control and flexibility these terrorists have shown. It seems they have had Special Forces training. Commandos are opportunists. They think on their feet. And they are miserly about their ammunition and ration. These terrorists have shown the same trademarks. They have acted to a plan but changed it swiftly when they got a target of opportunity. We had a glimpse of it during the 2001 Parliament attack, but these men seemed to have been trained much better.”Satellite Phones would make these terrorists look a little novice don’t you think, given their intricate planning and execution not to forget the battering they give to your commandos.Reporting confusingly without facts tells only one thing YOU ARE MAKING THIS ALL UP BY YOURSELF AS YOU ARE NOT READY TO ACCEPT HOW MISERABLY YOUR INTEL AGENCIES FAILED TO ACTWe Pakistanis have solid proofs that you are up to the neck involved in Balochistan and arming Taliban who are fighting Pakistani Army.Let the Pakistani ISI chief go to India, as your intelligence agencies have failed dreadfully and need a crash course from someone pro in intel gathering!Fire your intel chiefs and hire some one from Pakistani ISI instead!

  1536. spurdozer says:

    Abe bhaion Karachi main Billi ka baccha mar gaya. I think RAW is involved in this. Saalon main itna hi jigraa hai. Waisey RAW ke agents ka dimaag bhi kitna RAW hai.

  1537. Tarun says:

    Spurdozer…US ki gaand saari umar tum chate rahe ho…apne haath unke saamne faila ke rakha hai…tab khane ko milta hai…India ke saamene failao to hum bhi de denge…

  1538. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1539. Kartik says:

    abey chutiye spurdozer, saala qayar, himmat hai toh saamne aa, saale fake ID ke peeche kyun chupta hai bhenchod, suvarchod. Tum paki sab aise hi ho, saale laaton ke bhoot, baaton se nahi maante, jaake jinnah lund chooso

  1540. Free says:

    tarun….sorry yar main nay mai nay tumhari family k baray mian sab ko bata diya hai. waysay kabhi apni maa say milnay jaatay hooo randi khany mai? kya rate chal rahi hai aaj kal? chaloo ham too moo mangay paysay dain gay .. aakhir wo tumhari maa hai … or wo goora sahab say baat hoti hai ? jo tumhara naja’ez baap hai ?

  1541. python says:

    pakistand new name is lundistan

  1542. Tarun says:

    Spurdozer..psychiatrist ke zaroorat tere president Zardari ko hai…pehle uska illaz to kar…Ha Ha Ha…

  1543. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1544. Kartik says:

    saale bakre ki tarah kasai ke dukhaan ke saamne jaake kathak karte ho, ab tum sab ka sar katega, aur hum log tamaasha dekhenge

  1545. Kartik says:

    Pakistani Cricket TeamShoaib AsslickMisbah ul FuckKhalif FuckoffSalman buttfuckedFuckzid KhanInzamam ul FuckFaisal Loude ke baalNaumanfuckyouallPenis KhanKamran FuckmalKamran Piss ainMansoor assjadShahid FuckridiFuckwar aliFucker gulShoiab FukhtarMohammad fuckifFUCK FUCKISTANAzad Hind

  1546. spurdozer says:

    FAISAL. SOOO true

  1547. Tarun says:

    Free, apne baare mein itna expose mat kar…Kya duniya ko apni kahani bata raha hai…

  1548. python says:

    never in any blogging history, pakistan people have faced so much music , fucking people

  1549. spurdozer says:

    Karthik India main yeh language use kartain hain. Ab samjha Indians aisai kyun hain.

  1550. Kartik says:

    how do u clean ur kalashnikovs btw, with your chota lunds huh, its as if the british banished all the criminals in India to fuckistan and their generations have followed after mass ganrape of PAKI's mothers and grandmothers & great grandmothers

  1551. python says:

    pakistan will beg to IMF.pakistan at mercy of obama/amerika the very states who ideology they want to defeat.

  1552. Kartik says:

    and all the water u drink comes from India remember, we have ur balls in your hands, if we divert all those rivers back to India then u will be left with nothing but pigpiss to drink all your life. I love Modi, hes a strong leader and is required by India to disinfect & exterminate all gandagi from the PAKI gutter.

  1553. python says:

    gtg guys.. fuck these paki behenchods… serve their arses with hot rods.. i gonna screw paki milf, dil of miandad

  1554. AirBoss says:

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Remailer service to send email : Mumbai Attacks<>

  1555. spurdozer says:

    Okay guys, gotta go. May Allah Help all aggrieved families in Mumbai Terror attacks. And these dim-witted Indians.

  1556. Kartik says:

    and if u r so eaget to shake ur booty, then shake it in your own country, dont ever dirty my motherland u motherfuckers or i will bombard the very booty u r shaking here

  1557. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1558. Tarun says:

    Spurdozer…during namaaz pray for good sense for the Islamic radicals in your country…You must realise that Paki is the hotbed of terrorism…if you don’t control this…even your country will get engulfed in it

  1559. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1560. CodeMonkey says:

    Some facts worth pondering over1. Pakistan govt. may not be involved. Zardari came to power in Sep 2008 and this plan was for a year. So that rules out Pakistan govt. involvement or attempts to derail india-pak friendship. Zardari had not even extended that peace card when this plan was being hatched.2. Why did the terrorists choose this time? It was not revenge to some incident. there were no recent provocations. The terrorists didnt even present any demand. They just wanted to show something. Maybe it is part of bigger plan. The intelligence community shud try to find this. I dont think they wud have wasted this much money and their lives for a freak incident.3. The govts shud co-operate and take proactive steps. If Pakistan is really serious abt bettering relations with India, they shud let us route out the Lashkars and Dawood. This is how they can sow the seeds of trust with India and the world. Otherwise, it is all lip service

  1561. Tarun says:

    Spurdozer,Liked ur conceren for the families of those killed in the blasts…Nothing personal against any Paki…but look at the language used by you guys…I have just retorted but not used one abusive word…that’s how we Indians are peace loving…but if you mess with us…we will turn you to raakh…Have a good day !!!

  1562. Kartik says:

    no wonder michael jackson wants to be prophet too, hes eyeing pakistani boys for mass rape in madrasahs, but the bum thirsty mullahs r not giving him a chance, after all its their right

  1563. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1564. Free says:

    hahaha Tarun…..dunya walooo arun 1 anath hai … uss ka dunya mai ko’e nahee mai … only 1 maa hai jo k 1 randi khanay main hai … uss ki help karoo plz….. india waloo help karoo tarun ki .. but wo kaysay help karain gay .. india waloo nay apni maa or bahnoo ko too russai or america ko day diya hai … ohhhhh sorry ………. so saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  1565. pulkit aryan says:

    I completely disagree with what this Pakistani blog has to say…. The country has had an unruly plus big rift between the government and army…. Did Nawaz Shrif knew about the Kargil…. Pakistani army was involved in it with full funds and planning even without the government knowing it. Army rule shows that the country is actually not run by democracy but dictatorship. it is sad that the world has seen Pakistan breeding terror in POK for so long and still that area mind you the country( it is never good to destroy a country and we know that from Iraq , Afghanistan and Viet) has not been declared a threat to nation and world…. Hence there was , is and will be involvement of ISI, Pakistani Army and POK led Terrorist group coupled with Taliban/Al-Q (now) such soul weeping t error attaks… I wish someone could tell these innocent uneduacted ppl who are brain washed to fight so called Jihad that they are not doing this to earn a place in heaven but in deep pits of hell…to all the Indians – Guys lets not swear at them …it is not pakistani ppl .. this is sterotype… lets use are head…This is the reson why the world has never moved on… We Indians Love our country i am deeply hurt by what has happened and I will stand for my country but calling names to all pakistani ppl is not our nature… ” Injustice can never be fought with injustice..” goes for both one who starts it and one who avenges it….gali maat do yaar… gaali dene kuch nahi hoga… hume apna muh nahi kharab karna…God bless India.. and I pray that pakistan comes out of the grips of taliban… they our our neighbors till the time they don’t rest inside India will not rest…

  1566. Tarun says:

    Lets all STOP this here !!!Lets pray for the souls of the dparted ones in the Mumbai attack…No use carrying on with unproductive talk…lets pray that good sense prevails everywhere…PLEASE STOP THIS MUDSLINGING RIGHT NOW….

  1567. Shakèy says:

    Wasi… which office of Goldman sachs do you work for…be rest assured i’ll be looking for u..NY , london ( PBC or rivercourt), SF, frankfurt, Hongkong, any office.. i’ll sure bump into u mate… cant tell u the time or place… but wait n watch.. will surely make u wank in office…

  1568. Kartik says:

    free, its so sad young paki whores r getting screwed by jews in Israel, US UK & India. Salman Rushdie zindabad i mean 'Sir Salman Rushdie' zindabad.

  1569. TRUE INDIAN says:



  1571. Haisum says:

    Okkk … this is to all you ppl who have been replyin to MR. Ahmad Hassan comments.. I understand, you all indians are going through a tough time … and believe me we all (from pakistan) feel for you ..those were inocennt ppl who had nothing to do withanyone.. but for a great nation or atleast for a sensible nation ..these sort of tragedies can be an eyeopener.. but forgive my rude remarks .. you guyz have crossed the limit of insanity… think ppl for GODSAKKE thinkk … blaming everything everything …everytime on pakistan or should isay ISI. We are so used to this that now we have a joke here in Pakistan that when Indian PM gets high fever they blame it on ISI. Ok noww listen ……there is this terrorist who is talking on the phone to one of ur indian TV channel (i think its india TV) and he is telling you something… he knows very very well that he is gonna die and there is no way out for him now. the question I ask you is this ” WHY THE HELL ON EARTH WILL HE LIE”. why will he pretend to be an indian. IF he is from lashker-e-taiba why wont he admit. You might say that caus he doesnt want pakistan or lasker-e-taiba to get the heat. But I ask you whyy …….he believes in fighting and dying …why will he not choose an option that will force his enemy to fight. Thinkkkkkkkkkkk…..You said that indian police caught one or to of these terrorists… i mean guyz where have been living (MARS i guesss) these terrorists never get caught they are fidaaenns they will die before they get caught we (in pakistan) have been fighting them for more than three years now we knoww the whole worlds know. now who are these guyz that you Suuuper efficient police caught “ALIVE”…Still not thinkgin ..Second Point…You guyzz are so damn sure that ISI is behind all this.. lemt me give a reality check .you all know that (i guess) that ISI is intelligence arm of the army. Now whenever you do such a thing..the least you think is what the worst possible outcome will be and no one has to be a genius to figure this out all out WAR OR a limited scale War. Now they know that to fight a war (specially with an enemy who is bigger than ur size) you need a fresh army. What is the current state of our army..Our army has been fighting this so called war on terror for the past 3 years now….. more than half of the army is already engaged. DONT u Think tha ISI would have waited for sometime (even if i believe that wanted to carry out an attack which is reallly dont) so that army can focus on the terrorism issue first. thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk….We have beeen fighting these terrorists for the past 3 years now. we have been fighting them on mountains and in our cities… they have tried to assassinate President Musharraf ..they have assassinated Benazir…One assassination attempt on the current prime minister. They have killed more than “2000 army personal” (high ranks to low ranks) thinkkk for GOD sake… “WHY will ISI still nurture these terrorists” .when they ( terrorists)have turned against those (army) who U Think protets them.Blamingg everyythingg on Pakistan everytimee. I mean “Use your head for a change ppl”. Its like you ppl are BLIND.Take a good look of what has happened in you country. What Happened in Gujarat haaan ask ur self what about Babri masjid.. how many Muslims have died in such massacres and then ask yourself this has justice been done to those who committed these genocides. The wholee world knows that goverment of Gujrat and the cheif minister was involved to some extent. Even US….US denied him Visa. But what happened to him haaaann … “he got elected again thats what happened”.IF GOD forbid your family is massacred like this and you go to court but U dont get any justice. then my friends chances are the one ,two or a dozen of you out of thousands might end up like these terrorists ….now lemme make it clear that i am nott in any way taking side of those “Terrorists” I Abhor them more than you do caus they bring Bad name to my religion as its very obvious from some the posts here. Blaming everything on Pakistan seems to be a in the genes of your government and media from whom you guyz seem to have inherited very well. As they say in Urdu “Pheley apney giireybhan” main jhank ker daikho”. I hope this clears ur head and u start thinkin instead of blaming. We here are sick of fighting and sick of hatred. But noww we are really getting sick of givging u explanations every time u start blame game…. so now if u still dont wanna listen then dudes ….bring it on.

  1572. Tarun says:

    FREE you are a SICK person…STOP ALL THIS RIGHT NOW….AGAR APNE ghar mein maa betiyon ki izzat karta hai to STOP all this nonsense…HAVE I made a single personal comment????DONT BE AN ANIMAL !!!

  1573. Kartik says:

    @shakey i think wasi works in the london office, i have friends there, I will find out, hum dono jaake sabke saamne uska gaand mein danda ghusedenge jaise uska maa ko ghuseda tha 1973 mein

  1574. pulkit aryan says:

    I completely disagree with what this Pakistani blog has to say…. The country has had an unruly plus big rift between the government and army…. Did Nawaz Shrif know about the Kargil…. Pakistani army was involved in it with full funds and planning even without the government knowing it. Army rule shows that the country is actually not run by democracy but dictatorship. it is sad that the world has seen Pakistan breeding terror in POK for so long and still that area; mind you i am not pointing finger at the whole country( it is never good to destroy a country and we know that from Iraq , Afghanistan and Viet) has not been declared a threat to nation and world…. Hence there was , is and will be involvement of ISI, Pakistani Army and POK led Terrorist group coupled with Taliban/Al-Q (now) such soul weeping terror attaks… I wish someone could tell these innocent uneduacted ppl who are brain washed to fight so called Jihad that they are not doing this to earn a place in heaven but in deep pits of hell…to all the Indians – Guys lets not swear at them …it is not pakistani ppl .. this is sterotype… lets use are head…This is the reson why the world has never moved on… We Indians Love our country i am deeply hurt by what has happened and I will stand for my country but calling names to all pakistani ppl is not our nature… ” Injustice can never be fought with injustice..” goes for both one who starts it and one who avenges it….gali maat do yaar… gaali dene kuch nahi hoga… hume apna muh nahi kharab karna…God bless India.. and I pray that pakistan comes out of the grips of taliban… they our our neighbors till the time they don’t rest inside India will not rest…

  1575. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1576. Kartik says:

    but wasi was talking about funding LET with dollars, he must be in the US office, if hes got so much dollars in his arse & guts, its better we take it out by the sharp end of the stick, who knows we might even get weapons of mass destructions hidden in his arse, like it was hidden in the prophet's half cut gay cock.

  1577. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1578. spurdozer says:

    @TARUN.What about Kartik’s aggressive language and python and sab se bada kafir.SEE. Again blaming each other.And if you mess with us. Well you won’t b’cos you guys are afraid of death.AGAIN I am Sorry for your huge loss that is 200 precious lives. Okay I’m off.

  1579. Shakèy says:

    @ Kartik, if he works for GS london, i’ll surely post a pic of this guy Wasi, with his address.. this is the least i can do for all my brothers from india…

  1580. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1581. Kartik says:

    mr spurdozer u r not afraid of death innit, u wannabe terrorist, come kill me if you dare u gay coward

  1582. Gaurav says:

    well….. now i seriously am confused about what this blog is all about!!….. does anyone really get the gravity of the situation which is arising now or people are just busy taking a pot shot at each other!.. what ever has been lately discussed really sickens me and i guess it would do the same to all the ‘sane’ people who read this.i am an indian and proud to be that, and i am sure that even the pakistanis are proud of their country , after all no one would want to stand against their own nation!….to the guyz from pakistan – we are not blaming the whole nation for the ghastly attacks which have taken place in mumbai, but some extreme fundamentalists who have been taking refuge in some part of your nation’s territory… plus to clear a fact …the one terrorist caught is from pakistan- period. so please stop arguing that no one from pakistan is even remotely involved.and yes, please respect sanity and refrain from using really cheap and pathetic remarks aimed at anyone…if angry…put it in a sensible manner and debate on it!an to the indians- please stop blaming all pakistanis / muslims….pakistanis, and i know this for a fact, most of them are the best kind of people i have ever known!….helpful and friendly in everyway!! …and well about muslims…well… its sad that because of a few idiots who call themselves muslims, evryone is blamin the religion!! so please stop blaming islam even!in short…all the guyz here….talk sense please!!

  1583. Kartik says:

    @shakey I want his pic, wherever he is be it UK, US, israel anywhere in the world except pakistan, give me his details, uska gaand maara jaega, i assure u that

  1584. Kartik says:


  1585. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1586. Tarun says: to the other person in his langauge…have I made any personal remarks….fyi…I can use much worse language…but making personal remarks is below my dignity….such remarks reveal the menatality of a person….Lets all pray for peace of the souls of those who have lost their lives….Lets remember we are all HUMAN BEINGS first. MAN came first…religion came later…truly speaking it has caused more harm than good

  1587. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1588. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Ali,Tu pathan hain sunkar mein tel(oil) lagakar aaya hoon. Ab acche bachche ki tarah kolke rakh de..

  1589. Tarun says:

    True Indian…Please STOP this if you are a true Indian…Lets NOT degrade ourselves by using being abusive…Please sit quiet for some time and pray for the dead…

  1590. nevin says:

    how can u say that pakisthan is not involved in this terror plot? our country is bleeding and many innocents lost their lives. but India will come back. No power in this world can distroy we indians national spirit. No terrorist can spoil our great Indian heritage. The one terrorist caught by our commandos has clearly mentioned from where they headed to India. We are not against muslims, but what pakisthan has been doing towards India will ultimately make the rest of the world conclude Pakistan as a terrorist nation and you guys deserve it.Thomas

  1591. Dave says:

    I suggest Ahmed Hassan check http://timesofindia.indiatimes.comand see the video ” I don’t want to die” It’s about his country friend the only terrorist whose life was spared by the Special Forces. He will have a lot of talking to do in the next few days.

  1592. Tarun says:

    Sabsebada kafir…You also please STOP.I think all the Pakistanis here have condemned the terror attack…lets respect them also…War is never the solution to anything..lets get our sanity back and strive for a better worldWe are not Animals !!!

  1593. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1594. Kartik says:

    well said true indian, kya pata mera lauda ki tarah bhi dikhta hoga, mere saamne bhi gaand upar neeche karne do na, main bhi apna lauda dikhaunga

  1595. Shakèy says:

    @ MR Wasi…we are waiting for your reply.. Since you are an I banker who got $2 Million as bonus ( thats peanuts u prick), temme which sector you work for… FIG, Industrials, TMT, Natural resources?????

  1596. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1597. Tarun says:

    Nevin…we have terrorists in India also…right? Just bcoz some insane guys are doing something wrong doestnt mean the whole of Paksitan is like this….Lets behave as responsible citizens of the world…As I said…we are HUMAN BEINGS FIRST…religion…counties are all man made…Infact even the average Indians and Pakistanis are not enemies…enemity between nations is promoted by politicians and I would even say the media which does not behave responsibly…Even US will be interested in Indo-Pak war…thats how they test and sell their weapons…Heard the story of 2 goats trying to cross the same bridge…soes it ring a bell ???

  1598. Ali Ahsan Warraich says: THIS IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES FACTS=FACTS NO BULLSHIT…. television station showed photographs of a phone's log which showed calls had been placed to Jalalabad in Pakistan.These f uckin morons dosent seem to know that Jalalabad is in Afghanistan and not Pakistan. Also, earlier one indian army major was referring to Farid Kot, Pakistan. These rats dosent seem to know any thing!! Farid Kot is in India? HUESS INDIA NEEDED A NEW WAR THEY FORGOT ABOUT 2002 AND 1965 AND 1948 THEY ONLY REMEBER 1971 THE ONE WAR THEY WON BECCAUSE OF BANGLAIES…AND HAAN THESE ATTACK ARE THE BIGGEST DRAMA OF THIS YEAR BY INDIAN TO COVER UP THEIR ASSES READ MY TOPICS AWNSER THEM HOENSTLY ….IF U WANA USE BAD LANGAUGE USE IT CUZ I KNOW ABOUT INDIAN…..BARKING DOGS DON'T BITE

  1599. Kartik says:

    $ 2 million bonus, lauda mila hoga use. He must have got it from a rich paki or arab sheikh to fund the LET, this wasi must be a pimp in between, or mayb he would have got it to sell his mother, sister, son, daughter to a rich arab

  1600. TRUE INDIAN says:


  1601. Tarun says:

    ALI and Karthik….PLS. Continue ur dicsusiion but STOP using abusive language…Don;t give a bad accout of yourself…

  1602. Kartik says:

    @true Indian You r right, a donkey cannot be made to move in a sweet language, it has to be prodded with a stick, but a PAKI is worse than a donkey, A PAKI has to be prodded by inserting the gun of a T 72 tank into a PAKI's arse & firing 10 shells so that he cannonballs back to PAKIgutter

  1603. Tarun says:

    Bye ALL…I am logging off now…tired of this mud slinging…May good sense prevail…

  1604. Kartik says:

    Meaning of PakistanP = PigshiteatersA = AsslickersK = KisspigassI = IgnorantsonofabitchsS = Sexslavesofchinese&IndiansT = ToiletsinklickersA = AssholeexplorersN = NannyfuckersLong live MODI

  1605. SabsebadaKafir says:

    Tarun, My friend I wish you were right! Do you know how Israel deals with Suicide attackers. They go an exterminate their families en masse.That made it very difficult for terrorist outfits to recruit suicide attackers and suicide attacks stopped. There is always a solution for every political problem. The question is “Do we want to implement the right solution”

  1606. Thokuchand says:

    Vinay and all Indians,Remember bravest of bravest Devi Indira Gandhi? She kicked dirty Islamic Pakistan’s ass in such a way, that it took 30 years for Pakistan to recover from that blow.Point is as long as there is coward leadership who are following coward or “GANDU” principle of “GANDU GANDHI”, Pakistan will keep screwing India and Indians. It is bitter truth and all Indians has to swallow it.Asshole Ahmed, Another bitter pill for you. All Islam needs as Islamic ass screwers Like George Bush or Indira Gandhi. As long as no one is following Indiaraji, Bush or Narendra Modi, keep enjoying the cowardness of India and Indians.Thokuchand Hazarimal

  1607. RN says:

    Just shows the famous “DENIAL” tactics by Pakistan. Is your ISI chief afraid of stepping on INdian soil looking at how furious the Indians are at this point? Why did Mr.Foreign Minister run away to Pakistan?? Are you afraid of facing the facts?? Are you afraid that another one of your cheap misadventures like Kargil will backfire on you and find you begging for peace??It looks like your army is scared of facing the Indians on the battlefield after all the humiliating defeats and hence resort to cheap warfare targeting civilians.We dont want to be friends with rogues like you stop begging for good relations – YOU ARE GOING DOWN TO HELL!!

  1608. Tarun says:

    SK (Not comfortable with ur name, hence SK),But its a fact that Hate begets Hate. Has this long chat actualy helped anyone. Who was the winner and who the loser at the end.Actually, we need to think differently and come out with samrt solutions otherwise what is the use of all this. At the end of the day, we are all human beings with our basic human desires.Noone, I repeat, no one is actually bad at heart. It is a few percentage who may be that all bcoz of circumstances who have become such. Go to the bottom of anyone’s heart we all have the same feelings, the same desires, the same fears…So why not co-exist peacefully…Anyway too long to explain now…maybe later…

  1609. Kartik says:

    right said RN, lose yourself as no one can help you now, you r enemies of the world, enemies of all, you have lost the trust of the only country that could help you, now cry over your fate bcoz it wont be long before the combined force of India, US, Russia, China, Afghanistan, Kazakhastan, Israel, UK, France, Canada & Australia will attack you and like Iraq & afghanistan you will tumble and beg for mercy, and mercy will not be shown which ight make u forcefully asslick peoples arses in order to save yourselves. Paki wives would have to get their arses pinched for a loaf of bread, paki children would have to offer their arses for a piece of meat. I think it doesnt make a difference to them anyways because its happeneing currently anyways, but the difference that its the bum thirsty mullahs instead of foreigners, u guys r born to lick ass & we chaps r born to kick ass, u will remain there.

  1610. Kartik says:

    @ tarun – we all wanted peace & coexistence. End of the day we r peace loving people. But what do we get in return for peace 200 bodies, they should be spoken to in their own language. Tarun u might be peaceful because you havent lost anyone, but just go through the feelings of those who have lost people, ther own families. One day when ur own people r killed then you will realise.

  1611. Shakèy says:

    @ Ali, this shows ur ignorance… there is a Faridkot in Multan my friend… not the 1 in Punjab… get ur facts rite before you talk…

  1612. Maverick007 says:

    I think Indians feel they have the bullying rights in the region, and they can point fingers to anyone they feel like!The reason Pakistan came into being in the first place was due to this Indian mentality. Sorry guys, but Pakistani just won’t entertain such hot headedness. Not now, not ever! Deal with it!

  1613. Kartik says:

    khuda ke naam pe phasad kaun kar raha hai?Sitam ko aur gunaah ko jihaad kaun banaa raha hai?Answer – Fuckistan

  1614. AA says:

    Well…first of all Pakistani Govt should get backbone and pull all the troops from Afganistan border and place them on Indian border. Secondly, tell Americans to hell with your war on terror. Let them fight there own wars. Thats what I believe they have told Americans as being reported by Pakistani media.High time! Secondly, Pakistan should blame RAW, Indian Intelligence for Marriott bombings. There is overwhelming evidence that RDX used in the bombings was Indian origin. But due to pressure of Americans, that is not brought to open as that will completely change Pkaistani’s attitude towards war on terror. Third, publish the pictures of Baitallah Musad, The taliban head who is on RAW payroll causing all this terrorism in Pakistan. His picture was snapped coming out of Indian Embassy in Kabul. Why there are twenty plus Indian military posts on Afganistan border? Publish pictures and details of all raw agents caught or died in FATA causing terrorism.Forth, blame India for all terrorism in Pakistan like they do. Pakistan govt. should have some balls and come out and say the way it is…Indians can never fight Pakistan in open war. They know that very well. They might have bigger army but it is a know fact that 1 Paki soldier is equal to 20 Indians. India will never be in direct conflict as no one wins and lost of lot of dollars and business. In last 3 days, 25 billion plus dollars have left India. It is not a safe place. Fifth, Indians should treat minorities with justice.In last 3 months 50 plus churchs have been burned and christinas openly killed. WHY CNN or INDIAN NEWS don’t show that? Pakistan media should not play nice anymore and come out fighting against the western and indian crappy media lies. Sixth, this all shows the incapability of Indian Army, RAW and Intelligence. These idiots cannot control 8 to 10 people for 3 plus days in there city. They were the laughing stock of the intelligence and military failure. How they will handle Pakistani army and so called Taliban if there is a war? All Indians will hide in there wifes saris….Treat minorities right. Seventh…Free Kashmir. The cause of all this problem between the two countires. Unless this done these both countires will never progress and go anywhere. A war will take them 30 years back.Eight, bad time for India coming as no more outsourcing dollars. Obama is not big on India. He is big only on America nd their internal problems. Ninth…Indian elections coming..they needed something like this. Nothing to explain this point is very clear. Tenth and last point…how the hell these people got around in Bambay if there were from Pakistan. They knew town better then some Indians leaving there says Star plus news. What a Joke..this country is….Grow up and if you want a fight than you won’t even know hwat hit you you. Indian will be very sorry if they took this route. I am very sure they are not that stupid. All the world is sorry for that happened. They should join forces and fight. War is not the answer. That is what the bad forces want…

  1615. Balakrishna says:

    @AliWe have the third largest army doesnt mean that it shud attract terrorists …. the main purpose of Army is for a war and not a guirella war fare …. which is an additional task… u ppl if u use the money spent on training of terrorists and use it for some innovative and good purpose,.. ur country ttooo wud prosper like ours…. but u want to live in that cowdung…. we ppl try to uplift ur downtrodden brains but its u who dont want to rise ….

  1616. Kartik says:

    @maverickIf you belong to pakistan you deal with it, we r burning with rage and it is a matter of time this fire will turn into an explosion, u r testing our limits and have perhaps exceeded our limits, you cant live like cowards, one day you will be smoked out of your gutter you cowardly motherfuckers hiding behind the veil of relegion, you r the making of the devil.

  1617. hasan says:

    "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" If you have any recollection of the past, then you know exactly what I am talking about. There are clear signs of External Forces in this Terror Plot. Whether it's the Marriot bombing in Pakistan, or the Mumbai Massacre, someone out there has an agenda and doesn't want Pakistan and India to have peaceful relations. The Biggest Bastards on the planet are the British and they have more secret agencies and plots than you can count. They use the Divide & Conquer tactic to wreak havoc everywhere they go. Look at Kashmire, South Africa, Many African countries, China(Taiwan), Honkong. Instead of pointing fingers and scapegoating a religion, lets mourn the innocent lives lost and pray that such a thing never happens again. The reality is that worst things will happen because a certain group is setting the stage for mankind to destrey each other, so they can rule the few that are left. Every life is important, whether it's a Pakistani, Indian or American. Look on TV, when an American is killed, the entire world hears abot it but when a train is bombed in India or a suicide bomber kills scores of innocent people in Pakistan, the world doesn't even care. There is a big problem and we all need to come together in unity and defeat the enemy of humanity. If you want the truth, thebn google the New World Order . Also, go on youtube and search rothchild conspiracy and illuminati as well. My fellow Indian and Pakistani brothers, we need to stop pointing fingers for once and put all of our differences aside. Do this not for yourself but for the sake of innocent lives that could be lost in the future if we don't open our eyes and educate ourselves and others around us. Tell everyone you know about the NWO and the rothchilds and bilderberg group. we are the pawns in this game and it's time for us to come out of the ignorence that blinds us and take charge of mankinds future. Take care and May Allah Bless us all.

  1618. Shakèy says:

    Maverick, Pakistan came into existance because Jinnah begged and cried for a seperate state.. we guys have a huge heart n gave it to you.. i dont think u know ur history well pal,u guys import even toothpaste.. y am i even bothering to write something abt you guys… waste of my time…you are not even worth discussing…

  1619. Archit says:

    dude dude dudei just remembered a talk i once had wid a pakistanistated in a bus he asked” what would u ask ur child to be if its a boy…?i waas like i want hm to be an engineer…he den asked me wat if its a girl…?i said i would lie her to be a doctor..den he asked me wat if its some one beech ka(a hermaprobide he meant in other words chakka…)my reply was”THOSE PEOPLE FROM AROUND THE WORLD ARE SENT TO THE PAKISTANI ARMY…..nd trust me daz wat the whole of pak ishijde saale sab ke sabek se ek ladologon ko bandhak bane ke kya ladte hochakkon ki aulad saale sab ke sab…

  1620. Kartik says:

    external forces huh, we'd rather have a snake as our friend coz we know atleast when the snake will betray us & bite us. A snake atleast bites upfront unlike you backstabbing traitors. We dont want to be your friends, we will unite with all external forces, the whole world against pakistan.

  1621. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1622. bezan says:

    WAKE UP…DOUBLE FACED …?I kind of placed 2 imp things that come to my mind when we see all this.Double Faced- Pak does not do what they portray..This is Not Now but almost every timeThink of this – the Terrorists had kind of ammunition to attack and sustain , the kind of ammunition for wars for many days…Obviously this points out that they were well supported, funded from high profile authorities…Now they are from Pak like almost most times(please note am not saying every time – but most times),they are young trained and Motivated.Any pak guy can take the stance that they do not support terrorists etc….(Crap) … but it is so obvious that these guys are operating ,training , planning and getting support and funding…so if the Govt or the authorities in Pak cannot control these activities then thats as good as supporting them (BECAUSE THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS SINCE WAY TOO LONG THATS ITS OBVIOSLY HAPPENING UNDER YOUR NOSE and YOUR TRYING TO PORTRAY THAT ITS NOT)No blame game – but there is enuf proof in india and world wide to believe this..since way too long you guys keep bullshitting us that we are suffering from the same thing etc….crap .. Just understand one thing, not controlling extremists is as good as supporting them…Pak could have been wounded by these terrorists but INDIA has been Permanently scared….Every Individual , Govt and Authority has A Role to play in their Own Way – its time we do things more than blaming and taking a more aggressive approach in cleaning this menace-INDIAN

  1623. Mithu says:

    When you remove humanity from a human, he beccomes animal. Muslims, specially Pakis see yourself in mirror. You will see the face of animal, people without compassion and mercy.India should and must boycott all diplomatic ties with pakistan and grant it the status of “The Greatest Indain Enemy”. It must and must stop playing all sports with Pakistan, cricket and hockey and should boycott all international conferences where Pakistan is invited. India should play an active role globally for all states to label Pakistan as “Terrorist Country” All aids to Pakistan must be stopped and country should be isolated from International Arena.Please confirm your support to my comments.

  1624. Kartik says:

    you killed so many people in the last few months, do you think their cries and the curses of their relatives will ever forgive you. Even Allah will disown you, u belong to no one, u r just piece of scum. I know in pakistan u will be rewarded as 'Shahid heroes' and sweets will be distributed. you will say 10 of your people held the entire mumbai at your whims. But remember there is a difference between NSG commandoes & u terrorists. NSG commandoes r human & care for hostage lives. Had it not been for the hostages, just one NSG commando would be enough to exterminate cowards like you, you backstabbing bastards.

  1625. Kartik says:

    i eat basmati rice, but since its imported from pakistan, I have stopped eating basmati rice from today, i would rather survive on 'Chinese' noodles & Indian pickle than rice grown by animals.

  1626. Kartik says:

    i burnt my curtains made in pakistan and named my potty toilet after LET

  1627. Sandeep says:

    We don’t need to give any explanation whether Pakistanis are involved or not its pretty evident from the statement that the terrorist gave, I just have one request to Pakistanis or terrorists, please let us live and don’t test our patience we don’t want Pakistan to be another Iraq, don’t force us to do that !

  1628. Shakèy says:

    @ Kartik Bhai..awesome stuff…. keep it going… lets show them that we have more substance .. they are all FART and no SHit…

  1629. Shakèy says:


  1630. Balakrishna says:

    kyun be bolti kyun band ho gayi….. 10 indian commandoes waisi harkat karte pakistan mein to pata nehi pure hinjdo ki fauz ko bula lete aur apni chuda lete ……. hain tumhare paas waise commandoes ?? are bhool gaya tumhe kyun jaroorat hogi waise commadoes ki , tum log hi to dehshat failaate ho …. woh to sirf humare jaise desh ko jaroorat hogi …..

  1631. kap says:

    Wow wow!! lots have been said here. I would say, not the fingers but all guns are already being pointed towards Pakistan at this early stage. Like quick justice system crime has been detected, criminal has been found and the verdict has been given now only the execution is left. I can imagine what to come next. Well I guess it is time to discuss some facts with my dear Indian friends. First of all, I just saw the picture of the terrorist who was wandering and killing people at CST railway station. Interestingly, I noticed that he had an orange thread band on his right wrist, which is a clear symbol of him being a Hindu. Why the hell Indian media is not noticing that and I wonder would it have been ignored if it was a “Taweez” or a Quran? Did you guys hear the statements like; “foreign looking, fair skinned” men…Three men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing…“They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed,” says Mr Amir. Above given comments are taken from the following link: But I am sure you can verify these comments from other sources. Additionally, how convenient it has been for Indian law enforcement agencies that they captured a terrorist who has allegedly spilled all beans. I wish Pakistan would also face the same kind of terrorists who would get caught and tell the whole story rather than blowing themselves into little pieces. One thing is very clear my friends, terrorists who can execute this level of atrocity can only be caught, if we are lucky, after death. By the way, what kind of name is this, Azam Amir KASAB? I am from Pakistan and I never heard about anyone who’s name is KASAB. KASAB is the usual term for a butcher and it is a fitting title for such an inhuman being. But I am sure there won’t be any Pakistani with this name. Are you Indian sure that this is not a cover up drama of Indian intelligence agencies who must be busy in hiding their tracks in the recently investigated Hindu Terror Network. BY THE WAY WHO SAYS EVERY TERRORIST IS MUSLIM? Who is running the separatist movements in Aasam, Naga land, Tamil Nado and God knows at how many other places in India. The difference is only that Muslims are being profiled regularly as terrorists and the fact is that Muslims are the most affected race from terrorism. Pakistan also got the strong reasons and suspicion that India is involved in backing the terrorists in Pakistan’s North West area and this is done in collaboration with Afghan government and secret service. But without any strong evidence Pakistan government has not blamed India for any disaster. Anyway, we were talking about Hindu Terror Network (HTN), what a coincidence that the very first victims of this tragedy were the honest officers of ATS who were investigating the HTN. All I can see is that in the wake of Mumbai tragedy, Indians are pushing the accelerator to throw Pakistan in the corner. This approach is very similar to the one which USA took after 9/11. It is evident that multiple objectives have been achieved by this saga. Investigation for HTN is pushed behind the scene, ATS officers who were investigating the crime are murdered, attention is diverted from recent Hindu extremists crimes of killing and destroying Christians in Orisa in large numbers, Muslims in general and Pakistan specifically is profiled and categorized as extremist and terrorist, attention of the new coming USA administration has been attracted as the USA, British and Isrealies citizens are targeted in this tragedy. Even the fascist leader like Narindar Modi is throwing the idea up in the air that Pakistan has violated the UN code…hmmm seems like he is trying to attract the international sympathy and support. Last but not least, it is not the very first time that we are receiving the ultimatums and threatening language from India. I still remember the statements of the Indian leaders after the Indian nuclear explosions. Open up the record and see how severely Pakistan was threatened until Pakistan did its own nuclear explosions. I can sense the same sensation and heightened sense in the comments given in this forum. It seems that it is totally proven like a Universal Truth that Pakistan has done this act of barbarism and now Pakistan is on defensive and we(Indians) can push Pakistan to the wall. Please let me assure you that we are not on defensive because an ordinary Pakistani like me can also articulate India’s politics and mood of its public. In my opinion, for India Pakistan is like a black box, about which they hear often from their media but they know nothing. Therefore, I am not shocked from the superficial comments made in this forum, which refer to wiping Pakistan from the face of this earth. Please let me also tell you that we are fully aware that we still exist because we have proven ourselves worthy for being existed and we will continue doing so. It would be much better if Indian can divert their dreams and energies to more possible targets. One thing that I guess nobody realizes in India that Pakistan came into existence because of the behaviour of Hindus and it keeps getting strong because of the same behaviour. I am sure my remarks are going to attract the nasty comments about Pakistan, its existence and its strength but your opinion might not be worth real attention, as I said, Pakistan is a black box for India and Indians really don’t know much about Pakistan. All that Indians know is the myth that Pakistan is an enemy but they would never understand the fact that Pakistan is a friend which they keep turning into enemy.

  1632. pulkit aryan says:

    About the video on youtube by the Pakistani Journalist…( very sad again )Who the hell is anchor… why did NSG did not clear out the terrorist within 24 hrs… ???? Do u have any idea how many ppl were hostage inside…… is it tht hard understand…. You don’t know the art of combat then shut the fuck up….Rahi baat India’s RAW involved in Pakistanis bomb blast…. then prove it… give us some fucking damm proof… everytime we give you a reson that pakistan in involved we give the supspect we give you the person … You did not even come to take ur soldiers body from kargil war… u tell us how u are involved… are u fucking shitting… tell this anchor to get her facts right… dont brain wash your “Kaum”…..aur rahi baat groups in India … yea we do and it is sad… ULFA ( main group in Assam) is not easy to engage with…. they fight guriella war… jab banjar jameen wale afganistan se US ( mind you they were ruthless coz it was not their country getting destroyed .. so they just bombed whatever came in front of them..) could not take out Taliban …how do expect Indian army to just go in Assam in dense jungles and fight in their own country….This anchor has totally shifted the focus from the terrorist who ORIGINATED from pakistan’s soil…. and involvement of Terrorist group ( mind you not pakistani civilian or the country as whole ) to how Indians do terrorism…Miss Anchor you have laid out some serious allegations plz come up with proof to back them up… yeh koi gudde gudiya ki shaadi nahi ho rahi hai….Sad thing is India has never attacked a country but have always believed in “protecting out nation from Inside”….. and we are still litigating over issue like should afzal be hanged or not….About the armymen involved in training… they should be hanged with no mercy…like any other terrorist ….. DeshiDhrohi are not welcomed…

  1633. mast says:


  1634. Balakrishna says:

    where did these Paki patriots disappear all of a sudden ???? shayad current kat gaya hoga pure pakistan mein ….. hahahaha

  1635. bezan says:

    I'll re-iterate what I said earlier-YOUR(pak) are DOuble FAced..BLAME GAME CAN CONTINUE ETC BUT THERE IS ENUF SENSE & PROOF IN THE ENTRIE WORLD AND INDIA that whuz the Real culprit.–"PAK IS DOUBLE FACED "LIKE HOW U ARTICUALTELY REPLY AND BLOG HERE BUT U DONT DO MUCH behind the scenes TO PUT AN END TO THIS MENACE…suggestion – Spend time to Clean the dirt in yourHouse cause that is infesting and harming ours.BEware…!!-INDIAN

  1636. sujit says:

    shut up all motherfucking paskistani pussies, fuckers don’t have the balls to come fight face to face, the whole country needs to boycotted from the whole world

  1637. grren world says:

    To the author of this blog –The problem with pakistan is denial. If you would face the truth, you will able to live in peace. Any drug addict – does not say he is an addict, a theif does not accept he is a theif.With such flourishing terror infrastructure and bombing happening on a regular basis in pakistan itself. Any major terrorist attack in world has a root and link to pakistan. You are behaving like an irresponsible child who is afraid to confess his mistake. Grow up – It is already late.Comment on wasi – He is not worth a response. People like him have singular ability to lower the level of a debate. Half baked cookie.

  1638. gugi says:

    wasi madarjaat..kahan hai..madarjaat aata kyoon nahin..we will finish you

  1639. gugi says:

    waasi teri maa ka bhosda

  1640. Gill says:

    Great Great blame on each other. Blame and shame. Why India and Pakistan? Both are fanatics. Fanatic Cricters,Fanatic muslims and Fanatic Hindus. Great Polititions. lie, lie and Denie. Who care about facts. Friendship and backstabbing. Our nations moto and logo. Talibans or Sikhs, Create and Distroy. Great Power Pakistan. Earn your living creating and distroying. Who created Talibans and who backstabs thems. Think twice we are fighting agianst terrorism. helping americans to flush these extermist out. Great polititions. And now we always blame. Blame for our every problem. Our problems, all our problems created by our neighbouror. Very bad we are clean. We never unstand our problems. We not honest, not honest for friendship. We are all happy within ourself and dont need friends. Friends living next door. Religion is our political game plan. We always use this card to win elections. We love movies which show guy praying in mosque, marrying in church and thanking in gurudwara. We want to get rid of all these religions and create a human who have no religion or who dont know which religion he belong to. We forget the meaning of religion. So no religion no desciplain. So where is solution to this problem. NSG or terrorism, jihad. No its within our politics. Be honest and recoganise the truth. Say yes to what we did wrong and face it. Lets together build and new world where there is a honest muslim, honest hindu, honest sikh honest cristian, Honest jew and hpest… So recognise each other and recognise honesty and religion. Be true to yourself and others.

  1641. UG says:

    If not Pakistan….Whom?Just go ask Pkistam Inter Srrvices Intelligence and tey will give you all the details about the terror attack.Pakistan is a hateful, ignorant, terrorist breeding nation that is obsessed with India and keeps denying roles in any attacks in India.

  1642. Nikku says:

    I am surprised to see the kind of comments we all are exchanging. Looking at the blog, it does not seem that the people are illiterate. Guys, do we really want to solve this problem or like politicians we will just blame and keep quiet. The heat will be on for a few days and everybody will keep quiet.I think the question should not be Pakistan, India, Hindu, Muslim. The question should be Terrorist or Not? If anybody knows what makes a person terrorist then let us discuss that. This might help all of us to find some solution. Is it that those people really know what they want?How one turns into this act? I have seen a few movies where it is shown – but are those comments enough to make some person a terrorist? So what I believe is that there is something – some discussion which must be happening, or which is told to them which is far above than this. What is it? Can someone think of it?Once again, please stop saying that Pakistanis were involved. RAW was involved. Being Indians, we never forget that Pakistan was part of India and in India I have seen Muslims and Hindus celebrating their festivals and ceremonies together. I hope the same thing would be in Pakistan. One thing, Ahmed, when I was in USA in 2000 I always used to hear about strong security. We saw 11/9incident. Could anybody belive at that point of time that some people can intrude like this? The Indian Security as compared to USA may be strong but is not advanced. We do not have security cameras in water yet. There is still trust factor. There could be n number of things by which terrorists could have breached the security. So the argument of how they passed dockyards is not a surprise, in fact you can imagine how perfect these terrorists plan?I agree with what Vinay said in his comment.Ahmed – The point is not whether there are substantial evidence or not but do you agree that whoever is done this – this is not right. INstead of finding out loopholes in what is said against pakistan why don’t you spend sometime and gather evidences against terrorists as well.

  1643. grren world says:

    to kap,I am amazed at your surprise. Trust me nothing surprises me about pakistan – not even your surprise. Terrorists have been known to use army uniforms, police uniforms, vehicles belonging to security personnel on a regular basis. And you are surprised at the thread. Wow you guys get surprised at a thread on one end and provide training to terrorists at other end in your backyard. Surprise surprise …

  1644. rana says:

    After listening an interview with the terrorist on indian media we have tried to recall some questions and answers(answers are based on the stupid questions) which are as follows.Indian Anchor person: Aap ka nam?Prank call Terrorist says: ImranIndian Anchor person: Aap kai sathi ka nam?Prank call Terrorist says: SadullahIndian Anchor person: Acha koi hindu bhi hai ap mai ya sab muslims ho?Prank call Terrorist says: Bagwan kasam sab muslims hainIndian Anchor person: Aap heydrabad Pakistan say hai ?Prank call Terrorist says: Yadi mai bharat kai pachim sai poorab ki dishaoun ki or sai hun matlab pakistani punjabi hun.Indian Anchor person: Aacha apa yeah bataee kay aap kaha say or kaisai aayi haiPrank call Terrorist says: Titanic karachi sayIndian Anchor person: Acha apkai boat pai khuch likha howa tha?Prank call Terrorist says: G PakistanIndian Anchor person: Acha woh jo boat kai sath pani laga howa tha woh kahan ka thaPrank call Terrorist says: G woh bhi pakistani thaIndian Anchor person: Aap ka talaq kis lashqar say hai:Prank call Terrorist says: G lashkare pakistan saiIndian Anchor person: Aap ko pata hai aap ko commando maar dai gaiPrank call Terrorist says: nahi hamain nahi pata ham to yahan amb lainai ai thaiG zara jaldi interview lain bahar comandos nanagai phir rahai hainIndian Anchor person: Ap ki mangai kiya hain?Prank call Terrorist says: G comandoes ko kahain kai mun dhanp lainIndian Anchor person: Achaa aap yeah batain kay aap kitnay loog hai? aur aap ko pata hai aap masoom logou ko maar rahay hai ?Prank call Terrorist says: yai hamai a kai pata chala hai kai ap waqai bohat masoom hain pailai hamai vishwash nahi thaIndian Anchor person: aap ko pata hai aap ko charoo taraf say commandos nay gahair lia hiaPrank call Terrorist says: ider to 3 tarafain hain chothi ka hamai pailai nahi tha pata

  1645. Kartik says:

    Abe kap, I think the Mullahs in your nieghbourhood, took a dozen kids like you, chopped your pricks & made delecious sheekh kebab out of it & gave it all to you to eat, ou speak the flavour of your own penis, you motherfucker. F

  1646. Abhijit Khare says:

    people talking about the time NSG took…… fortunately our NSG is not a pakistani agency so they had to keep the hostages safe AND gun down the terrorists….. they didnt have to just shoot fish in a barrel…Wasi…. kudos to u man…. from a tragedy like this u go onto penises, aish rape videos and what not…. for a $2 M investment banker with an xtra long dick u surely have the worlds smallest brain…. and since u have brought china into this…. the grenades recovered are MADE IN CHINA…. i wonder who has all arms provided to them by china…. can u think of someone????People who are saying that its all managed by indians (this whole saga)… even ur financer US is saying that preliminary reports point to LeT….Another point…. India has not blamed Pakistan…. it is blaming ELEMENTS in pakistan…. even u wud accept that in your out of control afgan border area there are lots of anti social elements who just WANT to ruin ur country image… and ours too…To the instigator of this cyber discussion….. u really deserve a spanking to suggest that those people have arrived from karachi to mumbai in rubber dinghys… next thing u’d say is that they swam here… The police didnt conveniently catch that terrorist guy…. he dropped his gun after being shot on his hand…. and he pretended to be dead till the paramedics noticed he was breathing…. and guess what he says after waking up “I dont want to die”…. how FUCKING ironic…. a murderer of SOOO many people wants to LIVE…. yeah sure let hiim live… he too came to visit SRK and wandered across the maritime border didnt he? Even ur foriegn minister made SUCH a diplomatic statement “The pakistan Govt is not involved in this”…. of course it isnt…. as we all know, their army and ISI is autonomous…. they stage coups and all dont they….anyway…. we havent blamed their govt at any time…. its people like LeT operating off ur land who are sullying ur own image…. its up to u to improve ur image…

  1647. Kartik says:

    Face the facts, you pigshit eaters all this time I was dreaming about killing one mujahideen in my life and not innocent paki people, I will now start dreaming about killing every paki people regardless of whether they r innocent or mujahideen scum. I dont give a flying fuck now coz I got to realise the bitter truth now. You wanna noe. Its because‘NO PAKI IS INNOCENT’

  1648. rana says:

    Hello hindus,I will only say kai tum itnai zaleel,manhoos or kameenai ho kai tumhai martai sath hi aag mil jati hai think on this…and us kai bad bhi aag hi aag hai, so baz a jao blaming muslims, kitna zulam hai sab khud kartai ho nam hamara lagati ho you have to pay for this. Jan nahi chootai gi, mout kai bad bhi, hamara zayada sai zayada kiya kar lo gai? body or soul ko ilehda kar do gai? Bas?Us kai bad ki life khatam honai wali nahi hai so think about this…Fire hi Fire hai so baz a jao.

  1649. Kartik says:

    Indian Driving license question Question – You are driving a jeep or truck, what do you do when the following comes in front of you?a. A dogb. A donkeyc. A pakiAnswer :-a. If its a dog in front u maneuvere the vehicle in front of the dog so that it gets scared & runs.b. If its a donkey you maneuvre the vehicle from behind, because donkeys tend to run forward during distressc. If it is a paki, FLOOR THE DAMN ACCELERATOR & RUN OVER THE PAKI

  1650. grren world says:


  1651. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1652. murad says:

    Come on guys lets accept to the fact that our country(Pak) is troubled and it is getting worse with diversified wrong ideas and no solutions and our mind is filled with hate towards other people which is being preached. we can be smart and clever like the western people but we are thaught destruction and where we make things complicated to ourself and our future generations…..please think positive and good… because of you all I have spoilt my life and on top of that me and my family have been facing trouble for last three years….. mind it these terrorist are jeopardising our living in peace. we have started all the terrorism so now the rest of the community is takin revenge because of our previous history (pls read the history books)… I advise all my muslim brothers to read the Quran properly and think over for our future…..

  1653. Kartik says:

    abey madarchod rana, tera lauda bhi kaatke sheekh kabab banaya hai kya? ya tera gaand maara gaya hoga jab tuu namaaz kar raha tha, saala aag ka baat karta hai, jaise tum logon zulm hi nahi kiya. Sitam ka talaab hai tera desh, suvar ki aulaadon, qayar saale, himmat hai toh saamne ladon bhenchod

  1654. Kartik says:

    It is now a global war, pakistan against rest of the world allied and united, i think a small country like israel is good enough to destroy coward gutless pakistan

  1655. murad says:

    come on guys stop all these….

  1656. Kartik says:

    in a city of cleanliness, do you know where bacteria, virus and harmful parasites are generated, in the gutter. If this world is the city, then that gutter is pakistan, its high time we sanitise the gutter & sanitise it and exterminate every rat living in it and prevent the world from the disease called terrorism.

  1657. Kartik says:

    When India will occupy pakistan, I will be proud to instate Narendra Modi as the chief minister for the pakistan state of India. He will be responsible for cleaning the dirt. Like how Lala Lajpat Rai had cleaned the dirt like the hyderabad nawab in India.

  1658. grren world says:

    To Ahmed,Do not deluge yourself. Face the reality. By denying you are only making yourself more miserable. There is absolute proof in the rest of the world about pakistani terror infrastructure- Pakistan is not on the side of civilization. It has chosen to side with barbarism of terrorism. From its public to its government, everyone is or was involved.Know what – even the mighty force of Hitler could not stop the advance of civlization. What are you guys? The march of civilization will trample and annihilate all your terrorist influences and infrastructure -sooner or later. Hear the noise…It is coming….

  1659. ProudIndian says:

    Murad it cannot be stopped now….. something in us has snapped…. at last enough is enough…. we have dealt with enough things that unfortunately have roots in ur country…. we do c that most of u are allies but it doesnt change the fact that some of you are enemies… as wasi exemplifies….we have been robbed of innocence and people like ahmed and wasi are making things worse….

  1660. Kartik says:

    I can hear the sounds of russian T-72's and american warships ha ha ha ha ha ha, deal with it motherfuckers you are surrounded & doomed and an entire nation is burnt for the sake of 10 stupid sisterfuckers.

  1661. Kartik says:

    pata hai namaaz kyun karte hain, taaki prophet peeche se aake unke gaand maare. Woh bhi din mein paanch paanch baar, no wonder the prophet was a mass gay rapist… ha ha ha ha

  1662. Kartik says:

    btw why dont u do namaz in the night, oh i think the gay prophet is so tired after bumming you five times a day that hes cooling off his half cut prick in the refrigerator, but he wants you to go to stone age innit, where will he get a refrigerator in the saudi desert huh?

  1663. kuky says:

    The main problem is the either one can fight or work for progress.Unfortunately or fortunately ,India is too busy progressing to be one of the top country in the world and hasnt got no time to fight or waste.Wish Pakistan did the same.When we all die one day God is going to ask us ‘Were you an Asset or a liability to the beautiful world i made for you’ (he wont ask which religion you followed)Satyakam Arya

  1664. Kartik says:

    and y r u against pigs? saala prophet suvar se shuru kiya hoga, pehla suvar ka gaand maara hoga. EUREKAWhen you pose and move ur arse up & down during namaz, it resembles the booty of a pig dancing to the tunes of qawali. The prophet wants to see a pig's arse in every PAKI during namaz and butthole them from behind as if they were pigs…..

  1665. Ravi says:

    I dont understand why the hell are we still talking about relations with Pakistan!!! it is an exercise in futility…those guys will never change…we should sever all relations with those buggers – political, economic, trade etc and go hunt the b….ds who organized this and give them the most torturous death one can think of…cmon India dont spare them no matter what

  1666. Kartik says:

    no one will be spared, so much so that the prophet will have no arse to screw and he will have to start with pigs all over…. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha DEAL WITH THAT U PAKI MOTHERFUCKERS

  1667. Saheel says:

    heyIts high time when we Indians take things seriously. Pakistan ISI is not only envious of Indian growth and prosperity, they want to disrupt peace in out great country. If Pakistan govt. is a pussy and cannot control its military or ISI, then they shud allow the Indian govt. to take control and kill all the idiotis and havoc creating islamic terrorists.

  1668. yazad.irani says:

    hi pakistani and indian brothers alikeaccording to me the indo pak terror issue is goin all wrong we r not blame pakistan for the attacks all we r sayin is pakistan is not bein able to handle the terror issue well and now that is affectin india. y dont we ever here india bein repossible 4 any attack in pakpak is ignorin the issue and now its come to haunt them. even the president elect obama has told pak to buckle up and take the issue seriously

  1669. Kartik says:

    Mr Yazad, we are a little out of touch with pakistani news, elaborate us on what terrorist activities we have conducted on pakiland?

  1670. Kartik says:

    Mr YAZAD please tell me the name of one Indian who was responsible for bombing or carnage in pakistan, just one name…..

  1671. Kartik says:

    and y r u against pigs? saala prophet suvar se shuru kiya hoga, pehla suvar ka gaand maara hoga. EUREKAWhen you pose and move ur arse up & down during namaz, it resembles the booty of a pig dancing to the tunes of qawali. The prophet wants to see a pig's arse in every PAKI during namaz and butthole them from behind as if they were pigs…..

  1672. Rajshekhar says:

    Everyone knows Dawood is in Pakistan, If you people have so much guts to fight terrorism and really intend to why don’t you hand him to India.

  1673. grren world says:


  1674. yazad.irani says:

    hey guys u know what i just read about 10 15 comments and u know what i dont think we hv learnt anything y do u think pak militants were sent to india to create this huge chaos. i bet 15 20 indian militant could hv put their ass on the line the same way infact they could hv got even more pakis were sent for 1 reason SO THAT TODAY THIS BLOG WOULD BE READ BY 100S AND 1000S OF US AND WE COULD FUCK EACH OTHERS BRAINS OVER IT.PAK BASTARD INDIA BASTARD PAK BASTARD INDIA BASTARD GROW UP DICK HEADS THAT WHAT THE MILITANTS WANT

  1675. Saheel says:

    Cut these terrorosts pinus, and then tung it in the streets of Islamabad, Karachi as well as in Dawood Ibrahims pussy. That mother fucker might be hiding in his mothers pussy, no wonder he has not shown his face to India since long

  1676. Avish says:

    Wasi… common say the truth, have u ever seen 1000$. I think u said littlebit wrong, u must had not given those 1000$ for mumbai victims, but u must have given those 1000$ to terrorist fund to buy more bombs n guns to save ur ass. And about hindu terrorist, if hindu would be terrorist then first thing they would do is to fuck ur mother n sister in front of u, not like the cowards who came to mumbai at night time to hide themself.

  1677. mekha says:

    India is a very strong country. . We dont need any relationship with pakistan. We understand you are jealous. But dont u ever dream that this is gonna stop the growth of our powerful nation.Jai Hind.

  1678. Rahul Mandale says:

    Terrorism don’t have religion. I agree. But nowdays more Muslims are involved in Terrorism. Looks like more % of muslim makes more terrorism. It is time that India will teach one day very good lesson so that they will mind their own business instead of others. Regards, Rahul Mandale

  1679. grren world says:


  1680. Saheel says:

    yazad.iraniPakistanis are cowards,they start defending themselves when any kind of blame comes to their head. Its proved that majority of the pakistan support or are personally involved in terririst hardcore ideology, So it is the duty of the other peace loving nation to decapitate and destroy these fanatical maniacs who staight is not heaven or virging or alcohol but hell, fucking ugly sluts and poison respectively.

  1681. Prashant says:

    Mate, you are ignoring that the captured terrorist is a Pakistani national. As much as I am frustrated with Pakistani shelter (as acknowledged by your govenment itself) of terrorist outfits like LeT, JM, Taliban, Al Qaeda and Dawood Ibrahim, I dont want to see a condition where the two countries go to war. My best friend is half pakistani, I love Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Ghulam Ali. There is so much common amongst two countries. Pakistan needs to restructure ISI which is a state within a state which sponsors terror against India and protects Osama bin Laden. This is an undisputed fact. Pakistan needs to root out these terrorits camps and both India and Paksitan should agree on converting the LoC into international border to finally resolve the issue. This does not mean extremists will still create unrest, but it will be substantially lower than current. As much angry I am and wish India conducts hot pursuit in PoK, I dont think that is the right and long term solution. Pakistan needs to clean up its house of the terrorist camps and the corrupt incorrigible ISI.

  1682. Prashant says:

    Mate, you are ignoring that the captured terrorist is a Pakistani national. As much as I am frustrated with Pakistani shelter (as acknowledged by your govenment itself) of terrorist outfits like LeT, JM, Taliban, Al Qaeda and Dawood Ibrahim, I dont want to see a condition where the two countries go to war. My best friend is half pakistani, I love Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Ghulam Ali. There is so much common amongst two countries. Pakistan needs to restructure ISI which is a state within a state which sponsors terror against India and protects Osama bin Laden. This is an undisputed fact. Pakistan needs to root out these terrorits camps and both India and Paksitan should agree on converting the LoC into international border to finally resolve the issue. This does not mean extremists will still create unrest, but it will be substantially lower than current. As much angry I am and wish India conducts hot pursuit in PoK, I dont think that is the right and long term solution. Pakistan needs to clean up its house of the terrorist camps and the corrupt incorrigible ISI.

  1683. yazad.irani says:


  1684. yazad.irani says:


  1685. yazad.irani says:


  1686. yazad.irani says:


  1687. yazad.irani says:


  1688. yazad.irani says:


  1689. yazad.irani says:


  1690. yazad.irani says:


  1691. murad says:

    Dear friends…. I think all this has nothin to do with religion.. as my uncle in pak advised there are a few mastermind leader who receives a lot of money from unknown people and these mastermind leaders are so good in talkin innocent lads that they talk them into it and motive the young lads to do this….. all this terrorism is motivated with finance but with wrong notion of faith… i hope u all understand….

  1692. grren world says:

    TO Prashant,Be careful with your words. You will be saying the same words after 30 years if you follow the same policy you have been following for the last 30 years. It is time to take action not sit down. World cannot be inherited by cowards.India must unite the world and fight and defeat this war on terror – whatever it takes.By ignoring the signs of Hitler’s ambitions, the world had to pay a bigger price later.The world has ignored terror for too long. I am afraid if we don’t unite in our fight against terror, we might see a nu*clear strike and then it will be too late.I know we will annihalte terr*rorists sooner or later – the question for the world is at what price.

  1693. Saheel says:

    Islam says kill all the infidels(Kafirs), where ever they can find. I appeal to all the Indians and espeaially hindus to understand that kafirs or infidels are the one who are non believers in Islam. So folks what do u do to people who try to kill you, U retaliate and finish people who believe in such pathetic and fucking ideology. I am a strong believer in Lord Krishna and Islam has no fuckin right to tell me that I shud not believe in my god.

  1694. grren world says:

    to murad …and your ISI/GOvt has no clue about it..give me a break. Shut your has gone for too long…

  1695. yazad.irani says:


  1696. raghavan says:

    all terrorism around the world points out at Pakistan.the only country which openly recognized Taliban was Pakistan.ISI used Taliban to have control and occupation of Afghanistan in late 90’s.ISI was behind killing of benazir butto who they thought was moderate and would be a great resistance if she came to power.all terrorist activities in one way or other is connected to Pakistan’s ISI.US supported indias stand on ISI directly linked with Kabul -Indian embassy bombing.if world community does not come forward in tackling this menace of ISI then there will be many more killings.actual war on terrorism is not in Afghanistan or in Iraq but right inside Pakistan.there are hundreds of terrorist camps well with in Pakistan which are the main breeders of inhuman terrorists.Pakistan is a terrorist country.

  1697. Ten Homes says:

    Both countries are hurt by poverty, inflation and now terrorist. Can we get our act togther like adults and get rid of this wannabe Mullahs who are bend on capturing not only NWAR or Peshawar but whole of Pakistan? They want to provoke India to take the shit out of Pakistani army (which has now began to fuck these Talibans in NWAR and Swat) so that these Talibans can then take over. End game. WAKE UP Pakistan and India, joint hands and wipe out these snakes in ISI. ISI wants a Islamic Pakistan, full control not these Zardari and NS and other BS. Only way to get that is if they can ceate an emergency or war with India. Till then they will keep hitting India. India is boiling over and Pakistan is in self denial over the very rogue element that will one day wipe out democracy and take Pakistan back to what Afghanistan was few yrs back. If Pakistan seem to want that, it is there death wish. They are running out of time fooling themselves. Strange thing is under Mush LET and JM had gone underground but are now coming out again. These are dangerous time, think beyond penis and doing boys.

  1698. murad says:

    to grren world..yes and unfortunatly.. one of them are ISI…

  1699. khozi says:

    Since it has long been established that the terrorist are trained in Pakistan, “with or without the consent of the Pakistan Government”, the people of Pakistan or the Pakistani Government should have no objection, if from now on India, like the US and Israel, decides to protect its Sovereignty by conducting raids on these terror training camps, within Pakistan.Actually I wish the Indian government had the conviction and the balls to do this.

  1700. grren world says:


  1701. Saheel says:

    yazad.iraniYo Yo Yo To mr yazad do not make the mistake of comparing Indian and pakistan , Indian is way ahead and is on the path to be the next super-power by 2020. Pakistan is 50 years behind India. Its not only backward economically but olso politically. If you read or see the news then its evident that pakistan is begging for money from UN, US and other countries. U know where do 26% 0f inflation in pakistan come from. The money they get from Un is concentrated in making bombs,guns and other ammunitions. I appeal to all that pakistan shud be isolated so that their terrorist intent does not blossom

  1702. grren world says:


  1703. grren world says:


  1704. Saheel says:

    khoziDo not try to question the conviction and ball of the Indian govt. They are way larger than the pakistani govt. U guys pray to ur god of ur safety because in killin the terrorists the effects can be heard by the innocents as well.

  1705. Omkar says:

    It seems u still don’t read the news. They landing site was not “gateway off India “, it was Fish Market at Cuffe Parade near Colaba(Times of India ). This is the old fishing village of Mumbai. It is very easy for a boat to go undetected as there are many fishing fishing trawlers and small boats. How can you post a blog like this without knowing anything about Mumbai .Have you ever visited Mumbai? The information you have posted indicates a “quick search” and copy paste tatic used. This shows lack of reasearch and intellectual hollowness.

  1706. murad says:

    most of the muslims in UK are anti-world and think world is anti-pakistan… but I have lot of friends who always try our best to change it and educate them.. we have suceeded in few…… and I have many friends who are from the other religion as welll.. hope things get well for all of us…

  1707. Rahul Mandale says:

    Please write comments to my blog…Use below link to post comment s on my blog.. Mandale

  1708. ALL4U says:

    1. who is responsible for these attacks??It has to be some terrorist organisation could be based in pakistan, POK, afghanistan etc we dont know. but to handle this effectively so that innocent lives are not lost in the future is for the governements of individual countries to root them out. say if these men are trained in a camp in pakistan, India cannot justify bombing pakistan to take out the terroists can it?? (off course if it is the US they care certainly justify it in the name of national security and start a war) so the onus is on the local government of the region to take this seriously and root these bastards out.2. How did these men enter the country?? I do not belive the news channels as it is too simple to belive this may be put up story to conceal the orignal mode of entry. it is highly unlikely that they enter the country by boats enduring long hours of journey and still be so fresh as to wreck havoc in the city. they must have been in the city for some time and dispersed at an opportune moment to conduct their operation.3. The Response to the attack was extremely poor as the authorities lacked preparedness for this. An 60hr ordeal was very unecessary had this been resolved in a professional manner you needed 50 personnel with the right equipment to weed them out. The indian milatry is still using outdated equipment.4. The outcome all though both sides think that they have won both have lost a great deal. there is no substitute for human life, these hypocrites are hiding behind the veil of religion and carrying out a poilitical motive. The politician have time and again sold the people out for personal gains. why dont they target the poiticians who are the cause of this mess in the first placeA word of advice for these young terrorist recruits. dont get brain washed in the name of religion to assist in ploitcal wars. there is no threat to any religion. if you are true beliver in you religion follow it with your heart and interpret it in sense which is for humanity not against? lets not be a treat to each other to wipe out the human race. a race set upon the earth by good and given the title os "ASHRAF UL MAQLUKAT"PEACE, LOVE, BOTHERHOOD & UNITY

  1709. anbrin says:

    This whole drama appears to be a deeper conspiracy that people think.Can’t u guys see that the malegaon investigation which was going on and which could expose a lot of people out there has just disappeared into thin air. These are all tactics of politicians who were about to be exposed. The worst thing is the ATS chief of malegaon investigation has been killed and nobody seems to be botherd. How was achief killed with 3 bullet wound??? don’t tey have any cover. I suppose theyought to have a bullet prof cover

  1710. Shiva IYER says:

    Hello Mr. Ahmed;What is wrong if Hindus in Bharath strive for a Hindu nation. Your ancestors got their Islamic Pakistan and Bangladesh and have systematically anhilated most of the non-Muslims or made them completely voiceless and powerless, to the point that they have become non-entities.In contrast, u want us Bharath to remain secular and give no prominence to Hindus which is our birthright…How come?? Can u ps justify. The day Pak becomes truly secular and abolishes Islam as its state religion, we can start talking about secularism in Bharat.

  1711. parvenu says:

    Dude,I am surprised that all the bloggers form Pakistan are talking in a totally different tone once Musharraf left the presidency. The new governement which never answers to the point, and has only one answer……” we are also suffering from terrorism”….. When you all are sufferign form terrorism then why are you training them? Why is Dawood living there, runnign his business, and terrorising the world… Just looka t where is Pakisthan and where is India… Pakisthan is the country which has accepted that your scientists sold Nuclear secrets … pakisthan is the country.. where Osama lives.. you cant control Baluch… You cant control NWP…. the so called government is actually ruling 40% of the geographical area….. Remember one thing… Earlier USA used ur land to attach taliban… slowly they are now attacking you… if the terrorist camps are not dismantled… it hardly takes any time for US or for India to do it…I accept the condolences of our good friends.. our neighbours.. I knwo pakisthan governemnt may not be involved.. we all are part of undivided india.. we speak similar language… But we should not be silent on issues which are killign people on both sides… if you people cant do it (may be there are soem compulsons…) give the world a chance… we can eradicate the terrorism…. there will not be any trainign camps…….Any byt he way.. if pakistan cooperates.. they need not borrow 7 Billion USD to save their country’s economy… also you need not go to King of Saudi for bargaining for cheaper or free oil… You can live on your own… You are part of this sub continent and can grow and prosper…

  1712. pulkit aryan says:

    to Kap comment made at 3.44About the guy wear a thread in his right hand which is a symbol of hindu religion….mere yaar woh ek bhaga hai … how easy it is to tie tht and disguise as hindu…. mind you the group claimed to be “deccan Mujja..” Deccan off course would point to India and internal extremists…. how hard it is to divert the clues and search to Deccan or something inside the country or to that dude being a hindu….By God’s grace we Indian are not stupid… we talk fact… are u the same ppl who denied the bodies of soldiers dressed as tribal ppl in kargil even though ID cards were found in everyones body ( yea u can make one or two but faking 100’s of ID cards) are u shitting me dude…Moving on to Karkare Salskar and other heros who died… Make no mistake insults to such brave men will not be accepted…. yes they were investigating HTN and it is sad now that one of leading and most decorated officers have died to the terror attack…. it is very easy to say my friend that they were killed but to go out their on line to face the bullet not everyone can do that…Please i understand you are Pro Pakistan and Indians offcourse have been pro India…. however if you are educated do not blindfold ur self man… Kya tum log abhi tak nahi dekh paye ki tumhari iss galti ki wajah se aaj taliban tumhare desh ko tumhare logon ko kha chuka hai….GET YOUR FACT RIGHT BUDDY… it was a very comment u left but i am sorry to tell you …. it is a true as a thrilling fiction novel.. get proof of RAW involved in pakistan then we will talk….

  1713. Shiva IYER says:

    The problem here chiefly stems from Islam where infidels (non-Muslims and non-believers) are to be either converted or killed or levied an crippling levy of jazia tax as was done by the cruel Jehadi Aurangazeb.If this is the indoctrination right from childhood, no wonder u see so much turmoil and perpetual hatred in the Islamic world and that results in all these mindless violence, esp towards non-Muslim states.

  1714. adnan says:

    Indian mindset has been the reason behind the mistrust that eventually created Pakistan and no doubt many more pakistans are going to be creates in indial. Instead of realizing that the terrorism is hitting Pakistan even harder , they are using this sad time for playing pressure games to exploit the situation. Welldone India!!!!!

  1715. python says:

    ambrin, i was also surprised the terrorists did not kill everyone they waited to kill ATS chief, so this was deliberately done so that ppl like you are confused. The terrorists changed their plan last minute to kill ATS chief. Otherwise how can u justify ppl who had ammunition to kill 5000 people and blow up Taj cud kill only 200 ppl.Surely the terrorists missed the plot entirely in the hunger to divert attention over ATS chief killing.

  1716. Ten Homes says:

    On Karkare Salskar I.P.S. this is not going to stop HTN… big deal another secualr minded IPS officer will take over and deal with HTN issue, they already behind bar. Remmeber my friends this is not abt Hindu and Muslim. The Commsioner of Mumbai police is a Muslim too, he was inside the hotel all the time workin on logistics, he could have been shot too. The point is Pakistan needs to bite the terrorist bullet. no use living in self denial. U do it or get out of the way, high time man, before these bastards keep taking us out, U and us. India doesnot care abt Pakistan yet Pakistan keeps reminding us of thier existence, go get a life… I mean economy.

  1717. Arif says:

    Hello All…I pity Pakistan, and their helplessness, these rouge elements whom the establishment have nurtured over the years are now out of the hands of their mentors and this poor nation is paying a price for its deeds. ISI.. Army all signs of a rouge nation.. I am amused that when ever an act of violence and terror is enacted in India, these misled youths try to justify their henious crimes by saying they are avenging the atrocities committed on Muslims in India..surprisingly Indian muslims never have reacted in such a fashion, we always hear phrase like BRIT OF PAKISTAN ORGIN in all major terrorist inflicted violence. Muslims like me are disgusted with people of pakistan who not only are bringing bad name to the relegion but also making life difficult for a law abiding citizen of a great nation.. I do not see things improving in the near future. A tough call, but no other option remains now.. India should launch aerial attacks into all training camps in Pakistan.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

  1718. ALL4U says:

    I am not anti pakistan or any other country but as terrorism is being bred in paskistan and other neighbouring countries. to get pakistan to act and root them out the international community should do the following:1 ISOLATE pakistan in all aspects2. NO monetary or military aid should be given.3. Counsulates and embasies should abondon pakistan.4. No visas to be given to pakistani nationals5. stop all trade with pakistanany other ideas??I am absolutely offended by KARTIK’s language

  1719. Chandni says:

    PAKISTAN IS THE FATHER OF TERRORISM!1. they started it to acquire kashmir, support khalistan or destablise INDIA.2. Now its haunting them as well because they can run thier country without aid from US and US will not aid PAK because Terrorism is supported and developed in its terrortories.3. INDIA is making significant progress and Pakistan is on the banks of bankrupcy and now they feel that in order to run the country its in thier betterment to have good relations with INDIA and US.4. IF INDIA supported militancy like PAKISTAN do, I would be the most ashamed citizen and so should the Pakis be! Theres nothing these ISLAMIC TERRORISM CAN ACHIVE IN THE NAME OF HOLY WAR. IF MY RELIGION SUGGESTED THAT KILL INNNOCENT PEOPLE FOR THE SAKE OF HOLY WAR THEN I WOUL QUIT THAT RELIGION. GOD IS ONE AND NO GOD WANTS INNOCENT PEOPLE BUTCHERED.YOU PAKIS NEED TO CRITICISE AND GET RID OF ISLAMIC EXTREMISM.

  1720. python says:

    ArifU are the true guardian of muslim faith. I salute u.all others r infidels

  1721. says:

    It is difficult to be neutral, Specially in this situation.PLZ VISIT THE FOLLOWING LINK. and think Neutrally. <>Justify YOUR SELF<>< HREF="" REL="nofollow"><>< HREF="" REL="nofollow"><>And at the edn i must tell you that i am not afraid of this situation. wat ever the situation pakistan is facing is because of india. i don’t want to put clarification infront of hindues.

  1722. adnan says:

    I have lot of indian friends and they are reasonable people but all the time whenever i hear/read indians on web they are full of poisen against pakistanis/muslims. Is it a coincidence?????

  1723. adnan says:

    I wonder how the poor muslims in India feel when they read comments of extremist hindus . I can understand that the hindus are against pakistan but why do you people associate it with islam? you have got 200m muslims in India , do u want to kill them all?

  1724. Ten Homes says:

    “And at the edn i must tell you that i am not afraid of this situation. wat ever the situation pakistan is facing is because of india. i don’t want to put clarification infront of hindues”WOW what do these guys smoke?Chandani WE HAD SADDAM WITH mother of all wars and now U have coined this brillant sloganLeT JM- FATHER OF TERRORISM

  1725. says:

    I think this terrorist activity has been done by india himself…….***where were the agencies.?were they sleeping or dead*****They want to pressurise pakistan.Everybody knows the terrorism done in Pakistan, links are in Pakistan’s nighbouring countries, to destablized Pakistan. Nobody crys this much for Pakistan’s deaths (aren’t they human being).These countries are daily sending terrorist in Pakistan, our intelligents caught severaltimes people those were not muslims, why not our mother sellers and good for nothing government leaders speak out that it is done by such and such countries. Because they are not faithfull to the home country like indian politicians are to their home county. Our political leaders are more faithfull to India then not sure but i think india needs to look inside her. also do watch this program by talat < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Live with Talat – 27 November 2008 | Pakistan Politics<> can be an eye opener. i dont think we pakistanis are perfect as well, but on average hindus in our

  1726. says:

    Being a Pakistani and victum of GREAT GAME and NEW WORLD ORDER we need the people like Talat Hussain, Irfan Siddique, Haroon Rasheed, Hamid Mir, Ansaar Abassi who have the vision and research to address the issues in a positive manner to make aware the general public from dangers.But feel sorry to say that, our national leaders Asif Ali Zardari, Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Asfandar Yar Wali, Fazal-Ur-Rehman, Altaf Hussain none of them have the guts to expose in the international press the reality which we are facing the terrorism in the N.W.F.P., Baluchistan Province and in Tribal Area which is getting financed and equiped through the newly established consulates and consulate generals in small country AFGHANISTAN to crush one and only Islamic Neclear Power …Pakistan.The facts are India itself having lots of internal problems which is emerging within the communities who are facing lots of injustice in the country as a whole which need immediate attention for which these kind of incidents is natural to attract international media and public.This time Muslims from Hyderabad Dakan have take rule of law into their hands in Bombay coming days Sikhs, Tamils, Assam, Kashmiris and many others to follow to achieve goals.Instead of rectifing the problems of billion peoples pointing finger on Pakistan for every problems and attack on rit of the government of India is a poor way to run the country.The post important and disturbing point is to find out the way out and machanism to deal with the issues which is on the game plan of NEW WORLD ORDER and GREAT GAME.We have to save our NWFP and Balouchistan Province from our enemies. We have to ask for help and assistance from China in this important issue because his interest is also the same to get rid of foreign forces from this region.Talat Hussain done a good research which should be done by any foreign office personal and advise to the Presidency and PM House to react on those lines instead of passing useless statements.

  1727. ALL4U says:

    lets not make this issue about religion. THIS Stems out of Politics. Our ministers who are actually worse than animals are to be blamed religion breeds hatred.

  1728. says:


  1729. Ten Homes says:

    My dear SmartVisionZone, When U had Marriot in Islamabad we burned candles for all your inncocent dead people in our cities and our homes. We wooried that oneday that same snake is going to hurt us too. But we had remorse for your dead.Do you burn a candle today for those who died in Mumbai?

  1730. says:

    <>Calling this mumbai attack “India’s 9/11″ is such a wannabee statement!!! it was nothing like 9/11…. the only thing which can be same…. is that they both can be planned by the govt…… like 9/11 was!!<>

  1731. says:

    This is Media Toungue, That most people in blog are talking representing idia as victim,Indian media is propagating their version in English too and they are getting the support from the international channels too. International community is getting mainly the one sided picture of all happenings and this does make a big difference. No matter, the things projected by the Indian/International media, are right or wrong, people simply have to trust them as Pakistan is not able to show other aspects of the happenings. We really need to do something in this context, PAKISTANI media is just doing almost all discussions and talks in Urdu language; we sit satisfactorily after discussing things in our own language with each other but world does not get any feedback or opinion of ours, our foreign office is also so lazy and sleepy, what they do most of the time, i don’t know. It is important to discuss things in Urdu as majority of Pakistanis understands it but we have to reach out the international community too. Our talk show should host their programs in English or their should be English subtitles for the important programms or some other way. We can use either international channels to show those programs or Internet but we have to do something in this regard quickly.

  1732. adnan says:

    Ten Homes ! Every human with a heart is sad on this incident. But do u really think that all this blame game and poisoning in media and on web is going to earn respect for India in Pakistan and Muslims?

  1733. Ten Homes says:

    Yes Smartvisionzone you are right both were planned by your Taliban Govt in NWPU got that right

  1734. Ten Homes says:

    “But do u really think that all this blame game and poisoning in media and on web is going to earn respect for India in Pakistan and Muslims?” My dear we love each another too much, why would we blame you, we are blaming your Govt for refusing to bite the bullet. Elimante these LeT and JM camps. No guilty feeling it has nothing to do with Pakistani public, it is a common problem with one solution.

  1735. says:

    <>Assalam-o-Alaikum,<>This is all game against <>THE ONLY ISLAMIC NUCLEAR POWER PAKISTAN <> USA, ISRAEL, INDIA(hindus) and RUSSIA can not see a Muslim country las with nuclear weaponIndia’s Nuclear Assets are unsafe from Terrorists and it is threat to this region.Bombay Attack proved that Indian Intelligence Agencies are failed to secure homeland security and safety of citizens.Talat Hussain, you are the best of all. Your research was so comprehensive and detailed which make all the viewers very happy in last two days.Friendly snitches of India like Altaf Hussain, Farooq Sattar, Asfand Yar Wali, Ghulam Ahmed Balour, Dr. Pervez Houdbhai, Imtiaz Alam, Hassan Nisar and many many others Zameer Faroosh need to be exposed.Lets come to the point, from last few months a group of people were constantly raising voice for Pakistans business hub Karachi is in danger, because its moving towards Talibanisation which need proper attention and control for new settelers coming from other part of Pakistan to find jobs in this mega city Karachi which is causing un-security for the local residents who feels that if it is not stopped them here it could convert them from majority to minority in this part of industrial city of Pakistan. But the way it was highlighted openly this issue in international press from MQM London it shows the plan behind all these unnecessary exploitations.I am watching round the clock CNN India and other international channels along with our own talk shows available on pkpolitics. I feel releaved that Indians as a nation are very scared from ISI. Even though it has nothing to do with ISI in this Bombay Attack but still they dont know how to face general public of India or media just before elections. People need answers or resignations from the key post holders which political figures does not effort at this stage.Lets take it the case, the way Indian media is potrating …. then people of India has the right to ask from the establishment and intelligence services that how come ISI make it possible for terrorists to break all the security barriers which start the journey from Karachi and enter in Bombay through sea route and failed the national security measures of India and enter in the city of Bombay which is one of the best developed and secured city in India and start killing innocent foreigners and local people in busiest place of business.“Bombay Attack” was a poor planning of a intelligence or a political advisors for the government of India for making disgrace Pakistan and Muslims of this region infront of American and European Countries at the time when a new American President Obama is near to take over as President of United States of America in coming few weeks who want the 60-61 years old dispute of Kashmir should be resolved immediatly in between India and Pakistan governments once for ever to safe this region from nuclear engagement in future which is in the interest of whole world.The commando engagements just finished few hours before, still not clear how many terrorists were involved in this brutal attack, what is the original names and addresses of those terrorists, what was the main motives of this attention of media they got world wide to establish any demand, what they achieve after taking so many lives of innocent local and foreigners in this attack and their own lives gone or lost for no reason….. I dont honour and take these arguments. We have to find the reasons in coming days …. why and how come it get possible that these youngsters attacked innocent people for nothing just simply saying that they represent a group named DAKAN Mujahidins nobody recognised.Al-Faida group is Lt.Col Prohat and associates mastermind of this dirty game against Muslims to support Hindu Activists.Pakistan Zindabad … Pakistan Paindabad

  1736. adnan says:

    what did you do about modi and those who burned muslims , you made them heros ?

  1737. Wani says:

    i em neither Pakistani nor Indian,500 Indian Black Cats (NSG) could not even gun down 10 terrorists, it took them 3 days. as far as pakistan is concerned, you guyz better concentrate on ur country. whatever happnd in Mumbai was horrific, and should be condemned by everyone. However the way indian media is projecting and reporting this Horrendous episode is absolutely unprofessional. and for the people who think muslims are behind this, you better get yourself checkd by your doctor. People behind this can not be muslims, because Islam does not teach us to kill innocents.So even if they have muslim names they are not muslims.U indians need to lean how to respect people, and you also need to be updated with the happenings Inside your country..

  1738. adnan says:

    Govt of Pakistan is no more involved in this than govt of India in Balochistan , Tribal areas !!!!what do you say about Indian terrorist who bombed in Lahore and confessed ? Did he land from heavens?

  1739. Ten Homes says: shut up. Do not dream, this is not ideal world my friend, pl dare to bring change or we all are doomed

  1740. rahul says:

    When they say Pakistan is behind this attack, it doesnt mean the Pakistani common man but the extremists terrorists group operating from Pakistan. These group offcourse get help from ISI and Pakistan govt. for their operations. The arrested terrorist has admitted to have used the sea route from pakistan to India.BTW he belongs to pakistan from a place called faridcot. All his fellow terrorist were pakistanis or were from pakistani origin. I am not saying every paki/muslim is a terrorist but this is true that most of the terrorists are muslims. Search on internet about the earlier terror attack culprits, you would find all muslim names and I am really sad to inform you that not all of those people belonged to pakistan. There were some indian muslims involved in those acts as well. Infact in this attack as well, the arrested terrorist has just confirmed of the involvement of mumbai locals who helped him with the information about mumbai important places. India has over 15 crores of muslim population and of those 15 crores, some of them are helping the terrorists. This thing has been revealed time and again after each terror attack. What a shame as a nation!!These people just not realize that India is one who is giving shelter and food to them. Its high time they accept India as their own country.I remember my childhood days(in India) when there use to be fireworks in a particular place in the city whenever India lost a cricket match to Pakistan. I used to wonder why are they doing it. They have not been reported to be terrorists but they have certainly got this anti-India feeling in them which when fuelled results in these kind of ghastly acts.The result of all this is that there will be problems for the innocent muslims of India. This is because not all Indians are sensible.My heart goes out to all the victims.

  1741. Ten Homes says:

    Indian terrorist who bombed Lahore, when did this happen. I donot see ARY or GEO why do you see Indian channels, pl donot fall for the media BS.

  1742. Mithu says:

    Mumbians and Indians, we mourn with you, we are with you in your pain. Your pain is so intense, it pierces the heart.We are with you in spirit, in pain and in prayers.Have courage, God is with you. Know that your spirit is comforted by God. Be brave and hold your heart. Do not go down to the level of evil, because love is bigger than hate, life is more fruitful than death, spirt is more alive than sin… one ray of light is brighter than entire darkness..Be of bigger heart and let God alone take revenge, because no one can match His justice.Please know the entire world is with you, please, please have faith.

  1743. Venkatesh Babu K R says:

    After seeing all. My belief has trippled … Terrorists don’t belong any nation. They are just investments /creation of the rich. The rich want to invest in terrorism to de-stabilize lives of others, raise fears in the lives of all.It doesn’t matter if terrorists started from Pakisthan and ended in India. What people should think is – terrorists can get trained anywhere in the world, and will attack any place any time if they are given suitable moolah …So, people, rather than thinking on how, where and why about the terror attacks, and blaming each other … think towards eradicating this menase.

  1744. adnan says:

    i dont c indian channels TH!!! I never found them worth seeing. Bt u need to know something b4 u judge!!

  1745. chetan says:


  1746. APEXMBA says:

    If I remember correctly, once it was reported in the media that former President of Pakistan, Gen. Parveza Musharraf, had said that the next war with India will be fought from within India. So, is this it?

  1747. adnan says:

    Chetan! Your media , govt and intelligence is making u fool .Try to use ur own brain ;D

  1748. Arjun says:

    I would like to point out again The Indian government is not advocating the fact Pakistan is involved, but yes there are LINKS into Pakistan. There may some percentage of a large Pakistan who support this, the Indian government is pointing a finger at them, please not if they are in Pakistan they could also be connected to attacks in PakistanWhich mean your government should help in getting hold of these people? As some bloggers have touched we are not expressing the whole nation is behind this, we understand there are bad elements in every country which tarnish the image of a nation values.There is evidence from other security agencies from around the world which indicates some of these people are based in cities of Pakistan.You and us agree there are issues within Pakistan where innocent people have been a victim of such attacks, so this should be recognized thats Pakistan law should do more to secure loose ends who are comfortable with in Pakistani borders. I think we can agree whenever such high level of attacks take place USA/UK/Pakistan or India there is some support which is obtained from within the effected area/countries, that can be a Muslim/Hindu/Sikh/or Christian anyone. Take in to account people who give assistant in these terror activities it is only one thing Money. This thought is then related to another fact between our countries, some Politicians are to blame if they would stop the corruption or reduce this kind of attacks would also see a some reduction.

  1749. Wasi says:

    I work at GS in NY bitches.Why do you want to know? Do you drive a cab or a limo? What are you going to do? Stand outside and wait for me? Your tiny little bindi ass dick will freeze off in the cold. You’ll be running back to Maharastrasrsarara. Whatever the name of your stupid province is.—————–QUESTION: What happens when all of China takes a shit?ANSWER: India!—————–PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!NO TO TERRORISM. NO TO KILLING INNOCENTS.PAKISTAN RULES!!

  1750. fatima says:

    dear hindustanis,I am Pakistani Muslim.all of you are fighing.I want to tell you that we pakistanis are very sad for this incident in Bombay.Unfortunately we are the victims of same attcks but i will not say they were indians even this time one indian was arrested and he accepted that he was involved in lahore blast and he is in a jail but i want to say that we never wanted to make indians image bad.we are victims of attatck in my Pakistan 95% are Muslims do you think that muslims are killing muslims i will say no,then who are they?may be the same groups involved in India and Pakistan.And when we talk about controls in country i am really sorry to say dont blame only Pakistan i think both have no control otherwisw in India there shouldnot be any attck if they have a strong control.and also many Indians are saying that lets finish and bomb Pakistanis beleive me i am really hurted to know that what is a your thinking if terrorists killed hundred people you are ready to kill millions.No thing more my some brothers and sisters said that Muslims are cause of everything and they want muslims everywhere so my dear brothers everyday hundreds of Muslim are being killed only Muslims who are killing them?if you will say Muslims no true muslim will agree please before saying anything you should know little about Islam.Islam means peace and it says that killing of one human(any releigion)is a killing of humanity.then it is syre that no muslim will kill others if he will be a muslim.Then come on muslim names you should know that the all terrorist have a muslim name this is a big propoganda to make image of muslims bad in the world and they are succeeded and their trainers are paid heavy amounts.i am not saying all terrorists were only using Muslim names there may be some Muslims young people frustrated because daily many Muslim families are killed all over the world please check the countries and how many peoplw killed and how many of them were muslims and why.may be one person of that family bacome terrorists later to take please think from brain if you will be a good human being and your relegion has given you some values please behave as wise.remember no relegion favor terrorism.i pray that Allah save all people whatever their relegion is and beleive me this is a thinking of common pakistani they never want violance we want peace in our country also.

  1751. says:

    @ Ten Homes Definately we did, and my deepest sorrow is with indan people, but the thing u know this is all blame game why you dont not accept that pakistan is against terrorism. infact we are victim of terrorism. There are 608 districts in india and in which there are sepration movements in 231 districts.<>some sepration movements i am mentioning here<>1. peoples gorila army2. peoples war group3. Maoust Communist center4. maaoust party of india5. communist party of janashaktithese are only few (except the Indian Occupied KASHMIR which is near to pakistan border)<>and in these sepration movements <>– 35 sepration movements movements are in asam– 3 sepration movements in naga land– 12 sepration movements in punjab– 30 sepration movements in taripura– 2 sepration movements in mizorahi am giving few more statistics here<>in year 2006 Total number of 2765 people died in india due to different violance cases.<> among which– 41% died in Kashmir– 27% died in different right wing movements– 23% died due to different sepration movements which i mentioned above– 10% died due to internal religious extremiststhese all statistics are on the recod, “not off the record”But why you all the indian meida and political parties always blame Pakistan for wat ever is going on in india.In pakistan i live in peshawar which is now a days war zone for war against terrorism. we caught some terrorist which were not muslims, but i am not blaming indians govet for this i am blaming my pakistani government for this. This all fights are base less and i wish the one day you guys will understand.

  1752. Arif says:

    There are some black sheeps in India too.. who help these criminals from pakistan to carry out crime against humanity in the our country, without local help pakistan or pakistanis will not even dream of throwing a stone, leave aside spraying bullet.. all indications point to Mumbai’s underworld involvement in the latest tragedy.. and who else then Dawood, who is a respected citizen of a great nation PAKISTAN can help them… Pak has always denied that Dawood is not in Pakistan… but can we forget that a famous cricketer married his son to the notorious gangster’s daughter.. will pakistan deny that they do not know this cricketeras well…. the very existence of pakistan and its creation was deeply regretted by Jinnah on his death bed.. but the country men never realize this… If you can spread this in your country.. I would be very grateful… Muslims in India are well off.. and on their own… I never had trouble getting education, getting job, getting a house of my choice in which ever city I wanted to.. no one in India has ever troubled me, and why should I be troubled, this land belongs to me as to any one else.. BUT YES.. today I am troubled not by Indians, by my countrymen, but by people belonging to PAKISTAN.. who are killing innocent people in my land (and in their land too)in the name of religion ALAS..if you all can understand that a majority of people in pakistan are non-believers and are for sure going to hell for going against the very basics of a great religion ISLAM, which does not permits inflicting a wound, forget taking someones life… GOD SAVE PAKISTANIS

  1753. adnan says:


  1754. leo says:

    How do we know that the guy captured is pakistani are we supposed to believe this because the indian govt is saying this, i think this is a bit childish unless they provide some solid proof or hand the manto us and we should interogate that person,we can also capture someone for eg. the guys who did bombings in islamabad and say they were indians as they told our investigation i think indian govt should be a bit more sensible in blaming anyone.if they have come from pakistan how come they know each and every detail of the hotel which even indian commandos and the locals dont know this is a bit ridiculus,I think this is the same old story what ever happens in india even if there is a food shortage they blame it at pakisan so i am not surprised at all what indian media is trying to do.basically they are try to cover thier faliur to safegaurd the people and the main hub of business in so caled emerging world power?????????? and pakistan seems very viable option.what india is trying to do in pakistan via afganistan is very well known to every body in pakistan.I think pakistan govt should take a firm stand on this indian accusation and if india wants to do something stupid then be it.india is the only country in the world which kill people because of their caste and they call themselves democracy and what is the state of 80% muslims in india is very well known to everybody.

  1755. Ranaji says:

    I’d like to point out that the majority of Pakistan would never want such harm on any soil. But there are a few who do, on their soil and especially on the Indian soil (especially because of the high number of non Muslims in the country. If they’d want to target westerners only, then they might as well have carried out such acts in Dubai, for instance). I have been told that the Quran can be interpreted in 9 different ways- these minorities choose to follow the inhuman way. They are further nurtured by the ISI, an organisation that even the common Pakistani would agree, doesn’t want complete peace within Pakistan and between Pak and its neighbors (including Afghanistan). The ISI have previously waged terror by hijacking the India Airlines and routing it to Kandahar, Afghanistan. The hostages were freed after the demands of the hijacker were met. Three militants were released. One of them was involved in the abduction of Daniel Pearl, and one formed the LeT. This even the Pakistanis would agree if they honestly ask themselves. The intelligence reports of the FBI, CIA and the Scotland Yard state that Daniel Pearl was beheaded in Pak. Now this does not imply that the common Pakistanis killed him. It was carried out by an Islamist group in Pakistan and it is such groups that we believe have carried out attacks in Mumbai. When asked about involvement of Pak terrorist in the Mumbai attacks, the Pak Ambassador to UK on BBC retorted saying “aren’t there HINDU EXTREMISTS in India killing Christians in Orissa?”. With shame I have to confess there are, we do not ignore their presence or deny it- these are mob attackers who should be given no sympathy. But is immature to draw parallel comparison between the Islamic militants in Pak and these people. Sure both have similar intentions, but the later are not military trained by an organisation and the Govt. and police do their best to bring them to justice. And, not that I’m trying to defend or earn any form of respect for them, they are not killing innocent civilians in YOUR cities. Is this the best that could come from a person who is meant to represent his country to the Great Britain? His answer was one that would’ve been given by an illiterate; coming from a person holding such a position was a shock. Judging by his timing, and the question to which he gave this response, his intellect appalls me. The Indian govt. wants Pak govt. to take actions to eradicate such organisations. How would they do that when, despite knowing of their existence, they are in denial???? The scope of taking any actions is zero. And, with the presence of ISI, such terrors camps will be kept, and flourished when need be. This is not right.

  1756. sara says:

    Salam Alaikum(peace be with you) everyone,Calm down people, no religion support innocent blood shed, same goes for common Pakistanis who like Indians are victims not perpetrators of terrorism.We Pakistanis strongly slam terrorist attacks, seems like terrorists did use Pakistani soil and waters but we do not support terrorism. Labeling Muslims around the world as terrorists is huge misconception. Muslims are not responsible for war on Iraq OR Gaza occupation OR atrocities on poor civilians in Kashmir. Muslims around the world are victims of atrocities. Tit for tat is not the answer, Indians please do not forget your country’s founding father Gandhi’s teachings he always supported peace.BY THE WAY WOULD ANYONE please explain the email sent to Indian TV network under the name of Deccan mujahidin, it was traced from some location in RUSSIA (the times of India report).. this could be some international group involving many organizations including local Indian..I believe terrorists did achieve their motive of ruining the peace pact between India and Pakistan…

  1757. Saif says:

    How about some background why India might just have been asking for such unfortunate incidents…for starters here are just some of the reasons, – More than 70,000 overwhelmingly Muslims killed in Kashmir despite UN resolution for plebiscite– More than 1000 muslims burned alive in their homes in GujaratNow this is not to say that other countries, including Pakistan and obviously USA, do not have their own list of outright disgusting and inhumane ventures, but it is India we are talking about in the blog.So, India, please wakeup and stop dancing to US tune before it is too late for your people. By the way, this advice applies to Pakistan, USA, England, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and all other similar abusers of human rights.There was a time I respected India for its secularism and its independent policies. Well, that time is not now. Whether that time comes again or not, my prayers for all those who lost lives in Mumbai and hopes and best wishes to the people of India and everywhere else in the world cannot wait.

  1758. Indiana Jones says:

    There is no doubt they came from PAK. By that I mean they are trained there.The same group who killed Benazir Bhutto may be invloved. When there is evidence it is clear all came from there.

  1759. Wasi says:

    India is the biggest terrorist state in South Asia. That’s why it has dozens of insurgencies going on at the same time. That’s why all its neighbors, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, etc. hate it.

  1760. fatima says:

    please wasi,please dont use this language this doesnot suit a pakistani.please i request you.let people say what they want.reply them in a ligical manner.pls pls pls

  1761. Wasi says:

    What evidence?Your newspapers are trash.Some fat Indian policeman says it was Gulab Jamin Khan.Then your papers all publish — MASTERMIND WAS GULAB JAMIN KHAN.Your journalists are stupid rats, just publishing whatever your incompetent officials say.

  1762. Wasi says:

    Fatima, please don’t pay attention to what I write.I tried to be nice to these guys. I condemned the terrorism. They only want blood. Pakistani and Muslim blood.I tell them to go suck on Shiva’s lingam.

  1763. python says:

    Kaliyug. This is Kaliyug.You get what you sow in this very dawood ibrahim will get what he deserves.

  1764. Arif says:

    To set things right… All Pakistanis settled in US or UK should immediately return to their country and serve the nation also pland and execute attacks worldwide.. on one hand pakis want a share in benefits from the governments of the west and on the other hand you guys are always cursing these nation…. if there are issues they can only be resolved by dialogue.. Problem with pakistan is .. they consider themselves the guardian of Islam and in the process they are doing more haram than good.. Muslim nations like Saudi and UAE never let terrorism originate from their land… are they not Muslims?????

  1765. Arif says:

    To set things right… All Pakistanis settled in US or UK should immediately return to their country and serve the nation also pland and execute attacks worldwide.. on one hand pakis want a share in benefits from the governments of the west and on the other hand you guys are always cursing these nation…. if there are issues they can only be resolved by dialogue.. Problem with pakistan is .. they consider themselves the guardian of Islam and in the process they are doing more haram than good.. Muslim nations like Saudi and UAE never let terrorism originate from their land… are they not Muslims?????

  1766. Saif says:

    How about some background why India might just have been asking for such unfortunate incidents…for starters here are just some of the reasons, – More than 70,000 overwhelmingly Muslims killed in Kashmir despite UN resolution for plebiscite– More than 1000 muslims burned alive in their homes in GujaratNow this is not to say that other countries, including Pakistan and obviously USA, do not have their own list of outright disgusting and inhumane ventures, but it is India we are talking about in the blog.So, India, please wakeup and stop dancing to US tune before it is too late for your people. By the way, this advice applies to Pakistan, USA, England, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and all other similar abusers of human rights.There was a time I respected India for its secularism and its independent policies. Well, that time is not now. Whether that time comes again or not, my prayers for all those who lost lives in Mumbai and hopes and best wishes to the people of India and everywhere else in the world cannot wait.

  1767. python says:

    Infidel muslims who bombed mumbai

  1768. Wasi says:

    Modi is the master of terror.Terror is how he gets elected.No coincidence, Delhi elections were today.

  1769. python says:

    we rejected israeeli help, we dont take dikats from anyone including US or Uk, except for manmohan and sonia who need to be sent to pOK for marine warfare training

  1770. says:

    @ Ten Homes Definately we did, and my deepest sorrow is with indan people, but the thing u know this is all blame game why you dont not accept that pakistan is against terrorism. infact we are victim of terrorism. There are 608 districts in india and in which there are sepration movements in 231 districts.<>some sepration movements i am mentioning here<>1. peoples gorila army2. peoples war group3. Maoust Communist center4. maaoust party of india5. communist party of janashaktithese are only few (except the Indian Occupied KASHMIR which is near to pakistan border)<>and in these sepration movements <>– 35 sepration movements movements are in asam– 3 sepration movements in naga land– 12 sepration movements in punjab– 30 sepration movements in taripura– 2 sepration movements in mizorahi am giving few more statistics here<>in year 2006 Total number of 2765 people died in india due to different violance cases.<> among which– 41% died in Kashmir– 27% died in different right wing movements– 23% died due to different sepration movements which i mentioned above– 10% died due to internal religious extremiststhese all statistics are on the recod, “not off the record”But why you all the indian meida and political parties always blame Pakistan for wat ever is going on in india.In pakistan i live in peshawar which is now a days war zone for war against terrorism. we caught some terrorist which were not muslims, but i am not blaming indians govet for this i am blaming my pakistani government for this. and why should we belive that a pakistani caught by police man because india police is saying so ?This all fights are base less and i wish the one day you guys will understand.

  1771. python says:

    wasi, if u hate modi, then kill him , why target the innocent people in mumbai.u hate india, kill Indian politicians, we also will salute u. but dont kill innocent men and women in the streets

  1772. Wasi says:

    Python, are you illiterate or mentally retarded?I condemn what happened in Mumbai. I am not interested in killing Modi. You are the one interesting in murder.Just don’t elect the fuck you dumb fucking Indians!

  1773. python says:

    but u have killed people by supporting terrorist sympathetic governments in ur countryI nver voted for modi. then why do u vote for fuckers in ur country

  1774. python says:

    wasi, i never elected modi.but u are a the indirct murderer of mumbai blasts by electing governments who support hate speech and militants.wasi u r a murderer

  1775. Wasi says:

    If you didn’t vote for Modi, why are you having sex with him right now? Why are you sticking his lingam up your ass?

  1776. python says:

    wasi, for ur information i worship only my lingam not ur love queen’s modi’s lingam.and for the matter u r a murderer as most 99% pakis are by indirectly supporting it.

  1777. Wasi says:

    Python, great name. You Indians are snakes. Pakistanis try to be nice to you and you want to trap them in your shithole known as akhund bharat (otherwise known as a cunt bharat).

  1778. python says:

    u can call python a snake. that is spade a please call urself terrorist, alias infidel alias murderer

  1779. tanya says:

    u bloody muslims of pakistan there is only one solution to all these terrorism,just throw all muslims out of india.seems u r a terrorist and trying to save them.also gun and bomb are common with child in ur dirty pakistan

  1780. python says:

    Pakistani r murderers, they are killers.

  1781. Wasi says:

    Tanya, you fat Hindu bitch. Shut up and make me some roti.

  1782. python says:

    wasi, u have blood on ur hands. u r a murderer. u are a killer. u are the incarnation of the devil.This i kaliyug and u will die a horrific death. allah please kill these paki infidels in this very lifetimeallah o akbar

  1783. python says:

    fatima is in my room wasi, she is tired and she will bake u my semen filled roti.. called bitched roti

  1784. Wasi says:

    Accordingto you Hindus, we have been in kali yuga for thousands of years. So who cares? Kali yuga is bad for everyone. Just pray in your next life you will be incarnated as a Pakistani.

  1785. Wasi says:

    Accordingto you Hindus, we have been in kali yuga for thousands of years. So who cares? Kali yuga is bad for everyone. Just pray in your next life you will be incarnated as a Pakistani.

  1786. python says:

    i wish i were incarnated and wud have made sure ur genes were set proper

  1787. Reality Bites says:

    @Pranay..All terrorist are muslims? Prolly you havent heard about Indian Army trained Tamil Tigers..Indian Gove backed Shiv Sena..who exposed india’s SECULARISM by destroying not just a Muslim place of worship but a historical asset of the country.@Other.Those who think the guy cought by cops who claims to be Pakistani…Dont you know the capabilites of YOUR police they can torture a mule to make him say he is an EAGLE.Guys.Dont forget the drama RAW staged in 1971 by making GANGA Aircraft hijacked into pakistan.. you havent forgotten that have you??It was a Kashmiri guy used by RAW it is official no bullshit you can check your OWN records ur news..So be realistic and instead of just pointing fingers at each other and blaming Pakistan for all your failures..go after the real cause why it happend where did deccan mujahideen came from and why?? i dont need to be more specific do i?

  1788. python says:

    wasi try to blog without wiki or google use ur brains

  1789. python says:

    Indian Mujahideen has no guts to protest in open despite 150 million strong muslims.In India anyone can protest, Indian Mujahideen if it exists can be given free visas to pakistan

  1790. Wasi says:

    Indians are not rational. They believe everything they see on TV and in Bollywood films.According to the New York Times, 25% of Indians are psychotic and 34% are gay. According to BBC, Indians have the smallest penises in the world. is going on with India??Maybe Mr. Tata should build fake penises for his people.

  1791. Prads says:

    If that’t case, then looks like you are smarter than anyone in the Pakistan. If it was that simple to prove then ISI Chief wouldn’t have backed out coming to India. I am not sure if you know Hindi but ISI Chief not coming to India is like as saying in Hindi “Chor ki dhadi mein tinka”.

  1792. python says:

    wasi fuck Indians fuck them. allah oh akbar, fuck indians please.

  1793. Maverick007 says:

    Come get some then you pretty indian skinny boys! You horny motha fckas can’t live 2 seconds without begging for some Anal!If you homos are beggin for anal widening,.. It’ll be our pleasure to entertain… No more mister nice guy with short skinny dirty fast talking indians,..Bring it on MOFOS!!That teach you to stay out of the Land of the Pure, Pakistan! Come get some beearches!

  1794. Srinivasa says:

    I can understand the pain of the blogger that everyone else in the world sees pakistan in bad light.Lets stop there and question1. what indian government did when the train bomings happened? Slept ?? pigs… They always bring up pakistan so that they can divert the public’s anger to somewhere else..2. What will they do to stop another attack. sleep?3. It is very unfortunate to play this balme game. show us some evidence.

  1795. python says:

    srinivasa, just one war and everythign will be there seems no chance for war as both r nuclear. that leaves no option but to create hindu terrorists

  1796. Srinivasa says:

    All,It is evident that Indian government always blames Pakistan just to turn the public’s anger to a different direction.No one in indian government has so far confessed that intellegence is failed miserably. How can anyone believe their drama of thorowing the blame to other side of the border as if they have any clues abput the attack?First get your house cleaned before blaming others…

  1797. python says:

    srinivasa, agreeall these indian politicos needs to be sent to POK for marine warfare training.sonia/advani/modi/manmohan/lalu/ karunanidhi everyone needs to be sent to POK

  1798. Wasi says:

    From the Guardian:‘A new report by senior British security experts claim that India could cease to exist by 2050. The report by the Janes Strategic Advisory Services highlights the existence of over three dozen insurgencies, rising sectarian tensions, and a growing divide between the rich and poor. The report’s authors argue that predictions of India’s rise to the level of a global power are unfounded. India, they claim, ‘could split into between four and forty separate countries by 2050.’An anonymous British intelligence official concurred with the reports’ sobering assessment and argued the division of India would be good for Indians and Western powers.’

  1799. Wasi says:

    From the Guardian:‘A new report by senior British security experts claim that India could cease to exist by 2050. The report by the Janes Strategic Advisory Services highlights the existence of over three dozen insurgencies, rising sectarian tensions, and a growing divide between the rich and poor. The report’s authors argue that predictions of India’s rise to the level of a global power are unfounded. India, they claim, ‘could split into between four and forty separate countries by 2050.’An anonymous British intelligence official concurred with the reports’ sobering assessment and argued the division of India would be good for Indians and Western powers.’

  1800. bhitai says:

    Dear All,1) MAJORITY of Pakistanis want to have peace with India. They don’t love india for sure, but they don’t want to mess with India either. Which means they want a peaceful co-existence with their neighbor. There has been virtually NO protest in Pakistan against any peacemaking efforts directed toward India, even at the cost of Kashmiri jihadis.Therefore it is clearly stupid to blame it on Pakistanis as a nation.b) MAJORITY of muslims either like india or want to have cordial relations with her. Most of the muslim countries rarely oppose Indian positions in global forums. Cultural exchange with India is a common practice, even with supposedly fundamental countries like Iran etc. Therefore to blame this on muslims as a whole is also STUPID.c) Which leaves the most logical choice : jehadi terrorists, who belong to BOTH Pakistan and India. So pls. stop this mindless finger pointing..regards,a concerned Pakistani

  1801. python says:

    well isi predicted two Uk, british UK and muslim UK by Mi6 wont exist by 2030

  1802. aditya says:

    Wasi… you say you are an investment banker….. you say that u have donated 1000$ to Mumbai Victims…. and yet talk abt penises and shitty stuff when a serious argument is goin on…Stop quacking and talk sense…. you stink of incredibility when you dont support the open fact that pakistan breeds terrorist…The evil guy caught spilled the beans…..yet you say Pakistan is Pak…. open you eyes and come out of that well…you can see that Pak is infact “Napakistan”…Atleast use your brain once….I respect you if you have real concerns for people who r in distress…. but dont rule out the facts when the evidences are glaringly clear and open to the International Community…..

  1803. Wasi says:

    Indian navy is as powerful as Mongolia’s.

  1804. indian says:

    Unfortunately Pakistan is a failed country. It is ruled by religious fanatics not by the government. India who looks forward for progress is unfortunate to have neighbors like Pakistan which is governed by these religious fanatics.In India we do have extremist but they do not govern here and they are not terrorist.In India Muslim community is safer and peaceful than in Pakistan. And given a chance I do not think they would prefer Pakistan over India.Lashka re Toiaba, Jaise Mohammad and all other religious fanatic groups are taking Pakistan to hell and destruction.Pakistan does need India’s help and example to create many success stories. India will have to develop our own immune system against terrorists with or without Pakistan’s help.It is also worth finding out for all the Muslim intellects (of course Muslims that are modest and willing to accept that fact this is the cancer in their society) what is in their religion that creates such fanatics so often who is responsible for world terror throughout the world. Why they always claim that the world is against them and everybody is torturing them.This is absolutely sick mentality.This is the era when you respond to the world by economic excellence, hard work and focusing on prosperity. Indians understand this and we will continue to progress in spite of the fact we have pathetic neighbors who does not wish to co-operate.

  1805. Wasi says:

    Who did this guy confess to?You?How do you know what he said?The same idiots who are claiming he say XYZ are the ones who failed to prevent the attack!!!!I watched these terrorists kill people for three days. What did your government do? NOTHING. BJP/Congress, they are all lying bastards. 1/3 of your parliament is criminals. Your intelligence services are shit. They spend their time causing trouble in Pakistan and getting naked pictures of Aishwarya.

  1806. Wasi says:

    Indian flag is tri-color toilet paper.

  1807. human says:

    @ Mr. Wasiwowow man!!!!!!!!! u really have too much free time and energy to reply so much. Why dont u use it for something good?

  1808. naaz says:

    @ wasi:Dude u’re d biggest asshole i’ve seen in a very long tyme, so big that probably u might b havin a big gaping hole where u’r dick should be.If u ever have d misfortune of meetin me, I assure u that I’ll give u a nice swift kick where the sun don’t shine.Promise. Scout’s Honour.N a piece of advice 4 u better put d 2 million $ bonus 2 good use n get urself a new dick since u bark so much about it, rather than squandering it away on the blast victims fund.As for ur piece of advice about being reincarnated as Pakistanis, we indians would rather not see the light of the day than become one of ur kind.

  1809. Douglas says:

    I am an Australian who on reading this have come to the conclusion that WASI is a wanker who is totally incapable of sustained rational comprehension. Leave the turd alone and let him wallow in his own crap.

  1810. bhitai says:

    wasipls. stop trying to win a pi$$ing contest here and start talking logic. The indians here are simply grief-stricken. Let them vent a little bit. We know that the real facts will emerge only later, in a FREAKING court of LAW.If India prides herself in the rule of law, why all this media trial? or all the principles only applicable UNTIL they are tested? I hope you learned from the mistakes of GW Bush. Going crazy over a terrorist attack DOES NOT win you a war. What is required is a show of resolve to stand by your principles, no matter how dire the circumstances. Pakistan is a victim of terrorism herself. We are at par with Iraq in terms of suicide terrorism, mostly directed at the country’s own security apparatus. And we are AT WAR with the jehadis already, in the NWFP.

  1811. Wasi says:

    Australia is a country of criminals.You committed genocide on the aborigines.Go back to England.

  1812. Uday says:

    The boat reference pic you are showing is wrong. It was a bigger fishing ship on which 5-6 fisher men were present.

  1813. aditya says:

    bhitai……..Really respect you and your ideas….I can safely assure you that indians are “in general” peace loving people…I think you undertstand what i meant when i said “in general”…there might also be a small number who might be asking for a war…but their feelings can also be understood ( All this bloodshed and violence can make anybody insane and make the blood boil)…I think even the Pakistanis want peace…though they might not like India….The only thing that India wants is Paki Government to take adequate measures to knock the Terrorist Organisations down….if it cannot do it ….it should let the world players do that…. As long as this is not done….people would be pointing their fingers towards pakistan … Even a person who is sane and educated cannot deny the fact that nothing else could be done unless Pakistan become proactive and bust the madrasas which has brainwashing and hate lectures as its curriculum……I hope Allah prevails and induces some sanity in the mindless extremists and their evil preachers

  1814. Wasi says:

    You stupid Hindus….if you want to kick Muslims/Islam/Muslim culture out of your country you’ll be unable to speak your language (50% Farsi and Arabic), and you won’t have any movies or good looking women.

  1815. Douglas says:

    Sorry wanker. I am Portugese but still very proud to call myself Australian.

  1816. Prasad says:

    Dear Ahmed,people of Pakistan are not to be blamed…. we know that…. but how will you explain the following scenarios???1> During the Kargil insurgency, most of the insurgents were actually from the Pakistani army and it is a well known fact that Musharraf was one of the chief architects who planned the whole thing.2>Maulana Masood Azhar the dreaded leader of jaish-e-mohammad who was released in exchange for hostages of Indian Airlines flight IC814 conducts a press conference in Pakistan just months after him being released.3>The chief of LeT roams freely and meets the media at will and conducts press conferences despite Indian Government providing you with sufficient evidence of the outfit's involvement in the parliament attack in India back in 2001.4>The evidence with Indian government, FBI and the MI6 suggests direct involvement of ISI in the bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul earlier this year.5>Most terrorists around the world seem to have a link which points a finger at Pakistan.6>Your government has lost control of the north western frontier or F.A.T.A region where it is believed Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar are believed to be in Hiding. There is lot of evidence suggesting that this region is a breeding ground for terrorists.So, don’t just say that Pakistan has nothing to do with it. Every educated and matured Indian respects the territorial integrity of Pakistan but there is a limit to everything. Our current political leadership might be weak and ineffective when it comes to dealing with terrorism but that may not be the case in the near future.I know every country has its own share of problems but most terrorists hailing from Pakistan are between 20 and 30 years of age(the youth) which is the future of Pakistan. That is not the future your Quaid-e-Azam wanted for you. That worries everyone because it affects everyone.If you could respond to this, it would serve the purpose of this blog.P.S. Wasi has proved that he is not worthy of discussion or debate. Be civil for a change man. That is, if you know what it means to be civil!!

  1817. Wasi says:

    Stop the incitement to hatred and violence and I will engage you with ration, honesty, and respect.Otherwise, go fuck yourself.

  1818. Rohan says:

    Its suprissing to see that the pakistani s govt is actually raising their hand to help India in this situation, its not that we need any help to be very clear on that, but definately there s something more to that !! Y is it that alwyz after an attack the pakistan govt raises its hand and during the normal corse of time nothing is done..Well its pretty clear this time atleast that pakistan is pretty much involved may it be the ISI or the terrorist groups present in pakistan at moment, pakistan is involved and the govt should stop putting up a farse.Also during the kargil war i had seen a clip from a pakistani channel prolly ptv or sumthing, wer a major was giving an interview and i quote ” hume faraq nahi padta hai , yahan pe bache bache bandookh se khel te hai, hum toh ud jayenge india se lekin mumbai aur delhi le kar jayenge” haha looking at the current situation its pretty much the same in pakistan i feel.IF pakistan and its people had spent some more time doing some creative work today ull wld not have been in this situation, pkaistan as of now is know as a terrorist hub weather pakistani s like it or no, may b all r not bad but deffinately no 1 s helping the situation there, besides they expect us to believe a man (zardari) who has pretty much been a part of his wife s murder.Mumbai will fight back and the people of mumbai are strong enogh now to handle any situation.. but beware dont test our patience cause we know and so do you ll that if India even sneezes pakistan will catch a cold and eventually will affect pakistan the most!! rohan

  1819. naaz says:

    wasi, u bastard u better not be sayin anything about d indian flag or we indians will get 2gether n castrate u,n it will be a bloody case of “now u see it now u don’t”We indians are a patient lot but rub us the wrong way far 2 often n u’ll lose that glorious symbol of manhood that u r oh so proud about.

  1820. Raj says:

    This is a sad event and for the first time I have cried in my 25 years. The bigger point is that it does not matter of what nationality the terrorist were -be it Pakistani, Indian, Somali, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, American or British or whatever – what matters is their ideology. No one can deny that there are good Pakistanis in Pakistan who are mouring this act in Mumbai just as their are extremist Indians influenced by radical ideology within India who are celebrating this event. We need to identify them with their ideology not nationality!!!!(And don’t confuse religion for idelogy please, I have tons of friends from all religions and none of them are cold-blooded killers) Reading these comments shows how much people get caught up in the now and I don’t blame anybody. I too feel angry and frustrated!!!! And want to get into a fight to take out this pented up emotions but some how I am managing. Trying to realize the stress through this writing. (Certainly less distructive accept my exclamation mark key just came off) Next, I wanted to write about how we should protect ourselves and try to prevent such attacks from happening ever again.If anybody would like me to continue please say so in the blog underwise I will save the blog space…Ohh btw just to respond to the postRe: New evidence suggests that they crossed the tighly guided Indian side of the sea by hijaking an Indian fishing boat which was reported missing 2 days ago. And evidence of cell phone suggests calls where made to Pakistan. Your analysis infact suggests that Pak Behria was invovled as you mention there is no way they could have crossed being undetected in the sea. So we know how they crossed the Indian side, how did they cross the Pakistani side?

  1821. Raj says:

    This is a sad event and for the first time I have cried in my 25 years. The bigger point is that it does not matter of what nationality the terrorist were -be it Pakistani, Indian, Somali, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, American or British or whatever – what matters is their ideology. No one can deny that there are good Pakistanis in Pakistan who are mouring this act in Mumbai just as their are extremist Indians influenced by radical ideology within India who are celebrating this event. We need to identify them with their ideology not nationality!!!!(And don’t confuse religion for idelogy please, I have tons of friends from all religions and none of them are cold-blooded killers) Reading these comments shows how much people get caught up in the now and I don’t blame anybody. I too feel angry and frustrated!!!! And want to get into a fight to take out this pented up emotions but some how I am managing. Trying to realize the stress through this writing. (Certainly less distructive accept my exclamation mark key just came off) Next, I wanted to write about how we should protect ourselves and try to prevent such attacks from happening ever again.If anybody would like me to continue please say so in the blog underwise I will save the blog space…Ohh btw just to respond to the postRe: New evidence suggests that they crossed the tighly guided Indian side of the sea by hijaking an Indian fishing boat which was reported missing 2 days ago. And evidence of cell phone suggests calls where made to Pakistan. Your analysis infact suggests that Pak Behria was invovled as you mention there is no way they could have crossed being undetected in the sea. So we know how they crossed the Indian side, how did they cross the Pakistani side?

  1822. Wasi says:

    naaz, you big talking fuck. i just bought an indian flag and wiped my ass with it. now it’s four colored!!!

  1823. Raj says:

    This is a sad event and for the first time I have cried in my 25 years. The bigger point is that it does not matter of what nationality the terrorist were -be it Pakistani, Indian, Somali, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, American or British or whatever – what matters is their ideology. No one can deny that there are good Pakistanis in Pakistan who are mouring this act in Mumbai just as their are extremist Indians influenced by radical ideology within India who are celebrating this event. We need to identify them with their ideology not nationality!!!!(And don’t confuse religion for idelogy please, I have tons of friends from all religions and none of them are cold-blooded killers) Reading these comments shows how much people get caught up in the now and I don’t blame anybody. I too feel angry and frustrated!!!! And want to get into a fight to take out this pented up emotions but some how I am managing. Trying to realize the stress through this writing. (Certainly less distructive accept my exclamation mark key just came off) Next, I wanted to write about how we should protect ourselves and try to prevent such attacks from happening ever again.If anybody would like me to continue please say so in the blog underwise I will save the blog space…Ohh btw just to respond to the postRe: New evidence suggests that they crossed the tighly guided Indian side of the sea by hijaking an Indian fishing boat which was reported missing 2 days ago. And evidence of cell phone suggests calls where made to Pakistan. Your analysis infact suggests that Pak Behria was invovled as you mention there is no way they could have crossed being undetected in the sea. So we know how they crossed the Indian side, how did they cross the Pakistani side?

  1824. Ash says:

    Yeah Right….MV Alpha, the mother ship dropped these Terrorists. Never mind. These guys were fighting in the name of religion this time, A turkish couple were left alone because they were muslims. There are a lot of illegal migrants (terrorists) who come here on valid travel documents but disappear after expiry of their visas. a majority of them (over 1.3 lakh) are from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. All these four nations have home grown terrorists. huh…Sri Lanka is no sane, they have LTTE’s who killed our PM. These people should be banned from entering our country and no trade should take place with these countries. We have nothing to do with them.

  1825. Wasi says:

    That’s a nice quad-colored flag.

  1826. Wasi says:

    THE STORY OF INDIA’S NEW QUAD-COLORED FLAGWhy is the Indian flag now quad-colored?Well, it was tri-colored, but then I took a shit and wiped my ass with it and now it’s quad-colored.

  1827. bhitai says:

    AdityaAs I wrote earlier, most of the jehadi terrorism has been directed at the country’s own security establishment. Which means Pakistani agencies have failed so far to curtail the madness. Even if they closed down all the madrassas, the terrorism won’t evaporate overnight.And btw, I don’t think NATO or even the US will be interested in somehow salvaging Pakistan. Remember pakistan has no OIL. NATO guys are already showing signs of weariness in Aghanistan, I don’t think they are up for another gig. As for US, let them pull some troops out of Iraq, then we’ll see. Btw, I hope you do believe in Gandhis ideals that violence cannot be eliminated with more violence. What Pakistan needs at the moment is some sort of assistance to eradicate the roots of jehadism. The west has failed to understand this so far. I hope the indians are more insightful than that..

  1828. satish says:


  1829. aditya says:

    I want this foul mouthed, facts evading, insane Wasi to be kicked out….He doesn’t even talk about a single fact and blabbers about penises…and about girls making rotis and Aishwarya an Bolywood when the topic of discussion is something of paramount importance….I dont support the views of many indians in this forum… but at this hour …their feelings can be very well understood…and with a blabbermouth like Wasi in a forum…even a Sage or the Pope or even the Holy Islamic Preacher can turn insane…. I included all three cuz i wanted to get my point across…that Wasi is not fit to be included into any of the religions….he is a blot to humanity…..May sanity strike Wasi…though it seems a remotest possibility

  1830. absessive says:

    Congrats for killing a lot of people, if that’s what you want to hear. In Pakistan, is the only times of pride when Indians are killed? Such a castrated nation, yours must be. But then in a country where the men rape their mothers and sisters and where terror is a school subject, where bombs are toys and AK-47s are available of the counter, this must be nothing new. Seems only you (I’m seriously thinking of calling you as all your countrymen as M0****F**kers) find the claim that Pakistan is innocent to be true. The entire truth has been played out over and over again. If your country’s only contribution to humanity is terror, it must really suck to be you. Do you realize that Pakistani and terrorist are just two sides of the same coin. You could argue most of the people there are not terrorists, but silence is equal to supporting them. The Mumbai attacks must be one of the best things that’s happened to Pak in recent times. You can sit with your idiotic blog and comment of false innocence, but then that’s what freedom of speech gives you. That’s something else that must be highly curbed in your country. As a person who’s resided in the vicinity of Pakis for long, I’ve known the evil that lurks in their hearts and the malice that they have towards Indians. The gravest thing for your country is that it’s only reason of unity other than terror is the common hatred towards India. For all I know, you could just be another of those jihadis. Don’t take our inaction for our weakness. BASTARD! The Emptiness is in your heads and your souls. Fucking up your sisters don’t generally take you to heaven, you sick fuck.

  1831. naaz says:

    @ douglas :U r rite dis guyz such a total waste of sperm.Hey Wasi how many times did u sell urself to get into Sach’s. Considering that u have nothing in that shithole u call ur head, must be a billion tymes b4 they finally took pity on you, you fag.

  1832. Cricket is my life says:

    What is Pakistan’s Global Identity? Anti-India Its because of this Pakistani people and governments just continue to speak and do Anti-India activities, bcos the moment they stop the world forgets them…It exists at all levels like this idiot Wasi he just cant compare India to Pakistan so he would indulge in India bashing – saying India is nuthing compared to China and this comes from a so called educated guy who claims he works for Goldman unless ofcourse he’s a janitor there… no harm in doing that either.Strange India/Pak got freedom on the same day and 60 years later not a single Industry that Pak is known for except ofcourse Global Terror where Pak indeed is shining and is a world leader. The have amazing infrastructure to identify, groom, train and hide terrorist. There is one bigger question which leaders and people following Islam should think about and answer …. Why world over terrorism is run by Islamic organisations?What makes their youth turn to Terrorism more easily than working hard and succeeding at whatever. What do they fear?What are they fighting for ?I respect religions and I am sure founders of Islam would not be very happy at what has become today.

  1833. We Care Scholarship says:

    Well, I don’t know who to blame…The only reason “they” were able to do it is because we ALLOWED them to do it.I mean, had our security measures been stringent enough then this incident would have never happened.The fault lies with us.

  1834. Loni says:

    well.. anything your paki govt say.. is bull shit. History stands proof to the fact that pakistani govt have always backstabbed India after every peace talk. do you think the terrorists got all the commando training in elementary school? the pakistani army and ISI is involved. And your govt is being fed by Al-Quida, whose religion is Terrorism.

  1835. aditya says:

    Bhitai….hope every Pakistani thinks like you….I too know that a big percentage of Pakistanis despise these terrorists..A big share dont have an opinion cuz they are ignorant….. like many Indians too…..I know that there are people like Wasi…though he claims to be a Literate and Educated and might really be so…. support misconceptions though the truth is out in the open glaring…btw …i do have Pakistani friends in USA right now… My perceptions about pakistanis changed a lot after being with them…. but i know….Bad guys exist everywhere….

  1836. SatyamevaJayathe says:

    Indians are peace loving people that is seen as weakness by others…..

  1837. We Care Scholarship says:

    It should not have mattered where the terrorists got their training from.The fact that they were able to do such a dastardly act exposes our weakness and they like any other opportunists exploited it to the fullest of measures.

  1838. CooldudeOC says:

    Wasi work for the richest jewish firm in New York and shows solidarity for the terrorist who killed their Rabbi..Shame on you.

  1839. Raj says:

    The only thing I agree with “abessives” is is that The indifference of good men is the biggest evil.

  1840. We Care Scholarship says:

    Ummm…there were Britons too (although of Pakistani origin, but Britons still)…so lets call them English, shall we?Well, it does not sound good for terrorists to be called Britons/English, does it?

  1841. Proud2BIndian says:

    Ok, fellow Indians, all of us very well know the fact on who is involved in Mumbai terrorism act, well not just this incident but every terrorism act that has occurred so far in India. As some people pointed out very well, terrorism is being bred there, it is in their blood, even if you try to explain about humanity to a well-educated person from that hierarchy, it is worthless, “kutte ka dum sada sarvada teda”. Coming to Wasi, this guy or girl seems to be in his/her teens from the way he/she talks. All he or she is trying to do is to create to confusion and fights amongst us Indian (esp. Hindus and Muslims). Please DO NOT fall for this. We already fell into that spell in 1948 and are in this State, let us not go through another such situation. INDIA – UNITY IN DIVERSITY!!! WE ARE PROUD TO BE INDIANS!!!!If the fellow Indians would take my advise then please do not reply to the comments posted by Wasi from here onwards.Thank you,PROUD TO BE INDIAN!!!!

  1842. aditya says:

    Bhitai…you say that I have Gandhian principles….But one point i would like to make is that….even Gandhi would have resorted to Non Violence if the british were around for twenty more years without heeding his Movement and Ideas….The point I would like to make is that there is a Threshold to everything…if the People on the other side are insane and dont heed Nonviolence( which is read as Weak by them)… There would be a retaliation of unimaginable magnitude once the Threshold is crossed over….I wish that would not happen… Hope the things settle down for good before something like that sets in…

  1843. naaz says:

    @ Waheed:I read ur comments n u seem like d scum of the worst kind n datz sayin sumthin since i’ve seen wasi who is the most obnoxious bastard around.U r an Indian 4 god’s sake, have some shame n if u’re so inclined 2 kiss Paki ass , better haul ur sorry ass frm India n go back 2 ur buddies in Pakistan.

  1844. CooldudeOC says:

    Non Violence works when the opposition has a lot to lose, like reputation, and empire of business etc. The British feared losing both. Non violence doesn’t work when your opposition is desperate and has nothing to lose.

  1845. satish says:

    Wasi talks about the indian flag and having four colours instead of 3. He is really messed in the head. Perhaps he just lost his job and hence taking out his frustration. What a loser. Here we are talking about a serious issue, and then to hear such silly comments from Wasi, is really annoying. Its best to ignore the idiot

  1846. Indian says:

    Amazing arguments.1) The Mobiles picked up from terrorists have proved that they have been talking to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pl find reasons to brak this fact.2)The email claiming responsibily came from a Pak IP address.3)Seized Grenades came from China. Pakisthan is the major source for Chinese grenades.4)The captured terrosist has said that he came from Pak. Is it too difficult to trace his relatives if that is true?Is it also difficult to find whether he is a Muslim by body check?5)Two Coast guard officers were killed before entering India. So there was some check but not a perfect check considering India has 8000 miles of coastlines.6)Whoever said that these guys spoke Marathi. Time to cook up,is it? They spoke in English and in Pakish Punjabi.7)The Pak Amb to UK said on BBC that the terrorists were dark skinned. Another attempt to spread rumours. The Pics were shown them to be very fair and only the Pak Amb could see them to be dark. Pl come to light, Amb!8) Another attempt is towards blaming the same Amb. Ofcourse LTTE are terrorists but am yet to see a single suave looking LTTE guy. While LTTE is fighting for a homeland, the Jihadees are fighting against EVERYONE. They believe that no one else has a right to live.9)Getting out of Pak is not difficult through some ships. Then travelling a short distance by boats is also not difficult. Three speed boats wer said to have waited abt 4 nautical miles from Mumbai. Or they travelled by inflatable bosts that belonged to a ship. And Indian Police is generally non existent when it comes to performance. The so called heroes of Mumbai Police held outdated rifles and the ATS chief went into the Oberoi as if he was dealing with a law and order situation. If the ATS Chief can be such a stupid, wher e is the standard if Indian Policing?Pak friends desire to be friendly with India is MOST appreciated. But if it is a fact that some PAKs had become India’s nemesis, PL ADVISE WHAT ACTION SHPULD INDAI TAKE UP?

  1847. aditya says:

    I think the Blabber has realised that nobody is gonna respond to him….The Blabbering stopped for a while….But i am sure that the Blabbermouth Wasi would surely return to quack again…Cuz he would definitely want to prove himself to be a Blabbermouth…….

  1848. Johnson says:

    No body can win this war on terrorism.(Currently for India it is coming from Pakistan, tomorrow it will be from somewhere else)You can at the most control it, reduce it by a) Bringing in various security measures within the countryb) Dissolve all religious & caste affiliated political parties.The reason why I am saying is that we cannot win the war is because all these attacks are due to the deep deep religious hatred.As long as God, is still far away… not seen but only believed (like killing for GOD,thinking that GOD is saying ' Very good my son…' ),the hatred will continue..I think we should, not waste any more time and invest heavily on developing the intelligence infrastructure ,and internal security at all sides and run a non religious government.One last thought… best thing for India is work very closely with Israel..– johnkera

  1849. naaz says:

    I'd like to say that the losses we've suffered r immense both in terms of men & properties but still I don't have any issues against Pakistanis per se. However I do have immense hatred for the terrorists who did this.I have a couple of friends from Pakistan who are extremely genuine & good hearted people. The condolences by the civilians are genuine but then there r a coupla bastards who say that accept our help n we'll help you or else we'll fuck u. If don't happen that ways guyz, u can threaten us Indians into submitting to your whims n fancies.N to think the cocky offers of help from a country which lives on American benefit. Atleast we take good care of our own.@ Ali: Neither you or the ISI have to take the responsibility of the kidz fatherd by Indians. We are pretty competent to take care of sumthin which springs from our loins. Unlike you we won't leave our kids 2 die on the streets , d way you left your soldiers corpses in the war of Kargil.

  1850. satish says:

    John Kera – Good point. We need to tackle the problem from the root. Unfortunately in the world there is good and bad. We need to tackle the bad, and make people understand that there is ONE GOD, and no religion teaches terrorism or war. Education on this will be a never ending battle. Until then one needs to secure their soil, and for this India needs to strengthen their infrastructure on security.

  1851. grren world says:

    Wasi,He is most probably a car driver in some area and not only misinformed, misguided, misrepresenting facts but worst of all he is trying to spread rumors. These are hallmark of terror*rists who are so fanatical that they don’t logic and reason based on facts. Wasi do you have an address. Can you provide it here.

  1852. bhitai says:

    AdityaPakistani army isn’t insane that it will want to open another front on the eastern borders of the country. Pakistani jehadis have killed many a pakistani soldier, about a 1000 of them already. This menace isn’t a video-game baddie that you can knock out with a joystick move. It might take DECADES before they are eliminated. Pakistan is a country of 150 million people, out of which a small minority is inclined toward militancy. Their numbers could still be in hundreds of thousands. You just can NOT kill your way out of this problem. This is a mistake that NATO and US have already committed in Afghanistan, and look at how quickly they are losing friends over there..

  1853. grren world says:

    The worst thing for evil (terrorism) to succeed is for good men to do nothing. There is a pattern of terrorist activity in past from pakistan. Both local,ISI sponsored, and govt supported terror. The world has to unite and finish the terror and terrorist infrastructure in pakistan. Good men cannot stand on sidelines, thinking it is some other innocent who is killed. Because tomorrow it could be someone you know. This problem needs to be confronted head on. The scourge of terrorism must be eliminated and pakistan is the central battleground – which provides the right environment for terrorism to grow and take roots.Remember kargil, whole pakistan intelligence and pakistani army was involved.Otherwise the terrorists will blackmail the world with nuclear weapons one day. Like it or not, non action is not an option.

  1854. bhitai says:

    PL ADVISE WHAT ACTION SHOULD INDIA TAKE UP?IndianAt the moment there isn’t much India can do, including war (which will be suicidal, and hurt about 1.25 billion people collectively). They should go to the UN and ask for extradition of Dawood Ibrahim and other criminals, who might have helped pull it off. This assuming Pakistan doesn’t hand them over already. If Pakitan complies with such demands, I don’t think they should ask for more. India CANNOT micro-manage this war from outside, neither can she overtly get involved. You guys have to be tactful about this, remember, you are dealing with a bunch of insane people here (terrorists). Out-terrorizing them will mean perpetuating violence endlessly..

  1855. Syed says:

    Anybody who hates anyone else for being different from them, whether he comes from India or Pakistan is being unjust. Anyone who calls my country a bad name causes me to react angrily, and if I do it to him/ her will cause the same reaction. I hope Pakistanis and Indians will stay away from such acts, even if incited to do so. Humanity is sacred, in the streets of Mumbai, as it is sacred in the streets of Kashmir or Karachi. Let’s at least give each other respect, if we cannot show each other love. If I read through the history of India and Pakistan with a sense of objectivity, I see mistakes by both countries in the past and at present. Then why should we sling mud at each other? I cannot fathom Pakistanis or Indians, who can close their eyes to the actions of our two countries whether it be in Kashmir, East Pakistan (Bangladesh), Junagadh or in our mutual conflicts such as Kargil or Siachen. Our actions have created this mistrust. I am a Pakistani and when I read comments by Indian bloggers against my country, it does hurt me, but I for one can understand their feelings during these tragic times. I will not appeal to their sanity, for people do lose their senses in moments of grief. About 50 years back, in 1947, many Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs degenerated into animals; killing even babies … I pray to Allah days like those do not come back. But many Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs also saved the lives of their fellow human beings. Just like Muhammad (SAW) when he pardoned the people of Makkah, the same people who had killed and persecuted his companions. Humans have the capability of rising to the heights of nobleness and falling to the depths of ignorance. If we cannot reach the first, let’s not contribute to the latter.In Islam it is admirable to stand up against justice, but Islam does not allow us to be unjust to any of Allah’s creations. We have not been told to force people to convert to our way of life, but infact have been ordered to set a good example to them by preaching our faith through practice. I wonder how many Muslims including myself are doing that? I, for one, will not be unjust to any of my fellow Hindus and Sikhs at work, in the cricket field or anywhere else, even if tomorrow 500 Pakistanis are killed and my government blames the “foreign hand” or the “neighbors”. I hope inshaAllah God gives me the foresight and the will to practice what I preach.

  1856. CooldudeOC says:

    Since this has become the reality of our lives, we have to stand upto it. We should resolve to defeat terrorism in every battle they wage only then we can be on the high roads on the war that has been waged.

  1857. grren world says:

    Non action is equal to inaction is equal to disaster. Remember powerful countries dismissed the warning signs from Hitler. And then this monster became so big that millions of lives were lost to this monster, before it was controlled.I ask you today, Do you want the same thing to happen for the monster of terror. It is already too late. We have been ignoring warning signs for too long. This monster of terrorism needs to be eliminated decisively, before it engulfs millions of people.The world has no option today but to clean pakistan. Pakistani people must support the world – for their own survival and safety. Otherwise the price that they will have to pay would be catastrophic, if the world attacks pakistan.

  1858. satish says:

    green world. you are correct in saying this problem needs to be tackled head on. All the world leaders need to unite and come to some sort of strategical plan to stop the breeding of terrorism. And one of the first country they need to focus on is Pakistan. Its a so called Haven for these terrorists. They get all their training from that land. If Pakistan is unable to do anything about it, they need to seek help from other nations. But something needs to be done fast.

  1859. Monika says:

    Some ppl do the crime and others come to cover it up.. IGNORE him.. he lost his senses..

  1860. grren world says:

    to Syed,Time for lectures is over. Rather go and do something in your country against terrorism. That way you can do something useful with your time. We have lost apetite for such hollow lectures while you are training terrorists in your backyard. Is paki army so enunuch that it cannot destroy the camps and mud hutments of terorrist camps. If they cannot even fight a terrorist who lives in a mud htument with some weapons, they are totally useless and most inept army of the world.Eight hundred thousand kashmiri hindus were forced by terrorists to leave their homes. Babies sucking milk from the breast of their mothers were not spared by the pakistani terrorists.

  1861. Priyanshu says:

    Its time to take some fim steps. India needs to do the following:1) Stop each and every relations with Pakistan. No business, no tourism and no political relations either.2) None of the Pakistani should be given any kind of visas to enter India.3) Cancel all the existing visas and give them the notice period of 1 month. If they are found in India after a month, strict actions must be take on them.It is a simple as this. Just try this and see what happens. Our politicians and decision makers are cowards if they dont take any such actions this time. This is really a high time.Pakistan hasnt done any useful contribution to the world and so they can’t see the worldclass progress of India and Indians.Pak was always a useless country on the map of the world and it will always be until demonished completely for sake of Allah, God and mankind.

  1862. Ranen says:

    See, my pakistani friends, it looks rude, but its true, Pakistan is the source of all these islamic terrorisms, and Pakistan is very good sharing there terrorism skills and there army loves to train terrorist. I heard, for a pakistani citizen, its very difficult to get a VISA to any western coutnries which is not fare, but then Pakistanis have to pay the price to allign themself with terrorist, already Pakistan’s political fabrice is very weak-thanks to General Musaraf, and Musaraf himself indirectly responsible to make pakistan’s military weak which India likes very much and dislikes also. Now come to the point, whether the Mumbai attack was done by Paki people or indian, its brutally true that those bastards are pakistani, now 2nd question, how am I so sure of it, because I believed Indian police, now for a 2nd- let me assume I am wrong, then also those bastards must be trained by only Pakistani people. Now what should India do, ideally I prefer india to give stern warning and ask Pakistan to co-operate. But pakistan will never co-operate which we all know, but then India should simply attack Pakistan without using nuclear bomb, like India should demolish either PoK or Karachi, now Pakistan will re taliate, which India should be able to handle, but the good thing is Pakistan will now never get any co-operation or help from any other country including china except may be Saudi Arabia, but then Saudi arabia is not a powerful country, now after that what will happen, either Pakistan will take a positive step or it will whole heartedly support Islamic militant, yeah it will be tough time for India, India will have to pay heavy price, but then Pakistan won’t have support for its activities, so slowly but firmly Pakistan will die which will be unfortunate. But then thats how it is.To tell you the truth my Paki friends, India always wants a rich developing neighbour which Pakis never understand.

  1863. satish says:

    Syed – Yes agreed. Nobody likes to hear bad things about their country or religion. I dont blame any religion or country, because these terrorists are insane. They can do anything. But we need to unite and see where the problems start from, and what is the main cause of these attacks. And to me the main cause of this terrorism, is the wrong preaching of religion, and the wrong understanding of religion. Pakistan is being targeted by there terrorism as a place where they can practice the wrong teachings of their religion, thus making these extremists feel powerful and the resort to terrorism. We have to move on a war footing and stop these extremists.

  1864. Johnson says:

    grren world,I very much agree with you. We need to confront it. For that we need to prepare our selves.. Strengthen ourselves internally and gather intelligence, have a centralized, yet independent security agency, to take on this head on. This team should be only doing this job..looking out for , watching everything both internally and externally.Ideally, we should have been on high alert the moment these terrorists entered the Indian waters.. we should do the doing and not just the saying…pakistan did this, pakistan did that…I am fed up of this.We should act pro actively to work with the governments, who are 24/7 on guard against such religious fanatics, and be prepared to strike before we are surprised..We have much more capable people to do it brilliantly. Hope the Indian government, wakes up..Talking about nuclear weapon.. I will not be suprised if ‘they’ black mail with nuclear weapon. These guys are so dedicated and heavily funded,( again for religious sake) that I am sure they will try to get hold of a nuclear weapon. Our survival is purely based on what information we have and what we do about it…Else God Save us..

  1865. says:

    Asslam-o-alaikum fellows.My deepest sorrow is with indan people, and i am feeling pain in my hert, but y this all blame game ? why you do not accept that pakistan is against terrorism. infact we are victim of terrorism. wy dont you point at the other enemies of india which are inside india. ok let say that pakistan is supporting muslims extrmists in india. but what about the other seperation movements. hindues are always against pakistan because pakistan is a muslim country as well as a nuclear power.

  1866. says:

    and u know wat i ma proud to be a PAKISTANI. and no need to say that muslims are happy in india. i know it very well then any one else.

  1867. says:

    There are 608 districts in india and in which there are sepration movements in 231 districts.<>some sepration movements i am mentioning here<>1. peoples gorila army2. peoples war group3. Maoust Communist center4. maaoust party of india5. communist party of janashaktithese are only few (except the Indian Occupied KASHMIR which is near to pakistan border)<>and in these sepration movements <>– 35 sepration movements movements are in asam– 3 sepration movements in naga land– 12 sepration movements in punjab– 30 sepration movements in taripura– 2 sepration movements in mizorahi am giving few more statistics here<>in year 2006 Total number of 2765 people died in india due to different violance cases.<> among which– 41% died in Kashmir– 27% died in different right wing movements– 23% died due to different sepration movements which i mentioned above– 10% died due to internal religious extremist violanceThese all statistics are on the recod, “not off the record”

  1868. Apurv says:

    Pakistani elements not entire Pakistan have an involvement and that what we our govt and your 1 of your own harboured fattu lallu jehaadi saysread on here for full reports:-

  1869. says:

    These all statistics are on the recod, “not off the record”But why all the indian media and political parties always blame Pakistan for wat ever is going on in india.

  1870. says:

    In pakistan i am from peshawar which is now a days war zone for war against terrorism. we caught some terrorist which were not muslims, but i am not blaming indians govet for this i am blaming my pakistani government for this.

  1871. satish says:

    smart vision zone : nobody is pointing fingers at a particular country. We are pointing fingers at these terrorist, who i hate to my gutts. Unfortunately we look at the majority of these terrorists are using the Pakistan soil to train themselves, and plan attacks. This is a known fact. The whole world knows this. So for one we need to stop this, and who better than the Pakistan government can help to control this, since its in their land. If unable to do it, they need to seek help from other foreign lands. But this needs to be done on top urgency, because these terrorist are so capable of destroying the world, and using nuclear power to threaten the world. We dont know what they can do next. They are making life miserable for everbody. All those people who lost their lives, their siblings must be going through hell. I feel deeply sorry, and I feel helpless.

  1872. says:

    This all fightings are base less and i wish that one day you guys will understand.and i dont think there is any need to explain that we are peace loving or not. wat ever i say i can not change your mind which is already built by indian media about pakistanThings will go worst for PAKISTAN not for india, i know. but i still love my country and i will die happily for my religion, for my country.

  1873. shy humour says:

    Wasi!our country is definitely better than pakistan whose hobby is to raise terrorists.In the reports u can see also that indian ecomomy growing fast and it will become 4 largest economy. U keep your $1000 with you.Its better to die than to have your money

  1874. anand says:

    If the terrorists are bold enough, let them come out of their own world and fight againt our national heroes like NSG, army. Only cowards can kill innocent people. If they say killing innocent people is their religious act am sure there is no one in the world to accept this religion except the barbarians like terrorists. We Indians are resolved not to kill innocent people in Pok by waging a war against a Pakistan aided militant groups. Everything has a limit and time has come to show the world and Pok/Pakistan that Indians are no longer resilient.

  1875. grren world says:

    to anandTerrorists are cowards. Why else would they kill innocent unarmed people. why else would they kill milk sucking babies? And the nation that supports them is a nation of cowards too. May be the pakistani psyche is a coward psche in itself.And the result manifests iteself with the support for terrorism by Pakis.

  1876. grren world says:

    to smarvisionzone,If you support injustice you are no less guilty than the person who committed injustice. Do not deluge your commitment to pakistan with your support for terrorism emanating from pakistan. And if you are really a committed citizen of pakistan, then you must fight against terrorism if your own country. That is the only right thing to do.Otherwise your assertion about yoru commitment is faulty, misguided and probably not true.If your brother is jumping willingly into a deep dark well – Will you support him because you love him or you speak up and stop him?

  1877. CooldudeOC says:

    Hassan, when you allow your powerful army generals to hijack your democracy the biggest loser is the voice of the people. Whatever voice you may have here in this forum is poorly subdued and feeble. You are incapable of rooting out hateful teachings in madrassas in the name of “Allah”. When i am not saying everything is rosy in India or America who have a vibrant democracy, I also couldn’t but pity ordinary Pakistanis for ignoring signs of their own destruction. Why religion has to pull strings so fatal in 21st century. Or why do you allow rogues carry out massacres in the name of religion. Its time for you to wake up, if it is not too late.

  1878. d_vper says:

    Well both Indians and Pakistanis are always on with the blame game. what the hell you say that terrorists don’t have religion? then y do u differentiate them as muslim terrorists and hindu terrorists….ha ha.well just talk in a non biased way my friend.oh then i would like to ask my indian brothers y u r so annoyed in the backing off of the ISI chief. if u say they r backing such terrorists then do you think that they will lead you to a right direction, what i prob think is that they will lead u go astray. In my eyes both pak gov and indian gov are culprits. just talk terrorism and its preventive measures thats it, then sit back and have a cup of coffee in the Taj or marriott to get urself caught up by terrorists. common we r in the 21st century and i cant see the security stronger than the terrorists and thats the fact that the citizen of the world has got to understand… so when shall we stand up and start doing instead of talk bull shit.and the what the hell is the language issue indira gandhi spoke 33 languages so if the terrorists can learn commando tactics can’t they acquaint themselves with urdu hindi mumbaiyya or marathi… common grow up kids. hope the investigations go in the right direction and only then v come to know who the real culprits more thing y the terrorist’s first priority was to shoot the 3 top police officials mr. karkare, the sharp shooter etc. can you balme the samjhota guys to eliminate them to shift the issue on terrorists. God knows and any answers to this would be heartily appriciated.Shahid

  1879. shy humour says:

    we trust the laziness and incompetence of our governmet they are not compentent to run terror camps against any country as some of you might think

  1880. indian says:

    yes, I agree with Johnson that we have to learn the best practices from Israel. They have been inspiration and I am avid admirer of this country. But we are getting there, I am sure this event will go in the history as a turning point in India’s immune system against terrorism.

  1881. shy humour says:

    also i would like to add that Muslims have wrecked havoc.History proves that u killed a lot of people and invaded India, burnt our libraries,broke some of our temples and made masjids out of them.WHat is the problem with your genes. You have inferority complex. U dont beleive in urself and kill other people

  1882. Johnson says:

    Dear Indians,Let us stop thinking and trying to move away from the real problem, by blogging that Pakistan is to be blamed.What we Indians must do is what we need to talk. Let us not waste our time and energy trying to prove that Pakistan Govt is to blamed..Its in fact,our Govts fault.Our Govt has not done any thing towards this.. A week down, you and I will forget and go our way..Nothing will change, unless, we keep a mechanism to ensure that the national security issue remains a top agenda for the Govt..till a hardcore system or department is not created..Had this team been created early…let what ever Pakistan is doing.. this team would have ensured that the culprits were caught across the border through international pressure.I don’t know how to keep this issue to keep burning till we see concrete step.. Please increase the tax rate if you think it will help..But please spend and work towards strengthening with our selves..It will solve lot of internal and external problems..Very easily said..than done..As long as the political system is like this…I don’t know how things will improve.Somebody, please help and come up with action points..-johnson

  1883. d_vper says:

    hey shy humour,just remember what the hell u did to the gujarat muslims in 2002. so if v muslims r killers then y u want to follow our path and b like us.and about invasion of india the mongolians and turkish invaded india and ruled for about 1000 yrs and left everything here and died in this land they helped india prosper. so who were britishers were they muslims? they fucked up indian subcontinent and who was Maulana Adbul kalam azad a christian or a hindu? fuck you for your narrow mindedness u need to grow up boy. we kill coz you did the same to us first.shahid

  1884. Johnson says:

    ggren world,A very valid point… the pakistanis should now start to stand up..and stand against terrorism..As you said, as a brother we can only advice..?But the fact remains..if you destroy any innocent, you will have to pay for this is to say..if Pakistanis donot stand up and save their own country…it will itself be destroyed from within…None of the Arab wealth will will be too late..But in the meantime, we Indians, what do we do ??Johnson

  1885. bapinaa says:

    si and other paki pigs read this this article appeared in jihadwatch.orgFjordman reviews Ali Sina’s Understanding MuhammadThe learned European essayist Fjordman here reviews Ali Sina’s Understanding Muhammad. Since Fjordman has been accused of being a white supremacist and a neofascist, some people have also accused me of being a white supremacist and neofascist, because I publish his fine essays on jihad and the Islamization of Europe. So I thought I would take this opportunity to say that while white supremacism and neofascism are wrong and should everywhere be opposed, I do not believe Fjordman is a white supremacist or a neofascist. What many have taken as “white supremacism” is his interest in trying to stem the tide of immigration into Europe, which threatens to make Europeans into minorities in their own countries, and — because the immigrants are overwhelmingly Muslim — to create a series of Sharia states across Europe. In 2006, well before he began to be accused of race supremacism, Fjordman wrote this:We shouldn’t idealize mass-immigration too much. When one group of people move into a territory where another group of people already live, this has usually throughout human history ended in war. Either the newcomers will be expelled, or they will subdue or wipe out the previous inhabitants, or the groups will divide the country between them. I see little reason to expect any different result where the indigenous population happens to be white. […]I do not see why I should have to choose between White Supremacy and White Worthlessness. It is one thing to reject the idea that your culture should be forced onto others, it is quite another thing to say that you shouldn’t be allowed to retain your culture even in your own country. The latter is simply a matter of self-preservation, the most basic instinct of all living things down to bacteria level.I have a right to preserve my culture, too, even though I have blue eyes, and cannot see anything “racist” in not wanting my children to become a persecuted minority in their own country through mass immigration. That you are denounced as a White Supremacist for just stating the obvious shows how deeply entrenched and internalized this anti-white bias has become.More recently (two weeks ago), the genuinely neofascist VNN Forum (an evil site to which I will provide no link) criticized one of Fjordman’s articles about Europe for not blaming Jews for the problem. VNN Forum writers called Fjordman “a neocon jew-ass-kisser who is either oblivious of the fact that jews are responsible for what is happening or is aware but doesn’t have the guts to name the jew.” They also pointed out that “the Brussels Journal is never critical towards the Jew” and went on to complain that “multiculturalism stops when the Jew is down and out. Those Islamophobic ‘nationalist’ parties accomplish nothing….I would rather see anti-synagogue marches over anti-mosque ones. The mosques become a non-issue if you defeat the wretched sheeny.”I would rather stand with Israel, and Fjordman, than with those racist neofascists.So without further ado, here is his review of Ali Sina’s book:If I make a shortlist of people who have significantly influenced my views on Islam, the Iranian ex-Muslim writing under the pseudonym Ali Sina has to be one of them. Now based in North America, he has founded the website Faith Freedom International (FFI),, to inform non-Muslims about the violent nature of Islam and help Muslims leave Islam. Sina has published the book Understanding Muhammad on the psychological nature of Islam’s founder as he appears from Islamic sources. The book Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out from 2003, edited by Ibn Warraq, contains the personal stories of several former Muslims, among them Ali Sina. Ibn Warraq is the author of several books, among them the modern classic Why I Am Not a Muslim and his most recent Defending the West. I will start with a few quotes from Sina’s testimony in Leaving Islam and continue with quotes from his own book. I will provide page references to make it easier for others to quote and use the material.In Leaving Islam, Ali Sina describes how, growing up in Iran, he had illusions of a “real Islam” which was good and tolerant. He advocated the real Islam as he thought it should be and criticized the mullahs and their deviations from the “true” teachings of Islam. Page 138:“I idealized an Islam conforming to my own humanistic values. Of course, my imaginary Islam was a beautiful religion. It was a religion of equality and of peace. It was a religion that encouraged its followers to go after knowledge and be inquisitive. It was a religion that was in harmony with science and reason. I thought science got its inspiration from this religion. The Islam that I believed in sowed the seeds of modern science, which eventually bore its fruits in the West and made modern discoveries and inventions possible. Islam, I used to believe, was the real cause of the modern civilization. The reason the Muslims were living in such miserable state of ignorance in comparison to the un-Islamic West was all the fault of the self-centered mullahs and the religious leaders who, for their own personal gain and dominance, had misinterpreted the real teachings of Islam. Muslims honestly believe that the great Western civilization has its roots in Islam. They recall great Middle Eastern scientific minds whose contributions to science have been crucial in the birth of Modern science.”He mentions some of these scholars, like the mathematician and astronomer Omar Khayyam, the physician and alchemist Rhazes (al-Razi) and the physician and philosopher Avicenna (Ibn Sina), all of them worthy of respect. I should mention that they were all Persians, not Arabs, and that Rhazes in particular didn’t believe a word of Islamic teachings. He was a good scholar, but he wasn’t a good Muslim.Sina tells about his education abroad. His father didn’t want him to go to an immoral Western country. Page 139:“Pakistan, being an Islamic country, was safe. People were religious and therefore moral. This, of course, proved to be untrue. I found people there to be as immoral and corrupt as Iranians. Yes, they were very religious. Yes, they did not eat pork and I saw no one consuming alcohol in public, but I noticed they had dirty minds, they lied, they were hypocrites, and they were cruel to the women and, above all, filled with hated for the Indians. I did not find them better than Iranians in any way. They were religious, but not moral.”However, he was appalled by the general disdain Pakistanis had for non-Muslims:“I learned about the reasons for the partition (of India) and for the first time about Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was presented as a very intelligent man, the father of the nation, while Gandhi was spoken of in a derogatory way. Even then I could not but side with Gandhi and condemn Jinnah as an arrogant and ambitious man who was responsible for breaking up a mighty nation and causing millions of deaths. I did not see difference of religion enough reason to break up a country. The very word Pakistan seemed to be an insult to the Indians. They called themselves pak, or ‘clean’ to distinguish themselves from the Indians, who were najis (‘unclean’). The irony is that I never saw a people dirtier than the Pakistanis, both physically and mentally. It was disappointing to see another Islamic nation in such intellectual and moral bankruptcy.”Personally, I have a slightly more critical view of Gandhi, whom I believe was extremely naïve. His non-violent methods might leave an impression on a civilized nation such as Britain but clearly wouldn’t have had any impact on a Genghis Khan, nor did they have any value against Muslims. I have noticed that where Westerners have “Islamophobia,” Indians have “communalism.” That’s what it’s called when non-Muslims talk about one thousand years of Jihad, a war which continues to this day. Non-Muslim communities have been virtually decimated in Pakistan and are in serious decline in Bangladesh, yet the Muslim population in the Republic of India has actually grown since the partition, not just in actual numbers but as a percentage of the overall population. Whereas the few remaining non-Muslim communities in Pakistan face brutal discrimination, Muslims in India enjoy special rights, including limited use of sharia law. They have more political freedom and a higher average income than Muslims in neighboring countries, but they still attack non-Muslims.Later, after his experiences in Iran and Pakistan, Ali Sina discovered that Western infidels were not as dirty and immoral as he had been told. Pages 139-140 of Leaving Islam: “I decided to go to Italy for my university studies. I concluded that there was nothing I could learn in an atmosphere filled with bigotry and stupidity. In Italy people drank wine and ate pork. But I found they were more hospitable, more friendly, and less hypocritical. I noticed people were willing to help without expecting something in return. I met an elderly couple who were very hospitable to me. They called me on Sundays to have dinner with them and not stay home alone. They did not want anything from me, they just wanted to have someone to give their love. I was almost a son to them. Only those who have come to a new country, who do not know anyone and cannot speak even the language, can appreciate how much the help and the hospitality of a local is worth. Their house was sparkling clean and the floor was marble and always shiny. This was quite in contrast with my idea of Westerners. Although my family was very open toward other people, my religion had taught me that the non-Muslims are najis (IX.28) and one should not take them as friends.”In Understanding Muhammad, Sina tries to show how the religion of Islam has been shaped to this day by the psychological of its founder, and why Islam can appropriately by labeled “Mohammedanism.” For Muslims, all actions of Muhammad constitute law. Page 166:“He was entitled to marry or have sex out of marriage with as many women as he wished. He could raid civilians, kill unarmed men, loot their properties and take their women and children as slaves and even rape them. He could assassinate his critics and torture them to make them reveal where they hid their treasures. He could have sex with children. He could lie and deceive his opponents. He could massacre his prisoners of war coldbloodedly. None of that bothers his followers. At first they deny all of the above charges vehemently, accusing you of maligning their prophet, but once the evidence is presented, they suddenly change tactics and defend him, justifying the very evil deeds they had outrageously denied. For Muslims, Muhammad’s actions are not measured by what we humans know as right and wrong. Rather he is the standard, the measure of right and wrong. As the result, if a crime was committed by Muhammad, that crime becomes a holy deed and is emulated by his followers unquestioningly. Muslims are capable of committing the most atrocious acts of indecency and savagery with a clear conscience, because it is sunnah (performed by Muhammad).”Islam became a ruthless and violent creed because of the ruthlessness and violence of its founder and his followers. The concepts of what others would consider good and evil do not exist in Islam. Instead, we have the concepts halal and haraam, permitted and forbidden, categories which very often do not correspond to what non-Muslims would consider to be moral or immoral. For instance, drinking a glass of wine is bad, but killing somebody because they say something critical of Muhammad is good. Sina again, page 167:“In Islam, the ends always justify the means. For example, killing is wrong, but if it is done to promote Islam, it is good. Suicide is prohibited, but suicide bombing that will cause the death of non-Muslims is a holy act. Stealing from fellow Muslims is prohibited and the thief’s hand will be chopped off, but looting non-believers was practiced by Muhammad. So stealing from non-Muslims is considered acceptable by Muslims. Sexual intercourse out of marriage is taboo, but rape of unbelieving women is okay. The goal, which is the establishment of the reign of Allah on Earth, is regarded to be so lofty that everything else becomes secondary. In the history of Islam, we read that people murdered their own fathers or waged war against them. Such actions are praised as the sign of faith and devotion of the believer. Lying in Islam is prohibited, except when it is done to deceive non-Muslims and advance the interests of Islam.”Even Islamic sources reveal the brutality of Muhammad’s behavior. The esteemed biographer Ibn Ishaq narrates in Sirat Rasul Allah p. 515 the conquest of Khaibar. Sina explains, page 38:“He reports that Muhammad, without warning, attacked this fortress town, inhabited by Jews and killed many unarmed people as they were fleeing. Among those captured was Kinana. Ibn Ishaq states: ‘Kinana al-Rabi, who had the custody of the treasure of Banu Nadir, was brought to the apostle who asked him about it. He denied that he knew where it was. A Jew came (Tabari says ‘was brought’) to the apostle and said that he had seen Kinana going to a certain ruin every morning early. When the apostle said to Kinana, ‘Do you know that if we find you have it (the treasure) I shall kill you?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ The apostle gave orders that the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he asked him about the rest (of the treasure) he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr Al-Awwam, ‘Torture him until you extract what he has.’ So he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud.'”As Ali Sina states: “On the same day that Muhammad tortured to death the youthful Kinana, he took his seventeen year old wife Safiya to a tent for sexual intercourse. Two years earlier, the Prophet had beheaded Safiya’s father along with all the males (except those who had not yet begun pubescence) of the Jewish tribe Bani Quraiza.”This kind of behavior is unparalleled among the founders of any major religion on Earth. The Buddha or Jesus certainly never did anything comparable to this. Why were Muhammad and his followers so ruthless? Was it in response to persecution? No, says Sina. After thirteen years of preaching, Muhammad still had no more than seventy or eighty followers. Page 17-18:“Muhammad’s call in Mecca was received with indifference. The Meccans, like most non-Muslims of today, were tolerant of all religions. Religious persecution in those lands was unheard of. Polytheistic societies are generally tolerant by nature. They were offended when Muhammad insulted their gods. Despite that, they did not harm him. Muhammad encouraged his followers to leave Mecca. Naturally the Meccans did not like that idea. The Muslim families were upset, as were the masters of slaves who had converted to Islam. Some of the slaves were caught while trying to escape and were beaten. That was not, of course, religious persecution. The Meccans were simply trying to protect what they considered to be their property. For example, when Bilal was caught, his master, Umaiyah, beat him and put him in chains. Abu Bakr paid his price and he was set free. He was being punished for trying to escape, causing a financial loss to his owner and not for his beliefs.”Sina mentions a few other incidents claimed by Muslims to represent “persecution,” but in his view, “These stories can hardly be classified as religious persecution. In the Middle East individualism is an alien concept. Women in particular cannot make their own decisions. Even today, Muslim women can be honor-killed if they decide to marry a man of their choice without the consent of their families.”The truth is that Muslims were unsuccessful in attracting many converts in Mecca, yet they were allowed to stay there and preach for more than a decade. They did not attract many followers until after the move to Medina when they started looting caravans, which tells us plenty about the real motivations of Muhammad’s followers. Page 19:“There is no evidence of any persecution against Muhammad and Muslims in Mecca. Nonetheless, Muslims make such claims because Muhammad has made that claim. Muslims will not doubt anything Muhammad has said. Astonishingly, even some non-Muslim historians who are not sympathetic to Islam have fallen into that trap and have echoed this untruth. Muhammad claimed victimhood, when in reality he was the victimizer. Muslims do the same. Everywhere it is Muslims who are killing, oppressing and persecuting, and yet they are the ones who cry loudest claiming to be victims and oppressed.”In the Medina period, Muslims became much more violent and arrogant and launched a series of assassinations to cast terror in the hearts of their opponents. As the Koran says (8,12): “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Several individuals who had done nothing wrong other than mocking Muhammad’s teachings verbally were killed. Understanding Muhammad, page 43-44:“He wanted to send the message that any opposition or criticism of him could mean death. That is exactly the same modus operandi Muslims employ today, where the threat often only need be implied. They follow the model and example set by their prophet, who they regard as their greatest strategist. They want to create a boundary of fear so they may establish their supremacy through terror. There is no doubt in the mind of the Muslim terrorists that this strategy works. To them, the Qur’anic injunction of ‘casting terror in the heart of the unbelievers’ seems a sure way to victory. It worked for Muhammad. He bragged, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’ It worked in Spain when the terrorists killed two hundred people by blowing up commuter trains on March 11, 2004, and in response, the Spaniards voted a socialist for government who immediately adopted a policy of appeasement vis-à-vis the Muslims. Because of the successful precedents set by Muhammad and his ideological heirs, terrorists conclude that a terror strategy will work everywhere and every time. They will not stop unless the world falls or they are proven wrong by facing a much greater force.”As Sina points out, this strategy of harassing or murdering opponents and critics has been a feature of Islam from its inception. This line of thinking is very much alive today since it’s encoded into the personal example of Muhammad, his sunna. Page 196-197:“If you live in an Islamic country, you could be put to death for criticizing Islam, Muhammad or his companions. If you live in a non-Muslim country, you could be assassinated even if you are not a Muslim. Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh learned that lesson too late when he rolled in his own blood after he was shot and stabbed by a Muslim for assisting the Muslim dissident Ayaan Hirsi Ali in making a movie on women in Islam. In July 1991 Ettore Caprioli, the Italian translator of The Satanic Verses, was grievously injured, and Hitoshi Igarishi – professor of literature and an admirer of Islamic civilization, who had translated the book into Japanese – was assassinated in Tokyo. William Nygaard, the Norwegian translator, was later knifed. The idea is to instill so much terror that no one dares to speak against Islam.”I have to correct an error here. The principle of killing “blasphemers” who criticize Islam is indeed still valid. The Japanese translator Hitoshi Igarashi was killed in 1991, following the death sentence against author Salman Rushdie by the Iranian Islamic leader the Ayatollah Khomeini from 1989. The Italian translator Ettore Capriolo was attacked the same year, but survived. However, William Nygaard was the publisher of the Norwegian edition of The Satanic Verses, not the translator, and he wasn’t knifed, he was shot several times outside his home in Oslo. Fortunately, he survived and recovered and has continued working in the publishing business after the incident. This is just a minor factual mistake, but it is an unnecessary one which takes only a couple of seconds to check and correct on the Internet.What’s most important to notice about these assassinations or attempted assassinations is that Muslims made up a very small percentage of the population in both Italy and Norway, not to mention in Japan, at the time, but even a tiny Muslim minority can be enough to kill freedom of speech, literally and metaphorically. Muslims cannot tolerate any criticism of their doctrines, a trait they have inherited from their Prophet. Ali Sina again, page 250:“Megalomania, bullishness, the sense of entitlement and all other narcissistic traits of Muhammad are present in each and every Muslim, to the extent that they emulate their prophet. From king to pauper, from president to janitor, Muslims consider themselves to be superior to the rest of humanity. They are convinced that one day Islam will dominate, mankind will submit to them, and they will be the masters of the world. This feeling of self importance was expressed eloquently by Dr. Mahatir, the outgoing Prime Minister of Malaysia during an OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) summit in 2003. He acknowledged that the early Muslims built their ‘civilization’ by studying the works of the Greeks and other scholars before Islam and then boastfully added that the ‘Europeans had to kneel at the feet of Muslim scholars in order to access their own scholastic heritage.’ In his speech he invited the Muslims to amass ‘guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships’ to subdue that non-Muslim detractors and again rule over them.”Mr. Mahatir also called for a “final victory” over the Jews, who conspire to keep Muslims divided and humiliated.If Islam is so bad, why has it survived for so long? One of the reasons is that it provides a religious excuse for conquest and looting. Another is that it can be a useful tool for authoritarian rulers who want to shore up their power. Page 66:“Islam was an instrument of domination. After Muhammad, others used his cult for the very same purpose. Muslims become like putty in the hands of those leaders who invoke Islam. Mirza Malkam Khan (1831-1908), an Armenian who converted to Islam and together with Jamaleddin Afghani launched the idea of an ‘Islamic Renaissance’ (An-Nahda), had a slogan of unrivaled cynicism: ‘Tell the Muslims something is in the Qur’an, and they will die for you.’ On his deathbed, Muhammad urged his followers not to remain idle, and exhorted them to push on and continue their jihad to conquest. Genghis Khan gave a similar command to his sons on his deathbed. He told them he desired to conquer the world, but that since he could no longer do it, they should fulfill his dream. The Mongols, like Muslims, were terrorizors. For the narcissist, all that matters is to win. They have no conscience. For them, lives of other humans are cheap.”According to his architect Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler was fond of saying things such as: “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”Nazism was essentially a new religion of Jihadism, which had much more in common with Islam than with Christianity. The admiration was mutual. As late as in 2005, Hitler’s autobiography Mein Kampf was among the top bestsellers in Turkey, as it is in a number of Arab and Muslim countries, behind a book about a Turkish national hero detonating a nuclear bomb in Washington D.C. At the same time, Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan has stressed that Islamophobia must be treated as “a crime against humanity.”Another concept Islam and Nazism have in common is the Big Lie. Understanding Muhammad, page 179:“Adolf Hitler, in his Mein Kampf, (1925) wrote: ‘The broad mass of a nation will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.’ If anyone should have known the power of the big lie and that the bigger the lie the more believable it sounds, it was Hitler. Another good statement is that of George Orwell, author of Politics and the English Language. He wrote: ‘Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.’ Why big lies are so convincing? It’s because an ordinary person generally does not dare to tell a big lie. He fears that it would not be believed and that he would be derided. And, since everyone has heard or has said a few white lies, most people generally recognize them when they hear one. The big lies are so outlandish that they often startle the listener. Most people are not equipped to process them adequately.”Ali Sina believes that the big lie “offsets the scale of our common sense. This is not unlike loading a scale that is made to weigh kilos with tons. It stops showing the correct weight. The indicator may even stop at zero. Hence, Hitler was right. The big lie is often believed more than a small lie.”Perhaps the simplest explanation for why Islam is so big is that people believe in big lies, and Islam is the biggest lie ever told in human history. Never has a more appalling human being than Muhammad ibn Abdullah had a greater and more lasting influence on so many people.Although Ali Sina is critical of Islam he is also critical of the West, especially its belief in Multiculturalism and the ideological censorship regime known as Political Correctness, which he has called the “white man’s disease.” To demonstrate what’s wrong with the West, he uses the example of John Walker Lindh, the “American Taliban” who converted to Islam, trained with Jihadist groups and fought in Afghanistan against his own country. Page 220:“John Walker Lindh is one victim of the sickness of Western society called political correctness. Wasn’t it Ronald Reagan who called the Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan ‘freedom fighters’? John went on to become a freedom fighter. What is wrong with that? Didn’t President George W. Bush and Tony Blair repeatedly announce, ‘Islam is a religion of peace?’ Why jail a follower of the religion of peace who has simply followed the instructions of his religion of peace? The West is guilty – guilty of complicity, of appeasement and of self deception. As required summer reading for first-year students, Prof. Michael Sells of the University of North Carolina compiled a book called Approaching the Qur’an where only the ‘nice’ teachings of the Qur’an pertaining to the early Meccan verses were handpicked and the violent, bloody verses that call for killing, looting and raping unbelievers, those that churn the stomach of any sane person that were written later in Medina were deliberately left out. This is nothing but playing the game of deception. The same deception is found in the books of Karen Armstrong and John Esposito in their definition of Islam.”Sina believes that a false image of Islam is being portrayed for infidel consumption by Western academics, for various reasons of ideological and financial corruption. The problem is, when young Westerners believe the lies they are fed about Islam, we disapprove of their actions as they embrace Islamic teachings. Sina considers this to be a form of hypocrisy. Page 220 continued:“These children are not guilty. They are the products of our sick ethos called political correctness. How many newspapers, television or radio stations have the guts to call a spade a spade when it comes to Islam? Which one of our politicians has the mettle to stand in front of a camera and tell the nation that Islam is not a religion of peace? Watch your kids. If anyone dares to tell the truth, he is immediately branded as a racist and a hate-monger, and his head will roll. Meanwhile, Islamic propagandists are given freedom to twist the truth and promote their lies, knowing they will never be challenged on anything they say. CAIR, Council of American-Islamic Relations, (or better said ‘Conning Americans with Islamic Ruse’) furnishes thousands of libraries across the country with Islamic books, hoping to find more John Walker Lindhs. Mosques are being built in every city and town throughout the country to instill the hatred of America amongst the American kids. The situation is worse in Europe, Australia, Canada and other non-Muslim countries.”Ali Sina certainly isn’t politically correct. On page 248 he states that “Islam is not just a false belief but also a mental disorder. It is a disorder that reduces sane people into insane people.”On pages 256-257 he attacks the doctrines of Multiculturalism and the idea that all cultures are equally worth preserving:“If any culture needs to be preserved, it is the Western, Helleno-Christian culture. It is this culture that is facing extinction. It is to this culture alone that we owe the Enlightenment, Renaissance, and democracy. These are the foundations of our modern world. It would be a terrible mistake not to preserve this culture. If we do nothing, we face a future where democracy and tolerance will fade and Islam’s more primitive instincts will subjugate humanity. All cultures are not made equal. A doctrine that advocates subjugation of women and minorities is not equal to a culture that promotes equality of all people irrespective of their beliefs, gender and race. Islam is not a culture. It is the antithesis of culture. It is barbarity, savagery and incivility. Islamic civilization is an oxymoron, while Islamic terrorism is redundancy. We owe our freedom and modern civilization to Western culture. It is this culture that is now under attack and needs protection. I wrote this book with two goals in my mind: to help Muslims see the truth and leave Islam, and to unmask the real face of Islam and warn of its threat, so the world can stand up and protect itself.”This echoes the ideas of another former Muslim, Ibn Warraq, who believes that berating and blaming the West, which has been fashionable since the 1960s and 1970s, has had the result that many Westerners now seem unwilling or incapable of defending their own civilization against outside attacks. In his book Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism, Warraq highlights the destructive impact of Said’s influential book Orientalism from 1978. Said was influenced by Foucault, Marx and the French intellectual tradition and refused to acknowledge evidence contrary to his claims about “Western bigotry.” Page 246:“In cultures already immune to self-criticism, Said helped Muslims, and particularly Arabs, perfect their already well-developed sense of self-pity. There is a kind of comfort and absolution in being told that none of your problems are of your making, that you do not have to accept any responsibility for the ills besetting your society. It is all the fault of the West, of infidels….Orientalism came at the precise time when anti-Western rhetoric was at its most shrill and was already being taught at Western universities, and when third-worldism was at its most popular. Jean-Paul Sartre preached that all white men were complicit in the exploitation of the third world, and that violence against Westerners was a legitimate means for colonized men to re-acquire their manhood. Said went further: ‘It is therefore correct that every European, in what he could say about the Orient, was consequently a racist, an imperialist, and almost totally ethnocentric.’ Not only, for Said, is every European a racist, but he must necessarily be so. As I have argued, Western civilization has been more willing to criticize itself than any other major culture.”It is interesting to notice that individuals such as Ibn Warraq, Ali Sina, Wafa Sultan and others who were not born into Western civilization are at the forefront of defending Western freedoms, while many white Marxists willingly collaborate with Muslims and cry “Islamophobia!” whenever somebody points out the violence inherent in Islamic doctrines. We are thus faced with the highly unusual situation – perhaps unique in world history – where a major civilization is attacked by insiders and defended by people who were not born into it.In Understanding Muhammad, Ali Sina takes the traditional Islamic sources at face value and uses them to reconstruct an image of the person Muhammad as he appears in these sources. There exists a revisionist school of thought which has even questioned whether Muhammad existed at all. Personally, I tend to believe that he was an historical person, some form of Arab national leader, although there is much about the early history of Islam which we do not know and I am willing to consider all possibilities. The advantage of relying on the traditional sources is that according to the texts Muslims themselves use, Muhammad comes off as a highly immoral person. In a way, this strengthens the case of those who believe that Islamic texts were at least inspired by an historical person: If Muhammad ibn Abdullah of Mecca is a later invention, wouldn’t those who invented him have made him appear to be more noble? Ironically, it is possible to argue that the very appalling personality that is portrayed in the hadith and Sira literature is an argument in favor of viewing him as an historical person.I agree 100% with Ali Sina’s view that Islam cannot be reformed. Indeed, he partly taught me that. I find his book Understanding Muhammad to be very valuable. However, his idea of spending many pages on detailed discussions of what kind of mental or physical illnesses Muhammad did or did not suffer from was sometimes too technical for my taste. Sina’s understanding of the nature of Islam is impeccable, and his writings should be considered required reading for those dealing with Islam in their everyday life. My advice would be: Do buy Sina’s book, but read it in combination with one or several other books. A very accessible title on the subject would be The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion by Robert Spencer, but there are also other titles available.

  1886. Rahul Mandale says:

    Hey Python and Wasi,If you talk about Indians, I have simple question for you.Why muslim cut their half penis? They are half penis, they are half mad, they are half understanding…I don’t think Mr. Tata wil paln to open make Pakis muslims half penis to full penis…Let us know…

  1887. satish says:

    Johnson – We definitely have alot of work to do on our Indian side of security infrastructures. Various measurements must be taken to strengthen our security and intelligence department . Yes, and one country we can learn from is Israel. I agree with you. But this will not help to solve the problem of terrorism. Like somebody said earlier, these terrorists are capable of doing anything, if they get a hold of nuclear weapons, what securit in the world can stop them. They will go to any extent. They are animals. Therefore I still have to revert to what I said earlier, another very very important measure that must be taken, is for the world leaders to get together, and stop the breeding of these terrorists. And because many of these terrorists, or perhaps the majority of them live and train in camps in Pakistan. We have to ask the Pakistani government to be more proactive in stopping these camps.

  1888. Johnson says:

    What do we Indians do..?I donot care who did it. Why he did ? But I want to keep my house safe and secure.. even if it requires to slap somebody, I will stand up and slap.I will keep my house safe..till my last breath..Rest let GOD be the judge.

  1889. abhishek says:

    Dear Wasi:I was just looking through the blog and was watching your comments amongst others. I am not going to talk nasty but I think a lot of people including you need to tone down their rhetoric. Being an investment banker is not a big deal and GS would not be proud to see your conduct.Regular pakistani citizens are not behind all this. However, knowing that you are a well educated person, you will agree that the Pakistan government is not in control of the country. The politicians have to bow down to the radicals. ISI has rougue elements which are out of control.Wasi, I do not want to pull you down but I could not hold back on a few comments. I would like to mention that people in India might have Aishwarya Rai and bollywood, but what does Pakistan have. Pakistani singers and actors would dream to find a job in India. Also, please don’t flash your $2 million dollar bonus and talk like a person who is not worth a cent. Take care and chill in NY.

  1890. Vineet says:

    Pakistan is epicenter of terrorism. ISI and LET have hand in gloves. Being in Canada, I have good Pakistani friends and they are like us. We can never blame all the Pakistani people and dont want a war which would do damage to ordinary people. What we need that we should flush out terrorist camps from Pak Occupied Kashmir. The Pak govt is saying that they are not involved in this attack. We know they are not, but they are not doing enough to stop terrorists operating from their territory. USA is doing right thing in sending drons and firing missiles on the suspect targets inside Pakistan. If you can not control your territory, other will. The same thing India should do.

  1891. Gaurav says:

    Hello Ahemad !R u mature enough to decide ur country is not involved?R u supporting MUMBAI Blast ?can u justify killing of innocent people?Remember one thing Truths doesn’t need 2 be justified,Luk inside ur country what have u got in last 50 yrs,luk at us, we r selfdependent and world is luking at’s hurting 4 u when ur country’s name is being defamed,but ds is the truth.Accept itif we were together then it may have not happened.we r large enough to absorb this tragedy, if it happens wth u (Which is currently happening) u all r in scared.we will standup again n i promise ur Contry’s strategy will Ruin itself.Gud Luck 4 PAK

  1892. satish says:

    nice one abhishek. forget wasi, he is not worth even talking about. lets ignore him.

  1893. d_vper says:

    ha ha rahul mandale,beta grow up, we don’t have half penis just that the r in an excellent shape that envy you and ur fellow y do u see all the actors in porn films with a penis like ours most of them r christians. and if u ever get a disease with ur short dick then i think ur doc will advice u to circumcise it. and if you go by the facts we have a big one then urs and u call it half so wht if v dont circumcise it. ha hastop this bull shit no body is going to believe you.shahid

  1894. Rahul says:

    its pretty funny that pakistanis tend to use the whole small p*nis thing to make fun of india. keep in mind that 75% of pakistani population has same genetic makeup as indians. so indirectly you pakistanis are making fun of yourselves, as you guys aren’t any larger in that department.besides, the BBC statistic is just a statistic. everybody isnt the same size. keep that in mind.

  1895. d_vper says:

    there is no issue of ethnicity, u indians seperate pakistanis as other. pakistanis r originally indians and as for me i am an arab-indian so what.just that u r a conservative guy with discriminations of hindu-muslim.grow up think that v r citizens of the world and anything wrong done whether by a muslim or hindu is wrong that’s it.shahid

  1896. satish says:

    shahid, pls grow up and stop talking about penis sizes. What does it have to do about anything that we are suppose to be talking about in this blog. If you are so proud of your penis, why not take a picture and put it on this blog for everybody to see. Common Man, if others are not talking sense, why are you dropping to their level.

  1897. kap says:

    Just in reply to Chandni’s comments: 1. Pakistan is not the father of terrorism but Pakistan is a victim of the terrorism launched by India ever since its conception. Kashmir story started very late but India started cross border terrorism by infiltrating in East Pakistan and made it Bangladesh. After the successful execution in East Pakistan India started this sinister game in Balochistan and in NWFP, which was dealt very harshly by Bhutto and Zia. In reply the Khalistan and Khshmir movement of supported and India went on back foot. I can imagine if Pakistan wouldn’t have been aggressive then India would have kept penetrating, as they are doing now again under US protection and in cooperation with Afghan government. Pakistan army is fighting a decisive battle in the tribal areas and wary from this success India needs to open new fronts for Pakistan. 2. It was tried to project that Pakistan’s created terrorism is haunting Pakistan but the truth came is that RAW and Afghan secret service are running a huge operation in Pakistan’s tribal areas, under US protection. So it is the Hindu Fascist mentality which is haunting Pakistan ever since its birth and which is unable to see Pakistan as a respectable neighbour country. The fact stands that despite being a small country, Pakistan has stood every challenge thrown by India and will keep doing so. 3. Hindus are trying to make this point ever since Pakistan’s birth that it is a failed state and it is a wall of sand, which will fall any day. But we have come long way and we will go very long way. Relationships with neighoubring countries should always be good. But being a peaceful citizen of Pakistan sometime it gets incomprehensible that how can we establish a successful relationship with a country which is full of poison for Pakistan. The reaction of the Indians on this forum is an example of Indians’ hostility towards Pakistan. I guess India is hanged between two different ideologies. My all Indian friends are not hostile towards Pakistan only the crowd on web seems full of poison. Or perhaps Indian establishment finds it convenient to blame everything on Pakistan and not be answerable for anything, which in result makes its common citizen radical and full of hatred against Pakistan.4. This comment made by Chandni is very ironic. Aren’t you ashamed of the systematical and organized killing of Christians in Orisa? You don’t feel the pain of the nuns being raped and churches being destroyed and housed being burned. Don’t you feel ashamed when pregnant Muslim women’s children are killed in their wombs after rapping them in Gujrat, when all of this is done under Government eyes and protection? Don’t you feel ashamed when serving military officer is found behind the explosion, which was blamed to Pakistan like this recent incident in Bombay? I guess you are immune to see the barbarism staged in India every now and then. Chandni you have given advice to Pakistan but doesn’t India need to get rid of extremists who have killed innocent people throughout India and still planning more. I wonder what treatment me and my family would have gotten if I we were to be in India, probably burnt alive. Pakistan Zindabad. Jab tak soraj chand rahay ga Pakistan tera naam rahay ga 🙂

  1898. d_vper says:

    ya i agree with you satish, just wanted to explain this to rahul. thats not the issue.just do it, its time to. save innocent lives.Shahid

  1899. Firefly says:

    Ahmad, why isn’t the ISI chief is hesitating to come to India? Why is Gilani going public to say “don’t worry, we are innocent”? If you are innocent, come to India. Of course, we can’t go to Pakistan, since it’s a dangerous place to be in anyways. Today, terrorism is a synonym to Islam – worldwide. I know, it’s not about the religion but surely something is wrong. It’s for people of pakistan and the Islam world to figure out… we at India can only sing “Mandir, Mahjid, Geerja Ghar ko baat liya bhagvaan ne, dharti bati, sagar bata, mat bato insaan ko…

  1900. Johnson says:

    Satish,Agreed. Now who will work with the international agencies against this fight?How will this international pressure be kept on burning..? Who will do this? Our Govt ? Every five years (even less than that) the govt changes..other issues comes up.. No fault of the Govt..India is such a big democracy with some many religion and some many internal problems.. that it cannot.Why Israel? because it is the epicenter of all hatred. There is not other country that is hated as much as Israel is? They have the wisdom and have developed the capacity to handle all sort of hatred. They know that Iran is preparing to nuclear bomb them..but still the people in Israel, know that the Israel Govt will defend the them. The people in Israel and sleep peacefully knowing that the Govt is taking all the measures..Hence we need to learn from..Use their knowledge and work with them.We need to ensure that India too has a robust ‘VIGIL’ team. We must have a team, with the authority to act at a very short notice, cutting across the state politics..Johnson

  1901. d_vper says:

    firefly,you sing a extremely touching song, and at the same time link terrorism with islam, so wht do u think of usa’s role in iraq and afghanistan where it had nothing to do and what abt the malegaon blasts and samjhota express blasts wht abt russians oppressing the chechen muslims.. what is bad is bad don’t link it with religions, if u call us terrorists then v r the product of terrorism.shahid

  1902. indian2008 says:

    Wasi,You little fucking sick mind, everybody knows by now, how fixated you are on the penises, stop your rubbish about that now, atleast us indians do something productive infornt of the computer, but looks like you cant do even that! You are a prime example of what kinda sick minds you muslims have! How can you kind of fucking idiot be sorry and condemn whatever has happened in Mumbai?

  1903. Ashish Potdar says:

    Am surprised at the audacity of this post1. First look at the detailed scrutiny of the terrain / maps / Indian security establishment info found by this intrepid guy 2. Am also surprised by his knowledge of Mumbai's terrain / comments about MarathiThis itself is highly suspicious – Why would someone go to such great lengths – How many Indians did this kind of analysis after the Pak Marriott blastsThis reeks of either a "knowing" inferiority complex or a desperate attempt to white-washEither ways there is little you can do – Unfortunately you are born in a nation with a proud history of breeding lawlessness & terror – Look at the state of your impotent democracy, your begging to IMF for bailouts – I guess the only worthwhile industry that you are known for in the world is to produce terroristsI know it is sad but that's what you are born with chappie – So live with the stigma or do something worth your spine and oppose what your government is doing !

  1904. d_vper says:

    y take help frm Israel, what those idiots have got to give, State sponsored terrorism?r there intellectual defeciency in India. common stop living on others just stand up and use brain.Shahid

  1905. Johnson says:

    Indian,As you said, hope we wake up and do something..this time.But still the question remains, how do we keep this issue alive till we see something concrete.I am afraid that the issue will die out..Johnson

  1906. Johnson says:

    Shahid,Thanks for your advice..We need not as Indians prove any thing to you…We will do what we must do.We know you are smart and can help your selves.. Keep goingJohnson

  1907. satish says:

    shahid is right. We cannot generalise any religion being a cause of these terrorists. Unfortunately there are a few extremists who call themselves muslims and preach the religion wrongly. No religion be it muslim, hindu, chiristianity support terrorism, infact they all condemn such acts. Education needs to be given to people and make them understand , these terrorists cal themselves muslims but they dont know anything about their religion, they are animals.

  1908. grren world says:

    Since pakistan is a big failure, it is for the world to clean up the mess in pakistan. Pakis have consisetently demonstrated that they are incapable, disoriented, confused and inept when it comes to terrorism. Why they have to beg international community for a loan of 3.1 billion just for day to day expenses. The world must decide how to clean pakistan. Being poor forces them to go more towards terror, which makes them more poor and forces them more to go towards terror. Few rich people become masters of terrorists. That is the failed story of pakistan – a failed state, a state which is a sponsor of terrorism, a state which has no identity, a state which was only carved based on religion. I see no hope for pakistan. How long can world keep on giving alms to pakistani country and its people? This country has no productivity. The only productivity is in the field of terrorism. Actually pakis have a vested interest in keeping terrorism in their country as it helps them to get more alms from other countries like US.

  1909. Niks says:

    All I have to say is this —>>Not all Muslims are Terrorists, however, all Terrorists are Muslims …

  1910. satish says:

    Johnson, I share the same sentiments as you. What should we Indians do? This is something that truly needs to be addressed not only by our government but by the people of India. We have to build our security infrastrucuture to such levels that such incidents never ever happen again. And as you correctly said, I too am afraid this incident will die down.The people of India, need to stand together, and get their country to develop security. How it is done, I dont know? But it must be done urgently

  1911. Codebased says:

    Porkistan jinda bad.Yea kuch nahi karte… Islam karta hai.

  1912. Imran Khan says:

    It is interesting what Sir Deepak Chopra says:Where were you born in India, Deepak?Deepak Chopra: I was born in Delhi, but I have been in these hotels many, many times. I have stayed there, so I know the scene; I know the restaurants. I have been trying to get in touch with my friends and relatives, some of whom I have spoken to, some of whom I can’t speak to. The lines are jammed. We’re texting each other.A friend of mine from Egypt was in the restaurant at the Taj hotel when the firing started, and somehow she managed to avoid the fray, hid in a basement and is now holed up in a room which is right next to the Taj hotel and is waiting to be told what to do.The situation is complex, Larry, because it could inflame to proportions that we cannot even imagine. It has to be contained. We now recognize that this is a global problem, with only a global effort can solve this.And you know, one of the things that I think is happening is that these militant terrorist groups are actually terrified that [President-elect Barack] Obama’s gestures to the rest of the Muslim world may actually overturn the tables on them by alienating them from the rest of the Muslim world, so they’re reacting to this.You know, this is Obama’s opportunity to actually harness the help of the Muslims.Don’t Are you there? Tell your story, send photos Scores killed in Mumbai rampage You know, there’s 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s 25 percent of the population of the world. It’s the fastest-growing religion in the world. We cannot, if we do not appease and actually recruit the help of this Muslim world, we’re going to have a problem on our hands.And we cannot go after the wrong people, as we did after 9/11, because then the whole collateral damage that occurs actually aggravates the situation.In India, this is particularly inflammatory, because there’s a rise of Hindu fundamentalism. We saw what that did in Gujarat, where, you know, Muslims were scorched and they were killed, and there was almost a genocide of the Muslims.India has 150 million Muslims. That’s more Muslims in India than in Pakistan. So this is an opportunity right now for India and Pakistan to recognize this is their common problem. It’s not a Muslim problem right now; it’s a global problem.…King: Do you think that this is just the beginning, that there’s a potential impact, or more?Chopra: There is a potential impact of a lot more carnage. But it can be contained. And right now, one of the questions, you know, after I heard Barbara Starr talking about how coordinated this is, that there are militant groups that cross international boundaries, is who is financing this? Where is the money coming from? We have to ask very serious, honest questions. What role do we have in this? Are our petrodollars funding both sides of this war on terrorism? Why are we not asking the Saudis where that money is going that we give them? Is it going through this supply chain to Pakistan?It’s not enough for Pakistan to condemn it. Pakistan should cooperate with India in uprooting this. They should be part of the surgery that is going to happen.It’s not enough for Indians to blame Pakistanis. Indians should actually ask the Pakistanis to help them.And it’s not enough for us to worry about Westerners being killed and Americans being killed. Every life is precious over there. We have got to get rid of this idea that this is an American problem or a Western problem. It’s a global problem, and we need a global solution, and we need the help of all the Muslims, 25 percent of the world’s population, to help us uproot this problem.King: What does India immediately do?Chopra: India at this moment has to contain any reactive violence from the fundamentalist Hindus, which is very likely and possible. So India has to condemn that by not blaming local Muslims. They have to identify the exact groups.And the world has to be very careful that they don’t go after the wrong people. Because if you go after the wrong people, you convert moderates into extremists. It happens every time, and retribution against innocent people just because they have the same religion actually aggravates and perpetuates the problem.King: Are you pessimistic?Chopra: I think Mr. Obama has a real opportunity here, but a challenging opportunity, a creative opportunity.Get rid of the phrase “war on terrorism.” Ask for a creative solution in which we all participate.King: Is it because the war on terrorism really can never be won because the terrorists (inaudible)?Chopra: Because it’s an oxymoron. It’s an oxymoron, Larry, a war on war, a war on terrorism.You know, terrorists call mechanized death from 35,000 feet above sea level with a press of a button also terror. We don’t call it that, because our soldiers are wearing uniforms. They don’t see what is happening, and innocent people are being killed. So, you know, terror is a term that you apply to the other.King:Thanks, Deepak Chopra, as always, extraordinarily enlightening.

  1913. Imran Khan says:

    It is interesting what Sir Deepak Chopra says:Where were you born in India, Deepak?Deepak Chopra: I was born in Delhi, but I have been in these hotels many, many times. I have stayed there, so I know the scene; I know the restaurants. I have been trying to get in touch with my friends and relatives, some of whom I have spoken to, some of whom I can’t speak to. The lines are jammed. We’re texting each other.A friend of mine from Egypt was in the restaurant at the Taj hotel when the firing started, and somehow she managed to avoid the fray, hid in a basement and is now holed up in a room which is right next to the Taj hotel and is waiting to be told what to do.The situation is complex, Larry, because it could inflame to proportions that we cannot even imagine. It has to be contained. We now recognize that this is a global problem, with only a global effort can solve this.And you know, one of the things that I think is happening is that these militant terrorist groups are actually terrified that [President-elect Barack] Obama’s gestures to the rest of the Muslim world may actually overturn the tables on them by alienating them from the rest of the Muslim world, so they’re reacting to this.You know, this is Obama’s opportunity to actually harness the help of the Muslims.Don’t Are you there? Tell your story, send photos Scores killed in Mumbai rampage You know, there’s 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s 25 percent of the population of the world. It’s the fastest-growing religion in the world. We cannot, if we do not appease and actually recruit the help of this Muslim world, we’re going to have a problem on our hands.And we cannot go after the wrong people, as we did after 9/11, because then the whole collateral damage that occurs actually aggravates the situation.In India, this is particularly inflammatory, because there’s a rise of Hindu fundamentalism. We saw what that did in Gujarat, where, you know, Muslims were scorched and they were killed, and there was almost a genocide of the Muslims.India has 150 million Muslims. That’s more Muslims in India than in Pakistan. So this is an opportunity right now for India and Pakistan to recognize this is their common problem. It’s not a Muslim problem right now; it’s a global problem.…King: Do you think that this is just the beginning, that there’s a potential impact, or more?Chopra: There is a potential impact of a lot more carnage. But it can be contained. And right now, one of the questions, you know, after I heard Barbara Starr talking about how coordinated this is, that there are militant groups that cross international boundaries, is who is financing this? Where is the money coming from? We have to ask very serious, honest questions. What role do we have in this? Are our petrodollars funding both sides of this war on terrorism? Why are we not asking the Saudis where that money is going that we give them? Is it going through this supply chain to Pakistan?It’s not enough for Pakistan to condemn it. Pakistan should cooperate with India in uprooting this. They should be part of the surgery that is going to happen.It’s not enough for Indians to blame Pakistanis. Indians should actually ask the Pakistanis to help them.And it’s not enough for us to worry about Westerners being killed and Americans being killed. Every life is precious over there. We have got to get rid of this idea that this is an American problem or a Western problem. It’s a global problem, and we need a global solution, and we need the help of all the Muslims, 25 percent of the world’s population, to help us uproot this problem.King: What does India immediately do?Chopra: India at this moment has to contain any reactive violence from the fundamentalist Hindus, which is very likely and possible. So India has to condemn that by not blaming local Muslims. They have to identify the exact groups.And the world has to be very careful that they don’t go after the wrong people. Because if you go after the wrong people, you convert moderates into extremists. It happens every time, and retribution against innocent people just because they have the same religion actually aggravates and perpetuates the problem.King: Are you pessimistic?Chopra: I think Mr. Obama has a real opportunity here, but a challenging opportunity, a creative opportunity.Get rid of the phrase “war on terrorism.” Ask for a creative solution in which we all participate.King: Is it because the war on terrorism really can never be won because the terrorists (inaudible)?Chopra: Because it’s an oxymoron. It’s an oxymoron, Larry, a war on war, a war on terrorism.You know, terrorists call mechanized death from 35,000 feet above sea level with a press of a button also terror. We don’t call it that, because our soldiers are wearing uniforms. They don’t see what is happening, and innocent people are being killed. So, you know, terror is a term that you apply to the other.King:Thanks, Deepak Chopra, as always, extraordinarily enlightening.

  1914. Johnson says:

    Niks,You said it..Another way to put it… “Religious Fanatics” a deadly combination.. cause they are the most ‘religious’ lot.Only way out is to know when its coming, and to fight it.. 24/7..there is no way out.– Johnson

  1915. grren world says:

    What Indians must do…What Indians have to do is to elect a strong government. We should not vote for politicians who are weak on security. We should not vote for regional issues rather than national issues. And we must held people accountable. The home minister should have resigned by now or the PM should have resigned.A government which does not take responsibility for its actions – is a government where enemies can easily create another disaster.

  1916. satish says:

    ” Pakistan is a nation that has enough problems to cause an International Migrane ” commented by Madelein Albright. Because the government of Pakistan has been quite incompetent in controlling their country, they must seek outside help, and trust me once they do. Many of the terrorist camps will be destroyed, the country will no longer be a Haven for the terrorist, and the whole world will be a better and safer place, including Pakistan obviously.

  1917. pakistan_ki_Maa_KiChut says:

    Look warsi,Maadachod, bhen ke lode, bhadwe pakistani. we have got atleast penis. and you paki will cut it down when you born. Bloddy shitis ugly asshole like face. ek kaam kar apni biwi ko hamare paas bhej de and let her decide how much big penis we have. Indians have penis like we can fuck your all the nation and your fuckin allies in one go with single penis. Understand you fuckin beggers.

  1918. Waheed says:

    Mr. Grren can u name any politician?

  1919. sid says:

    Why are we discussing here? It has been proven well and loud that pakistan is behind the attacks. The arrested fucking terrorist is a paki and is spilling out every dirt from his gut. If we are here to get embroiled in a blame game, i recommend you to reminisce the visuals of Mumbai under seize.Instead of getting stuck into hindu muslim blame game, lets get united and take charge of our motherland that is above every religion and every individual – we are all HINDUSTANI. And, we dont have to compare ourselves to our troglodytic neighbours who envy our march towards prosperity. It has been 60 years since Pakistan got separated, look where they are, living in shanty places and grooming savage dogs that aspire pleasure in killing innocents – fetish. We dont really have to stoop to that levels. I hereby seek a pledge from all HINDUSTANIS here, we will never forget and never forgive this one,remembring this event everytime we watch a movie, over our dinner table,in our jobs….. get united, work for our country. Regardless of what our politicians do….i have no hope from out! they will come back to divide us but we have to stand tall…let mobilise ourselves…form groups in our cities…bring out a social movement as we did in 1857….1947….it is high time since we have been facing this crisis. Dont let the flames in our heart die out,we all are soldiers of our country and we shold pay tribute to the Mumbai matyrs by safeguarding our contry. And my fellow Paki bloggers, dont be a cow…if ur countrymen have done it…accept that…dont revert like Mr. Zardari who clearly is under pressure from your army chief…”pseudo-democracy: a sort of caricature” In the fight against terror…you are either with us or against us,,,,there is no such thing called “neutral” here!JAI HIND….JAI HIND KI SENA

  1920. Waheed says:

    oh ho i was looking for this penis. I think this was the penis who fucked ur Mother sita , so are the father of two sons. I thought it was rawan. Nice Job

  1921. tigura says:

    Guys why you want to argue when it is a open fact, all these Pakistani’s are shedding crocodile tears, actually they are very happy for this and celebrating. these people cant understand simple things ? Do they think whole world is blaming them when they are fucking innocent ? You muslim assholes open your eyes and see around, whereever there is an act of terrorism, muslims are involved. Let it be Bali, or London, or Newyork twin towers, Kashmir, Hyderabad, delhi, bombay, banglore, or iraq or somalia or congo. Still you assholes say you are innocent. this is fucking ridiculous. These assholes blame Indians for kashmir violence, In reality, kashmir was the land of Hindu Brahmins, these muslims came and drove them away from their homes and now they say that its their land and Hindus are doing atrocities on them. We should blame our own fucking government for these things. Despite of all what did the government do to Afzal Guru who was involved in Parliament’s bomb blast.. still thinking whether to hang him or not ? why the hell we should keep seperate penal code for them ? the most ridiculous thing is giving them money to go to mecca so that they can become so fucking terrorists and come back. These bastaurds being here support Pakisthan in Cricket, Sana Mirza being a Indian role model tell Shoaoib Akthar is her favourite cricketer. These assholes wont change as Dog’s tail never become straight. the final outline is we should change ourselves. I have changed myself decided never to help any muslim in my life time in any way and I also request my fellow Hindu friends to adopt same policies.jai Hind

  1922. Atul says:

    You fool entry point was NOT Gateway of India, it was Colaba, you better do your geography right!! And so far Pakis are concerned, I think now world does not need any more evideneces from motherland of terrorism

  1923. Abhishek says:

    Dear Satish and other balanced individuals:As I write my comments, I am sad and feel helpless. I know that my comments will not impact the situation but it feels nice to vent out my thoughts.Here are a few immediate solutions I see for the problem:1) Extradite Dawood Ibrahim from his den in Pakistan. The US needs to mount pressure on Pakistan to crack their whip on Jihaadi movements and training camps.2) We need to do our own internal house cleaning with the under-world operating in Mumbai.3) The moderate Indian Muslim needs to intensify their efforts to condemn the terrorists activities. This way politicians will not be able to target them.Also, it would be great if the moderates reported any form of visible radical organizations cropping up in their communities.Everything else is left to political will and I hope these politicians do not let us down again.

  1924. himanshu says:


  1925. himanshu says:


  1926. himanshu says:


  1927. sid says:

    @ Waheed……Dude,,,,I didnt expected to see somthing sensible from a filthy dickhead like you,,,well here you go!

  1928. Waheed says:

    Hi sid , how are u? So it was u.

  1929. NukeThePakis says:

    Pakistan is the mother of all terrorist organizations. This is such a f***ed up country. They let Bin Laden and his cornies roam about freely. They harbor wanted underworld goons and terrorists and their madrasses preach hate to young kids.I wish someone nukes you all! I curse you all and hope that you all die an even more violent death than the ones some of your countrymen have given to the innocent folks here.

  1930. bharat says:


  1931. Waheed says:

    Hi, Pandey so this was u and sid together. Nice Job Guys .

  1932. Apurv says:

    Waheeed..are u a jerkhead with a slit dick on ur head….dnt u have sense and are u like one crazy mullah trying to foment religious divide here….jerkhead…i think u are a millitant or some trainer from Laskar e taiba… did u train that fattu fidayeen who is begging for mercy in India….Dnt even think of trying to break head on religious lines…hindu muslims are brothers in India..look in ur own gaping ass for such lines of division and dare not come and vent ur frustration on Gods or deities….when u can’t take on humans here why trying to take on Gods..u asshole

  1933. Waheed says:

    Mr. Apur Asshole. U r the people who are creating divisions on the name of religion and when anyone attacks ur religion , u cannot bare the pain. U assholes are blaming a religion for this.

  1934. Shashi says:

    Not all Muslims are Terrorist but all Terrorists are Muslims..Guys please let me know one Maulvi / religion either from Inida or from Pakistan criticizing these kinds of horrific acts or issuing any Fatwa against these Terrorist or their organistion.

  1935. Artie says:

    What did the U.S. do when it was hit on September the 11th? It attacked Afghanistan. Since then have there been any terrorist attacks inside the U.S.?Israel defeated its Arab neighbors in three wars sending a clear and unmistakable message – messing with Israel comes with serious, serious consequences.Isn’t it time India did the same? Enough is enough. We don’t want any more sentimental claptrap about being restrained, reaching out, building bridges.It’s time to let our neighbor know in no uncertain terms that we carry a bigger stick and – like the U.S. and Israel – we will use it to tackle the specter of Islamic terror.Is there any other way of dealing with a failed state like Pakistan?War is the only answer.

  1936. Waheed says:

    Mr Shashi u r lying . Muslims across the world condemn this. Last month indian muslims made a fatwa for these types of attacks. All the people who do such acts will go to hell.

  1937. Apurv says:

    Jerkhead..its bcause of fanatics like U that islam as a religion takes a beating..I respect Muslims….we saw on Tv an ol muslim man standin in front of the taj for 48 hrs watching the siege to end..and we respect such citizens and brothers in pain…many victims are Muslims and not only Hindus…so no questions of religious divides but jerkhead can u explain why u getting ugly on the name of God u jerkhead…asshole ppl like u must be sent in a time machine to hitler's concentration camps and tortured there…wat the f$%& goes on in ur mind asshole all the time..u cant divide india by sending these terrorists and trying to foment war on religious lines…terrorism has no face no religion but has a hidden psychopath mentality…and that is also visible in u ..

  1938. Waheed says:

    Miss Artie, please leave this Job for ur husaband or ur father. U r good at home.

  1939. Payal says:

    By the way, few of close freinds in mumbai staying at nariman house building have confirmed that some of these individuals have been staying there for 10 months and rather as good neighbours they were helped when a truck load of stuff came for them. Obviously few young people cant carry so much aamunication at one shot, it was slowly brought in teh country by many ways months before although this is not revealed by the police.

  1940. Johnson says:

    sid,Yes.. thats it ‘Lets get united and take charge of our motherland that is above every religion and every individual – we are all HINDUSTANI’there is no power that can defeat us..only way to break us is through religious division… the sooner we realize the better it is..I do pledge not to forget this, but to work against any religion, which doesn’t recognize the every person as a human being, created by a GOD, to live and let live.There may be hundreds of differences,across religions but the basic foundation will remain ie is not to destroy, but to help others and self to grow.Johnson

  1941. sid says:

    @ WaheedDude, it shows in your profile that you are an Indian…..I dont know why you have such strong sentiments….but one thing I wanted to tell you….This is the time to rise above the occassion….to rise above the bickering against our religion….neiyher you will be a winner nor I will refrain myself….Instead of humiliating our religions in open space and show the world that we are divided….lets take a deep though….what went wrong and how can we reconcile,,,,give it a deep thought…I am not against you are a hindustani and my brother….I have many muslim friends and we celebrate Id and holi together….does that mean we have dilluted our religion….definatley no…we do share a close bond …we are a family….The future of this nation depends on me…on you….lets not fight in name of religion.

  1942. Waheed says:

    Mr Apurva, Check the comments from Mr Gururaj and Aishwarya before blaming me.

  1943. satish says:

    its not about religion. whoever writes on this blog and blames muslims in totality are themselves creating problems, and making terrorism even worst. This is the reason terrorism has sprouted. its not about religion, even though I agree with you majority of the terrorists are muslims, this is because the terrorists are not true muslims, they are a group of people who use their religion as a scape goat to create this terrorism. Infact we need the help of true Muslims to teach their counterparts, that their religion is not about war, or terrorism. This will help us all.

  1944. shy humour says:


  1945. Johnson says:

    Apurv..“when u can’t take on humans here why trying to take on Gods….” well saidjohnson

  1946. shy humour says:


  1947. shy humour says:


  1948. sudha says:

    Pakistan has always and will be a terrorist nation.Every Child there is taught hatred towards other religions.The people who run their governments are terrorists themselves .I wonder why they are bleating now saying that pakistan dint do it.After perpetrating such henious crimes the only answer pakistan can give to india is the threat that if india tries to wage a war with them, they are ready for a war.I think people from pakistan should be ashamed of their very exixtence.

  1949. rd says:

    I don’t believe that terrorists have no religion..they certainly are islamic who think that they are the caretakers of all injustice done to muslims.India is a secular country and in no way has there ever been any unrest in muslims…even if was it was within the country…none of the paksitan’s business to mind.india ahould teach this country a lesson.The govt is being diplomatic in denying its involvement because the whole world is watching so they have to be..certainly ISI is the backbone..its a country who will always remain india’s enemy because its is born to stab in the back..we need someone like maharaja ranjit singh..with guts and a sword to teach the enemy a lesson.

  1950. Waheed says:

    It Hurts when anyone attacks ur religion. So keep in mind that other people are also hurt when u attack their religion.

  1951. satish says:

    But for now we all need to stand up together as Indians, and try to protect our motherland. There is fear in all Indian Citizens if they will get back home in 1 peace. We need to do something to protect ourself. Government needs to invest more in our country security

  1952. bharat says:


  1953. Johnson says:

    Artie,I agree what you said… i quote..“Isn’t it time India did the same? Enough is enough. We don’t want any more sentimental claptrap about being restrained, reaching out, building bridges.It’s time to let our neighbor know in no uncertain terms that we carry a bigger stick and – like the U.S. and Israel – we will use it to tackle the specter of Islamic terror.”Yes we need to work inward first and take it on.. We are now not ready.. Thanks to our jawans..we are still able to sleep..

  1954. Apurv says:

    Guys guys guys…we are going to get nowhere if we keep lookin at terrorism on these lines no doubt..jihad and fidayeen are some common lingo for perpetrators of terrorism here…but neither will blaming this on a sect help nor will raging a war on Pak help as wht we will get is a holocaust both nations being Npowers…..What we want is hot pursuit….get them out of their holes smoke them and give Afzal guru and the captured terrorist such gory end that any one planning to take on India pees in fright even in his dreams….@Johnson thanks dude…but he bad mouthing Gods that ain’t required here thts y:)

  1955. Artie says:

    Waheed, my man, I am a guy… my Dad was in the Indian army… he was decorated for killing Pakistanis in the 1971 war.

  1956. indian says:

    Dear Kap,Again a pale attempt to support your country…I admire that.However facts are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai live in India in harmony. The Govt. in India ever since it’s independence is protecting the minority interests like Muslims who are still more in numbers than in Pakistan. Muslims enjoy lot of freedom and participate in the growth of this noble country. Muslim women do not have religious restrictions in this country as some of the Islamic countries lead by Muslim ruler has.Tell me how many Christian’s your country has and if at all they are safe?How many Hindus your country has and if they can exercise religious freedom?Can minority in your country leave peacefully?Your own people cannot live peacefully in your country let aside the others. Your’s is the failed state is a fact. I wish people like you do something about it. We want to respect Pakistan as a country but that respect has to be earned not demanded. Pakistan needs youth moment towards rasionalism. Youth can change the society by the virtue of their thinking. I am afraid to say that youth in Pakistan are brain washed by your religious fanatics. I sincerely wish good luck to Pakistan for the sake of Pakistan and for the sake of rest of the world. Earn our respect until then I have no hesitation to say that Pakistan is indeed a failed state. I am very sorry for being so cynical but that’s the way it is.

  1957. satish says:

    there are definitely many holes in our county’s system that needs to be tackled head on. How did these animals get into our country in the first place? This means somebody is not doing his job, and he needs to be punished and also blamed for all these attacks.

  1958. Meri Jaan Hindustan says:

    One thing is clear….. Follow this blog right from the beginning and anyone will know whats (really) behind the minds of paki bastards. They are not going to change. Saying that “We are there to co-operate India” is a mere showoff. Just wait and watch… See where your country is going to head now….

  1959. Piyushi :) says:

    At Asin-"India's government, facing a barrage of internal criticism over intelligence failures, security lapses and an inability to bring the situation in Mumbai under control even 80 hours after the attacks, has taken the easiest, and most cowardly, way out".Holy crap..we should actually plant a bomb in pakistan & c wat they did b upto… hw painful & petrifying it is 2 c ur city & its people in mess. Man i salute our intelligence, army who hav helped us in this crisis. ek bomb pakistan me dala to pata chale waha ki intelligence aur security department kitne ghanto me problem solve karti hai …. waha to 80 hrs kya pura saal bhi do to kam padega. I do beleive that terrorist do hav religion … & i m convinced with my thought. period.

  1960. Waheed says:

    Then y r u commenting by the name of Arti. U like it?

  1961. Chandra says:

    Friends,Once thing you must all accept and admist that our Indian secutiry system is not good at all and it is not well equipped. Our government policies should chnage and Politicians are very worst in India. All Politicians only eye for vote bank, and most of our disgusting Politicians are uneducated brats. India nees reform in a bigger sense and Indai should bring tougher laws to counter terrorism.

  1962. Waheed says:

    Mr Sid. Yes i am an indian but i am not supporting the terrorists. I saw the comments posted by various Indians against the religion, i decided to teach them in their own language. May be i cannot stand side by side to to help u, but i will never support the terrorism or the killing of innocent people.

  1963. Meri Jaan Hindustan says:

    Waheed, Can you define Jihad?

  1964. Johnson says:

    I guess its time to sum up things..1. Pakistan needs to understand that if they help themselves it better for them. Handle the religious fanatics.. I will not like to call them Islam..for I am sure its not Islam..but some thing else…2. India needs to first and immediately , do a dramatic work around in change the shape of the internal security.3. We Indians should be ready to accept any amount of checks or scrutiny , as part of the internal security requirement and not get frustrated.4. We should not support or participate in any religious activity, which causes or leads to distruction or damage.5. We need to first see a human and then a religion.6. We need to start expecting our Government to deliver results..How they better know.could have missed some points.. but better to start johnson

  1965. Artie says:

    Waheed my friend… my name is Artie, not Arti. Artie is a common Christian name. It is a variant of the word Artemas (Greek) and Arthur (Celtic). So can we now get down to the real issue at hand as to why terrorism seems to be an exclusively Islamic domain?

  1966. izzy says:

    The captured terrorist himself confesses that ISI & LeT is behind the attack, we didnt say that PAK govt did this… but ISI did along with LeT.We all know who calls the shots in pak…. its isi & army … not the govt. All pakistanis should accept this fact. Tell me why there are terror camps still in POK ??? close them down & come for this chat. Until pak closes all terror camps… there is gonna be no use in talking

  1967. Kavita says:

    hey guys lets accept it….both India and Pakistan are messed up today….and we just keep blaming each other….for Pakistan:dudes please check your status,,,,Talibans will one day take over your country and turn it into another Afghanistan if your government and citizens don’t stop living in denial and keep fighting with India for Kashmir…Your society will be hugely discriminated, educated on one side (most of them in the UK or US, becuse their own country doesn not provide enough employment opportunity)and uneducated on the other who will fulfill their own desires of power in the name of Islam.For India: We all just blabber when someone strikes our country but do nothing about it. We redicule our system and politicians, but how much do we do and what do we do for our country? Frankly speaking if need be people like us will pay bribe to make our lives easy…Youngsters don’t want to get into poilitics because its a dirty “game”. no one wants to take the responsibility…Both the countries are sailing on the same boat and if we don’t take charge we will sink…

  1968. Piyushi :) says:

    sheer nonsenseour defence are not well equipped??? wat a crap.. though agree with politician being messed up but well if its that way round i must tell people to gather all necessary information about our security forces.. I salute ’em

  1969. Apurv says:

    Dear Indebted Indians Pay homage to the brave son of the soil the lionheart major Sandeep Unnikrishnan on Orkut here>>

  1970. Piyushi :) says:

    accordin 2 jihadis..jehad islam is the mountain & jihad is its peaakone is not said 2 b muslim til d time they attain jihadi

  1971. Chandra says:

    Piyush,See we must accept that our Indian security is not great. Indians are brave, but when wrong elements from other countries can roam in India so freely what will you expect our safety in our own land.America did not allow a single bomb on their Soil after 9/11, don’t you think it is great !!!Why India is so vulnerable.I want comments from all of you.

  1972. satish says:

    Piyushi – Yes we all salute our forces, they have done a good job. But you must also agree there are holes in our system. How did these bastards get into our country? They should have been stopped somehow, dont you agree? If our system was perfect, this could have been avoided?

  1973. kapkunal says:

    Ahmed,Why have you written this blog?? Think now you are trying to defend yourself by starting this blog. Now you know what Marathi is, Let me tell you in Marathi “Chorachya Manat Chandane”. Its a maxim try to find out its meaning.

  1974. Johnson says:

    I guess, it time to stop this blog and start a new one..taking points from Abhisheks' things to do.What we Indians needs to do. rather than talk whether Pakistan did it or not etc etc..I donot care who did was done against me, and I better know what I need to & tomorrow.. rest it will fall in place.Johnson

  1975. Waheed says:

    Mr Satish is right. Not only is our system weak but there are reports that few of them are corrupt also. They have received money earlier to enter terrorists to enter India.

  1976. satish says:

    chandra – i agree with you. On top priority we have to fill the holes in our security. Problem with our forces is that once the fire starts, then they do a very good job to put off the fire, I agree. But they should not let the fire start in the first place. Today I being an Indian Citizen, am scared to come to my own country because of lack of security. I live in hkg, and am visiting India in December with my family , but there is a sense of worry because of our security levels. Its ridiculous that I have to worry about coming to my own country.

  1977. Waheed says:

    Mr Piyush u r wrong. Who told u this. How much do u know about ur religion. DOn’t blame the religion without having any information about it.

  1978. Johnson says:

    Kavitha,Good to see your ‘to the point’ comments..How I desire we Indians stop this other gyan to the Pakistanis..they understand or donot understand..? donot careJohnson

  1979. Apurv says:

    @waheed ..dude seems now u talk some sense like a responsible Indian:)Yes Piyush n all we must accept there are gaping holes in the system …maritime defence has taken a beating by this ..u want to do hot pursuit in somalia and alas our own coasts are unsecured… failure..even if ISI has a hand in it why dint IB act responsibly…see BBC or CNN reporting the event they blame squarely the Indian Intelligence for ths failure and ahoy…OUR GREAT HOME MINISTER SHIVRAJ PATIL..he always is caught sleeping..he must b flogged in public for laxity

  1980. Saif says:

    How about some background why India might just have been asking for such unfortunate incidents…for starters here are just some of the reasons, – More than 70,000 overwhelmingly Muslims killed in Kashmir despite UN resolution for plebiscite– More than 1000 muslims burned alive in their homes in GujaratNow this is not to say that other countries, including Pakistan and obviously USA, do not have their own list of outright disgusting and inhumane ventures, but it is India we are talking about in the blog.So, India, please wakeup and stop dancing to US tune before it is too late for your people. By the way, this advice applies to Pakistan, USA, England, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and all other similar abusers of human rights.There was a time I respected India for its secularism and its independent policies. Well, that time is not now. Whether that time comes again or not, my prayers for all those who lost lives in Mumbai and hopes and best wishes to the people of India and everywhere else in the world cannot wait.

  1981. Apurv says:

    Not again GUYS stop fighting on religious lines not even been a moment and we start again…rememeber this is how the terrorists take advantage of us

  1982. Swarup Krishna says:

    Dear Ahmed,A good research you have made for a idiotic concoction of fact. When Ajmal(the captured terrorist) has disclosed everything about the name of 10 terrorists , their path of travell, providing of arms and ammunitions from PAK ship, their mastermind Chacha Rahaman still you are arguing. Shame on you! would you please tell us what you believe in mind about terrorism? Even Marriot episode is unable to teach you the lesson about terrorism. We all Indians don’t disbelieve am admi of Pakistan, rather we think they are our counter part. we forward our hand to help you, but what you do? you place blood on our extended hand. Dear Ahmed bhai, open your eyes, terrorist has no creed, custom, nationality, belief, they have nothing. learn from this . Our government has recorded proof of involvement of Pakistan and it will be shown to the world so that you are declared by all the governments even by your allies as a `TERRORIST COUNTRY’. your citizen won’t be allowed visa to enter other countries.Please try to increase your nation’s credibility by strengthning economy, education, communication, resource generation etc. have you ever thought how much of your GDP is going to nurture your army? It is the time for introspection not for concoction.Jai Hind.

  1983. Apurv says:

    Group on Sandeep Unnikrishnan @ Facebook with all his albums and images from friends and school days

  1984. Piyushi :) says:

    chandra & satishchandra i m piyushi & not piyush..i do agree with u both that there r many loop holes in our country's system.. but jst the security forces alone arent responsible for it.. wat abt our fucked up govt.??rules & laws are implemented though but never they take charge.. its somewhr wrong with every citizen .. we all r responsible 4 this some or the other way

  1985. satish says:

    saif – you are talking nonsense. No country in the world should have gone through what India did. If you say this, then what did London do to muslims, to have gone through the train bombings? What did Spain do to go through their bombings? And India has a very large muslim community living happily in the country. So what about that? Why do you look at a glass half empty and not half full?

  1986. Abhishek says:

    People please stop targetting Waheed and Waheed it would be great if you too hold back. I am not going to sugar coat the communal divide apparent in the exchanges between Waheed and others. Also, please don’t discuss private parts. Who cares what any community chooses to do with them? Clearly, we are all doing fine as indicated by our country’s rising population.The majority of the Indian Muslim is moderate but they need to speak up or else they might become a target of politicians and other rowdy elements. Also, if the moderates reported any radical tendencies in their communities, it would help clean out the radical elements that stain Islam.

  1987. Chandra says:

    Satish,Come to India and enjoy your holidays, but be careful, don’t you think it is so absurd to use careful to roam around in our own country, but we are helpless, we have to use this word everytime.You know man, recently in Ahmedabad security people defused some 40 bombs!!! which were alive. Who did this (obviusly this is terrorist act) no one knows, police could not even trace a single person.In Bangalore, Delhi bombs went off, real culprits not found yet !!! What our disgusting political leaders say for this.

  1988. satish says:

    Piyushi, I didn’t blame the security, I said our SYSTEM. This includes the Fucked up government. I agree totally

  1989. View says:

    First of all I would like to say that my heart goes out the families and friends of the victims of these horrendous acts of terrorism. Just to point out some of my personal views on the whole situation:1) The finger pointing and blame game is neither going to lead us to a positive conclusion, nor its going to resolve the problem of terrorism. Yes we do suspect Pakistani involvement, however, it does not negate the fact that they got information and intelligence from some few Indians who for whatever reasons are willing to jeopardize the lives of seemingly innocent people. Yes we are furious, we want revenge, but we need to reprimand these same people along with the perpetrators of the crime itself.2)We do need to realize that there was a severe breakdown of intelligence within our national security services. Be it state police or coast guard or hotel admin itself. I think it starts from the top with the politicians (many of them are thugs and neocons). We need a total political overhaul. We need to do do a better job of electing our leaders. This is also an opportune moment for a formation federal intelligence agency which can monitor these terror threats and communicate effectively with state authorities. 3) Pakistan is in shambles and has been worldwide known to for its terrorist training and networks. However, there is a new government there and they themselves admitted that there are some regions that are out of their control. We need to give them some time to establish their control and route out these radical, fanatic people. If they cannot do themselves, then world powers should help them in this endeavor. 4) Finally,we can always contribute a little to our society so we can envision a beautiful diverse prosperous nation living in peace and harmonyMy ideas might sound like a dream or are totally outrageous.But if we do not try our chance of success is always 0%

  1990. satish says:

    yes chandra, thats exactly what I feel. Imagine , I have to be careful in my own country. Ridiculous

  1991. Apurv says:

    Dude here is no targetting any community but we are to discuss how to come up with this morose situation cropping up in our own country fomented by the laxity shown by our own elected representatives…Leave others ever since the Gateway of India blasts i myself have been so shocked I dared not to venture to bombay ever after..who is to be blamed if i dont feel safe in my own mother land?????

  1992. Johnson says:

    Apurv,Thanks for the link..

  1993. Artie says:

    The reason why terrorism is such an exclusive Islamic domain is because of the shame and frustration many Muslims feel about being powerless in today’s world. In the past, Islamic rulers conquered faraway land and ruled for hundreds of years.But now those glorious martial triumphs have been replaced by humiliation and agony. NO MUSLIM NATION HAS WON A WAR AGAINST A NON-MUSLIM NATION IN THE 20TH OR THE 21ST CENTURY SO FAR.Let me illustrate.1947: India bt a Pathan incursion into Kashmir.1948: Israel bt combined armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.1965: India bt Pakistan. UN called truce, otherwise the Indian Army was within striking distance of Lahore.1967: Israel bt combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria (Six-Day War).1971: India bt Pakistan, helped create Bangladesh.1973: Israel bt combined armies of Egypt and Syria (Yom Kippur War).1990: U.S. beat Iraq2001: U.S. bt Afghanistan.2003: U.S. bt Iraq (the occupation is another matter of course).

  1994. indian says:

    As far as India is concern this event should be the turning point in India’s history to build extra-ordinary world class immune system against terrorism. Terrorist wanted to test India’s preparation for such a attack and they claim that they are preparing for worst attacks. What they don’t understand is that mild dose of a disease itself always create better immune system. So terrorist might have won the battle but they have lost the war.As for the politicians, please use your authority (not brain) to support our intelligence and security system for a greater cause, for the sake of my country shed some of your overweight to show some action, the nation demands unity. My salute to all the men in uniform!! They fought for a greater cause to strengthen this nation.

  1995. satish says:

    Apurv – 100% correct. We are scared in our own country, not knowing what will happen tomorrow. We really need some assurance from our Government, that more things are being done to make our country a safer place.

  1996. Apurv says:

    Welcome John:( looking at this young braveheart makes me feel as ive lost my own brother

  1997. Johnson says:

    Apurv,did not find the orkut link ..cud you check

  1998. Piyushi :) says:

    @t waheed—firstly i m ms. piyushi & not piyushsecondly i didnt copy paste it from any site… jihad k bare me jo bhi likha maine wo kisi muslim ki hi likhi hui haiif that link still exist i can link u..waise it means holy war.. to extend sovereign muslim power..maggot shit.. kya kya karna parta hai islam logo ko apni jaat ka prachar karne k liye ..

  1999. Apurv says:

    @Johnhere is the orkut link for late Sandeep’s profile

  2000. satish says:

    alrite fellow indians, I am leaving the blog now. I feel nice having vented out my frustrations, and at the same time conveying my condollences to all the families and their siblings who lost their lives in the attach. I was truly hurt and shocked at the attack. Jai Hind!

  2001. Johnson says:

    Guys donot be scared…come and see how beautiful the country is.. see t million people live and enjoy their live..let what may come..You can come with all confidence that you will be safe..We have our Jawans.. on our side.. Come..cause let our children not live in fear..

  2002. satish says:

    thank you John. I will definitely come. These assholes/animals will not deter me from visiting my homeland

  2003. Waheed says:

    Ok Ms. piyush. i am also a muslim and i know the definition of jihad. It is up to u people how u take it. But still i advise u not to blame a religion for this.

  2004. Chandra says:

    Artie,you are well mistaken, US did not beat Afghanistan uptil now !!!All other facts looks correct, but till now Terrorism is a war and these people taking upper hand on all countries, you know why, 10 terrorists killed 500 people average and it was revealed by US dept of security and intelligence, in the other words no force in this world could able to win them !!!!

  2005. Johnson says:

    Apurv..Still not able to check again..

  2006. Abhishek says:

    Dear Artie:It is unfair to compare previous battles and wars to judge the fate of Islam. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and accounts for 25% of the world’s population. We need to separate the moderate and extremists by partnering with the moderates.Pakistan could be a good example where you have quite a few balanced people but then there are rural areas under radical control. I am hoping the governments can join hands to flush out the radicals.On another note, war will not be a solution to the current crisis. However, Pakistan needs to cooperate sincerely. Also, the underworld in Mumbai needs to be whipped and dealth with no mercy.

  2007. Bhasker says:

    If your country was not involved then why are you going to such length refuting these media comments.. educated brother across the border you very well know that rogue elements in your country are behing this, these elements dream and live india’s destruction.. Piece of advice.. instead of refuting the facts.. accept the truth and try evict these elements which are using your motherland to cause death and destruction to human kind.. afterall faridkot is not in India and we did not abduct that 22 year old terrorist into our shores

  2008. Piyushi :) says:

    i personally dnt hav any issues wit any religion or caste- to each its his own.. but its act of certain people belongin 2 certain religion , caste & creed that ignites hatred in me 4 some obnoxious religious weed~ no offence intended though , it purely my personal thought~ period

  2009. Waheed says:

    Ok ms. Piyushi. If they are ur personal thoughts then Please keep it personal. Don’t post ur ideas here. No need to start a war on religion here. It is just a request.

  2010. mast says:

    are rana betiawala madarchod bhonsri k aulad randi k chodal .ja ja ke wasi se gand mara le ..tera laura kaat k wasi ko khila denga samjha re suar ka lauira……sale sar chupane ke liye chat nahi baat karte ho hindustan ko barbaad karne ki ..sala maderchod behen k laure tum logo k liye to sala diwali me phorne wala chatai bomb hi kafi hai.behenchod laura ke baal sala her pakistani ke penis me chatai bomb laga k aag laga denge 15 min tak phatate reh jayega ……gandi nali ke kiro apne maa k bur me baith kar kyu baat karta hai ,dum hai to samne aa k baat kar na sala smane aayega to tera gand fat k lahore chal jayega bhonsri k…..jhat ka chillar sale tum logo testes me bhari bharkam RDX laga denge aur jalayenge bhi nahi ..sala RDX k weight se tarap k mar jayega

  2011. Subramanyam says:

    Hi, I have only a simple question to you. There have been approximately 150 terror incidents all over the world since 9/11 in which Pakistan or Pakistanis have been directly involved. They have extended from the Philippines, to Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, Afghanistan, Spain, the UK, Germany, Norway, Holland, Denmark, Canada, the US etc. Indians are not saying this. Your own newspapers have published the capture of terror suspects in these countries who were either Pakistanis or who had obtained training in Pakistan. If they can perpetrate terror like that in far away palces and for causes that are less appealing, what prevents them from indulging in terror against the most implacable enemy of them all, India ?

  2012. Piyushi :) says:

    At waheed — waheed wel can u tell me y is it all the time that wen ever terrorism is in action its only islams who r blamed majority of d time?? y not christianity, jerusalem, buddhist & other groups belonging 4m different religion? i wud like my misconceptions 2 b cleared

  2013. Waheed says:

    @piyushi , if u look at the indian history of past 10-15 years. U will get the answer for all this. Perhaps u might be remembering the babri masjid Act. There is a section among muslims who keep on brainwashing them for issue like this and there are some youth who always feel prey to this. Also if u will go by blaming then u know who are the bigger terrorists. the difference is if muslims will do it it a terrorist attack but if the Americans or other countries will kill the innocent people in Iraq, Palestine or Afghanistan then they have many reasons to justify it.

  2014. voice says:

    all the top Al Qaeda’s leaders who have been caught till now were hiding in pakistan, there is no doubt that it is a breeding ground for terrorist .

  2015. Artie says:

    Abhishek, you make a good point… but the history pointer goes to the mindset of many in the Muslim world. I lived in Kashmir for a long time and in the United Arab Emirates. Have seen it. The radicals in Pakistan are not very different from their counterparts in Chechnya, Kashmir, Bosnia, Xinjiang (Uighur Muslims of China), Modo Islands (Phillippines) or the Palestinian territories. The response fortunately is very homogeneous to these problems. I am not saying war is the answer, only that it has a higher probability of deterrence.Sustained action in the Philippines and Russia have reduced the striking abilities of these terrorists. And if transnational actors such as the Lashkar-e Toiba are being backed by a nation or nations… we need to address that in the most aggressive possible terms.I wish you luck with your hopes that Pakistan should cooperate. It has never done so in the past… you saw how they backed out of sending their ISI chief to India…

  2016. Piyushi :) says:

    at waheed– y shouldn't i express my personal feelings huh..waise hi india me religious war ki kami hai kya??? & atleast i hav never supported 'emif every 1 is free & liberal 2 do wat they want here like terrorist bombing karke firing karke gaye ..they expressed their anguish so y cant i ..m merely showing my disgust & agony 4 watever hav happened ..wats d harm???

  2017. Hassan says:

    All (especially Indian friends),Just think about it for one moment. Is Pakistani Govt. or anyone from Pak so stupid to attack India knowing that they would definitely be blamed for it as usual. There have been more than 50 suicide blasts in the past year alone in Pakistan… Are the good people living here not the victims? No one here ever blames any other country or India for that matter even after some people point fingers to India as well. Why is it that the brave policemen from Mumbai were still fighting and media released the claims that the attach came from Pakistan? I truly believe that the attack did not originate from Pakistan no matter how many people you are from Pakistani origin. There is no difference between how we look.What surprises me the most is how much hatred is shown on this blog for no reason.

  2018. Rahul says:

    To Waheed:Don’t get me wrong. I completely respect Islam; I think it is one of the greatest religions in the world. I intend on attempting to read the Quran in the future. But no violence is justified. Ever. You keep bringing up the Babri Mosque issue, and Gujurat riots. Keep in mind that they didn’t happen for no reason. Tensions go both ways. Muslims aren’t the only ones who have suffered. What about all the Hindu temples and Buddhist temples, libraries the Muslims had demolished? Worse than that, the Muslims invaded, took control of India, killed Hindus, and began taxing non-muslims for being non-muslim. How do you think it would feel for someone whose family has been living there for ages, and is a native citizen, is now being taxed for not being Muslim.Again this does NOT justify the atrocities that were done against the Muslims, but I just want you to see that it goes both ways. If you suddenly justify the Muslim cause because of what happened to the Muslims, then you are also justifying the Hindutva cause which claims that India should be a hindu-land (which i am totally against).We all need to embrace each other, forget the past, and work together towards securing our future. Await your reply.

  2019. Waheed says:

    @ piyushi, There is no harm. Will this help the cause?

  2020. Artie says:

    Chandra… you are right in the sense that occupying Afghanistan has been a handful for the Americans. But I was talking in classical military terms where you attack a country, take over its territory, drive out the opposing army from the capital and install someone amenable to your ideas – as the ruler. The U.S. did unseat the Taliban… but once they diverted their attention to Iraq, Mullah Omar’s men made a comeback. So what you have now is the Taliban waging a guerrilla war against the U.S. backed government of Afghanistan.

  2021. Chandra says:

    Subramaniyam made a very very valid point here. Pakistan terrorists have spread all over the world. Why on Earth they only involve in such heinous activity.

  2022. Piyushi :) says:

    @waheed"100 sonar ki toh 1 lohar ki" 🙂yaar terrorist ne itne dange kiye to beech beech me kabhi americans ya uk kar de tab innocent logo ka khayal aata hai???and anythin for self defence or counter attack is justifiable… wen after 9/11 americans countera atacked .. & tell me honestly terrorist ke maa-behen bhi shayad innocent ho sakte hai.. but still people say ki kahi muil jaye to unhe maar hi dalna chahiye & bla bla… tab innocent ogo ka khayal nai aata… innocent jawans who fought during crisis & lost their lives now unka khayal nai aata… fucked up pakistanis afghanistanis are wen killed by americans ur so concerned … did d terrorist or islams think b4 crashing down american innocents???

  2023. Imran Khan says:

    Whatever happened in Mumbai Attack It ‘s an EVIL Act. And any normal person will condemn it in a strongest term.My condolence to all the families and the loved one who were victims of this brutal act….I hope you all Know Sir Deepak chopra, We all can learn from his interview an expert advise to all of us.King: Where were you born in India, Deepak?Deepak Chopra: I was born in Delhi, but I have been in these hotels many, many times. I have stayed there, so I know the scene; I know the restaurants. I have been trying to get in touch with my friends and relatives, some of whom I have spoken to, some of whom I can’t speak to. The lines are jammed. We’re texting each other.A friend of mine from Egypt was in the restaurant at the Taj hotel when the firing started, and somehow she managed to avoid the fray, hid in a basement and is now holed up in a room which is right next to the Taj hotel and is waiting to be told what to do.The situation is complex, Larry, because it could inflame to proportions that we cannot even imagine. It has to be contained. We now recognize that this is a global problem, with only a global effort can solve this.And you know, one of the things that I think is happening is that these militant terrorist groups are actually terrified that [President-elect Barack] Obama’s gestures to the rest of the Muslim world may actually overturn the tables on them by alienating them from the rest of the Muslim world, so they’re reacting to this.You know, this is Obama’s opportunity to actually harness the help of the Muslims.You know, there’s 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s 25 percent of the population of the world. It’s the fastest-growing religion in the world. We cannot, if we do not appease and actually recruit the help of this Muslim world, we’re going to have a problem on our hands.And we cannot go after the wrong people, as we did after 9/11, because then the whole collateral damage that occurs actually aggravates the situation.In India, this is particularly inflammatory, because there’s a rise of Hindu fundamentalism. We saw what that did in Gujarat, where, you know, Muslims were scorched and they were killed, and there was almost a genocide of the Muslims.India has 150 million Muslims. That’s more Muslims in India than in Pakistan. So this is an opportunity right now for India and Pakistan to recognize this is their common problem. It’s not a Muslim problem right now; it’s a global problem.King: Do you think that this is just the beginning, that there’s a potential impact, or more?Chopra: There is a potential impact of a lot more carnage. But it can be contained. And right now, one of the questions, you know, after I heard Barbara Starr talking about how coordinated this is, that there are militant groups that cross international boundaries, is who is financing this? Where is the money coming from? We have to ask very serious, honest questions. What role do we have in this? Are our petrodollars funding both sides of this war on terrorism? Why are we not asking the Saudis where that money is going that we give them? Is it going through this supply chain to Pakistan? It’s not enough for Pakistan to condemn it. Pakistan should cooperate with India in uprooting this. They should be part of the surgery that is going to happen.It’s not enough for Indians to blame Pakistanis. Indians should actually ask the Pakistanis to help them.And it’s not enough for us to worry about Westerners being killed and Americans being killed. Every life is precious over there. We have got to get rid of this idea that this is an American problem or a Western problem. It’s a global problem, and we need a global solution, and we need the help of all the Muslims, 25 percent of the world’s population, to help us uproot this problem.King: What does India immediately do?Chopra: India at this moment has to contain any reactive violence from the fundamentalist Hindus, which is very likely and possible. So India has to condemn that by not blaming local Muslims. They have to identify the exact groups.And the world has to be very careful that they don’t go after the wrong people. Because if you go after the wrong people, you convert moderates into extremists. It happens every time, and retribution against innocent people just because they have the same religion actually aggravates and perpetuates the problem.King: Are you pessimistic?Chopra: I think Mr. Obama has a real opportunity here, but a challenging opportunity, a creative opportunity.Get rid of the phrase “war on terrorism.” Ask for a creative solution in which we all participate.King: Is it because the war on terrorism really can never be won because the terrorists (inaudible)?Chopra: Because it’s an oxymoron. It’s an oxymoron, Larry, a war on war, a war on terrorism.You know, terrorists call mechanized death from 35,000 feet above sea level with a press of a button also terror. We don’t call it that, because our soldiers are wearing uniforms. They don’t see what is happening, and innocent people are being killed. So, you know, terror is a term that you apply to the other.King:Thanks, Deepak Chopra, as always, extraordinarily enlightening

  2024. Abhishek says:

    Dear Waheed:My previous comments will indicate that I support moderate Muslims like yourself. I feel the Indian Muslims are a different breed from the rest. They are more in touch with reality and not radical like in Afganistan, Saudi etc. I have been living abroad and have interacted with Muslims globally and have found a big double standard with how they potray themselves in their communities and how they actually live their lives.America has an interest in Oil and has made errors with Bush’s policies. Also, the Jihaadis are also in it for power, they are just blood thursty misguided individuals.

  2025. Johnson says:

    Hassan,Agreed to your point… Hope its true and hope there are many more like you..Hate breeds hate…think that whats happening.How ever lets not deny that the guys who carried out the attacks were not Pakistanis.. a group of religious fanatics.We have nothing against Pakistan, we wish the country grows and prospers..for a healthy neighbour is good for us.. But for the religious fanatics, harboured / not controlled /not dealt with by the Pak govt.We love you Pakistanis..but help us in fixing your bad boys or help in identifying and giving them over to us..we will fix themJohnson

  2026. Waheed says:

    @ Piyushi. I am talking with u politely and u r using this type of language. So go and get screwed us all holes from any where then come and talk here. The same wayyour Mother sita was fucked by Rawan.

  2027. Zayd says:

    Well I guess the person whose images are out to media is not the Muslim guy as he has red and yellow threads tied to his right wrist which is not practised in Pakistan in fact thisi s done in India specially after the season of Diwali they tie this thread on the wrist. so guyz this is purely political stuff done to divert the attention of Mumbai ATS and public from alegaon Blast

  2028. Rahul says:

    To Zayd:The same terrorist you see in the picture with the orange thread was captured. And he told the police that the terrorists were told to wear this thread and a tilak on their forehead so that they could fit in more, and not look suspicious.Either way, let the investigators do their job. No need to bring up such useless things as they have already been mentioned earlier.

  2029. Piyushi :) says:

    agree with u abhishek 🙂

  2030. Rahul says:

    Besides, I don’t think Hindu extremists would be stupid enough to go attack the city with those threads on their wrists, and then try to blame it on Hindus..But it does seem plausible that Muslim extremists would wear the threads to make the people think that Hindus did it. Its an easy way to create tensions. But come on guys, the guy has been captured, and he’s already revealed all the information. So stop trying to deny anything.

  2031. Johnson says:

    Zayd…I guess the person’s name and place was already revealed..Other things does not matter…Slowly you will get all the information.

  2032. Rahul says:

    Also, Hindu extremists wouldn’t target foreigners. They might target muslims, and christians, but not foreigners..Also they would have only attacked muslim-majority areas. Its quite evident that global jihadists are involved.

  2033. Piyushi :) says:

    @waheedsita maa k samne yaar ravan kya tha?accha hai, tum logo ki soch wahi tak ho sakti hai tabhi to terrorist islam se hi hote hai…

  2034. Rahul says:

    @ Piyushi. Please stop attacking Islam.And Waheed, I know you are only badmouthing Hinduism b/c of Piyushi’s comments, but the Bhagvad Gita gives really good morals. The whole thing about the Sita and Ravan thing has amoral to it too. It would b e appreciated if you all respected each other’s religions.

  2035. Rahul says:

    And also, if you think all terrorists are muslim, you are WRONG. The whole Hindutva political groups are no less than terrorists, and are Hindus. the Maoists I believe are Christian? (not sure). LTTE are also Hindu. Don’t forget about the SIkh Militants, christian terrorists in the west etc. But i Do agree that Islamic terrorism is more wide-scale and a bigger threat, mainly because its a larger organization, and while the other terror groups i mentioned seem to work only in their local regions, Islamic groups work world-wide. Like what do islamic terrorists in afghanistan have to do with whatever is giong on in India? Let India handle its own battles.

  2036. Waheed says:

    Mr rahul teach all this to piyushi. I was behaving with her politely but she started abusing the religion

  2037. Piyushi :) says:

    thanx rahulthat was wonderful peice of advice & information – appreciated 🙂

  2038. Piyushi :) says:

    hello waheed can u jst copy paste any of my post where in i hv badmouthed or abused ur religioni was jst puttin across thingspls i did lov 2 rectify my mistakes

  2039. Abhishek says:

    Piyushi…yaar please take it easy on Waheed…..Waheed is just putting across another viewpoint but clearly he is moderate…..Waheed bhai please don’t take anything to heart….at the end of the day we are both Indians and we need to hold that identity far above Hindu, Muslim, Christianity etc…. Remember that we are INDIAN first and no religion is being forced into any tendency. We are what we choose to be. Our actions dictate our consequences. Please don’t feel pitty for anyone who has gun in his hands….clearly he or she is well beyond reform.

  2040. Rahul says:

    Don’t mean to offend anybody, but really guys! At the end of the day, we’re all Indians, and most of all, we are all human beings. I know its hard to control your anger when your home land or when your people are targeted. But you have to look at the situation without any bias. One question to Waheed though: As a Muslim, do you consider yourself an Indian? And are you PROUD of being an Indian? I ask this because I feel that in the Indian Muslim community there is a lot of anger against the government (just liek the rest of india, but at a greater scale). Just asking out of curiousity.

  2041. Rahul says:

    I just re-read my previous post, and feel that it may have offended you, so I am sorry if I did; I did not mean to offend anyone. To me an Indian is an Indian, regardless of religion.

  2042. Hassan says:

    Rahul, Johndon, Piyushi,I am glad to see some encouraging comments. I know thousands of fellow Pakistanis who live with me here in Pakistan and abroad. Believe me, when I say that I am very saddened by the attacks and I truly think that India and Pakistan should work together across the board to rout out the fanatics whether they are on the border with Afghanistan or in India. Anyone who wishes death on innocent human beings regardless of their religion deserve to die.At this moment, we can either change history and at least give a shot at trusting each other or do what our previous generations or others have done in the past by fighting and blaming each other. I hope I live to see the day when our fellow Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims from India can visit Pakistan (not only to see cricket games) and we can visit India without fear. It’s sad that whenever we get close to reaching some sort of accord, things like this happen and we Pakistani also need your support when terrorism strikes over here.

  2043. Rahul says:

    To HassanRecently the Pak Prime Minister (I believe) brought up the Idea of a EU type of union for south asia. Personally I think thats a great idea, seeing that we are all connected culturally, and can definitely benefit economically from such a union. Plus people would be able to travel freely between the countries. People who were divided by partition can meet once again, and I think this would also be some sort of solution for the Kashmir problem.However terrorism needs to be rooted out before this can happen. Hope India and Pakistan can work together to get rid of these terrorists in both countries. But really, and dont take this personally, if Pakistan is not able to root out LeT and other such terrorists from Pakistani soil, it is India’s responsibility to come in and flush them out (without harming innocent civilians ofcourse). If pakistan cannot help us protect ourselves, then its our responsibility to do so.

  2044. Hassan says:

    My blood boils when I see comments made by Deputy CM of Marashtra below. People from both Pak and India know the value added by politicians. “MUMBAI: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister R R Patil on Saturday kicked off a row when he said “such small incidents happen” with reference toterror attacks in Mumbai.“Such small incidents happen..”, was what Patil, who also holds the Home portfolio, told reporters, little realising his faux pas.What led to the controversy are his remarks ” bade shahron mein aise ek adh hadse hote rahte hain. Woh 5,000 logon ko marne aye the lekin humne kitna kum nuksan hone diya . (Such small incidents happen in big cities. They (terrorists) came to kill 5,000 people but we ensured minimal damage)”.

  2045. Piyushi :) says:

    even i do hav frnds who belong 2 different religion & i love them equally despite everythin & anythin above….. so its nothin that i hv anguish 4 islams muslims or christian .. my only concern is my outlook that so far watever crisis or terrorism i hv heard off being in my early teen.. its always muslim may b internal or cross border hv been blamed 4 by media & other modes of channel.. its least i hav heard of other class of groups operatin

  2046. Rahul says:

    Politicians in India are known to be uneducated idiots. I say we ignore them. Its a pity that today’s youth is not engaging in politics. We’ve had enough of these old-aged freaks.

  2047. Michael says:

    U filthy Pakistani rascal… such training to kill happens only in Iraq, Afganistan and pakistan. Espicially Pakistan where US too recognises today and Bombs you`ll from time to time these days. How many mouths in this world can you`murders quiten ? May it be UK or India its always Pakisan involved in someway. Why kill common man going to work or childen ? Why kill people by asking them their religion ? what Allah do u belive in ? is this your religion I am sorry murder!! The muslims in India are muslims, you`ll are Terrorists. come fight 1 on 1 or on the battlefield and not with kids,women, common man. dont show ur manlihood with women on the bed by producing kids.World does not need politicians to tell where terror comes from. There are internet, sattelite channels and past data to analyse ourselves. Grow up m****r F***er, face your concious honesly you will hear the truth.if you still deny dont waste our time and your on the blog, go f**k some women and produce more terrorist.

  2048. Abhishek says:

    Dear Hassan:Do you feel that even though you have a democratic government, there is a sense that they are not in control? Clearly, the radicals though small in number, exhert a lot of power in Pakistan. How else does one account for a global terrorist like Dawood Ibrahim sit in Karachi?I know Pakistanis are also affected by terrorism with loss of Benazir and the Marriot blast. Perhaps, active engagement with the international community and handing over key suspects to India would diffuse the current situation. At our end we too need to clear up the rogue elements in Mumbai and other big cities.

  2049. Johnson says:

    Hassan,Hope thinks happen as you said..May it start with the fixing of fanatics..Don’t know how ??. Its not an easy task..but at least let the right and genuine effort be made by Pakistan.

  2050. Contemporary Myth says:

    Amid all this mayhem, I cant help but think of our fellow Muslim countrymen, who now will suffer the mistrust placed upon them, by the rest of our country. Most of them are clear-headed citizens, who aspire to lead an honest hardworking life,achieve access of better education for their children, preserve their cultural (more than religious)identity and and are eager to bestow peace on their co-communities – JUST LIKE WE DO. Is’nt it true that we feel uncomfortable at the sight of a crowd of them emerging out of the small neighbourhood Mosque? Dont we confront a guilty second thought of descending off a bus when we see a group of them seated inside with their luggage? The perpetual suspicion, the snide remarks, the curious glares, does’nt all this amount to everyday harrasment? For no part of theirs in this insane fundamentalism, those innocent Muslims here might, now, pay the price of this generic idea that their entire Religion is quasi-Terrorism. And the amusing part is that, this harrasment shall be “avenged” some other time. As is evident by the 11/26 attack, since it is audaciously being dubbed as “revenge against harrasment” of the Muslims here, that they have been going through. Now THIS, interestingly seems like a never ending cycle.

  2051. Johnson says:

    Abhishek,Dawood is still in Pakistan because he is not doing anything wrong in Pakistan. He is a good guys in Pakistan and other Arab countries..If he is messing in India doesnot mean that we should be punished in Pakistan.Now this is where the change in attitude of the Govt is expected…through international pressure.I hope I am right..HassanJohnson

  2052. CooldudeOC says:

    Dawood is too precious for Pakistan. So is LET and Jaish E M. Who else would dig their own grave by petting these snakes except Pakistan. Its neither religion nor patriotism but sheer cowardly nature and a shame on the part of the Pakistani citizens.

  2053. Rahul says:

    It is sad that because of a small group of people, the entire Muslim and Pakistani populations are targeted. I know a few Pakistani people who are ashamed of telling others that they are Pakistani; they tend to say they are of “south-asian descent”. We as good citizens need to stop blaming every Muslim we see. Though I do understand the fear one gets when one sees a muslim holding a briefcase on a train. Its natural to suspect him, as sad as it is, and the muslims need to understand that too.Also, Muslims need to work to root these people out of their communities, so that Islam is not hated and targeted by the rest of the world. Its something we ALL have to work together for, regardless of religion. We need to be more tolerant and understanding as human beings. Too bad for human nature and people’s biased opinions.

  2054. vagabond says:

    Ahmed,I respect your sentiments and also applad your ability to foresee hatred developing in the hearts of Indians and Pakistanis against each other, as well as your humble attempt to prevent that from happening. I don’t think even a single person in Pakistan is responsible for this, but without a doubt the government of Pakistan and very powerful authorities within Pakistan are central to the destruction caused in Mumbai. If the people of Pakistan want to truly set an example, then they shold rise against their own government, they should rise to save the reputation of their own religion. It is unfortunate that most of these terrorists are of Islamic origin and I am sure they represent less than 1% of the Islamic community, with the remaining 99% as peace loving as anyone in the world. However, relations cannot be sustained in the face of such unethical conduct by authorities in Pakistan which have allowed the soil of Pakistan to become a breeding grond for terrorism. Of course you and I don’t have a problem with each other. Of course you and I want to be able to share a meal and laugh at a joke. I have many Pakistani friends and they are amazing people. But this is not about you and me. This is about the collective conscience of the nation of Pakistan and you should rise in unity against such forces which are breeding in your country. These terrorists are not serving any religion, it is a shame that they claim to be protecting and serving the Muslim world. They are undoubtedly doing a disservice to every Muslim who is for peace and they are doing this from inside of your country. This is not the time to take things personally, but a time to stand for what’s right and stand against what’s wrong. Everyone of us wants to be able to walk free without worrying about whether we would be bombed. No group of fanatics should be allowed to tell the world what to do and what not to do.I hope as much as you do that India and Pakistan be at peace with each other. But for that to happen, we must rise against our corrupt goverments and our goverment must be allowed to question your government without resistance from your citizens.Aakash Iyer

  2055. Piyushi :) says:

    chuck it out…..some people are fucked in their brain & some get fucked in rear ..terrorist r fucked both d ways….we hav been fightin dis since ages & still we havent come up wit a solution yet .. within 2-3 years its almost 6-7 terrorist attackans where politicians r concerned its jst a small piece of gossip 4 them coz none of their family members r affected.. but ask us all our life hav had come 2 hault..

  2056. Abhishek says:

    Well said Aakash Iyer. You echo my sentiments. Accepting that there is a problem is the first step in solving it. Pakistani citizens are no different than regular Indians. The difference lies in the strength of Pakistan’s democracy and its ability to tighten its grip over the radicals. I wish for a more politically stable and progressive Pakistant, which is essential to India’s well-being.

  2057. Rahul says:

    The main cause of all our problems is the invaders. First the Mughals, who began killing Hindus and Buddhists, or converting them to Islam. Next, demolishing temples and hindu institutions. And then taxing the Hindus for not being muslims. Clearly that would have created tensions between Hindus and Muslims since Hindus were feeling marginilized in their homeland, even though they were still majority.This is exactly how Muslims in India feel NOW. Now, why do Muslims feel this way? The Main reason is the British rule. When Mangal Pandey rebelled against the British, the british took out their anger on the mughals, and their muslim loyalists. They sacked all Muslims from top positions and replaced them with Hindus. Muslim standard of living dropped, and their literacy rate went from 100% to less than 20%. Unemployment rate also went up. Hindus however were happy because they were doing better than before. Now THIS caused the muslims to feel backstabbed by Hindus, making them feel marginalized also. Since then, the muslim community hasnt been able to alleviate itself from poverty, due to which crime levels are high, creating even more problems between hindus and muslims, where hindus dont trust muslims, and muslims dislike hindus. Apart from that, the great religious differences also play a role. All this followed by the rise of Hindutva political parties (which was also created because of the issues which can ultimately be traced back to mughal invasion). Thus proving the point that Indian subcontinent (includes Pakistan and Bangladesh) is in the horrible condition it is in now because of the invasions by foreigners, who just used India for their own benefits (even though the later Mughal rulers were better)However the Mughals also did alot of good things for India. They enriched our already great culture even more. Our music, art, architecture owes a lot to them. Muslims, ofcourse, wouldn’t be muslims if it weren’t for them, so thats something they may be happy about. And don’t forget, it was the Mughals that united India.

  2058. sid says:

    @ waheedI appreciate your comments to my reply….but in fight against terror and country…u have to match shoulders with us….remember….united we stand divided we fall….Always there will be people who will dig hindu-muslim divide to gain sympathy….it is up to us how we respond….remember these people are good for nobody….these people ignite riots but in the end who suffers? Hindus lend shoulder to the muslim victims and muslims do the same…..muslims help in Durga puja, ganpati and hindus cook for them in eid….I belong to the later part of society and i think it is people like us who can help to negate the hatered. Where do you stand? If you really want to do good for your country…your community…give them a hope to live a respctful and peaceful life…give them jobs,education,social standing. Can’t you see the secularity of India? Zakir hussain, Dr. A.P.J Abdul kalam, Ustad Bismillah Khan, Ashfaqullah Khan…the list is countless…..Do you know about them?I hope you think about this and try to be a better individual….in your sense “khuda ka banda”

  2059. CooldudeOC says:

    Hassan, What are the incentives for these terrorist ? Do you really think they have a ideology ? Or do they believe in anything other than showing their skills of killing people ? One survivor recalled the goon wearing a smile when he sprayed bullets. You gotta close those madrassas. You gotta open more public schools and teach science and math to kids rather than religion. If the new generation in Pakistan can do that, jihadis will automatically fade away with time. You should let them know that Science and Math will enable them to stand up for themselves not the teachings of some lunatic Mullah who promise them virgins in heaven if they kill ‘kafirs’.

  2060. Piyushi :) says:

    my sole concern is live & let liveif 1 cant be friendly wit one another atleast not backstab or fight each other… if our neighbouring countries & we cant be frnds then lets not even fight or kills innocent lives for no reasonme being here is today scared to step out .. its atrocious! lets not 4get above all there is humanity & for christ sake lets us b human & not b evils

  2061. sid says:

    @ JohnsonThanks bro! that is an inspiration….i was successful in making atleast one of us to think beyond the square…yes we should carry a movement…..i want to contribute in as many ways as possible and practicable

  2062. Rahul says:

    What’s sad is Pakistan really has the potential to be a great country, with a very strong economy, and be an important world player (due to its location), but it isn’t being realised because of the mess it has put itself in.Pakistan Gov’t created ISI, which has basically overpowered the government, and is acting selfishly, not for the betterment of pakistan. As a result, India is suffering also. Do the ISI and the militants hiding in Pakistan really think that blowing up Kashmir, and now different parts of India, is the answer to the Kashmir problem? Had such militants not invaded Kashmir in 1947, Kashmir would still be an independent state, and there wouldn’t be any conflict.

  2063. Maqsood says:

    Only thing I wants to say…how come very first day when the attack start Indian army general said they are Pakistani from Fardkot…now the caputure terror ist is also saying I am from Fardkot… how came one of the India offical on tv was saying they have as weapons to kill to five thousand people…now the caputre terrorist also saying he has plan to five thousand poeple. Now they are some of terriorts were booked in the hotel for last few days or who hijakced the boats killed th coast grauds… it is easy to blame other… no one is talking about root cause …Kishmirai….ever day up to 10 people (Muslim) killed by Indian forces …no one care about them… why India doesn’t wants to Kishmirai … give it back to rightfull owner…Kishmirai…if they don’t wants to be with India, why keep them you salves…you have done with Hyderabab in 1948.

  2064. Rahul says:

    Maybe I should stop before I offend anybody. Just for the record, I think Pakistan is a great country with a great culture and great people. Just some misguided people ruining its reputation. My family originally was also from Pakistan-side.

  2065. Piyushi :) says:

    wats ridiculous is most of the terrorists are highly qualified & skilled in different field like in IT, engineering, etc… but stil they engage in such act… they are so influenced that they dnt even giv a second thought before indulgin them into terrorism..

  2066. Waheed says:

    What about piyushi, where do u like it. Do u Like Anal / Oral / Pussy / Tits or any other area. Please specify it. I Am waiting.

  2067. sid says:

    @ Maqsood..hey, stop taking emotional milage out of this….this is not about kasmir and kashmiriyat…this is about India and 1.3 billion Indians…you cant justify murder of innocents, and please…if you come out with these kind of tampered ‘facts’….you are doing good to nobody….please go back and do some research…read some history…for you a lot of….them open your opinions hereGod bless you sick man

  2068. The Proverbial Abyss says:

    Relations what relations, Fuck you and your country men, dont hide behind your actions,.. From where i stand Pakistan needs to be wiped off the face of this planet, kill every fucking jehadi that you guys hide , who kill innocent women and children in the name of God. Fuck you and Fuck your God who preaches murder and death. I really pray all of you are nuked

  2069. arvkp says:

    Mr. Blogger,Your claims are as empty and without logic as the title of your blog. It is easy to come up with theories and possibilities, but to say that the Indian Officials are making allegations without evidence clearly shows your prejudiced mentality rather than stating the truth. The officials issuing statements have solid evidence, including a live terrorist!!!

  2070. Rahul says:

    To Maqsood.Indian officials only stated what the terrorist told them. Second, the kashmiri issue is complicated, and India is not solely to blame. Pakistan is also at fault. Had Pakistan not invaded, this issue wouldnt be happening today.Indian soldiers may be killing people in kashmir but it is mainly because they suspect them of being terrorists, and hence do it to protect India and Kashmir. It is unfortunate that innocent people die hwoever. But what about terrorists operating in Pakistan attacking in Kashmir? That is the MAIN REASON Indian soldiers are In kashmir anyway. In the end howeverr, I am not here to argue with you. All I am going to say is, Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris. Both India and Pakistan should giv it up. Let them be independent. But if it has to go with India or Pakistan, I would say India, only because the mess created over there is due to Pakistan invaders. India still came in legally (though it also came in and signed the accord with the Maharaja for selfish reasons). Plus at a time when pakistan is ginog bankrupt, handing kashmir over to pakistan is like jeopardizing their future.

  2071. T S says:

    I feel that we “Politically Correct” Pseudo-secularists get what we deserve. More than half the hindus are more than happy to blame other hindus, but keep mum when it comes to other religions. I still remember when someone threw stones and broke the window of church, our people, including our famous media, went on and on about the “Hindu Extremism”, but when an attack of this magnitude happens it is “Terrorists have no religion”. “we must show our tolerance”. Yes. We do get what we deserve.

  2072. Rahul says:

    Also, the Hyderabad issue is different, as it was located in the centre of India. It is a threat to India to have Pakistani territory in the middle of India, hence it attacked it. Also, keep in Mind, Hyderabad was Hindu-majority, so in theory it shouldn’t go to Pakistani regardless. Same goes for Junagadh which india apparently invaded.Kashmir issue is different because while Pakistan is islamic nation, India is secular, so while hindus wouldn’t be safe in pakistan, muslims would be safe in india (theoretically, atleast).Again keep in mind India did not go into Kashmir until the Maharaja asked us to do so.

  2073. Hindol says:

    Hmmmm …. someone from the government was interviewed on HT news, and he was asked why Pakistan was reluctant to extradite Dawood for his alleged involvement in stock market bombings. The gentleman said that those were allegations not backed by any fact. When further probed whether Dawood was in karachi, he flatly denied it. What was insuperably funny was that he was shown a photograph of him, Dawood, Dawood daughter and son-in law and another business man from London in a marriage fucntion. It was nice to see the reaction. He felt that the media and India just randomly hit back without any deeper investigation — not answering the question at all about whether he could possibly explain the picture.Now clearly he may be following some official protocols and the media embarassed him. But I question this official protocols — even when presented with hard evidence, one is in a state of denial and flounder for excuses or engage in ad hominems. It just shows that the government is in substance subordinate to some higher authority that perhaps does not operate on any platform of integrity. If the truth does not serve political ends, one would rather not seek truth.I have always been impressed by Dawn for the longest time. They are a good newspaper, until most recently when their coverage smacked of bias and ignorance. I think too highly of them to believe that they could really be so biased and blind in their reporting, and once again – I can perhaps suggest that there are greater powers that they may be answering to.Pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism. That is a fact. They have exported it transnationally, and some of those elements have come back to haunt them. They have created a Frankenestein, and a few wise people in their government know it. Admission and seeking help is the first real attempt to solve the problem. Pak should have already learnt that an ogre cannot be hidden in the closet for too long. Since it is clear that some elements in the government choose not to deal with their facts, it pushes other countries to take preemptive action that could cause huge collateral damage. India should exercise all means at their disposal to completely squash these elements in Pakistan – preferable with Pakistan, but if not – then unilaterally. The other thing Pak could do is to hand Dawood over.

  2074. Piyushi :) says:

    @waheedson of a whore… tu aur teri jaat me yahi to fatwa banaya gaya hai… ki itna maaro ki baccha hona band na ho.. tum jaise logo ki wajah se hi india ka itna population haiwanky bastard like u mere use women as sex toy… use ur filty talk elsewhr & yaar tune to wo post karke hi saabit kar diya ki tu muslim hai..tujh jaise muslim hi badnaam karte hai islam jaat ko 🙂ja k maar apne muslim jaat ki ladkiyo ki.. unme bahut stamina hai tabhi to 10-15 bachcha paida kar deti hai

  2075. Waheed says:

    Nahin Piyushi mein condom use karronga us ka tension nahein lene ka. Bache nahin paida karne hain. Kab aa rahe ho.

  2076. Rahul says:

    Its sad people like you exist. Period.

  2077. Piyushi :) says:

    @waheeddnt b out of topic..samjhe sex ki baate karna hai to prostitution chale ja ..baato k saath sex bhi mil jayega fir waha se seedha apne paap dhone k liye haj pe chale jana 😉 :p

  2078. Maqsood says:

    Rahul you sound well educated and decent person… I can discuss the issue of Kashmir….where every there is occupaion you have blood… we should learn from our history (people of sub contenient)…when we were make salve by british… didn’t our fought for it…Issue of Hyderabab… you said it was pakistan, it was not part Pakistan it was indepentant state. My father was in Hyderabab army they fought with invading Indian army in 1948… what kidn of threat it was India …secondly if they theory of Hyderabab majority hindus…than Kashmir is/was majority muslim… should has been part of Pakistan..or let least indepentant state. for Sid I have two word FO

  2079. Waheed says:

    tumhara kya irada hai. Shiv lingam ke drshan tum bhi karoo. Mein to hajj pa ja hi raha houn. What u want to be discussed here then u should focus on that also, not on the religion.

  2080. Faisal says:

    You Indians just cannot stand facts. Turning to slangs once your intellect exhausts.I remember a comment during Kargil war that Sachin Tendulkar also wanted to go to the LOC and fight and all of you hindus said ok now sachin is coming, he will kick the asses of Pak army……Fantasy!Look what your great friend Israel said about your NSG's Nirmaan House operation, as quoted in The Hindu"Israeli security experts have said that the Indian security forces were premature in storming the besieged Nariman House. “Indians should have sanitised the area and first collected intelligence about the terrorists before launching flushing out operations,” a media report here said, quoting the experts. “In hostage situations, the first thing the forces are supposed to do is assemble at the scene and begin collecting intelligence,” a former official in Israel’s famed anti-terror agency Shin Bet told The Jerusalem Post. “In this case, it appears that the forces showed up at the scene and immediately began exchanging fire with the terrorists instead of first taking control of the area,” he said."More over why was the top leadership of ATS targetted only, all of them travelling in a single jeep isn't that strange.You suggest changes in the Indian Muslim Society and Government but What about the fanatic lot(RSS VHP BAJRANG DAL, Rogue Army Officers…) that has hijacked your country. Your Hindus Society don't need any correction?Every one knows how much democratic & secular your country is, protecting all minorities except Muslims and Christians.You have created a lot of mess in your own house.If you want to fight come on the border and I bet two dozen Wazir warriors will sweep out whole of your division.There were 3 thosuand body bags in Kargil conflict for Indian Army, and still your corrupt politicians did take bribes in giving its contracts.Wow nice way to thank the fallen heroes!

  2081. Waheed says:

    What does ur eligion teach u? Go and drink the urine from the cows or ” Gaay maata ka prsad pi ke aajawoo”

  2082. Rahul says:

    To Maqsood.Initially Hyderabad wanted to join Pakistan, but India did not allow it. Any country in the middle of India is a threat to India, regardless of if it is Pakistan or not. because it could attack India from anywhere. As for Kashmir, keep in mind india did not go into kashmir until after pakistan invaded. And you need to lose the impression that india is a HINDU state. it is a secular state so technically it shudn’t matter whom kashmir goes with.I am not saying that this justifies that kashmir should be with india, but how can you say pakistan has 100% right over kashmir when kashmir was not a part of pakistan, and pakistani militants invaded it! India did not go in until the maharaja asked india to come in and help them out. I agree india was selfish when it told kashmir to becmoe a part of indian union else it cannot help them (whereas it made no demand when it helped bangladesh).What i am trying to say is that, sure india has no right over kashmir if kashmiris do not want to be with india. BUT pakistan also does not have any rights. Kashmir belongs to kashmiris. It shud be an independent state alltogether. Kick out india, and kick out pakistan.I saw a documentary on youtube that showed video footages of kashmir when pakistanis invaded. It was completely destroyed.

  2083. Abhishek says:

    Waheed…Piyushi has not used foul language with you. You insist on insulting her and show little regard for gender. I wish you will not use any further foul language as it reflects poorly upon you.Pakistan is a country gone wrong. Their political system is a failure with any military taking over whenever it felt like. People in Pakistan need to be more concerned with rogues operating within their country. India has been moving ahead because of a stable political system and the work of few wise men who though about economics. Pakistan sadly remained under the grips of radical Islamic elements and is defenseless in front of the world. I feel for Pakistanis who are self respecting and protective about their country, even though they know that Pakistan has been stagnating for decades.

  2084. Rahul says:

    to faisal:most of what you said is irrelevant. But yes i do agree that there are hindu fanatics in india that we need to get rid of, else they will destroy the secular fabric of our country even more. but please stop showing hatred towards india, as your country is no better. and it is proven fact that pakistan began kargil war, and many intelligence agencies throghout the world know that pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists. work on your problems, and we’ll work on ours.your problems are even bigger as they are a threat to the entire world.

  2085. Piyushi :) says:

    @waheed sabse pehle to apne aankhe khol k dekh..kahi religion ki baate ki gayi hai ya nai,…tujhe to bola bhi kahi agar tere jaat ko target ki hi upar to copy paste karke bataaur thoda pls padh le sab post lu tab tijhe pata chale ki kon kon kiske against hai ?/ religion k ya terrorist kwaise u landed up in middle of nowhr 2 with ur nonsensical talks..

  2086. Piyushi :) says:

    wahid se sehen nai hui..terrorist ki itna ham maar rahe hai na isliye.. its feelin of brotherhood , understand 😉 🙂ek ki gaon ke hai dono 😀 same native 🙂

  2087. sid says:

    Look who is talking! A paki is saying that Indians are unintellect….Mr. Faisal what happened to you hotel Marriot….why couldnt your forces save it…do you know about the growth rate of muslims in India? Its increasing…compare this to the state of Hindus in pakistan…24% in the time of partition to less than 5% now….its a genocide….how many hindus have represented pakistan in sports? how many hindus have become prime minister or president??? and still you are here commenting on us….dude u are a failed state……and dont unlesh your rhetorics here….everyone knows without those 65crore rupees in 1947….what state would u guys be living into….stop acting like braggadocio….and as regards ur comment on religion just look at the freedom of muslims in India and in your ‘Islamic’ state….u r pathetic….and yes islam definately needs to rethink why is it giving birth to extremists,,,,,all maulanas should come together and make this world a better place to live….and as your query about hindus….remember there is an old saying…violence begets violence….but, having said that we take care of ourselves and live in harmony….and therefore we have a healthy mix of communities which obviously a genocidical dictator state like yours cant swallow…now they know that they cant fight our might on frontier, they are using their coward people to shooy down innocents and feel proud….dude, grow up! play fair!

  2088. Abhishek says:

    Waheed boss….Enough is enough….you are talking too much shit….you need to back off. Please do not take advantage of peoples tolerance. Btw….I have to tell you that Piyushi has spanked you badly. Please leave this forum with whatever little respect you have left.

  2089. Piyushi :) says:

    @waseedtere religion k baare me kisne kaha mai to terrorist k religion ki baat kar rai hu … teri upar to sab hi target kiye ja rahe hai mere aane se pehle se teri post hi kuch aisi hai….mere kai alag religion k frnds hai jisme se kuch muslim frnds bhi hai & i m proud of 'em coz they are unlike u 🙂

  2090. mee says:

    Well Hindu Racism incorporated in Hindu scriptures on display in the so called Intelligent India, Hindus come to USA and Europe and in Arab Countries like rats and they deny place to blacks in their filthy capital of New Delhi. This is another ascpect of truth concerning Indians who take advantage of the prevailing conditions in the world by painting themselves innocent.

  2091. Waheed says:

    Piyushi and Abshiek , please check in this blog how many times words like islamic terror have been used. What does that mean.?

  2092. Abhishek says:

    Piyushi….let Waheed be….he seems to taking things out of context and is not ready for reasonable discussion….he seems like a young kid who needs time to handle an adult conversation. Please ignore him.

  2093. Jai says:

    Motherfucker WASI…i seriously doubt that u wrk fr investment bankin…coz u bein typical moyhrfuckin paki..I want 2 clear certain pts which u keep on barkin1. PENIS. Atleast ours is copmplete not like u(bludy katuwa).hahha2. CHINA.. Its obvious that pak is nothin in front of INDIA n u alll think that china is gr8 but mother fucker, china is stands nowhere close to india in terms of IT, SoftwareN Brain.3.ASHWARYA.. We masterbate watchin that slut frm Pak MEERA n v praise the beauty of AshwaryaBUT BUT BUT…GUYYZZZ…I am a big fan of Wasi for continuing fightin all alone…GOSH..HIS SITER WUD BE SO MUCH FUNWASI ABE MADARCHOD wats d diameter of ur sisters boobs..nw i really wanna masterbate…wats her rate..coz v indians hav a lot of money..specially than motherfuckin n kKATUE PakistaniWASI reply is must if u ur a loyal KATUA..HAHAHAHAHA

  2094. Saim Baig says:

    Reports are now coming that the terrorist caught is not from Faridkot Pakistan.He is from Faridkot India.Besides Faridkot is a little village near Multan in Khanewal District.Majority of people are not capable speak English as this guy does as Indian media reports he can.

  2095. Piyushi :) says:

    i doubt if that waheed is an indian might b some pakistani hiding behind d mask & foolin around ..his post doesnt even hav anythin 2 do wit indian or terrorists he is in all support 4 jihadi , pakistanis & afghanistanis killed by americans

  2096. Rahul says:

    @ mee:as a hindu, i know alot about hinduism, and there is no racism in our scriptures. However our society is racist definitely. But again, we are not the only ones. Racism is everywhere in the world. Stop bringing irrelevant issues into this thread just to badmouth india. Go to any country in the world and theres some sort of racism

  2097. Maqsood says:

    Rahul, facts are facts… India invaded Hyderabab and made it part of India….In regards to Kashimir…Pathan from NWFP only invaded Kashimir once they know Raja of Kashimir decided that he wants to Join India even thought 99% population was Muslim (now it is reduce but still the majority). as I said suppressing human every fruit any sweet .. it will always give blood… and that is what is happened in Mumbai… it is sad reality. I personally feel sad for every human life, but these problem can’t/will not be solve by blaming any one. everyone has look at there own backward for clues to solve problem. another example is palistine issue… Israel will never be peaceful country as they has done the same what India has done with Kashimir…In the end of day Muslim/Hindu… who every die they are someone son/brother/husband/father or daughter/sister/wife/mother… not a petty picture

  2098. sid says:

    @ piyushi lets not bicker…this is not our individual fight…maine samjhaya usse …. bola he is hurt the way pple responded to him….tu bhi to thand rakh….yahan pakis bolte hain ki unke bandon ne nahi kiya ye….uspe baat karte hai….

  2099. Jai says:


  2100. Abhishek says:

    Waheed…one last time….I am not associating the Indian Muslim with the radical form of Islam (I agree it should not be called Islam) practiced by the terrorists. In my experience the Indian Muslim is gentle and progressive. Yes, the terrorists are abusing the name Islam. You do not need to defend them, shun them and realize your Indian identity.

  2101. Piyushi :) says:

    @abhishek🙂i agree – peace – @waseebtu ek hi word islam ko leke baith gya .. pure conversation me arey tu to sahi hai uske peeche k meanin to pata kar le 🙂 bahut sex sochta hai..mar jayega soch soch k.. kuch karne tak baki rakh 😉 😀

  2102. Rahul says:

    @ Maqsood. But Pakistani militants invaded Kashmir too, didn’t they? So in they end,nobody is right. And thats my stand on this. Poor kashmiris are suffering for no reason. Also, Pakistan should have no say in if Kashmir’s Maharaja chose to go with india, because india is a secular country meant for people of all religions. Lucknow in india is muslim majority. Does that mean it rightfully belongs to pakistan? No. In the same way All i am saying is that pakistan had no right in invading kashmir even if maharaja chose india. However we should look at the issue as it is NOW, and let kashmir be free. No POK, no IJK. Just Kashmir.

  2103. Waheed says:

    Mr. abishek who is supporting them. No one is supporting them.

  2104. Saim Baig says:

    Mr Jai represents a typical Indian mentality.Grow up kid.Checkout the irresponsibility of Indian MediaFirst they said this now saying this bunch of idiots.

  2105. Jai says:

    abe behen ke laude wasi…kis kutte(i mean oakistani) se apni ammi ko chuda raha haipar kuch bhi ho…my kutta is loyal to ur sis..ever since he’d smell her red pussy…wasi bastard whrere d frigen hell r u????WASIIIII MADARCHOD…clap clap claphahahahaaaaaa

  2106. Faisal says:

    Saim is correct, Faridkot is a Saraiki speaking village(Chak in local language).Those poor people cannot even speak Urdu properly let alone English.More over why do terrorist caght by your agencies have names that are quiet rare and typical arabic like Abu Ismail, Kasab …. These are names which are absolutely alein to Pakistani community and if the person was from faridkot he cannot have a surname of Kasab.Its not a local name their.Kasab means butcher..Would any one like to add a surname indicating he is a butcher?

  2107. Piyushi :) says:


  2108. RecreateIndia says:

    It’s sad to see this blog site being used as a place where Indians and Pakistanis hurl sh*t at each other. Well…talking of peace dialogues…it’s virtually impossible that these two countries will have en ever lasting peace treaty citing the vast differences in culture and outlook. What I can make out from many of the Pakistani bloggers is…you guys have been conditioned to hate India. It’s a classic example of what is actually happening in those terrorist camps.You’re just reflecting what’s actually going on in there.And all those people denying Pakistani hand in the terrorist attacks…Don’t you guys have enough sense that on a political level when it is said that there was Pakistani hand it obviously means we’re referring to the secret terrorist organizations operating in your country.Accept this..the Pakistani govt. has been incapable of controlling(if not promoting) the terrorist outfits. Here I don’t even deny the inefficiency of the Indian govt. to handle terrorism…

  2109. Jai says:

    Saim Baig…Its better u check ur sister gettin fucked by american soldiers…n ur mother usin made in CHINA dildosn father probably masterbatin watchin that slut …sry sexy slut MEERAITS TYM FR U 2 GET UR FACTS RIGHT..BLOODY PAKI….THU …MADARCHODS

  2110. Waheed says:

    Mates i am also cool and calm. Just Chill a bit and come to the topic.

  2111. Arwa says:

    The connections with Pakistan are so clear and were clear even before investigation — Becasue of Phone calls from Karachi. Pakistan is LAND OF TERRORISTS. Terrorists get absolutely modernized training in that country.

  2112. Abhishek says:

    Maqsood bhai:I have been following your historical arguments etc but this is not about Kashmir…this is about terrorists who fight for no one….they are misguided, aimless souls. India will clean up its backyard but Pakistan even if it musters the political will to do, will find it difficult to implement. Forget palestine etc and don’t broaden the issue. I hope moderates like yourself do not justify the actions of any terrorists. Why was Marriott in Pakistan attacked? Clearly, these are destabilizing elements. In days to come I assure that Pakistan will admit that its territory had been misused and I hope it works together with the Indian government.Another thing Masood bahi, the governments and politicians have always sought to make us across the border hate each other. Lets put the never ending Kashmir issue aside, agree to disagree and work towards a more stable region.

  2113. mee says:

    Well all of you need to understand that Terrorists has no religion, They just stays in the form of small group and move from one place to another, If they are today in Afghanistan then next day they are in India and then in Pakistan, All of us are suffering from this, You guys need to understand that Terrorist never stays at one place coz if they stays longer, the more they get recognized so eventually they change their physical locations, Its not Pakistan who should always be blamed of any terror attacks, Those radical groups can exist anywhere in India or Pakistan but you guys should not take it so personally that you start pointing out religions in this issue. This is something which we both can do it together to avoid worst circumstances in the Future, So kindly do not copy your media and start blaming Pakistan for this terror, KINDLY USE YOUR MIND and try to understand what exactly happened instead of blaming each other.

  2114. Max says:

    Why do the Indians forget about what they have been doing in Kashmir for the past 5 decades and still they call Pakistanis as terrorists.

  2115. Rahul says:

    @ saima:no new reports of the terrorist being from faridkot, india.i have been checking all international news agencies for this news, as i believe indian news channels may try to hide some info. but he has said that some indian locals helped them out. Also pak hand cant be ruled out since he confessed to training in karachi, etc. Just accept that pak is a terror haven, and please try to do something about it to save yourselves, and in turn, the entire world.

  2116. Jai says:

    PAKISTAN is nothing but a fucking land of motherfuckers

  2117. sid says:

    @piyushiIts ok…i m not saying that you should be a sitting duck…u hv every right to protect ur self respect….but i joined this blog bcoz i thought we are against the croc tears of pakis..but was so very dissappionted to know how divided are even in this hour of crisis…just like our pollies…now i think i will quit…i cant face the truth..take care

  2118. Piyushi :) says:


  2119. Piyushi :) says:


  2120. Saim Baig says:

    @ RecreatindiaWhat if Pakistan Govt proves the role of India in the situation of Baluchistan.Which they are going to prove soon.You can't be that selfish in discussing only your matters .We .There are Solid proofs that the India is involved aiding Bajaur agency & Swat militant Baitullah Mehsood.We also have issues with India but if such a thing happens here people responsible are the terrorists & than the Security agencies.We don't point figures at India even if we have proofs.

  2121. Rahul says:

    I do not hate pakistanis, so dont just think i am saying all this to badmouth pakistan, BUT:pakistanis tend to conveniently forget what atrocities are giong on in POK: rape by pak army, murder, etc.POK also wants independence from pakistan. Dont forget that

  2122. Faisal says:

    I told you.You cannot stand facts dude.Can any one match my facts against India to those against Pakistan without using slangs.Remember I want facts not what your media is reporting as they have been now ridiculed by the western media of jumping to the conclusions(BBC).

  2123. Waheed says:

    Mr rahul. What about the rapes and Murders In Gujarat. Why don’t u look in ur country first?

  2124. Piyushi :) says:


  2125. Rahul says:

    @ Saim:if u guys have evidence against india, then show it to them, and tell them to stop. The fact that pak hasnt done so most likely means tht they do not have any evidence.but if they do have evidence, they shud go to india and complain, or go to UN.

  2126. mee says:

    Rahul Don’t forget indian’s have aided them in the Mumbai attacks, You cant ruled out important facts and also you have to admit that who terrorist in the attacks were some officials who misuse their position and aided those attacks, Talli dono hathoon say bajti ha, aik hath say nehin, if Indians are not involved in this thing, then I swear Pakistan also has nothing to do with this terror attacks.Just wait and see, few days everyone will understand who did this and for what purpose.

  2127. Rahul says:

    Waheed. I thought u said you were indian??And like my earlier post, i have said tht no violence is justified. But you must look at everything from both sides. Gujurat occured for a reason. Burning of train with hindus on it was the cause. Still i do not justify the gujurat riots. All i am saying is that you must see that hindus were also killed. Besides, if you want tobring all this up. When wut about the genocide against hindu kashmiris? See how it goes both ways? thats why i am saying STOP BLAMING EACH OTHER. What about the mandir that muslims demolished before building babri mosque out of it?? Again, it goes both ways. Muslims caused tension, so did hindus. Both are at fault. now stop it and MOVE ON.

  2128. Piyushi :) says:


  2129. RecreateIndia says:

    Saim BaigIsn’t it natural that if a person hits you twice or thrice you will retaliate in the same manner? Well… you weigh on a scale how many times has Pakistan attacked India and how many times has India initiated to attack Pakistan…I’m sure the former…i guess the comparison would be senseless because there is no counting how many times we’ve been attacked.And if you have proof…why don’t you come out with it?Isn’t the proof conrete enough?You HAVE to accept what is going on in your country…and I’m not referring to the innocent civilians..I’m referring to those radical groups who’ve been brainwashed and conditioned to hate everything non-Muslim…you have to accept that the whole system is degenerating…

  2130. Rahul says:

    @ my earlier post i also said tht there was definitely indians involved. else something this big wouldn b possible. But main issue is that funds for this still come from across border, as long as people like Dawood are still in pak, and LeT.

  2131. Abhishek says:

    Waheed your comment earlier: “Mr rahul. What about the rapes and Murders In Gujarat. Why don’t u look in ur country first?”Waheed please tell me the name of your country? Dude, are you sure you are from India. I don’t think an Indian would say “ur” country, rather it should be “our” country.If India has citizens like you, it does not need enemies. Congratulations!!

  2132. Faisal says:

    The ATS chief was about to reveal names of high official that had supported Melagaon and Samjhota Express Blast courtesy the secret films that Dayanand Pandey and his accomplice made, qoute TOI (issue of 22november)"Investigations have revealed that self-proclaimed seer Dayanand Pandey alias Sudhakar Dwivedi used to secretly film all those who visitedhis ashram. The visitors including policemen, top intelligence officials, businessmen and bureaucrats, were filmed speaking to Pandey."Police sources said Pandey, arrested on November 14 from Kanpur for his alleged role in the Malegaon bomb blast, had "high level'' contacts with politicians. "We have seized his laptop and a pen drive from his custody. The laptop has been sent for cyber analysis to the Forensic Science Laboratory in Bangalore on Thursday. During examination we have found Pandey has been filming all his visitors through a camera and stored it in his laptop. Pandey's conversation with the visitors is also stored there,'' said an officer. The filming was done in Kanpur and J&K." That was why he was killed the first day.Do you still need proof that something is fishy in this Mumbai Attacks

  2133. Rahul says:

    and Dawood is Indian too, just so you dont think that i am trying to say that all indians are pure and good.THere are plenty indians who are horrible peple, n they come in all religions.

  2134. Saim Baig says:

    @ RahulCheck your facts bro.There was a meeting Where top security officials of Pakistan,America & Afghanistan were present.Afghanistan pointed figures at Pakistan,& Pakistan showed the evidence they had in Baluchistan.After that neither India nor Afghanistan had the guts to show the evidence of the Kabul embassy bombing.Were are the proves my dear.You people say that it was Pakistan behind it.What is the proof.

  2135. Waheed says:

    Mr. rahul i want to correct u .Where was the genocide of Kashmir Hindus. Give me example. How many Hindus have been killed in Kashmir.

  2136. Maqsood says:

    You missing the point Rahul… people who invade (according you) has their relative live in the kashimir for century and when raja decided he wants to be with India against the will of people of Kashimirs as in the refrudum they decided they don’t wants to be part of india … (not like Hyderabab where even hindu majority decided to stay with Nazim as they loved him for his just rule)they call their relative to help them…. Raja call on india to help and India send their army…it was not Pakistani army who fought against indian army it was same Pathan… who fought Indian army in Kargil (1999). So you can’t say Pakistan send it army as their army was nothing in 1948… they has no match of Indian army muscle which they got it from our Masters (British)… I don’t care where kashimir goes… but point is Indain and India need to realise issue is not Pakistan… issue is their suppression of inconnect people of Kashimir and that will never bring peace for them if they don’t let it go.

  2137. Piyushi :) says:


  2138. Abhishek says:

    @ Piyushi You are right. What a lying scoundrel…he leant a few english words and did not take time to use them. Waheed….you are the first Pakistani who feels shame to admit to being one.

  2139. Max says:

    Piyushi, my frnd are Pakistani people/army raping, murdering and torturing locals of Kahsmir???? I do not need to check the fact. you guys need to accept that it all started from Forceful Indian occupation of Kashmir and will end at Kashmir.

  2140. Waheed says:

    Yes Max i agree with you, Kashmir is the root cause of all these problems. Unless and untill Kashmir issue is not solved there cannot be peace with in both countries.

  2141. Piyushi :) says:


  2142. Rahul says:

    @ maqsood.many kashmiri families live throughout india. do they have the right to go invade kashmir so tht it goes to india? no. any type of invasion is rong. i am not proving india right. i am just saying pakistan is also at fault. and if pak army didn’t back these militants, how is kashmir a part of pak. if pakistan wasn’t involved, it woudn;t recognize kashmir as a part of its territory..either way, lets drop this, and hope for the best of KASHMIRIS.@ waheedover 400 000 kashmiri hindus liv in camps throughout india right now because they were forced out of their homes in kashmir. many others were also killed (actual figure i dont know).@ saimi don’t know anything about kabul bombing. all i know is india said it has evidence against ISI, so did afghanistan, and so did America. after that i dont know, and dont care cause it doesnt affect india directly.

  2143. Faisal says:

    Spot on Saim Bro, any one of the numerous Pakistanis languishing in Indian Jails may be brought out and they will happily accept that they are from Pakistan Faridkot given the way you treat our prisoners.We gave you back your agent alive and what did you returned two dead bodies of prisoners who were just killed during interrogation.We give you back prisoners who are sane and walking on two feets, you return ours completely insane and disabled.Who knows the person might be a Pakistani but a prisoner who must have been given the incentive of preferential treatment.

  2144. Waheed says:

    Mr Rahul the actual number of Hindus killed in Kashmir is less than 300 ( Government Figures , not mine) and the reason why hindus left the kashmir everyone Knows. It was the Governor Jagmohan who was responsible for This. There are many Hindus who still live in Kashmir. WHy they are not forced out come and see there..

  2145. Abhishek says:

    @ MaxNothing will end at Kashmir. If anything ends there, it seems to be your ability to think. To be honest, Kashmir seems to be an endless one. Pakistan and India are not a comparison today. Pakistan can probably claim superiority only to Afganistan in terms of its economy. The GDP of Pakistan is $437 billion and that of india is $4.1 trillion. Lets not even try to give threats.I am reasonable and would never dare to use provocative comments but clearly you are not a friend to logic and rational thinking.

  2146. Rahul says:

    Forgot Nasir Sultan? There were articles in indian media saying to send him back to pakistan. And they did. India even used to give him clothes b/c they felt bad for him..lets stop blaming each other now im getting sick of it. And theres still many prisoners in pak tht r indian who r also tortured.

  2147. CooldudeOC says:

    Pakistan uses religion as a mechanism to spread chaos elsewhere in the world. Thats a known fact. They act like they are the pole bearers if Islam. Everywhere you find a Islamic terror act, you definitely find a Pakistani. But pakistanis haven’t done anything to make me believe otherwise. I am waiting for the facts to come clear on the Mumbai blast investigation.And these whiners in this blog will keep on whining even after you put all the facts on the table. I don’t see any effort on their part which would indicate they are ready to co-operate with eradicating terror camps in their land. Terrorism is so deep rooted there, that they don’t have the courage to fight it. Cowards die many times before death..that what these bloggers from pakistan are.

  2148. Piyushi :) says:


  2149. Maqsood says:

    Rahul, I can go on whole night with you on this issue… but I have to sleep… work tomorrow morning…so I will say only one thing solve the root cause and everyone will be happy at least in sub conteintent

  2150. Rahul says:

    What about governor jagmohan?!have u met these refugees? they themselves claimed tht jihadi terorrists came and warned them to leave else they’d be killed.only reason there r still some hindus there is because gov’t is protecting them, and now the anti-hindu issue has died down in kashmir.

  2151. Rahul says:

    kashmiri politicians themselves admit what happened to the hindus in kashmir. so dont try to deny it waheed. atleast kashmiri politicians accept that it shuodnlt have happened.

  2152. Rahul says:

    Goodnight maqsood. it was good to see somebody else’s point of view from the other side.

  2153. Piyushi :) says:


  2154. Faisal says:

    Quite selective of you Rahul.“i don’t know anything about kabul bombing. all i know is india said it has evidence against ISI, so did afghanistan, and so did America. after that i dont know, and dont care cause it doesnt affect india directly.”You only know that Pakistan is involved but you can’t give any proofs.Ok this time give us the proofs not allegations.Any one cannot be held accountable as a result of someone telling that they are from Pakistan and travelled from Karachi….etc.I’ll grab a hindu here and make him talk against your involvement in Marriot Blasts, will you believe it ever…?No you won’t.You cannot prove it even if we give you 20 years as your intel agencies are quit incapable.They didn’t detect terrorists sneaking in Mumbai but caught some alive and got the truth out of them instantly.Wow.Give me a break let yourself take one too and tell yourself that WE MUST INVESTIGATE BEFORE ACCUSING PAKISTANRecite it ten times and you will have beneficial effect my fellow blogger.

  2155. Balakrishna says:

    @ Waheedif your battle is for Kashmir why the hell do your ppl ( your ppl refers to factions who operate from your country , citizens of your nation ) carry out attacks in rest of India ?? Do you justify that battle throughout India. Is it justified that since you have a wound in your hand you will wound the rest of the body ?? Stop your ppl from such malign objectives . Educate them … take it as a challenge and most importantly ask ur ppl to stay away from us….

  2156. Abhishek says:

    @ Rahul, Piyushi & SidGuys, its been entertaining at most. Clearly we are interacting with a majority of individuals who are very defensive and are hung up on Kashmir. I thought it was only the poor in Pakistan but it seems to be that the educated are no different. I hope their government acts differently or else the consequences will be huge for both countries.@ WaheedGet back into your den and please admit to being a Pakistani next time. I would offer you Indian citizenship but you are clearly unfit mentally. Also, please use non-intellectual internet forums to vent out your sexual frustrations.@MasoodPlease move away from clinging to Kashmir so that we can join hands and not dig holes for each other.

  2157. Rahul says:

    faisal:i don’t say pakistan is involved in the kabul boombing.i actually dismissed that argument myself, because i myself believe india did not come up with any good evidence. i read articles, but none of them said anything other than “india believes ISi is involved”.thus if there is no evidence, i dont buy it. hence i as of now don’t buy into india’s claim tht pak was behind kabul.

  2158. Piyushi :) says:


  2159. Rahul says:

    also at faisal:i also believe india shud keep its mouth shut until it has ALL the evidence.but let me remind you that the terrorist got scared, after he saw his co-terrorist’s mutliated body, and began saying “i dont want to die”, and clearly in such circumstances, anybody would cooperate.

  2160. Waheed says:

    Mr. Rahul i have worked in kashmir for three years with a NGO and i know the situation better than you. I have been in contact with many Hindu families there. They are living happily and peacefully. Government can only protest there house. But to live they have to come out of them. I feel sorry for the Hindus who live in camps , i know they live in a very bad situation but The Indian government is responsible for that. I know Hindus come every year there to their villages and meet the Muslims there. It is the only secular state in India.

  2161. Piyushi :) says:


  2162. Abhishek says:

    @ALLPlease don’t beleive this guy Waheed….he first said he was an Indian Muslim and later on was identified as Pakistani unwilling to state his identity.Rahul….please do not engage in any active discussion with Waheed…now Waheed (if that is his real name) claims to have worked for an NGO.

  2163. Rahul says:

    waheed:if you havent been to rest of india, don’t speculate, as i am not speculating about pakistan.pakistan is a great country. ALOT of my friends are from pakistan, and ive learned alot about islam frmo them. you shuold do the same for india. my only issue is the terrorists hiding in pak, most of whom rnt even pakistani.all people throughout are peaceful, just like the pepole in kashmir. everybody wants peace, and kashmiris are no different.yes indian govt is wrnog for what it did in kashmir. and so is pak. we need to giv kashmir their independence, and hope they live happily.but ultimately the fact is, hindus kashmiris were still forced to leave by militants even thoguh most muslim kashmiris did not support that.the only reason i brought this up is becauseof your gujurat riot argument.i am saying that the gujurat riots occured for a REASON, in the same way that the hindu kashmiri thing in kashmir occured for a reason. you justifying the ousting of hindu kashmiris out of kashmir suddenly justifies the killing of innocent muslims in gujurat. that is all im saying.other than tht , i am happy to hear you worked with an NGO in kashmir, MashAllah. And hope everything works out for the betterment of kashmiris.

  2164. Balakrishna says:

    @ WaheedI suspect the level of work u ppl have down in NGO. So you are the one who recruited poor ppl of Kashmir for your terrorist camps and use it against our nation…. This guy has given enough evidence to be hanged by balls.HahahahaNext time be careful while stating anything.

  2165. Waheed says:

    Mr. Rahul i agree with you , no violence can be justified by any means.

  2166. Rahul says:

    to my indian brothers. dont call me a traitor for saying kashmiris shud get independence..i would always want kashmir to be with indiabut if kashmir itself doesnt want to be with india, why must we force them?only thing that we must ensure is that if we give them independence, we shud make sure the hindu refugees are able to return and live safely.

  2167. Waheed says:

    Mr Bala Krishna i have worked for Hindu and muslims there and i don’t remember anything as terrorists.

  2168. RecreateIndia says:

    It’s strange to see how some Pakistani bloggers are so quick in brushing away the charges of the terrorist attacks against them.Well instead of working so hard on trying to find would do you good if you actually elected sensible people at the centre who will take adequate measures to uproot these terrorist organizations.It pains to see that even educated people want themselves to believe in a clean and pious Pakistani image…Open your eyes’s International shame that’s waiting for you..and if you don’t act quick…you’re doomed

  2169. Piyushi :) says:


  2170. Rahul says:

    Also @ waheed:next time, dont fake identities. what are you giong to attain by pretending to be indian muslim, and badmouthing india. and now i am also beginning to doubt your claim of working in an NGO

  2171. Waheed says:

    Mr Rahul i am an indian Muslim and live in India. I am not here to support Pakistan. I am an Indian with only Indian nationality.

  2172. Abhishek says:

    @BalakrishnaWaheed does not even have balls….find something else to hang him by….poor guy he got lost in an NGO in Kashmir. They guy is a joke….I waisted so much time trying to defend him but he was just radical. Waheed….you are fool….lost all credibility by proving to be a liar and faking to be an Indian.

  2173. Rahul says:

    the fact that you fake identieis only shows that none/few of your arguments are actually true. and that most of the things you say are fake, that you make up to basically put the other guy downsame goes for saim for the whole thing about terrorist being from faridkot, india. just accept that PRELIMINARY evidence says that hes pakistani, and that he has accepted it…once someone ACTUALLY says he’s actually indian, then fine’ we’ll accept it.

  2174. RecreateIndia says:

    @RahulDude…do you think these guys will stop even if they get Kashmir?They won’t.Terrorism is a drug and it’s deep in their veins now…they’ll get Kashmir and next they’ fight for Punjab claiming that the better of Punjab lies in Pakistan so they might as well get the other part too

  2175. Max says:

    @AbhishekWhat is with you Indians? Are you guys in a state of superiority complex of having a strong economy. You send your 4 times stronger army overnight at Lahore in 1965 and still couldn’t capture. Mr Abhi India was even then economically stronger to Pakistan but couldn’t win the war. Economic strength is not the only imperative in winning a war. Didn’t you guys learn the lesson from what happened to Russia in Afghanistan and still happening to USA there.. Despite being 100 times economically strong the US army hasn’t yet got control over Afghanistan. Killing innocent women, children and infants will never earn the praise from any GOD of any religion. It’s the LAW of nature. We should stop the blame game and look at the root causes of insurgency in both India and Pakistan other wise any third party (Just like the British in the 18th century) will take advantage of the fragile situation.

  2176. Balakrishna says:

    @ Rahul.These guys are so sick that even if you handover Kashmir to the Pakis .. they will make their living conditions worse than the present conditions…. Just c PoK which is under Pakistan what has the govt done there and loook at the Indian side of Kashmir . Atleast it is thousand times better than PoK . If we handover Kashmir to them these terrrorists will have more space for themselves. And the terrorism Industry wil become more big.. I wud ask Pakistan to handover PoK to India and India will take care of it …… Saale Pehle apne karachi aur Islambad ko to sudhaar le and then pura pakistan hai sudhaarne ke lie .,., these sick terrorist guys shud be elimitated to ensure peace and tranquility between nations,, giving up on Kashmir is not the right solutionn….. These sick insane jihadi morons understand only the language of Indian bullets… Kutte ki Zindagi hai unki

  2177. Waheed says:

    That is the problem with all Indian fools like like you. You are so scared of Pakistanis that you see Pakistanis everywhere. What will be the difference if i am an indian or a Pakistani. What can u do ?

  2178. Rahul says:

    @ waheed.if you are actually indian, and if you call india “your coutnry” instead of “our country”, then im sorry to say but you are no less than a traitor. in which case talking to you is uselessi love my indina muslim brothers and are proud of them. i know they have been thru alot in india, but you must accept so have hindus; so have sikhs; so have christians. why are you so different that india is no longer your country. its peopple like that who create tensions between people.

  2179. Abhishek says:

    Waheed an Indian only uses “our” country and not “ur” country. I will ask the police at Wagah border to let you cross over to Pakistan incase you are lost.

  2180. Piyushi :) says:


  2181. Balakrishna says:

    @ WaheedSo you have worked in Kashmir and you dont know about terrorists …. Hahaa even a small kid there is made cautious about terrorists and before they cud pronounce their names properly they pronounce terrorists well…. im now sure u have worked in some terrorist camps where the word terrorist is considered a sin

  2182. Rahul says:

    to balakrishna.kashmir in my opinion shudn’t go to pakistan either. kashmiris have nothing in common with pakistan, other than the fact that most kashmiris are muslim. well, islam is the only thing holding pakistan together, and we can already see how divided pakistan is.but the fact is, if kashmir doesnt want to be with india. let them go. but just make sure they dont go to pak. let them be an independent state. thuogh in the end it is quite likely that pakistani militants will once again invade n take control. in which case, what can we do, kashmiris will be deciding their own fate.

  2183. Waheed says:

    No problem i am willing to cross pakistan , i don;t have any problem with any country.

  2184. Piyushi :) says:


  2185. Waheed says:

    Ok guys i am going to Pakistan. I will be back till then take care.

  2186. Abhishek says:

    @ MaxOur war is poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. Indian does not have a military war to win. This is why we are where we are why and Pakistan is languishing behind struggling to cope with extremism. To me I want to see my country economically strong, vibrant and broad minded. I would love to work with people across the border as long as they are ready for a reasonable discussion.

  2187. Balakrishna says:

    @ MaxIf you are so much concerned about peace like we Indians ask your govt to hand over Pakistan to India for atleast a year, after cleansing the terrorist camps and sick brains from your society u ppl too can live happily like us and progress tooo …. Its the best solution for you ppl… Did you forget 1971 war where our army intuded till ur inner hearts but yet pardoned off looking at the crying souls…. bheek mein tumhe fir se tumhara desh mila ispe jyaada ghamand mat karo

  2188. RecreateIndia says:

    @RahulI wouldn’t be in favour of ever letting Kashmir go…if Kashmiris want to be a separate state…they sure can…but not at the cost of cutting away the land of Kashmir from India’s map…we can’t let go of the land in kashmir…because anyway…the prices of land are high 😉

  2189. Rahul says:

    at the end of the day. everybody has his/her opinions. if you are an indian who is not happy with india, and think pakistan is better for you, then no one can stop you from thikning that. you are free to leave the contry and go to pakistan. at the end of the day its your life, your choice, and your fate. just as long as you dont kill other innocent people because of hatred.i am no one to judge you, unless you kill people for selfish reasons. Khuda Hafiz, Shabakhair to you, i am off to my indian friends: Shubraatri, Allah Hafiz, Shabakhair, Goodnight (this already shows how much more multicultural india is than most countries when you say hi and by in so many different ways. makes me proud of india)

  2190. Rahul says:

    @ piyushi:i said that none or very few of his arguments are REAL…in other words i am calling him a liar.

  2191. Abhishek says:

    @ WaheedCross over to Afganistan and sit with the Taliban….I don’t think you deserve to be a Pakistani also. Infact why don’t you jump into the Arabian sea and do a favor to your country.

  2192. Waheed says:

    yes piyushi, u should have the courage to listen the truth. Whether it is against ur religion or you but u don’t have.

  2193. Piyushi :) says:


  2194. Rahul says:

    my last words to everybodystop hating each otherthere are some bad people in each countryosama in afghanista/pakLeT in pakISI (allegedly) in pakbush in USABJP & Bajrang Dal in indiaand many many more.just accept the fact that most people are peace loving, and move on..else world war 3 isnt far.let us all unite and flush out these terrorists before another mumbai or new york happens anywhere in the world.

  2195. Faisal says:

    You are not accepting Waheed as Indian When He said He was Mr. Rahul.More over I have quoted your media not any one else.You think i made up these stories.Go to my posts again then go to Times of India and The Hindu reports that i have quoted.The FACT is that YOU CAN’T STAND HARD FACT NOR CAN YOU PRODUCE THEM

  2196. Abhishek says:

    @ WaheedGo stand on the LOC, either India or Pakistan will shoot you. It will be a favor to both the countries to get rid of people like you.Don’t talk to Piyushi about courage. She has given you a slap numerous times incase you did not feel it. Also, gather some courage to admit your national identity next time.

  2197. Piyushi :) says:


  2198. Balakrishna says:

    @ RahulIndependence of Kashmir cannot be granted as it doesnt have a economy or army of its own. kashmir was a independent country in 1948 and the whole world is aware how Pakistanis forced it to be their part of nation. SO the king had acceded the territory to India. kashmiris never wanted to be Pakistans and once its free and its under the regime of Pakistan fully even we cant interfere and we would repent for our acts. So dont think of such solution unless Kashmir has its own legs to stand. And regarding muslims UP has a larger muslim population than Kashmir . If they demand UP then , shud we accede that part too to those morons????

  2199. Rahul says:

    faisal:i did not say i dont accept waheed as an indian. he himself kept on saying “your country”, whereas a normal indian would say “our country”..thus all i am saying is tht if he infact is an indian, then he would be no less than a traitor.that is allas for you however, i don’t remember telling you that you have made up stories.. i told that to waheed. please remind me of what you said, and what my reply was, and i woudnlt mind talking it out. in a peaceful manner.

  2200. Abhishek says:

    @PiyushiWaheed is one of those people any country will be ashamed to have. Good job….I thought you were rough on him but he deserved it. Plus, the guy needs to go learn english before he starts blogging…he is unable to comprehend our messages.

  2201. Balakrishna says:

    @ RahulI admit there are bad factions in each society. but these factions shud restrict their operations to their own home country not spread it like viruses to countries beyond its boundaries… bajrang dal and bjp has never carried out any operations outside India and dats our internal prob. But their terorist organisations have intruded in our territory and shud be strongly dealt with….

  2202. Rahul says:

    also to faisal:i completely accept the fact that india is a really messed up country. corruption is high, poverty is high, literacy isnt that good. caste system, infrastructure, lack of security, stupid politicians. the list can go ON AND ON. however we are working our way up.if you compre india NOW and india in 1947, theres ahuge difference. Same goes for pakistan. it has improved alot, but has alot of major problems. one such problem is terrorism, and you yourself cannot deny that. i have read many international news articles (BBC, CNN, etc) where an ISI agent was interviewed and himself had said there were some bad elements in ISI who are still funding terrorists, even though overall people in ISI are trying to stop terrorism.

  2203. Rahul says:

    @ balakrishna:i completely agree, which is why it mkes me made when pakistanis bash out against india.yes india has its own problems, but these problems do NOT affect pakistan in any way. BJP is not killing pakistanis, neither is bajrang dal. Gujurati muslims killed in riots were not pakistani. the mosque that was demolished was not in pakistan. more over they dont understand tht everyting ive stated above has a longg history, and didn’t occur for no reason.however terrorism is a problem in pakistan, and it is affecting the entire world!!thus when something happens locally in india, pakistanis have no right to say nething about it. but when terrorist attacks occur anywhere and is located bnack to pakistan, then teh entire world has a say.

  2204. Faisal says:

    Come one man your own NSG and MARCOS are saying that the terrorist were highly motivated and disciplined with tactical operational know how.Fidayeen means someone who is about to sacrifice his own life in the way of his mission.Don’t you beleive it is quite ovice of the same terrorist to say “I don’t want to Die”.The way he is shown walking about in the CST staion with his fellow terrorist, it seems that they are fearless and willing to die in the way of their mission.Rahul dude you seem to be a sane person among many insane indian bloggers who resort to slangs once their intellect exhausts, use your brains to put two and two together.More over i was mainly pointing towards current situation not Kabul bombings, in the comment one you replied to.

  2205. Balakrishna says:

    @ Piyushi Good work 🙂 So finally u managed to flush out Waheed. He has realised that he lost to an Indian gal…. he might have gone to check if his balls are still intact…. stupid fellow who is not sure about his nationality. I am sure he might have a faked nationality. All pakistanis are good at making fake things

  2206. Abhishek says:

    @ AllGood night friends. I witnessed some interesting discussions. Both India and Pakistan have internal issues to resolve. However, Pakistan needs to prevent the use of its territory by terrorists. This is in the interest of both India and Pakistan. God bless both the countries and broaden our horizons.@ WaheedNever again come on a blog site. Be proud of your national identity. Get productive in life and never again use foul and dirty language with a women. It reflects very badly on your upbringing.

  2207. Rahul says:

    faisal:as i have already said..i did not comment against pak on kabul bombings; i myself said india hasnt presented any evidence. and if it HAS evidence, then its time to show it. or shutup. so SO far i do not blame pakistan for nething in terms of for the thing about the terrorist captured in mumbai. you do not have any first hand experience with him, and nor do i. so far both of us are relying on the media. none of us knows what is right. so lets just leave it there. but media also reported that he saw the body of his mutilated partner…and broke down. it is highly possible that something like this could happen. and just to remind you..this case is giong to involve indian intelligence, israeli intelligence, america’s FBI, and the scotland yard….so your fears of this case being biased/modified by india will becmoe quite low. As for now however it is too early to say anything, so lets just leave it and say “who knows”.

  2208. Waheed says:

    Hi Balakrishna so piyushi is a gal. Few minutes b4 she advised me to get fucked by a whore. Please tell her to do it for me.

  2209. peaceindpak says:

    Nice topic

  2210. Abhishek says:

    @ WaheedWaheed whores are human beings. I think you should go fuck a mosquito. Incase it refuses because you organs are too small, go stand on LOC and let both the Indian and Pakistani army kill you with cross border firying.

  2211. peaceindpak says:

    I have gone through most of the comments and have seen people using very filthy and abusive language with each other.

  2212. Rahul says:

    Before I leave now, just to keep everybody updated with wut the media is saying, i got this article just now (published nov 30, 2008) from the Sunday Express (british newspaper). So far the story is the same:Agents from MI6 and the American secret service are assisting with the questioning. “Most of the men who participated in this attack are dead and in hell. He will get a fair trial, but on being found guilty he will hang,” a secret service source based in India’s capital New Delhi told the Sunday Express. SEARCH UK NEWS for: “We believe he shot dead a police inspector and other innocent people. We won’t be giving him back to Pakistan.” Early reports of a British link to the gang were dismissed by Downing Street, the Foreign Office and Scotland Yard.But the Pakistan connection will leave the already troubled diplomatic relations between the two nations on a knife edge.Some of the terrorists posed as Hindus as they set about their killing spree, wearing red dots on their foreheads and red threads around their wrists.Kasav was one of the first to start shooting, picking off innocent men, women and children at Mumbai railway station, smiling as the body count mounted.GOOD NIGHT and God Bless all of you. I urge all of you to stop namecalling, and talk like normal human beings. Swearing will only make things worse.To Pakistanis: stop denying the presence of terrorists in pak. You guys are also suffering from it now.To Indians: stop living in the fantasy that india is a great country with no problems, and that we are no longer a third world country because we are poised to become a superpower. Reality is, we are STILL a third world country. Good news is, we most likely will not be for long! Also accept that there are terrorists in India as well that help these pakistani terrorists. So if we attack pakistan with threats, we have to flush out terrorists hiding in our country too.

  2213. Balakrishna says:

    @ WaheedSo cant u find a whore urself ? you are working in NGO …. u can get it done free … do whatever u want in Pakistan which is ruled by the laws of insane… but dont dare to eye an Indian … guy or a gal..And if u r really an Indian join us against terrorists operating in Pakistan creating havoc all over the world. I am not against any religion but I am against all evil forces spreading beyond their regions and esp the ones who intrude India.

  2214. Abhishek says:

    @ WaheedWaheed mentioned:”Hi Balakrishna so piyushi is a gal. Few minutes b4 she advised me to get fucked by a whore. Please tell her to do it for me.”The dumb guy can not even reproduce, he is telling Piyushi to go fuck a whore for him. Piyushi has better things to do but you are useless scumbag. Infact, don’t go to a whore she might decline you. Imagine how pathetic you would look when even a whore refuses to sleep with you.

  2215. Abhishek says:

    @ WaheedPlease leave Piyushi alone. This is a discussion forum on an important topic. Btw….if you were trying to seduce her….it is not working…..In the real world, you need to be nice to women to impress them. See you learned something new in this forum. Next time respect a women and please, please, please do not hide your Pakistani identity and pose to be an Indian. You are stain for all Pakistanis. A man with no self-respect is worthless.

  2216. Balakrishna says:

    @ AbhisekWell said… 🙂 😀Where is Piyushi ?? I wanted her to give a befitting reply to Waseed

  2217. Faisal says:

    We agree to disagree and leave it to the investigations, Rahul my fellow blogger.I appreciate your calmness amongst so many of your fellow indians jumping on Bash Pakistan Band Wagon.I can assure you that whenever I comment I have credible information otherwise I won’t. I guess lets leave it to the investigations as the arguments can go on for generations.We’ll wait for the reports of FBI,Israeli Investigators and Scotland Yard.PS:Fidayeen are taught to be remorseless and they were, in words of yours own MARCOS commander who came on TV with his face hidden and wearing glasses.Do you still think they would break down so easily?

  2218. Rahul says:

    @ balakrishnathe difference between UP and Kashmir is, that UP wants to be with india, whereas Kashmiris in general hate indian “rule”. it is a harsh fact but we have to accept it. finally i believe kashmiris have give us a LAST CHANCE by voting in the elections this time.if we let them down this time, then may god save us.

  2219. Faisal says:

    Adios amigos (that include indians also specially Rahul)I am signing off.

  2220. Rahul says:

    to faisal:according to the media, the terrorist also said that their planners (allegedly the LeT) had told them that they would be coming back out alive, and would return to karachi. Thus, the satisfaction that after they create this terror in mumbai they would still be able to return unharmed, wuold allow them to be calm and motivated to achieve their goals.So even though they were made to believe they would get out alive, this terrorist was shot and captured, then ofcourse he would break down. For all he knew, he was going to get out alive and go baq to his homeland. That my friend could explain why he broke down so quickly.

  2221. Balakrishna says:

    @ FaisalYa they can break. the terrorists can lay down their life to a bullet easily but when they are caught they cant sustain our grilling and tortuous investigation procedure and bcoz we dont give an easy death

  2222. Abhishek says:

    @ FaisalI have been following your comments and will not bash them because atleast you are engaging in an adult discussion with Rahul. Unfortunately Waheed has pissed me off with his previous comments and I am not bashing Pakistan…infact neither India nor Pakistan deserve people like him.I will keep checking the news situation and hope you are right. Unfortunately there is problem in both, India and Pakistan. I think we are all concerned if the Pakistani government truly has the power to control the turbulent domestic situation with the radicals.Lets wait and see.

  2223. peaceindpak says:

    My request to all fellows is that they should wait unless and until all the investigation agencies complete their job. The primary investigations have revealed that their is the involvement of Pakistan’s people in it. But we cannot blame Pakistan as a Nation. There are certian eleemnts on both sides who are benefitting from all this whether it is Laskhar, taliban, Alqaida or RSS, Bajran or BJP.We should come and work together to eliminate all the terrorists from the world.

  2224. Balakrishna says:

    Do you know what our Army says on this Mumbai episode ?Forgiving the sins of terrorists is in the hands of God.But to fix their appointments with God is our duty So guys in Pakistan especially the PoK people and well wishers of terrorists pray 4 them… I am sure even ur Allah wont grant ur wishes

  2225. Abhishek says:

    @ BalkrishnaGood night dude….Waheed will never appear on this forum again. The guy has been put to so much shame already. He would have to have no self-respect and dignity to open his mouth again on this forum.Take care. More later.

  2226. Avinash Kale says:

    Who said that Pakistan is not involved in this terrorist attack? the people who is saying this are either blind or fool. PAKISTAN IS DIRECTLY INVOLVED in it. government of Pakistan is always supporting terrorist groups by providing them funds, weapons and all the things they want. if anyone is not agree with me then please answer me hwy the Terrorist Dawood Ibrahim is in Pakistan? why the terrorists released in 99 went to Pakistan? why all those caught today in Mumbai are Pakistani? you fool do you think that we are blind? no my dear terror supporter the day will come soon we wont tollerate it anymore. you will see by your own eyes Indian army ivadind the land of the holi place of terrorist called pakistan.

  2227. Balakrishna says:

    Good night to all those who r leaving this forum…..

  2228. Saim Baig says:

    At least two of the terrorists who attacked Mumbai earlier this week hailed from Bradford or Leeds and monitored reports of their murderous spree on sites, including the BBC. Source: ANI

  2229. kap says:

    In response to Indian’s comments:I really like the way you mentioned that respect should be earned not demanded and it is very true. You are right on the money. I am a member of the third generation of Pakistan and witnessing that folks of my generation are very different than the previous ones and will clearly bring the change in Pakistan, Inshallh.I do not think that Pakistan is a failed state because I don’t believe so. It will be a filed state on the day when ordinary people like me will think that it is a failed state. After all we all make Pakistan. How can it be a failed stated when I will work for its betterment along with other my fellow citizens. However, we have been facing continuous threats to our security since our country is born and it is hindering our capability to concentrate on the path to progress. I am fully aware that modern India is a very complex society and all kind of ideologies are being flourished there. Surely there are religious extremists in India of all kind but mostly people are busy with their careers and they don’t care about what is Pakistan doing and what is happening in Pakistan. Their attention is only diverted to Pakistan as enemy when an incident like Bombay happens and because of the state influenced media they tend to think that there must be something wrong with the Pakistan. Media and the establishment have been so quick to prove the Pakistani hand in the whole drama in Bombay that it is almost unbelievable. I think that despite being no involvement in the recent incident India will try to put Pakistan with the wall and we should be ready for high security risk threats in the coming days. We need to start building our response NOW. As mentioned by the Manmohan Singh that cost will be really high. Indian fascist elements have decided to use the incident as the 9/11 for India, although it is more fake than the original 9/11. In the coming days we will be really watching closely that after the murder of ATS leadership, how the investigation will proceed against Hindu Terror Network (HTN) and if the investigation really dies down then we will be correct to assume that the whole Bombay drama is orchestrated to erase the details of extremists’ penetration in Indian security agencies, from the memory of public.BJP will definitely benefit from this incident, which is closely aligned with the HTN. BJP will get back the power and drive the agenda against Pakistan and the minorities in India. BJP has already started the ad campaign showing Dehli in blood and urging to vote BJP. They have been exerting pressure on Congress government that it is too soft for Pakistan and Congress can’t afford that publicity just before election. Although, soft on Pakistan is also arguable as during the time of Congress in the office a bloody terrorist campaign has been supported and managed throughout Pakistan. Our pain is really double folded to see that how hurt we are from terrorism and rather then lending the helping hand India is up for a killing blow. This clearly negates the statement of Zardari that India has never been a threat to Pakistan’s security. The truth is that India is fueling terrorism in Pakistan and destroying its agriculture by blocking its water.Now a comment about people’s safety in Pakistan. There is no genocide is happening in Pakistan and I don’t have to worry that a riot will destroy my business, home and family. I have threats from the bombs which are planted by the Indian sponsored terrorists. After all Pakistan is not the country where the first genocide of the 21st century happened. This credit really goes to India.Referring to the comments of Indian for a huge number of minorities, if fascist hindu ideology decides that there are too many members of minorities in India and they needed to be dealt with and moderate elements in India are hijacked by this ideology then it is already sowing the seed of the destruction of Indian federation.

  2230. sid says:

    @ Waheedbro u are an obnoxious weed who is taking crux of the debate away from centre….i thoght u were an underprivilaged muslim youth who have some strong sentiments….but u r a liar..a sick bastard…in fact you r facing identity crisis,,,,,u r swaying from being an Idian one moment to swaying into pakistan the other…..if u r a pakistani…then shame on u,,,u cant even disclose ur nationality confidently….u suck! but if u r an Indian…u better join paki savages who are happy to live in a 3rd world country and want to make this whole planet like their shitlandU R A LOSER!

  2231. sid says:

    @ PiyushiI am proud of you….you gave a perfect reply to a dickhead with identity crisis….

  2232. Wajih ul Hasan says:

    Dear Indian friends, Please watch “Aaj Kamran khan Ke saath”… the guy claims to have proof that Indian govt. is wrong in accusing Pakistan… In case, you guyz dont get geo tv in India… you can watch the live stream at at… supposed to be aired at 1905 hrs (PST)… shud be 1935 IST…. We’ll discuss it once some of us have watched it… Regards,From a Pakistani who believes that we are playing straight into the hands of the terrorist

  2233. Wajih ul Hasan says:

    Dear Indian friends, Please watch “Aaj Kamran khan Ke saath”… the guy claims to have proof that Indian govt. is wrong in accusing Pakistan… In case, you guyz dont get geo tv in India… you can watch the live stream at at… supposed to be aired at 1905 hrs (PST)… shud be 1935 IST…. We’ll discuss it once some of us have watched it… Regards,From a Pakistani who believes that we are playing straight into the hands of the terrorist

  2234. sid says:

    @ wajihwhat else can u expect from a state controlled media?anyways that service is only available in pakistan

  2235. sid says:

    @ wajihwhat else can u expect from a state controlled media?anyways that service is only available in pakistan

  2236. preeti says:

    HiIts possible that they did not enter through pakistan, but most likely they did..You did good research but missed on some facts…1. Indian Navy discovered boat which had a body with throat slit and hand tied at back.. it was obvious they came via sea root and they hijacked boats2. I have seen bombay docks… it just crazy .. 100’s of boat (all kinds.. fisherman, tourist, sports, private speed boats, naval boats) of all sizes can be spoted on coastline at any time…. and Indian coast gaurd is not one of the best… So i am not surprised that they did not catch attention of Coast gaurd when they entered3) I still did not understand what are ur reasons of believing that they did not come from Pakistan (i mean.. i am not saying they did.. but there is no strong belief of proove to say they did’nt)?????4) Extremist group in pakistan are definately capable of usch powerful strikes (Marriot bieng an example).. Indian group like IM were carrying out much smaller strikes.. so i think there is definate foriegn hand

  2237. fatima says:

    I thought that Indians are educated but r=the situation is totally different.i request to all Indians to read SACHER COMMISSION REPORT OF INDIA and see what is the status of Muslim in India.Just tell me one thing that how your relegion allow you such a inequality it is really inhumane.and keep in your mind only Muslims are the victims of all propoganda 9/11 or whatever.In India please check your records that how innocent yu are who killed thousands of Muslims.Remember and search the fastest growing relegion in this world is Islam specially after 9\11 because people tried to know about Islam and they are no more ignorant and i request you first know about teachings of Islam and then talk.All terrorists are enemies of Muslims and people are paying them to make our image bad.Why people who are victims of these attacks in different countries are Muslims think from your brain pls use it.Islam love all humans without distinction of relegion not like India where Muslims are the most deprived community please check your own Sachar report and decide are your values allow you to behave in such a manner.

  2238. fatima says:

    we really donot know where from they are but when operation was contiue every Indian channel and people started saying that they are pakistani.Ypu must remember when there was blast in samjota express same was the condition and Indian govt said they have proofs and Indian govt sent picture saying that this pakistani national did it this was a proof and all indians beleive but latter Hindu named kernal Prohit proved that he did it.So I think proof can be created just to blame but without independent investigation this is a ridiculous,Govt can say anything just to move attention of people from many issues.I think Indians are brilliant they should think on all angles and also past results.wait for independent and fair investigation not like samjota express and that time your govt had proof against pakistan but false one

  2239. Indian says:

    fatima get lost..thats our internal matter

  2240. Balakrishna says:

    @ FatimaI truly agree with you that bcoz of the terrrorists operating mainly from pakistan or afghanistan all innocent muslims are looked with suspcicion. the plight of muslims or other religions is a problem integral to india. becoz they are indians and india will look into it … wat we want to say is that we dont want any external problems…. bcoz its like a slap to we Indians…. though i must admit that its high time we must rezig our internal picture tooo…..

  2241. sid says:

    dear fatimastop justifying terror as consequence of the situation of muslims in India..they are in much better condition than in your country that was made for muslims and living in a secular society. I am not closing my eyes, I am accepting that there are some unwanted elements that disbalance the society but I cannot accept a foreigner making comments on citizens of my country. We live in a house and like every family we have differences…but that does not mean that we rae divided…there are certain elements in my country who prefer to live in fools paradise that religion is over nation but not all of them. I am a hindu and i am proud to say that A.P.J Addul kalam, Dr.Zakir Hussain,Zaved Akhtar, Shabana Azmi, Aamir Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Nawab Pataudi, Mohd. Azharuddin…the list is countless…are my countrymen….the people who are from the minority community and dont give a damn to it. Do you have the face to say that about minority of ur country that was reduced to 5% either by forced conversions or genocide? The truth remains that u wipe off pakistan from the globe and the world will be a better place to live,,,,,u r the breeding ground of terror and this monster has slowly started engulfing you…please do some good for the humanity and do something good for Allah!As regards some of fellow pakis asking us to watch geo news… is a comedy show…..when elections 1st started in kashmir,,,,the paki media said that “Indian forces dragged people out of homes to vote”….ha ha ha lolz and that is expected to be believed…wtf

  2242. Peaceful Musings says:

    @Indian,Hey ignorant, son of wretched woman. I believe in the same way to your mother. Be damned your mother who born you an ugly man like you.

  2243. Balakrishna says:

    @ FatimaInvestigations are on….. our prime suspect is Pakistan . If the investigation concludes Pakistan to be involved in some way then our army will fix the appointments of the so called terrorists… with Allah.We are here to warn of the consequences if Pakistan is found guilty in any way. And if not its good and c that in future too it doesnt allow others to use its soil for such dastardly crimes.hope u get my msg

  2244. Indian says:

    you son of the bitch…musing…ur mother is a bastard,,…hope u r having sex with her…how abt ur sister…?she is been raped by the terrorists i think…try to get out all the penises into your sisters thing..son of bitch…

  2245. Balakrishna says:

    @ SidThese people are good only at giving excuses for their sins and deviating from the discussion… those fools dont even know how to talk sense….. huh

  2246. Peaceful Musings says:

    @Indian,you are truely talking as I can hope a true Hindu can.In what other way you can speak when you worship human pen***–Shiv Linga? I dont expect better things from a people so low in their intelligence. Please ask your mothers and sisters to show some shame and stop licking Shiv Linga , it does not look good to eyes…

  2247. Indian says:

    balakrishna pls stop peace talks with these pakistani bastards…we have had enough…really hurt a lot by them…just a moment think abt our bros and sis dead at mumbai…what did they do?born as an indian is wrong?bloody bitches…my blood is boiling at these cowardy pakistanis…

  2248. Balakrishna says:

    @ Peaceful Musings.You Pakistanis u shud treat we Indians as god .. and if u make us happy then only we wud give u the permission to worship Allah… Dont spoil ur devine gods name along with u …

  2249. Indian says:

    just go and look at the domes of our mosque it looks like your mothers and sisters breast…all the men are going and fucking it…tell them to stop it…you bastard,…remember you all pakistanis are gonna die…waiting for our govt to start a war… soon you’ll meet your forefathers and that bastard jinnah..

  2250. Balakrishna says:

    @ Peaceful MusingsWere you born from ur moms cunt when ur dad fingered her pussy ?? could he conceive her by just inserting something other than a dick ? So respect that full sized dick of Indians not ur half chopped disk….. u ppl wont understand the lang of love… only bullets and swords can teach u a lesson…. now dont aggravate us more and get lost …..

  2251. fatima says:

    I think in Indian’s heart are full of hate for Muslims but Muslims love all human beings Love for all Indians for ALL world please try to know Islam, you are ignorant about Islam.terrorists are ignorant about Islam.Islam means PEACE PEACE and only peace but some people by using our names are trying to ruin us.because Islam is growing at very fast rate specially in America and Europe please do a little research.without knowledge you are blaming Pakistanis and many people directly muslims.

  2252. sid says:

    @ IndianDude…this certain peaceful thing is sick….i think his mom and dad were brothers and sisters…so iska genetics ulta ho gaya hai….doesnt know how to repect grandfather (Akhir pakistan ko to hamne hi paida kiya hai) chill….these guys hv nothing to say….bas bhoonk rahe hai kutte ki tarah…..just a breth of 1.3 billion people is enough to blow them away….

  2253. Indian says:

    yes bala this is the right way.. ireally felt bad to write abt mosque..afterall what did allah do to us…but simply thinking like this way what did we gain other than our bros and sis death…i’m very sorry allah…i kneel down before you..

  2254. Peaceful Musings says:

    @Balakrishan,Im not a Pakistani. We worship our Creator -the Creator of universe, not because of your permissions, but because of His grace on us, that we are able to comprehend the fact that we as humans are above in grade and better in status than stones, moon, sun, rats, monkeys and many other natural objects which are worshiped as Hindu gods.You polytheist lack that basic grace and understanding of nature, and as a result worship anything that frightens you or entices you.Please donot start worshing Muslims, if you are feeling frightened as we Muslims dont like our worship. We want that only the Creator of whole universe should be worshiped.

  2255. peaceindpak says:

    Stop cursing each others religion.

  2256. Indian says:

    this is the reply i got for kneeling down infront of allah.. he’s speaking worse to the core…

  2257. peaceindpak says:

    What is wrong with indian and the other fellow from Pakistan. Behave guys and concentrate on topic.

  2258. Balakrishna says:

    @ Fatima We neither want to understand any religion nor do have time for such stuff.. We understand the religion of Humanity and all we know is that u will be wiped off from earth if we find evidence that ur soil ws being used to carry out operations in our country…Ya I truly agree Muslims are the fastest growing religion because they dont know how to use contraceptives and hardly think about controlling population… they dont care to limit their children even if growing population has become a prime concern all over the world

  2259. Indian says:

    peace pakindhe was the first to speak like that.. and i hope you are one who supprts pak under the name of peace talk…its my bro and sis died…not urs…i lost my relation..

  2260. Peaceful Musings says:

    @Balakrishna,Muslims are not growing because of population growth rate, but because of large scale conversions which are taking place around the world. Despite the malacious propoganda against Islam by biased media, the truth seekers are atrratced towards Islam, and they gain to salvation by converting.

  2261. peaceindpak says:

    I understand your sorrow, i am an indian but will all this bring ur family members back.

  2262. fatima says:

    hey fatima..i’ll fuck you…get lost..bastard..8:00 PMdear sid and others you can see your Indian above saying a wonderful statement i am proud of Indians.what i said about conditiond of Muslims in India I talk generally all muslims please read your own sachar report as you know sachar was chief justice of India delhi court.In your report every thing is clear.Muslims only in film industry and cricket is not enough.Give rights to all Muslims.I never came to India but i knew information from your data from your justice court i am sorry for that.Muslims’s love for all humans all indians God bless you Indian who wrote above sentences.SOME of you said something about Great Jinnah but in return i will say only this do your Gandhi ji taught this to you i think if he read this he will be ashamed on you.

  2263. sid says:

    @ peaceful musingsA spate of tribal violence, where female child was graved as soon as she was born because any tom dick and harry would come and ‘haram’ her resulted in viel for woman…. after mohammad cried…isnt that true? dont tell different stories…..where a father in law rapes his daughter in law and the clerics declare her haram for her husband and tie them to a relation of brother and sister…is that you are talking about? where one can spend a night with a woman and say talaq 3 times to get rid of her…is that religion you are talking about…..u talked about the animals worshiped as deities…are you a graduate? do u study books?? or you go do madarsaas to learn how to become a terrorist? Read some science books and you will find how important are these animals in maintaining biodiversity, ecosystems and planet for humans and associating these with gods will give an incentive to conserve nature…where u get ur oxygen, water…the basuc necessities of life from……illiterate moron….just fuck off

  2264. Indian says:

    hey i cant sit like you…you dont know the feeling..once you lose ur relation then u’ll feel it…my blood is getting colder…wat do u know…i wish you go to pakistan…how many days do keep speaking like this..peace peace…hey pls one second think of you in the situation of being attacked by terrorist…and you come to know that it is a pakistani…still thenn if you say peace then…i’ll accept..

  2265. fatima says:

    my dear Balakrishna,if you have enough information i told you about growth of nonmuslims in America and Europe In Islam.Also in India you can check on peace channel how many hindus converted to Islam.Be open minded and try to get knowledgeGod bless you

  2266. Indian says:

    i’m sorry fatime…that came out of my heart that had lost many relations..i’m very sorry..

  2267. peaceindpak says:

    Eye for eye will make the whole world blind but if it is conformed that Pakistani are involved then we should take action against those people. But just we need to wait a bit for the investigations to complete though the primary evidences are against pakistanis.

  2268. peaceindpak says:

    @ Indian ,. Now this is like a man if u feel sorry what u said to fatima.

  2269. Indian says:

    😦 let it go blind peacepakind.. htese animals shud be sent out of world… look at the indians crying…don they have heart..wat did we do?oh my god is there anyone to understand my feeling..

  2270. Indian says:

    is being born as an indian a mistake..?

  2271. sid says:

    dear fatima….after all this what has happened…you dont deserve to come to India….i hate u pple from the core of my heart….u r the pple wh r good in back stabbing….oi am not talking about film stars….they ar not born as film stars…they make their way our….u missed the whole point….u r suffering with religious myopia….if u want to make a difference,,,,go do smthing fr ur countrie’s minority whom u dint accept as pakistanis…..muslims in India are safe in our hands…we will work for them…..u guys only produce terrorists wand scientists who sell national info to terrorists while our soil has produced gr8 scientists like abdul kalam that was not born as scientist but sold paper to do his school fee….unlike many who grow up on the dose of religious hatred.

  2272. fatima says:

    my dear INDIAN,in my Pakistan we are the victims of these types of attack.but common Pakistani loves all humans.we never hate any human but some people are trying to make our image bad definately they are not Pakistani not Muslim,,but i will never say that they are Indians even our Govt said the same sometime that they have evidence against Indians.pls we arrested and one Indian Guy is in jail who accepted he was involved in Lahore Blasts so whhat to say now. learn to love people dont make people succeed who planned to make us fight.

  2273. Peaceful Musings says:

    @Sid,dear friend,Many things you have quoted are just result of few ignorants handiwork, and Islam a grand religion based upon human nature has nothing to do with it. Everything a Muslim does, is not Islam.Islam a devine way of life , created and sent by the same Creator Who created all of us, this whole universe. Islam is a religion based upon human instincts.Please read and understand Islam by reading and associating with righteous sources, and not from what a biased ignorant media reports.As regards, these many animals which Hindu worship, and they are source of great benefits, I want to ask a humble question, . First please let me know what is worship? And Who should worship whom? Should a superior worship an inferior? We as humans are the highest and greatest in whole universe. Only above us is our Creator. if we want to bow our heads and if we want to accept an authority, it must be above us and not below us. It must be Our Creator, and not the animls or inanimate objects like stone, rivers, moon etc.This notion of worshipping animals and inanimate onjects emanate from the intellectual bankruptcy.How can a superior in origin and creation bow before a lowly in the same??We as monotheist Muslims rise above our daily chores and raise our horizon above the daily benefits and losses and see the bigger picture. We recognise Our Creator, we recognise His purpose for creating us, we recofnise our responsibilities in this world etc. Our whole life runs in a framework of strong ideaology.Please let me know that if worshipping a monkey or a rat brings the same ideological cohrence and intellectual upliftment in life??

  2274. Indian says:

    yu musing get lost from mye eye…you are trying to market islam to us..we hate it/…you must be also a terrorist i guess…

  2275. fatima says:

    my dear sid,again i will request you to saerch a little and get knowledge.definately you have more than 22% muslims check on your own datas how many muslims got good jobs how many of them got good education.on average what is a purchasing power of Muslim compare to others,.how many of them got loans compare to dear i am not praising myself and my country but i want to make you aware of are telling me few people i am talking overall picture.please researchGod bless you

  2276. Peaceful Musings says:

    Dear Indian,I can percive your shock and sorrow for losing your dear ones. I myself hate such unjust indescriminate violence against innocents. I myself abhor terrorism.Islam is a religion of peace. The word ISLAM literally means PEACE. islam is a message of peace for all human beings.What few ignorants are doing is either because of greater consipiracy to malign the image of Islam, and stop its spread, or such people never understand what Islam is, and to avenge their personal greivences they take to such heineous hateful crimes.We all hate terrorism.

  2277. fatima says:

    Indian said… yu musing get lost from mye eye…you are trying to market islam to us..we hate it/…you must be also a terrorist i guess…8:46 PMMy dear Indian,I want to know your values what you learned from your relegion.Infact i hope no relegion teach to hateGod bless you

  2278. sid says:

    @peaceful musingsur concept of supiriority has plunged this world into ecological disaster where biodiversity is deminishing the world is slowly inching towards a slow death because of deminishing genetic resources…i am not going to entertain ur thoughts… views are as right as anyone and i have read about islam from non islamic authors as well to avoid value judgements…..if islam is a way of life then hinduism is as so….it is the oldest surviving religion in the history of humanity….i dont want to start cheap talks like you….coz i dont want to fill guilty to my muslim frnds…..i idnt sarted it in the 1st place…..u r a sick moron….go to some good maulana and he will give u sm enligthed talk and if u cant do that….take addmission in a good university…go to a mix society do some study about all religions….come out of the darkness….”dharm ka prasar karo lekin dharm par prahar mat karo”dont come back here with your cheap thoughts

  2279. Indian says:

    thank u sid..we all indians shud stand united..wat do u all say friends?

  2280. Peaceful Musings says:

    Dear Sid,Im not a Madressa educated. Im software engineer by profession, and I also have a master degree in Economics from a reputed Indian university.I can really not understand that how the ecological diaster is result of worshiping only Our Creator? and I also cant comprehend that how worshipiing rats or monkeys can bring about a change in ecological balance?I dont need anyone to enlighten me about my way of life Islam, as by God’s grace I have done good studies myself.Please you need to enlighten your self and uplift your level to such an extent that you could comprehend that as a human being whom we shold worship and whom not!

  2281. fatima says:

    Indian said… is being born as an indian a mistake..?8:36 PMmy dear Indian,i can ask the same question because we are bearing more than you.But this is not a time to fight in this way terrorists are so happy that they are succeeded they dont want peace on earth.please be calm and pray for all nations.Afterall all are human beings,and we should love all humans without any difference,God bless you

  2282. Indian says:

    this si the response i got..and this is what we indians blunder…we lack in unity..i leave the place…i’ll have to face my grievences alone … bye all

  2283. sid says:

    @fatima….statistics dont tell the truth everytime….pple get what they opt for…..muslim soldiers guard our nation against u back stabbers and muslims also help u back stabbers to plant bombs….it is the way they chose to be….why dont u talk about other luxuries our constitution provides them in respect to their religion….we have a muslim shariyat law separate to common law used in rest of the country….does any country in this world give such liberty to their citizens? dont market ur sympathy here…we dont need that….if u truly want to do smthing….destroy ur camps in Pok and elsewhere….now dont tell me that this is a rumor…

  2284. fatima says:

    good bye All pakitanis and indians Allah bless all of you and show all of you including me the right path.take caredont fightbe examplarylove for allgood bye

  2285. Peaceful Musings says:

    Im leaving too. May God bring peace for all in this world!Terrorism is an ugly blot on humanity . May God cleanse this world from this cancer!Thanks.

  2286. fatima says:

    my dear sid,i have lot of answers but i have to leave.only i will say that if statistics which was prepared and judged by your chief justice is not true then what i can discuss about justice in India.God bless you

  2287. sid says:

    @peaceful….go and study ecology….go to CBD sites u will know about that….worshipping is about protecting….if u are saying to me to get my facts corrected …. i ask same from you….i dont need ur myopic observations,,,,people like you are a real prolem for our country….u dont accept our culture….Indonesia has statue of Ram in yogyakarta…..they play ramlila in ramayana….malasiya preserves its hidu culture…and both of them are muslim countries….people like you fall into extrimist band who bomb a nightclub in bali because u feel that pple not following your religion are ‘kafirs’…..i suspect ur credibilities bcoz if u were an educated man u would not be talking like that,…..all of my muslim frnds are engineers and doctors…they never talk like you….u r a cultural illiterate….please leave India and take a plunge into deep ocean….u dont deserve a place in democracy

  2288. sid says:

    @ fatimaas if pakistan is the most just and truthful state in this univerese….dont make urself a laughing stock…..why dont u talk about minorities of ur country..u hv no buyers here….better u go off

  2289. Balakrishna says:

    Are these Fatima and Musings insane???? they claim that worldwide there are more converts of Islam than the muslims born each yearIS it true guys /???? somebody clarify these morons…. I wil come back after a break …till then handle these brainless ppl…

  2290. sid says:

    @ IndianDont ever say that….be strong! we have not done anything wrong….we are fortunate enough to born on this land who has always given smthing to humanity….unlike these morons who belive in taking lives…..I lost my friend….i know how u feel….but why should we hope yhese guys to take action….they are deriving immense pleasure thinking that India is down…they are fools……

  2291. Balakrishna says:

    @ fatima pls dont bring the plight of muslims in india .. u just dont have the right to say that… i can give u n no of examples where muslims are in good position and at the same time i can give n no of examples where hindus too are in bad position….. and morever its our itnernal prob. if anyone feels Pakistan is a better place to live in they can also leave India . we have never stoppped them …. and u pakistani atleast u dont talk to me about the right and plight of muslims here … u just go around ur country and c the richest of rich begging out for a piece of bread,… atleast our muslims are better off than u ppl…..

  2292. Balakrishna says:

    @ fatima pls dont bring the plight of muslims in india .. u just dont have the right to say that… i can give u n no of examples where muslims are in good position and at the same time i can give n no of examples where hindus too are in bad position….. and morever its our itnernal prob. if anyone feels Pakistan is a better place to live in they can also leave India . we have never stoppped them …. and u pakistani atleast u dont talk to me about the right and plight of muslims here … u just go around ur country and c the richest of rich begging out for a piece of bread,… atleast our muslims are better off than u ppl…..

  2293. sid says:

    @ fatima is the reason why islam is increasing…..high birth rate and high immigration….dont market wrong information fatima….dont sell half baked cakes

  2294. sid says:

    @ all….I have nothing against islam….i just want to get rid of these radicals like fatima and musings who are selling their myopic visions on this blog. Dude! we dont need you….u r promoting ur brand of islam here…u dont respect humanity…every one on this planet has the right to follow a religion of his choice and no religion is supeirior but no one has got right to offend anyone’s feeling like these guys are doing. I aee islam as Abdul Gafoor…from mumbai police who worked with hemant karkare….and others like musings as insane sick people who after doing (aS he claims) a degree in IT and Economics didnt learn how to respect other religions. In their world Mohammd Jallaludin Akbar never existed who had a krishna temple in his house for his beloved wife…but they love aurangzeb because he had forced religion on people….sick people who if not controlled will take humanity to a doomsday. bastards

  2295. fatima says:

    dear sid, my dear i lived for one year in London two months in glasgow,1 year in Italy and now a days i am in France for my is true that because of immigration Islam spread you know why when people moved their way of life and teachings impressed them and hundreds of christians converted to Islam.I live in Bolgna Italy and in Bologna the Imam of mosque is a imam there he was christian before and you must know in these countries they are free to do whatever they want nobody forced him.i have many examples here my italian friends converted to Islam after research.And in France i am in NANCY city of France here you will meet hundred of christians who are muslim now.with immigrants they just got knowledge my dear. check these i will send you more refrences thousands true refrences here are videos also non muslims coverting to islamAllah bless you

  2296. Aishwarya says:

    Fuck! Karachi is under fire. Mr.Free in the undies, Wasi the Pimp with a business plan to sell his women, traitor waheed & all those mullahs of pakistan, go lick your wounds now. Your diseased sore half cut chiken shit sized dick is under fire. Now in the undies, i can proudly say, your fuckin insane taliban held ISI is behind this. Even you are a creation of ISI. If you are not sure go ask Obama, he will do a genetic DNA test for your.

  2297. Indian says:

    what happened aishwarya?karachi under fire?

  2298. fatima says:

    my dear sid,research again and check thousands videos of people who converted to islam they converted when they truly knew it not because of birth rate.infact many people are ignorant about islam becayse all terrorists are using our names to ruin our image but before you speak try to know about teachings.God bless you

  2299. Aishwarya says:

    Ms.Fathima, I am an hindu and even I feel unhappy with the state of affairs in India. Even I am made to struggle for existence with all these reservations for minorities. Atleast the Muslims have the leaders to speak to them, I have no one. I am a lost in my own country. So please understand that the muslims are better off in India than even you are in your own country. Independence has come to only the politicians, police and bureaucrats in India.

  2300. Aishwarya says:

    @IndianWatch the news, gunmen fires indicrimately killing 23 and injuring 102 in Karachi

  2301. sid says:

    I dont need a blessing from you…dont glorify urself…every one knows how biased these coverages are….if u want to see youtube go and see the interviews of the lady in arabs who speaks about the plight of women and girl kids in islam. Dont divert the attention here…..go take care of ur country and preach islam to terrorists so that they dont take life of innocents instead of boasting about ur blah blah stuff….and yes take care of hindu minority in ur country…dont peep in to other side of border….we are already unfortunate to have neighbours like pakistan….take responsibility to heal ur nation 1st.jai mata di

  2302. fatima says:

    i am proud of you Aishwarya that indians are so civilized.i like your way of writing.If something is happenimg in Karachi who is behind ?who want destroy our country?these are simple questions i hope you will thinkGod bless you

  2303. Indian says:

    sow so shall you reap…

  2304. Indian says:

    sow so shall you reap…

  2305. Indian says:

    if you think that the shooting going on is by an indian then i’m very happy…tit for tat…herafter we dont wanna peace talk with bithcy pak..

  2306. fatima says:

    my dear sid,really strange when i gave you evidence you are not ready to accept.I respect all relegions from heart and you are a human being i have a right to say God bless to all human beings i cant hate anyone if you feel bad even then God bless you

  2307. fatima says:

    dear Indian,i didnot say that they are indian but i said i cant say who they are they are animals not human beings and if you are happy on killing of human beings i am really sorry for must know that every pakistani was very sad what happened in India this is a differenceGod bless you

  2308. Indian says:

    fatima don try to act too smart…you pakis are filthy creatures …i hate you all..and don try to glorify urselves…you are all devils..

  2309. fatima says:

    if you think that the shooting going on is by an indian then i’m very happy…tit for tat…herafter we dont wanna peace talk with bithcy pak..sorry dear our values dont teach us in the way you are happy.salam to great India

  2310. Aishwarya says:

    Ms. Fathima, There is no god. There is just you and me. Either you let me live, if not I shall harm you, but dont ask the world to live like you and convert to islam. I dont believe your fuckin human created allah nor the Ram nor the jesus. Just you and me. You hit me, I hit you back. convey this to your one eyed mullah and your insane ISI

  2311. sid says:

    look….ur evidence is evidence and my evidence is crap? wow and u claim to be resilient….maam…u r blaccering that ur religion is superoir of all with no drawbacks…and all others are no good….i am a hindu talking about islam….amd u r a muslim talking about islam only…that is the difference,,,,i recommended u some suggestions….go help and heal ur country..there is a ethnic violence in karachi now,,go preach there..i hv no intention whatsoever to get converted….i m here for hindustan ….not for any muslim or hindu…dont eat my head nw coz u r only repeating one line….

  2312. fatima says:

    my dear indian,thanks for comments what i do i learned not to fight just to love God bless you

  2313. fatima says:

    i request all pakistanis behave in a good manner and prove that what a Muslim is?dont behave like emotional Indians,please Muslims dont forget what Islam teaches us be patient whatever the case isshow the people difference

  2314. sid says:

    fats…u dont hv da courage to take responsibility of minority in ur country….u r full of rhetoric…yes we are emotional about our country and so we dont make any faux pas like u by talking nonsense here…losers

  2315. fatima says:

    sorry sid this is a your problem whatever you wrote i said nothing you can check you just created it.I am sorry i didnot think in the way you perceived,i wrote i respect all relegionsi love all human beings that’s allGod bless you

  2316. fatima says:

    dear sid,if you are so angry with us please write me whatever comes to your mind i am ready to bear all from you.May be in this way you get over your frustrationGod bless you

  2317. sid says:

    fatima….yeah fine allright so what do u want to say…..u luv all religions but u justify that islam is superior and show me those dodgy vids shot by pple like u….every year millions of pplee convert to other religions …..muslims back to hindus…to christenes….what does that mean? does it dillutes any religion? no way….pple have their choices to live,,,,this is not religious….this is humanity…identity…what “I” want to do…not what a certain “fatima” wants me to do/////i dont give a damn to that

  2318. fatima says:

    My dear the problem is that all of you are biased.For all of you the life of human being is not important.all of you are in a search of reason to fight.I pray for allgoodbye

  2319. sid says:

    Ok miss objective….do a favour to us …go and pray…leave this spacebye

  2320. sid says:

    to fats..and yes this is not frustation….any one can bang his head on wall after talking to you for 5 mins….u r so unidimensional…holy heavens!

  2321. mee says:

    Where is this son of a bitch Balakrishna, telling us that hindus are not terriorst , He is from Orissa right!! and ask that son of a bitch what happened in Orissa in the past, what those radical hindus did to the Christian community, You bloody moron Indians just think you are very clean and we all paki came up from the dirt? Read this fucking stuff“On August 24, 2008, radical Hindu groups started an organized campaign to drive the Christian minority out of the state of Orissa, and the Indian government has not taken decisive action to stop the violence up to this day.Tens of thousands of Christians in India have been deprived of their homes and their freedom, and over 50 Christians have been murdered as a result of the organized violence in Orissa that has also spread to Karnataka in recent weeks. Local officials in most cases have refused to protect Christians.”@ FATIMAYou are really sweet and trust me they never know who you are those bloody assholes are just insulting you, I swear I should have kick their ass if you are not here coz I don’t feel right if I should say something really bad in your presence. I’m just waiting until & if they cross the limits.

  2322. sid says:

    @meedont tell me that….u are aware of NW pakistan and baluchistan…arnt u? U r aware of the shia sunni violence, arnt u? u r aware that hindus in pakistan have reduced from 24% to 5% in 60 yrs….”genocide” arnt u?….dont talk nonsence on news clippings get ur house in order b4 looking out to anybody else….the fact is that,,,,u suck….

  2323. fatima says:

    again i tell you sid the media and people who hate us they filled hater in your minds by using our names please try to understand.i am not justifying that we are superior what i want to say that our values dont allow us to harm anybody.the terrorists are using our names who is behind nobody knows specially we common people donot know this is the reason we are fighting with eachother beleive all of us really sad what happened in India.i hope you will undrstand what i said in the right way

  2324. fatima says:

    i can say you are brain washed against Pakistanis like terrorists i can just pray for you

  2325. sid says:

    @fatimaok…so there are no terrorist camps in Pak…they come from Mars and attack and go back…and nobody knows their whereabouts….pple have poisioned my brain and i should belive in you to help myself from falling apart…oooo i m sooooo moved..good fr u “croc tears”.

  2326. Balakrishna says:

    U Bastard MEE stop licking ur moms pussy and get some brain what we want to convey . we may do watever we want to within our country boundaries even though its a crime .. but it wud be our internal prob…. if we ppl had been to ur pak and u killed us the tension wudnt have been as it is now but u came to our home land to disrupt things in order. U are jealous of us and our prosperity. On some fronts we may be lagging behind but it is internal and compared to yours our internal scenario is better than that of urs…….

  2327. fatima says:

    love you sid,finally you understood that MARS is not in a reach of common people like us so just we can pray

  2328. Balakrishna says:

    @ Fatima Dont say anything just for the sake of saying. I respect you for being a female but dont try to mislead with false leads.

  2329. Indian says:

    you basstard me…you fuckin asshole…ho darer you speak abt my brother balakrishnan…you bastard…fuck ur mother…you bloody paki muslims…if i wanna kill anyone paki,then surely it is you…son of the bitch….what relation u have with this fathima…get the terrorists dick out of ur sisters organ..

  2330. sid says:

    @ fatim…i have grown up in a very cosmopolitan world…i know what religion is and i know what a terrorist is….i can also say that u have been brainwashed to believe in what u r saying…..againg u r contradicting urself….u r definately trying to justify by calling me immature….i never used such kind of framing for u…i like the way we debate coz we r not using slangs agaist each other unlike everybody/////partly coz i percieve u as a woman and my dharm has taught me to respect woman…I am sighning off now….

  2331. mee says:

    Sid betaJust answer me why there are 14 Consulates of India in Afghanistan? Why 14? Why not 1?. You talk about NWFP and Baluchistan? Who’s spreading the terror in Baluchistan? the fucking raw is involved in those terror activates.You need to understand that its not Pakistan who is supporting terrorist coz we are facing the same problem and we are still fighting for that, we suggest you as well to take a initial with us and help us to curb those terrorist who are misrepresenting ISLAM.and if you dont understand then its your problem. we are not supposed to let you understand. ZINDABAD PAKISTAN

  2332. fatima says:

    dear BalaKrishna,i think you are in a complex and you should know that Bhagwan doesnot like proudness.Infact we never think like even this thinking came in your mind

  2333. fatima says:

    dear BalaKrishana I can asure you i said nothing for sake of saying BY God i want peace among all of us beleive me I love all.

  2334. Balakrishna says:

    @ FatimaWe are not against the innocuous muslims. but we are against the terrorists operating in Pakistan and which your govt too is aware of … So if u are a responsible citizen of that nation it is ur duty to pressurise ur govt so that no training camps operate in ur homeland and if it operates ask them to take blood of ur ppl not worldwide….

  2335. fatima says:

    dear sid,I respect what you learned.if being patient is a brainwashing then I want to be a brain washed.God bless you

  2336. Aishwarya says:

    Hey the fuck mee, if a hindu tries to convert muslims to hindus in Pakistan will the muslims let the hindu do his thing peacefully? Thats what has happened in Orissa you bloody moron.

  2337. sid says:

    @ MeeBeta mat bol….rishta kyun kharab kar raha hai…..bete to tum ho…akhir tumhara mulk paida kahan se hua….baap baap hota hai…aur kya baat kahi tune “facing the same problem” wo to tumhara paida kiya hua jinn tumko nigal raha hai….zald hi tum bhi taliban banoge…we dont expect anything from u…raat ko kaha ki pasha ko bhej rahe hain aur din mein mukar gaye….kaha ki misunderstanding hui…wah! kya palti mari hai..aur bakte ho we should fight 2gether….band karo apni backwaas….a bunch of nerds

  2338. sid says:

    @ fats,,,,u r truley a psychie,,,,who told u thet i got influenced by u?noo noo….dont live in fools paradise…u r still my enemy and i hate you.

  2339. Balakrishna says:

    @ Fatima I am not in a state of complex. Even we too want peace but if u take blood of our fellow citizens and that too within our territory we will run rivers of blood and wont spare a single person involved in it.. u wer tryin to deviate the topic by bringing in our internal problems . Pakistan was never threatened because of our internal probs. Those divisive forces were operating only in India. How many times do I have to say the same thing ?@ meewhat India is involved in rehabilation and constructiion works in Afghanisatan u bloody bastardIf u want u too can set up with the permissin of Afghanis but im sure they wont give permission to you fools

  2340. fatima says:

    my dear BalaKrishna,we also hate all terrorists just imagine we are the people most victims of these attacks Do you think that pakistanis or our GOVT IS HAPPY definitely no.And please accept one thing that if Pakistan should do efforts India should also do efforts because this is not a first attck in India dont always blame others just consider investigation may be they are from India or may be they are from past it is proved by Indian Agency also in India there are some terrorist groups then why all of you saying only Pakistan no country is perfect both are lack of security.please try to understand.And i think you dont know that we are the nation fighting against terrorism but we will not come to India to control terrorism there we are not responsible there we are responsible in pakistan.and if there will be some true and solid proofs i am sure we will do something dont loose temper wait.

  2341. Aishwarya says:

    14 consulates in Afghanistan? You bloody crazy. The ISI has filled dung into your head. Go check for yourself and comeback to discuss you jerk. And atleast we are building roads and providing electricity to our muslim firends in Afghanistan, not like you who is killing your own muslim men, women and children.

  2342. sid says:

    @balakrishnadude i m taking a break herecarry on thegood stuff….cheers

  2343. Ahmed Hassan says:

    if you dont get an updated blog page

  2344. Balakrishna says:

    @ Mee You fucking Pakistani u dont even give space for other religions to breed and u talk about one or two masaacre…Follow the religion of Humanity. No religion can match this religion. And no one will ever raise a finger at u for the rest of ur life.

  2345. fatima says:

    sid said… @ fats,,,,u r truley a psychie,,,,who told u thet i got influenced by u?noo noo….dont live in fools paradise…u r still my enemy and i hate you.but still i love all.if loving is a pshychic i love to be a pshychic

  2346. Aishwarya says:

    Fati, you are a good human being living in an insane country, Come to India and live a good life before we bombard the psychic insane creations pakistan and POK ruled by ISI.

  2347. fatima says:

    dear BalaKrishna.i think you have a mind you should understand that why many consulated of India are working in country like Afghanistan.not to rehabilation there but first they want peope to rehabiliategood bye

  2348. fatima says:

    my dear Aish,thanks for giving me so love.if you want bombard us no problem may be this is a your nature.

  2349. Balakrishna says:

    @ FatimaI want to clarify u that if ur land has been used against us means that ur govt is either supporting them or ur govt is inefficient to control it. Its the govt responsibility to condemn and take responsibility if something malicious has been carried from its soil. SO dont say that u wil plan something and we ppl are there to keep protecting ourselves from u ….We have a army doesnt mean that u will keep sending terrorists to us.We have loopholes in our system doesnt mean u have to take advantage of that …

  2350. mee says:

    Balakrishna Aishwarya bitch & SidDekho, tum aachi tarhan jantay ho kay tum hindu chotiay ghar mein ghuss kar tv per tamasha dekhtay ho aur phir yahan per blogs mein akar bateen chodtay ho, beta Pakistan tum logon ki gand mar kar bana tha aur bhoolna mat jis din tumhari maan ko bhi nanga kar kay sadkoon per choday ga, iss liye apni Auqat mein rahoo, Ziyda over honay ki zaroorat nehin ha, Yahan Arab countries mein akar tum log kutoon ki tarhan beg kartay ho, Pooray Duniya mein indians ka kia image ha? You know what? They belong to a bitch asshole country

  2351. fatima says:

    Aishwarya said… 14 consulates in Afghanistan? You bloody crazy. The ISI has filled dung into your head. Go check for yourself and comeback to discuss you jerk. And atleast we are building roads and providing electricity to our muslim firends in Afghanistan, not like you who is killing your own muslim men, women and children.10:52 PMoh really you are the same aish why you change your statements again and again sometime you want a bombard muslims sometime so generous are u ok dear?

  2352. Aishwarya says:

    It becomes anyones nature if provoked fati. Thats human nature.

  2353. fatima says:

    goodbye sid.balakrishna and aish,,nice to talk you and exchange ideastake care love to allgod bless youvery goodnight

  2354. Aishwarya says:

    I dont want to bombard Muslims fati, I just want to bombard ISI & pakistan. Its a nuisance for the whole world. How can I bomb my dear friend Faisal in my office.

  2355. sid says:

    @ meeabey katee hui nunni ke product….kyun bhok raha hai…..tumhai naam par to ek puri gaali ban gayi england mein…”pakis”…saale hindu hindu kya kar raha hai…pakistan mein baith ke sher ban raha hai…..bhagwaan kasam mil gay a agar yudhbhoomi mein to teri gardan ukhad ke rakh doonga…behenchod….aur haan soon be tune apni behen ko kab choda tha? wo tum logon mein to bhai behen ka risha kuch doubt waala hota hai naa

  2356. Balakrishna says:

    HEy aishwarya The moment u said this mee a jerk he has disappeared in his bathroom to jerk…… wat a stupid ass he is…@ fatimaeither ur innocent or trying to be innocent. If u r the former i will surely grief 4 u but if ur the latter u too shud be treated on par with all the tourists without mercy

  2357. fatima says:

    mee i am really sorry to know your ideas and thinking.please behave like good pakistani if you are pakistani.

  2358. mee says:

    Sid beta,Bhagwan ki kasam mat utta, warna tujeh bhi chodon ga aur sath teray bhagwan ko bhi aur waisay bhi pata nehin tum sab kay unlimted bhagvan hain.bunch of shits!!lolz

  2359. mee says:

    fatimaLook at them!! Why they are behaving like an …I dont wanted to start this but Look at them how they disrespect you.If they are calm, then i am as well otherwise they have to bear as well.

  2360. Balakrishna says:

    @ MeeTu bahut sapne dekhta hai be…..Bina maa behen tak pahunche tujhse baat nehi hota kya ?? koi baat nehi …saale tum log to ek gaali ho duniya ke lie … saare religion waale puja karte honge is paki maadarchodon ko duniya se hataoon …. bahut aatank macha rakha hai khaali peeli…. khaane ko daana nehi ghar mein behen ke land bak bak kar raha hai .. itni bak bak mat kar kyunki tu agar thak jaayega to fir khaane ko ghar mein koi nehi dega tujhe …. limited meals hota hai naa tumhare yaahan ….. bhikari saala

  2361. sid says:

    tere jaise kutte ke muh nahi lakta main….main sambhrant hoon…teri tarah gandi naali ka kida nahi…atankwaad ke pille…teri gand mein dum nahi jo tu kar sake…aur saale sahi kaha tum log bas apne baap ki gaand mar sakte ho aur apni maa ko kothe pe bitha sakte ho aur apni beheno ko chod sakte ho…usske aa ge ki tumhare bas ki nahi….aur mere liye to sab bhagwaan ek hai…bhagwaan = allahAb teri definition se tune kiski kya mari…Imao…lolz

  2362. Tarun says:

    Pakis…I agree that Pak is not involoved in the Mumabi attack and Pak is committed to weeding out terrorism….As a fist step towards your commitment please ask the Pak Govt to handover Dawood Ibrahim to India<><>CAN THE PAK GOVT HAND OVER DAWOOD TO INDIA???<><>Say YES OR NO …

  2363. Balakrishna says:

    Abe MEE saala Fatima ko impress kar raha hai … saale Fatima se thoda tu bhi seekhle…. woh achhi hai to thik hai , buri hai to fir kehna chahoonga achha nautanki karti hai …. use tumhari paki film industry mein role de de…

  2364. sid says:

    @tarundude these guys are frustated bastards….u ask fr mango they give u tamarid,,,,ye saalon ke paas koi jawab nahi hai…..aate hi hindu muslim par utar jaenge or galiyan bakenge…inke maa baap ne yahi sikhaya hai inhe….ye bakwaas blog hai…pakis come here to release their frustation and spread islam…bastards

  2365. Peaceful Musings says:

    @Sid,You said that Islam and us are myopic. Please read history of ancient India. and see your self how myopic have been your forefathers. Should I relate here from Manu Smirit and narrate you Manu’s code for SHUDRAS and Women? Should I tell you here how far-sighted Hindus used to think that the world ends at hindukush hills? SHould I elucidate that how Brahmins have torture and abuse other sections of Indian society? Should I tell you the stories of untouchables? Should I tell you what Dr Ambedkar has written in his book “The Riddles in Hinduism”? Should I talk in detail about how in ancient India when once most of the india was converted to Budhisim how it was reconverted to Hinduism?There are hundreds and thousands tells of Hindu myopic mentality.

  2366. Tarun says:


  2367. TEJINDER says:

    u fucking pakis is high time we did grape u is seven years itch trobling u again.u are now asking for it.and we should oblidge u.u are the problem of the whole world and humanity.every camp is marked and indinan lions are going to get ur backside very soon.

  2368. Balakrishna says:

    @ SidWell said sid 🙂

  2369. adil says:

    indian should be carefull bfore putting blameby the way god bless both countries

  2370. mee says:

    TarunYES and if Dawood Ibrahim exist in Pakistan then its the responsibility of Pakistan Govt to handover Dawood to Indian Authorities and incase if the Govt says NO incase of his presence in Pakistan then India should take this ISSUE to the UN.Everything should be fair coz if we are wrong then we are and if we are not then WE ARE NOT.

  2371. mee says:

    Sid beta,Teray chooooootiya sawal aur tujh jaisay chotiay ko koi jawab dena pasand nehin karta.chal phutt beta.

  2372. Balakrishna says:

    @ Tarun These guys can only give excuses not to give him to us….. shameless bastards… good to fuck only their mom and their dads are good to fuck only their daughters… they are afraid that if Dawood is handed over all their future plans to terrify ppl too wud fail

  2373. Tarun says:

    MEE,The whole World knows that Dawood is in Pak and has the backing of ISI.<>Can anyone of you swear on Allah and say that Pak has not ever protected him and is not protecting him? Can anyone swear and say that RIGHT NOW?<>

  2374. sid says:

    @ fatzu guys wont let me go…….i didnt say ur religion is myopic…i said u r myopoic….if u r unbiased,,,,then go into details of ur religion and other religions as well..and then come to me…yeah this true women were never respected in any religion….but they have moved ahead with times….please dont put words in my mouth. and please b4 replying do ur research in library…not on google, youtube and wikipedia….u said u had studied overseas….use ur skills,,,till then no more bullshiting ..please

  2375. mee says:

    Balakrishnabhosri kay teri maan tujeh paida kartay waqt kia muhallay ki aurtoon say lar rahi thi kia?Bhoonk mat kuttay ki tarhanSala barwa indian.

  2376. Aishwarya says:

    Mee the jerk. There is no UN anymore. Its just we testing the nuclear bomb in the center of pakistan. And your chicken shit sized nuclear bomb is just enough to blow up our truck load of politicians. And I am happy for them.

  2377. Tarun says:

    All,Lets use decent language and get to the root of the issue.<><>CAN anyone of you say that Dawood never had the backing of Pak Govt???<><>

  2378. Balakrishna says:

    @ MeeAbe tu fut yahan se saale gandi naali ke keede … woh fatima bhi gayi … tu kyun yahan ruka hai .. jaake uski chaat le ….. nei to tera shikaar koi aur muh maar lega …..hahahhaha

  2379. sid says:

    @meebhowk kutte aur bhowk jitna bhowkna hai bhowk le…..kat to tu sakta nahi. bechara

  2380. mee says:

    TARUNMay be you are right and may be you are wrong as well coz still I MYSELF don’t know really if Dawood is in Pakistan or not, but i should say this kay if he is in Pakistan then Pakistan Govt should definitely handover this fucker to Indians authorities and indian court should make such a sentence that it become a lesson for other terrorist.

  2381. Tarun says:

    <><>I want a reply to my Question. An Honest ans.Admit if you think Pak Govt has erred in handling Dawood.<><>

  2382. Tarun says:

    Mee,Lets not talk whether he is in Pak or not…Tell me do you think he never has had the backing of Pak Govt? Sware on Allah and answer this honestly.

  2383. mee says:

    Balakrishnatu nay kabhi moon dhoya ha? salay aisi shakal ha chotiya teri jaisa kisi COW ki shit,madarchod teray moun say baat nehin nikal rahi ha, gando apni gand chat raha ha kia? ohhh yar BTW mujeh nehin pata tha kay mein nay itni badi ghalti kar di cow ka naam lay kay.lolzzz

  2384. Piyushi :) says:

    hey hi balakrishna sid:)

  2385. Tarun says:

    Mee,Anyway I appreciate your frank thoughts…nobody likes to be caught on the wrong foot.Even the Indians have erred on occasions…The onus is on educated people like us to set right the wrongs done by our predecessors….Lets not fight like dogs…

  2386. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeBhadwaa to sirf teri maa ke wajeh se hua thaa be…. waise teri maa ko bikwaane ka khyaal tere baap ka hi tha …. aur tere maa bhi tere baap ke kate hue land se khush nehi thi… isiliye mere paas aaye … teri maa ki khushi ke liye mein bhadwaa bana ,.. bahuton se chudi hai …. pata nehi tu kiska beta hai….bol isme kya galat kia? tere maa baap ke sapne ko saakaar karna galat hai kya ? bol …. kum se kum tu to itna khyal karna ki apne bete ka land mat katwaana…… nehi to uski biwi bhi tere maa ki tarah idhar idhar bhagegi laude ke lie and tab mere jaise log unki madad karenge and tum jaise napunsakh unhe bhadwaa bolenge :X

  2387. Balakrishna says:

    hi Piyushi….. paki kutton ko indian ladkiyon se gaali sunne ki aadat ho gayi hai … sahi time pe aayi ho… carry on

  2388. mee says:

    I swear to ALLAH i never know if Pakistan Govt is backing up that mothafucker or not?. If i believe this that Pakistan was involve protecting Dawood or still involved Protecting Dawood, then i swear to ALLAH i’ll be the ONE shameful person on this earth.

  2389. Tarun says:

    Balakrishna,You have a beautiful name meaning child Krishna…apni Zubaan gandi mat karo….Lets talk decently and give a good account of ourselves…

  2390. sid says:

    @ allha ha….mee says he is educated…..but where? in madarsaas!where he learns how 2 derive pleasure frm disrespecting ur papa (India)imao

  2391. Piyushi :) says:

    @ balakrishna & sidgood guys i m proud of u ki mere jane k baad bhi waseed ko tumne line pe laya 🙂proud of my indian fellow mate 🙂muahhhhhhhhh :*went through all the post 🙂impressive.. he was bashed in shame

  2392. sid says:

    @ piyushithank god u r back!!! i m off now too tired…going to bed

  2393. Tarun says:

    Mee,Really appreciate your thoughts…All pls remember, that the average Indian or Pak is honest.The feelings of distrust and enemity are only sown by politicians in both countries to their advantage.Lets build some trust among ourselves…

  2394. Balakrishna says:

    @ Meeabe mein to kum se kum apna muh to dikha raha hun … tu behroopoyan saala apna muh kyun chupa raha hai be .. mera cow dung hai ya nehi par tera pig and human ka dung jaroor hai ….. jab ghar mein khaana nehi milta hoga to gutter saaf karta hoga muh se isiliye to muh chupake baitha hai

  2395. mee says:

    oh bhootni kay balakrishnaKuch dekhna ha tou akar dekh yahan per, Teri maan choos rahi ha mera lun, akar dekh neechay bethi choos rahi ha mera lund, bhoosri kay kisi najaiz ki Aulad, BETA tou Orissa ka sab say bada gandoo ha aur agar nehin ha tou phir bohut baray gandoo ki gandi aulad ha aur yeh bhi nehin tou teri maan kisi chaklay mein bohut bari randi ha.chal beta dhoodh pee aur soo ja,bhak choooooooooooooooooootiya kaheen kalolz

  2396. mee says:

    well said TARUNI appreciate your concern 🙂Hats off!!

  2397. sid says:

    @meeapni maa ko bol ki hamare baala ko doodh pilaye….aur jo aurat tera *** choos rahi hai…uska mukhuta utaar le…wo teri ummmii hai! behenchod kyo aisa kar raha hai tu

  2398. Piyushi :) says:

    @balakrishnahmmm … c there is huge & vast difference in their outlook , mindset, lifestyle & culturewe can never b frnds lets accept d fact. india & pakis cant never b frnds..atleast i cantbut stil there r people 4m pakis i admire – benajir bhutto being 1 of them 🙂

  2399. Balakrishna says:

    mee said…I swear to ALLAH i never know if Pakistan Govt is backing up that mothafucker or not?. If i believe this that Pakistan was involve protecting Dawood or still involved Protecting Dawood, then i swear to ALLAH i’ll be the ONE shameful person on this earth.this is the only good thing u have said so far… keep thinking only on these lines…. allah tum logon ko den bhala karega nehi toooo …. hum bhala karwaayenge tumse …

  2400. Tarun says:

    Indians,Mee is very keen to ensure that things are well between India and Pak. He swares by Allah that Dawood desreves to be punished. This is the opinion of a commoner from Pak. we commoners also wish Pak.But, if we get into mudlslinging it will not serve any purpose….it will perhaps serve the intrest of the politicians and perhaps counties like US who want us to fight and then sell their weapons to us.We are playing into their hands.Remember, both nations have a lot in common… if we unite hum poori duniya ko hila sakte hain…but here we are fighting llike dogs…

  2401. Balakrishna says:

    @ MeeAbe gadhe ke land aankhein khol woh meri maa nehi teri maa hai be ….. kaun si galat faimi ki duniya mein jee rahe ho bhai ??? aankhein band karke duniya dekhne se yehin hota hai …. aur waise bhi tere paas lauda hai kya chuswaane ke lie ?? teri maa shayad tera ek testes hi choos rrahi hogi …. ab ki fir use nakhush kar dia … lagta hai use ab fir mere paas aana padega.. rok le apni maa ko ….

  2402. Piyushi :) says:

    @sid & bala do u hv any profile where i can b in touch wit u ..@sidthis is unfair ..i m here to slam these porkistanis down & ur leavin ..dont forget d way we lashed waseeb

  2403. mee says:

    BalakrishnaBeta tum kuch bhala nehin kar saktay ho, BUS sirf apni shakal bhali kar lo, Apna rang bhala kar loo, mera kuch nehin pat saktay hoadiosAur haan sid kutay shabash tu bhoonk, aur zor say bhoonk.

  2404. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushAs long as mee with its sick brain are present some good ppl will alwaays be affected….. but thoda +/- chalta hai …. jyaaada senti nehi hone kaa in kutton par ….

  2405. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushiAs long as mee with its sick brain are present some good ppl will alwaays be affected….. but thoda +/- chalta hai …. jyaaada senti nehi hone kaa in kutton par ….

  2406. sid says:

    @ taruni begun here on very soft note….but people like waheed and mee fuelled my anger…at the end of the day….they r back stabbers…whom r u trusting? they are making religious comment on us….mee started 1st by abusing our deities….and u r falling over his swear….he doent even belongs to allah…he is a paki…croc tears

  2407. Balakrishna says:

    @piyushi u can visit my this blogspot id…. waise mera id hai

  2408. Piyushi :) says:

    @balaman me is 1 more sample of waseed – porkistani origin 😀lets not talk 2 'em & waste we indians precious timeunke pass bekar ka bahut waqt hota hai… hamare paas itna waqt nai ki ham inki logic par time waste kare

  2409. mee says:

    Tarundefinitely you are right and though i wanted to resolve those conflicting issue’s. Important thing is that Sometime India raise a concern against Pakistan and then Pakistan start blaming India for something which never happened. So Someone has to stop this either India OR Pakistan. Kisi ko pehl karna ho ga and then we can sit together to solve the crises. I bet we can come out and face those coward terrorist.

  2410. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee abe shakal to mein apni nehi badloonga lekin haan tu apni shakl insaani jaroor karlena … aur koi jaldi nehi hai ….. apna time lena .. woh suar waali shakl jab insaani ho jaaye to apne photo chipkaa dena… aur waise kutte ki tarah to tu bhoke jaa raha hai sid ko kyun gaali kar raha hai be..

  2411. sid says:

    @ meekyun be! sulag kyun rahi hai teri,,,,,jab sun nahi sakta to bolta kyun hai

  2412. sid says:

    @ balayaar maine usse kaha ki mukhauta hata le us aurat ka bala ki nahi teri maa hai….usi par narraz ho gaya munna….bada natkhat hai

  2413. Tarun says:

    Suno,Agar apni zubaan gandi karke kisi ka nuksaan theek warna kyon apni zubaan kharab karni.I am as patriotic an Indian as anyone else from Nangal, Punjab. But I dont believe in mudslinging.What did we get out of World War 1 and 2…and who was the loser at the end of the day…humanity

  2414. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi we indians are known for their kindness dear so im trying my best in both languages, first my soft and serene language and then his harsh and abusivve language so that this dickhead mee get something in his brain…. If we are able to change some of the mental brains like MEE our job wud be half done… but educating this madraasas have become a difficult task ……. huh…

  2415. Piyushi :) says:

    @sidyaar ye fatima aur ek namuni hai … hahashe said media & ppl who hate pakis fill hatred in we indians mindhaha hilarious !!!!! joke of the yeardo we really need 2 trust d media & news blindly cant we c wats happenin between india & pak 4m ages ….

  2416. Balakrishna says:

    @ Piyushi Wats ur id ????

  2417. mee says:

    Dekho yeh fark ha!!! LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE…Tum do kuttoon ka mein akela muqabla kar raha hoon….ahah abay barwoo aur chooooootiyoo tumharay baat ko sun raha ha, mein tou par kar itna enjoy kar raha hoon kay tum soch bhi nehin saktay, Salay tum log ho hi Third class aur hamesha rahoo gay bhi third class citizen…..hahah aur tu bala chotiay chal ja kar apni gand dhoo.

  2418. naaz says:

    @ FATIMA :Ur a miss goody two shoes aren’t you. Well sorry 2 disturb the bubble that u live in, but ur so damn stubborn abt ur views that u don’t give a damn abt wat others say n that is exactly the problem of ur kind. U Muslims wear ur religion on ur sleeves.Religion should b a part of life but not ur entire life n you do exactly that.As you just appealed to ur Paki brothers to behave like true muslims n show the difference btwn Pakis n us “emotional” indians.Care to revert back a few pages n see what ur muslim brothers (read waheed d asshole)r saying about our Hindu Gods n asking girls wat kind of sex they prefer.This ain’t sum goddamn virtual sex site , itz a public forum, goddammit.Islam is as good a religion as any, but don’t delude urself into believing that itz d greatest.As for the emotional part, i’d like to see how u react if there were ur people on the line.N don’t behave like some holy saint when u say that we can say as we please n u’ll very kindly bear it. Thanx 4 ur magnanimous generousity but we neither need ur indulgence nor ur blessings.

  2419. sid says:

    @piyushiYaar dimaag kha gayi thi….kuch bhi pucho to k hi zawaab…accha hua chali gayi…paka diya tha apne nonsense responses se

  2420. Balakrishna says:

    @ sidhaha mein bhi tab se yehi try kar raha hun samjhane ki samjh nehi raha hai woh bewakoofAre bhai mee gobar ghussa hai kya sir mein jara shaanti se soch hum kya bolna chahte hain … aur tu kya keh raha hai .. sirf gandi baatein likhne se kuch nehi hoga… achhe soch bhi gande ho jaate hai …..

  2421. mee says:

    Taruni respect your words, so i am enough with those dirty words.My Rule is Respect Someone to get some respect.

  2422. Piyushi :) says:

    @sid & balamy id is other porkistanisganndu log tum log nai fake identity se mereko mat mail karna haha specially wassed ..agar chutiya tu ye post padh raha hai to specially tu fake id se nai mail karna mereko 😀 ;):p

  2423. sid says:

    @meearre who is fighting wid u??? do u think i am concerened bcoz of u? dude i dont give a fuck about you….just tried to answer in the same way u spoke to me….u illiterate coon

  2424. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee tu akela donon ka muqabla kar raha hai kya ?? saale teri to dimmag bhi sanak gaya jo apni maa ko pehchaan nehi paa raha hai …. lol

  2425. sid says:

    @ bala…ha ha…man that was hilarious…lolz

  2426. Piyushi :) says:

    @naazapplause 🙂sahi hai yaar kuch to log hai yaha jinka deemag theekane me hai ..kya dialouge delivery thibas wo fatima return aa jaye … lets c wat she hav 2 revert back on

  2427. sid says:

    @piyushihilarious comments….lolz

  2428. Tomorrow in business says:

    @Wasi If you or your government had not sent the first $1000 to those fucking terrorists – you could have saved your other $1,000.

  2429. Tarun says:

    Mee,Bala,SidGive respect to get respect.As a first step PLEASE STOP USING ABUSIVE LANGUAGE.Can we discuss something constructive…As a first step…can we all jointly condemn terrorism and swear on our gods and say that we will try to eliminate terrorism to the extent possible in our hands.Say ‘YES’ ti this message so that we are on a joint platform.Then lets see if ‘WE’ can do something more than paying Lip Service and shouting at each other.Mee can you send an online greeting as a mark of respect to those killed in Mumbai. We will also reciprocate.Lets both walk a step one at a time…

  2430. Balakrishna says:

    @ TarunRespect is not something which shud be given or taken… it shud be earned…. i had shown enuf respect and it was he who first abused using filthy and cheap lang and i will not bend when i havent triggerred it

  2431. Piyushi :) says:

    @allareyyyyyy chod do yaar in porkistani’s ko let them concentrate on their bright future -terrorists in making 😀

  2432. sid says:

    @allone thing i have lerned here,,,,these guys are pathetic…they dont disscuss the real issue instead they come out fighting islam and hinduism…..what kind of nerds r they…..we r searching fr solution and they are creating problems….if i assume that the mood of pakis here are representative of their nation state….then we definately do not have a future 2gether…and we need “god forbid” a WW3 to wipe of Extremist Islamic forces (please dont confuse it wid Islam – the Religion) in similar ways that brought end to nazis….i feel the day is coming…near…with more and more nations under attack

  2433. Tarun says:

    Bala,I was ion this blog yesterday also and I was abusive initially…but then later toned down..Don;t you see that Mee is also reciprocating my gesture…we cannot brand all Pak as the same. Infact most of them are good….similarly we also have rotten people in India…Infact if a Pak does something against us it is understandable…but we have Indians who stab their own country in the back…What about the Coffin scam in India…you remember that…when our own Indians can be so bad…what about others.But as I said good and bad are there everywhere….lets recognise the goodnes in others and work for peace….

  2434. Balakrishna says:

    good work NAAZ…. hum tumpe naaz hai 🙂

  2435. purab says:

    Sid, balakrishna & piyushi…great goin guyz.Tarun…what respect u r talking abt. All muslims should be treated in the same way.Discriminate them to the core….yesterday it was waheed who being Indian muslim spoke shit about our country…They should be treated like dogs.

  2436. Tarun says:

    I really don’t know how to make everyone see sense…Boss as they say…is duniya mein kya lekar aaye they aur kya lekar jaoge jo ladte ho…Religion, countries are all man made things….Use your brains for constructive purpose….PLZ….We all are guilty of wasting the brainand its powers that god has given us….

  2437. Piyushi :) says:

    @my indial flockspromises are better taken 4m people who keep them in 1st placeu guys r askin them to condemn their mother father sister brother or native or may b their friends who might b terrorist so do u think they can do that … they r helpless defendin themselves all over the world good 4 nothin these porkistanis .. they r even failures in family planning 😀10-20 bachche 😀

  2438. naaz says:

    @ Piyushi:Thanx a lot dear , d gurl was extremely annoying n horribly obtuse.By the way I loved d way u stood upto Waheeb 😉Ab bolo pakistaniyo , kya bolna hai. Aur mee , fatima k jate hi teri aawaz kyun kam ho gayi.

  2439. mee says:

    TarunMee can you send an online greeting as a mark of respect to those killed in Mumbai. We will also reciprocate……….I DID THAT ALREADY :)They were innocent and from the toal death toll 80 were muslims and rest of them from other religions and i strongly regret and ask indian nation to be united against those coward terrorist. I promise Pakistan will support their act toward eliminating those terrorists.And you are looking that i am not creating any kind of offence and even na using any abusive language. One More word from anyone and then i will Burst again. I am just giving your words a respect.

  2440. mee says:

    nAAzPlease Behave!!thx

  2441. Balakrishna says:

    @ TarunI have respected a good quality in MEE and i have also acknowledged it .. read my comments … but if he so sensible let him tone down and i will take reciprocatory actions.. mujhe gaali maarna seh sakta hun but i cant tolerate dragging elderly ppl only bcoz he didnt have words to counter…. this is cheap and highly condemnable….. pyaar bhi do and gaali bhi suno and bete ki tarah samjhaoo bhi … sab ek saath mere nature mein nehi hai

  2442. Tarun says:

    Mee….Bala appreciates your good quality…so pls. tone down.Others Mee has also sent an online greeting card…Then why are the others not toning down???

  2443. Piyushi :) says:

    @tarungood religion , countries are all man madeatleast we dnt hav 2 live wit dick head moronsi live here in india peacefully with my indian fellowmates 🙂

  2444. sid says:

    @ tarun becoz he started wid abusing hinduism,,,,and we werent 1st

  2445. Tarun says:

    All,Can we do something about the state of affairs in our respective countries…or will we just fight here???Any suggestions???

  2446. Balakrishna says:

    Mee ab akela pad gaya…. thanda ho jayega ab woh ….. thoda bahut hosh mein aa jayega… lets hope he doesnt turn out to be sick again…. good work @all Indians

  2447. Piyushi :) says:

    @meeehey u waseeb ko apne identity pe shak thayaha aake pata chala tereko apni maa pe shak hai.. through sources i came 2 knw though& naaz ko behave karne se pehle apne jaat aur desh ke logo ko behave karne ko bol

  2448. Tarun says:

    Piushi, Sid he has stopped…why don;t you both also stop using abusve langauage…Can you now suggest some concrete steps to do something in our own country also???Its easy to abuse others…let me see what suggestions you can give…Can you do something about the coffin scam. Don;t you think they are the worst traitors????

  2449. Tarun says:

    The Coffins were meant for our Shahid soldiers and these politicians were making money out of it…

  2450. sid says:

    @ tarunas sm1 who lost his frnd in mumbai….i must say that pak is not cooperating…there is a strong sense of denial of evidences and they are not accepting ours. So better locate the terror camps and allow Indian or US air forces to blow them up….every thing will be over in less than a month

  2451. Tarun says:

    Can you fight the internal enemy first????Or can we all just TALK???Internal enemy is worse than any external enemy…dimak ki tarah desh ko khokla karte hain???“KUCH KARKE DIKHAO…BAATEIN BAAD ME KARO”

  2452. Balakrishna says:

    @ Piyushi bachha akela hai jyaada atyaachaar mat karo.. maansik santulan ke bigadne par suicide kar lia to tum jail jaaoogi …

  2453. Tarun says:

    Sid,Don’t you think internal enemy is worse…can you finish them off first…If the country is not united…what will you fight external people????Set your house in order first…Did you see the news today about Major Unnikrishnana’s father???

  2454. mee says:

    Piyushi OR PISH or SHIT? whatever the fuck you are, i was just behaving coz of Tarun.Pish tum abhi bachi ho,abhi tak lagta ha tumharay andar gaya nehin kisi ka, koshish karo tumharay indian bahi tumhari help kareen aur tumhari gand phareen warna mujh say contact kar

  2455. naaz says:

    I felt an intense happiness when I got 2 know that, that bastard Kasab wants to live. The minute I saw his pic in the newspaper for the 1st time, I hated him 4 d smug look of satisfaction on his face.He almost looked like the cat who swallowed the canary. I wanted him to be the 1 who ran away wid d police cars so that he could be caught n hung by his balls. Poetic justice is what I call it, that the bastard who killed so many people wants to live now.I’d say castrate the bastard n hang out his carcass 4 d entire world 2 see.@ balakrishna: Appreciated n as it is sum1 has to guard the turf.

  2456. Tarun says:

    He refused to meet Kerala CM…he asked him to get out…he is upset with our own scheming politicians…

  2457. Piyushi :) says:

    @allghar baithe baithe sab bahut kuch kar lenge.greetin bhej denge, orkut account pe msg kar denge jo jawan shaheed ho gya uske profile methis wont add 2 ur responsibilityme equally responsible at ur respective life , make ur thinking worthy , make urslf a better person in d very 1st place ..& then c this place can b worth living & dying 4 🙂

  2458. mee says:

    TARUNits not my fault, i can carry on for the whole night, i dont mind, i am off and i have plenty of time but coz i respected your words So i kept silence, ask them or wise they get a bloody response

  2459. Tarun says:

    Mee…you have lost it now…I am tired of trying to bring peace here…I am logging off now…let me see how many days you all can fight…BYE

  2460. sid says:

    @ dude…done close ur eyes….internal weeds get their infrastructure from external sources…it is really important to disarm the forces outside to neutralize the forces within….as regards in our country….society should join hands to make sure this is not forgotten and forgiven….people, businesses, NGO’s should join hands make surethat politics is not played over carcasses…..and pple like afzal guru should be hanged immidiately,,,,,to show that India is not a soft state

  2461. purab says:

    @ Tarun…Internal enemies are again half cut penis people..They can't be trusted until they get converted to Hinduism.Nyways, Modis & advanis are the ones who can control them….so vote for BJP.

  2462. Tarun says:

    Sid,Purab,tell me one thing you have done for your country in your life…

  2463. sid says:

    meeteri maa ki choot…apni behen ki choot mein daal….teri maa ne abhi tak usse dudh nahi pilaya

  2464. Piyushi :) says:

    @meehaha all you porkistanis are sex crazy … aur mai mere bhaiyo se marwane ka shouk nai rakhi wo tum porkistani ki fitrat hai/… all despo muslim porkistanis heretere country me masculinity aise hi dikhate hai ..aur koi kaam dhanda toh hota hi nai tumko terrorism or chut , gaand k baare me sochne k alawa

  2465. sid says:

    @piyushi, balasighning off for now…bye take care

  2466. mee says:

    TarunUntil the moment you are here, i wont say any offensive word, I’m gona respect this gentleman words. and remember everyone A Promise is a Promise.

  2467. Amir says:

    Indian Peoples nd their Govt got mad… and they all are mother fucker .. pakistani are not terrorists … indian Govt have no prove that’s why they blame Us as usual … Indians are looser ….. and they remain looser rest of the world

  2468. purab says:

    @ tarun… Well, u tell me what can be done…I have started discriminating them and will also request others to do so….only then these bastards will come out of their stupid religion.

  2469. Tarun says:

    Thanks Mee…I repect you for your maturity…I am signing off now…any use staying on here…the moment you sign off…the others will also…Rememeber, sometime discretion is the better part of valour…God bless everyone and may both the countries prosper…

  2470. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee sale aukaad pe aa gaya …. piyushi teri maa nehi hai jo jab chahe daal diya…. she is a Indian.. soch samjhke baat kar@ Sidruk jaa bhai ….. aaj ki raat sab khatm kar denge kal se in logon ko kuch nehi samjhayenge ….

  2471. Tarun says:

    Purab…I have put that question to everone here…It’s easy to abuse…but to talk something concrete needs ideas and time…Can anyone scratch their heads and give some good ideas???

  2472. naaz says:

    me u fuckin bast@rd don’t u tell me 2 behave. I’ve heard a lot abt Pakistani tehzeeb, turns out itz a big fuckin lie just like everythin else u say.Don’t u think that u can get away with disrespecting Indians. If ur cock is itching so much why don’t you ask your mother or sister 2 fuck you or go to a whorehouse, dat is if u have the dough.Aur ek baat, agar hum hindustani apni jaat pe aaye na toh saale kahin muh dikhane k layak nahi rahega.

  2473. Balakrishna says:

    @ AmirPray dat we dont get evidence against terrorist paki links else u wud breath only 4 the last few days of ur life …..

  2474. Tarun says:

    Can we float a party in India of literate and sensible people to counter our pseudo politicians???Does anyone want to do it???? Can anone think this big??? Or we will only chat here and talk big…

  2475. Tarun says:

    You know what I am from Punjab working as a software engineer in banaglore…but here in Karnataka itself I face discrimination…The bus conductors here abuse us North Indians…what do you say to that ???

  2476. mee says:

    Tarunwhat should i suppose to say Bala and nAAz? Just tell me should i start or should i keep my promise until you are here?

  2477. purab says:

    Hi guyz…I guess one more F**kis has joined in @ amir….Let’s b ready to hit that half cut penis prophet follower…

  2478. Tarun says:

    Even Raj Takeray was doing that…they killed that Bihari in Mumbai bus….Dont we have internal enemies????Sirf baat karoge ya kuch karne ki himmat koi rakhta hai???

  2479. Tarun says:

    Mee..log off…when there is no one…they will keep quiet…PLS…. do that…I would like to consider you a friend…

  2480. Tarun says:

    Mee,PLS….log off now…

  2481. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee hey u bastard u broke ur promise u have abused Piyushi …… saale dhongi kahinke … shame on u .. atleast admit wat u have done…. never pretend not to be something which u r not.its a piece of advice to u and to all humans

  2482. Tarun says:

    Sid and others,tell me…<>AAJ TAK DESH KE LIYE KYA KIYA HAI TUMNE…<>

  2483. Piyushi :) says:

    @naazfuck hahahausko kon fuck karega ..tell him we indian gals dnt land up in bed wit dickhead moronswe sleep only wit our partners unlike them 😉

  2484. mee says:

    Tarun i respect you words…i am gona log off and if anyone says that i left this place coz i am a coward or i just run away from here….then i assure you I got enough insulting lessons to teach them for the whole night.

  2485. Amir says:

    Balakrishna good thinking but not good enough paklstani are not sleeping now … remember 3 wars pakistani army give a missile in Indians ass..

  2486. Tarun says:

    Mee if you dont answer the others will keep quiet after some time…or log off now…even I am doing so for sure this time 🙂

  2487. Tarun says:

    One does not become a coward by logging off…baatein karke koi bahadur nahin banta…Is Chat room mein aisa koi nahin hai (including me) jisne apne desh ke liye kabhi kuch kiya ho…Sab baat karte hain aur kuch nain…agar baate se koi bahadur banta,,,to sab ko yahan Veer ya shaurya chakar mil jaata…Lets be wise and log off…

  2488. Piyushi :) says:

    @balayaar hav u noticed 1 thing all these wanky bastard r nyphomaniacssalo ki jinadi sex se hi shuru hoti hai wahi soch soch k mar jate hai .. fantasise karte karte ..hahaha tadpu saale

  2489. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee dhamki kisko de raha hai ???? just leave without saying a word or stay without abusing ….. eeverthing is gona be fine @ AmirLook at ur friend Amirhe claims that pak has missiled us.. hahaha ur making mockery of urselves…did ur teacher cook this story 4 u ????? i cannot stop my laughter hahahaha

  2490. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi isiliye to inki yahan pe maa, behan ka relations and emotions nehi hota…. half dicks ko sab chahiye pata nehi full hote to grandmoms ko bhi nehi chodte ….hhaha

  2491. mee says:

    well said Amir…BRAVO!!!Oh Bala kis gadhay kay lun ki paidaish…..PISH teri maan lagti ha kia? randi Maan lagti ha teri? ab tou MEIN teri maan ko zaroor chodonga…tu fikar na kar.. Gandoo balakrishna tu choooootiyon ki tarhan farigh phir raha ha Orissa mein….Sab say gand marwa kar pocket money akhta karta ha….Gandoo teray country mein tujhe nokri denay ko nehin ha….gandoo tou kia karay ga, ja mata kay urine say moun dhoo…thora tera rang saaf ho jaye ga….hahahahaha

  2492. mee says:

    nAAz aur PISHTum dono Randi ki aulado, kitna leti ho tum dono randian aik raat ka, bolo kitna paisa leti ho marwanay ka, Sali chotar randian kaheen ki. Tumhari value kia ha? AIK RANDI KI VALUE HA TUM DONO KI. Dhaanda karti ho tum dono randian.Tumhara family business ha yeh randi khanay ka?. Madar chodo aaj Indian randi laoon ga 100 Rs. Mein aur sari raat usay chodon ga tumhari tasveer samnay rakh kay. DO TAKAY ki randian. 1 TAKAY ki naaz randi aur 1 TAKAY ki PISH randi

  2493. mee says:

    OH RANDI PISHTujeh kia chaska ha bar bar SEX ka naam lenay kaa, bohut dil kar raha ha tou aja yahan per , dekh sari raat tujeh lun per betha kar rakhoon galolzzz…..hahaha

  2494. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeaa gaya aukaad pe mein bhi wahi sochun ki yeh bhediya vesh badalke kitni der rahega…behenchod jaake apni maa ki taati khaa le bhook lagi hogi … peene ke lie kuch nehi mila to indians ka pishaab pee lenayeh tumhare mecca jaane se bhi jyaada teerth hogaaur tum pavitra ho jaaoge……behen ke land dimmag se kaam karte hain tumhare tarah rangon ka bhedbhav karte nehi pata nehi tum haaraamkhor kaise dikhte hogesaale insaan ho naa ????

  2495. Amir says:

    sorry 2 say that but ur sleeping ..and may ALLAH give blessed you we r not terror ur not terror… terrorist have no country .. nor religion so please dont blame us we dont blame U .

  2496. purab says:

    Abe mee..Jaa tu apne ghar jaake bahana ke saath so le badhve..I half dick asshole…

  2497. mee says:

    oh GANDOOOOOOOOOOOOOMecca ka naam mat lay apni gandi zaban say waran nanga kar doo ga randi kay bachay.Tou bol dobara phir dekh teri maan ko saray Paki kay lun per na bethaya aaj raat ko tou kehna

  2498. mee says:

    Purab mera lun choos randi maan kay bachay.I didn’t address you, So dont talk to me.

  2499. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee abe mee saale sex ka tujhe to bahut chaska laga hai … teri maa mar gayi kya jo hamare hindustani londiya ke peeche pada hai….waise land to tum logon ka hota nehi … saale kutton ka bhi tumse bada lauda hota hoga… wahan koi tujhe satisfy karne waala nehi mil raha hai to india aaja yaahan ke brothels mein sirf pakistani ladkiyan aur aurat hai jinhe tum jaise frustu ke liye bachake rakhte hain…. pakistani nationls ke lie woh waise jyaada charge karte hai bcoz unka lauda chota hai na ….. fully satishfy nehi kar paate unhe…. never mind

  2500. Balakrishna says:

    Teri gandi jabaan se mere maa ko aur mere desh vaaisyon ke against filthy language use kia to tumhare mecca ko mein bhi nehi bakshoonga

  2501. murad says:

    dear wasi, I being a muslim from pakistan am sure that u wudnt have sent any money to the mumbai blast stuff…bro… u might have sponsered them… infact our people in UK were celebrating…. and I am real muslim so I like to know th truth and I hate hipocrisy… read you books properly man and speak the truth….. beware of your bullshit….

  2502. Bharat says:


  2503. purab says:

    @ mee, amir…What r u trying to prove..that u guyz r innnocent…U will be treated like dogs everywhere in the world, not only pakis but also muslims…U r shit ass to this world…

  2504. mee says:

    bala randi maan kay lalchal beta , You should learn some insulting words. Aur bhoonk mat, faltoo ka bhoonkay ga kia sari raat. Chal ja jis jis nay teri maan ko chod kar paisay nehin deye , un say ja kar paisay lay aur haan sun apni behn ko yaad say subah lay jana meray pass say, madar chod randi aaj maaza nehin day rahi ha, gandooo issay bhi kuch sekha apni tarhan kay kaisay chudwatay hain warna apni randi maan kay sath is ko bhi dhaanday pay laga , kuch seekh jayee gi yeh bhi.

  2505. Piyushi :) says:

    @meegandu pish nai piss ..hehehahaha dekha aa gaya na apne jaat pe .. tu khush reh sex se 😉mujh jaisi ladki aur naaz jaisi ladki tujhe sapne me bhi na mile gandu

  2506. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeSaale randi ki padaish……. tera baap chodke sabne teri maa ko chodne ka paisa dia hai .. woh kya hai ki teri maa woh saare paise uske gaand mein daal leti hai to isilye uska gaand fool gaya hai…if u dont believe me check out ur moms assits really bulged out…. u bloody half dick

  2507. Amir says:

    Balakrishnaplease dont abusing about our MACCAu don’t know what you are talking about … we have not abusing about ur religion ….

  2508. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushiwhy r u dormant ?????

  2509. Balakrishna says:

    @ amir i have no intentions to abuse ur mecca but continuous gaalis to mom triggers me ….

  2510. rahul says:

    the end of pakistan is very near.a nuclear bomb will be dropped over pakistan by america.enough is enough.javeds and waheeds ke jyada din nahi bache hain.bastard saale.

  2511. Balakrishna says:

    @ meesaale tu itna sex ki baatein kyun karta hai ?/? tera age kya hai be ?/ghar mein bol maa se jaldi hi koi randi se shaadi karvaaadegi … aur haan plz contraceptives use karna after ur 2nd child and plz unhe terrorist mat banaana

  2512. Balakrishna says:

    @ rahul welcome

  2513. murad says:

    hey you guys seems to be a lot matured.. y dont you all speak sensefullll….

  2514. mee says:

    AMIRYeh sab gandoo chotiay barway hain, SAB KAY SAB BARWAY!!!!LOLZ…. AUR RAHUL beta kal ja kar apni maan ki choot check kar lena jab aj mein us ki kuss mein nuclear bomb maroon ga…..hahahahah…….lolzPISH tujeh tou mein treatment deta hoon abhi….dekh toou chaklay ki randii. lolzz

  2515. mee says:

    AMIRi want you to sign off when i ask you to do it and do not ignore this alright coz i am gona fuck them now, just wait a bit

  2516. rahul says:

    macca madina per bhi bomb attack hoga.saale haj ke naam pe bahut tamasha karte hain.

  2517. Amir says:

    mee BC tum apna muun band karo aur log off kardo yahan se islam aur macca ke baray main koi cheez nahi suni hum nay please

  2518. murad says:

    I am reading all your comments.. dont you all know what the blog is all about????

  2519. Balakrishna says:

    @ MeeAbe haraamkhor sharm nehi hai kya tujhesaale itna manaa karne ke bawajood bhi tu sirf sex ki hi baatein karta hai frustu saale…itna frustapan hai kya tum porkis mein ???yeh baat shaayad duniya ko bataani padegiihum logon mein kisi ne tujhe ek baar bhi bola ki hum tere biwi bache ya maa in sab ke saath kuch kia hai ??? bol saale ….Tu kaun hota hai be rahul aur piyushi ko gaali marne waalathey r bold Indians stay away 4m them …. rahul sahi bolta hai ki tum logon bombse udaa dena chahiye and piyushi bhi sahi bolti hai itne frustu londe ko kabhi utni achi ladki nehi mil sakti …. besharam

  2520. purab says:

    @ amir…What if we talk about mecca..Everyone knows, what prophet did there…bloody u pray at his toilet..

  2521. mee says:

    Rahulsay one word more about mecca and madina and i am gona wipe you off from this world.

  2522. Balakrishna says:

    @ meejyada bond mat banowoh amir tumhara gulaam nehi ki tum jab bologe logout karne ko tab logout ho jaayega…..atleast he has some sense . I dont know what islam is but from amirs words i can understand that he is truly religious and doesnt want to hurt anymorelearn from amir

  2523. naaz says:

    @ mee:Why am I not surprised. Jaanta hai is waqt mujhe gussa nahi, hassi aa rahi hai aur tujhpe taras aa raha hai.Abe bhadwe apni maa aur behen ko bhi Lahore k bazaar me aise hi bechta hai kya. Saale dalle.Aur ek baat yaad rakhi, u can wish all u want bout fuckin us but the only place it will happen is in ur dreams. N 1 more thing, hum hindustani kudiyan tumhari Paki kudiyon k tarah nahi hai jinko tum jab chahe haat lagao. D minute sum1 as much as lays finger on us against our will, he can be assured that he won’t live to see the light of the day.Islam teaches men to respect women, n ur comments just spoke volumes abt u as a person.Tum jaise log islam aur muslimo k naam pe dhabbe ho. @ tarun : Listen to ur mature gentleman speak like a common pimp now.

  2524. rahul says:

    @meepura pakistan choron se bhara hai.pakistan is a criminal to the world.finish it off.

  2525. Balakrishna says:

    @ meehahah kyun be apne aap ko superman soch raha hai kya ???? waise bhadkaayega to jaroor bol dega… bhadkaa mat haraami saale…. kyunki nuksaan ho bhi hoga tera hi hoga and tera to koi dharm nehi hai .. to nuksaan amir ka hoga…. apne bhai ke lie soch

  2526. mee says:

    PURABmothafucker, son of a bitch, teri maan ko bhi randi bana kar sari raat galiyon mein dance karwaoon ga, fikar na kar randi maan kay bachi, you bloody HINDU. SITA KAY CHOOTIYE

  2527. Piyushi :) says:


  2528. Balakrishna says:

    @ naaz 🙂 kahan gaya woh meeee

  2529. purab says:

    @ mee…Ja be aadhi land ki paidaish…Teri maa ko puch kitne badwoon ne chodha….ur shitty kuran says fuck as many woman u can..even if she is ur sister.Abe laande ja ghar ja ke so…

  2530. mee says:

    nAAz: Just look at your name… Can you see 2 AA, thats right and now i am gona fuck you right between your these two boobs AA.Aur Randi chal bhag yahan say, kutti bhoonk rahi ha, Just get the fuck out of here YOU BITCH.@Oh gandoo Balakrishna teri krishna ko chodo, Madar chod teri behnay lagti hain ya tou in sab ka DALAL ha kiya? apni maan ki fikar kar , PISH aur AA ko chor MADAR CHOD

  2531. Balakrishna says:

    @ meehey u bastard meeu have made ur country a brothel doesnt mean that u make the same way here. Half dicks here are sent to pakistan army or mujahideen to play hide and seek. so start thinking beyond sex u bastard. y didnt ur mom kill u the moment u wer born,,. she might be cryin a lot now

  2532. Piyushi :) says:


  2533. mee says:

    Just stay away from us you cheap Indians!! you fucking morons!!! you just sell you mother for free.. Just stay away from Paki’s. we dont even count you as a human being!!! You cheap indians… I swear i hate indians more than i could ever hate your fucking Sita.

  2534. rahul says:

    @ meesaale shaitan ki aulado,tera aadha treatment jeorge bush ne kiya aur aadha india karega.balakrishana dont sirf gaali de sakte hain kyonki kuran ne sirf doosoron ko gaali dena sikhya hai.

  2535. mee says:

    PISHPehlay boolna seekh lay tou RANDI…. She is busy coz she is getting fucked by a PAKI………………..lolzSTAY AWAY FROM US YOU INDIANS!!!!!PROUD TO BE A PAKIZINDABAD PAKISTANMURDABAD HINDUSTAN

  2536. mee says:

    RAHULTeri maan ka naam SITA HA? tou phir SITA ki choot marna har PAKISTANI per farz ha aur must ha. lolzzzzzz

  2537. mee says:

    RAHULTeri maan ka naam SITA HA? tou phir SITA ki choot marna har PAKISTANI per farz ha aur must ha. lolzzzzzz

  2538. aditya says:

    To all the Pakistanis..I know that a common pakistani thinks like a common Indian…. hate the other side……at the same time……both have the sense of humanity …But I would like to tell Pakistanis….you guys are kept ignorant of whats actually happening in that religion centric country….you are made frogs in the Well by the selfish Hate Preachers…..Everybody knows about the Madrasas and that brainwashing done by them….There are countless videos on Youtube about the terrorist camps in pakistan …When i said youtube…(they are videos from legitimate News Sources)…..Even when there is such Large undeniable evidence, Why do you guys refute the charges that there are Terrorist Training camps in Pakistan…Is it because you are blinded by the love for your Country and Religion….Wake up Pakistanis… Dont heed the words of the Self centric Mullas…. thinks in terms of Humanity….Not in terms of Islam…. When I said ISLAM…I meant PERVERTED ISLAM which is distorted by the selfish Extremist Preachers…I hope this comment atleast stimulates the grey cells of atleast one Pakistani…I respect MEE for his sanity when he talked to Tarun….. Guys be constructive… Maa, Behen ko gaaliya deke…you r demeaning yourself…..

  2539. Rahul says:

    to all pakistanis:read all of my previous posts (under the name of Rahul, not rahul, as he is another person), and you will see i have only respected pakistan and pakistanis.I accept the same from you, else I will have no choice but to badmouth pakistan so bad that you guys will not show your faces again. To Indians:stop badmouthing pakistanis. you are only provoking them to badmouth ALL:respect each other’s religion and nationality.

  2540. Balakrishna says:

    @ maa madarchod mein sirf teri maa ka dalla hun be aur woh bhi tere baap ke kehne par kia … pata hai tera maa randi nehi ban paati to tu padh likh nehi pataa … gaali mat de apne maa ke dhande ko…. bhadwaa salaa…… yeh teroko last warning hai agli baar koi bhagwaan ko gaali dia and maa ko gaali dia tera mecca ko koi nehi bachhaa sakta mere gaali se … isiliye galiyan sambhalke bolna …… and think of something new to keep us shut not the same dickless fuckingabe dildo se chodega kya tu sab ladkiyon ka ya fevicol se kutte ka land chipkaaya hai tere land mein??Aur rahi baat Piyush aur Naaz ki to un donon tujh jaise napunsakh se kaise pesh aana hai unhe achhi tarah aata hai …. saale bhaartia naari hai ….. porki naari nehi

  2541. Piyushi :) says:


  2542. mee says:

    AdityaYou said right but the terrorist are a bunch of cowards who usually change their physical locations, They dont stay at one place longer coz they get recognized. If they are today in Pakistan then next day they are in Yemen and then next day they move to India. They dont have religion, Islam has nuthing to do with them, We dont bring islam in terrorism coz ISLAM is somethign different, They just make a label of Islam and misuse the preachings, SO Just like someone change the ISLAM label to Hinduism and then what you will say?. i think Hinduism never taughts you to kill innocent peoples just like ISLAM do.

  2543. aditya says:

    Mee…..i hope you atleast refrain from abusing the religion…I know that you can be a lot decent …I could see that from your conversation with Tarun…Dont you think that Muslims are too influenced by religion when they talk about issues or for that matter anything….I am not making a baseless argument…I have seen countless Muslims here in my country who stans as a testimony for that….

  2544. mee says:

    well said RAHUL 🙂

  2545. mee says:

    rahulTeri behn ko chodnay mandir mein la kar gaya hoon, nehin yaqeen ata tou pooch lay Balakrishna say aur PISH sayBOLO NA BARWOOO!!! MOUN KION BAND KIA HOA HA BOLO NA KAY rahul KI BEHN KAY SATH KIA HOA HA. batao na madar chod ki auladooo

  2546. Balakrishna says:

    @ meePish is busy finding a custome for ur moms stretched pusssy ….. i think no indian is ready to use her pussy …. what have u done to ur moms pusssy .,.. did u burn it down…. saale maana kia tha naa gods tak mat pahunch !!!

  2547. mee says:

    I am signing OFF!!

  2548. Piyushi :) says:


  2549. Rahul says:

    btw, somebody earlier talked about the shootings that occured today in karachi, and hinted towards indian involvement.well just to let you all know , i looked into it, and it was a result of communal violence between the muhajirs and the pashtos in pakistan.

  2550. mee says:

    we dont buy cheap CUNTS LIKE PISH AND NAAZ lolzzzzzzzzz

  2551. mee says:

    Well this is for all u fucking dumb idiot INDIANS.(Except Aditya, Rahul).. u dumb asses, fucking useless creaturesYOU SHOULD READ THIS (ALL OF YOU INCLUDING PISH CUNT) lolzHindu scriptures – what a load of shit! Hindus have cast shame and disgrace on Indian people Hindus not fit to be humans Hinduism states that sex with animals is not nearly as bad as sex with a (human) outcaste; for sex with a cow or some other animal, it’s pardonable, but for sex with a (human) outcaste, a twice-born Hindu should be executed: Hinduism is a cult which is not only evil but a disgrace to mankind. Its no surprise this so-called religion/cult never left India because it is unacceptable to the reasonablesane mind. Hindus worship Cows, donkeys, rats, dogs, penis, testicles, monkeys etc… There is no way I could have believed it until I saw on CNN. HINDUS WORSHIP human PENIS and VAGINA as a GOD. WHY? because according to them these are the most important body parts. These parts perform important function of creation. The other body parts were very upset not only with hindus but also with Lingam and Yoni. Each part thought that they perform the most important part in the body. Hinduism is a gutter religion based on dumbass Indian crap. Its founder the filthy dirty subhuman “Ram” was a low life son of a bitch and a mad lunatic. just an asshole! I piss on Krishna (cow shit be upon him), Lord Shiva (cow shit be upon him) and Geeta (dumbass and filthy crap). HINDUISM stands for the following: (H) Homosexuality (I) Incest (N) Neurosis (D) Dowry (U) Urine (I) Impudence (S) Sodomy (M) Murder

  2552. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee Abe rahul ki koi behen nehi hai ….. sale bhadwee tu apni behen ko hi utha lia hai …… haha apni behen ki zindagi kharaap mat kar,.. lekin after allits ur wish …. apni behen ki zindagi tere haath mein ,,, tu to itna frustu hai ki apni behen ka bhi gaand maar sakta hai woh chote se lauda lekar…. lekin bach ke rehna .. kabhi gusse mein tera bachha hua lauda naaa kaat le.. fir tujhe pakistani army mein jaana padega .. haha

  2553. mee says:

    RahulYou are right, its a local issue and has nuthing to do with INDIA.I just dont believe what other says but i do believe what my Eyes look at…. So i dont follow my media and others. I just follow my own eyes and believe what i see myself 🙂Adios 🙂Best of Luck Rahul, Aditya and TarunYou guyz

  2554. Rahul says:

    @ mee.if others cant respect your religion, what makes you better than them by badmouthing hinduism?especially if you are making all this stuff up anyway. i suggest that since YOU seem like a nice person, just ignore wut these other people say, and dont fall down to their levels.i also urge all the other hot-headed pakistanis and indians to CALM DOWN.

  2555. aditya says:

    Yes Mee….I agree with you ….I know that terrorists have no morality….they change their identities….But the point is ….there had been innumerable evidences against ISI and the Pakistan Civilian government being under pressure from the Sinister motives of the Military and ISI influence… When that is happening ….how can an average pakistan ( Whom I respect ..cuz they bear no illwill like their counterparts in India) keep quiet…The Civilian Government of Pakistan should atleast seek help from external forces to keep the extremist views of the ” Religions views distorting Leaders and other forces in Pakistan”The whole world is against these people IN Pakistan…I dint say PAKISTAN….I said forces in PAKISTAN…Why doesnt Pakistan open up and let others help them to eradicate these evil forces…when it failed to do what it needs to do…At the end of the day…. Evry Pakistani is blamed as scapegoats for the inefficiency of Pakistans Govt to curb terrorist….

  2556. Balakrishna says:

    U beggars u cant afford to get meal twice a day, dont dream about cunts….. u can only lick paki uncleaned asses …..

  2557. naaz says:

    devilDekh bhadwe I’m not scared of u. Yeh ruab jaake apni maa, behen ko dikha. Woh tujhse darti hongi, main nahi.As for fuckin me between my boobs, haramzade pehle human anatomy k parts sahi se yaad kar le.Aur wahan se dhamkiyan dene k wajeh, saamne aa k baat kar. Teri mardaangi ukhad k tere haath me na de di toh naam ki Hindustani nahi.

  2558. Balakrishna says:

    @ Rahulu can check my replieswe havent badmoutheed their religion nor did we start badmouthing their family … its he and only he who is badmouthing and a sick poor guy who thinks nothing other than sex

  2559. Piyushi :) says:


  2560. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee i have a gud offer for uwill u be my servant ??? i will give u 3 meals per day …

  2561. rahul says:

    @ meejeorge bush ne saari duniya ke muslims ki iss tarah se gaand marri hai ki ab unko haathi ka hi chahiye.

  2562. aditya says:

    MEEYour comments against religion are really working against you…let me say…I know that you could be a lot more decent…. this is where everything starts…MUDSLINGING AGAINST RELIGION….I can also say hell lottaf things against ISLAM… but i refrain from doing so …cuz i know …what seems baffling and ridiculous for one can be holy and sacred for another person….I know there are many mudslinging Indians too in this Forum…..i would love to bring sanity in their minds and encourage them for constructive ideas…. I am not telling them anything right now because…evrybody in India is right now angry about the attacks…They are venting out their anger….I hope atleast you understand and refrain from badmouthing religion…..

  2563. Balakrishna says:

    @ Piyushi are uske maa ke lie kia naa … chalta hai aakhir maa hai hamare pyaar mee ka uske khaatir thoda bahut seh lenge … lekin is mee ka baaki lauda bhi kaat lenge bahut tadap hai uska sex ke lie… hey piyush kya porkistan mein brothels nehi hote ?? jindagi mein inta frustu londa nehi mila mujhe

  2564. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi ur porn movie reply was too good hahha

  2565. Rahul says:

    @ Balakrishnajust cool down is all i am saying. no need to escalate things further. @ everyone:muslim population is growing fast (because of conversions and high birth rates, especially in india), and we must learn to co-exist, else this world is doomed. They already make up a large portion of the world’s population, and are only growing. Do we want to make such a large portion of the worldd our enemy? Yes muslims have caused us alot of trouble in the past, but so have hindus and muslims and christians and sikhs and jews (i respect buddhists for being the only people who havent caused any truoble in the world. the only truly peaceful religion in the world)All i want to say is, forget the past, move on, learn to work together, or else problems will only get worse and worse.And to All the muslims:We know your religion is great, and your people are at large peaceloving. however there are many people hiding within your community and using your religion to attack others (although they are going against islamic teachings, they still claim to be muslims). For this reason, i say it is your reponsibility as muslims to get rid of these people, and gain the trust of others. Thank you, hope i didnt offend anybody.The rest of us also need to be more understanding towards muslims and need to understand that the muslim community itself has suffered alot, and is also itself a victim if “islamic” terrorism.

  2566. Piyushi :) says:


  2567. Rahul says:

    May Day are you talking to me?

  2568. Balakrishna says:


  2569. Piyushi :) says:


  2570. Balakrishna says:

    @ Alllagta hai woh mee maidan chodke chala gaya …

  2571. naaz says:

    @ bala:Right said bala, we’re too high maintenance even 4 his dreams. Bloody cheapskate.@ piyushi:Nice 1 girl !!! I’m gonna kick his ass till it turns black, blue n various shades of purple.@ mee:If u’re so keen on cunts, go n ask ur mother, she might give u a taste.N i’m not ur paki chic 2 give up so easily. U can abuse till u turn blue n it will be music 2 my ears.Aur ek baat cut d crap bout Hinduism bcoz if I start on Islam, ur fucking ears r gonna bleed.@ Rahul:U seem like a decent guy, so let me tell you to revert back a few pages. We’re not giving him reasons to abuse India, hez pretty competent at that himself.

  2572. Abhishek says:

    @ meeYou ignorant soul. Go join the Taliban….ideal breeding ground for your infertile thinking.

  2573. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi haan pagaal hai i think yesterdays waseed was even better than this mee… lagta hai yeh mee lashkar- e – toyiba se hai … bahut der baad haar maana ,. aur jo laat ki baat hi sirf samjhta hai ….. half dick

  2574. Abhishek says:

    @Sid, Piyushi, Bala & RahulHi guys…I am back but looks like no one is here.

  2575. Rahul says:

    All i can say to people like May Day is, that i am probably one of the most pro-indian people you will meet. when india is attacked, i get filled with rage. After this mumbai attack i also got really mad with pakistan. But ultimately you have to see that most people in both countries are innocent. It is the ISI and LeT that are the cowards there that are doing this.If i am mad at anybody, it is not the pakistani PEOPLE, but the pakistain government, and ISI and LeT. Personally, my family is originally from Lahore and jhelum/kashmir in pakistan. I know how much it hurts to lose your home land and your family members. Yes paksitani government is to blame, but most pakistani people are not. I personally say that if pakistani government cannot flush out these terrorists, then it is our job as indians to go into pakistan and kill these cowards. but may day, you have misunderstood what I have been saying. I am saying that peopl here need to forget about the past and MOVE on; stpo badmouthing each otrhers religions, else we are giong to be stuck in the bad conditions we are in today.

  2576. Rahul says:

    @ mee:all i can say now is that if you don;’t stpo now, then dont expect indians to stop.i have already asked indians to stop, and was being nice to you. but now its enough. if you’re not going to stop then nothing is going to stop indians from badmouthing you, and then it will entirely be your fault.

  2577. Piyushi :) says:


  2578. Balakrishna says:

    @ aBHISEKHtum late ho bhai ….. saare dushmanon ko to yeh do ladkiyan naaz aur piyushi ke reply se hi bhaag gaye…. wait 4 some time koi aa sakta hai

  2579. Piyushi :) says:


  2580. Rahul says:

    yes may day. but havent we indians elected OUR current government?yet we always complain about our hijra government for not doing anything..maybe in the same way pakistani people arent happy with their government.also keep in mind that the ISI cancer that pak created overpowers their government now. even if most pakistani ppl dont want to fight with india, ISI does.

  2581. Balakrishna says:

    Chalo darlings …… bye have a good time …. take care … perhaps the battle here may not last till tomorrow …. so bye everybody best of luck … hope the mumbai crisis opens up the brains of our politicians …… Gn, sd ,tc

  2582. Rahul says:

    keep in mind that i am not pro-pakistan.but i am pro-india/pakistan friendliness, because only THEN will this terrorism end, and will india be able to move on to becoming a superpower. n for this reason i am trying to make both indians and pakistanis understand the other side.

  2583. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi tumhari galiyan bahut hardcore and to the point hai …. bold gal 🙂 chalo gn

  2584. Piyushi :) says:


  2585. Rahul says:

    some of my family members were killed by pakistanis in lahore during partition. so i understand your rage. but honestly, what is it going to achieve? yes pakistanis burnt our train and attacked the people on it (my family was on that train also), but didnt we indians retaliate and burn their train?in the end yes, pakistanis caused harm to us and killed our people, but we killed their people then too.just accept that there are bad people on both sides, and move on.the pakistanis hav ISI and LeT and numerous other terror groups,but india has SIMI, Indian Mujahideen (unless these are actually just pakistan based groups pretending to be indian), BJP (majorly anti-muslim) Bajrang Dal (attacked innocent christians), maoists, and so on.

  2586. Balakrishna says:

    @ PIYUSHInever mind ….. u did wat was right at the moment so dont repent … and in anyway u didnt start first

  2587. Piyushi :) says:


  2588. Rahul says:

    to mayday:i agree that the person who started this blog with trying to prove that pakistan is innocent is just living in denial =).

  2589. Piyushi :) says:


  2590. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushiabe tu senti ho rahi hai kya ?? i appreciate ur boldness dear 🙂 chill maar

  2591. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi tumhara id to bata do

  2592. aditya says:

    Rahul… want peace with Pakistan and friendship with it….But disheartening fact is that Pakistan and the people dont think alike…it is the Government of Paksitan that acts at the end of the day…and this Govt is run by ISI and other extremist preachers…though supposedly the Civilian Govt is restored….The ISI controls and radicals have the final say in Pakistan administrative issues….The average pakistani is oblivious to all this and hates India……that is what happens….. everything is misconstrued by them due to their biased media…which is again controlled by the radicals….

  2593. aditya says:

    RAHULPakistan has Let and ISI…and India has Indian Mujahideen, SIMI….what is the point that you were trying to Drive…??

  2594. Rahul says:

    agree with you there mayday. and i have also stated that earlier.pakistanis have no right to badmouth india about anything that happens in india (i.e. gujurat riots or whatever) becasue it does not affect pakistan, and also because there is a long history behind the riots in which hindus were also harmed.but WE INDIANS do have a say in pakistans problems because their terrorism affects us too. i also talked about how muslim rulers caused harm to hindus..they destroyed hindu temples, librarys, institutions, they even TAXED hindus for being non-muslim, in their OWN yes muslims also need to understand our point of view, and cannot randomly blame us for all of this.

  2595. Rahul says:

    aditya:all i am saying is that there are bad pepole on both sides of the border. that is all. we indians have every right to go into pakistan and destroy ISI and LeT, but at the same time it is NECESSARY that we destroy Indian Mujahideen, SIMI, and BJP and Bajrang dal, and any other group that threaten’s indian secular society

  2596. adirazer says:

    Pasting this again …..@ Rahul….you did not replyRahul… want peace with Pakistan and friendship with it….But disheartening fact is that Pakistan and the people dont think alike…it is the Government of Paksitan that acts at the end of the day…and this Govt is run by ISI and other extremist preachers…though supposedly the Civilian Govt is restored….The ISI controls and radicals have the final say in Pakistan administrative issues….The average pakistani is oblivious to all this and hates India……that is what happens….. everything is misconstrued by them due to their biased media…which is again controlled by the radicals….

  2597. Rahul says:

    @ adirazeri have already said numerous times that yes india MUST act against pakistani government, which is acting in a cowardly manner, and also go in and destroy ISI and LeT. it is OUR RIGHT as human beings. We do not deserve to die at the hands of these maniacs.But all i want to say is that the avaerge pakistani is just as peace loving as average indians! i have many pakistani friends who wish pakistan and india were still one cuontry, and that they lived peacefully. i also have pakistani tenants, and we sit and drink chai together. Ultimately no one wants to fight if its preventing from getting their daily bread and water. Same goes for pakistanis. Pakistanis dont want their government to waste their money on fighting with india if a big chunk of their population is surviving by eating “grass” (lol, herd that in the news, found it funny). their ecnoomy is in shatters, inflation there is 25%. bombs giong off every week. ofcourse the avergae pakistani doesnt want to add to their problems with fighting with india.

  2598. aditya says:

    adirazer and aditya are the same….I have two IDS… 🙂Yeah ..I agree with you…I too have Pakistani friends…. I am in US rite now pursuing my Masters…I think the discussion ends there…either bust those bad guys….or let others help bust them….Pakistan would be sane in the worlds eyes if they let go off the control of ISI and the radicals…Kick the Madrasas which have brainwashing as their curriculum…

  2599. Rahul says:

    the terrorist captured says he has no regrets.may he BURN IN HELL. we shud torture him like no tommorrow.hang him in a stadium, cut his body parts slowly one by one, with all the indians watching. let the indian public throw stones at him. burn him slowly. make him die a slow deathrecord all this, and send it to his owners, the LeT and ISI.

  2600. Wasi says:

    From the Guardian:‘A new report by senior British security experts claims that India could cease to exist by 2050. The report by the Janes Strategic Advisory Services highlights the existence of over three dozen insurgencies, rising sectarian tensions, and a growing divide between the rich and poor. The report’s authors argue that predictions of India’s rise to the level of a global power are unfounded. India, they claim, ‘could split into between four and forty separate countries by 2050.’An anonymous British intelligence official concurred with the reports’ sobering assessment and claimed the division of India would be good for Indians and Western powers.’

  2601. aditya says:

    Man…I think most of us think alike…I had the same feelings when i read about the terrorist not having regrets…Those ************* should know what it would mean if they get captured….

  2602. Rahul says:

    Wasi, give sources please.

  2603. Wasi says:


  2604. Rahul says:

    Wasi, may pakistanis like you burn in hell 🙂

  2605. Wasi says:

    It’s from the Guardian in September 2007. Also check Janes reports, if you have a subscription.

  2606. aditya says:

    here comes the blabbermouth Wasi….now insanity prevails….topic of discussion is about Pakistan’s involvement…he comes up with some shitty news item about India becoming a superpower… Blinded bastard!!

  2607. Wasi says:

    You are Hindu. You don’t even believe in hell.

  2608. Rahul says:

    wasiif such a article been published, it would be all over indian news..just like when the american plan to divide pakistan into four was all over pakistani media (and even indian media)

  2609. aditya says:

    Wasi …i hope you were the terrorist who was caught…your views and ideals do closely match the terrorist ideals….

  2610. naaz says:

    @ Piyushi : None taken sweetheart, I understand that it was essential to speak 2 him in d lingo he understands. Good we gave it to him real hard.BTW I’m in 3rd year too, mebbe datz why gr8 minds think alike.@ All : Genuine apologies 4 using foul language but sometimes u have no option esp when d person in front of u calls u vile names.

  2611. Rahul says:

    firstly, i m pretty sure hindus believe in hell..second, although i am hindu by birth, i am not a follower of any religioni believe in ONLY GOD, but no religioni think religions are useless as they only come handy in dividing people

  2612. aditya says:

    there you go…now he brings up religion….insane bastard….

  2613. Rahul says:

    indians may have many problems, and may be divided in some aspects, but we all consider ourselves INDIANS, and will not let terrorists from pakistan divide us, as that supposed article (that you most likely made up) states.

  2614. fatima says:

    hello,my dear indians do you have a little love in your hearts it does not seam.we are also bearing Indian agencies in shape of consulate in Afghanistan near tribal areas.please ask them to stop terrorism support there in our tribal areas first.they are killing thousand people.they dont need 14 consulated in country like Afghanistan.they and we have a problem in blochistan near afghanistan where your agencies so called 14 consulate are operating.if you have a sense india has no need of such a big no there then why.i assure you the day the India will reduce their consulate in Afghanistan the terrorism from whole world will be end.Ask your govt and agencies.and then talk

  2615. aditya says:

    rahul…i told you….he is an insane bastard… dont heed his comments….let him blabber till he is tired of his blabbering…have had enough of his incongruent comments yesterday….this is a new form of terrorism unleashed by this fella….

  2616. Abhishek says:

    Wasi:Get back into your cubile in GS. You are the most important and richest person in the world right. YOU ARE AN INVESTMENT BAKER! A $2 MILLION BONUS & LASTLY YOU ARE A PAKISTANI. Lucky you.Btw…you are sitting in NY but why do you go to India for IB activity. Poor pakistan, no work for IBs like you.

  2617. aditya says:

    fatima….your comments stink of ignorance and half knowledge about issues….better go to the library or just shut up

  2618. naaz says:

    Gud lord now dat wasi is here we’re gonna have 2 tear our hair apart.By d way Wasi how was Geneva.

  2619. Rahul says:

    removing indian consulate from afghanistan will not reduce terrorism, because these insane terrorists basicallly will take ANY small issue to use as an excuse to blow someone up. maybe india IS involved in the balochistan issue. i dont know. so i will not ocmment. if it is, then as an indian i am sorry to paksitan. as of now , i would suggest pakistan to show its proof to the UN and America if it has any.As for ISi however, india claims it has evidence, and so does America, and so does Afghanistan. How come afghanistan and america aren’t saying anything about RAW being in balochistan? Again, i am not denying it, but am questioning your authenticity.

  2620. Wasi says:

    Hindus do not believe in hell. I studied Hindusim at university.Some of the older Vedic texts are nice.I have read the Upanisads.

  2621. Rahul says:

    my last comment was for fatima.

  2622. Abhishek says:

    Fatima:What is wrong with you is that associate Islam with Pakistan. Anything against Pakistan is against Islam. This is essentially the problem of Pakistant….religion and the country mean the same thing for people….driving them to extremism in the remote parts of Pakistan. I am sure Karachi and Islamabad has lot of progressive but we all no that the rural parts are under radical control. The pak govt has to bow down to the radicals or else it will not exist.

  2623. fatima says:

    rahul bhai and wasi bhai how do you know ideas of terrorists did you train them.i think Balakrishna ji ap ko bomb bomb marnay ka bohat shoq ha kitnay bomb hain ap ke paas.dear all of you seem to be extremist strange enough

  2624. Rahul says:

    to be honest wasi, i know very little about hinduism, and am not a follower. so i dont care. all i am saying is stop making fun of each others religions.

  2625. aditya says:

    Wasi… the JANITOR at Goldman Sachs…. a rich JANITOR btw….capable of foul mouthing and incongruency while commenting… this is his BioData…So guys…better dont mess with him…he will unleash his insane comments and drive you nuts…

  2626. Wasi says:

    Why would I go to India to work in investment banking? Mumbai is a nice city, but it’s mainly a shithole.Dharavi is the world’s largest slum.There are 600,000 ppl that live there. One toilet per 5,000 people.That must be a long line to take a shit.Something makes me think they don’t use toilets too often.

  2627. Rahul says:

    wasi, asia’s biggest slum is in Karachi. dharavi in mumbai is secnod largest. Nothing we should both be proud of, but state the real facts

  2628. Wasi says:

    Don’t tell me what to you. First start with your own people.I only reply. I did not start this making fun of religion business. Fire with fire bro.

  2629. Wasi says:

    Uh no. Mumbai is the worst’s largest shithole.

  2630. Rahul says:

    wasi i havent just told you…throughout this blog i have told everyone to stop attacking religions.i told the hindus, and i told muslims. im not only attacking you., i am telling everybody to stop it.

  2631. Rahul says:

    wasi, google it. google karachi, and you will know. karachi has the biggest slum

  2632. aditya says:

    there you go….he starts making statements like a NEWS Agency….

  2633. Wasi says:

    Google: biggest slum in asiaWhat do you get?“Dharavi Slum”

  2634. Abhishek says:

    @ allWahi has been craving for respect…he beleives he is above everyone else…lives in NY, is a GS Invt Banker, took a $2 million bonus last year…but still has the Taliban mentality. Going to university and reading a few texts does not make you literate. Hurling abuses and being defensive and calling Indians “cabbies” shows that you are not worth a discussion. I know shortly you might resort to abusing as you have done in the past.Wahi….please keep you eye on the financial markets and don’t offer your opinions else where….also pay your respects to people like Vikram Pandit and Indira Nooyi who are your bosses…..don’t forget who you are and where you come from.

  2635. Rahul says:

    @ fatima, none of us know what the terrorists are thinking, but we DO know that they are radicals.if we remove the indian consulate, maybe they will stop attacking india more, but they will attack other ppl instead then. its how they work

  2636. Abhishek says:

    Google biggest slum:“Wahi’s head”

  2637. aditya says:

    Rahul….. if you had seen his comments that were made yesterday…you would not even think of touching your keyboard… he stinks if hate and hatred ….foulmouths religion for no reason… these people dont understand that i can go for years badmouthing their religion…. but i am sane enough to tolerate other religions… not like people like Wasi.I do have muslim friends…. but i can definitely say…majority of muslims are Religious Maniacs…they see everything from the eye of the religion….

  2638. Rahul says:

    the following website claims that the karachi slum is the largest in asia. if this site isnt “credible” enough for you, then just google it, you will come across many more websites that claim the same.

  2639. fatima says:

    dear Abishek,you know why because we are not extremist all indians are saying that bomb bomb and bomb.kill and kill.i thought may be you learned only seems your nature not ours killing of people.dont forget in 2006 different seperation movements killed more than 2000 people in India the killer and victims were pakistani was is on your record please my dear go and check

  2640. Abhishek says:

    Yes Wahi:“India Shitting….on ignorant people like you”

  2641. Wasi says:

    Ok, I will stop saying bad things about Hinduism. But I will start again if someone says something bad about Islam.Fair?

  2642. Wasi says:

    Abishek…Asia’s biggest slum is your anus.

  2643. Wasi says:

    Asia’s biggest slum is Dharavi says the BBC: quote BBC and you quote some guy named Panawala? Who’s right? Idiot.

  2644. Rahul says:

    wasi,western media is biased in that way. they claim dharavi to be biggest, but if you do your research, karachi slum is slightly bigger. BBC especially is somewhat biased in this aspect..if you watch their interview in dharavi..they asked one of the ladies living there how long she lived in the slum…she said “do saal”…the reporter said she claimed to be living in the slum for TWENTY years, when she said TWO. i have researched into it, and had looked into the exact size of both, and apparently karachi’s is slightly bigger (not by much thguh)…i dont remember the stats now

  2645. aditya says:

    Thanks Wasi… this is what I was trying to …putting some sanity in your mind… now i think you r listening….respect other religions…that is what i would like to teach all the perverted Musilms ( I dint say all muslims)…I hope you r the first one who learnt the first lesson of tolerance towards other religions…

  2646. Rahul says:

    that guy panawala is from karachi my friend.

  2647. fatima says:

    dear Aditya,we see everything from relegion you know why our relegion gives us rules of life rules of love not hate.everything is harmless i am proud to follow my relegion atleast i cannot think to may be you wll say that then why muslims are terrorist so i tell you no terrorist is a muslim and no terrorist is a hindu they are animals is apropoganda.

  2648. Abhishek says:

    See Wahi you could not help put start stooping down to the a***.Good for you…It reflects on your family, culture and education.

  2649. Rahul says:

    actually yuo nkow what. it doesnt even matter if mumbai slum is bigger, or karachi slum is bigger. honestly both cities are just as messed up, and we should aim at cleaning up both. i have come across many sites claiming karachi to be largest slum, but i guess smoe like BBC claim dharavi to be biggest. im not going to argue who is wrong who is right, but keep in mind western media has always been biased against south asia, and have always loved showing india as a poor, dirty country. yes india is poor and dirty, but not ALL of it. it has many sides to it. but the westerners are obsessed with only showing the poor.

  2650. aditya says:

    fatimai told you already…you stink of ignorance and half knowledge…then how come terrorism is almost synonymous to Islam…Mind you…i am not badmouthing ISLAM as a whole…you guys see everything from religions eye…that makes you so vulnerable to Perversion and misintrepretation of religion…….

  2651. Wasi says:

    respect other religions…that is what i would like to teach all the perverted Hindus ( I dint say all Hindus )…

  2652. Rahul says:

    lastly, if you wikipedia mumbai, you will see that it says dharavi is the 2nd largest slum in asia..again i cant say whether its 100% credible or not.

  2653. fatima says:

    Dear Mee and WasiI reqyest to mee and wasi pls dont use such lanuage it does no suit you.tolerance and patience is a great power Allah loves it and He doesnot like bad or dirty language so pls think about it.Let people use any language atleast not you this is not our presentation

  2654. Rahul says:

    oh and if you actually get INTO dharavi, you will see that it is probably more organized than ACTUAL mumbai lol. which is quite cool seeing tht its a slum…regardles thuogh, the mumbai government has plans to redevelop dharavi. just hoping that actually materializes.

  2655. naaz says:

    My God Fatima , u have some pretty strong preset notions don’t you.U think that India is responsible for the problems you have in the tribal province. Must say how presumptious.N to think that if India backs out, all the problems of terrorism in these world will be solved. Ha! Ha! Ha!I think more on the lines of that if Pak stops nesting those militant outfits you have holed up there all d probs in this world would be solved. No exagerration.

  2656. aditya says:

    btw…dearest fatima…forgot to add also pretend to act saintly just like many have pointed before…. come out of that frog in a well mentality….and then you would find answers to why the whole world finds a fault with Islam.. again i would like to point it out that I respect all religions…but you should put humanism above religion always…that is what majority of the terrorists fail to do ..and you too seem to be drawn to those kind of ideals..

  2657. Abhishek says:

    @ allPlease disengage Fatima and Wasi…Fatima beleives that Islam and Pakistan are one and the same thing. She will defend whatever anyone does in Pakistan as Islam and say that they are peace loving people.Islam is peace loving but not the radicals who are on a rampage. The Pakistanis know this because these same extremist elements are dealing body blows on their own country. Pakistan is going to be squeezed by the internaitonal community. We all know that one of Pakistan biggest earning comes from supporting the war on terror with America….also some from China to create instability in India……rest Pakistan is an advanced Afganistan.

  2658. Rahul says:

    okay wasi, lets just agree to disagree.lets just say there are conflicting reports, and thus a clear conclusion cannot be made. regardless we should both be ashamed of the slums in both our cuontries, and work at removing/improving them without harming its habitants.

  2659. Wasi says:

    May Day. Bring it on you pussy.

  2660. Rahul says:

    btw wasi, i just found GREAT evidence for you from the same site you gave me..look at the picture here: the radius of the circle around karachi is larger than the circle in mumbai, thus indicating karachi slum is bigger.

  2661. aditya says:

    i do appreciate your advice to your felloe Pakistanis to use good language….Love you for that…:)

  2662. aditya says:

    come on guys…. both countries have slums close to the world standards…stop bickering over such trivial things…talk about real issues…

  2663. Rahul says:

    haha im sorry wasi but kind of fnuny how i used your own evidence to prove you rong.kind of funny.but yes i agree with adityawhy r we fighting over who has bigger slums?!the fact is we r both messed up coutnries and both need to get rid of slums ASAP.

  2664. aditya says:

    RahulI told you….Wasi brings up incongruent topics of discussion when there are other serious issues….you fell for that slum thing…

  2665. Abhishek says:

    Fatima and Wasi are not representatives of Pakistan.People of Pakistant would not associate themselves with people who have and will never do anything for their struggling country. To the contrary, they will sit in NY and defend the terrible state of things.Fatima, don’t hide yourself under that veil of austerity and righteousness. We can see through you and you have the shades of an archiac Taliban thinking.

  2666. Wasi says:

    Rahul. You are an idiot. We are not talking about the size of a city. We are talking about the size of a single slum inside the city.Dharavi is larger than Karachi’s largest slum, Orangi.Orangi is bad. What’s the diff btwn first or second largest slum? It’s all bad for our poor ppl anyway.But Orangi has changed in the past 10-20 years. Much of it has been developed, so Dharavi is the largest slum.

  2667. aditya says:

    dearest fatimayou there???…i am expecting a reply from you…Love,Aditya.

  2668. fatima says:

    dear Aditya,whenever i read indian messege full of hate i dont know why?I told you I proud to be see everything from relegion otherwise i will be ignorant because it is a complete from minor thing to scientific knowledge it is a full of knowledge only people who dont know they talk like you .like terrorists dont think they are muslims.they are paid and ignorant people only.basically i love all relegions and respect but i am sure people who beleive on relegions whatever is they will not fight because every relegion teaches peace.

  2669. Rahul says:

    firslty you have no right to call me an idiotsecond, you r then the idiotbecause thew picture i showed you..shows the sizes of the different slums over the worldthe Orangi slum in karachi is indicated by a larger circle, whereas the dharavi slum has a somewhat smaller circle.just accept it. stop being egoistic now. and dont you dare call me an idiot

  2670. fatima says:

    thanks aditya first messege full of love and without doubtslove you too

  2671. aditya says:

    RahulI told you…. he wouldn’t stop…He likes to comment on unrelated things… he can go on and on about slums for hours… it better you dont reply… 🙂

  2672. Rahul says:

    wasi.accept that the picture that i showed you proves that orangi slum is bigger. just accept it for me pplease. not because i want to put pakistan down, but i just want to see if you have ego problems or no. because it seems that after i proved you rong about the slum issue, you seem to have ignored it and moved onto protraying hindus as violent pepople

  2673. Abhishek says:

    Wasi…go to Broadway and watch a musical…have some wine, cheese…..display your $2 million bonus…..Call Indians “cabbies”.Suits your personality and ofcourse please walk on the street with a tag saying that you are a rich pakistani who is an IB at GS.Wasi….this is not a place for you to interact with Indians. Btw…whenever you see an Indian in GS please call him a “cabby” and let me know if you still have a job….I’ll make sure you don’t. Also, please provide me you full name and the division you work for….you are going to love what is about to happen to you.

  2674. fatima says:

    dear Abishek,I really appreciate your thinkingyou are genious,nothing to say your hearts are full of hate.GOD BLESS YOU

  2675. Wasi says:

    Abishit, you present yourself as a man of reason and then you threaten to physically harm me.Why don’t you give me your address?I have the money to be anywhere anytime.

  2676. Rahul says:

    anything to bash india, isnt it wasi?people like you need to burn in hell, regardless of if you are pakistani or indian. accept the REAL FACTS and move on. stpo spreading propaganda. this goes for indians too. and for wasi, those pictures that you are showing us of those hindus. yes they are fanatics, but do you want me to show YOU pictures of islamic terorirsts beheading people? beating women in burqas? holding guns and shooting up into the sky…etc. etc. just acceppt that there are extremists on both sides, and move on

  2677. fatima says:

    purab said… @ amir…What if we talk about mecca..Everyone knows, what prophet did there…bloody u pray at his toilet..1:24 AMMY DEAR PURAB,i want to know more about your knowlegde you have about MUHAMMAD(PBUH) and MECCAH ihope you will share your brilliant knowledge and please dont forget to give refrencesGod Bless you

  2678. Abhishek says:

    Thanks Fatima….I know who I am…God bless everyone especially you….you need it bad.

  2679. Rahul says:

    okay so since wasi has been ignoring my past few comments, and wont accept that i proved him rong, i would like to officially say that he has ego issues, and loves bashing india. all ican say to him is, have fun bashing india. enjoy. because in the end, facts are facts.

  2680. naaz says:

    Oh my God fatima goes on her high horse again.Read d last few posts by your muslim brother “mee” n u’ll know what shit language u guyz r capable of.Atleast we Indians don’t pretend 2 b holier than thou. With us, wat u see is wat u get.Ur so damn stubborn abt ur views that u don’t give a damn abt wat others say n that is exactly the problem of ur kind. U Muslims wear ur religion on ur sleeves.Religion should b a part of life but not ur entire life n you do exactly that.N as I said before Islam is as good a religion as any, but don’t delude urself into believing that itz d greatest. N quit acting like ur some godamn martyr just bcoz ur muslim.@ Wasi: U think u doin us a favour by agreeing not 2 abuse our religion.

  2681. aditya says:

    dear fatima,Appreciate your love…but for your kind information…you did not reply…. how can such a religion be so grossly misrepresented and misintrepreted by so many people that even made the whole world think that ISLAM is synonymous with terrorism….ACCEPT THE FACT … Dont defend without giving evidence…stop making baseless arguments…ISLAM could be great religion…but it had its own vulnerabilities of being misintrepreted…. infact it is regarded as a notorious religion because of this…Fatima… i respect you if you are really honest in your ISLAMIC ideals… but unfortunately not every brother of yours is sane enough to accept ISLAM as it is suppposed to be construed…

  2682. Wasi says:

    “just acceppt that there are extremists on both sides, and move on”Agreed.

  2683. Abhishek says:

    Wasi….I will never physically harm anyone…I just wanted you to know your division so that the GS job you are so proud of is not going to be there for long. Your first name and nationality should be enough for me to forward some stuff to a few people at GS. Good luck!

  2684. Wasi says:


  2685. fatima says:

    Fatima, don’t hide yourself under that veil of austerity and righteousness. We can see through you and you have the shades of an archiac Taliban thinkingdear you,really oh i remembred you were our chief who got billions to kill people.nice joke na

  2686. Abhishek says:

    Yaar Wasi…..why don't you get me a job at M&A….you lucky ass. Dude…I'll cut you slack…you must be fine and good at what you do but I did not like the way you were brandishing it.Anyways, I we are all to blame somewhere…..but for God's sake please don't call an Indian "cabby" in NY. You known how hard is for Indians and Pakistanis and when we do that to each other then there is no hope.

  2687. Rahul says:

    point proven, wasi? so far my picture were much worse than yours.

  2688. Wasi says:

    Rahul, I just agreed to your statement that there are extremists on both sides and to move on.Then you backtrack.Typical Indian.

  2689. aditya says:

    typical Indian…says a guy who badmouths religion and is so narrowminded …so funny…Come on Wasi… dont play a jester…

  2690. Rahul says:

    how did i backtrack?i am just showing you to yourself what YOU did FIRST.if that is typical indian behaviourthen i guess its tyipcal pakistain behaviour to provoke people?this entire time i have been telling all the indians to calm down and stop provoking you. but i guess it is YOU who begins provoking THEMi wus merely correcting your dharavi statement, and out of the blue you begin posting pics of hindu fanaticswhos the hypocrite, you or me?! dont get me started or i wont fuckin stop swearing till i force you to fkin leave

  2691. Abhishek says:

    Wasi….clearly we are both good at bull-shitting and we can carry on forever. My best friend is a Muslim, so I have nothing against religion. There are rogue elements who are forcefully making Pakistan their home. I know you don’t support them. Lets home these radicals get screwed. Also, India will hopefully clean up its act internally.

  2692. Wasi says:

    Ok Abishek. Cabby is not a bad phrase.Anyawy, I give all desi cabbies big tips. I usually give them $20 extra. Who cares if they are Hindu, Sikh or Muslim.

  2693. Rahul says:

    tell me what did you gain out of showing those pictures of hindus?! HUH? bitch. i havent sworn in thos blog at ALL until now cause im fucking pissedi have been fuckin telling everyone to be peacefulbut you dont fuckin understandi was talking nicely to you.u began fuckin posting pics of hindu fanatics because you coudnlt accept that iproved you rongi only did it back to giv you a taste of your own fuckin medicine.go to fuckinhell.

  2694. Rahul says:

    want me to say “typical pakistani behaviour”?..but i wont. because i know not all pakistanis are retards are like you. i am not giong to betray my pakistani friends by badmouthing pakistan. pakistan is a great country with great peiople and great culture. but people like you need to be removed from society.

  2695. Abhishek says:

    Wasi….”cabby” is not a bad phrase but you know that people like you and me are also sometimes called “cabbies” just as a sign of disrespect. Though being a cabby in NYC is not a bad profession at all. I guess it is the western way of ridiculing any of our accomplishments. Peace bro.

  2696. Wasi says:

    Good job Abishek. Now we have both won.Both our communities have problems. But we belong to a larger community.The solution is to be human. To transcend our differences and know that each human and each religion carries the message of goodness.Ten extremists can kill 150 people. But that is because the 150 people are too good, too normal to be carrying weapons like thugs.I respect Hinduism. I studied it in college. I practice yoga and have read some Vedic texts.

  2697. Rahul says:

    then, wasi, why are you being a hypocrite?why post up pictures of those people. what did you get from it?! i still dont understand.its like you are constantly changing sides..

  2698. fatima says:

    my dear Aditya,you know what we cannot go in depths like what happened in 9/ dear the picture ofmuslims totally changed in eyes after that event.and you know till now there is no solid proof against know many foreigners analysts who are not muslim they researched and they found that the guy who was involved in that event before one day he was drunk,and he had call girls at his place.and the very next day he sacrificied for Islam no my dear no this is a fantacy because a true lover of islam will never drink and other thinghs to so i have a complete report if you will say give me your mail i will send you.this is a big drama agianst us.and world used media agianst us and you know the role of media we common people never search for truth we say what media say.I am in Europe and here majority sau that media is biased but even then they beleive on media because they dont have enough time to research please spend time.You know this Laden and othrs are all creation of America and propoganda and we Muslims are victim.If you are independent try to know reality independently.I hate terrorists dont think any Muslim loves them but for sure we love all humans and respect them.If you will beleive the people in Pakistan are as sad as you are on Bombay event.

  2699. Wasi says:

    Peace Abishek.

  2700. Rahul says:

    to fatima.islam is a great religion which i respect very much. never would i say that these terrorists are true muslims. they are just hiding under the blanket of islam to attack people and destroy the world. and meanwihle the repuotation of islam si being ruined.i urge you and other muslim brothers and sisters to work at removing these people frmo society, that they can once again gain the trust of non-muslims. InshAllah that will happen very soon.

  2701. Abhishek says:

    Guys….forget this Indian and Pakistani stuff…..end of the day everyone here is proud of where they come from…its called self-respect. We have issues. Lets not play the blame game….India is ahead of Pakistan as a developing economy but it has enough internal issues to take care off before it transforms into a developed economy. Pakistan on the other hand needs more political stability and less military intervention in governance and hopefully it will rise soon. A progressive and peaceful Pakistan is imperitive to India’s growth. This way China can not use us to destabilize each other.Everyone please agree.

  2702. Wasi says:

    Rahul, I am not being a hypocrite.I am just copying the hate of others, to show that they would dislike the same hate applied against them.Abhishek and I are now on the same page.As a result, I am done.I have found an ally in peace.PEACE!INSANIYAT ZINDABAD!

  2703. Wasi says:

    Note: I wrote insaaniyat. Not insanity!

  2704. naaz says:

    @ Rahul:See I told you that d provocation comes from them n not from us.As for Wasi, hez a true blue jerk. He cheesed off many people yesterbay with his senseless rants. Keep ur lid on n needle him, u might have some fun.

  2705. Rahul says:

    Peace to you too, wasi. I apologize if I offended you. But now atleast we both must know that even just taking revenge and giving people a “taste of their own medicine” only leads to more hatred.I wil never again do what i did (showing pictures of islamic fanatics), and i hope you also never do the same,, even if it is just to take revenge or anything.

  2706. Abhishek says:

    Wasi…you are a bad ass mf….I mean that in a nice way….you actually remind me on of one of my best friends who is a pretty nice but can be really bad ass if gets down to it. Honestly, you are as disgusted as we are and just hate the way Pakistan is slandered by the world….I just wish people like you and me ran our countries. Unfrotunately we can only live in the US, make a good living and just watch politicians manipulate our homes.

  2707. fatima says:

    aditya said… fatima….your comments stink of ignorance and half knowledge about issues….better go to the library or just shut upso you proved to be Indian by using shut up but i will not say you same i will say you GOD BLESS YOU my dear you know why because I usually go to library.this is your problem your mentality so rude i dont know why i didnot use a single harsh word you are like this now i understand why some people are talking in this way.anyways best wishes for further knowledge and future

  2708. Abhishek says:

    Wasi….I would not mind giving you my address….infact I would elcome you because you would definitely be entertaining over a few drinks.

  2709. fatima says:

    thanks Rahul,but you know all of us should think in the same way and you should work in your country and we will work in our country both of us have please dont blame each other.

  2710. Rahul says:

    stop this indian/pakistan thing once and for all. using the world “shutup” does not make someone indian. i am fed up with this now, and am losing my patience really quick so i am going to stop right now. just hope you people realise that fighting with each other will not accomplish ANYTHING.if indians and pakistanis work together, we can both bring our countries out of pvoerty, and be world powers. Hindustan ZindabadPakistan Zindabadand as Wasi said, Insaniyat Zindabad.

  2711. Rahul says:

    fatima i do not blame pakistan at all. but i do blame ISI, the same way you guys blame india’s RAW.pakistan is a great country; my family is originally from jhelum kashmir, and lahore. i have my roots in pakistan, and would love to visit. i just hope we can work together to make peace, so we can visit each others countries without any problems, and also in turn solve the kashmir issue.

  2712. fatima says:

    thanks abishek I respect your ideasGod bless you

  2713. fatima says:

    dear Rahul,you know what some people want that Indian and Pakistani fight and if we will fight they will succeed,so we are friends now You know my best friend in France is Indian from Benglore,But I did not talk too much with Indians before yesterday,from yesterday i was tring to calm down people some said i am tring to be innocent and….but atleast i am so happy that we are agree on one pointIndia pakistan Zindabaaddont give people opportunity to get benefit from our fightGod bless you allgoodnight

  2714. aditya says:

    fatimaI did not mean to be rude…. you make every statement as if you know everything…. better make some ground research and then talk about things…after reading your other comments…i can understand that you are sane in your ideals and good as a person…i hold similar ideas and ideals…but I cant deny the fact that ISI and Pakistan based LeT are behind many terrorist attacks in India and minting of fake Indian currency to destabilise the Indian economy…You are denying these facts though there are substantial evidences…I want you to make note of that and then comment..I shouldn’t have used the word “SHUT UP”.. but your callousness in your comments made me to use that word..anyways i would like to say sorry if that hurted you….PAKISTAN WOULD BE BLAMED UNTIL THE TERRORIST ORGANISATIONS IN ITS LAND ARE NOT BUSTED… THIS WOULD HAPPEN UNTIL PAKISTAN MAKES SINCERE EFFORTS TO ERADICATE THESE ELEMENTS… ATLEAST LET OTHERS HELP YOU TO BUST LeT and Other Elements IF PAKISTAN IS NOT CAPABLE TO DO THAT…

  2715. Imran Khan says:

    2 wasi,you are in the same page as me. We all condenm, who are against Humanity.Let’s talk about some business,I can show you how can you double your money in three years. You can get my contact From my profile.Salam Everone!

  2716. aditya says:

    My dear fatima…you say Osama Bin Laden and everything else is all fake…Come on….this is what is called denial of facts…Go to Youtube and website videos of many Legitimate News Agencies….they have innumerable videos of Muslim Terrorist Training camps, Muslim Leaders talking shitty things about how everyone else hates them and how they are gonna take revenge etc….If you say all that is fake…..Then I cant help saying that you are an ignorant fool…. Even with such a lot of evidence, if you believe that Terrorism is not predominantly Muslim Centric, then I should say your comments hold no value at all….Dont live under the impression that ISLAM is great….and every Muslim is flawless…What I want to say is ISLAM might be a great religion…but Muslims should learn to respect other religions and learn the policy of live and let live…. I know that as a reply …you would again say that “”everything is made up….no Terrorist is Muslim…Every Muslim is pure….There are no Terrorists in Pakistan…..ISI doesnt fund terrorism…. “”””….If that is gonna be your reply….plzzzzzz dont reply at all….. I am tired of your ignorance….

  2717. aditya says:

    I also know that America has its own vested interests….many theories have come talking about the 9/11 and contradicting the original theoryMany present contradicting theories in a very convincing manner…but at the end of the day…there had been carnage and that is all that matters… The conspiracy theory doesnt absolve the terrorists… there are Islamic terrorists and Terrorism is barbaric….killing innocent civilians….The Islamic world should introspect and decide whats wrong in their Religion OR their intrepretation of their religion….I want Peace.. I want all this to end…and Right now future seems bleak with these barbarians out in the open….

  2718. aditya says:

    Remember …””without fuel….there is no FIRE””….Islamic world should introspect and find out what is the FUEL that causes such a FIRE ( HATE ) against them in the hearts of others…..

  2719. Rahul says:

    i hate every single religion of this world. i believe in God, but have no religion. Religion was created only so a certain group of people could control the entire population, and also to try to unite people. Well guess what. Religion is killing more people than anything else in this world. Down with religion. We no longer live in the medieval age. Anyway, i will not try to impose my belief onto others, and respect your beliefs as well. But as a human being, it is your job to act responsibly, and not destroy the world in the name of your religion, whatever it may be.

  2720. kbmahendra says:

    Hyperlink to the photograph of Indian boat is not correct.They are usually 190 BHP Diesel engine driven boats..WIth 4 speed gear box.These boats are capable of going in Deep sea for fishing. DOnt just post any pic ans say its an indian boat.If you want one.. i can send you ..

  2721. shahbaz says:

    Hey Mr Free, Aap log aisa kyu karte hai? Agar aap pakistani hai to shayad aap naam ke musalmaan to honge hi, aap log mai pakka iman to nahi hoga, kyuke agar aap mei pakka iamn hota to aakhri darje mai aap kamse kam afsos to karte jo bechare Budhe, Aurtei aur Bachoo ki jaan chali gaye. Aap log to apne iman ke nahi hop paye to apne watan ke kya khaak hoonge.Aur aap kehte hai ke “you are ready for us Indians, just peep into your country and ask yourself, are you really prepared for us? You have a lot to look into your country itself, you cant protect your women and girls from your people, how can you be prepared for us? Apne aap ko to sambhal lo, phir humse takrane ki sochna.”

  2722. Balakrishna says:

    @ FatimaHey ignorant Fatima look beyond religion….. dont talk every issue of life with a religion aspect…

  2723. Duleep says:

    What happened in Mumbai has made me and many Indians to be wary of All muslims (Indian / foreign), The Muslim community will become isolated and will pay by remaining undeveloped

  2724. Rahul says:

    As bad as i feel while saying this, I have to agree with duleep.throughout this entire thing, i have kept my calm, i have embraced my muslim brothers, and will continue on diong so, because i know they are not ALL bad.but there is always a limit. now there is a terror group (deccan mujahideen, of which we herd couple days ago) that is threatening to attack delhi, and blow up the airport, and 3 railway stations.why?! you claim you want to take revenge for atrocities against muslims. fine, but HOW MANY TIMES are you going to take revenge?another thing is..if people took revenge and blew up a city each time someone suffered or lsot their loved ones, than this world would cease to exist right now.If you feel that you need to take revenge, then take it out against the person that harmed you, not against innocent civilians.To all muslims, as much as i hate to say it, you people are beginning to lose our trust, and its all because of these terrorists who only make up 0.001% of your population. But they are creating so much damage “in the name of islam” that really, we have no choice left but to be suspicious.

  2725. Aishwarya says:

    By the same yardstick we should bombard the whole of Pakistan for the radicals not letting innocent muslims live peacefully in Pakistan. Look at what these radicals have done to the people of afghanistan, the women and children in both the country suffer because of their atrocities. Atleast the muslim women and children are living peacefully in India. Osama is a womaniser. What respect does he have for the woman and humanity. Zilch!

  2726. Rahul says:

    Aishwaryarather than blaming islam for such things, we should blame people like osama who have done these things to islam, and created a bad reputation for it. and again, i know tht its people like osama who have created tihs bad name for islam, and makes us suspicious of muslims, its just a sad but true fact that muslims need to accept. because of these people, we are suspicious of muslims, because of the fact that each time we leave our house, in any part of the world, we are in a battlefield, because of these terrorists. and whenever i say this, some muslims curse at us, and call bad names. well my message to such people is that we dont WANT to be suspicious of muslims, its just the conditions we live in today that have forced us to do so. rather than blaming us (the victims), blame people like osama and LeT. do everything you possibly can to get rid of them.Then all of us can live peacefully as brothers. Don’t we all want that? P.S. its only recently that ive been feeling a distance between myself and my muslim brothers, mainly because islamic terrorism has gotten closer and closer to my home over the past couple of years.

  2727. Aishwarya says:

    I have quite a few close muslim friends, so are christians, buddhists, sikhs, parsis and many more. And I dont look at them at suspicion. They are as much Indians as I am and they are as much muslims as I am like a hindu. I dont doubt their integrity. I only doubt my politicians, police and the bureacrats. They are as much criminals as like Osama. Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan refused to meet the ministers from Kerala. I love him as much as his son. Look at the pictures and deeds of these ministers. They are thugs. He sent a clear message to the politicians that even after their death all our freedom fighters are wondering whether it was worth giving up their life for these corrupt criminals. We were better off with the britishers.

  2728. Rahul says:

    i also have alot of muslim friends. and yes i agree about politicians. they are no less than terrorists. as for the fact that we were better off under the british. yes and no. in 1947 our literacy rate was less than 20%smoebody rote something very interesting on times of india in comments section: i’ll post it here.______________________________________________Nehru died because of shock. Shock that despite his stature, work on international level, China duped him and because of Him the country suffered so much. He died of this shock. And see the generation now. They are no even affected. I do not know how a human can be so insane. I am not normal from past 5 days, I keep thinking abt this, keep thinking about torture and trauma the innocents had, keep thinkin abt Mossie, who lost parents on his second birthday. CAN’T THESE EXPERIENCED AGED POLITICIANS THINK, FEEL, REALIZE, DO SOMETHING ?————————————–,curpg-2.cms

  2729. peaceindpak says:

    @ rahul . You are right that Politicians are not less than terrorists , it is true but whom should we elect in our coming elections. All of the politicians are same., whether they are from BJP/CONGRESS/or any other party

  2730. Aishwarya says:

    Dear Mr.Rahul. The education system in India improved only because of the Britishers. We were atleast at 20% in 1947 because Britishers and reformist like Raja Ram Mohan Roy put some efforts and opened convents. Otherwise we would have still be studying in schools like madrasas. We would have been 100% now if our criminal politicians and bureaucrats took this forward and did some thinking. These guys only thought about how to eat more money by building delipidated about to crash schools & recruiting teachers taking bribes. Britishers are the ones who started to build roads and railways in this country. They had Hong Kong for so many years and look at what they have made to that country.

  2731. Aishwarya says:

    There is the one political party started by the IITians. It is called Lok Paritran. They have been contesting UP and karnataka elections. Unfortunately they need to get votes from the ground level like slums, which they cant because the local criminals controls these crowds. And the educated are busy with the kitty parties and supporting there own criminal relative politicians.

  2732. Aishwarya says:

    I am sure the Pakistani radicals are already thinking of blasting these guys up because they dont want to see India developing.

  2733. Balakrishna says:

    Is any Pakistani here ????

  2734. Balakrishna says:

    @ Aishwarya These Pakistani religious fanatics are just like termites. If no precautionary as well as retaliatory measures are taken to control them they will nibble down the whole of India within few years… Mumbai episode is a wake up call to all patriots !!!

  2735. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2736. aditya says:

    Guys….stop attacking Religion…I can understand that repeated incidents make us suspicious about Muslims….. Even the Muslims eho are true to their country should understand the reason behind every other no muslim brethren of their country being suspicious about them.There are awful amount of their community who are aiding the sick terrorists across the border.Shame on the Muslims who are the traitors. They are more evil than the people who are across the border. Take my word. These Shitheads should be hanged upside down and submitted to the general public in the same heart of the city where they conducted their terrorist operation…that is infornt of the Taj and then the public should be asked what to do..there should be serious retaliation…there should be something to deter these ******* bastards.

  2737. peaceindpak says:


  2738. Aishwarya says:

    The best way to punish the terrorist who has been caught after investigation is to tie him up in front of Taj and throw stones at him. Thats what the saudi’s, Taliban and the radicals in pakistan do to the “infidels” and the women in that country.

  2739. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2740. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2741. Aishwarya says:

    @True Indian. How can you kill a man like SIR DR.Abdul Kalam. You must be nuts in your head.

  2742. Piyushi :) says:

    whr is the great gaandu meeeee & waseed ???aur wo story teller fatima kaha hai?yaar yaha itna sanata q hai ..pakad layo sab namuno ko.. hahaha.. maze hai inke dimaag k saath khelne me ;D

  2743. aditya says:

    WasiI appreciate you now…I hated you till yesterday…now you talk sense..hope you continue to be so..I only ask you and your community to have some tolerance to other offence intended….its just an appeal…i am not making a baseless argument….there were innumerable instances when you made illogical comments and filthy words against Hinduism…I reiterate…things which might be ridiculous to your religion might be holy to others ….i too feel that there are many aspects of your religion which are simply ridiculous and outright funny…. but i dont sany anything ….its just my level of being decent and mutual respect…I respect ISLAM…but i hate Muslims who make ISLAM look perverted and distorted …Pakistan should prove itself worthy of respect and credibility by busting the LeT and handing over Dawood….. If it is not in their possible capability , then let others help do that in your country… I know that would hurt the average pakistani…. But if you guys have a Military influcenced, ISI controlled Civilian is the duty of the sane thinking Pakistani to think rationally instead of being irrationally patriotic about their country….Thanks for bringing a bit of sanity again…hope you remain so….Understand the reason behind the anger of my fellow indians before replying to their comments…Right now evidences prove Pak based terrorists involved in all this…it might even be Pak supported …let the investigations come up with their findings…

  2744. peaceindpak says:


  2745. peaceindpak says:


  2746. peaceindpak says:


  2747. Aishwarya says:

    Wasi is a chameleon. Dont trust him. He and his business plan for Geneva. The loser must be dreaming and having a day illusion

  2748. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2749. Piyushi :) says:

    @ allis wasi pakistani??? 😕

  2750. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2751. aditya says:

    PiyushiI do appreciate your time in responding to comments…but you seems to be gaining irrational pleasure in badmouthin the pakistani…Talk about real issues …i request you…I know you can be a lot decent…I know you can give reason for your badmouthing..but there is some point when one should stop… Let the others look like a shit head….That Mee is a guy who talks without any valid argument…let him do so…stop replying to him…or give him sharp replies….let him feel like a dickhead…but stop using good for nothing foul language…it speaks cheap about Indians…No offence intended…Love,Aditya

  2752. peaceindpak says:


  2753. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2754. aditya says:

    TRUE INDIAN…you say that you want to eradicate Muslims….talk about things which are possible…talk about practical issues…stop making baseless arguments….I can understand your suspicion and hate against Muslims… But nothing comes out of your anger which is vented out…Have some restraint buddy…

  2755. peaceindpak says:


  2756. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2757. aditya says:

    Ya… Indian Muslims who are caught …should be left to the Whims and fancies of the public…Politicians who support them should be kicked out…a votebank should be generated against them…things like these should be thought about

  2758. TRUE INDIAN says:


  2759. aditya says:

    PEACEINDIAN AND TRUE INDIAN….cool down…you are falling for what the terrorist want….FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES….think about things that could be done….practical answers….not solutions like eradicating all the muslims…

  2760. Piyushi :) says:

    @adityaya i knw 🙂but i hav heard a lot abt wasi in all this blog so was bit curious to knw who was he??? 😮hmmm.. i dnt badmoutn good people 😉but i’ll keep a note on ur words 🙂

  2761. peaceindpak says:


  2762. aditya says:

    I know i used a bit of foul language in my previous comment…which should not have to be done….I just felt that she needed a bit of that to be convinced into what i wanted her to do…Thanks Piyushi… 🙂Love,Aditya

  2763. aditya says:

    Piyushi…That fellow was making baseless arguments and brings trivial and silly issues when a serious matter is being discussed ….I tried making him look like a crook…but I respect him now…he seems to talk sense now…and agrees with what we think about what is to be done by the Pakistani govt…btw..Thanks for heeding my words.. 🙂

  2764. Piyushi :) says:

    @adityaits ohkay…chill ..i m all easyi understand …be rest assured thanx 🙂

  2765. Balakrishna says:

    good afternoon guys

  2766. Balakrishna says:

    Wasi is a typical bastard who has a dubious nationality .. he oscillates between india and pak ….

  2767. aditya says:

    Let the heat be on….I dont want this anger to die out…I just want this thing to be streamed into the right channel and used constructively…I hope something really true should come out of the student world to deal with the political system…to overhaul it….I hope I have the leadership qualities to do something…People who are by nature leaders…please come out …there might be scores of people to support you at this point of time including me….Let something good come out of this sad incident…. let the terrorists repent for the good that they have led India to do…Thanks guys…Love you all…I am signing off..Will be back later.. 🙂

  2768. Balakrishna says:

    We are not against any religion but we are against all those sick souls who turn a blind eye to the facts of reality in the name of religion

  2769. Balakrishna says:

    call some Pakistanis to our conversation room ….. where are mee , wasi, waheed, fatima ????

  2770. Balakrishna says:

    @ all Indians Shud India bombard the terrorist camps in PoK even without Pakistans will ??? What do u say ??

  2771. Balakrishna says:

    Peace India ,true indian, piyushi …. pour in ur thoughts on the subject

  2772. Piyushi :) says:

    @balawil i do??? 😀mere se kaam chala lowaseed, mee , fatima not here

  2773. Balakrishna says:

    tum to mere party mein ho naa … baaki sab kahan chale gaye yaar.. bahut bore lag raha hai …..

  2774. Balakrishna says:

    waiee tumne jo id dia tha original hai ki fake hai ???

  2775. Balakrishna says:

    tell me Piyushi if u were the prime minister of India what steps wud u have taken ???

  2776. Piyushi :) says:

    hmmneki kar aur pooch poochuda do sab terrorist camp..

  2777. Rahul says:

    hey guys. if you guys go to, you will see a link to pakistani media, claiming that mumbai blast is an inside job. i must say, their media is EXTREMELY unprofessional. have no problem with them claiming that maybe mumbai blasts were an inside job. thats fine. its a free country .but wut kind of national media goes around badmouthing a country? here are some things they have said, and i quote :”tumhara dimaag (indians) toh hum waise hi theek kar denge inshallah””indians ne ek 9-11 create karni ki koshish ki thi mumbai mein, jaise america ne kiya tha new york mein. lekin inke (indians) dimaag toh hain nahin, unka plan backfire ho gaya””bachon waali baat kar rahe hain””hinduon ne 5000 musalmaanon ko zinda jalaa diya thà””its a bluff they are going to call…2001 mein unho ne (indians) humare khilaaf mobilization ki thi, ek saal khadi rahi thi, …. woh mobilization tab khatam hui thi jab hamne (pakistanis) kargil mein jaake threaten kiya tha, aur tab indian army ne stand down kiya tha; they realized that pakistan humme bahut maarega”just to name a FEWso much for being professional..sure india blames pakistan for things but atleast it claims to have evidence (if it doesnt or not is a different story). also, never has indian media every said bad things to pakistan like calling them babies, and ”akal toh hai nahi”they raised some interesting questions againsdt BJP and how they might be involved in this mumbai attack, but again it is all speculation.anyway, i am very disappointed with pakistani media.

  2778. Piyushi :) says:

    i gave u other id..coz its public forum& bahut saare jerk bhi the yaha wo time

  2779. Balakrishna says:

    Yadi tumhe yeh waheed ,wasi , mee , fatima jinda mil jaaye to unka kya karogi ????

  2780. Max says:

    TRUE to habit, India started blaming Pakistan for the terrorist attack on it soil even before the day was out – this time for the condemnable events of Mumbai.Several facts should provide a reality check. First, the Russians have revealed they had provided advance information to New Delhi about the attacks, but the Indians did not respond.Second, the BBC interviewed a cook who works for Leopold Café where the terrorists initiated their operations. He said that six or seven people had come to the joint, got something to eat, along with alcoholic beverages but refused to pay, saying in English they had no money (Nov 27). After getting drunk, they started firing at the people in the vicinity.If these were Lashkar-i-Taiba operatives or some other Muslim extremists, they would never have consumed liquor because Islam forbids that. Also, the Lashkar has denied any involvement. It may be interesting to recall that in March 2000, when President Bill Clinton had reached India on a state visit, 36 Sikhs were massacred by a group of people dressed in Indian army uniforms, as partly narrated by another correspondent (Nov. 23).That time too Pakistan-based militants were blamed. However, an eyewitness had revealed that these people had been drinking. A subsequent inquiry by a retired Indian judge had found Indian agencies responsible for the killings. The obvious reason for this deceit was to prove to the dignitary that Pakistan was abetting terrorism, so as to get it declared a state sponsor.Fortunately, Mr Clinton was able to see through this Indian game and has been quoted by his secretary of state as saying it was the work of Hindu militants. But, this slap on New Delhi’s face hasn’t ended its propensity to defame Pakistan.Similarly, after the attack on Indian parliament, Islamabad was blamed and one of the suspects, a Kashmiri man named Afzal Guru, was sentenced to die. But, some Indian human rights activists had shown the police findings to be wrong and demanded his release.Third, Indian security people claim to have arrested one of the Mumbai terrorists, saying he is a Pakistani named Ajmal Amir Kamal hailing from Faridkot in Multan (Nov 28). However, a BBC correspondent visited the area and found that there is no such village near Multan. There is one near Khanewal having 2,000 residents, but they said nobody by this name ever lived there (Nov 28).Fourth, for some of the past cases Hindu fanatics have now been found responsible, such as Lt Col Purohit. In fact, the chief of Mumbai’s anti-terrorist squad, Hemant Karkare, who unfortunately got killed in the latest episode, had reportedly been threatened by some of these Hindu extremists after he found leads to their culpability. From the foregoing facts, it would be prudent to investigate highly trained Hindu militants with army links, for the Mumbai carnage.

  2781. Rahul says:

    also, the pakistani media claims that the terrorist india captured, his real name is ”amar singh” and the other guy’s name i dont remember.another funny thing they said was:”india toh bahut good boy bana hua hai afghanistan ke saath”

  2782. Balakrishna says:

    mujhe bhi woh id dekhke shak hua isliye poocha

  2783. Balakrishna says:

    welcome Rahul

  2784. Rahul says:

    thanks bala.again im saying that pakistan has made some interesting points against BJP that i definitely will not rule out.but the majority of tihngs they said made no sense, or had already been proving rong. one major issue they had is, exaggerating facts…claiming 5000 muslims were killed in gujarat. claiming that we were scared of them in kargil (i thought we won kargil back frmo them??) etc. etc. and calling india bad names. indian media never calls pakistan bad names. and again may we let paksitanis noe that according to international standards, india`s media is free, whereas pakistan`s media is controlled by government. so please dont use pakistani media as your SOLE source for information. but dont rely solely on indian media either

  2785. Balakrishna says:

    @ MaxQuite true Max. Indian social elements are often involved in a larger scale these days…. U keep praying that Pakistan is not involved in this act…. because our investigations tell us that your ISI & LeT is now no longer in the control of your government.

  2786. Piyushi :) says:

    prime ministerhmmm am i suppose 2 write an easy on i were a pm of india …. well i dnt miss many of those opportunities 😀i wud want some youth people in indian politics balancin wit the matured & experienced ones.. implement stricter rules & check if they r implemented properly.. no reservation 4 any caste culture, religion… except 4 special cases like senor citizen, defence sectors & few moreman many to do .. cant pen down so much 😦

  2787. Balakrishna says:

    And pakistan media has been asked to aid the govt. though its an established fact world wide that Pakistan media is being controlled by the govt. we dont heed their media with all misleading info… our Hey have u read the recent newsMr . gilani is begging india not to strike them even if the militants have done it… he is pleading for mercy…… read rediff

  2788. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushi i was more particular about pakistan .. steps against or for pakistan ???

  2789. Rahul says:

    well i would recommend to stay away from indian media as much as possible right now, and only use international media as a source, to keep pakistanis happy. else we`re just going to fight over its authenticity.

  2790. Piyushi :) says:

    if i were a pm of india 🙂tigher security across border, no citizen should be given ration card , pan card or status of being india citizen easily… without thorough formality!!! focus on 100% literacy … hsc pass should b made mandatory …. empoyment, development of special economic zone … better agriculture.. better infrastructure, & many many more to go

  2791. Rahul says:

    lmao and they say:ek message dein unhe (to indians) ke humari taraf mehli nigah se mat dekhna, warna bahut maarenge hum…and because if they start the war, they wont finish it, we will finish it.WAYYYYYYYY too much propaganda.

  2792. Rahul says:

    LOL and they ”bharat mein agar pataaka bhi baje, toh kehte hain ISI ne kiya hoga, bahut bachon waali baat karte hain, aur ajeeb aur gareeb baatein karte hain””…they`ll keep on blaming us, and keep saying stupid things like ‘humay pakistani ID card mila hai’ etc. etc. ”wow. i have no words. i respect pakistan, but wow your media needs to grow up and talk professionally. no media thruoghout the world uses such words.

  2793. Piyushi :) says:

    @bala4 pakistan hahaha:Di wud ask indians 2 boycott 'em as if they never existed 🙂 no frndshp wit them & wont ever let kashmir to them ..even if it means losing 2 them 🙂no frndly ties with them … we never needed them 🙂no pakistanis should b allowed here in india 😀 hehehehe

  2794. Rahul says:

    they even doubt the global recession, by calling it the ''so called global recession''they believe that the ''so called global recession is something the US has made up to destroy pakistan. its just getting funnier and funnier.

  2795. Balakrishna says:

    try to be professionals u sick pakistanis…. and atleast give the freedom of expression of thoughts to ur media… shame on u all

  2796. Balakrishna says:

    All the men involved in the Mumbai terror attack were Pakistani nationals and no locals were involved, arrested militant Ajmal Kasab told Mumbai’s Anti Terrorism Squad.

  2797. Piyushi :) says:

    @rahulhmmm :Ohahahahaha , accha hai ye sab!!!

  2798. Balakrishna says:

    these guys make mockery of themselves…. when will they come out of that shit….. why doesnt Allah give some brains to these blind followers??? if these people think beyond religion im sure they can get out of that shit…..

  2799. Rahul says:

    im quite sad that the news thing i was watching is finished 😦 it was very fnuny..basically they questioned the saffron thread on the terrorist`s hand (which the ATS says the terrorist said he wore to be able to sail thru indian waters without suspicion)…they said that the terrorists real name is amar singh, and that he is a sikh from india.they claim that BJP played a role in this, because the 3 main ATS men that died were involved in investigating hindu terrorists. this is probably their ONLY argument that i MIGHT have bought into, except for one key piece of information that they havent the minds to think of…these 3 ATS men that died were the top men of ATS, thus it was their responsibility to head the army into the hotels, now with terrorists firing heavily, and the garbage condition that indian army’s bulletproof vests are in, the chance of them dying is high. still though, who knows, pakistanis might be right about this one.they claim that they won kargilthey said the mumbai bombing was an inside job to make pakistan look bad, and divert attention from killings of muslims,christians,sikhs in india to pakistan.i honestly do not know what to say to themthey also claim india will break into separate countries were soon. hmm makes me wonder…

  2800. Piyushi :) says:

    @ balahmm 1 more last thing ..i wud ask all d school & colleges to hav a suspicious eye on every pakistani.. they could b terrorist :O 😀 😉 :p

  2801. Rahul says:

    both sides have propaganda, india and pakistanbut pakistan seems to be out of the roof. they claim bollywood movies show (or used to) pakistanis as bad people…well if anyone has ever seen lollywood movies, they don`t portray indians as any better.and has anybiody heard of that pakistani movie about salman rushdie?! i watched part of it. its quite hilarious. propaganda propaganda propaganda. we all do it, but not all of us have learned to control it.

  2802. Balakrishna says:

    @ PiyushiTumhare sare comments pakistani padh lenge to chulu bhar pani mein doob mar jaayenge@ Rahulwhy dont we screen these videos in our great laughter challenge… I think the whole of India can laugh …. lol

  2803. Balakrishna says:

    @ Rahulthese ppl also claim to have won 1948,1971, and the kargil war with India..their history books teach them the wrong info… i feel pity when i talk to ppl like mee, waheed, fatima… bcoz its not their fault … they are just affected bcoz of the faults in their mediocre system

  2804. Rahul says:

    lol but you know what though? they claim that indians cut off their water. i wouldnt doubt if india did that. because india, too is selfish. and i agree with the fact that because india is bigger than pakistan, it basically bullies it aruond. Well honestly, in the past not so much, but this time with the mumbai attacks we have been bullying them around.which isn`t necessarily a bad thing, because if we DO have proof that ISi is involved, then we HAVE to be tough. but i do agree with pakistanis that india shouldhave not blamed pakistan so quickly.another thing that the pakistani media bruoght up is..’whats wrong with the indian army? its been over 24 hours and they still havent been able to kill the terrorists! whats wrong with them?”honestly, im sure if pakistan was dealingf with this instead of india, the hotels would have completely burnt down before they killed all the terrorists..anything to bash india, really. and thats what makes me mad.

  2805. Balakrishna says:

    @ Piyushibut how will u know that he/she is a pakistani ??? they are experts in faking things

  2806. aditya says:

    Guys…This Max lives in a well like a frog…He quotes things that came in Pakistani Media….Pakistani Media deosnt know anything about freedom of Press… they would talk about Islam all the while…no wonder…it is controlled by the Military and ISI…..What kind of cheap journalism is this….they use the cheapest language….The Pakistani Govt did not accept the dead bodies of the Pakistanis who were shot in our country….and here we have a quote from a Pakistani News paper saying that Pakistan had scared Indian Army……..WHATTA JOKE…PAKISTANI BROTHERS….COME OUT OF THAT SLUMBER…wake up……DONT GET INTO THE INTOXICATION OF HATE FURTHERED BY YOUR BIASED MEDIA….THIS IS A ADVICE…IF YOU DONT LIKE TO HEED…ITS UPTO YOU… BE LIKE JACKASSES …HAVE A GOOD FUTURE…@ Max…. GET A LIFE!!!!

  2807. Balakrishna says:

    @ RahulDude we didnt blame pakistan early. It was only when one of the terrorist was caught alive and the terrorists testaments who are in our prisons made our defence minister to warn our neighbour. But look at the coward prime minister of Pak he said that defence minister was speaking in such a harsh tone that he almost pissed there …. haha .. wat a joke … they confidently said that pakistan has no role … then wat r they afraid of ??? jab darr rahe hain matlab jaroor koi connection hoga …..everyone knows without proof its difficult to attack… esp for India.. if India had been like Israel then Pakistan wud have been made a barren land way back in 1948..

  2808. Balakrishna says:

    @ RahulDude we didnt blame pakistan early. It was only when one of the terrorist was caught alive and the terrorists testaments who are in our prisons made our defence minister to warn our neighbour. But look at the coward prime minister of Pak he said that defence minister was speaking in such a harsh tone that he almost pissed there …. haha .. wat a joke … they confidently said that pakistan has no role … then wat r they afraid of ??? jab darr rahe hain matlab jaroor koi connection hoga …..everyone knows without proof its difficult to attack… esp for India.. if India had been like Israel then Pakistan wud have been made a barren land way back in 1948..

  2809. Rahul says:

    what pakistani media fails to understand is, if this was an inside job..WHY would india do such a thing in the first place…they say americans did it first with september 11, and we r trying to do the same to destroy pakistan..honestly, lets assume america DID plan this and september 11 wus an inside job, america can AFFORD to do it, because it is the biggest economy in the world, it can’t be toppled soon.but india isnot the same. we are a developing country. why would we bomb ourselves, target WESTERNERS, and drive away people from our country when we are asking them to come and invest in our country. any attack in india would drive away investors and destroy our economy, hence this cannot be an inside job…no politican in india is THAT stupid to destroy indias economy, because then even that politician himself would suffer.

  2810. Balakrishna says:

    why r der no pakistani here ?? they might be preparing to take us tonight again to looose …hahaha

  2811. mee says:

    mornin RahulBala beta fikar na kar, agaya hoon mein, Dekh tujeh Nanga kar kay pooray Orissa ka chakar na lagwaya tou Pakistani nehin hoon.

  2812. Rahul says:

    morning mee..thuogh its 4.43am here

  2813. Balakrishna says:

    @ MeeWelcome tumhari kami bahut mehsoos hui … tune decide kar lia ki aaj tu saabit kar dega ki tu paki nehi hai … its good for u but haan india mat aana log tujhe jaan se maar denge…. lol

  2814. aditya says:

    Guys somebody made a point that its not the fault of Mee, fatima & Wasi….I totaly agree with you….infact i agree with the fact that everyone is gud…but their minds are posioned by their filthy place they live in…PAKISTAN…The media is filthy…Their Government is filthy…what more can we expect from them …than to be like JACKASSES and so STUPID….I really pity them… I hope that things should work better for their country.. atleast that would make them think rationally and act sensibly…Even a normal Pakistani like fatima talks like this as if evry Muslim is an angel…No wonder there are people in Pakistan who support what the terrorists do…

  2815. Balakrishna says:

    @meeWaise mee u have good knowledge of geography …. i really appreciate that ….

  2816. mee says:

    Bala Beta fikar mat kar i dont wanted to be an indian, i am already a NZ passport holder, Tu apni aur Orissa ki fikar kar ab.Shit!!! I’ve seen your face now, what a bad day ahead.

  2817. aditya says:

    Mee…hold some restraint……dont come here for blame game….learn the ground realities…what do you think about your MEDIA…give an honest opinion…

  2818. Balakrishna says:

    @ Aditya quite true fatima is really sick and stubborn amongst all

  2819. abhay says:

    Paki’s asshole u lost thrice and still barking ….u send ur shity singers and cricketer to earn their livilhood in india and said this is shitty ……..u r the one bought pirated cd’s of bollywood …and ya keep ur finger’s cross because consequences of mumbai mayhem will sonn hunt u and beat ur ass in front of us ……

  2820. shoaib says:

    Hey Guys !What happened there was truly sad , but u should ask ppl like Narinder Singh Modi this all shit is from BJP itself what i think a stunt action for the electoral benefit wha i say , pakistan is already in so much crisis that they dont have time to plot all this , yes these were the tactics used like 25 years ago but not now ask the Widows of Karkare kamtey and salaskar all against hindu extremists PURE TARGET KILLING , go n search its ur country ur responsibility, all home grown well trained , well equipped cold blooded killers better than NSG and all forces india have , i can say hundred percent sure that all this is for disgracing and dis mantling Congress gov , u are sayi n that this captured terrorist is from pak noway pls bring ppl like Hemant karkare who can investigate and have courage to speak the truth, its ur side buddy u can say what ever u want to say i dont think that anybody is left with courage after the death of these 3 heroes all against terrorism , ASK urself one thing WHO KNEW THAT THESE 3 BRAVE OFFICERS ARE TRAVELLING IN THE SAME JEEP atleast no terrorists if they came from pak no other police officers were attacked in this manner but they were sprayed countinously with bullets for 4 mins until they were dead they made sure that they are dead . PLS OPEN UR EYES LET THE TRUTH COME TO YOU , OR IWILL SUGGEST U GO FIND THE TRUTH AGAIN UR COUNTRY UR RESPONSIBILTY dont let this media drive ur thoughts bcoz they seek financial benefits they are not NON PROFIT ORG , pls be patient and also think hardships muslim face daily in ur country in JOBS, see kashmir how many are killed in elections u never knew WHY how many are killed daily u dont bother , my heart CRY FOR ALL DEAD INCL MUMBAI all innocent ppl all have children and families in Pakistan daily terrorist attacks happen we never say that RAW is involved India is involved , pls grow up face the truth these agencies they dont bother doing whatever they want even if it is in there own country they go after there unknown benefits. WHAT ABOUT SAMJHOTA EXPRESS and MALAY BOMBING still u blame pak , ur own PROHIT SHARMA has said that we did all this in there own country again this BJP link , pls think all equal MUSLIMS HINDUS SIKH ESAI apas main hain bhai bhai u rem u were taught in school. Hindus are also extremist even Jews are , these jews were also slaughtered in nariman point by these guys as u know christians are also killed by some extremist , WHY DONT U GO IN STREETS FOR GUJRAT KILLINGS i havent heard any media highlighting so much about these killings bcoz it is regulated and drived by these rascal politicians , PLS GO AND FIND THE TRUTH IF U PRESS GOV THEY WILL GO IN WAR THAT IS NUCLEAR MAN think b4 sayin , GOOD LUCKthoughts of A pakistani BORN IN INDIA CAME HERE RECENTLY DID my schooling in india i feel the same pain as u ppl did .. …… Zohail

  2821. Rahul says:

    about pakistan`s media in my opinion..i watched the news show about the mumbai blasts (two separate shows) with the most unbiased opinion i could possibly have. living in canada, and having tons of pakistani friends has made that easy for me.but honestly, pakistan definitely has the most immature, unprofessional media! look at the things i posted above, and it would definitely make you laugh!…calling india bad names…saying ”unko akal toh hai nahi” …how professional is that?!…the role of the media is to state facts…you are NOT supposed to bring emotions into it. if you look at that show, you will see that the news anchor was literally YELLING, n the other person was calling india bad names….n the lady sitting with him saying how india is a bad evil country, and is spilling its ‘gand (dirt)’ into its peaceful neighbours. honestly, i wont admit that india is selfish, but you cannot say pakistan is like an angel in disguise, which the pakistani media seems to be protraying. goodness. had the best laugh watching it. i recommend it to all of you

  2822. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @MEEBeta mee NZ walo ki gaand dekhkar bada khush hota hoga roj.Aur apna asli naam bata de “ASSHOLE”

  2823. Rahul says:

    shoaib, with all due respectnobody is saying pakistan is involved. its the elements hiding within pakistan, which pakistani government hasnt been able to control. and because of this menace, not only are indians suffering, but so are innocent for BJP issue, you never know. they are quite evil themselves. i hope india gets rid of them forever.

  2824. aditya says:

    When I said their Government is filthy…I did not glorify our Government ……I know our Government sucks…. But atleast we have Democratic elements working and have a strong Media– atleast few good Media elements which are unbiased…But in Pakistan…its quite evident…Civilian Govt Sucks BIG TIME…Military has the final say…No need to talk about their Media at all…BIASED BROOTS throwing people into ignorance and misinformation…

  2825. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee Abe itna kharap laga kya tujhe pakistani hone par ki NZ ka citizen ban gaya .. ya fir tujhe pak se dhaakee maar ke nikal diya gaya…Aur rahi baat mere chehre ki… tumhari tarah ghonghat aur burkha mein nei rehta …aur mera shit bhi tere chehre se jyaada achha hoga…aur haann yaahan raha to tera din jaroor kharaap jaayega yeh to likh ke le le. ..hey guys did u c the famous burkha clad pic in which alll 5-6 women in burkhas take a snap with their veil unmasked ??? do u know who was taking that snap 4 them … it ws this mee and this fellow asked them to smile just b4 takking the snap ……. haahha

  2826. Balakrishna says:

    @ ShoaibPakistan is under crisis and pakistan cant plot … dats true … but wat do u want 2 say about terrorist camps operating in ur country. Its their duty … we indirectly blame u 4 allowing ur soil to be used against other nations

  2827. Balakrishna says:

    @ MEE tujhe pura yakeen ho gaya ki india ab pak ko chodega nehi …. isiliye bhaag gaya naa tera mulk chodke ??? bata kitne paise deke aur kitne nakli certificate banake NZ ka citizen bana

  2828. aditya says:

    Shoaib .appreciate you for your concern for the blast victims..I can see that you are good in your intentions…But i cant stop myself from pitying you…DONT YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE TERRORISTS CAMPS IN YOUR LAND…ALLAH ki KASAM leke bol saktha kya…that there are no TERRORIST CAMPS IN PAKISTAN…I BET YOU with valid arguments as the basis….I request everyone especially you..

  2829. aditya says:

    Balakrishna …I dont support your making a JOKER of mee….But that was damn funny man.. :p

  2830. Balakrishna says:

    @ AdityaI never expected this meee to leave the battlefield so early … yaar yeh maine kya kia ….@ meewe indian miss mee too much …… come backkkkk ……..hahaha …. yun peeth dikhaake na bhaag jao…. aaja beta tera aur majaak nehi udhaayenge

  2831. Aishwarya says:

    Shit! Now another bomb in New Zealand. Wish the NZ embassy is informed about this. In gujarat muslims got killed because you insane muslim radicals burnt a train compartment full of people. In orissa, christian missionary got trashed because they tried to convert hindus to christians. Islam and christian fakirs want more followers hence more money so they want more people to embrace their religion. Narendra Modi is the man who can save India from all these solitary balled Fakirs.

  2832. Rahul says:

    one more thing i would like to mention. the pakistani media likes to protray hindus as ”black” and muslims and pakistanis as ”white”….one of the guys on the pakistani show said that the terrorist captured was not pakistani because he had a ”hindu face” and was dark skinned. honestly, may i remind him indians come in many colours, from light skin to dark skin, some of us have blue eyes and light brown hair, others of us are dark skinned, black hair, dark eyes, …and everything in betweeen.AND THE SAME GOES FOR PAKISTAN. yes pakistan has its fairskinned people, but it also has its DARK people. like some of pakistani people i`ve seen, i would have guessed them to be from sri lanka. and how can you say that it is a hindu face, and cannot be muslim , when we share the same bloodline?? have you forgotten that we were once the same people, and we used to interbreed. more than 70% of pakistan’s population is ”Indic” meaning that they have indic genes, indic meaning indian….pakistan media not only likes to bash india, but likes to be racist and distance itself from india as much as possible, though really, we have so much in common, and god damnit we all look the same.

  2833. Rahul says:

    to aishwarya:christian riot began because a hindu leader was killed there. …again stupid reasno to kill thousands of people, but still. no violence is justified, not even against the hindu leader

  2834. Aishwarya says:

    Mee, Wasi, Free are so adamant on their stand, because if they speak against Pakistan or muslims their balls will be chopped and the muslim clergy will have a kebab feast. WoW! What a liberty they live with. These idiots are living in fear in their own country. No wonder that idiot has got a NZ visa so that now he can open his mind or who knows plant a bomb.

  2835. Aishwarya says:

    @RahulHindus have been too sobered since 80s, because we have been taught to be non-violent. But it cant go on forever. Just like they seek solace in saying Jihad. I seek solace in Krishna’s words to Arjun. There is no harm in killing the bad if dharma has to be reinstated.

  2836. Rahul says:

    yes hindus have suffered alot in our native home land, and hence the rise of Hindutva….but see the thing is, if you justify hindus rising up and killing people, and saying the hindutva movement is justified, then right then you have justified the jihadi cause, and every killing that occurs on our planet. what i say is,yes we suffered, but rather than blaming people and getting ”revenge” by killing innocents, we should talk it out, and resolve it in a peaceful manner and MOVE ON. same goes for everybody

  2837. Aishwarya says:

    Talk with the backstabbers? You must be crazy. These guys can never be trusted. They are just like the chinese & the ghaznis who invaded us. Chinese invaded after Nehru happily showed them the country saying hind-china bhai bhai. Never trust a Pakistani Muslim just like those dwarf cock eyed chinkys. Atleast the chinkys cant do much aggression otherwise there development will come to zilch.

  2838. Rahul says:

    oh don`t ever underestimate the chinese. they are they only ones with some evil intentions. then basically want land from everybody, and are willing to use force to get it. remember, the only reason we hav nuclear bombs is because of the chinese aggression. honestly what is the United Nations good for?! it is their fault kashmir is divided, and countries like china can steal other people’s lands and not be penalized. but again, past is past. look at future.

  2839. mee says:

    Aik dhaka aur doo..Hindustan tor do___________________________________Aik dhaka aur doo..Hindustan tor do___________________________________Aik dhaka aur doo..Hindustan tor do___________________________________Aik dhaka aur doo..Hindustan tor do___________________________________Aik dhaka aur doo..Hindustan tor doThere are currently seven freedom movements in india and incase india wanted to start a war, then betta he shuld look at the Russian map and learn a lession coz in future there will be many Pakistan inside INDIA.Shabana Azmi said in her statement on Television that she is unable to get a house in Mumbai JUST because she is a Muslim….is it right or NOT? YES this is RIGHT.In 1987 Indian army try to intercept the Pakistani Border and in response they got such a wonderful response from ISI that when PM of india (Rajeev Gandhi) heard about this, he was so shocked that his spoon fell down from his hands during the lunch.NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN HOW HEMANT KARKARE died in a malicious attach by radical hindus.Saudi-based NRIs funded Mumbai blasts: ATS

  2840. mee says:

    I should ask the indian govt if they have courage then go ahead and ask Saudia that who has funded for this blasts in whatever called Mumbai. Do any of your politicians have the courage to ask KSA? I bet indians are so coward that they would never dare to ask such a Question from KSA, Indians know what they get in response….

  2841. mee says:

    LOOK AT THISIn the early hours of February 19, 2007 sixty-eight innocent Pakistani were killed and scores more injured in a suspected terrorist attack on this “Peace Train”.[2][3] The attack occurred at Diwana station near the Indian city of Panipat. Officials found evidence of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and flammable material, including three un-detonated IEDs.Later Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad under supervison of Hemant Karkare has claimed that a serving Army officer Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit, who was arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast, was also involved in 2007 Samjhauta express blast. India press and people shocked by this development, because India blamed Pakistan for this horrific act. Indian Army chief meet Indian President and requested her to stop media exposing Indian Military Officer’s involvement in acts of terrorism.

  2842. Rahul says:

    mee please dont start again..the whole shabana azmi fiasco has reasons also. many hindus dont want beef eaters living in their apartments.besides there are many muslim localities in india which dont allow hindus to live there. so again, it goes both ways. i hope it wasnt this way; hope ppl were more united.but if yuo guys have nothing better to do but bash india, how about we talk about guys talk bout atrocities against muslims and christians in india. and yes i accept it (the entire blame goes to stupid BJP who i still cannot believe hasnt been banned)…but look at pakistan..christians in pakistan are one of the poorest communities there; they mostly work as maids or servants. there have been many cases of abuse against hindus. i know a hindu pakistani here, who absolutely hates pakistan, because he was forced to leave his home, despite being a native of pak. need i go on? nah screw it, im sure u get the point, i am going to bed. besides i dont care what you have to saybecause in the end yes india is a messed up country, and so is pakistan…blaming each other and making fun of each others countries isnt going to solve that.

  2843. Rahul says:

    as for the samjhauta train issue….you guys complain that we blame eveyrthing on pakistan. well u noe what? atleast THIS shows that we accept our mistakes! lol, atleast we brought it out in the open that it wus actually done by hindu fanatics. rather than supressing it. this only shows that there is alot of freedom in india’s media. besides, when indian reports are not in your favour, you say india is playing foul and blaming pakistan for no reasno..but then when india turns aronud and blames hindus, then all of a sudden you begin believing everything indian media says. double standard?…again i dont care cause i dont consider myself a true hindu. i just hate hypocrites, and you are proving to me that you are one

  2844. aditya says:

    Mr Mee…you try a lot to show half baked news and incongruent evidences to prove your point …The guy caught spilled the beans and the evidences obtained point a giant finger at Pakistan based terrorists…Still you talk you this…I guess you are a bigger Moron than what i assumed you were….Get a life Mee….Come out of that shitty world of yours which stinks of ignorance propelled by the shitty and biased substandard media…Get a life!!… Dont act like a JACKASS

  2845. mee says:

    RahulYou are the man!!!Hats off

  2846. Rahul says:

    listen mee, i do not want to fight with anybody, i respect you. i just want you to stop being biased, as i try my best to not be biased against pakistan..thats all i want. other than that i wish you best of luck, and wish both countries learn their lesson and stop fighting.

  2847. aditya says:

    Rahul ..admire your comments..This JACK ASS is a BIG hypocrite…These people would never come to terms with the fact that their Government sucks of Military Intervention… that too filthy Military which always puts Perverted ISLAM above Humanity…..He just wants to be driven by their shitty media and live in his enclosed world of Bias and Bigotry …. and still complain about others being biased and doing injustice…WHATTA PITY!!..I hope Allah gives them a piece of brain.. and let them understand the ground realities and come out of the shithole of PAKISTAN’s Narrow world and see the world as a place for everybody…I am signing off..dont want to make worthless arguments with these worthless people anymore… ITS JUST A WASTE OF TIME GUYS..Learnt it the hard way though…..I hope Mee, Wasi and fatima overcome their ignorance and live in sanity atleast in the future…I PITY YOU GUYS…GOD BLESS EVERYBODY…

  2848. aditya says:

    Should not have said SHITHOLE…Sorry about that…Its just my frustration about their Ignorance…Sorry guys…Gud luck…

  2849. Free says:

    Balakrishna,r u there ?

  2850. Free says:

    Good Evening everyone,still discussing the same issue? so have u got the final result or still fighting ?

  2851. Free says:

    Good Evening everyone,still discussing the same issue? so have u got the final result or still fighting ?

  2852. Rahul says:

    lol free,people still seem to be fighting. being the idiots that they are

  2853. Rahul says:

    and i hope you aren`t one of them

  2854. Free says:

    Rahul, ya i was not one of them but some due to some indian guy, i became rude.sorry for that.

  2855. Free says:

    Rahul,yesterday, i was saying that let the investigation complete then will share our opinion. but all was in vain and your indian fellow were playing blaming game…

  2856. Rahul says:

    both sides just have too much anger. that is the problemwe shud all keep our mouths shut until the investigation is completed fully. no need to jump to conclusions now. all we can say is that PRELIMINARY evidence points at a pakistani connection; other than that there is nothing known.on behalf of our government, thoguh, i apologize for them being so aggressive to your government and country without actually having completed the FULL investigation.other than that, you cannot say anything at this moment, and nor can i, or anybody else.

  2857. Free says:

    actually i became emotional due to some fellow as they were using slang language against our country and it was so painful for me.

  2858. Rahul says:

    i understand free . its hard to keep emotions out of it when people badmouth your country. its all about pride. trust me there were points in this argument when i got extrmely pissed off with one pakistani guy. but later i apologized, and let everyone know that i have nothing against pak. alotttt of my friends r frmo pak. my family originates from pak.

  2859. Free says:

    Rahul, i am 100 and 10% agree with u. by the way where were u yesterday, when both parties were fighting 🙂bcoz u seems to be a sensible person.

  2860. Rahul says:

    i was there. i left after a while though because i got fed up of peopple fighting, even though i tried to calm them down.

  2861. Free says:

    Rahul, same here, my grandfather and mother is also from India, gujrat. We do not want to fight, we want peace as we are also suffering from terrorism but dont wanna peace at the cost of country. Thats why later on I became emotional. Please accept a huge apologize from my side.

  2862. Free says:

    Rahul, same here, my grandfather and mother is also from India, gujrat. We do not want to fight, we want peace as we are also suffering from terrorism but dont wanna peace at the cost of country. Thats why later on I became emotional. Please accept a huge apologize from my side.

  2863. Rahul says:

    InshAllah very soon this will all be over. Pakistanis and Indians will embrace each other with open arms. But that is only possible after we get rid of terrorists, who do not want this to happen. That, and a permanent solution to Kashmir, which we must all work at, with only the well-being of Kashmiris in mind! For once forget about india and forget about pakistan. once this is done, both india and pakistan, AND kashmir (whether it is with india, pakistan, or independent) will all grow and become developed countries. That is why i tell people, try the best you can to prevent any anger, as you are only ADDING to the conflict. And right now we cannot afford any more conflict, else we are ALL going down the drain. India especially has made alot of economic progress, and none of that will matter if we cannot improve this situation. Pakistan also has the potential to be a great economy, but it is hampered by these terrorists, and ofcourse corruption.

  2864. Aishwarya says:

    Hahaha! Mr.Free in his undies has sobered down today. Why? Because I just saw the news saying Taliban saying we will take over Pakistan very soon. Their first city to capture will be Peshawar itseems. Probablt Mr.Free in His undies is from that city.

  2865. Pashy says:

    Hi friends we all being well educated are still quarelling yelling & blaming each other for the terrorists activities. Being an Indian I don't have a very good view over Pakistan & its govt. Basically rather than blaming anyone for the cause we all should come in unison & work towards making our our country a safe zone for each & every individual residing in India as our govt is failing to do so. In our country votes & voters are still attracted in the name development, poverty, literacy, population etc where as the speed at which our country is developing all these problems should have fixed many years ago. Here no one is as honest as he/she should think before blaming our politicians for corruption haven't we ever done that is there any guarantee that we wont do it in future. Here still issues like regionalism, religionism, castism etc are back bone of Indian politics. They divide & redivide us for they should stand tall in front of us.If problems like poverty, illiteracy, population, castism, corruption etc are totaly eradicated from our country then how will the politicians beg for votes, how will the govts change, so my friends this gona continue for decades long. I would like conclude stating that instead of blaming any agencies(ISI etc) or any nation for the terrorism we should target ouy own govt who's been failing to handle this hot pan of terrorism as we all might doors, fencing, walls & gates to make our home much secured….

  2866. aditya says:

    Guys….Free is acting with sanity now…respect him for that…hope he thinks rationally keeping his religion and patriotism aside for a moment and understands that india would blame and hate Pakistan until Pakistan busts the terrorist camps in its land and hands over Dawood…..Come on my Pakistan Friends ….even if you mean no harm to anybody…a few of your fellow citizens are wreaking havoc in my home…If someone comes to your home and kills your Ammi and Abba ..bhai jaan and your behen…wouldnt you retaliate…that is what we are doin now….Swear on Allah that there are no terrorist camps in pakistan…I will keep quiet….I Swear….

  2867. mee says:


  2868. Peaceful Musings says:

    In the name of most Merciful God!Please read this comment on LA Times :,0,2188189.story

  2869. mee says:

    India will self-destroy in the process. India’s military and intelligence has been penetrated. The man who uncovered the plot, Hemant Karkare, the anti-terrorism chief of Mumbai police, was the first target of the mysterious terrorists. Patriotic Indians specially Aishwarya need to wake up and save her country.

  2870. Aishwarya says:

    Mr.Mee, they have been infiltrated because of the lure of the money. The money is the petro dollars from the middle east. No wonder I stopped using a gas driven car and started using a electric car. YOu guys are so rammed. What happens in Gujarat is my internal matter. Atleast i dont plant in Pakistan because you are troubling afghans. I bomb pakistan because pakistan troubles me. Infidels? my country men (including muslims) are man enough to reproduce a billion more. Probably the radical in your country are concerned about their own fidelity and calls everyone else infidels, to cover up their own.

  2871. Aishwarya says:

    @PMI have read the article. Thanks. I live in thie country so I know what is happening here. I dont care to see the opinion of someone sitting 1000 miles away.

  2872. Peaceful Musings says:

    @AshwariyaIs this reply to the facts and truth discussed in the article? Amazing!When Hindus are caught killing others , everyone closes eyes, and when Muslims are suspected in some incident , everyone shouts at his full!

  2873. Peaceful Musings says:

    Injustice breeds injustice. There were hardly any terror incidents in India before 1992 Babri Masjid demolition , and Mumbai riots of 1993.What’s happeining in India is only because of RSS and other Hindu bigots.

  2874. Aishwarya says:

    Hindus killed to retaliate the killings by the muslims. How much can you tolerate. We will definitely become infidels if we still keep tolerating. We should be considered mad if we still try to be sober as if nothing has happened. By the way I dont trust in any religion. I eat as much beef as you do and bacon (pork) as much as I can relish. What happens in my country I shall solve it, I dont want someone from outside to support a particular group and saying they are our borthers so we shall revenge their killings. If US bombs my country tomorrow I will just do the same with them. So go back set your house in order first and dont try to meddle with us.

  2875. aditya says:

    Aishwarya…cool down buddy…love you for your constant replies..but I told you before..These are ignorant JACKASSES who believe in everything their shitty media talks about….they have double standards…HYPOCRITES…dont reply them…

  2876. Peaceful Musings says:

    Im not a Pakistani.Hindus kill to retaliate? Great logic .Which crime was done by Muslims that more 1000 poor people were systematically eliminated, burnt alive? Investigations proved that the train in Godhra was not set ablaze by muslims. Either it was an accident from inside the train, it was again a dirty game of RSS.RSS is hobnobing with Israel, they should learn lesson that if Zionists with all their unjust violence are not able to suppress Muslims’, so what this RSS can do?

  2877. Aishwarya says:

    There were hardly any terror before that? Who killed Indira Gandhi? It was pakistan’s support to the khalistan groups. Who bombed Kanishka Air India at Canada? It was Pakistan’s support to Khalistan. What about Kashmir terrorism. Is that a new phenomenon? The current crisis in the world because pakistan has been the state sponsor of terrorism and breeding all these muslim radicals. Whats your age? I think you havent experienced history in the 80s.

  2878. Peaceful Musings says:

    What I meant to say that there was no such terror incidents throuhout India. Im not talking of seperatists movements.

  2879. Aishwarya says:

    You are not a Pakistani and still you talk like this? No wonder RSS is fuming at you because you guys bursted crackers in the 80s whenever Pakistan cricket team won. You didnt bomb, but you just ignited the devil in them. Now learn to behave as an Indian and they may forgive you. RSS will burn a hindu too if he bursts crackers when India loses to Pakistan.

  2880. Peaceful Musings says:

    Im not a supporter of Pakistan. I dont live there. But Im really concerned the way Indian polity is going to.There seems to be a big plot being hatched in tandem with Zionists against Muslims.RSS wants to break India into pieces,.

  2881. Balakrishna says:

    hi guys

  2882. Aishwarya says:

    For that matter there was no such terror incident in US too. Terrorists cant keep doin the same thing again and again. They have to reinvent their strategy and this is the new strategy to claim international attention.

  2883. Peaceful Musings says:

    Obviously US is targetting Muslims throughout the World on false pretexts. Where are WMDs of Iraq? Every day there are threats to Iran on nuclear Issue? While usarper Isarel is committing thousands of inhuman crimes everyday against helpless Palestinians.

  2884. Balakrishna says:

    @ ALL good work 🙂 any pakistani here ???

  2885. Nilesh says:

    again there is once possible thing because of that also Pakistani can do such dirty crap. … as since not single country is ready to play any kind of sport in Pakistan but at the same time each country happy to come in India ….. Pakis must be jeoulse of this things…..

  2886. Aishwarya says:

    RSS will only help to keep India in one piece. And counter naxalism, NE terrorism and anyone else who doesnt believe in a nation called India.

  2887. Aishwarya says:

    Unfortunately no Balky. I was hoping PM is a Pakistani. But he is a confused citizen. Think I should enter some other forum to rip open the pseudo ideology of the mullahs of pakistan.

  2888. Balakrishna says:

    why do u say our PM is a confused citizen ???

  2889. mee says:

    China has assured full moral, financial and material support to Pakistan in the wake of situation arose after terrorist attacks in Mumbai (India). China in a message to Pakistan’s top slot said that the country would assist Pakistan in any situation to overcome the problems and challenges being faced by it. The Chinese leadership is in constant contact with Pakistan to know the nature of assistance the latter requires and ensure its immediate availability. However, according to officials sources, Pakistan is self-sufficient in defence and it is impossible for any state of the world to harm the country. They said Pakistan Army, Navy and Air Force are well equipped to protect the homeland.

  2890. Balakrishna says:

    Lemme know when pakistanis like mee ,waheed, fatima comes …..

  2891. Balakrishna says:

    Hey mee i was missing u a lot ….. will catch u after dinner

  2892. mee says:

    WELL Tribal elders say that 30 lakh tribesmen are ready to defend the country by fighting along the Pakistan Army for their motherland

  2893. mee says:

    I wish i could propose this bitch, i love when she talk ;)i love to read you Aish….muuah….lolz

  2894. Aishwarya says:

    You solitary balled tribal. Even my dog would refuse a kiss from a diseased stinking individual like you. So you need the help of the chinese dwarfs. Remember, you took the help of US for the previous two wars and everyone knows how they are screwing Pakistan now. Your 30 lakh tribals are just tribals. Teach them some modern warfare and not madrasas.

  2895. Aishwarya says:

    I have a 50 year music teacher from Australia, She says young Pakistani youths propose her left right and center on the chat rooms. Now you understand how desperate you guys are after seeing only women in Burqas in your country.

  2896. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeChina is supporting u 4 its interests even though ur guilty.If u r wiped out where will it see its outdated products. the whole world is aware of its mediocre technology…..

  2897. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeabe saale ladki kabhi dekhi nehi kya ??? hamesha frastapan… itna frustapan bachpan se hi hai kya ?waise bhi yeh sab indians hai … bachke rehna inse nehi to jo tera 2 inch ka dick hai woh bhi nehi bachega … and fir pakistan army mein hi jaana padega ……. hahaha

  2898. Balakrishna says:

    @ Mee one good advice as a friend….go to a brothel and fulfill ur desires …. this is not the right place to pour in ur frustrationAnd did u check ur news… ur president has begged us not to bombard them ….. even if the terrorists are from Pakistan…. itna rona doesnt suit a president….go get him a NZ citizenship

  2899. Aishwarya says:

    Not just mediocre balky. YOu can call it products with stolen technology. Just like their chicken shit sized nuclear weapon. And AQ Khan tries to sell that chicken shit to everyone else. You remember the chinese conversation with the man in the space when he was till in the ground. Only a cheat can make friendship with another cheat.

  2900. Balakrishna says:

    @ aish Quite true 🙂 but wher did that shit disappear ???

  2901. Aishwarya says:

    Any idea how a pakistani will choose a women in a brothel? They are all covered with burqah.

  2902. Aishwarya says:

    He went to watch the television news of his president weeping 🙂

  2903. Balakrishna says:

    haha good one 🙂im sure they will be satishfied with a hollow pipe too …..

  2904. Aishwarya says:

    They are so frustrated that they are even satisfied with a hole in the wall.Anyway the swine disappeared.

  2905. Balakrishna says:

    This guy mee was so much afraid that he got a NZ citizenship today …. He is so sure that India is gona wipe that rougue state …

  2906. mee says:

    Well how the fuck your country is secured that a bunch of terrorist had taken your what ever called Mumbai for 3 days, How the Fuck someone believe that you can secure your Nuclear site?.I wish the war should have started now and to my surprise i would never be shocked watching all indian rats running and there is only one suicide bomber behined them………..lolz. Dont forget Paki never get afraid of death incase someone invade them.So just stay away from Paki’s you cheap Aish. BTW i dont want to kiss you even but i hope you are not getting married to a DOG coz its very common in your country to get married with Dogs, monkey’s….. i can imagine your future husband ……………….lolzzzzKiss my ass………… lolzzzzBTW bala did you eat shit in the dinner and eat a cow piss? when are you getting married to a bitch JUST LIKE AISH.

  2907. Piyushi :) says:

    hello meeeeee, :plovzzzzz bala

  2908. Aishwarya says:

    Wow! he is back. He was writing this long romantic story for me. Hoping for a pulitzer book awards? You wont even get my dog shit trophy for this.

  2909. mee says:

    HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY PISSSSSSSHI missed this cunt reallylolzzzzzzzzzzzz.wowowowow

  2910. mee says:


  2911. Aishwarya says:

    Oh my sweetheart mee, you are not afraid of the war? What made you to run to NZ? Dont forget we gave back the conquered pakistan after both the wars when your country men were crying like kids for candies to return their land back.

  2912. Piyushi :) says:

    @meeeeetu aaj bhi hila k nai aaya ??? kya hai ye ??? tu kabhi to homework kar k aaya kar ..ab kya homework classroom me karegachal koi na …kal raat ko ma-behen k saath maze kiye ki nai tune bhikari ?sach sach bata

  2913. Aishwarya says:

    YOu will miss every cunt in this world. Because all your cunts are covered in burqas. Only solace is that hole in that which your father made it for you when you started screwing that pig in that yard. Furstrated arseholes and you want to protect the muslims of this country. They are better off then you are.

  2914. Piyushi :) says:


  2915. Balakrishna says:

    @ meePerhaps ur unaware of our dinner … Its not as in ur Pak.. who having no option eat and drink shit and piss respectively…. dont think all places on earth are like ur pak.. there are better places like india..u assholes u run away just by the sight of our army…. our NSG took 2 days bcoz of our ppl trapped in that building,, had there been only pakistanis in those hotels the entire operation wudnt have lasted more than 5 mins, the local ppl wud have only killed u bastards by pelting stones at u… dont forget that u have surrendered our army twice whenever u were invaded…dont talk about those coward terrorists who can attack only innocent civilians having sophisticated weapons…. shame on u and ur army… there have been reports that ur terrorists weapons are better than u ….U 2 inch dickhead stop thinking about aish life and morever Indians life…. u r jealous that these Indian angels wud have a better life and u ur lust for Indiann gals wud never be satishfied…go get a paki gal and i wonder if she wears a burkha in her panty tooo ….2 incher traitor

  2916. Balakrishna says:

    Hi Piyushi

  2917. Piyushi :) says:

    @aishwaryaye mee ko sab ladkiya reject kar deti hai 😀bechara sex bhikari hai … iske liye ham milke saath koi hijra dhundenge .. ladki to ise milne se rahi 😀

  2918. Aishwarya says:

    Girls like me are more then enough to go for a war with a chicken shit sized country like pakistan. We dont need the NSG or army for that. @Piyushi, these mullahs will start doing there homework in the battlefield when they see the girls without burqah for the first time.

  2919. Balakrishna says:

    Do u know that these pakistans are so backward that they neither know wat a condom is and some who know it cant get it as its too costly for them ….. this is the main reason 4 them having more than normal no of kids..

  2920. mee says:

    wowwwhahahahi love THISone man and two bitches, which one want to come… Aish i bet you are fucking black cunt face….shit head….yucky i dont wanted to touch you…yuck all indians are so smelly that they eat with cocunut,sleep with cocunut, fuck with cocunut oil.hahaha lolzzz…i can smell you smelly Aish and PISH……hahah

  2921. Aishwarya says:

    Probably these ten guys who came to mumbai came in search of hijras and ended up in Taj & Oberoi.Where is mee now? Trying to impress with one more long romantic letter? These mullahs fall in love by just seeing a name and not even seeing the person, just like they fall in love with their burqah clad women

  2922. Balakrishna says:

    their pakistan army doesnt even have proper uniforms for all the armymen…. if the first batch of soldiers are killed they reuse the same shitty clothes for the next batch and it continues….wat a shame …..abe waise nange hi aa jaaya karo our army wont mind firing at ur 2 inchers……

  2923. Free says:

    Hi Balakrishna ….

  2924. Balakrishna says:

    And this mee takes pictures of women with burqas and fantasies …. sick …

  2925. Piyushi :) says:

    @balahahahaha 😀they dnt knw how 2 follow d instruction on condom packetteach ’em 2 use condom aswell ..or else they might land up blowing balloons wit the condomsthese guys r illiterate , dnt forget that by anychance..

  2926. Aishwarya says:

    See, he even visulaized me having oil without even seeing me. Just like he visualises and marries one of those burqah clad women, hoping she is a beautiful lady. Frustrated arseholes. No wonder you want to go to NZ now.

  2927. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee there are 5 young pakistani gals who had spit on u while u left ur nation ….. they are rediculing about ur 2 incher…. and ur sis is busy playing with my balls ……Btw wats ur age ??? So far cudnt u manage to have a single pakistani to fulfill ur desires ??? are u so shit ????

  2928. Balakrishna says:

    Hi Freee

  2929. Aishwarya says:

    Huh! Free in his undies is back. Didnt find anyone without a burqah the whole day so came to unzip his frustration on the internet for a virtual porn.

  2930. Piyushi :) says:

    @meeeeetune teri baap aur behen ki porn dekhi ki nai bata jaldi aur sach bata…. usme tere baap ne teri behen ko ungli se satisfy kiya hai q ki ab uska khada nai hota 😀maza aaya ki nai , kal bheja tereko ..maine tera mail id pe gaandu 😀

  2931. Aishwarya says:

    He vanishes every two minutes to recheck his 2 incher. He needs to make sure its there. Because thats his only solace for manliness.

  2932. Balakrishna says:

    but i am sure this fellow shags a lot with his 2 incher…… ek comment deta hai fir gayab ho jaata hai …… abe itna mat hila bachha kuchha bhi nikal jaayega..fir ladkon ke chaddi nehi tumhari fatima ka panty pehanna padega

  2933. dipak says:


  2934. Piyushi :) says:

    @aishwaryagimme some introduction of dis free ??? who the bullshit is heeeeee??? aishwarya ur comment seems 2 b as if he is 1 more desperado?? is it?

  2935. Balakrishna says:

    Is this mee wasi ???

  2936. Aishwarya says:

    Just like every pakistani’s he is also an arsehole who posted that sea route google map. Just like others he is also a chameleon, other day he was abusing me, just like he and his radical mullahs does it to their women everyday. Though he would get off with it just like he does by abusing his women

  2937. Balakrishna says:

    Abe gaand pe tel lagaane gaya kya ??? we indians are not interested in that shit body of urs and loose our devinity ….. aaja aaja paise bachale tel kaaa ….. terepe utna rehem to karenge

  2938. Piyushi :) says:

    i guess mee went 2 c the porn i sent him yesterday :O

  2939. Piyushi :) says:

    mee tu kab sudhrega ? mere aate hi tu gayab ho jata haianswer to dete jaya kar mere post ka tere liye…

  2940. Aishwarya says:

    oops! I didnt know he uses coconut oil too. No wonder he was curious to know whether I use coconut oil. Good now I can show up my hockey stick up his arse.

  2941. Balakrishna says:

    Abe mee gaya hai to woh tere wasi ,, fatima aur baaki dost ko bhi bulaate hue aana … ratio 1:10 nehi ho to majaa nehi aa raha hai one indian to ten pakistani confused mat ho jaana

  2942. Balakrishna says:

    @ piyushiaisa kaun sa dawaaai khila deti ho ki tumhare aate saath hi woh bhaag jaata hai 😛

  2943. Aishwarya says:

    For all you this mee and free must be the same person. When mee dissappears free appears. Probably next is wasi’s entry.

  2944. Aishwarya says:

    For all you know this mee and free must be the same person. When mee dissappears free appears. Probably next is wasi’s entry.

  2945. Aishwarya says:

    they are so afraid of indians that even in the virtual room they want multiple identities just like their terrorists mates.

  2946. Free says:

    sorry yar ….hamaray ghar ga’o mata aa’ey hai … or aatay he bhag ga’ey thi … bari mushkil say sali ko pakar kar aa raha hoo ….

  2947. Free says:

    ha aab bhooko .. tum log kya bhoonk rahay thay

  2948. Free says:

    aray … yaha per too Aish bhee hai .. nice yar

  2949. Free says:

    yey bata’o k izzat k sath baat karoo gay … ya galiyo k sath ? ? ?

  2950. Balakrishna says:

    pehle bata tu kaun hai????

  2951. Aishwarya says:

    Nice yaar! Salivating by just seeing a name just like you salivate seeing a burqah clad women. Wah! Kya imagination hey.

  2952. Free says:

    yey chor … pahlay yey bata k izzat k sath baat karay ga ya galiyo k sath ?

  2953. Aishwarya says:

    If your imagination so good, go invent something rather then stealing technologies like your AQ Khan.

  2954. Balakrishna says:

    woh tere upar hai ki tu izzat se baat karna chaahega ya galiyan sunna chahega… we dont have ne prob with either type

  2955. Aishwarya says:

    Izzat? For a slave like you? My foot!

  2956. Piyushi :) says:

    @alli havent even spoken 2 free & wasi so cant make out if me , wasi & free r one & d same???hmmmwaise is free ki batte bhi mee jaisi lag rahi haiwo bhi bahut gaay mata sita maata karta rehta hai:paur naam bhi matchin hai me free … kya re tu me se free mere aate hi ho gya bhikhari

  2957. Free says:

    ham too flexible log hai .. jo izzat say baat karta hai ham b ussay izzat daytay hai …yey bata k masla kya hai ? ? ?

  2958. Free says:

    Aish.. tum too apna moo band rakhoo … tum jaysay logo ki waja say he ganga ka pani kharab ho gaya hai … ashnan ka name lay kar jati hoo or pregnant ho kar aati hoo … huuuuuu

  2959. Aishwarya says:

    I can see your flexibility just like your country men swing between US and china.

  2960. Balakrishna says:

    Masla yeh hai ki hum indians plan kar rahe hain tumhare PoK mein terrorist camps khatm karne ke baare mein with or without ur govt willbol tera kya kehna hai ??? achha idea hai naa donon ke musibat ke hal ka

  2961. Aishwarya says:

    You got any problem if I have sex with asnan and get pregnant? You take care of your women, your taliban brothers are going to rape them soon

  2962. Free says:

    Aish, ham log tumhari tarha nahee hai … russia, uk, america, israel ki goood may baythay hovay hoo … or full time logo nay apni maa or baytiya unn ko di hovi hai 😀by the way abhe tak pregnant ho ? or next time kab jaa rahi ho ashnan k liay ? or pori dunya ko nazaray karanay ki liay 😀

  2963. Balakrishna says:

    @ Freewoh ganga mein nahati hai isiliye us paani ko peene ke lie tum taraste ho usi chakkar mein border cross karte hootum frustu pakis ko to indians ka piss hi pavitra lagta hai …..

  2964. Free says:

    aray bala,nice yar … bilkul u r always welcome ….. kab aa rahay hoo ?

  2965. mee says:

    u fucking indians are so CHEAP!!!! Fuck your nation… Trust me Indians are just nuthing except WHOLE CRAP!!! lolzzzzzAish kiss my ass……. lolzzzzAur Bhala kuttay tou apni behnoo ka DALAL kion ban raha ha , chal ja na teri maan chudwa rahi ha, paisay kon lay ga GANDOO!!! lolzzzz…chal ja paisay akhtay kar………hahahahPISH …….my darling i wish i could bring a black DOG to fuck your black cunt…….wow lolzzz but i am sorry i never knew you are married to a DOG…hahahahah

  2966. Balakrishna says:

    sab ladkiyan tu aur teri behen jaise nehi hai be jo duniya ko nazaren dikhaayenn …. frustu kahinke …. apni behen ka pishaab pee le paani to hota nehi hoga udhar

  2967. mee says:

    hahahaha……..well said FREE

  2968. Balakrishna says:

    @ Free abe mein aa nehi raha hun mera pishaab tumhare us indus water mein chodoonga … fir pee lena … pavitra ho jaaoge

  2969. Aishwarya says:

    US, Israel, Uk good main? Arsehole, you were the ones who supplied your women to the US all these years and in both the wars. Now you have started supplying them to chinese and Taliban too. Look at Osama, he is sitting with four of your women and you are talking about sex and pregnancy online. Looks like this is your only solace for frustration with all your women gone?

  2970. Piyushi :) says:

    @freebahut pakata hai tu free tu meee hi theek hai :pchal tu maze le yaha … aur koi kaam nai na tereko to cyber cafe .. pure din online rehta hai basme leaving guys chiao 🙂tc

  2971. mee says:

    FreeJust imagine indians get married to Monkey’s DOG, DONKEY and watever fuck they get….i can imagine if PISH is married to a DONKEY and AISH got married to a MONKEY……………. better BALAKRISHNA you shuld get married to a COW…………….hahahalolzzzzzzz

  2972. Free says:

    hahahahaha,yar bilkul tarastay hai … q k india ki girls ki too baat he or hai …. kya kali kali girls hoti hai bilkul tumhari face ki tarha 😀pori dunya k tourist ko bulwa kar apni mother or sisters ka strip show dikhatay hoo 😀yar mayra bhee bara mood ho raha hai ….. kitna zabar 10 scene hota hoga …missing that scene alot yar 😀

  2973. Balakrishna says:

    abey woh teri maa hai be mera nehi …. uska fees one time meal hai utni aukaad nehi hai tera maa ka ki hi fi fees mile uski woh gandi paki choot ke lie …abe beech mein jaake fatima ko chod ke aaya kya ???saali aaj ayi nehi …. itne der kyun lagaaya ane ko woh 2 inch mein se 1 inch nikaal di kya ???

  2974. mee says:

    PISH randiTou kahan bhag rahi ha? I think you are online on a tree? married to a monkey? hahahaha, Tera thoko agay ho ga na…….lolzzz you are really an awesome bitch….Aish tell me truly that you never get married to a TREE before getting married to Abhishek Bachan.hahahahaYou Fucking Film Star Amitabh Bachan who always fuck Aish was so afraid that he kept a Pistol under his pillow………………wowwww SICK NATION…SICK INDIANS….hahaha

  2975. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeu can only imagine that with Indians but u pakistanis practically do it …..

  2976. Free says:

    yar mee just imagine ……..Aish, ashnan lay rahi hogi … or sath he bala ki mother or sisters (i m sure sab he KALI hongi ) b ashnan lay rahi hongi ………or ham log camera say movie bana rahay hongay …soocho yar kya scene hoga wo 😀

  2977. Free says:

    ganga mai ashnan ….. wah bha’e wah …. kali kali lar-ki-ya wah bha’e wah …foreigner strip show k mazay laytay hai … wah bha’e wah …….

  2978. mee says:

    Bhag gaye sara barway!!!!hahahahTrust me Free i just brought an indian bitch yesterday for 100 Rs aur sari raat mein nay PISH aur Aishwarya ki tasveer samnay rakh kar usay choda ha……..hahahBala you just look like a SHIT ….trust me yar better you should wash your face with COW PISS…………hahaha

  2979. Balakrishna says:

    abe amitabh was not afraid of u bastards but he kept it so as to kill atleast one bastard and die ….. b4 dying …. abe tere behen ko koi kuttiya bhi naseeb nehi hui isiliye duniya bhar ke ladkiyon ka yehi haal soch raha hai kya ….. indian ladkiyon ka haal tere behen jaisa nehi hai so just chill and relax

  2980. Free says:

    Aish darling…kaha hoo yar .. come online .. kya naraz ho ga’ey hooo ? ya phir 9 month poray ho ga’ey hai pregnancy k ? bhan-chood jab bhee ashnan k liay jati hai … atleast 200 loray apni choot mai lay kar aati hai 😀😀

  2981. Balakrishna says:

    Abey tumhare paas camera khareedne ke paise hain kya ??? khaane ko daana nehi hota camera khareedoge ???

  2982. mee says:

    Behnchod Bhala ki maan ko randi bana kar mein asnan karwaoon ga, Pooray Mumbai ki Galiyon mein woh randi naachay gi, Tum sab barwoon ka agar SARAY GA MA PA na karwaya tou naam badal dena.Aik Aur Dhaka Dooo.Hindustan Tor DoAik Aur Dhaka Dooo.Hindustan Tor DoAik Aur Dhaka Dooo.Hindustan Tor DoAik Aur Dhaka Dooo.Hindustan Tor DoZINDABAD PAKISTANMURDABAD HINDUSTAN

  2983. mee says:

    BalakrishnaTeri Maan ko sale kar kay tou Camera Liya ha MADAR CHOD!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah….lolz

  2984. Free says:

    yar jab india aa’en gay too kisi bhe camera ki shop ko loot kar apna kam chala lain gay .. i m sure k tum logo ki gand mai itna b dam nahee hai k ham logo ko rook sakoo .. 😀so dont worry about the camera. …come to the ashnan with your kali kali family 😀

  2985. Balakrishna says:

    abe woh tumhare pakistan ke chote chote laude tumhare maa ke choot mein jaati hogi dekh tumhari behne kisse chud rahi hai … 2 inchers saale hamari tarah 8 inch hote to pata nehi duniya mein tehelka macha lete shayad

  2986. mee says:

    FreeTrust me She(Aish)is a BIG BITCH…

  2987. still searching my self says:

    are ye sale chuhe hi tarah chip jaate hain

  2988. mee says:

    BalakrishnaYou are a decendant of a Cow worshiping monkey who the fuck walks the side walk with a cow go wipe your ass you stink from all that cow ass near you. Pakistanis hate you so much.

  2989. Balakrishna says:

    abe hum sirf pakistani ladkiyn ka dalali karti hai jo humse pls pls dalali karwao bolke bheek maangte hainbhool mat jaa teri maa ki bhi dalali karta hunlekin alas ppl say she isnt worth a rupee….

  2990. Free says:

    Hindustan ka matlab kya ………… bhar mai ja’ey ham ko kya …… 😀wah wah kya couplet hai … nice yar

  2991. Aishwarya says:

    Balky, look at the stories of Bachan these morons ae clinging too. They read so much about our bollywood. I pity them they have nothing else in their burqah clad land for entertainment. By the way how did you pick the whore in your burqah land mee? in your burqah land you just do everything with imagination & illusion. Otherwise how could you imagine my face. A land full of morons and jerks.

  2992. Balakrishna says:

    tu bahut bada dalla hai kya Free dat u know who is a bitch and who is nt ???

  2993. mee says:

    Aik Aur Dhaka Dooo.Hindustan Tor DoSoon you will see a Pakistan inside INDIA………wowwwwNO MORE INDIA, NO MORE HINDUS ON THE FACE OF EARTH. Sorry Radical Hindus……..hahaha

  2994. Free says:

    yar … meeee jaldi karoooo ..subha subha bala ki fucking mother and bitch sisters ashnan k liay ja’en gi … get ready yar ….

  2995. mee says:

    AISH tell me truly that you never get married to a TREE? hahahah Tell me you horny bitch .Balakrishna……………Chup kar kuttay bhoonk mat…sar mein dard ho raha ha teri waja say…chal GANDOoooOOoooOoOOOoOo……..hahahaha…lolz

  2996. Aishwarya says:

    Nowadays we give voice for even beggars like mee in our country. And as soon as he gets his voice heard he tries to straight shoot of his 2incher almost non existent manhood.

  2997. Balakrishna says:

    @ AIshthese fuckers are so attracted by the name aishwarya that its enuf for their fantasy….. they can shag a thousand times just by seeing that name

  2998. Aishwarya says:

    yeah I got married to a tree. I am happy if saying yes would make a beggar like you happy.

  2999. mee says:

    FREE…..hahahahah….I AM READY MAN… We will have Three some…….hahahaha aur woh bhi Ganga kay andar……hahaha LIVE SHOW………LIVE COVERAGE and guess who’s the news reporter……Fucking bitch Aishwarya….HAHAHAH

  3000. Free says:

    yar meeeee ..dont worry indai ko dhaka daynay ki b need nahee hai …after few years sala khud he toot ja’ey ga ….. bhan-chood 😀

  3001. Aishwarya says:

    I know, they must be screwing even their mothers, daughters, sisters and wives and even grannies calling them aish.

  3002. mee says:

    maaaaan gayii bitch. YESS YESS YESS BITCH you are an ignorant fucking whore!!! MARRIED TO A TREE? What illiteracy

  3003. Free says:

    ohhh Aish bitch …lagta hai k bacha day kar aa ga’ey hia .. or kal gaain ja’ey gi ashnan (more land laynay) karnay k liay 😀mayri jan kabhi hamain b dawat dooo … apnay rocket per bitha kar moon per lay ja’on ga 😀

  3004. still searching my self says:

    kaunsa hai saala pakistan zindabaad karne waal. saalon tumhe koi bhi chutia bana k apna kaam karwa leta hai socha hai kabhi. saare terrorists muslims hi kyon hote hain, kyun ki bhukhmari itni hai pakistaan me koi bhi kuch paiso k liye marne ko taiyaar ho jaata hai. saalon desh k liye ya mazhab k liye nahi tum paison k liye marte ho…

  3005. Aishwarya says:

    these days I am collecting as much information about pakistan, because soon like indus valley civilization they will exist only in our text books.

  3006. Balakrishna says:

    get ready to drink their piss … dont worrry i will ask them to piss in indus river fir wahan se pure pakistan mein woh pani bhijwaonngatum sab pavitra ho jaooge … aur woh paani ko bottle mein bhi bhar lena jab jab pavitra hone ka mann kare tab tab pee lena ….. u bastard meee saale india ko tukde karegapura pakistan tukdon mein saala bata hua hai … dekh saale us kaisi tumhari maa behen ko tumhare saamne hi unki gaand mein daal raha hai aur woh khusi khusi apne gand mein le rahe hainsaale tum kaise log ho apne auroton ko bhi satishfy nehi kar paa rahe hooooowaise mee NZ ladkiyan badi frustu rehti hai ,,, yadi unko satishfy nehi kar paaye to gusse mein aake woh baaki laude bhi kaat dete hain …. unse bachke rehna nehi to hilane ke lie woh 2 inch bhi nehi rahega.,,,,hahaahah

  3007. mee says:

    Aish you have admitted that you were once married to a TREE…. Free keep it on Record… THAT bitch was married to a Tree…… So would you like to tell me bitch when are you getting married to a Donkey? Trust me he got big one coz i saw you always complaining about Paki Dick….Trust me you will never regret having Donkey DICK…. You like to give him a BLOW JOB? Bala bechara movie bana raha hoo ga apni behn Aish ki…………hahahahaha

  3008. Free says:

    yar mee … tum zara inn mother fucker ko deal karooo .. mai iinn ki ga’o mata (cow) ko kuch grass khila kar aata hoo …abhi thori c cow ki khidmat kar looo .. or phir after 8 days .. uss ka meat mazay say kha’en gay 😀

  3009. Aishwarya says:

    Rocket ka technology kahan se chori kiya tu bhikari free.

  3010. still searching my self says:

    my dear free!!tum to sale free ki paidayish ho tumhaare bas ka itna hi hota to paida hote hi katwa nahi lete…..aukaat me reh kar baat kar baap se baat kar rahe ho mummy ne nahi batayaa k papa india me rehte hain………

  3011. mee says:

    GUYZ!!!!!Soon you will see india Consist of Only New Delhi and Mumbai…………Rest of the area coverd by Pakistan Map………hahahahBalakrishna You cannot save India babay….abhi tum bachay ho…soon you will see a new MAP…lolz

  3012. Balakrishna says:

    @ aish i wonder why is this mee after a tree .. jaroor iske ghar mein iski shadi koi kutiya se kie honge isiliye he wants to find ppl who have been married to other than a humanabe waisa kuch india mein nehi hota meeewoh custom sirf tumhare pakistan mein unique hai

  3013. fatima says:

    Dear Aish,,,Good eveningi think the women in burqa are much better than the naked women.Atleast women in burqa dont make a fun of their body.they proof that they are not show piece for men.they are very sincere to their own men..if showing your body to all is a modernism so ya ap ko mubarak know the rape rate in the world due to great moderm thinking women in short dresses is increasing day by day if know please my dear you should read different survey reports in different countries….

  3014. mee says:

    Still Searching Myself….Chooooootiya Yeh kia naam ha tera? Try to search yourself first.. Chal Phut Yahan say GANDOOO!!! warna Teri Maan behn ko GANGA mein Nanga Asnan karwa kar Photo Session karoon ga…. You fucking Cow worshipper…..hahahaha..Aray yar Free yeh chotiya yahan nehin rukeen gay, bhagooo yahan say Indian Barwooo!!!

  3015. Aishwarya says:

    I wonder how will a impoverished cows meat will taste. Even in these days these beggars feed only grass. You beggars of beggarland, come to India and I shall show you how beef really tastes. I can give you pork too. Also you can even see how women actually look, because yo uhave only seen meat inside a burqah.

  3016. mee says:

    Free said… yar mee … tum zara inn mother fucker ko deal karooo .. mai iinn ki ga’o mata (cow) ko kuch grass khila kar aata hoo …abhi thori c cow ki khidmat kar looo .. or phir after 8 days .. uss ka meat mazay say kha’en gay 😀11:33 PMhahahaha………lolzzzzzzzzz well said FREE wowwwwwwwwwwwwww

  3017. Free says:

    hahahahha .Aish bitch …tum apni yey wish b poori kar loooo …..wasay kabhi dawat too doo … dont worry visa lay kar aa’on ga …. or ko’e bomb b blast nahee karon ga … only for your darling 😀

  3018. Aishwarya says:

    Ms.Fathima, You dont show your body and look at your men, how they behave, they are frustrated to even screw that hole on the wall. They are even ready to mastrubate at the name called aish on their monitor.

  3019. still searching my self says:

    my dearest mee…………tum kab suar se nikaah padhwa rahe ho bata do. bala teri movie bana lega tu tension mat le . jab suar screw kasega tab use PTV par publish karenge…

  3020. mee says:

    Aishwarya said… Ms.Fathima, You dont show your body and look at your men, how they behave, they are frustrated to even screw that hole on the wall. They are even ready to mastrubate at the name called aish on their monitor.hahahahah……..we always feel RELAX!!! when we unload ourself on your face……hahaha

  3021. Balakrishna says:

    @mee we indians have adequate bathrooms tumari tarah bahar sadkon mein pishaab se nehi nahaati …. @fatimathey have a beautiful body unlike u so isiliye jise jo kapde suit hota hai woh wahi pehente hai… tumhe bhi pehenne ki ichha hota hoga par kya krein tumhara desh ka kanoon and ur religion ka kanoon tumhe mauka nehi deta …. badd luck …. hope u take break 4m those stupid customs …

  3022. Free says:

    aray mayri jan Aish, rocket ki fikar na karooo .. bus 1 bar tum aa ja’o … phir daykhna …. moon per na lay ja’o to kahnay …. 😀

  3023. Free says:

    yar meee … yey indian too baray gand phatoo hai …. sala 1 event bombay mai ho gaya or poray india ki gand main aag lag ga’ey …… yar agar 4 ya 5 event or ho ja’ey … too sab ki gand jal ja’ey gi 😀

  3024. mee says:

    Balakrishna…. Nazar araha ha teri body jitni beautiful ha……………Salay!!! Jitna tou shakal say kutti maan ka bacha nazar ata ha itna mein nay duniya mein kabhi nehin dekha…..hahaha full of COW shit lolzzz… Salay itni gandi nation ho tum kay MADAR CHODO sadak per beth kar shoro ho jatay ho………..You sick indians would never learn manners….hahahah

  3025. Aishwarya says:

    Kya penis replacement technology bhi chura liya kya, hijra Free.

  3026. still searching my self says:

    My dear meeeeee……..apni maa behan ka pataa hai kahan hain dekh kahi koi mujahideen un par chadkar joi naya mee to nahi nikaalne ki taiyaari to nahi kar rahaa………dekh chota meee aa gaya….

  3027. Free says:

    yar still, india walay too kahtay hai k india mai jo b event hota hai inn sab k back per ISI hoti hai ….or yey b log kah rahay thay k india mai jo b pregnant hota hai uss k back per ISI hoti hai .. so shut your mouth … SALA ISI ki oolad 😀

  3028. fatima says:

    oh all people,,,,why you all are ready to war and you are not thinking killing of thousands of people in both countries.I tell you one example that one day Ghandi ji was moving on the shore of sea and there were many little fish he took one fish anf threw it into the water someone asked that there will be no change because there are thousand but Gandhi ji replied yes nothing will change for those who are on the shore but everything will change for one i threw in water…..also Muhammad our Prophet said that killing of one human is killing of humanity… i think we should try to save lives….why all of you are so proud you know God can change situation in one minute by any natural disaster see we human being are nothing just a bullet an minor accident heart attack can finish us …..try to be humble both parties

  3029. mee says:

    Aishwarya…………..Please Free tumhari maan ka Kasam ha usay hijra kion kah rahi hoo? Tum nay kabhi apni maan ko chudwatay hoye nehin deha ha FREE say? Aisay nehin kahtay….naughty girl…………hahahahaha lolzbullshit indians

  3030. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee abe tera woh 2 incher khada hota hai kya ??? itni baar to kutte billi dekh ke muth marta hai fir bhi muth nikalta hai kya ??aur rahi baat hamari cow ko puja karne ki … atleast tumhari tarah nehi jo puja karte waqt north east west sab direction dekhte hain gaand faadke iss tamaana se ki koi phati pakistaani chooot mil jaaye …. u dick head u ppl dont even have razors to clean ur stinking face which is full of beard…. u cow dung breed

  3031. still searching my self says:

    o meee miyaan….tension mat le ,,teri maa behanon ko hindustanion ne hi nahin….afghanion ne..americio ne…kis kiss ne kiss kiss tarah nahin choda hoga.. bacha hindustanion se panga mat le…tujhe pata hai na baap hai…regards

  3032. mee says:

    FatimaWe are just trying to show them the reality. Indians are looking at the mirror and now they can recognize how ugly and filthy nation are they.lolz

  3033. Aishwarya says:

    And my muslim beggars, please stop carrying bricks and garbage papers to the public toilets to clean your bloody diseased dicks after you pee and dirty the place. No wonder you wretched pigs are chased around the world

  3034. Free says:

    yar wo ISI ki oolad hai ya chala gaya ?

  3035. fatima says:

    or yey b log kah rahay thay k india mai jo b pregnant hota hai uss k back per ISI hoti hai dear free,this is first time i read you….please give attention to your above sentences…do you know what are you saying …it could be your own sister mother wife…so please atleast for the sake of your relations dont use such wonderful ideas..

  3036. still searching my self says:

    dear fatima..baten to bahut achi karti ho….kuch apne in bhaio ko bhi samjhao…..nahi to ………………….…………

  3037. mee says:

    Still Searching Myself:Tera naam ab Searching ha bus… waisay why you indians are so afraid of ISI? hahaha There is any relation of ISI to your family in the past? Any Sort of Gangrape from ISI?

  3038. fatima says:

    goodbye everybodytake caregoodnight

  3039. Aishwarya says:

    I hate this thing called prophet. Even our tribals will give better philisophical words than this arse.

  3040. mee says:

    FatimaJust give us a little bit time and watch the show, In kutton ko mar mar kay yahan say na bhagaya tou kehna.

  3041. mee says:

    Aish Sita ki randi….Shit eater hahahahaha

  3042. mee says:

    AishTeri maan ka naam Sita aur mein Sita ka sab say bara Chodo……………hahahah

  3043. Balakrishna says:

    abe fatima apne bhaasan band kar gandhiji ne jitna sab kaha hai kitna follow kar rahi hai be tu ???waise gandhi ne non violence ke baar emein bahut kaha hai … does ur country follows it ???

  3044. still searching my self says:

    mee miyaan…..hum chahe jaise bhi ho par itna shukr hai k tumhare jaise nahin hain………aur dusre ko bolne se pehle apne girebaan me jhaankkar dekho apna kya hai tumhaare paas jo hai wo ya to maanga hua hai hai churaaya hua hai…..pehle apne kadmo par khada hona seekho fir kuch aur sochna…

  3045. Balakrishna says:

    @ meeMEE allah ke bhadwe … bahut uchhal raha hai betu

  3046. Free says:

    yar foreingers complain kar rahay tha k in logo ko india k liay special condum banwnay partay hai … jo standard size hai .. uss say b chotay hotay hain inn logo k ..ab mai samjha .. Aish nay q TREE say shadi ko hai …lagta hai apni husband ka or ganga main doosro k laynay mai maza nahee aaya hoga .. or na he satisfaction mili hogi ….. so sad yar ..but darling .. u dont worry … mayra rocket ready hai tumhain moon per layjnay k liay 😀

  3047. fatima says:

    Any idea how a pakistani will choose a women in a brothel? They are all covered with burqah.dear aish…i didnot understand youe close question please make it clear…..if you are asking how to choose by her values,,her behavior and before marriage both are allowed to meet for exchangig their ideas but from both sides there are some nice rules if you want i will explain you…if this was not question what i answered i see you later because i have to study…good night

  3048. Balakrishna says:

    sita naam ki bahut ladkiyan mil jayenge tujhe india mein lekin pakistan mein ek hi allah milega aur use hum indians baari baari se har ched mein chodenge

  3049. Free says:

    waysay yar meee …. ISI ka name sontay he sab ki dhoo-ti-ya kharab ho jati hain … waysay yar yey to hai k banda jab apnay BAAP ka name sonta hai too uss ki halat he kharab ho jati hai 😀

  3050. still searching my self says:

    mee miya itna khush mat ho aish aish karke sale tujhe wo nahi milne waali …………kyu soch soch k apna dimaag kharab kar rahaa hai…… le dollar sambhaal$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$saale bhikhaari

  3051. mee says:

    Salay Tum Indians ki itni Auwqat nehin kay tum 2 time ka khana kha sakoo…. AIDS day ha aaj aur sirf india mein celebrate ho raha ha …hahaha , Tum itnay chotiya log ho kay tum log apni maan behn ko beech detay ho sirf 2 Rs kay liye, itni ghatia auwqat ha tum logon ki, Salay Cinema ka aik ticket lenay kay liye tum chotiya apni behn ki choot sale kartay hoo…aur kia kahoon tumhein you fucking assholes bullshit motherfucker randi kay bachay Indians………………hahahahah

  3052. Balakrishna says:

    @ fatima study wat ????? how u try to mislead indians ??? and u ppl are allowed to meet in brothels ????? hahahh

  3053. Free says:

    yar meee …me still apnay baap ko search kar raha haiii … bcoz iss ko yaqen nahee hai k ISI he iss ka BAAP hai …yey sooch raha hai k ganga mai ashnan karaty hovay uss ki maa nay pata nahee kis ka lund liya tha .. so bichara still search kar raha hai 😀

  3054. fatima says:

    dear Mee,,i think hum ko apni values ko nahi buhlna chahiye…be patient dont use this language this doesnot suit us….let them speak what they want,,,ap sab ki baatan ap ki zahniyat ka batati hain.agar koi bura ha to us ko achai se jeeto…agar wo nahi samajtay to un ke haal pa chor do…i hope you will understand

  3055. Balakrishna says:

    abe woh sab tum karte ho apni behnon ke saath …… ek se badh kar kar ek randibaaz ho tumm … unki choot ka paaani ppee lete ho raat meinbhai behen aur maa ka relation to tumhare yahn hota nehi

  3056. Free says:

    bayta bala … kya tum b apnay baap ko search kar rahay hoo ? tum b ISI ki ollad hoo kya ?

  3057. mee says:

    FatimaAp aachi hain and i respect you but look at their comments about you? how they are misbehaving.. Specially Aishwarya. If you just scroll up and watch Aishwarya comments then you wont find a single honest word she said in this blog.

  3058. mee says:

    Indian goes to US. After a few months he feels ill all the time. He goes to many doctors, but none can help him. Finally he goes to specialist. After examining him, the doctor says, “Take a 5 gallon bucket, and mix all your shit and piss into it for a week. Then stick your face into the bucket for 1 hour each day and breathe deeply. Come back and tell me how you’re feeling.” Two weeks later he goes back “Doctor! I’m cured ! What was wrong with me?” The doctor says, “You were homesick.” – lolz…..HAHAHAHFUCK HIND

  3059. Free says:

    chup kar bala … sala ISI ki ollad …pata nahee bala ki maa nay ashnan kartay hovay kitnay land liay thay jo aaysa .. kala kala bala payda hova tha 😀

  3060. Free says:

    chup kar bala … sala ISI ki ollad …pata nahee bala ki maa nay ashnan kartay hovay kitnay land liay thay jo aaysa .. kala kala bala payda hova tha 😀

  3061. fatima says:

    I hate this thing called prophet. Even our tribals will give better philisophical words than this arse.just saying is not enough my darling you have to follow that…batan to sab ko aati hain lakin but action is important and for action you need strong beleif that we have.or my dear agar koi achi baat karay or us pa amal na karay to faida nahi ha but our prophet showed action what he said….I can say you many thngs in return but my relegion doesnot allow me to say something or make fun of others relegion….you see the difference

  3062. naaz says:

    @ bala : hi wassup man saw u kicking sum paki assKeep going !!!@ Fatima : Ur such a prude , aren’t you.Aa gayi wapas apne ISLAM ki marketing karne.D suggestion dat u gave 2 ash , follow it urself. See sum reports, d rape rate in Pak is higher than that in India. N itz not just rape , itz gang rape.Come out of ur insulated bubble n see d world as it is.Aur baki kuch na dekh pao toh look at ur Paki sex starved brothers.N FYI we’re not sitting naked in front of our PC’S ,still ur pucce muslim brothers r fantasizing.Bloody despos.

  3063. Free says:

    yar meeee ,yey Aish darling kaha ga’ey ? kya again bacha daynay ga’ey hai kya ?

  3064. fatima says:

    for aish,just saying is not enough my darling you have to follow that…batan to sab ko aati hain lakin but action is important and for action you need strong beleif that we have.or my dear agar koi achi baat karay or us pa amal na karay to faida nahi ha but our prophet showed action what he said….I can say you many thngs in return but my relegion doesnot allow me to say something or make fun of others relegion….you see the difference

  3065. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @wasisale apna check apne pass rakh behnchod.Apni pakistan ko salo tumne bikhari bana diya hai aur check baant raha hai.Saalo aisa koi country nahi bachi hai jahan se tumne gaand ka waasta de kar paise na maange ho, apni aukaat dekh kar baat kar madarchod.

  3066. Aishwarya says:

    @naazIslam marketing. Nice one.

  3067. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @fatimaaao darling ab mujre me jaane ka time ho gaya hai, tumhara baap roj tumhara mujra dekhta hai saare bhaiyo ke saath.wah kya family hai.

  3068. Free says:

    looo g …1 or aa gaya ISI ki ollad mai say 😀aaja bharway too bhee aaja

  3069. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Salo prophet sabse badsurat aadmi tha is duniya ka jaante ho na.Kisi negro ka lund bhi uske saamne sundar lagega

  3070. mee says:

    YESSSWOW nAAz Randiwe welcome this bitch lolzzzYou know Naaz you are from this place…..Check yourself about your creative india….Just click and watch if he is looking for your mother down there……………..hahahahahahnAAz: Teri behn ki marketing karnay aya hooon, Tu nay bhi karwanu ha tou bata, raat ko ajana meray ghar per session karway… If you pass the hardcore test…then you are eligible…hahahahahahWATCH THIS:

  3071. Free says:

    loo 1 or gandoo aa gaya … cow ka urine p kar .. or energy get kar k 😀aaja madarchood too b aaja …salay choti phoo-noo rakhnay walay ..

  3072. Aishwarya says:

    That fucker wasi sits in some cybercafe in frontierland and says he is from goldman sachs, just got a bonus on $2million and gave 1000$ for relief in India. Even if I dangle 10$ at him he will waggle his tail behind me. And last night he wanted to leave, you know why? He wanted to prepare a business plan for presentation in Geneva.I hate this land of liars and their pseudo religion and that fuckin prophet

  3073. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee & freeabe bhadwee ek kuttiya kyun nehi paal lete tum donon frustu …. zindagi bhar woh 2 incher se chodte rehnaa …. kuttiya bhi khush tum bhi khush …. us 2 incher se sirf kuttiya hi satishfy ho sakti hai …..@ fatimahar bar religion ka excuse mat dia karo ….. religion has no boundaries…… the real fact is that u dont have any words to say …. aur tumhari prophet ke baare mein pura duniya pata hai saala frustu kahinka … duniya bhar ki muslim londiya ko pel kar sab maje karke jab buddha ho gaya to burkha ka kanoon laagoo kar dia saala bhadwaa kahinki ….. sadist bastard

  3074. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Maine apne lode ka naam ISLAM rakh diy hai, agar sache muslim ho to aa jana mera loda chaaaaaaaatne.fir use dekh kar namaaaj padna aur gaand upar neeche karna behn ke lodo

  3075. Free says:

    yar kya poray india nay lund liay hovay hai ashnan kartay hovay ? jabhi too tumhain nagroo k lund k baray mai b pata hai … abay apni mother or sisters ko kitna chod-watay hooo 😀lagta hai k choot itni open ho ga’ey hai k pora titanic chala ja’ey ga 😀

  3076. Balakrishna says:

    haha wat a joke a bonus of 2 million is not even paid to the ceo of goldman perhaps he is working 4 a brothel named goldenshags … hahah

  3077. Aishwarya says:

    These frustrated two jokers here know nothing but the word bitch. Have you ever had sex with a human being?

  3078. TRUE INDIAN says:

    apni behn ko bhej de pura antartica ghusa dunga behn ke lund,Sale so ja warna teri ammi ko baja dunga aakar

  3079. Free says:

    hahahahahhahaAish darling … gussa q karti hooo ..acha baba .. lay ja’on ga moon per apnay rocket per bitha kar dont worry and dont get angry mayri jan …

  3080. Balakrishna says:

    @ aish , true indian, naaz do u know how dis free and mee were the outcome of their prophet pissing in the moms cunt of mee and frees mom then licking the cunt of mees mom…. this is how their moms conceived

  3081. Free says:

    chup kar salay ISI ki oolad ……salay family ko ganga mai chodwanay lay jatay hoo .. kaminay kahi k .. madar-chood … bay-sharam

  3082. mee says:

    I never saw such a coward nation in my whole life…Go get a life you faggot indians

  3083. Aishwarya says:

    You and your ISI. Even our school boys will do a better job than them. Send your women and our school boys will show them not just the moon, even the stars. You land of beggars begging for sex on the internet.

  3084. mee says:

    AishTumhien kabhi ISI nehin tou nehin choda? hahah Why they fuck are you so afriad of ISI? hahaha

  3085. Balakrishna says:

    abe free tu hame ganga mein snaan karwaa aur hum tumhe apne gutter mein snaan kar waayenge … kutte ki shit se tum pakistani ke lie special sabun banayenge ….. saale pishaab ke aulad …. aur us phrophet ke ass licker… abe tumhara woh prophet bisexual hai….. uska bhi lauda tumhari tarah 2 incher hi hoga naa ???? katwee saale

  3086. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee i never saw a coward like u jo war ke darr se fake papers banake doosre desh mein bhaag gaya leaving their poor citizens back.,,, coward bastard

  3087. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @balaAbe inhe apne baap ka khud hi nahi pata hai, Sala koi bhi 100-200 bande aakar inki ma-behn ko entertain karne lag jaate hai aur kamaal ki baat hai ki inki maa-behne bach jaati hai aur tv par star ban jaati hai..koi aam ladki ho to wo mar jaaye

  3088. Balakrishna says:

    tum jaise jillat ki zindagi to kutta ka bhi nei hoga…. u have a epidimic in ur country called identity crisis….

  3089. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Abe tumhe to ganga me jaane ki jarurat hi nahi, Ganga wale ghar me jo aa jate hai peeche se.HAHAHHHAHHA

  3090. mee says:

    oh BalakrishnaOhhhhhhh ChOOoOoOoOoOoOoOtiya!!!! Ganga mein apna moun dhoo dhoo kar dekh tera rang kitna kala par gaya ha….salay gandoo GANGA ka pani tou badal dooo madar chodo………………..hahahahahah

  3091. Aishwarya says:

    Who the fuck is afraid of ISI. Have you heard of cowards who cant fight face to face? Be a man, and atleast try fightin with a woman. I know with a 2 incher like yours you cant even fight with an Indian male. Prophet and his begging disciples.

  3092. Balakrishna says:

    hhaha saale do joker hai

  3093. TRUE INDIAN says:

    To bhaiyo main apne Lode ka naam Prophet rakhu ya ISLAM jaldi bata do musalmano..Please reply soon main fatima thokni hai

  3094. naaz says:

    @ mee : Mind ur language n as I said yesterday u can abuse me till u turn blue n it will b music 2 my ears.Aur jaake apni maa ko randi bula, shayad woh is naam pe awaaz deti hogi.As 4 wat ur saying, u Paki guyz think frm ur dick, shayad isi liye itna chota sochte ho.Fatima dekh tere bhai ki zehniyat, bada naaz hai tujhe islam aur Pakistan par. Ab ye dekh.

  3095. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee tu us paani mein haath laga lega to jaroor ganga ka paani badal denge….waise thoda kum bola kar … mujhe gussa aa gaya to indus river mein pishaab nehi karoonga aur sab saale pyaase mar jaaoge

  3096. naaz says:

    @ mee : Mind ur language n as I said yesterday u can abuse me till u turn blue n it will b music 2 my ears.Aur jaake apni maa ko randi bula, shayad woh is naam pe awaaz deti hogi.Aur ek baat jaise maine kal kaha tha , apni maa aur behen ko bech lahore k bazaar me dalle.As 4 wat ur saying, u Paki guyz think frm ur dick, shayad isi liye itna chota sochte ho.Fatima dekh tere bhai ki zehniyat, bada naaz hai tujhe islam aur Pakistan par. Ab ye dekh.

  3097. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @ mee & freeSalo jao pehle pura Loda dekh kar aao fir baat karna,Kabhi pura loda dekha hai apni country me, nahi na isliye tum bahar jaate ho. Isi baat ka frustration hai na tumhe

  3098. mee says:

    This profile is dedicated to Monkey Cock Sucking Hindu Indians. Name: Mahatma Age: 95 'What ? Cock sucking is a very common Hindu practise & pass-time instead of tennis, cricket, football, etc. It is a form of hindu prayer and is practised 10 times daily preferably in front of a holy shrine (Mandar) or at family home. It can be performed on humans or animals and is carried out in the nude. The swallowing of the seimen is compulsory as stated in the hindu scriptures Voodooedas & Upanishitads in both categories Shootruti & Shitmriti.How ? Cock Sucking can be pursued as a career, through recognised institutions & universities in India, in achieving qualifications such as BSc/MSc (Bachelor/Master of Sucking Cocks). Here they learn how to lubricate, wank, slurp, gargle and gobble cocks of any size, colour or shape. In India locally available hindu cocks are too small to suck on so Pakistani cocks are called in to help them achieve their desires of sucking big manly circumsized muslim cocks.Where ? Once qualified as a cock sucking hindu jobs can be taken up professionally for their religion in Mandars and hindu homes. Guidance can be obtained from hindu priests referred to as Pandit, Swami, Brahma or Thirumeni.When ? The biggest Cock Sucking gathering hindus celebrate is the Baba Nagas Kumbh Mela held 4 times every 12 years.Problems ? Health risks have become common-place, for example AIDs is now wide-spread in India due to cock sucking. An old hindu religous law is being recalled by Hindu Mandars to make it illegal to cock suck without a Durex. Incest is also a common side affect as cock sucking training starts at home in the first instance in the early stages of infancy. This is usually prescribed by the hindu daddy of the household.Why ? Hindus believe that sucking cock will pleasure the idol gods and hence re-incarnate them back as monkeys so that they can continue doing their dirty deeds for the idle gods in their true form.Fact – Hence you now know where the statement "Indians are a bunch of Hanuman cock sucking idol fuckers" came from.Gay Hind Mother Fuckers !

  3099. Balakrishna says:

    abe free ki paidayish tere baap ne tujhe yahi naam diya kyaa ….. free wat a name …

  3100. Free says:

    lo g lo ….ISI ki olaad zaban nikal rahi hai …kali mata ki tarha ………..kali mata or bala … lagta hai k dono ko 1 he farmay say banaya hova hai …salay dono ko’elay say b zyada kalay hia ……….ohh kala shah kala………

  3101. mee says:

    nAAzGive some respect to get some 🙂

  3102. Balakrishna says:

    pata hai yeh log mecca kyun jaate hain life mein ek baar ??wahan randi sasti hoti hai na isiliye …. wahan wholesale discount rate chalta hai …. unka prophet ne bhi alllah ka naam lekar bahut choda tha pakistani kuttiyon ko ,, suar ko ,,,, sabki maar rakhi thi ,…. sahi jagah hai ….

  3103. Aishwarya says:

    Mee is frustrated that his women dont suck his cock. so he is expressing his frustration on the net. Go clean your diseased sore cock you solitary balled arse, your women may consider again.

  3104. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @ MEEAbe sale itni research apne desh me karo to saale bikhari desh a kuch ho jaaye,Behnchod pata nahi kaha kaha se itni fake baatein le kar aa raha hai.Madarchod mere lode ka naam bata de kya rakhu.ISLAM rakh du na

  3105. mee says:

    Bala …..agar tujeh nanga na kia aaj tou mera naam badal dena chotiya.

  3106. Balakrishna says:

    @ free abe tujhe to apne par shak hai ki shakl dikh gayi to muh pe naa tatti kar le .. tu kaahe bhok raha hai …. tera baap kaun hai tujhe pata hai ???? randi ke pille ???

  3107. Aishwarya says:

    I send my dogs to mecca every year so that this frustrated arseholes can atleast find a hole there. Last year even the prophet enjoyed it.

  3108. mee says:

    lol..all hindus retard bastard are dickless even dea gods also..Shiva left Parvati in shame because he could not fulfil her sexual desire. Parvati Made a handsomeyoung man from turmeric to satisfy her lust. This handsome young man was fulfilling her sex urge successfully. When Shiva returned from wilderness, she had his head cut off and put an elephant head on her concubine, so he may work as standby husband. Thus Shiva wouldn’t notice what his whore wife does with this handsome grown up man.

  3109. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee to tu apna naya naam kya rakhega soch le …… hows “2 incher bastard” ???

  3110. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @ BALAbala ye mecca gaand lene nahi dene jaate hai,Wahan ye behn ke lode group sex karte hai gay bankar.Dekha nahi kaise gaand upar neeche kar rahe hote haiHHAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAAHHAH

  3111. Free says:

    abay too too chup kar ISI ki ollad …bhan-chood tum indians k liay … small size k condom bananay partay hai … saloo ki choti choti c loo-ri-ya hoti hai .. jabhi too apnay ghar waloo ko ganga lay kar jatay hai .. taa k waha per non-indian k looray lay skay …….. nice yar

  3112. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee u jerk ….. u dont even know that he wasnt her concubine but that fellw waas her son …. half knowledge is dangerous….tumhara prophet ki tarah nehi ki saala chodta hi rehta hai bina condom ke lekin saala ek bhi bachha nehi …… uske 2 incher se hawa nikalta hai kya ?????

  3113. Free says:

    oooo kala shah kala ……….ooo bala shah kala …….ooo kali maa kali ooo randi kali kali … randi zaban wali ooo kala shah kala ……chup kar ISI ki ollad … or kalay …

  3114. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Dear meee & freeISALM is finally the name of my LODA.So from tomorrow on please take the namaj considering my LODA.And please do the correction in the UNHOLY QURAN too.Isi bahane tum pure lode ko yaad to karoge, bachpan se hi aadha dekh rahe ho.Thanks & RegardsTRUE INDIAN.

  3115. Aishwarya says:

    mee is such a furstrated arse he even wants to fuck parvati. Make a hole on your wall and write parvati on top of it.

  3116. Free says:

    for bala ……………….oooooooooooooooooooo kalay tujhay tayra bhag-wan othalay …..wah wah kya couplet hai ….

  3117. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Abe loda katwate kyo ho saalo bata to do, tumne hamara loda kab dekh liya behnchodo,Daydreaming kyo itni karte ho.

  3118. TRUE INDIAN says:

    apne lode ko bachpan e adha kata dekh dekh kar behnchodo tumhe sab ke lode chote lagte hai

  3119. Aishwarya says:

    Mee & Free, I am hungry for a cock. I know yours is too short for even my dog. Go tel maalish karoo tere fakir ke saath. Meanwhile I will have a goodnight sleep with my man.

  3120. Free says:

    Aish darling ……….pahlay yey bata’o k bacha diya ya nahee … ya abhee tak pay’t phoola hova hai …. waysay iss k baap ka name too pata hai na ? chaloo name na b pata hoo no problem …bus lora yaad rakhna jo ashnan laytay hovay liay tha or jis say pregnant hovi hooo ……..

  3121. TRUE INDIAN says:

    tumhari maa ka gangrape hua tha kya saalo naam ek jaisa hi hai tumhara.Kya pata tumhari maa par kisi ne pigs chod diye ho.

  3122. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee , freeyeh to bata do ki tumhara prophet din mein kitne baar kutton ko chodta tha ???aur pata hai in hone condom company ke paas approach kia tha for special small sized condoms .. that company mana kar dia boli ki customised chota condom nehi banayenge and morever tum logon ke paas unhe khareedne ke paise nehi .,… tab se inka yahan har family mein ek dozen bachhe hote hain.,, unse bade hone par bheek mangwate hain aur apni maa se chudwaatehain … beti hui to unhe khud chodtehain yaa prophet ko dete hain … haan bhool gaya isi ki bhi khidmat karte hain yeh choot ya gaand dekar ….. as a token for their security ….. which is considered devine in Islam

  3123. mee says:

    Aishwarya said… Mee & Free, I am hungry for a cock. I know yours is too short for even my dog. Go tel maalish karoo tere fakir ke saath. Meanwhile I will have a goodnight sleep with my man.@ Fucking Aish :With my man or WITH YOUR DOG?………………hahahahahahahahahahahah

  3124. Aishwarya says:

    I will send asnan’s severed dick for your mother. She can lick his in your sex starved land.

  3125. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @ balaBala dear inke 1 dozen bache isliye hote hai kyonki inki maa par 1 dozen bande chadte hai.jitne bande utni unki aulaade

  3126. Balakrishna says:

    @ true apne balls ka bhi naam de do like prophet sr and junior

  3127. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee and freesuna hai tumhare ghar mein bahut dildo hai bahut sizes ke … kya bat hai unhone dildo kyun khareeda ???? is sex more imp than hunger ???

  3128. Free says:

    hahahahah Aish darling …….which man ? ISI ? or ganga wala ?

  3129. mee says:


  3130. TRUE INDIAN says:

    baals dono barabar hai bhai, dono senior hai

  3131. Aishwarya says:

    i have sent my dogs to mecca for you and your prophet mee. Hahahahaha. Muaaah

  3132. mee says:

    Why indians worship their mums breasts….why hindus have small willies and how to cure it…..why indians are too embarrassed to buy small condoms.

  3133. Free says:

    abay balay ………yey news too net per he hai k indains ki choti loliya hoti hai …or standard size k condom nahee aatay unn ko 😀 chotiya kahi ka

  3134. TRUE INDIAN says:

    it seems that you dont love your mom bcos you know she has been gang-raped already.Tumhara baap yahi batata hai na tumhe

  3135. Aishwarya says:

    Doodwallah. Hahaha. Muaaah!

  3136. TRUE INDIAN says:

    ye baat to saare jante hai aur net par bhi hai ki tum bachpan me hi lode katwa dete jab wo mungfali se bhi chote hote hai

  3137. Aishwarya says:

    She is gangraped because the solitary balled mullahs dont know who they are screwing when they are in their burqah.Hahahaha. Muaaah!

  3138. Balakrishna says:

    @ freeabe katwee tu to lauda ka baatein hi mat karapni chaddi mein to jhaank kar dekh

  3139. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @ mee & free1 last personal questionSala kis madarchod behn ke lode gaandu bhosdi wale ki baaton me aakar tum apni mungfali jitni lulli bachpan me hi katwa dete ho.Madachod jo cheej natural hai use waise kyo nahi rehne dete ho

  3140. Balakrishna says:

    @ trueunka bada hone par bhi mungfali jitna hi rehta hai ..Aur free hamare laude ke baare mein apne maaaa aur behen se poch lena .,, woh jyaada achha explain kar payengi tujhe …..

  3141. Free says:

    chup kar slay ISI ki ollad 😀

  3142. mee says:

    TRUE INDIANTujeh koi face bhi nehin day raha ha, Chal gandoo teri koi value nehin ha yahan per, Kuttay ki tarhan bhoonk…. i love when an indian barks…hahahha lolzzzzzzzz

  3143. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @ balaNahi bhai inki behne inse baat nahi karti hai, unhe pata hai ki in mullo ka dimaag satka aur wahi baap-chacha saare bhaiyo ne mil kar gang-rape kar dena hai…

  3144. Aishwarya says:

    Mullahs are circumcised because their 2 incher is so small, that while prophet was sucking their cocks, he couldnt find it so he asked every bastard mullahs to circumcise henceforth, so the pink shaft peeps out in the darkland.

  3145. Balakrishna says:

    @ truewoh sab prophet ko bhet chadaate hain.. unka prophet sirf lauda khaata hai nothing else …. cannibal saala ….. hahahah

  3146. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Abe face ki baatein mat kar bhosdi ke. u r bloddy terrorist sali aadhi beard rakh kar jaato ki feeling face par le lete ho madarchodo

  3147. TRUE INDIAN says:

    mee aur freeApni behn fatima se puch yahi hai wo, mere lode sorrry ISLAM ke neche padi gaand upar neche kar rahi hai

  3148. Balakrishna says:

    @ aish wat an explantion ….. 😉abe randi ke pillo ab to sudhar jaao ….. saale tum log to pakka isi ka paidaaish ho woh mee ne to kal confess bhi kia tha ki uski maa ko isi ke logon ne pela tab jake woh pakistan ke baahar nikal paaya and isi ne use fake papers banake dia by which he became a citizen of NZ …… hats off for ur love to ur mom meee … free u can follow ur brother mee

  3149. mee says:

    @ Aish terae bhagwan kee gaand mein statue of liberty ghussa doon gaa u piss drinking RANDI I’m gonna fuck ur geeta, seeta, kaali kameenee maa, laxmi up the ass till shit starts comin outta their shit holes involuntarily u fuckin bitch.

  3150. Aishwarya says:

    The bastards have ran away to the north west forntier to seek help from their tribal madrasa solitary balled arses. Goodnight Guys.Keeep your text books ready, we need to rewrite about a lost civilization called pakistan soon for our kids to study, that once upon a time 2008 there was a country called pakistan that turned into rubbles.

  3151. mee says:


  3152. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Abe saale statue of liberty kisi ki gaand me dene se pehle apni ammi ke bhosde me se nikaal to le.Wo andar le kar baithi hui hai.Kasam se main abhi dekh kar aaya hu

  3153. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee mee dont bark …. becoz in india there is one saying ” barking dog seldom bites ” abe apne allah ke gaand mein de …. tab woh khush hoga to 2 inch extra free mein dega …..

  3154. Aishwarya says:

    YOu fuck all my goddess solitqary balled diseased cock mee. There are more, parvati, sarswati, durga, need more? It means nothing to me. But I enjoy seeing your prophet fucking my dog.

  3155. Balakrishna says:

    @ true wat a reply :))) i salute ur wits ……hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahhahaha

  3156. mee says: the comments how indians wrote about themselves that they are ashamed to be an indian, and also we are really cheap indians…………..hahahah look at this nation who call themself a cheap and shameful…………………..Aish are you from this shameful nation? baby get a life and sleep with your dog………………HAHAHAHAHAHAH wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lolz

  3157. TRUE INDIAN says:

    BALABArking dog may bite once in his life but not these pakistanisThese are like cockroaches who just love others cocks.they just know how to bite on their neighbour’s cock

  3158. TRUE INDIAN says:

    balasee this pakistani female laeder moma is being touched in public

  3159. Balakrishna says:

    @ meethe people whose testimony u have are actually pakistanis like u defaming us in the name of indians… by the way wats ur fees of ur mom … one gulp of semen ?? or two ???whr is free ??? he might be fucking ur mom ….. go rush stop him …but i know u will not do that … u scar on sonhood….and us NZ citizenship pe ghamand mat kar….. tis fellow tried to be a citizen of US,canada , UK , Europe, CHINA, Australia, Arab countries lekin saale kisine nehi diya ise citisenship . Abe koi ulta seedh harkat NZ mein mat karna nehi to wahan se bhi bhaga denge …

  3160. mee says:

    India ranks way down at 96 among 119 developing countries included in the Global Hunger Index (GHI). Ref: IFPRI Country Report on India…-Indian hindu girls in porn industryheres 2 examples of many…-India has the highest prostitutes & child trafficking in the world,revealed by daily india is that there are 4 million prostitutes in India and the no. will increase to 10 million in few yrs span.About 35% of prostitutes in India are forcibly put into this trade & are below 18 yrs of age. Most disgusting thing is that most of the girls in this profession are between 12 & 15 years of age.… Age: 20 Here are some facts of many people should know -The Current Account Balance of India-India is -10,360,000,000 (minus) India is listed at 152 in the world (CIA: The world factbook)-Poverty Graph-India has over 456 Million people, 41.6% of its population living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 (PPP) per day.India accounts for over 40% of the world's poor (more than in the whole of Africa) and its fiscal deficit is one of the highest in the world. India ranks way down at 96 among 119 developing countries India is more poor than any other country in the worldEven though india hasnt acted on this but researchers say if india acts now it will take more than three centuries to pull the poor out of a sub-human existance (Global Hunger Index (GHI). Ref: IFPRI Country Report on India)-Living conditions of Indians-89% of rural households do not own telephones; 52% do not have any domestic power connection. There are daily power cuts even in the nation's capital. The average brownout in India is three hours per day during non-monsoon months, 17 hours daily during the monsoon. The average village is 2 kilometers away from an all-weather road, and 20% of rural habitations have partial or no access to a safe drinking-water supply. [Tarun Khanna, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization]-Education- About 40 million primary school-age children in India are not in school. More than 92% of children cannot progress beyond secondary school. According to reports, 35% schools don't have infrastructure such as blackboards and furniture. And close to 90% have no functional toilets. Half of India's schools still have leaking roofs or no water supply.[UNESCO Education for All Report 2008-Health-India has highest HIV's, more people in india have HIV's than any other country in the world According to United Nations calculations, India's spending on public health as a share of GDP is the 18th lowest in the world150 million Indians are blind. 2.13 per cent of the total population (21.9 million) live with disabilities in India. 15.3 % of the population do not survive to the age of forty. India accounts for one-fifth of the global TB incident cases. Each year about 1.8 million people in India develop TB, of which 0.8 million are infectious cases. It is estimated that annually around 330,000 Indians die due to TB. [WHO India]-Discrimination against Dalits-Crime against Dalits occur every 20 minutes in India. Every day 3 Dalit women are raped, 2 Dalits are murdered and 2 Dalit houses are burnt down! These figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste Hindu individuals. Official figures show that there are still 0.343 million manual scavengers in India from Dalit community. The 165-170 million Dalits in India are simply abused by their Hindu upper castes for their birth!. [HRW Report2007] and also not forgetting they Discriminate against all the other minorities and religionsI can go on and on and on and on and give you so many examplesIndian hindus are like rats that's why they need to be exterminated like them Their religion is digusting, dirty and totally fakeThe hindus believe in like million gods and workship monkeys, rats, elephants just about everything you just name it lol THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL INDIA?…. NUTHING BUT BULLSHIT

  3161. TRUE INDIAN says: this Condition of ISLAM my LODA in PAKISTAN.ooooh my god i must change it to some another name like ALLAH

  3162. mee says:

    LOOK AT THIS hahahahahhahahhahahahahwowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlook at this is getting married to her Fucking Dog. hahahahahah lolzzzzzzzzzzThis is what you call INDIA?……..Bullshit India

  3163. naaz says:

    @ all indians :Don’t engage these nymphomaniac turds. We have been attacked n we have lost lives in India. It is all fun n games 4 them. D reason why they come on this forum is to remove their pent up sexual frustrations.@ bala : I don’t want 2 preach 2 u, but plz stop responding to their comments. These guyz have fun in talking dirty ,don’t indulge them. So far der has been no Indian guy who has asked d girls from Pak der their sexual preferences n dat seems to be the onus of their discussion. It speaks volumes abt their upbringing n their so called Pakistani tehzeeb.

  3164. Balakrishna says:

    @ mee when u gve the details of indians at the same time dont forget to give the details of pakistan .,, it wud be easier for us to compare .. and ur efforts dont go in vain …

  3165. Balakrishna says:

    @ naaz u r right dear …bye guys … kal office hai ….gn sd tc @ mee , free stay away from we indians …..

  3166. mee says:

    nAAz: Is that important for you to be an Indian or a muslim? How the hell they were saying all this stuff and you were up there listening this and not a single word of offence from your side when they were talking about your religion?.Amazing naaz

  3167. TRUE INDIAN says:

    balaGood night and keep the good work tomorrow

  3168. Aishwarya says:

    Fuckin frustrated mee, You thought everyone has left, Slyly trying to get Naaz on your side to plant the next chicken shit bomb. Yes we are indians first then the religion we practise. I dont care about my hinduism nor my hindu gods and goddess.

  3169. naaz says:

    @ True Indian : Dude I don’t know u much, but plz don’t make any sexual comments bout Fatima.Derz a difference btwn u guyz n them. Ur not savage nymphos like them. U can kick meez n freez ask without involving females.Plz do not get offended by this, I mean well. Show them ur an Indian by fighting man 2 man, itz in d nature of these cowards to hide behind women.Saale aurto ka sahata le kar ladhte hai, namard kahin ke.

  3170. mee says:

    Get the Fuck out of here you cheap moron indian bitch….. I showed you the real face of your country, So now just get lost or wise i gona wipe you ass from this planet.

  3171. Shakèy says:

    @ MEE or PEEWe have some face to show.. wat abt u guys… faceless, gutless n worthless…

  3172. Shakèy says:

    MEE,make sure you PEE before you sleep.. An INDIAN retribution in your dreams might just make you PEE in your pants.. Goodnite 🙂

  3173. naaz says:

    @ mee : I’ll never be symphathetic towards you after all d shit u said to me yesterday.N does Islam teach u to disrespect women n call them randis n cunts. I don’t think so.N my username might’ve mislead u but i’m a hindu n an indian.N even if i was a muslim, i would’ve thought of myself as an indian first n a muslim later.Don’t fight over religion, try n understand that a human life is far above any religion, be it Hinduism or Islam.

  3174. mee says:

    But being myself i consider it as a Muslim First and then Pakistani

  3175. mee says:

    Aish was Just out of control on every blog.i Just believe one theory that if someone is nice and calm then treat him with the same but if someone is just out of control then teach him a lesson.Give some respect to get someone

  3176. naaz says:

    @ Aishwarya : Nothing that he says or does is gonna get me on his side. Trust me I know better than that.@ mee : Agar tu soch raha tha k main muslim hu toh jo tu kal mere baare me keh raha tha uska kya.If it is so important 2 u be a muslim, then how cud u abuse me (since u thought i was a muslim) n piyushi n now ur doin d same 2 ash.Yeh hai tumhara doglapan.Islam does not teach this, my closest friend is a muslim n so i know more bout islam than u think.U think itz funny 2 abuse each others gods. It is not. Every religion has itz plus n minuses.Contrary 2 popular notion no religion is the greatest. Learn 2 co exist peacefully rather than pull each other apart over religion.

  3177. Rahul says:

    like Dr. Zakir Naik said, how can i choose between my faith and my nationality? If islam is my mom, and india is my father, how can you tell me to choose one?

  3178. Shakèy says:

    @ NaazDont waste your time.. they are tough skinned mofo’s

  3179. naaz says:

    @ Shakey : I abused him like a truckdriver with his mouth on fire but he refused to budge. I thought i’d explain it to him civily, mebbe he might understand.

  3180. Rahul says:

    read this: our intelligence agencies and politicians. they knew about it beforehand, several months back, but did nothing to prevent it

  3181. Shakèy says:

    @ Rahul i read the article… We need an independent body that takes care of internal politician should be allowed to head that body.. thats the only hope..

  3182. naaz says:

    U know what hurts d most that 2 year old jewish kid had his birthday the day after his parents were killed n he was crying 4 dem at their funeral.His grandparents are very old n unable 2 care 4 him. Watz his future gonna be, all 4 some religious fanatics who don’t give a shit 4 human life.N now that bastard wants 2 live, I’d say he should b tortured so much that he asks 4 death n he is forced 2 stay alive.

  3183. Shakèy says:

    @ Naazi 2nd ur opinion.. the guy should be skinned, hands n legs chopped n then thrown onto the streets of mumbai to beg for a living…

  3184. chitispandana says:

    There is a new development in the Mumbai episode. The clerics and the leaders of the Muslim community have declared that people who kill innocent people cannot be treated as Muslims even if they have been born as Muslims. The Kabrastans will remain closed to such people and they will not be buried there. This is Righteous action.Of course there remains the problem of disposing of the rotting bodies of the nine terrorists shot down. Probably they can copped up into small pieces and fed to pigs. Thereby malnutrition among pigs can be tackled and besides it will be an eco-friendly way of disposal to solve the problem.

  3185. Rahul says:

    proud of them.

  3186. Aishwarya says:

    I am equally proud of them too. @Mee with pee in your pants, Aarey Randi ki auladh. Did you read the post by chitispandana. Now you know why Indians are Indians, we are Indians first then our religion. Go tell this to your mullahs of tribalistan and they will writhle even in their death with no place to be buried. Pig shit is your only solace. Why did you want pakistan if being a muslim comes first. You could have asked for the sahara desert instead.For time being watch this. You and your Pakistani Islam. Bloody dickheads.

  3187. Rahul says:

    i think he may be generalizing somewhat in that video.i have seen a muslim pakistani wedding, and there was no dancing. there was a reception party however, where everybody danced.

  3188. Ahmed says:

    Sincerely talking! I would say that India first should do intense investigation before any blame game. It’s a serious issue. I can understand the anger of Indian People and as a human I do share the same.As a Pakistani I do have self-respect and the blame game increase my anger against India. I think Indian Media is evil. They first said that they reach Mumbai from Karachi from Boats. Indian Navy denied this. But now they are saying that they capture some Indian boats and kill the coast guards.How funny they things are. According to me there is some internal snakes in the Indian Politics that want to take down the GOV before the elections so that they can again* come into power. Yes I am talking about BJP. BJP always try to help the Hindu Extremist Groups and this time it’s the same issue. Why don’t you (Indians) do investigate the whole issue first. If you still have proper and solid evidence then pass it to us. We will take care of any responsible groups or individuals.But if you want to yell and want a fight then it’s Ok. We are ready even ever ready. And yeah Our Nukes Don’t Fit in Showcases.Thanks

  3189. Ahmed says:

    The Most disgusting comments I ever got to know the Thinking Of Indian People against Pakistan Specially Hindus.If you have guts then move your troops to your border. Yes move them and then see the Mushrooms glowing.

  3190. Taimoor says:

    17 September 1950 It Was A Dark Stormy Night When in northern Mehsana district of Gujarat A Devil Named Narendra Damodardas Modi Was Born.Modi Was a Born Pimp And It Was His Wish That He Will One Day Will Be The Most Richest And Famous PIMP In The World And His Wish Fulfilled On October 7,2001.Now Modi Is World’s Richest Pimp.According To Lastest News He Was Fucked Hard By Vishnu Ramakrishna Karkare And Then…………!!!!!!!!! To Be Continued

  3191. Saim Baig says:

    They said Ajmal Kasab who was a Pakistani, Killed the ATS cheif.Now they are saying that Terrorists Conversed in Marathi.How can a Pakistani lad who reached Mumbai on the same date of the incident knew how to speak Marathi.Source: ki pakai hoi Daal me kuch kaala he.!!!

  3192. Shashikanth says:

    Hi Mr.What a great theory and wondeful imagination with lots of creativity, why dont you read once waht ever you have written, probably you can understand the trash you have written. As per you USA have killed 3000 people and blasted their WTC, ha ha ha… you are right even pakistand might have blated the marriot too….

  3193. aditya says:

    My fellow Indians,Show some restraint …These ignorant people blinded by their substandard and unprofessional media ( I saw a news bulettin of some crappy Pakistani news channel…whatta shame to journalism…I pity their present state…. They use filthy language… never seen such unprofessionalism and bias)These guys listen to their crappy media and come up with baseless arguments…There is some defence analyst…..some JACKASS..I guess Hamid…He says Indian Media, CNN and American Media are biased and Pakistani Media is unbiased and honest…..I was shocked to see how prejudiced the talk show was and how filthy the show host was…. That Hamid was anyhow talking crap all the time…. says Mumbai attack was a drama … WHATTA PITY ….they come up with baseless arguments like these… Every evidence points Pakistan based Organisation’s hand …Every Media slams Pakistan… but here comes the WONDERFUL ANGELIC INCREDIBLY CREDIBLE PAKISTANI Media …saying that IT WAS A DRAMA….No Wonder…these guys live in a shithole of ignorance….WHATTA PITY!!…GUYS….Let us all pray for PAKISTANIS to attain some sanity….. It is worthless talking to them …Cuz their Social Textbooks stink of their Islamic Government issued biased and distorted History …their shitty media’s crappy misinformation and ofcourse their natural stupidity and JACKASSNESS blinded them…..Its good that there are patient Indians trying to teach them how to come out of their ignorance and think above religion…..But at the end of the day we have to realise …..these are no ordinary people…. They are the PAKISTANIS…STUPIDITY DEEP ROOTED IN THEIR BRAINS

  3194. aditya says:

    Rahul, Aishwarya, Balakrishna….please heed my advice…these guys are shitheads….dont reply to them… they will only blabber what their shitty media projects in their minds….just go to youtube and listen to Pakistani media talking about the Mumbai Attacks…..You wont believe it…I have never seen such a filthy media …The funniest part of all this is that they say Indian and Western Media are biased and prejudiced….I thought they only hate other religions….They hate everything and everybody who are different from them…..No wonder …

  3195. Aishwarya says:

    You and your chicken shit sized nuclear weapon. They are good enough to burn down a truck load of our politician. I am happy if you can do that. Otherwise, you Pakistanis are bloody dickheads reading some newspaper which even 5 Indians dont read. And for all you know these Urdu dailies are sinister plot of the terror organisations to create confusion. If media has been reporting of and on, on the arrival route of these jokers called terrorists, thats because they didnt have a proper source when they were also covering the action live. So whatever sound bytes they captured they relayed. But now after proper interrogation and after fixing the jig saw its clear, who, when, what, where and how. Indian media (NDTV/CNN IBN/Headlines Today/Times now) is not at the control at anyone you buffoons. They report unbiased and they are not controlled by the dickhead radical mullah jerks ike in your country, Where they are supposed to broadcast what they are asked to say, and you headless chickens nod your hollow heads.No wonder your country makes celebrity anchors out of transgenders. It was a hijra country of mullahs.

  3196. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    pakistan is standing infront of IMF with a begging bowl and the country is on the verge of collapse with insurgencies rife in baluchistan and NWFP, jihadists are dancing over head threatning to take control any time.terrorism is coming home to roost. a poor nation with no industrial base and a history of millitary rule for most of the time it's been in existance.pakistan is isolated and alieanated with all its neighbors including china which recently rebuffed the president of pakistan who went there to seek economic aid because the terrorists of uighur are trained and supported through pakistan's soil.the country has no diplomatic standing in the world and occasionally abused by countries like china to further their interests like encircling india.the home and root of jihadi terrorist mindset and movement is in pakistan which is responsible for taliban and most of the terror attacks emanating throughout the world. pakistan is an international migraine and certified as such by all the prominent capitals around the world.ISI & millitary are seeped with rogue elements and provide succor and support to terrorists and mad mullahs. pakistan has adopted terrorism and blackmail as state policy and has been a declared failed state a rogue nation.the sole justification of existance of this universally reviled,condemnd and unviable entity is hatred towards india because no other thing binds the nation and will fall apart as soon as india factor is out of equation. shias and sunnis kill each other and no democratic institutions or framework is in existance which can rectify imbalances and act as a safety valve.SOLUTION ;- the solution to this international migraine called pakistan is a major surgery. india & israel should attack pakistan with US & AFGAN tacit and logistical support.israeli and indian commandos in a planned swfit and coordinated surprise action should take out the nukes and neutralise them, can be done not too difficult with latest intelligence and satellite support available. india should attack pakistan immediately after that with afganistan maintaining pressure on pak troops along it's borders which will keep them diverted.though india also can deploy millitary in afganistan and has a air base in tajkistan from where airforce planes could reach pakistan in 10 minutes.after a total capitulation of pakistan it should be broken in to peices.pakistan occupied kashmir to india, nwfp areas demanded by afganitan to them, baluchistan an independent nation and sindh as a peace zone with karachi and bombay as sister ports and area of free trade with no external interfarance a defacto self rule,punjab proovince will be the new pakistan with no nukes and with millitary sanctions and democratic setup. all problems would be solved in one stroke, baluchis and pathans want independence with little pakistani control over tribal areas of FATA. sindhis a historically liberal openminded tolerant and trader community will get rid of punjabi dominance and baggage. and most importantly world would be a much safer secure and peacefull place to live in all neighbors af pakistan would be releived of this angry jihadi undemocratic troublemaker in the neighborhood.

  3197. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    my request to all that we should be open minded and tolerant to other religions than ours.please don’t abuse religion because all paths lead to same god wether allah god or ram.decency and tolerance of all views should be maintained in public forums like this.

  3198. ALLAH says:

    @ allRespect me

  3199. mee says:

    Balakrishna….. Dont involve religion in this conversation… Lets be on the safe side and say whatever about each other countries….Today onwards i will not abuse anyone. But we are here to discuss the issue’s. So Balakrishna kindly change your nick and get back to normalThanks Please Lets be the different today

  3200. TRUE INDIAN says:

    Suar ke bachho pakistaniyo kahan mar gaye

  3201. TRUE INDIAN says:

    ID is coming so please urge your ABBA to bring an AK-47 & GRENADES this ID.

  3202. ALLAH says:

    hi mee how r u so different today ?? i never initiated the abuse of religion now do i have such intentions …its good that u changed ur mind ….. for a change its gud.

  3203. ALLAH says:

    @ truewhats dis ID ??

  3204. mee says:

    BalakrishnaKindly change your nick…..Just let us stay away from religion and talk about the current issue.Thanks

  3205. TRUE INDIAN says:

    its EID i should say, bala how r u

  3206. ALLAH says:

    @ TRUE IM fine how about u ???@ MEEdont worry i wont come 2 religion untill u force me 2that name is 2 curb ur abusive language

  3207. TRUE INDIAN says:

    @meeWe surely wont start but what we do is to give a hard core reply.So until you dont start,we would be mild on you

  3208. mee says:

    Bala……We can choose nicks from your religions as well but its better to stay off the religions..I hope you will understand if you are a man of peace.Thanks.

  3209. ALLAH says:

    @ mee I am a man of peace if not intimidated… if u want u can choose ur nick as u wish ,,, i dont have any reservations on that

  3210. SHIVLINGAM says:


  3211. SHIVLINGAM says:


  3212. TRUE INDIAN says:

    kyo be tu pee kar aaya hai kya jo ab mujh se puh raha hai behn ke lode

  3213. TRUE INDIAN says:

    SUAR ke bache kehte hi tu saale ekdum kaise bhaag ke aaya hai. Apna nickname bahut acha lagta hai na tujhe

  3214. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    the owner of the blog promised not to delete any comments and now he has deleted some comments. moral policing is not the answer to obscenity of the people’s comment, let their conscience and sense of decency appeal to them.

  3215. naaz says:

    @ Kuldeep : M sure he must’ve deleted d comments from his abusive friends.Massive coverup operation.

  3216. Rahul says:

    to all pakistanis. whatever i am going to say is what has been reported latelymumbai police has confirmed that the terrorist captured is of pakistani for the claims many pakistanis on this blog have made that he spoke marathi, i read no such news. But if he did, what does that prove? These terrorists also sent an email to the police after the attack written in HINDI; apparently they used a program to convert whatever they wrote into hindi (may i remind you that media also reports that with the help of american CIA, this email has been traced back to lahore). If they can write an email in Hindi, then why can’t they learn marathi, that is if that claim is even true. May I remind you that these people went through a year’s worth of training. Also alot of witnesses/victims also reported that these people were speaking hindi/urdu with a punjabi accent. Again, yes there might be some conflicting reports (althguoh im not sure if the marathi news is actually true because some pakistanis have tried to make up news on this blog), so lets just wait till theinvestigation is finished. Peace.And as for aditya, yes i saw the pakistani news show you are referring to. I couldn’t stop laughing. What kind of media says things like“hum tumhara sir tod denge”and “bachon jaisi kahaniyaan banaa lete hain”and “akal toh hai nahi”…and they claim western and indian media is messed up. the pakistani media also claimed that they recieved an email from a indian police officer claiming that the terrorist is a indian/sikh named amar singh;. well if you have proof, then why not show the email on tv, like most responsible media throghout the world.either these people are lying, or are just pure idiots =)..(im talking bout pakistani media, not entire pak population)

  3217. naaz says:

    I read some of the trash published in the Paki media.My god, wat trash. They think we staged this thing so that we cud have an indian 9/11. Their media r d lapdogs of the Paki Govt. To say that we orchestrated the whole thing speaks volumes about their mental balance.

  3218. Rahul says:

    they dont understand that by doing this attack on mumbai, our economy would be severely hurt. foreign investors will stay away from us. we are now officially one of the 20 most dangerous countries in the world…why wud the indian government want to do that to itself?think logicaly pakistani media think logically. oh and one more question: wtf are “hindu zionists”. the dumbass in that pakistani news show kept saying “hindu zionists”.

  3219. naaz says:

    I am a Hindu n I can speak a bit of Urdu, Punjabi n many other languages.I can even speak foreign languages.So saying that they r indians bcoz they speak marathi is a moot point. I’ve never heard such ridiculous coverups.

  3220. Rahul says:

    Hamid said that it was a “badly planned” operation that had gone horribly wrong. “9/11 jo Americans ne kiya tha usko bahut khoobsurat camouflage kiya tha. Unhone media mein perception management bahut acchha kiya . Indians ne wahi game repeat karne ki koshish ki, lekin akal to hai nahin . In ahmakon ne complete disaster kiya isko handle karne mein . (The Americans executed the 9/11 attack perfectly. They managed the media very well. The Indians tried to repeat the formula but goofed up. The idiots made a complete mess of it). ________________________________________what i find funny is that they are blaming india, afghanistan, israel, and USA for being against pakistan. 4 against 1? they claim we are against them, but maybe they just cant accept tht the problem is in pakistan.firstly, what motive would israel have in attacking pakistan?!america, maybe. theyve always been selfishindia, maybe. we’ve always been enemies afghanistan?! why wud they want to destroy pakistan..please all pakistanis, remember that india does not want war, and indian government understands that it needs a peaceful and successful pakistan for india to grow. we want only the best for pakistan, and i am no different. i really hope pakistan is able to get out of the mess it is in right now, and get back its lost glory.

  3221. naaz says:

    Now that the big daddy US has given clearance n support should India decide 2 wipe out the terrorists in Pak, maybe our oh so diplomatic govt may finally do sumthin.Wat they don’t realize is their diplomacy costs an average citizen with no political aspirations his life.

  3222. naaz says:

    Paki media loves to portrays itself as a victim. They r probably the most unprofessional media I’ve ever seen.Their immaturity does not even infuriate you, rather it makes you laugh.Even our “Sansani” ( Of the ” Chain se sona hai, toh jaag jao” fame ) is better than that n that by itself is saying sumthin. 😉

  3223. Rahul says:

    lol i agree.. i wus laughing hysterically throughout the entire thing. they talk about how “india apna gand apne peaceful neighbours (pakistan?!) par uchaal raha hai”.i am sorry, but pakistan peaceful? Agreed india has its seperatist movements, but there are NOT 100 seperatist movements in india (as pakistani media claimed). and may i remind you pakistan has its own separatist movements in balochistan and even with the tribal areas, which the pakistani media conveniently blames on india. come on! even india doesnt blame pakistan for its separatist movements! (well except for khalistan, but even bhutto claimed that pakistan supported khalistan mvoement in revenge for bangladesh)next, they talk bout gujurat riots killing 5000 muslims (infact, the actual number was close to 1000; still bad though). may i remind you there are constantly riots between different ethnic groups in pakistan, the latest karachi riot being an example. the sunni vs. shiite issue is another. punjabis vs balochis. muhajirs vs pashtuns. etc. etc. they talk about how india blames pakistan for no reason, and that the parliament attack in 2001 in delhi was done by india itself, and it blamed pakistan without having any evidence of who did it. well let me tell you india DID come up with evidence. they found sim cards, which traced back to kashmir, and was linked back to kashmiri militants such as LeT, which pakistan used to support back in the 1990s (according to american intelligence, not india’s). afzal guru was found guilty, and is in jail. india has named to pakistan the terrorists that are hiding in pakistan that are involved in this attack also.and how can these people forget the indian airlines hijacking?! watch the documentary they showed on the Discovery channel. The terrorists who hiijacked the plane were from pakistan. they took the plane to lahore, then dubai, then afghanistan, where they celebrated with their taliban friends. And then they got india to release more of their terrorists friends, who were involved in september 11 attacks and beheading of daniel pearl. there are many things that point to the fact that there ARE terrorists hiding in pakistan. and its not only india saying so. China says it, USA says it, Afghanistan says it, UK says it. Pakistani media should accept it. Then again we shouldn’t expect anything from their media, seeing that they believe Osama Bin Laden is a made up figure by the US to attack pakistan, and the ”so called recession” (as pakistani media likes to call it) is also another farce made up by US to attack pakistan.

  3224. BALAKRISHNA says:

    @allthese pakistanis didnt turn up 2day

  3225. ALLAH says:

    @ Pakistani patriotsOne good news to u all .. our soft hearted Defence Minister has ruled out any military action on u ppl.. so u have got a lifeline yet again … though u dont deserve it….

  3226. Shakèy says:

    @ Allhow come the dudes are missing today ( read Free, mee, wasi etc etc).. without them, there’s no fun 😛

  3227. Balakrishna says:

    ya the moderator has also introduced the word verification funda which makes posting more pissing

  3228. Shakèy says:

    @ Balahmmmnnn… the word verification has blown the so called patriots… im feelin bored 😉

  3229. Balakrishna says:

    today mee had come but i had changed my name to ALLAH den…. cudnt abuse me so went away 😀

  3230. naaz says:

    @ bala: These guyz know how 2 abuse very well , but when it comes 2 facing d music they disappear.Yesterday mee was writing such long, long abusive posts, but 2day when he FINALLY decides not 2 abuse he has so little 2 say. Ouch !Abhi eid hai na, kuch dino me wapis aa gayenge with their abusive posts.

  3231. naaz says:

    @ bala: Nyce 1 wid the ALLAH username. Always use it when meez or freez r around.Itz gonna make abusing so very painful 4 dem. He!He! 😉

  3232. Ahmed says:

    @ Indiansok I am not here for a war. All i need simple answers of these questions.. If you want to abuse me then you can but answering these simple questions would be appreciated.Why Indian Media is ignoring the Samjotha Express issue when ATS chief Karkare was to reach the tunnel end of Investigation but he got shot at his back while taking part in the Mumbai Operations. Why Karkare & Salaskaar at the same time? Salaskaar was also involved in the investigation and had a really clear eye on all the actors involved in it. Where was Indian Naval Force? Sleeping or gone for lunch when the terrorist enters the indian areas.Why don’t you (Indians) do investigate the whole issue first. If you still have proper and solid evidence then pass it to us. We will take care of any responsible groups or individuals.

  3233. Balakrishna says:

    @ NAAZu r wrong… tonight he was soft as i had renamed my to ALLAH and he cudnt abuse me directly with that name .. but later he changed his name to SHIVLINGAM and also gave some crude and dirty comments… 4 which we didnt give any reply … He thought that trick wud intimidate me .. but i didnt and failing which he left…. that mee says he is a investment banker … as far as i know these investment bankers work for atleast 18 hrs a day when dey begin their career and which runs 4 the initial 5-6 yrs … i will not be surprised if somebody says he is a watchman at goldman sachs..

  3234. Rahul says:

    Ahmed:when there is a huge attack going on in your country, you send your BEST people to go fight it. Karkare and others that were killed were also involved in investigating attacks allegedly done by Pakistanis. Karkare was leading his team to fight the terrorists. In the news it also said that the terrorists got their hostages to call the indian army to tell them where they were, so that they could be saved, basically tricking the indian army. Then when the indian army and ATS went in to save hostages, terrorists attacked them. Karkare was one of the first to go in. He got shot, other people frmo indian army were about to go in to back him up, but karkare told them to leave as firing was too high. Again, this is what the media is reporting, so i cannot guarantee this is 100% correct. But how can YOU say that your story is 100% correct? Just because pakistani media is saying it? I am sorry, but go watch your media news shows again, and you will see how unprofessional pak media is. If they claim that an indian officer sent them an email saying that the terrorist caught was indian, then act like a responsible media and show your evidence. SHOW the email. Thanks.

  3235. Balakrishna says:

    @ AhmedIt was a coincidence that both the martyrs were at the same place while they were shot down….u can suspect a coincidence but it can or cannot be a plot… so have an open mind and lets not discuss about trivial things.and regarding evidence within few days the evidence wud reach ur presidents offc dont worry about that ….

  3236. Balakrishna says:

    @ Ahmed Regarding our naval force … to be truthful our navy has admitted that its difficult to protect such a long coastline and if it doesnt have a partolling system doesnt mean that somebody shud make use of that loophole 4 his malign motives… if somebody really wants to make use of any loopholes in any system he should use it for a good cause… and not to kill humanity

  3237. Ahmed says:

    I know We (indians and pakistanis) are fighting till 1947 and still the cold war is going on. But just think if there is some internal enemy of india who planned all this. Ok i know you are not going to accept but just assume for a moment. yes just assume it. Now what? Ok leave it tell me What advantages would Pakistan will get by such attacks?I admire India because of its Democracy. but any thing that have big volume have some evil part too.

  3238. Rahul says:

    I would like a response from Ahmed regarding my response to him. I want to know whether he agrees with what i said, or wants to argue against it. If you want to argue against it, I have no problem. But please lets do so in a peaceful manner

  3239. naaz says:

    @ Ahmed: Dude 4 starters Hemant Karkare was doing the Malegaon probe. Salaskar, Kamte n Karkare were killed in their jeep by the terrorists who were hiding behind a tree. They were travelling with 4 hawaldars out of which 3 r dead n 1 is injured who is the sole witness.They had come 2 d hospital 2 visit a colleague who was injured at the CST attack. They were not killed in combat but were shot when they weren’t expecting it. Explains why 3 extremely competent officers were exterminated so easily.N open ur eyes n see d evidences, instead of refuting every fact that comes ur way as fiction.As 4 u taking action, itz a known fact that Dawood is in Karachi with ISI protection, wat r u doin bout dat other than denying.

  3240. Rahul says:

    to ahmed:i respect your response.i definitely agree that there is an internal threat in india. a HUGE one. many attacks have been done in india lately by home grown terrorists which india did NOT blame on pakistan; the blame went on indian mujahideen. this time india is reacting towards pak because this time there is evidence for it against pakistanbut india isnt blaming pakistan govt. its blaming terorrsts hiding in pakistan. pakistan will get no advantage by doing this to india. but the terrorists hiding there definitely benefit from harming india-pak relations, and preventing india from becoming superpower. no1 blmes pakistan. pakistan itself is suffering from these cowards. its just the fact that pak govt has been unable to get rid of these traitors.

  3241. Balakrishna says:

    @ Ahmedwe indians are not against muslims or any pakistanis as such…if the evil elements are within our nation then we will take actions against them and if the elements are located in ur region of control toooo we wud like to clean them… Just think if we clean up any terrorist camps in ur region .. it will be beneficial 4 ur society too and morever 4 mankind.Dont u want those evils to be cleaned ?? It doesnt matter where they are … pakistan or India.. but they shud be wiped off without mercy

  3242. Ahmed says:

    @ bala Your Naval Force can not defend indian Coast line. Bala are you Ok with this statement that your Naval Force have given?There are 14 Radar Systems among the coastline New Mumbai. There are Nuclear Energy Plants near Mumbai. How could your Naval force can give such a statement that they are unable to defend such big indian coastline.

  3243. Rahul says:

    our naval force to be honest isnt that great, mainly because it is crippled by politics. navy has complained against this many times before. and don’t forget corruptionapparently these terrorists bribed one of the officers to let them go through. in conclusion: india needs to overhaul its security forces. BIG time.

  3244. Rahul says:

    actually i didnt mean to say our naval force isnt great. its actually one of the top in the world but just ilke evetrything else in india, it is crippled by politics and corruption in the country

  3245. Shakèy says:

    @ Bala,There are a lot of Investment banker from goldman sachs.. im actually tryin to lay my hands on atleast one of them.. but not able to get them..

  3246. Ahmed says:

    @ Rahul , NaazWell i am here to defend anything. You said that took these argu from Pakistani Media. Sorry to say but i have watched NDTV and CNN IBN for hours and got almost every update from their. Even in my office.They break some news then they denied it on their own channel. N yeah one more thing I remember the Terrorist Calls on India Tv. Some sahabudin and Imran baber. It was uploaded to youtube first i add them to fav but the next day the Videos were removed from their.and yeah you are not a from the Indian GOV. You are also taking news from Indian Media Right? How could you say that they are delivering 100 % true news.What i observe they are breaking news again n again just to have they viewers busy watching the tv.I would say that wait and see and let your investigation teams do work.

  3247. naaz says:

    Some asshole had asked that since Dawood is not doing anything wrong in Pakistan, why the hell should we punish him.The links have been traced 2 Dawood who currently resides in Pakistan. Letz hypothize 4 a moment, if ur elected govt or ISI is not involved n it is an independant Dawood operation, do you think itz not gonna spoil the name of ur country n if he continues who do you think will have 2 pay the cost when sum 1 decides 2 take revenge.Our govt hides its impotence in the name of political relations & diplomacy, but 2morrow if a superpower like America is attacked it won't think much, it will just attack.

  3248. Shakèy says:

    @ AhmedDude, Pls dont get us wrong.. We are not sayin that Pakistan is officially behind the mumbai attack.. what we expect is you guys helping us with info/ data on the guys behind these attacks..Im sure ISI knows the whereabouts of Dawood, Maulana masood etc etc… why is that u keep denying that you guys have no info.. hand them over to us n things will fall in place

  3249. Balakrishna says:

    @ shakeygood luck next time.mee shud be ur inspiration and contact him if he can land u as an investment banker …..@ ahmedno system is foolproof dude … when osama cud intrude into us so precisely which has the worlds best airforce and radars… then its quite possible that the terrorists sneaked in or may be some persons in navy too are involvedBut the real question is shud somebody attack only because our system is weak ?? answer this

  3250. Shakèy says:

    @ Bala,im already working for Goldman Sachs as an Investment banker.. thats the reason im tryin to get my hands on this 1 guy called Wasi.. he crossed his limits..

  3251. Balakrishna says:

    @ shakeyoh gr8 … catch hold of him and cross question him to find out if he really is an I banker

  3252. Rahul says:

    to ahmed:yes i saw that video too; it wasn’t deleted i saw it a couple days after too, to show someone else. indian media claims that these people clainmed to be frmo hyderabad to confuse people. im not saying this is 100% true, but this is what they say. They say the deccan mujahideen email was tracked back to lahore by america’s CIA. as for me getting my info from indian media. i try to rely more on western media than indian.but i am not saying that whatever they say is 100% correct. if you read my comments, most of the time i use words like ”ALLEGEDLY” ”the terrorists are allegedly from pakistan”..etc. but all i am saying is pakistani media is much more unprofessional. it is a true fact, which was published after a survey done by smoe independent gruop from the US (don’t remember the name) that india’s media has more freedom whereas pak’s media is more controlled by government. other than that the major thing that makes me mad is, pakistani media is extremely unprofessional. no media in the world uses bad words, name calling, waging wars. if u look at indian media, you wil see indian media (and eveyr other media) does not do that. they jut state for example ‘indian prime minister threatens pakistan’…in same way pakistani media would report ”mumbai attacks indian conspiracy” and say ”un ahemakon koh akal toh hai nahi…hum unka sir thod denge” etc. etc. other than that. only god knows if these people are pakistani. i have no problems with pakistan and its peopple. only time will tell if these terrroristsr pakistani.but at the end of the day, it is true that terrorists r hiding in pakistan. and evenYOU paksitanis are victims of them. hope we can all live peacefully together n get rid of these idiots.

  3253. Ahmed says:

    @ Naaz Our foreign minister is repeating again n again n again that give us the Solid Evidence againt any person either he is that coward Ibrahim what ever his name is or our president or even me yaar. what i am trying to say (plz dont mind) that an evidence is needed to take action againt any person.Ok tell me if Police arrest you without any evidence then what you will do? you will ask them for the evidence right?that is what i am saying

  3254. Faisal says:

    @RahulThe “Terrorists Speaking Marathi” issue was brought up only after your new papers printed such stories in addition to numerous during and after the Mumbai CarnageMumbai’s Comissioner Police gave the report that they were only 10, no local help, came by the sea, evaded detection, divided in to five pairs and then went on rampage.Your own commandos told the world media that because they were unfamiliar with the hotels, that is why the got lost or were finding it extremely disadvantageous to the terrorist who were apparently very familiar with the hotel layout.They popped up from places where the commandos had sanitized earlier.I didn’t make it up it was in times of India told by the same commando who did the press conference.Dude, do you seriously buy the story given by your inept police that they were here for the first time and had no local support.Funny your commandos were also here for the first time but they found it hard to track them down in the huge hotel layouts.They took help from the hotel staff(securty and house keepers apparently) and had to embedd them in the sanitization process.Also can Google Earth be so accurate as to keep absolutely up to date city maps, dude Karachi map has not been updated since 4 years in the google earth, we keep on adding pointers for new additions every now and then.You have also made fun of someone who is pro about there analysis skills on the Pakistani media.The person is Zaid Hamid ,an ex-afghan jihad veteran, a graduate electronic engineer with post graduate experience in elctronic surveillance and security, plus he runs a think tank providing security threat analysis.He also consults embassy securities of some countries in Pakistan.His anti india rehtoric can be understood because of his jihadi past, but his information is dead right.Rahul, you appear to neglect our facts that are based on reports, by indian, pakistani and international media.But at the same time you Keep insisting what you deem correct as the report told by your Police, taking help from the reports from the same newspapers.You actually are selective as you cannot understand yourself that how can your intel agencies, the blue water navy (that grabs every fisherman from Pakistan the moment he crosses the sea boundary limits) and the Police that you have been trusting for so long, be so ineffective against approximately a dozen terrorists.Your Police has basically told the same story your media told but this time officially.OK find out the address of the terrorist that you have caught, give it to us and if it is correct and the person is from Pakistan then bingo, you have us then.If they terrorist is so giving out so many information, he could also tell his permanent address in Pakistan.But do remember there is also a Faridkot in India

  3255. naaz says:

    Well Ahmed I don’t think much bout d Indian media either. They have gotten into a very Ekta Kapooresque mode. They sensationalise news, they zoom cameras, they either speak in conspirationally low tones or yell into the cameras. But datz just a lil part of the Indian Media. There r respected channels as well who give predominance 2 news.Hell some of these assholes almost jeopardized the mission by showing the entire operation live. Freaking assholes! N I didn’t take my facts from media but from officials who were involved in the operation.

  3256. Ahmed says:

    @ Bala“Somebody attack only because our system is weak ?? answer this”Pardon Me as I laugh on this question.Ok I would say I open main door and gone to sleep. The thief took all the things from my home but I am saying that this is not fair. If my door was open then why the thief enters my home. He is meant to climb up the wall.Let see who the thief would be after the investigation.

  3257. Balakrishna says:

    @ Ahmedwithin few days the investigations wud be over and if pakistans soil is found to be involved the whole world will look at ur reciprocal actions taken by u… either those actions wil build u or will nibble u

  3258. naaz says:

    @ Shakey : No use searching 4 wasi dude, hez probably lying bout it just the way he was lying bout d 1000 $ donation.Hez just a wannabe IB n a big gasbag 😉

  3259. Rahul says:

    faisal:indian media didnt report the terrorists were here for first time.according to indian media, the terrorist claimed that some other terrorists had been there few days earlier. they booked a room back then under a fake name, n were slowly bringing in bags to hide ammunition. they also claimed that somebody came to mumbai some months back to take videos of the area, and take pictures..he also claimed that there were some local people who helped. end of that story. i am not arguing against anything you have said. i am not opposing anything you said about india being involved in pakistani problems. maybe they are! its a high possibility since we technically are enemies. i am just saying that media shud act responsibly. and that actually applies to indian media to some extent too.and i am not saying what the indian police will say is 100% correct all the time. it is just that everyone here is being a hypocrite. i have always said that is is being CLAIMED that they were pakistanis, this and that. i never said 100% that they were definitely pakistanis. no.but the thing is..okay, you guys say mumbai police may be lying buot them being pakistani..yet when the blame comes on hindu extrmists, then you people do the same thing and blame hindus!all i am trying to say is. okay maybe these terrorists r not pakistani. but then maybe samjhauta blast wasnt done by a hindu extremist, or by an army guy. maybe the malegaon blast wasnt done by a hindu either.all i am trying to tell you all is that it goes both ways.throughout this blog i hav expressed NO anger towards pakistanis or pakistan. its only the pakistani media which has angered me in acting in such an irresponsible way. doesn’t matter if u have evidence against india. you have no right to call them IDIOTS on public tv. you have no right to say we are going to break their arms and heads. plus saying they had ”hindu faces” sorry but half the time i cannot tell the difference. if u watch one of those news shows, the host (who was a guy) looked like some indian hindu tv personality. wuts the difference? its just they use some bizarre reasoning. and do not show credible evidence. that is all.other than that, i think pakistsan is a great contry.

  3260. Balakrishna says:

    @ AhmedOk Ahmed if the thief steals its fine.,, that is the first stepbut if i catch hold of that thief can he say that as I had kept my door open he stole away things and now he was not guilty of the crime ?? and shud be given impunity 4 dat ??? as far as poosibile we try to protect but breaching our security is in now way an explanation 4 impunitythey deserve to be punished

  3261. Ahmed says:

    @ BalaDon’t worry honey. Nothing will nibble Pakistan. All we need India to be clear and sincere with pakistani Gov and People. I have seen many Indian Docters and artist in pakistan. Recently @ the world Performing Arts Festival. We are the same and we should not think bad for each other. Don’t abuse each other and don’t abuse religion as well.Peace all we need. Let’s hope for the Good.

  3262. Balakrishna says:

    @ AhmedI respect ur concern and i dont have any sinister dreams to get pakistan destroyed but i want the evil forces from both the countries to die away soon which wud be of gr8 relief 2 both the nations …. and the new relations which both the govts are building wud be much smoother to go along …

  3263. naaz says:

    Ahmed, as incompetent as our politicians are they r not that dense 2 ask you for those criminals if they didn’t have enuff evidence.U don’t see us asking for criminals from UK, USA or any1 else.@ all : I want that bastard Vilasrao Deshmukh 2 resign. The balls of that bastard 2 bring his son Riteish n Ram Gopal Verma (letz hope he doesn’t make a film on that). Was it some circus, bloody hell people were getting killed. Godamn loser, almost wish a stray bullet had hit him.Hez much worse than Shivraj Patil (who I think has a fashion fetish) n R R Patil (who has a communication barrier) put 2gether.Jeez wat an asshole !!!

  3264. Rahul says:

    waiting for reply from Faisal

  3265. Balakrishna says:

    @ all going to sleep .. bye gn sdand Ahmed have a pragmatic view and dont try to cut down my points bcoz u want it to cut it down…

  3266. Shakèy says:

    I agree with you Naaz.. Vilasrao is incompetent like most of our politicians.. we need young ppl at the helm of affairs…its time to kick these guys out

  3267. Ahmed says:

    @ NaazLOL! RGV will surely make a film on it.

  3268. Rahul says:

    hope not.. all RGV movies are trash.

  3269. naaz says:

    N 2 top it all, we got P Chidambaran @ Home Ministry. After wat he did 2 d finances ….Anywayz we need tough,dynamic n mebbe a tad aggressive guyz @ the Home Min.He seems 2 b as thanda as Manmohan Singh.@ Ahmed : Since u r here dude plz remove this verification thingie. Makes posting a right pain in d ass (or is that why u did it).

  3270. Shakèy says:

    @ AllGuys, me off now… goodnite & Peace

  3271. naaz says:

    Like hell d bastard will, we Indians shud send him n Himmesh nasal Reshammiya double seat on a rocket to mars.I’m ready 2 pay all d expenses even if i have 2 sell my house 4 it, n I’m sure fellow indians will chip in.Ahh! To think of that thought, d world will b a better place.

  3272. Faisal says:

    @RAhulYour Police Just said that they were here for the fist time.Read Times of India which previously said they might be having local help,recce mision,etc,etc…..Who knows who they were how they got there (Ratan Tata was amazed by their knowledge of hotel layout, kitchen pantry entrance exits,again media reports….)Look bro, first of all fire all your intel chiefs and police chiefs as well as they would try to make us the only scape goat. Reprinting the media stories in the official reports suggest that either the media is two steps ahead of the security infrastructure or the media takes dictation from the intel agencies.I agree in the same way that sny race should not be discrimintated and disapprove of the pakistani reports you are quoting which is indulging in such remarks. But look, there are only one or two such channels using such languages or doing biased reporting in Pakistan, majority being extremely objective and cautious.Funny, channels reporting objectively and doing more internal bashing than external(Pakistan) maybe handful in your country also.I again cannot understand why the heck your top police officers are killed every time apparently Muslim aka “terrorist” attack or are encounterd(currently referring to Kamte and co. previously the encounter in which another ATS enc specialist died in Delhi I guess two three months.Correct me if i am wrong)I agree in specialist branches the top level officer goes first like encounter specialist (team leaders) etc, but the ATS chiefs, ACPs bieng killed raises some doubts.In commando outfits the top level officer to the rank of Lt.Col or Col goes in front according to my information.There are commandos of brigadier level also who indulge in squad duties but they are not sent in front as their loss would be idiotic more than patriotic.Also apparently Kamte and co. were wearing bullet proof vests but the fatal wounds were those inccurred at the back.Beats me.Something very fishy about this dude.

  3273. Rahul says:

    @ faisalclearly when a terrorist is giong to attack, he’s giong to do his research, no? lol. earlier there were reports that some of the staff inside the taj were involved. i think on tv they showed one of the staff who survived saying that one of the chefs in the hotel was also shooting people. but i dont remember properly because i didn’t read that article fully. i’ll accept maybe our media is speculating too much. although our media has alot of freedom, it loves to do anything that gets it more viewers. lets agree that we shouldnt believe everything our media states. but once a top police officer comes out with his statement lets just accept that and stop this for the ATS cheif dying, etc. Well, lets just say due to corruption the funds for the Police force go wasted. They were saying lately that the gov’t gave the police force and ATS money for funding, and most of that money went into buying new cars instead of upgrading worn out bulletproof vests, etc. Ofcourse with trashy equipment, there is no safety. Maybe you are right, and there is something fishy giong on, but it is equally right that the terrorists infact did kill him. Lets leave it right there. how about we all wait a few more weeks until this is completed. Media always seems to conflict and contradict itself. Same thing happened when Sept.11 occurred in USA. I live in this region, so I would know. lastly, i apologize if i hurt your sentiments. if you read my posts throughout this blog, i have only tried to make people stop fighting. i only got into a fight with one pakistani over which city has a bigger slum (karachi or mumbai), only because he called me an idiot after i had proved him wrong, and then stopped talking alltogether. after that i started bashing pakistani media only for namecalling and racism. other than that i agree that india was hasty at blaming pakistan. and especially narendra modi who is not even part of the investigation pointing hands at pakistan.

  3274. Rahul says:

    sorry i meant to say it is equally POSSIBLE that the terrorists might have kileld him

  3275. Faisal says:

    @RahulSome of your electronic media Analysts are now raising the question that how come there was a Jewish Chabad House here without them being in knowledge of it.The host and the analyst both were perplexed as to when it was built.The presence of six South African Commandos, the apparently unknown strength of Israeli commandoes(qouting nytimes eyewitness updates during which a times reporter who was by by chance in one of the house in the neighborhood of Chabad House) and also apparently an FBI team who was bent upon helping the local authorities.Dude I am not a conspiracy theorist but the some that are being circulated in Pakistan are worth listening to.They say that as west is finding hard to send needed manpower in the war against terror, they are eyeing India, their match for the Chinese, to send some.Their is half a division of Indian Army serving in Afghanistan to protect i don’t know say…., five thousand Indians maybe.Pak army can and engage them in Afghanistan but they won’t, as it may suck in more Indian troops there.Pretty Solid Theory given the current circumstances with publiic opinion in India tilting heavily towards doing something which involves military.

  3276. Rahul says:

    =S im sorry i don’t know wut you are trying to prove there. care to elaborate? are you saying america is involved in this somehow?

  3277. Faisal says:

    @RahulNo dude I didn’t got any offense from you.Good, I thought all Indian bloggers would use their brains less and tongues more.Just updated my info that not all of you are shortsighted.Look no one would gain anything out of the fight.Both sides will spend there resources fighting a war that would never end while the whole world leaves to live on the planet Mars.

  3278. Rahul says:

    i just want to ask you one simple question. please dont take this the wrnog you believe there are terrorists hiding in pakistan?

  3279. Faisal says:

    @RahulYes the ones fighting the Pakistani Army.Ha! I knew you would come to this.I have tons facts that might take forever to get involved in a debate but I know at the end you would consider the story of your country and I would, that of mine.Lets stop this on a happy not and excuse me as I have to go to University tomorrow.(Don’t you think ever that I am shying out of a potentially heated debate on Indo Pak relations)Adios Amigos

  3280. Rahul says:

    no i am not trying to make a ppoint out of this. i just wanted to know your opinion. just out of curiosity. only because the pakistani news show i saw kept on saying ‘so called osama bin laden’

  3281. Rahul says:

    again sorry if i offended. i am in no way saying pakistanis are terrorists, or they support terrorism. but i do firmly beleive terrorists are hiding in your afghan border, and yes you are fighting them and they are fighting you. that is all imeant to say. and please. i KNOW india is a selfish country, even though most indians here may try to portray it as an angel stuck in hell (south asia). peace to you and all pakistanisonce again im sorry if tht offended oyu. i did not mean it in the way you took iti must go study now. peace.

  3282. Faisal says:

    Remain always at peace.

  3283. sexy says:

    how’s it going guys ?

  3284. PEACE says:

    what’s new in the new ?

  3285. PEACE says:

    Just wondering what do u guys think about this tape on you tube ?

  3286. Rahul says:

    anybody sense the punjabi accent in his voice in that vide?? so much for being hyderbadi. the demoltion of mosque does not justify killing of innocent people. then the demolition of babri masjid by hindus becomes justified because there was once a temple there that was demolished by muslims. this video is useless now, because it has been proven that the email sent by “deccan mujahideen” is from lahore.

  3287. PEACE says:

    So u Do u really believe it’s an actual a real terroist calling to the media ? or some guy is just calling and playing with media ?

  3288. Rahul says:

    actually im not too sure anymore. cause as far as i feel, i was in india last year, and the indian media kept reporting stupid news like a car driving on highway without any driver, or that buy who was possessed by an american, n was speaking “american english”. since then i began thinking okay maybe indian media makes up stories sometimes just to gain it is likely (according to me) that this might be made up.buttt one analysis i would like to make is if you listen to his accent, it just does not sound hyderabadi.

  3289. Rahul says:

    he has an extreemely thickkk punjabi accent, so either the media is smart and chose such a person who could speak urdu with a punjabi accent so they could say that this man is pakistani.orr it is actually true, and this man is actually a real terrorist.unfortunately, we’ll never know. whats the point of media if you can’t believe everything they say?!

  3290. jérôme says:

    i’m please to see people who wants to understand why and how this was happen unlike sheep believing what the media shows. i know this isn’t the topic, but from a couple of year, all the world have the word “terrorism” somewhere in his head. first, i would know when and why the word terrorism appears. (it appears that we,french people, had invent this concept just after the french revolution ,for the democratie, that was the war of fear against royalty leading BY the democratie) but the first real uses as we consider actually this word appears in ireland in 1866.when this word was appearing in india/pakistan? secondly, man people should thinks about the fact that terrorism is a media’s war. it doesn’t works if you dont take care of that. The word arrive before the act? (i know i could be easily miss understand but please; do not take that on the first degree). it would be better to fight against poverty than against iraq/iran/afghanistan/terrorism that are peaceful compare to that(would be better on an american/europe’s blog).

  3291. PEACE says:

    2 rahul,I was doubtful, just wanted to get 2nd opinion. thanks bro

  3292. Rahul says:

    it doesn’t matter how terrorism arose. but we need to get rid of terrorists as they exist today. they threaten the very existence of civilization.may they be hindu, muslim, christian, sikh, jew it is very necessary to fight against any type of terrorism.and pakistan plays a role in that, only because there are terrorists holed up along their afghan border. every country actually plays a role, as terrorists are everywhere nowadays. i just read an article on some british news paper, where this pakistani general was interviewed. He said that the general population pakistan supported LeT’s kashmir cause, as it feels india is holding onto kashmir illegally. Well I’d like to say that any violence is not justified, and thus nor are the attacks carried out by LeT in indian kashmir. i tried finding the article so i could post it here, but wasn`t able to. if i find it i’ll post it. i know the pakistanis on this blog might lash out against me for having said that, and might claim that i have just made that up. but infact i didnt, and i’ll try my best to find that article again.for a moment how about we ALL try to forget our national pride. I will also try to do the same.(secondly, both countries are controlling kashmir illegally, so both should let it be independent)

  3293. PEACE says:

    Another way to view it. I am surprised

  3294. Rahul says:

    also possible.

  3295. PEACE says:

    Another fake voice ore real ? on cctv footage

  3296. Rahul says:

    thats not them talking, is it?i think its the people viewing the camera. can u clarify that please?

  3297. PEACE says:

    when they repeat the tape same voice plays ….( babray road khali parhi hey , charso pachso admi ko mar detay hein” bla bla ) bla so it’s the terroist talking with each other …but doesn’t sound real to me…not sure if it’s real or fake

  3298. PEACE says:

    yeah i think the ppl who recorded the tape some how it’s there voice..funny

  3299. Rahul says:

    i am pretty sure its the people who are viewing the video in the security office of the building or whatever. because they say thinkgs like ”arre baap re”, and ”yeh dekho” … and ”immediate band karaa diya tha”…plus it sounds like theres an echo in the background, as if they are in a pretty sure its not the terrorists, and just the security personnel viewing the video. can these cameras record soudn anyway? i dont think so.

  3300. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    @rahul,naaz,bala,ahmed,faisal….wot say???????? about the solution…pakistan is standing infront of IMF with a begging bowl and the country is on the verge of collapse with insurgencies rife in baluchistan and NWFP, jihadists are dancing over head threatning to take control any time.terrorism is coming home to roost. a poor nation with no industrial base and a history of millitary rule for most of the time it's been in existance.pakistan is isolated and alieanated with all its neighbors including china which recently rebuffed the president of pakistan who went there to seek economic aid because the terrorists of uighur are trained and supported through pakistan's soil.the country has no diplomatic standing in the world and occasionally abused by countries like china to further their interests like encircling india.the home and root of jihadi terrorist mindset and movement is in pakistan which is responsible for taliban and most of the terror attacks emanating throughout the world. pakistan is an international migraine and certified as such by all the prominent capitals around the world.ISI & millitary are seeped with rogue elements and provide succor and support to terrorists and mad mullahs. pakistan has adopted terrorism and blackmail as state policy and has been a declared failed state a rogue nation.the sole justification of existance of this universally reviled,condemnd and unviable entity is hatred towards india because no other thing binds the nation and will fall apart as soon as india factor is out of equation. shias and sunnis kill each other and no democratic institutions or framework is in existance which can rectify imbalances and act as a safety valve.SOLUTION ;- the solution to this international migraine called pakistan is a major surgery. india & israel should attack pakistan with US & AFGAN tacit and logistical support.israeli and indian commandos in a planned swfit and coordinated surprise action should take out the nukes and neutralise them, can be done not too difficult with latest intelligence and satellite support available. india should attack pakistan immediately after that with afganistan maintaining pressure on pak troops along it's borders which will keep them diverted.though india also can deploy millitary in afganistan and has a air base in tajkistan from where airforce planes could reach pakistan in 10 minutes.after a total capitulation of pakistan it should be broken in to peices.pakistan occupied kashmir to india, nwfp areas demanded by afganitan to them, baluchistan an independent nation and sindh as a peace zone with karachi and bombay as sister ports and area of free trade with no external interfarance a defacto self rule,punjab proovince will be the new pakistan with no nukes and with millitary sanctions and democratic setup. all problems would be solved in one stroke, baluchis and pathans want independence with little pakistani control over tribal areas of FATA. sindhis a historically liberal openminded tolerant and trader community will get rid of punjabi dominance and baggage. and most importantly world would be a much safer secure and peacefull place to live in all neighbors af pakistan would be releived of this angry jihadi undemocratic troublemaker in the neighborhood.

  3301. Balakrishna says:

    @ kuldeepindeed a perfect solution but none can make our coward politicians understand this ….

  3302. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    WASHINGTON: Pakistan is the weakest link in world security and the next terror attack in the US will originate in that country, said ahigh-powered bipartisan US Congressional commission, adding it is the “intersection of nuclear weapons and terrorism.”“If one has to map terrorism and weapons of mass destruction today, all roads would intersect in Pakistan,” the report “World at Risk” said while devoting a whole chapter on the Islamic country.“Although Pakistan is an ally (of US) there is a grave danger it could also be an unwitting source of a terrorist attack on the United States, possibly with weapons of mass destruction,” the report said.The Commission was chaired by former US Senator Bob Graham and included Wendy Sherman, a former senior Clinton Administration official, who is now the chair of the foreign policy transition team of the incoming Obama Administration.Speaking on CNN television, Graham called Pakistan the “intersection of the perfect storm.”In remarks suggesting that Pakistan could be emerging as a most lethal tinderbox, the report noted that “Pakistan has nuclear weapons and a history of unstable governments and parts of its territory are currently a safe haven for al-Qaida and other terrorists.”The authors of the report said they had “singled out Pakistan for special attention in the report, as we believe it poses a serious challenge to America’s short-term and medium-term national security interests. Indeed many government officials and outside experts believe that the next terrorist attack against the US is likely to originate from within the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan.”“Moreover, given Pakistan’s tense relationship with India, its buildup of nuclear weapons is exacerbating the prospect of a dangerous arms race in South Asia that could lead to a nuclear conflict,” the commission warned.The rapid spread of nuclear technology in countries like Pakistan and Iran are seen as the main dangers with Islamabad seen as perhaps the most dangerous of them all.The odds that terrorists will soon strike a major city with nuclear or biological weapons are now higher than ever, the panel said, identifying Pakistan as an area of “grave concern” due to terror networks and its atomic arsenal.“In terms of the next of proliferation and terrorism, Pakistan must top the list of priorities for the next President and the Congress,” the report said.The Commission suggested that the next President and the Congress should implement a comprehensive policy towards Pakistan that works with Islamabad and other countries to eliminate terrorist safe havens through military, economic and diplomatic means and secure biological and nuclear materials in Pakistan. They should also counter and defeat extremist ideology and constraint a nascent nuclear arms race in Asia.The report warned that a nuclear or biological attack is likely within five years and called for decisive global action to address the threat. It urged the creation of a new post in the White House that would focus solely on overseeing government efforts to prevent an attack with WMD.Without urgent action, “it is more likely than not that a WMD will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013,” the commission said.“America’s margin of safety is shrinking,” it added. The main dangers identified by the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism are the rapid spread of nuclear technology in countries such as Pakistan and Iran and poor security in biotech industries worldwide.

  3303. Peaceful Musings says:

    In the name of God most Merciful BeneficentAll Muslim brothers/sisters,A humble request that please dont use abusive language against anybody’s gods. What is happening here they are writing blasphemous comments for God and Islamic holy personalities.“And do not abuse those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest exceeding the limits they should abuse Allah out of ignorance. Thus have We made fair seeming to every people their deeds; then to their Lord shall be their return, so He will inform them of what they did.”(Holy Quran, 6:108)The above verse refrains us from making disparaging comments against non-muslims’ gods as out of their ignorance(about lofthy status of God) they may start making lowly comments about real God-the Creator of whole universe.The holy Quran asks us to talk in a goodly manner and display the best manners :“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and have disputations with them in the best manner; surely your Lord best knows those who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who follow the right way.”(holy Quran, 16:125).So please be careful and responsible, and dont use disrespectful langauge for others gods.I hope the above exhortation will have its positive influence, on those who listen to holy Quran and believe that it’s Book of God.Regards,

  3304. Ahmed Hassan says:

    to Kuldeep SinghIn the first part of the interview, Major General (retired) Afsir Karim, an expert on internal disturbances, conflicts and insurgencies in and around India, spoke of the secular credentials of the Indian Army [Images].Part I: ‘There are no communal feelings in the army’In the second and final part, he speaks to’s Sheela Bhatt of the worrying internal security situation that India faces.You retired long back. Recently Congress party spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi has mentioned that during the Bharatiya Janata Party rule they had tried to saffronise the army.I can’t comment on BJP rule but I know that some years ago there was a circular in the army that certain radical elements — both Communist and from the RSS — wanted to infiltrate the army. They were not allowed to do that. Actually regimentation of the army is stronger than outside influence. But, an odd individual whose mental makeup or background is such can always be like Lt Col Srikanth Purohit. After all, there have been spies in the army who got their comrades killed. That does not mean all of us are spies.What is most disturbing about the entire event?As is said, I have a sense of disappointment that this could happen in our army which has never happened before. The army does have enough measures to stop it. After all, Purohit must be clever if he could hide himself for so long. We don’t follow everybody but there is watch on people dong sensitive jobs or doing things which are not normal. More here<>‘We are in a dangerous position internally’<>

  3305. Rahul says:

    From http://www.indiafm.com__________________________________________________Mumbai terror aftermath – Vishal Dadlani files petition for CHANGE By Joginder Tuteja, December 2, 2008 – 15:23 IST“I have been mighty upset ever since the Mumbai terror attack. The disappointment is not just for those ghastly three days that I spent in front of TV but also the activities around me that have been taking place ever since then”, says a visibly disturbed Vishal Dadlani who is now filing a petition for CHANGE.“It is good to see us venting our frustration through blogs, SMSes and other means. However, I want people to stand up for the cause and do something about it as well. This is why I am filing a petition for CHANGE. I am addressing media here. I think that in the absence of responsible self-censorship, the media must be instructed to act in a particular manner, as required by on-ground reality.” For this purpose, he has opened a website through which he is calling people to sign a petition that aims at inviting a change in the way electronic media operates in such times of National distress and emergency. He says, “Just like the rest of the world, I saw our local Police try to figure things out, I watched our valiant Officers Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte arrive, and almost immediately, lose their lives. I saw the NSG and Marcos arrive and started to watch each step of their operation, when suddenly, realization dawned! Over the next thirty or forty hours, I watched, helpless and frustrated, as our very own electronic media did things that seemed blatantly wrong to me. What they were broadcasting in the name of the news, were in fact the exact operational procedures, locations, and actions of our anti-insurgency forces! Minute-by-minute!” Vishal goes on to put forth the following questions: 1. Is it acceptable to us that what should have been a classified operation, was in fact an open book? Are we fine with the fact that terrorists inside the besieged buildings could have had real-time access to the same news channels that we did, thus giving them complete and thorough information about the actions of our forces? 2. Whether it’s correct, both morally and legally, for a TV channel to broadcast to the Nation, an alleged live phone call, purportedly from one of the terrorists? 3. Some TV channels also had “live-and-direct” phone conversations with guests within the hotels, in which the said guests divulge their locations and room numbers. I can’t see the point, or the newsworthiness of this. In his Petition to the High Court of Mumbai, he is also looking at the Hon’ble Court calling for the complete and unedited footage from all TV News Channels broadcasting the attacks ‘live’, starting from 9:30pm on Wednesday 26th November 2008 and until the morning of Saturday the 29th November 2008. “I urge more and more people to come forward and be with me in this initiative. Please visit to read the full text of the Petition and sign there to support the cause. I am willing to drive this initiative to the fullest and promise to go to Court as and when it is required. I don’t want the voice to die down”, concludes Vishal.

  3306. naaz says:

    @ Rahul:Had heard bout this movement yesterday but had just glossed over the article, therefore missed out on the details.Thanx 4 posting the article, i'm surely gonna sign up.Hope the media learns sumthin outta this n don't rush over each other in their bid to give the "l ive & exclusive " coverage.

  3307. naaz says:

    Just signed up n i urge fellow indians 2 do the same.Over the years i’ve seen the media make mountains out of molehills, their “breaking news” have me in splits. In order to sensationalise events they unflinchingly shove cameras into the victims or their families faces. They think they have delivered a candid moment of human suffering, without any regard for the privacy or the mental frame of the subject.Our TRP crazy media needs 2 understand its responsibilities. What amazes me is that how did it not cross anyone’s mind that the terrorists might be watching their “live n exclusive” coverage just like everyone else.Surely the media is not that naive to think that they were managing the entire operation without internet access. I’m sure they must’ve realised the dangers of it, but in their typical disregard for people’s safety they did it 4 their own selfish gains. What d media did was in extremely bad taste n they better clean up their act or the “freedom of press” will have to be curbed.The media needs to learn to maintain some decorum in times of major crisis. They need to understand not to overstep the thin line between information n too much information.

  3308. Rahul says:

    the problem with indian media is, that it is “too free”, if you know what i mean. there are no regulations.there should be SOME strict laws, such as, as vishal dadlani said, that you shouldn’t be allowed to show what the army’s plan is (because terrorists inside could probably see it). In the news someone said how one of Times of India’s workers was in the Taj hotel on the sixth floor. She texted and phoned her family and friends, and told them which room she as in, and that she was hiding under the bed. Next thing you know, this is all over Times of India’s news. Next thing you know, she’s dead. Maybe terrorists saw this and killed her? Also, showing that alleged phone call from a terrorist. What kind of responsible media would broadcast this? If anything, send it to the police.And honestly, Indian media sometimes shows extremely stupid “news”. For example, last summer they were showing that a car is driving itself on a highway, without anyone inside it, and it turns and stops itself. They showed that the ENTIRE DAY. Clearly the car was controlled by some sort of computer, and its extremely likely that the media did it itself just to create news. India’s media is too TRP crazy..I was watching some pakistani news on Geo, and they talked about how Indian media is just crazy about creating sensational news, and thus began blaming Pakistan (I won’t say if thats 100% true in this case as indian officials claim to have evidence), but it is true to some extent that India’s media is biased towards pakistan, and pakistan’s media is biased towards india.

  3309. PEACE says:

    They can’t find anyone at faridcourt, in Pakistan.

  3310. Rahul says:

    let the investigation finish, i say. last i herd is that the FBI is going to question him now. anyway, lets just hope a war doesnt break out. thats the last thing any of us want.and last thing i want to say is this is not the first terror attack to be linked to militant groups in pakistan. many attacks throughout the world have been linked back to elements in pakistan. In terms of indian attacks, the Indian Airline hijacking is one such incident. the hijackers were confirmed to be from POK, and the other terrorists they demanded to be released also went into POK. One such terrorist released in return for the safety of the indian airline passengers was involved in the beheading of daniel conclusion, we are not yet sure if the groups in pakistan are involved in this attack, but it is certain that there are terror groups in pakistan, which pakistan needs to get rid of for its own sake, and for the world’s sake. last thing i would like to say is, why would indian officials make up something like this, about the terrorist being from faridkot pakistan, especially if the entire world is watching? i’m sure they have evidence for it. either way, it is still a bit too early to speculate anything, so lets just leave it be!

  3311. PEACE says:

    is it the same guy ? kasav… saw his pic in a channel same pic in a “coffin”there are lots of confusion

  3312. Rahul says:

    more evidence that we cannot trust media :the first bb article you (PEACE) posted said his name was Ajmal, whereas the 2nd BBC article says his name was Azam. and maybe it wasnt a coffin you saw? i saw no such picture, and ive been watching news all week, and reading every article i can possibly see on anyy website.

  3313. PEACE says:

    it was the same pic but the guy was in coffin. geo tv shows 3 days ago. same guy was in a wood coffin

  3314. Rahul says:

    im sorry, i usually wudn’t buy into what pakistani media says. mainly because it doesnt have the same level of freedom as international media, and is drenched in anti-india sentiments.i also try to stay away from indian media. i’d rather depend on bbc, and cnn, and other non-indian and non-pakistani media.

  3315. PEACE says:

    yeah i agree…But even CNN report dumb news…After the 911 attack in the morning they showed palestinies are celebrating on the street and the clip they showed it was day in palestine. they forgot about the time difference.

  3316. Rahul says:

    well anything is possible, but ..there is only a 7 hour time difference between New York and Palestine.So, since the terror attacks took place on 9/11 at around 8.30am, and the time in Palestine would have been around 3:30 pm… that would make sense. I’m pretty sure its still bright outside in Palestine at 3:30 pm? lol

  3317. Rahul says: New York Times:Accounts from the captured gunman in Mumbai as well as those from a former Lashkar fighter who spoke with The New York Times provided glimpses of its recruitment methods and how the Mumbai attacks were planned.But much remains unclear or unknown about him. A strict practice among the trainers of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the former Lashkar fighter told The Times, was a system of changing the names of the members every few months, so that everyone had layers of names that were discarded over time.That system was intended to make it very difficult to identify members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, and is a likely explanation why Pakistani investigators have had little luck in finding Mr. Kasab’s family in Faridkot.The former fighter, who comes from the tribal areas of Pakistan, said he joined Lashkar-e-Taiba in 2000, stayed for eight months, then switched to another group, Jaish-e-Muhammad, for “ideological reasons.”______________________________________________a possible explanation, but still leaves some questions unanswered, though:– if his real name (given at birth) is ajmal, then wouldnt the people of faridkot still know it?or maybe the terrorist is lying NOW, and giving one of his previous fake names.either way, God only knows what the truth is.i am off. had enough of this.

  3318. Shakèy says:

    @ ALLi just read that there was an Anti-India protest in Pakistan with regards to the Mumbai blasts.. it does not make any damn sense :-

  3319. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    NEW YORK: Former Pakistani army officials trained the terrorists who went on rampage last week in Mumbai, The New York Times said on Wednesday quoting unnamed Pentagon officials. ( Watch ) “A former Defense Department official said on Wednesday that American intelligence agencies had determined that former officers from Pakistan’s Army and its powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency helped train the Mumbai attackers,” The New York Times said in its news report from Washington. “But the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that no specific links had been uncovered yet between the terrorists and Pakistani government,” it said, without providing any further details. Pakistan has so far refuted Indian allegations, supported by the US, of having harbored these terrorists, who killed 183 people, several of whom were foreign nationals, and claimed that they are non-state actors. The revelations by a former Defence Department official comes at a time when India has said that it has strong evidence and intelligence information that indicates the Mumbai attackers and their trainers came from Pakistan. It has also asked Pakistan to arrest and send to it 20 people wanted in India for terrorist activities. Pakistan has said that it would not extradite terror suspects. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who was in New Delhi on Wednesday to demonstrate American support to India, urged Pakistan to take on terrorists within its borders. “We believe Pakistan has a central role to play in this, to make certain that these terrorists cannot continue to operate and operate in this fashion,” Rice said in New Delhi.

  3320. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    India has proof that the Inter Services Intelligence was involved in planning the Mumbai terror attacks and training the terrorists who killed more than 180 people during a 60-hour siege of the country’s financial capital, sources said in New York on Thursday. The names of trainers and the places where meticulous training took place are also known to the government, the sources said. The United States is believed to have even more evidence, some of which it has shared with India, they said. Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, who was in Pakistan on Wednesday, is believed to have told his Pakistani interlocutors that Washington had enough evidence to show a Pakistani hand in the attack, the sources said. Sources here also refuse to believe that the Pakistani army did not have knowledge of the Mumbai operation given that ISI is controlled by it. At the same time, sources do not believe that the civilian government in Pakistan is involved in the attack. In fact, one view is that the civilian government itself may be a target of the strike which may be used by the army to heighten tensions with India to return to power. Washington has asked Pakistan to crackdown on Lashkar-e-Taiba, which now goes under the name of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, and to arrest its chief Hafiz Mohd Saeed because it has evidence of their involvement in the attack, the sources said. The attack was planned, equipped and organised in Pakistan where the terrorists were trained and provided logistical support. Contrary to the version that the terrorists used a hijacked Indian fishing boat to reach Mumbai after sailing from Karachi, the view here is that much more sophisticated means were used. The sources spoke of a clear disconnect between the Pakistani civilian government and the all-powerful military establishment, which is causing difficulties for India in dealing with the situation. Islamabad’s about-turn on sending the Director General of ISI to India is cited as an instance of this disconnect. During a telephone conversation Prime Minister Manmohan Singh after the Mumbai attack, President Asif Zardari had referred to an earlier Pakistani proposal for a meeting between the ISI chief and the head of India’s external intelligence agency, RAW. Singh told Zardari that this was acceptable to India, after which Pakistan government had announced that the ISI head would travel to India. After a post-midnight call on Zardari by Army chief Gen Ashfaque Kayani this decision was reversed with the President taking cover under a “mis-communication” with the Indian prime minister. Instead it was decided to depute a Director-level officer to India. When the terror attack took place Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was in India and had consciously decided not to cut short his visit. However, the Indian government was told at 2.30 am that a special aircraft was being sent less than 4 hours later to take him back to Pakistan. In what observers see as a clear message to the civilian government, the Pakistan army chief’s plane was sent to Delhi to pick up Qureshi, who boarded the flight around 7 am. The view here is that the Pakistan army is using the current developments as a way out of the difficult situation it faces in the areas bordering Afghanistan where its writ does not run. Some 900 desertions are said to have taken place from the army.

  3321. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    WASHINGTON: Pakistan is the weakest link in world security and the next terror attack in the US will originate in that country, said a high-powered bipartisan US Congressional commission, adding it is the “intersection of nuclear weapons and terrorism.” “If one has to map terrorism and weapons of mass destruction today, all roads would intersect in Pakistan,” the report “World at Risk” said while devoting a whole chapter on the Islamic country. “Although Pakistan is an ally (of US) there is a grave danger it could also be an unwitting source of a terrorist attack on the United States, possibly with weapons of mass destruction,” the report said. The Commission was chaired by former US Senator Bob Graham and included Wendy Sherman, a former senior Clinton Administration official, who is now the chair of the foreign policy transition team of the incoming Obama Administration. Speaking on CNN television, Graham called Pakistan the “intersection of the perfect storm.” In remarks suggesting that Pakistan could be emerging as a most lethal tinderbox, the report noted that “Pakistan has nuclear weapons and a history of unstable governments and parts of its territory are currently a safe haven for al-Qaida and other terrorists.” The authors of the report said they had “singled out Pakistan for special attention in the report, as we believe it poses a serious challenge to America’s short-term and medium-term national security interests. Indeed many government officials and outside experts believe that the next terrorist attack against the US is likely to originate from within the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan.” “Moreover, given Pakistan’s tense relationship with India, its buildup of nuclear weapons is exacerbating the prospect of a dangerous arms race in South Asia that could lead to a nuclear conflict,” the commission warned. The rapid spread of nuclear technology in countries like Pakistan and Iran are seen as the main dangers with Islamabad seen as perhaps the most dangerous of them all. The odds that terrorists will soon strike a major city with nuclear or biological weapons are now higher than ever, the panel said, identifying Pakistan as an area of “grave concern” due to terror networks and its atomic arsenal. “In terms of the next of proliferation and terrorism, Pakistan must top the list of priorities for the next President and the Congress,” the report said. The Commission suggested that the next President and the Congress should implement a comprehensive policy towards Pakistan that works with Islamabad and other countries to eliminate terrorist safe havens through military, economic and diplomatic means and secure biological and nuclear materials in Pakistan. They should also counter and defeat extremist ideology and constraint a nascent nuclear arms race in Asia. The report warned that a nuclear or biological attack is likely within five years and called for decisive global action to address the threat. It urged the creation of a new post in the White House that would focus solely on overseeing government efforts to prevent an attack with WMD. Without urgent action, “it is more likely than not that a WMD will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013,” the commission said. “America’s margin of safety is shrinking,” it added. The main dangers identified by the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism are the rapid spread of nuclear technology in countries such as Pakistan and Iran and poor security in biotech industries worldwide.

  3322. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    Continuing its efforts to enhance defence cooperation with China, India will host a 147-member Chinese Army contingent in Belgaum beginning Saturday for a fortnight-long military exercise. The Chinese team arrived in Belgaum this morning to participate in the second edition of the ‘Hand-in-Hand’ joint army exercise, Army sources said. The military exercise is in continuation of the ongoing army-to-army cooperation between the two neighbours as part of the annual defence dialogue, which commenced in 2006. Soon after landing in Pune, the Chinese men and stores were transported to Belgaum in six Indian Air Force (IAF) aircraft, sources said. A high-ranking PLA delegation as well as senior Indian Army officers are expected to visit the exercise venue as ‘observers’ to view the proceedings of the joint training exercise, they said. During the exercise, Chinese troops from the 1st Company of Infantry Battalion of Chengdu Military Area Command and the Indian Army troops from 8 Maratha Light Infantry Battalion will undergo joint tactical manoeuvres and drills; interoperability training; and joint command post procedures, finally culminating in a joint counter-terrorist operational exercise with simulated enemy. The exercise is planned at mixed company group-level with command and control elements from the respective battalions’ headquarters.

  3323. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    WASHINGTON: The United States has set the stage for punitive internationally-backed strikes by India against terrorist camps in Pakistan, if Islamabad does not act first to dismantle them, by rejecting President Zardari’s alibi that non-state actors were responsible for the last week’s carnage in Mumbai. The game-changer, outlined by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, among others, robs Islamabad of the fig leaf that Zardari used in his interview on Larry King Live that ”stateless actors” are holding the whole world hostage and Pakistan was not to blame. Rice said in effect that the excuse does not absolve Pakistan responsibility for terrorist acts that originate from its territory. Although US officials have not outright approved immediate punitive Indian strikes against terrorist targets in Pakistan, it is clear Rice has bought time for Islamabad to prove its bonafides and promise of cooperation. Pakistan has a ”special responsibility” and needs to act ”urgently” she said, even as India has indicated it will wait for a Pakistani response to its demands before any punitive action. In Washington, experts pressed the administration to expand the scope of punitive strikes to an international level to avoid making it an India-Pakistan issue, particularly since the death toll included citizens of 10 countries. ”Rather than simply begging the Indians to show restraint, a better option could be to internationalise the response. Have the international community declare that parts of Pakistan have become ungovernable and a menace to international security,” Robert Kagan, an influential analyst with the Carnegie Endowment, said. ”Would such an action (strikes) violate Pakistan’s sovereignty?” Kagan asked in an op-ed, and answered, ”Yes, but nations should not be able to claim sovereign rights when they cannot control territory from which terrorist attacks are launched.” Rice echoed this outlook more discreetly and cautiously. Pakistan’s civilian government has sought to portray its helplessness in governing its own territory. In fact, in a startling slip noted by the Economist, Zardari said in a television interview last week that ”if any evidence points towards any individual or group in MY PART OF THE COUNTRY,” he would take action. The implication, it said, was Pakistan was already severed if with parts of the country out of federal control. While US position towards Pakistan has hardened perceptibly after the Mumbai attack, Indian officials are still leery about Washington’s approach. The hard part to swallow for New Delhi is that the Bush administration, while pushing for a strategic relationship with India, has bankrolled what some are already dubbing a terrorist state to the tune of $ 10 billion since 2002. Most of the money, according to the US government’s own audit, has gone towards building Pakistan’s military muscle against India. On Tuesday, even as Rice counselled patience and restraint in New Delhi, India’s Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon made the rounds in Washington, explaining India’s position and the growing anger across the country after Pakistan’s latest provocation. Menon packed more than a dozen meetings, including with former intelligence czar and Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, Under Secretary of State William Burns, House speaker Nancy Pelosi and several top lawmakers as Washington struggled to contain Indian outrage. New Delhi’s message was uniform: India’s patience is wearing thin. The Indian Embassy said later that ”unequivocal condemnation of the (Mumbai) incident and the need for the perpetrators to be held accountable was reiterated,” at the meetings. It was also indicated that there would be full cooperation and support at various levels, including government, from the US to India as it dealt with the consequences of the incident, it added. From all accounts, India too appears to be preparing ground for punitive action if Pakistan fails to respond and act adequately. Rice will proceed to Islamabad on Thursday to read the riot act while U.S Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen is expected to arrive in New Delhi as part of U.S playbook to keep a stream of visitors in the region in order to prevent outbreak of immediate hostilities.

  3324. Ahmed Hassan says:

    Mr Kuldeep SinghI truly respect freedom of speech… however there are certain responsibilities that go alongwith itKindly do not flood the comments section. The link and an excerpt that you consider most “important” will certainly do.Please contribute whatever you like… just dont get to the point of being an annoyance

  3325. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    LONDON: England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) chairman Giles Clarke has indicated that Kevin Pietersen and his men will be back in India for next week’s Test series, insisting he would not let terrorists dictate cricket. “Under no circumstances will we allow our cricket to be dictated to by terrorists. India is an enormous country and there are large parts of it that have never seen terrorist activity. In 2005 the Aussies were sensible and we are doing the same here,” Clarke was quoted as saying by the ‘Press Association’. Traumatised by the mayhem in Mumbai, top players like Andrew Flintoff and Steve Harmison are unwilling to return to India after abandoning the last two One-dayers last month. The England Cricket Board has sent security expert Reg Dickason to take stock of the arrangements for the two-match Test series to be held in Chennai and Mohali. Dickason has okayed Chennai and will soon visit Mohali before submitting a report to ECB. Clarke said he was happy with the BCCI’s efforts at tightening the security. “A lot of progress has been made and some extremely good and constructive meetings have taken place,” Clarke said.

  3326. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    Close on the heels of Mumbai’s Muslim Council refusing burial space to the Pakistani terrorists killed in the Mumbai attacks, a group of imams here has come out strongly against the attacks and asked the Muslim community to wear a black ribbon on Bakr-Eid as an expresion of solidarity with those killed in the outrage. The imams, under the banner of All India Organisation of Imams of Mosques, called for subdued Eid-ul-Azha (Bakr-Eid) festivities across the country, scheduled for Tuesday. The imams described the Mumbai carnage as an attack on the nation, as it appealed to all the mosques, muftis and madrasas to reiterate in this week’s Friday prayers that Islam forbids the killing of innocent people and is against any form of terrorism. “We are deeply aggrieved by the loss of human lives and especially by the brutal killing of Jews,” they said in a statement. “We have to think above caste, class, region and religion. It’s an attack on India and all true Indians should come forward and salute the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country,” it said. Prominent clerics from both Shia and Sunni sects on Wednesday called for decisive action against Pakistan. A joint communique signed by Maulana Khalid Rasheed Firangimahali, the naib Imam of Idgah, Maulana Mohammad Mushtaq, president of All India Sunni Board and Maulana Naimurrehman, president of the Ulema Council of India, demanded firm action against terrorists in order to restore faith of people in effective governance.

  3327. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    BEIJING: Security agencies in China are quizzing their Pakistani counterparts about possible links between the attack in Mumbai and terrorist organisations based in Pakistan, informed sources said. Chinese agencies have already taken measures to seal off possible loopholes in the country’s borders with India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to ensure that no fugitives sneak in. Beijing is particularly worried that Pakistan based terrorists might seek refuge Xinjiang, the terrorism hit province bordering Pakistan. China’s public security bureau recently indicated that most of the ultras active in the country’s Xinjiang region have been trained and backed by Pakistan based terrorist organisations. Beijing is worried that the close linkages between different terrorists groups and possible links with the al-Qaida could escalate the already volatile law and order situation on the China-Pakistan border, sources said.

  3328. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    Indian agencies tracing the source of the email sent by an outfit calling itself Deccan Mujahideen to a TV channel claiming responsibility for the terror attacks on Mumbai have found that the text was routed through Lahore in Pakistan before travelling to different locations through anonymous “remailer” service. Though other locations are yet to be traced, the experts — who took help of different foreign agencies — found that the terrorists used a Russian server to avail the remailer service which is the most secure and least traceable way to send emails. An official said the text document sent by the hitherto unknown Deccan Mujahideen was generated using voice-recognition software which allows dictated text to be typed in Devnagri script. Contrary to the normal Internet service which can easily trace the origin of an email through IP address of a particular computer, the remailer service not only deletes IP address but also all details including the sources from where someone might have requested for the secret service. “There are a number of software available for the remailer service that lets one send anonymous email easily through a web interface. Some others make it really easy to send email messages that can only be viewed for a certain time and one can remain anonymous to boot,” an official said. In the wake of terror attacks on earlier occasions, Indian Mujahideen — a splinter group of the banned SIMI — had sent as many as five emails written in English. While the first two, after serial blasts in UP courts and Jaipur, were sent from cyber cafes in Delhi and Sahibabad respectively, the remaining ones had been sent using Wi-Fi system from Mumbai after serial blasts in Ahmedabad and Delhi. “Origin of all these emails were traced within hours through the IP addresses. But this time, the terrorists made the task of the cops tough due to use of remailer service,” the official said. Investigators believe that the terror masterminds might have done this knowing the fate of earlier emails — yet another pointer of their being associated at some level even though the earlier strikes had been carried out by locals in the name of IM.

  3329. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    The audacious nature of the attacks and the manner in which they were executed has made Mumbai’s terror sites the learning ground for Smoke emits from the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai. The 60-hour rampage through India’s financial capital by militants that killed more than 170 people ended on Saturday. (AP Photo)More Pictures security and police agencies across the globe. Even before Maharashtra police visited Leopold Cafe, the popular watering hole where the terror attacks started, a secret Australian service police agency was there. Owner of the Colaba cafe Farhang Jehani confirmed that a police agency from Australia questioned him about Wednesday night’s attacks and examined the site. The six-member team from Down Under including a woman visited the restaurant around 4pm before heading out to the Taj. Dressed in casual civilian clothes and accompanied by an Indian officer who acted as a mediator, the team inspected the cafe and surrounding vicinity. “We are from the Australian secret police service, but we are not permitted to talk to the media,” one of the members of the team told TOI when asked about the purpose of the visit. Two Australian nationals were among those killed in the attacks — Douglas Markelo and Brett Taylor. According to sources in a consulate, the nature of the attacks — using youths to storm five-star hotels — was a reason for governments across the world to send teams to probe and understand the unique “signature trail” left behind by the terrorists. Apart from the Australians, the city played host to a seven-member team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which arrived on Sunday and spent the day in discussions with the director general of police, the city police commissioner and other senior officials of the crime branch. It is believed that the FBI is interested in examining forensic evidence including remnants of explosives gathered from the sites to assess the methodology used by the fidayeens. Israeli security agencies were also busy in the city on Monday; they held discussions with senior police officials. The Israeli agencies are said to have offered assistance in the rescue operations against the terrorists, which, sources said, was turned down by the Indian authorities. After the three-day-long operation ended, a forensic team from Israel, a source said, reached the city to help identify the Israelis killed at Nariman House. Among foreigners slain in the attack, a large number were Israelis — five of them were killed at Nariman House and four others were shot dead at Taj and Oberoi hotels. A rapid deployment team from Britain too was in the city debriefing UK nationals who survived the attack, taking detailed notes from them. The British Deputy High Commission spokesperson, however, said this team was sent to help British citizens return home safely.

  3330. green says:

    Please all Indians,Stop commenting on this stupid article. It is an insult to our intelligence. Dont give importance to stupid articles on the net. Read it, have a laugh and move on. The land of the pure is now the land of the poor.

  3331. Ahmed Hassan says:

    @green What Intelligence!? I am puzzled

  3332. fatima says:

    dear friends,i would like to say something about report.this report is prepared by information they got from biased media…because when a question was asked to us official he said that yet they have no evidence that terrorists came from pakistan but….india said….and so on…like always…I think a true judge will never confirm statement without evidence..this is a propoganda against Pakistan nuclear power and it was started when we tested our nuclear weapons…we made these weapons with much struggle and we know how to secure them they are not open to all they are uder strong command and control I think world should pay attention to their own terrotries and specially usa who is spreading terrorism in the name of war on terrorism in different countries just to kill few terrorists thousands of people are killed.this is not a right way to do a war aginst terrorism.I think all human being who has a little emotions is against terrorism.So the every country should be given a chance to fight against terror by theirselves…India should pay attention to terror in India and we will see the Pakistan..But blaming without evidence will give more space to terrorism in India because still there is no evidence that terrorists were from Pakistan so may be they were from India and when Indians will try to find the people in Pakistan which were basically from India it will be a big problem….Just saying that we have a proof is ridiculous open it with evidence with solid evidence. then see what actions are taken by govt…but real proofs not like World trade centre which were changed many times

  3333. Rahul says:

    @ fatimahow can you say india doesnt have any proof? Do you know for a FACT that india doesnt have any proof? I’m not giong to argue with you, because as a Pakistani it is but natural for you to believe what your people will say and your media will say. End of story.But lastly, I don’t care of any pakistani group was involved in this in ANY way. The fact is that the entire world knows terrorists are hiding in Pakistan, and that LeT is involved in terror attacks in Indian Kashmir (LeT has claimed that itself). And for THAT reason ALONE, pakistan should get rid of LeT.It doesnt matter if pak claims india is holding onto kashmir “illegally”, because at the end, so is pakistan. We should work towards a solution for Kashmir through peaceful talks, and not let people like LeT bomb indian army, and kashmiri people, because THAT is the main reason Indian army is in kashmir, and due to which it is picking up innocent people and suspecting them to be militants.Good day to you all.

  3334. PEACE says:

    I don’t say that …Terrorist can’t be Pakistani…But media screwd up Big time.and here There are no evidence provided yet.1:37

  3335. Rahul says:

    the thing is, media on both sides messed up big time. and that is the main reason there is so much anger on both sides of the border.this time, i personally believe india has evidence, and india would not just make up evidence against pakistan, because this time americans are involved, and israelis are involved, and british are involved. india simply just cannot lie in these circumstances. however i also agree with pervez musharraf that the international community should not blame pakistan or penalize pakistan, but work with pakistan to remove these people, as whatever is going on in pakistan is merely a “result of circumstances”

  3336. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    ISLAMABAD: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told Pakistan that there is “irrefutable evidence” of involvement of elements in thiscountry in the Mumbai terror attacks and it had no option but to act urgently “otherwise, the US will act.”Rice, who travelled here after a visit to India earlier this week, “pushed” the Pakistani leaders to move against the perpetrators of the terror strikes.The clear message was conveyed by her to Pakistan’s top leadership during her brief stopover here on Thursday, diplomatic sources said.Rice said that there was “irrefutable evidence” of the involvement of Pakistani elements in the Mumbai attacks, the sources said.In India, Rice was shown the extensive evidence gathered by investigators to prove the linkages between the Mumbai attackers and Pakistan-based elements, especially the banned Lashker-e-Toiba terror group, they said.The sources said Rice, during her interactions with President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, made it clear that Pakistan needs to act effectively to bring the perpetrators to justice. She warned that the “US will act if Pakistan did not”.Rice also told Pakistan that it “needs to act urgently and effectively to avert a strong international response”. She said that Pakistan’s response needs to be “effective and focused” and that India was thinking on “similar lines”, the Dawn newspaper said.

  3337. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    A prominent adviser to US president-elect Barack Obama said the Mumbai attack was an act by global jihad, and targeted what Osama binLaden called the “Crusader-Zionist-Hindu” alliance.Terrorism expert Bruce Riedel said at Brookings Institution, a prominent think tank in Washington DC, that the Mumbai attack was a “seminal event in the history of international terrorism, and particularly in the history of global jihad”.“Ayman Al Zawahiri, the ideological leader of Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden have spoken many, many times to their followers about the danger posed to Islam by what they call the Crusader-Zionist-Hindu alliance, and that is precisely the target set that we saw here,” he said.“We’ve seen a phenomenon in Al Qaeda’s operational activities in the last several years, which I would call the Pakistan-ization… more and more of its activities outside of the South Asian arena, and particularly in western Europe, used Pakistanis, principally members of the diaspora in UK, Denmark, Germany, and Spain,” Riedel, an expert on Al Qaeda, said.Meanwhile, a new report said ISI had a plan to deploy sea-borne terrorists for an operation in Kashmir last year. That plan was hijacked by the Lashkar-e-Toiba (and maybe, Al Qaeda) to launch a terrorist attack in Mumbai. The ISI plan, the report in Asia Times said, was crafted by Ashfaque Kiyani, who was then the head of ISI. After he became army chief, Kiyani moved the Muzaffarabad training camps to Karachi. The report said the ISI plan was shelved a few months ago but Zakiur Rahman, an LeT commander, went ahead with it, and even improved on it.That the LeT was behind the Mumbai attack is now virtually beyond doubt. Just this week, US director of national intelligence Mike McConnell blamed LeT for the attack, the first time a US official publicly blamed the group. “The same group that we believe is responsible for Mumbai had carried out a similar attack in 2006 on a train and killed a similar number of people,” said McConnell, speaking at Harvard University. “Go back to 2001 and it was an attack on the Parliament,” he added.Echoing him, Riedel said, “This is a group that was founded in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the assistance of the ISI and with the assistance of Osama bin Laden, who was an important early fundraiser for the group. Osama’s then spiritual mentor, a Palestinian named Abdullah Azam, was one of the charter members in the creation of the LeT. It was formally announced as an organization in Afghanistan’s Kunar province, long a stronghold of Al Qaeda.”He added, “This was an extraordinary radical movement to begin with, and, over the last decade, it has become increasingly radical. It does not seek simply the end of the Indian occupation of Kashmir or to create an Islamic state in Muslim majority parts of South Asia, rather it seeks the creation of a caliphate to dominate all of South Asia well into Central Asia, something akin in its mind to a recreation of the Mughal Empire.”Riedel also focused attention on the fact that the LeT’s greatest strength comes from the Pakistani diaspora, particularly in the UK and the UAE. “This group has extremely close links and is very active in the Pakistani diaspora in the UK. Some 800,000 strong. And, in the Persian Gulf, almost 2 million strong, where it raises much of its funding,” Riedel said.

  3338. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    Support for a black ribbon protest on Bakr-Eid on Tuesday, December 9, against the Mumbai terror attack has gathered more momentum. EminentMohammad AzharuddinMohammad Azharuddin, a cricketer.More PicturesMuslims from the corporate world, cinema, theatre, media and advertising have registered their strong protest against the destruction of India’s secular values in the name of Islam.“We the Muslims of India condemn terror in every land, in every divisive form,” is the emphatic message. The issue has brought together Muslims across sects and factions. Several groups of imams have already come out strongly against the attacks.Many citizens from the minority community believe that the larger purpose behind the 26/11 strikes was to trigger communal violence. They hope the event will mark a historical moment, one that empowers ordinary Muslims and brings them freedom from being either suspect or victim.Mohammad Azharuddin | cricketer | The protest will send out a strong message to the world. Everyone wants to live in a safe environment, and terrorism in the name of Islam has gone on for too long. If we love each other, we can tackle any kind of calamity. Respect for one another at every step can make sure no hatred breeds among people. To that end, the unified symbolism on Bakr-Eid across the nation is a movement of sorts.Feroz Khan | theatre personality | The conflict is between values of ‘live and let live’ and those who want to die and kill. The young terrorist caught saw no hope in life and saw fortune in death. It’s a battle between civil society and barbaric forces that want India to erupt in violence. A shattered civil society becomes easy hunting ground for terrorists. 26/11 could have polarized the nation. To that end, the black ribbon gesture on Bakr-Eid is significant.Waheeda Rehman | actress | Indian Muslims are together at last. India has seen terrorism for many years, but we are together in protesting on this scale for the first time. It is easy to break a single stick, but all together, the bundle of sticks will not break. If we all think we are first human beings then Indians, and then let religion and family come in, no one can harm our nation.Mohammed Khan | adman | India’s Muslims are expressing complete contempt and abhorrence for the dastardly attack. The silent majority among Muslims is making itself heard. The protest is an outpouring of the community’s outrage at the crimes perpetrated in the name of Islam. It may be overdue but now the moment is upon us. Shias, sunnis, maulvis and maulanas of all sects and factions of Muslim society are speaking in one voice.Qari Md Mian Mazhari | journalist | The government can continue to do whatever it is doing, but we, the people, will do our bit as citizens. Mulk ki security ke liye hum kissi se samjhauta nahin karenge . The issue is not only about a community but of the nation. For national integration, the role of the dargahs is essential. Religious leaders are coming forward at the nation’s hour of need to express unified solidarity with the people.SM Rahman | corporate honcho | The movement is in response to the growing realization that this brand of professed Islam is not our religion. The sheer scale of the protest, cutting across all strata, shows unequivocal solidarity. In no uncertain terms, we are saying, first as Indians, then as Muslims, how reprehensible this wanton act was.Salim Khan | screenplay writer | The protest will strengthen ordinary Muslims who face the brunt of a terror attack’s fallout. Veteran cops such as Hemant Karkare and others have marvellously dealt with the underworld. But in Mumbai, they were attacked. The attackers didn’t just keep bombs and run away. They meant to attack humanity, face to face. They killed and destroyed. How dare these men call themselves Muslim? Islam has peace woven into its greeting, how can terrorists call themselves followers of Islam? They don’t bother with the Prophet’s words, so they have no right to call themselves Muslim. This is not our religion.Jaaved Jaffrey | actor | There is nothing Islamic about terrorism. Terrorists completely misrepresent Islam. What’s happening around the world is terrorism, not Islamic terrorism. In fact, the first of the Prophet’s traits that greets the reader is that he is benevolent and merciful. Our religion has to be protected from terrorists and that’s the message of the protest.Syed Kalbe Rushaid Rizvi | cleric | We can’t bring back the lives lost or restore grieving mothers their children after the attacks. But we can express enmity for the enemy. The black ribbon appeal is in empathy and solidarity with the grieving families of those attacked and to demonstrate our hatred for the killers. Our appeal has been received by Muslims across India’s 7 lakh and more villages, cutting across the many sects and followings. Bakr-eid will see the world’s first such protest on this scale.

  3339. fatima says:

    my dera Rahul i said if India has a proof they should share with Pakistan also if you will show America Uk or whatever then why not to Pakistan Is there is a any ligic behind….because Rice said when she came to pakistan that there is no issue to share evidence with Pakistan then my dear what is a issue…Persnoly if someone think independently with brain he could realize..we will never beleive unless India show us proof and evidence not to the America only… for us it is natural not to beleive without evidence but for you it seems unnatural that you are sure that India has evidence…Also Us official said in interview that we dont have evidence yet….what does it mean could you explain…..because your media started saying just after few hours later when operation was continue that India has evidence and proof it seems a drama…

  3340. Rahul says:

    fatima:dude, i am not 100% sure india has evidence; i havent seen that evidence with my own eyes. And nor can YOU 100% say that india DOESNT have evidence, because you urself aren’t involved in the investigation.second, last i heard india has shared some evidence with pakistan guys have to understand that the main reason india is a bit cautious while sharing evidence with pakistan is because india doesnt trust pakistan. keep in mind that india suspects the ISI. Why is it, then, going to give pakistan evidence, if ISI can see it as well? In India’s eyes, its like giving evidence to the perpetrators.Again I’m not saying thats MY point of view, but thats what the indian government feels. Either way, it IS true that india has finally shared some evidence from pakistan, and pakistan is now acting on for india saying that it started pointing fingers at pakistan within few hours, and thus it is a “drama”, keep in mind that the captured terrorist was the person who attacked the CST Railway station, which was attacked first. After that, within an hour or two, he was caught while trying to run away. So keep in mind that the investigation started within two or three hours of the attack, and when/if the terrorist claimed to be pakistani, THEN news came out saying he is pakistani.The ONLY suspicious news broadcast that they have shown is that alleged PHONE call by the terrorist. Because in that case you canot tell whether the phone call was real or fake.In conclusion, US has gone to Pakistan saying that even they have irrefutable evidence of pakistani involvement (not necessarily pak. government, but pakistani elements)

  3341. Rahul says:

    Pakistan agrees to 48-hour timetable for action against LeT: ReportPakistan has agreed to a 48-hour timetable set by India and the US to formulate a plan to act against Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT) and to arrest at least three Pakistanis who Indian authorities say are linked to the Mumbai terrorist assaults, the Washington Post reported citing a high-ranking Pakistani official.The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities, said India had also asked Pakistan to arrest and hand over LeT commander Zaki ur-Rehman Lakhwi and the former director of Pakistan’s spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Hamid Gul, in connection with the investigation, the Post said Saturday.Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, who has expressed his country’s solidarity with India, is expected to review plans by his nation’s top military and intelligence officials and follow through on India’s demands, the official was quoted as saying.“The next 48 hours are critical,” the Pakistani official added.US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the daily said, had urged Pakistan to hand over Yusuf Muzammil, an LeT leader whom Indian and US investigators have identified as the mastermind behind the attacks, and other suspects.The Post cited an unnamed high-level source in the Indian government as saying India had “clear and incontrovertible proof” that the Pakistan-based LeT planned the attacks and that the group’s leaders were trained and supported by ISI.“We have the names of the handlers. And we know that there is a close relationship between the Lashker and the ISI,” the source told the Post.US intelligence officials, however, were more cautious in their interpretation of the evidence, the US daily said.Although US analysts acknowledged historical ties between Lashkar and ISI as well as more recent contacts between militants and Pakistani intelligence officers, they said they were not convinced that Pakistan supported the attacks in any significant way.“Even if there were contacts between ISI and LeT, it’s not the same as saying there was ISI support,” it quoted an unnamed US counter-terrorism official as saying.The official, the Post said, would not dismiss the possibility that further evidence would reveal active ISI involvement but said: “The evidence we’ve seen so far does not get you there.”Indian officials have said the sole surviving gunman in the attacks, who goes by the alias Muhammad Ajmal Kasab, 21, mentioned Lakhwi during police questioning. Police had earlier identified the gunman as Ajmal Amir Kasab.The Wall Street Journal said Western intelligence officials have been quietly mediating between India and Pakistan. The CIA “is playing a huge role in this and trying to work behind the scenes and get past the emotion”, it said citing a former senior intelligence official.Referring to ISI, the official said, “The ISI and the Pakistani military do not ever want to kowtow to the Indians.” Still, the official said, “They’re working on some sort of scenario” where people Indian authorities are seeking would be detained and questioned.Another Western official cited by the Journal said Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari would like to use the attacks as “an opportunity to get rid of some bad apples”.However, the official said, it would be difficult for him to marshal support from the ISI or military for rounding up any alleged culprits.US and other Western officials have backed India’s account of the roots of the Mumbai attacks, to a point. “When it comes to the connections with Lashker, that’s absolutely true,” a counter-terrorism official was quoted as saying. But Kasab’s statements will take time to verify, he added.Indian police have a sample of Kasab’s DNA that they plan to provide to the FBI, which would check whether he is from the family he claims as his own in Faridkot village, the Journal said. The bureau would need to compare it with the DNA of any family member.The New York Times also cited a senior American counter-terrorism official as saying it was highly likely that local accomplices were involved.“They couldn’t have gotten to the places they did without local help,” the unnamed official cited by the Times said. “They just moved too quickly. They had to have had more assistance on the ground.”

  3342. Rahul says:

    Mistrust of India Forges Sense of Unity in PakistanBy Candace RondeauxWashington Post Foreign Service Saturday, December 6, 2008; Page A08ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Dec. 5 — Fateh Khan doesn’t know much about the fight against terrorism. He doesn’t know much about the attacks that killed more than 170 people in Mumbai last week, either. But if there is one thing the Pakistani taxi driver feels sure about, it’s that after three wars, India — not terrorism — remains the No. 1 threat to his country.THIS STORYMistrust of India Forges Sense of Unity in PakistanIndian Official Points to PakistanIndia and Pakistan Respond to Mumbai AttacksView All Items in This Story“Every Pakistani is clear that India is the enemy state,” Khan said. “Pakistan has always tried to live at peace with India. But India has not tried for peace.”As more details emerge about alleged Pakistani links to the three-day siege in India’s financial capital last week, a rare national unity is coalescing in Pakistan, centered on its old enemy. Although debate continues about how to manage attacks on politicians and government institutions by armed Pakistani groups, the Indian accusations against Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks have reminded many of India’s 60-year role as the primary security threat here.From Taliban commanders in the northwest to liberal businessmen in Islamabad, the capital, Pakistanis have this week been rallying around the flag. Tensions with India have prompted pledges of support for the government even from the Taliban, the growing insurgent force based on the tribal agencies of the country’s North-West Frontier Province.This week, several leaders of armed Islamist groups in that region vowed to lay down their arms against the government and stand with Pakistan’s military in the event of a clash with India — a turnaround for groups that in the past six years have killed more than 1,200 Pakistani troops.“We may have a dispute with the Pakistan government, but we would set aside our differences if our homeland was threatened by outside powers,” said Maulvi Nazir, head of a powerful Pakistani Taliban splinter group in the tribal area of South Waziristan. “We would raise a force of 15,000 tribal Taliban to fight on the side of Pakistan’s armed forces. We would infiltrate 500 suicide bombers into India to cause havoc there.”That promise of assistance has not gone unnoticed in Islamabad.In a briefing with reporters after the Mumbai attacks, several top officials of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, said they welcomed the offers of support from Nazir and Taliban leaders such as Baitullah Mehsud.Only a year ago, Mehsud, who reportedly commands thousands of foot soldiers in his native South Waziristan, was Pakistan’s most wanted man. Days after the assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, Mehsud’s name surfaced as the possible perpetrator of the Dec. 27 bomb attack that killed her.Rahimullah Yusufzai, a Pakistani journalist based in the northwestern city of Peshawar, said the current mood among insurgent leaders such as Nazir and others in the region is sharply anti-Indian and pro-Pakistani. But Yusufzai cautioned that an opportunistic impulse lies beneath the groups’ recent avowals of support for the government against India.“Right now, these are only statements. They are offering support, but they are also saying that in return for their support the military must stop its operations in the tribal areas, in Swat and other places,” Yusufzai said. “They are trying to seize the moment and say, ‘Look we’re not anti-state, not anti-Pakistan.’ But the government has to be careful. It should not respond by pulling out troops.”Many ordinary people in northwestern cities such as Peshawar are wary of expressions of national unity and more inclined to empathize with India’s position, Yusufzai said. Hundreds of civilians have been killed and wounded in insurgent attacks this year, and the mounting violence has sensitized the population to the government’s failure to rein in terrorists within Pakistan.“There is a feeling that these jihadi groups need to be cut down to size,” Yusufzai said. “People here have seen up close the results of their activities, so they are probably more inclined to believe some of the Indian accusations.”On Friday evening, a car bomb exploded in Peshawar, killing at least 20 people and injuring scores more, the Associated Press reported. Neither the motive nor the identity of the perpetrators was clear, but provincial government chief Haider Khan Hoti said “external forces” could be to blame — a comment understood in Pakistan to mean India, the AP said.Before the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan was already deeply divided over how to deal simultaneously with the internal threats posed by extremist groups and the external pressures from countries such as India and the United States. Since the attacks, that fracture has given rise to a heated public debate.In a column Friday in the popular English-language newspaper Dawn, Pakistani defense analyst and author Ayesha Siddiqa noted the Pakistani Taliban’s apparent overnight transformation from pariah to patriot amid the public furor over the events in Mumbai. “And hadn’t we been informed earlier that all these ‘patriotic’ warriors were in fact murdering Pakistan’s people and its brave soldiers?” Siddiqa wrote.“We could cry ourselves hoarse about a foreign conspiracy to finish Pakistan, but it would not change the fact that Pakistan faces the threat of being internationally ostracized unless it begins to look inwards,” Siddiqa added.Since its founding in 1947, Pakistan has been ruled by a succession of military generals, wavering all the while between war and tense detente with India. Civilian governments have historically been short-lived and widely seen as ineffectual against threats to national security, particularly from India. But after the resignation this year of President Pervez Musharraf, the country’s former army chief, expectations were high that the civilian government elected in February would reverse that perception.Nearly four months after Musharraf stepped down, those hopes remain largely unfulfilled. Overwhelmed by economic crisis and the continuing insurgent threat, the new government has failed to mend the country’s divisions and bring the military establishment to heel, experts say. Many of the militant groups propped up by the military in the 1980s and ’90s have expanded their reach, and some still enjoy support from rogue elements within the military, according to U.S. military officials and intelligence experts.Samina Ahmed, country director for the International Crisis Group in Pakistan, said the chasm between Pakistan’s military and its civilian government undercuts the possibility of stability in the region as a whole. Pointing to several failed attempts by the civilian government this year to gain control of intelligence operations, Ahmed said conflict with India will remain imminent until the clash between the military and civilian cultures is resolved in Pakistan.“What you see is a house divided, in which the military is hostile, and there’s been a pushback from the civilian government, as well,” Ahmed said.After decades of diplomatic brinkmanship with India, many ordinary Pakistanis are skeptical of India’s assertions of a Pakistani tie to the massacre in Mumbai. Yet many also appear to agree that another armed conflict with Pakistan’s nuclear rival in the region should be the last option on the table.“Whatever happened in [Mumbai] is a problem for the whole world. It’s not just a problem for Pakistan or India,” said Mohammed Ejaz, an Islamabad clothes vendor. “This should not reopen old wounds or hostilities, because any conflict would engulf the whole region.”

  3343. fatima says:

    Rahul,Pakistan also doesnot trust India

  3344. fatima says:

    dear freinds, no fight pray for all.May allah,Bhagwan, God protect all human beings whereever they are..and punish the original players who are killing humanstake care love to allpeace of messegevery good night

  3345. Rahul says:

    @ Fatimelol i know that pakistan doesnt trust india either.hence the tension. if only india and pakistan trusted each other, things wud b much better.

  3346. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    FINALLY PAKISTAN IS TRAPPED IN IT’S OWN LIES AND ABOUT TO BE DECLARED A TERRORIST STATE…. NOW WOT DO ALL HOLIER THAN THOU!!!! PAKISTANIS SAY ……. IT IS A EYEOPENER FOR ALL YOU PAKISTANIS TRUSTWORTHINESS OF PAKISTANI MEDIA AND PROPOGANDA OF YOUR MINISTERS IS OUT IN OPEN…….AT LEAST REALISE NOW THAT PAKISTAN IS A MIGRAINE TO THE WORLD AND ALL TERROR TROUBLES OF THE WORLD EMANATE FROM PAKISTAN…. STOP DEFENDING THE INDEFENSIBLE!!!!!WASHINGTON: The United States is dusting off a long-discarded proposal to declare Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. But with the Bush administration now in its final six weeks in office, a decision in this regard is being left to the incoming Obama government, sources said, contingent on corrective actions taken in the meantime by Islamabad to the satisfaction of India, US and other countries affected by Pakistan’s toxic export of death. US intelligence circles are now re-evaluating Pakistan’s contribution to the war on terror, and the ISI’s dominant role in the country and its ties with jihadi outfits, at the behest of the Bush administration. The White House itself lost faith in the Pakistan Army’s bonafides several months ago which led to Washington’s decision to withdraw support to military ruler Pervez Musharraf and back a new civilian government, officials and congressional aides who spoke on background explained. The decision to dump Musharraf was taken at vice-president Dick Cheney recommendation, they added, because of evidence that Pakistan was continuing to help Taliban elements attacking Nato forces. Now the Bush administration is even more convinced that the Pakistani Army and its intelligence arm ISI, who still calls the shots in Islamabad, are continuing their toxic policies. But firm action against them is constrained by both the transition phase in Washington and the US dependence on Pakistan to maintain supply lines to its troops in land-locked Afghanistan. Officials are now re-examining options in this regard, particularly US leverage against Islamabad if Pakistan considers interdiction strategies. Pakistan came close to being named a state sponsor of terrorism in 1992 when then Secretary of State James Baker charged then prime minister Nawaz Sharif of supporting terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. The then US envoy in Islamabad Nicholas Platt conveyed to Sharif that “we (US) are very confident of our information that your intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, and elements of the Army are supporting Kashmiri and Sikh militants who carry out acts of terrorism… This support takes the form of providing weapons, training and assistance in infiltration … We’re talking about direct, covert support from the Government of Pakistan.” In his talking points, Platt continued: “Our information is certain. It does not come from the Indian Government. Please consider the serious consequences to our relationship if this support continues… If the situation persists, the Secretary of State may find himself required by law to place Pakistan in the U.S.G. [United States Government] State sponsors of terrorism list… You must take concrete steps to curtail assistance to militants and not allow their training camps to operate in Pakistan or Azad Kashmir.” The situation was defused by Sharif government removing then D-G of ISI Javed Nasir even as Washington was going through a transition phase (from Bush Sr to Clinton). But it now appears that the ISI has cranked up its policy from mere infiltration and support to outright commando style attacks. Despite a soft-line adopted by Bush administration in public to the benefit of doubt to Pakistan’s civilian government and spur it into action, Washington has little doubt that the terrorist attack on Mumbai was sponsored and planned with state support, US officials are saying privately. One things is certain; this was not a run-of-the mill LeT operation. “I think this event looks a lot more like a classical Special Forces or commando-style raid than it does like any terrorist attack we’ve seen before,” David Kilcullen, a counter insurgency military analyst who served as an advisor to Gen. Davis Petraeus tells Fareed Zakaria in the upcoming edition of his program GPS, articulating what US officials are saying in private. “No al-Qaida-linked terrorist group and certainly never Lashkar-e-Taiba has mounted a maritime raid of this type or complexity.” The US intelligence community believes that hijacking a fishing vessel, infiltrating via the sea, via inflatable boat, launching diversionary attacks designed to pull the first responders out of the way of the subsequent follow on groups that struck the Oberoi, the Taj Mahal, the Nariman Center and the equipment the terrorists carried and their attire were all in the vein of a covert special-forces raid rather than a traditional terrorist attack. Pakistan’s covert support to Taliban and al-Qaida elements on the country’s western front has been extensively chronicled in US military circles in recent months, although political and strategic expediency has constrained Washington from speaking about it in public. In December 2006, Afghan security forces captured Sayed Akbar, an ISI officer, who had been tasked by Pakistani intelligence with serving as a conduit to al-Qaida, which was operating along the Afghan-Pakistani border in the Kunar region. Debriefed by US and Afghan officials, Akbar said he had escorted Osama bin Laden as he traveled from Afghanistan’s Nuristan province into Pakistan’s Chitral district, prompting US to rush an FBI team there. Afghan President Hamid Karzai also accused Pakistan around the same time of sheltering Taliban leader Mullah Omar in Quetta and said he had even provided GPS coordinates and phone numbers of the hideout to Pakistan’s military government but it did not act. A few months later a US commander, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Nash, who worked with the Afghan police, made a widely discussed slide presentation on his return to Washington, saying “ISI involved in direct support to many enemy operations … classification prevents further discussion of this point.” The support included “training, funding, [and] logistics,” he added. But the most damning, and most recent, piece of evidence came after the bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul when US intercepted communications between Pakistani intelligence officers and militants who carried out the attack. The messages, US officials said later, indicated that the ISI officers involved in the bombings were not “renegades,” or “stateless actors,” and “their actions might have been authorized by superiors.” Washington now believes that is also the case with Mumbai, which is why, notwithstanding a soft public stance, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has conveyed to President Zardari what her predecessor Baker told Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan is on track to being declared a state sponsor of terrorism if it does not act. It was because of this long history of Pakistan’s corrosive terrorist record that an outraged Rice dismissed Islamabad’s request for evidence this time, saying, there is a “lot of information about what happened here, a lot of information… And so this isn’t an issue of sharing evidence.”

  3347. chitispandana says:

    dear All,but also @ Faisal & Fatima.A great deal of things are being said everywhere and on this blog as well. Fortunately the temperature is now coming down.i am an indian, but i do not believe that every Pakistani is a terrorist or even that every Muslim is a terrorist.Terrorism is not the exclusive preserve of any country or community. However if you take the time to think calmly and objectively; and search also for facts and information you will find some groups of people (political parties, organisations, institutions and even Governments) have over the years used terrorism as a method to push certain agendas. Why? Because terrorism can be used as a quick fix method to put pressure and push a particular agenda and then conveniently label it as a part of "freedom struggle" or a "religious action". It requires less sustained hard work; or even more so less mass involvement of common people, which in any case may not be available. Since this problem is universal; it is time for us to understand that and think further; rather than allowing other considerations to colour both our thinking or speech to each other. THE MATTER DOES NOT END HERE, BUT IT WILL BE A SMALL BEGINNING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. ONLY THEN, will the rest follow and it will head in a constructive direction. Otherwise we can tear in to each other and claw each other apart. And even if we continue doing so- the world will not come to an end. More people on this planet are decent and sane than the extreme and insane. That is the real reason that Mankind has survived all through so many millenia.

  3348. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    SLAMABAD: US Senator John McCain has said he believes that if Pakistan does not act against individuals and groups linked to the Mumbai terrorattacks, it could be a “matter of days” before India carries out surgical strikes against such elements.There is enough evidence of the involvement of former Inter-Services Intelligence officers in the planning and execution of the Mumbai attacks and terrorist training camps are still operational in Pakistan, McCain told a small group of senior Pakistani journalists at an informal lunch in Lahore yesterday.Ejaz Haider, a senior editor with the Daily Times group, quoted McCain as saying that he believed it could be a “matter of days” before India carried out surgical air strikes if Pakistan did not act on the evidence provided to it on elements linked to the attacks.McCain also said that the terrorist training camps were being emptied “as we speak”, Haider told Dawn News channel.Referring to the terror training camps as “red dots on the map”, McCain indicated that their number had increased since the time the US launched its campaign in Afghanistan in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.McCain, who unsuccessfully contested the US presidential election, arrived in Pakistan with two other senior Senators on Friday after a brief visit to India.Referring to his meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, McCain said the Indian leader, who is not easily ruffled, had appeared visibly angry.

  3349. Rahul says:

    Mumbai terrorist came from Pakistan, local villagers confirmSaeed Shah in Faridkot, near DepalpurThe Observer, Sunday December 7 2008An Observer investigation has established that the lone surviving gunman caught by Indian police during last week’s terrorist attacks on Mumbai came from a village in the Okara district of the Pakistani Punjab.Ajmal Amir Kasab, interrogated in custody after last month’s attacks, which killed 163 people, reportedly told Indian security officials that he came from a place called Faridkot in the Punjab province. His father was named as Mohammed Amir, married to a woman named Noor. During the past week, Pakistani sources have cast doubt on the authenticity of the leaked information, which has had a predictably explosive impact on relations between the two countries.The Observer has obtained electoral lists for Faridkot showing 478 registered voters, including a Mohammed Amir, married to Noor Elahi. Amir’s and Noor’s national identity card numbers have also been obtained. At the address identified in the list, a man identifying himself as Sultan said he was the father-in-law of Mohammed Amir.A villager, who cannot be named for his own protection, said the village was an active recruiting ground for the banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. ‘We know that boy [caught in Mumbai] is from Faridkot,’ he said. ‘We knew from the first night [of the attack]. They brainwash our youth about jihad, there are people who do it in this village. It is so wrong,’ he added.According to the villager and other locals, Ajmal has not lived in Faridkot for about four years but would return to see his family once a year and frequently talked of freeing Kashmir from Indian rule.The truth about Ajmal’s origins are key to the ongoing investigation of where the attackers came from and will have a profound impact on relations between India and Pakistan. Islamabad has repeatedly said that no proof has been provided to back Indian accusations that all the gunmen came from Pakistan. The terrorist outrage has pushed the two nuclear-armed countries to the brink of confrontation but, until now, there had been no solid evidence that any of the militants were from Pakistan.On Friday, police arrested two Indian men accused of illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks, in the first known arrests since the bloody siege ended. Security officials demanded the release of one of them, Mukhtar Ahmed, yesterday, claiming he was a counter-insurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission.Police said another Indian citizen, Faheem Ansari, who was arrested in February in northern India carrying sketches of hotels, the train terminus and other sites that were later attacked, was being brought to Mumbai for renewed questioning.Rakesh Maria, a senior Mumbai police officer, said he believed there was a connection between Ansari and the Mumbai attacks. ‘Ansari was trained by Lashkar and sent to do reconnaissance,’ Maria said.One of the arrested men, Tauseef Rahman, allegedly bought Sim cards by providing fake documents, including identification cards of dead people, senior police official Rajeev Kumar said yesterday in the eastern city of Calcutta. Rahman, of West Bengal state, later sold them to Ahmed, Kumar said. Both men were arrested on Friday and charged with fraud and conspiracy.Police said they were still investigating how the 10 gunmen obtained the Sim cards. Most large Indian cities, including Calcutta, where the Sim cards were purchased, have thriving black markets for Sim cards and cheap phones.Ahmed was from the Indian portion of Kashmir, the disputed Himalayan region at the root of much of the tension between India and Pakistan, Kumar said. According to an unnamed police official in Srinagar, Kashmir’s biggest city, Ahmed was a local police officer.

  3350. Rahul says:

    From another article from UK`s ”The Observer”By same journalist: Saeed Shah, who went to all the Faridkots in Pakistan to look for any evidence:The authorities may now attempt to deny that Ajmal’s parents live in Faridkot, but, according to some locals, they have been there for some 20 years. But by the end of our visit, a crucial piece of evidence had been gained. The Observer has managed to obtain an electoral roll for Faridkot, which falls under union council number 5, tehsil (area) Depalpur, district Okara. The list of 478 registered voters shows a ‘Mohammed Amir’, married to Noor Elahi, living in Faridkot. Amir’s national identity card number is given as 3530121767339, and Noor’s is 3530157035058.That appears to be the last piece of the jigsaw. A man called Amir and his wife, Noor, do live in Faridkot, official records show. They have a son called Ajmal.Following our last visit to Faridkot, the mayor, Wattoo, announced via the loudspeaker at the mosque that no one was to speak to any outsiders. By yesterday, Pakistani intelligence officials had descended in force on Faridkot. Locals, speaking by telephone, said a Pakistani TV crew and an American journalist had been roughed up and run out of town. It appeared that the backlash had begun.————————————–its as if the authorities know everything, but are trying to hide it.Could they possibly be involved??

  3351. Rahul says:

    Mumbai terror mastermind among 20 LeT activists held: ReportISLAMABAD: Lashker-e-Taiba commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhwi, accused of masterminding the Mumbai terror attacks, is among over 20 members of the group arrested by Pakistani security forces during a crackdown in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The security forces, including the army, on Sunday launched a secretive crackdown on activists of the LeT and its front organisation Jamaat-ud-Dawah in PoK and other part of the country. Helicopters were used in the operation in Muzaffarabad, the capital of PoK. Ajmal Amir Iman, the lone terrorist captured by Indian authorities after the Mumbai attacks, had named Lakhwi as one of the Lashker commanders who had planned the terrorist strike. Lakhwi was among more than 20 members of the LeT arrested in Muzaffarabad during a major army operation on a camp used by the outlawed group, the Dawn newspaper quoted sources as saying. Other sources had told PTI late last night that a militant named Lakhwi had been taken into custody but it could not then be independently confirmed if he was the same terrorist linked to the Mumbai attacks. There was no immediate official word on the crackdown. The Dawn said there were reports that similar actions were planned in some cities and towns of Punjab, a province where the LeT and the Jamaat have a significant presence. Iman, the gunman captured in Mumbai, hails from a village in Okara district of Punjab. Pakistan is under intense international pressure, including from the US, to take action against the LeT for its involvement in the Mumbai attacks. The Let was founded by militant ideologue Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, who formed the Jamaat soon after the Lashker was banned in 2001. Pakistani police and civil administration officials in Muzaffarabad told reporters they did not know what was happening. Local residents said they had seen army personnel taking control of an area along Shawai Nullah, five kilometres northwest of Muzaffarabad, where the LeT possesses a large camp with several buildings. The troops sealed off the area after they launched their operation. “I saw an army helicopter hovering over the area and around 5 pm I heard two or three loud explosions,” a woman who lives in the area told Dawn. Another person said the helicopter might have been used to airlift persons detained or injured during the operation. In Chehla Bandi area of PoK, soldiers checked vehicles bound for the Neelum Valley. There was also no word from the usually active Jamaat spokesmen. Some journalists who contacted a Jamaat spokesman were told that the organisation would issue a statement only after Pakistani authorities officially commented on the matter. Pakistan banned the LeT after it was blamed for the December 2001 attack on India’s parliament. Pakistan has also put the Jamaat-ud-Dawah on a terrorism watch-list. There were also unconfirmed reports of an exchange of fire. Ambulances from hospitals in Muzaffarabad were called to the area by troops but witnesses said they returned without any persons inside. _________________________________________________Thank You Pakistan!!!

  3352. truth says:

    During the past few months, there has been a spate of bomb explosions in different parts of India and the police, as a rule, suspected, arrested, tortured and even killed Muslim youths.On September 29, there was a bomb blast in Malegaon that claimed six lives.In this connection, five people were detained by the Anti Terrorist Squad ,ATS, in Pune. The detained five included two army officers ,one of them a Major (Retd) Prabhakar Kulkarni , heading the Bhonsala Military School and College run by the Central Hindu Military Education Society, and three Hindu activists -Sadhvi Pradnyasingh Thakur, a so called female saint, Shivnarayansing Kalsangram and Shyam Sahu. They were blamed for a series of deadly bombings in Malegaon in September, which were initially blamed on Muslim militants. The arrest of especially the female saint Sadhvi, with close links to Hindu extremist forces, alarmed the BJP and other Hindu extremist parties.Hemant Karkare, Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad ,ATS, chief,was about to disclose these Hindu militants’ involvement in the recent bombings in India and he came under severe criticism by the Hindu extremist forces including the BJP.Indian media reported on November 27 that Hemant Karkare had received death threats days earlier over his plan to unravel the Hindu terrorist cell. The Press Trust of India news agency reportedly received phone calls on November 26 threatening to blow up within days the residence of Karkare known for his discipline and integrity.The unanswered question is why would the terrorists, if as alleged they were Muslims, kill Karkare who was about to expose Hindu terrorism? The irony is that all three ATS officers, Hemant Karkare, DIG Ashok Kale and encounter specialist Vijay Salazar, were eliminated during last week’s attack on Mumbai.

  3353. Rahul says:

    god.stop it. evidence is out. everybody has the evidence. india has it, pakistan has it, US has it, EU has it, and the list goes on. STOP WITH CONSPIRACY THEORIES! Read ”The Observer” newspaper; the terrorists family has been found in Faridkot, Pakistan (Okhara district).Lastly, do u think terrorists coming from Pakistan would know who Hemant Karkare is?! Think about it. A lot of these Pakistani media reports make no sense. Terrorists coming from Pakistan are not going to discriminate between any police officer trying to kill them. Say you were that terrorist, would you think ”hmm, this man is coming to kill me, but I wont kill him because he is Hemant Karkare”. Common sense people. Keep in mind that these three Officers were not the ONLY ones killed. Why not talk about Sandeep who died ,and many other hawaldars, and so on who also died. Also keep in mind that Karkare was involved in many islamic-terror investigations; Maybe these terorrists wanted to get rid of him so he wudnt b able to solve their case! Conspiracies, conspiracies, conspiracies. Stop it. Especially now that the entire truth is known, and even Pakistan now knows. And now pakistan is even arresting some people.

  3354. Rahul says:

    the last stupid claim pakistani media made tht i must clarify is:western media extensively covered the mumbai attacks; it was all over the news all over the world. ”Why?” asks pakistani media. ”There must be some sort of conspiracy,” they say.My Reply:My friends, stop trying to take the STUPIDEST observation and try to make it into something it isnt.Westerners were attacked in this terror attack. If Americans have been taken as hostages, or are killed, OF COURSE they are giong to show it non-stop. Same goes for Canada, for Europe, for Israel, and everyone else. Also, when the floods in Mumbai occurred, or the terror attack in 2006 on the trains, western media (CNN in particular) extensively showed and talked about the attack in mumbai. I know because I was watching it the entire day. Is there any conspiracy here also? No my friends. The most important thing you must understand is that India is now slowly appearing on the global stage. It is a country that now matters, a country with a trillion dollar economy. The US relies quite a bit on it (not as much as China, but still; most of its IT business comes to India). Thus its quite obvious that an attack in India (especially Mumbai) will matter.

  3355. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    In a stinging indictment of Pakistan, European Parliament has said there is “confirmed evidence” about the country hosting several terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and “criminal mastermind” Dawood Ibrahim and using them as “an instrument of terrorism” against India.Against the backdrop of the Mumbai attacks, the Parliament of the 27-nation grouping asked Pakistan to take urgent action to “transform its polity” to prevent the “continuing calls for violent jihad against its neighbours and its partners”.The Parliament, in a declaration adopted in Brussels on Friday, said, “Despite a democratic government in Pakistan, there is confirmed evidence of Pakistan hosting several several terrorist groups and using them as an instrument of terrorism, particularly against India.”It further said, “Despite Pakistan’s claim of participating in the war against terror, it continues to host terrorist leaders of the Khalistani Movement, Hizb-uld Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba and criminal masterminds like Dawood Ibrahim, who live and operate freely.”The declaration — ‘Terrorists operating from the soil of Pakistan’ — reflects the recognition in the world that Pakistan continues to sponsor terrorism directed against India despite Islamabad’s continuous denials.It also “nails” Pakistan’s lies that Dawood Ibrahim, whom the US has declared as ‘international terrorist’, is not in Pakistan.

  3356. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    pakistanis, i just can't believe this it is so incomprehensible to me the reports in pak media with all the conspiracy theories, half truths, refusal to face the truth staring in the face,misplaced sense of distorted jingoism,false propaganda and to top it all people take it as gospel truth, they really believe that the world is conspiring against pakistan contrary to all the evidence and what the world is you honestly believe your army and ISI to take action if india shares evidence or joint investigation is done when they themselves are known to be complicit in the act? do you people really take your media on face value? is cnn bbc banned in pakistan?or u just don't trust them as credible?do you really believe there are no terrorist camps in pakistan?don't you know really all fertile land in your country is owned by corrupt millitary brass, decades of army rule haven't corrupted them or suddenly overnight they became rich?ISI is not responsible for much of the ills facing pakistan? do you really trust & believe the retired generals and isi chiefs masquarading as security experts on TV channels?aren't they all corrupt and pushing millitary's agenda and misleading gullible public? do you really believe what rabid mullah's preach?is it realastic that pakistan can ever defeat india in any war,a trillion dollar economy,1 billion people and amongst the largest armies in the world with all kinds of sophisticated weaponary??!!! GOD HELP PAKISTAN IF YOU STILL TRUST YOUR VENOMOUS MEDIA AND SO CALLED ANALYSTS,YOUR POLITICIANS AND ROGUE MILLITARY-ISI,RABID MULLAHS AND STILL BELIEVE THAT NO TERRORIST TRAINING CAMPS EXIST IN PAKISTAN OR PAK OCCUPIED KASHMIR!!!CAN TERRORISM BE SUSTAINED IN INDIAN KASHMIR WITHOUT CROSSBORDER SUPPORT AND TRAINING???????????????????? ISN'T A NATION THAT IS STANDING WITH A BEGGING BOWL IN FRONT OF IMF AND WHICH CANNOT CONTROL IT'S OWN TERRITORY SWAT AS TOLD BY YOUR OWN MINISTERS AND POLITICIANS A FAILED STATE?????????????? A NATION FROM WHOSE OWN LAND A NUKE WAL-MART WAS OPERATED BY AQ KHAN NETWORK SANCTIONED BY MILLITARY AND GOVERNMENT AIN'T A ROGUE STATE???? WHY YOUR NATIONAL ICON FATHER OF YOUR ATOM BOMB AQ KHAN IS IN HOUSE ARREST,AND INDIA'S KALAM HAD BEEN PRESIDENT,HAVE YOU ASKED YOUR POLITICIANS AND ALL POWERFULL MILLITARY ABOUT THIS????????????????

  3357. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    Over the last few days, the pressure has been mounting on Pakistan to take action against terror groups within the country, but despite this, it is evident that there is reluctance to crackdown on terror.The Pakistani government says it does not have hard evidence, therefore, while the current leadership does not want to hurt the Indo-Pak peace process, it is a tightrope walk as it tries to maintain a balance between international and internal relations.Will the Pakistan government ever be able to crackdown on terror groups operating from its soil? Any serious attempt to do so will also mean reigning in the notorious Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) known to back anti-India terror groups.India says it has got proof of the ISI’s involvement in the Mumbai attacks and expects the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government to take action. But there’s little to show that the Pakistan government will be able to pull this off.It has already backtracked on its commitment to send the ISI chief to India to help in the Mumbai investigations. Many in Pakistan say it was because the Pakistan Army strongly opposed the move.The ISI is seen across the world as the Pakistan Army’s weapon, not just to fight a proxy war against India, but also to control domestic politics by destabilising elected governments and propping up military dictators.In an attempt to take charge, the PPP claimed that the ISI’s political wing was being disbanded.The ubiquitous presence of the ISI is something that Pakistanis have lived with for many decades. While the new army chief is sending out signals of curtailing the political role of the ISI, the move has met with skepticism in Pak.“History teaches us otherwise and there is a very basic principle and that is none gives up power voluntarily, it has to be taken away from them. And it is up to the politicians to defang the Pak Army and take power away from them,” said Ali Dayan Hassan, senior South Asia analyst, Human Rights Watch.However, skeptics say it is a tough job and the ISI and the army are already working to win back popular support.“Under the present circumstances it appears that ISI is pulling back. Because the real decision of what the ISI is to do is done by the army chief and at the moment the Pak Army is pulling back from active politics. It is doing so because it wants to retrieve its reputation with the people of Pakistan that was undermined in 2007,” said Hassan Askari, senior political analyst.It is now a tightrope walk for Pakistan’s new leadership. On the one hand, popular mood in Pakistan expects it to work independently of the army and America. But on the other, it has to deliver on its promise of cracking down on terror groups within Pakistan.

  3358. naaz says:

    AN ARTICLE FROM MID-DAY DATED 10 DEC 2008Statement of accused Mohd Ajmal Amir Qasab; Age 21 yrs. Occupation: Labour, R/O – Faridkot, Tehsil – Dipalpur, Dist – Ukada, State – Suba Punjab, PakistanI am as above and reside at the above given address since my birth. I have studied up to 4th standard from Government Primary School.After leaving school in 2000, I went to Lahore. My brother Afzal stays at galli No. 54, R.No. 12, Mohalla — Tohit Abad, near Yadgar Minar, Lahore. I did labour jobs at different places till 2005. During that period I used to visit my native place. In the year 2005, I had a quarrel with my father. Therefore, I left my house and went to Ali Hajveri Darbar at Lahore. At the said place, the boys who had run away from their houses are kept. From there, the boys are sent to different places for employment. One day when I was there, a person by name Shafiq came there and took me with him. He was in the catering business. He was from Zhelam. I started working with him on daily wages. I was given Rs 120 per day. After some days my salary was increased up to Rs 200 per day. I worked with him till 2007.While I was working with Shafiq, I came in contact with one Muzaffar Lal Khan, aged 22 years, r/o Village – Romiya, Tehsil & Dist – Atak, State – Sarhad, Pakistan. As we were not getting enough money, we decided to carry out robbery / dacoity at some place so that we will get a large amount. As such we left the job.Thereafter we went to Rawalpindi. We hired a flat at Bangash Colony, Rawalpindi, and started residing in it. Afzal had located a house where he thought we would get a large amount. He had surveyed the said place and drawn a map of the said place. We required some fire-arms for our purpose. Afzal told me that he could get some fire-arms at his native place, but it was very risky, as there was frequent checking at his native place. While we were in search of fire-arms we saw some LeT stalls at Raja bazaar, Rawalpindi, on the day of Bakri-id. We thought that, even if we procured fire-arms, we could not operate them. Therefore, we decided to join LeT for weapon training. After making enquiries we reached LeT office. In the LeT office we met a person. We told him that we wanted to join LeT. He made some enquiry with us, noted our names and address and told us to come on next day.On the next day, we went to LeT office and met the same man. One more person was present with him. He gave us Rs 200 and some receipt. Then he gave us the address of a place called Marqas Taiyyaaba, Muridke, and told us to go to the said place where LeT is having their training camp. As directed, we went to the said place by bus. We showed the receipt given to us at the gate of the camp. We were allowed inside. At the entry gate, our details were filled up on two forms. Then we were taken to the actual camp area. At the said place, initially we were selected for 21 days training called Daura-Sufa. From the next day, we started attending training. The daily programme was as mentioned below.04.15: Wake up call and thereafter namaz08.00: Breakfast08.30-10.00: Lecture on Hadis and Quran by Mufti Sayyed10.00–12.00: Rest12.00–13.00: Lunch Break13.00–14.00: Namaz14.00–16.00: Rest16.00–18.00: PT and Game Instructor — Fadulla18.00–20.00: Namaz and other work20.00–21.00: DinnerAfter completion of the above said training, we were selected for another training called Daura-Ama. The said training was also for 21 days. We were then taken in a vehicle to a place called Mansera, Buttal Village. At the said place, we were given training of all weapons for 21 days. The daily programme was as mentioned below.04.15 – 05.00: Wake up call andthereafter namaz05.00-6.00: PT Instructor — abu Anas08.00: Breakfast08.30-11.30: Weapons training. Trainer — Abdul Rehman, Weapons — AK-47, Green-O, SKS, Uzi gun, pistol, revolver11.30–12.00: Rest12.00–13.00: Lunch break13.00–14.00: Namaz14.00–16.00: Rest16.00–18.00: PT 18.00–20.00: Namaz and other work20.00–21.00: DinnerAfter completing the said training, we were told that, we will be given the next advance training, but for that purpose we have to do some Khidmat for two months (Khidmat is a sort of service in the said camp as per the trainees' liking). We agreed to do the Khidmat for two months.After two months, I was allowed to go to meet my parents. I stayed with my parents for one month. Thereafter, I went to LeT camp situated at Shaiwainala, Muzzafarabad, for further advanced training. At that place, they took my photographs and filled up some forms. Then we were taken to Chelabandi pahadi area for training called Duara-khas. The said training was for 3 months. The training included PT, handling of all weapons and firing practice of the said weapons, training of handling of hand grenade, rocket launchers and mortars. The daily programme was as mentioned below. 04.15–05.00: Wake up call andthereafter namaz05.00–06.00: PT Instructor— Abu Mawiya08.00: Breakfast08.30–11.30: Weapons training — handling of all weapons and firing practices of the said weapons, training of handling of hand grenade, rocket launchers and mortars, Green-O, SKS, Uzi gun, pistol, revolver, Hand grenade, rocket launchers. Trainer — Abu Mawiya11.30–12.00: Rest12.00–13.00: Lunch Break13.00–14.00: Namaz14.00–16.00: Weapon training and firing practice. Lecture on Indian security agencies16.00–18.00: PT18.00–20.00: Namaz and other work20.00–21.00: DinnerAt the said place 32 persons were present for training. Out of these 32 trainees, 16 were selected for some confidential operation by one Zaqi-ur-Rehman Chacha. Out of these 16 trainees 3 trainees ran away from the camp. The above said chacha then sent the remaining 13 of us along with a person called Kafa to the above said earlier camp at Muridke. At Muridke, we were taught swimming and getting acquainted with the environment experienced by a fisherman on a sea. We did some experimental tours by launches on the sea. During the said training, we were given lectures on working of Indian security agencies. We were shown the clippings highlighting the atrocities on Muslims in India.After completing the said training, we were allowed to go to our native places. For seven days, I stayed with my family members. After seven days I went to the LeT camp at Muzzafarabad. The above said 13 of us were present for training. Thereafter, as per the instructions of Zaki-ur-Rehman, the above said Kafa took us to camp at Muridke. At the said camp again we underwent the training of swimming and getting acquainted with the environment and experience on sea. The training continued for one month.During the said training, we were given the lectures on India and its security agencies, including RAW. We were also given the training on how to evade the chase by security personnel. We were strictly instructed not to make phone calls to Pakistan after reaching India. The names of the persons present for the said training are as mentioned below. Mohd Azmal aka Abu Muzahid Ismail aka Abu Umar Abu AliAbu AkshaAbu Umer Abu ShoebAbdul Rehman (Bada)Abdul Rehman (Chhota)AfadullaAbu UmarAfter completion of training, Zaki-ur-Rehman aka Chacha selected 10 of us and formed 5 teams each having two persons on 15 Sept 2008. My team included myself and Ismail. Our code name was VTS team. We were then shown the site 'Google Earth' on Internet. On the same site, we were shown the information about Azad Maidan, Mumbai, how and where to get down at Mumbai. We were shown the film on VT railway station and the film showing the commuters moving around at rush hours at VT railway station. We were instructed to carry out the firing at rush hours in the morning between 7 to 11 hours and between 7 to 11 hours in the evening. Then kidnap some persons, take them to the roof of some nearby building. After reaching at the roof top, we were to contact chacha. After that, chacha would give the telephone or mobile no of electronic media. We were then to contact the media persons on the same phone. And as per the instructions received from chacha, we would make demands for releasing the hostages. This was the general strategy decided by our trainers. The date fixed for the said operation was 27th Sept 2008. However, the operation was cancelled for some reason. We stayed at Karachi. Again we made practice of travelling by speed boats on the sea. We stayed there upto 23rd Nov 2008. The other teams were as mentioned below.2nd Team 1) Abu Aksha2) Abu Umar3rd Team1) Bada Abdul Rehman2) Abu Ali4th Team1) Chhota Abdul Rehman2) Afadulla5th Team1) Shoeb2) Abu UmerOn 23rd Nov 2008, the above said teams including our team left from Azizabad, Karachi along with Zaki-ur-Rehman aka Chacha and Kafa. We were taken to the nearby sea shore. At 04.15 hours we reached the sea shore. At the sea shore we boarded a launch. After traveling for 22 to 25 nautical miles we met a bigger launch in the sea. We boarded the said launch and after journey of 1 hour we boarded a bigger ship by name Al-Huseini in the deep sea. While boarding the said ship, each of us was given a sack containing 8 grenades, one AK-47 rifle, 200 cartridges, 2 magazines and one cell phone for communication.Then we started towards Indian coast. When we reached Indian waters, the crew members of Al-Huseini ship hijacked one Indian launch. The seamen from the said launch were shifted to Al-Huseini ship. We were then boarded the hijacked Indian ship. One Indian seaman was kept along with us. At the gun point, he took us towards the Indian coast. After journey of about 3 days, we reached near sea shore of Mumbai. While we were at some distance from the shore, Ismail and Afadulla killed the Indian seaman, (Tandel) at the basement of the said Indian launch. Then we boarded floatable dinghi and reached Budwar Park Jetty as per the instructions received earlier.After getting down at Budwar Park, I went along with Ismail to VT railway stn by taxi. After reaching the hall of VT railway stn. We, i.e. Ismail and myself, went to the common toilet, took out the weapons from our sacks, loaded them, came out of toilet and started firing indiscriminately towards the passengers. Suddenly one police officer in uniform came towards us and opened fire. In retaliation, we threw hand grenades towards him and also opened fire towards him. Then we went inside the railway stn threatening the commuters and randomly firing at them. Then we came out of the railway stn and started searching for a building with roof top. But we did not find a suitable building. Therefore, we entered a lane. Then we entered a building and went upstarts. On 3rd or 4th floor we searched for hostages but we found that the said building was a hospital and not a residential building. Therefore we started coming down. At that time policemen started firing at us. As such we threw some grenades towards them. When we were coming out of the hospital premises, we suddenly saw one police vehicle passing in front of us. Therefore, we took shelter behind a bush. Another vehicle passed in front of us and stopped at some distance. One police officer got down from the said vehicle and started firing at us. One bullet hit my hand and my AK-47 dropped down. I bent to pick it up when second bullet hit me on the same hand. I got injured. Ismail opened fire at the officers who were in said vehicle. They got injured and firing from their side stopped.We waited for some time and then went towards the said vehicle. Three bodies lying there. Ismail removed the three bodies and drove the said vehicle. I sat next to him. While we were moving in the said vehicle, some police men tried to stop us. Ismail opened fire towards them while we were on the move; our vehicle got punctured near a big ground by the side of road. Ismail got down from the driver seat, stopped a car at the gun point and removed the three lady occupants from the said car. Then Ismail carried me to the car and sat me inside as I was injured. Then he drove the said car. While we were moving in the said car, we were stopped on the road near sea shore. Ismail fired towards them. Some policemen got injured. Police also opened fire towards us. Due to the police firing Ismail got injured. Then police removed us to some hospital. In the hospital I came to know that Ismail succumbed to the injuries he has sustained.My statement is read over to me, explained in Hindi and it is correctly recorded.(The statement has been reproduced verbatim)Qasab writes to his motherMohammad Ajmal Qasab has written a letter to his mother and expressed remorse for his actions. "He has addressed the letter to his mother and has also written a few words for his father. In his letter, Qasab has said that he should have followed the advice of the elders in his village instead of those who indoctrinated him to become a terrorist. He has asked his parents to tell youngsters in his village not to fall prey to indoctrination," said Rakesh Maria, joint commissioner of police (Crime). Qasab wrote the letter about four days back in Urdu and the police are contemplating whether to send it to his parents.

  3359. truth says:

    In another development journalist and human rights activist Amrish Mishra have accused Israel’s secret service agent Mossad and the RSS for the attack on Mumbai. Moreover, they attacked the Taj Hotel, a precious heritage building which reminds the Mogul rule in India which the Hindu extremists, who wanted to wipe out all traces of Islam and Muslims in their drive to set up a Hindu Raj in India, hate.Describing the attack as grave as the killing of Mahatma Gandhi and the demolition of Babri Masjid, Mishra claimed that the killing of brave ATS officers who could have shown the real face of the saffron terrorism created suspicion. Besides the starting of the firing from Nariman House where substantial numbers of Jews live, showed that this was an anti-national act of terror involving Mossad’s hand, because this kind of attack is just not possible by RSS alone. it was the joint ‘effort’ of Mossad and RSS. Mishra clearly saw in the TV that Hemant Karkare was wearing the helmet for the confrontation and was shocked to hear after half an hour that he was killed. After the attack, some miscreants had come on the road with saffron flags chanting anti-Muslim slogans but people drove them out.Those who are very much in touch with the situation did not seem to believe that these attacks are the handy work of any Muslim terrorist organization because they know the forces behind these attacks. Talking to TV channels, many pointed out that the number of Jews started to increase at Nariman House arousing suspicion forcing them to lodge a complaint with the police which failed to take any action. They believe that this tragedy could have been averted had the police acted on the complaint. Besides people around the area had stated that, on Wednesday night Jews at Nariman House had purchased and stocked food stuff and even liquor from a local store. It is highly unlikely that a Muslim, let alone a ‘Mujahid’, and especially one politicized enough to carry out such an attack, would consume liquor in normal life, let alone hours before his inevitable ‘martyrdom’

  3360. Rahul says:

    reply to last paragraph: ppl claim that these “islamic terrorists” are not true muslims. yet when people are saying that these miltants came from pakistan and are “islamic terrorists”, then the same people deny it saying that a “muslim wouldn’t consume alcohol on the eve of his martyrdom”…is it just me or do these two statements contradict?!the first statement claims that terrorists have nothing to do with religion, yet the second statement says the exact opposite. as for the other things you have said in your post, im not going to even bother arguing, because firstly it doesn’t make sense the MOSSAD wouldn’t kill its own people (the jews). And second, the Taj Hotel has absolutely NOTHING to do with the moghul empire, other than the fact that it uses some islamic architecture. It was built by an Indian businessman. And if one is to believe what you stated above, then the Taj Mahal should also be in great danger, as the taj mahal was BUILT by moghuls; why hasn’t that been blown up yet?!What people like you don’t understand is that no country is going to do something as barbaric as this to destroy its own economy. Oh and keep in mind not ALL ”islamic terrorists” are `mujahids`. This Ajmal Kasab guy was barely a true muslim. And he only joined LeT for training to gain experience, as he was a small time thief in Lahore, and was then brainwashed to hate India. He doesn`t necessarily need to be a true muslim to be a terrorist. Again, thats what the media says.

  3361. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    FINALLY …………….do non state actors come from another planet or descend from clouds??????????????????ISLAMABAD: Though Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamaat-ud-Dawa may disown him, the father of the lone Pakistani gunman arrested for the Mumbai terrorAjmal Amir KasabAjmal Amir Kasab, lone Pakistani terrorist arrested for the Mumbai attacks. (TOI photo)More Picturesattacks has admitted that the young man whose picture was beamed by media across the world, is his son.Amir Kasab, the father of Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab, broke down as he made the admission to the influential Dawn newspaper in the courtyard of his house in Faridkot, a village of about 2,500 people in Okara district of Punjab province.“I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it could not have been my son… Now I have accepted it. This is the truth. I have seen the picture in the newspaper. This is my son Ajmal,” Amir said in his first interview to the media since his son’s arrest.Britain’s Observer newspaper and BBC had earlier reported that Iman belonged to Faridkot and had joined the Lashker-e-Taiba some time ago.The Observer’s correspondent had located Iman’s home and got hold of the voters’ roll which had the names of his parents Amir Kasab and Noor as well as the numbers on their national identity cards.Reports had said that Iman left home as a frustrated teenager about four years ago and went to Lahore in search of a job. After a brush with crime in that city, he reportedly joined the LeT.Amir Kasab, a father of three sons and two daughters, said his son disappeared from home four years ago. “He had asked me for new clothes on Eid that I couldn’t provide him. He got angry and left,” he said.As Amir was talking to the Dawn’s correspondents, Iman’s two sisters and a younger brother stood by. Their mother, wrapped in a ‘chador’, lay on a nearby charpoy.“Her trance was broken as the small picture of Ajmal lying in a Mumbai hospital was shown around. They appeared to have identified their son. The mother shrunk back in her chador but the father said he had no problem in talking about the subject,” the newspaper reported.Amir said he had settled in Faridkot after arriving from the nearby Haveli Lakha many years ago. He owned the house the family lived in and made a living by selling ‘pakoras’ in the streets of the village.He pointed to a hand-cart in one corner of the courtyard and said, “This is all I have. I shifted back to the village after doing the same job in Lahore.“My eldest son, Afzal, is also back after a stint in Lahore. He is out working in the fields.”

  3362. chitispandana says:

    Mr. Truth is a good story teller. In his hallucinations he has given us some nice story. I have just told it to my neighbour’s six year old daughter. She asked me to thank this nice cute man for this story

  3363. wikiperson says:

    Mumbai captured terrorist kasab my son, says,father in pakistan Pak Media have been denying the fact that the the terrorist do not belong to theri country. Now a paksitan father has finanlly came out and openly said that the capture person is his son. During the course of Dawn’s own investigations last week our reporters were able to locate a family who claimed to be the kin of the arrested young man in Mumbai. The sole survivor among the 10 attackers was named as Ajmal Kasab and was supposed to belong to the village Faridkot in the Punjab. Media organisations such as the BBC and now the British newspaper Observer have done reports trying to ascertain the veracity of claims appearing in the media that the young man had a home there. On Friday last, the BBC reported unusual activity in Faridkot near Deepalpur. A BBC correspondent located a house in the village, the then inhabitants of which carried the surname of Kasab (or Qasab as the word is often spelt here). But the residents denied any link with either Ajmal or with any Amir Kasab, the name of Ajmal’s father as reported by some of the media. At the weekend, the Observer in England claimed that it had managed to locate the house everyone was looking for so desperately. Its correspondent said he had got hold of the voters’ roll which had the names of Amir Kasab and his wife, identified as Noor, as well as the numbers on the identity cards the couple carried. Even though the news stories by both BBC and the Observer made a mention of the LeT, some television channels in Pakistan suggested that a connection between Mumbai and Faridkot could not be established beyond a shadow of doubt. However, the man who said he was Amir Kasab confirmed to Dawn that the young man whose face had been beamed over the media was his son. For the next few minutes, the fifty-something man of medium build agonized over the reality that took time sinking in, amid sobs complaining about the raw deal the fate had given him and his family. “I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it could not have been my son,” he told Dawn in the courtyard of his house in Faridkot, a village of about 2,500 people just a few kilometres from Deepalpur on the way to Kasur. “Now I have accepted it. “This is the truth. I have seen the picture in the newspaper. This is my son Ajmal.” Variously addressed as Azam, Iman, Kamal and Kasav, the young man, apparently in his 20s, is being kept in custody at an undisclosed place in Mumbai. Indian media reports ‘based on intelligence sources’ said the man was said to be a former Faridkot resident who left home a frustrated teenager about four years ago and went to Lahore. After his brush with crime and criminals in Lahore, he is said to have run into and joined a religious group during a visit to Rawalpindi. Along with others, claimed the Indian media, he was trained in fighting. And after a crash course in navigation, said Amir Kasab, a father of three sons and two daughters, Ajmal disappeared from home four years ago. “He had asked me for new clothes on Eid that I couldn’t provide him. He got angry and left.” While Amir was talking, Ajmal’s two “sisters and a younger brother” were lurking about. To Amir’s right, on a nearby charpoy, sat their mother, wrapped in a chador and in a world of her own. Her trance was broken as the small picture of Ajmal lying in a Mumbai hospital was shown around. They appeared to have identified their son. The mother shrunk back in her chador but the father said he had no problem in talking about the subject. Amir Kasab said he had settled in Faridkot after arriving from the nearby Haveli Lakha many years ago. He owned the house and made his earnings by selling pakoras in the streets of the village. He modestly pointed to a hand-cart in one corner of the courtyard. “This is all I have. I shifted back to the village after doing the same job in Lahore. “My eldest son, Afzal, is also back after a stint in Lahore. He is out working in the fields.” Faridkot is far from the urbanites’ idea of a remote village. It is located right off a busy road and bears all the characteristics of a lower-middle class locality in a big city. It has two middle-level schools, one for girls and the other for boys which Ajmal attended as a young boy. For higher standards, the students have to enroll in schools in Deepalpur which is not as far off as the word remote tends to indicate. It by no means qualifies as Punjab’s backwaters, which makes the young Ajmal’s graduation to an international “fearmonger” even more difficult to understand. The area can do with cleaner streets and a better sewage system but the brick houses towards the side of the Kasur-Deepalpur road have a more organised look to them than is the case with most Pakistani villages. The Observer newspaper reports that some locals seeking anonymity say the area is a hunting ground for the recruiters of LeT and provides the organisation with rich pickings. The approach to Faridkot also points to at least some opportunities for those looking for a job. There are some factories in the surroundings, rice mills et al, interspersed with fertile land. But for the gravity of the situation, with its mellowed and welcoming ambience, the picture could be serene. It is not and Amir Kasab repeats how little role he has had in the scheme since the day his son walked out on him. He calls the people who snatched Ajmal from him his enemies but has no clue who these enemies are. Asked why he didn’t look for his son all this while, he counters: “What could I do with the few resources that I had?” Otherwise quite forthcoming in his answers, Amir Kasab, a mild-mannered soul, is a bit agitated at the mention of the link between his son’s actions and money. Indian media has claimed that Ajmal’s handlers had promised him that his family will be compensated with Rs150,000 (one and a half lakh) after the completion of the Mumbai mission. “I don’t sell my sons,” he retorts. Journalists visiting Faridkot since Dawn reporters were at the village say the family has moved from their home and some relatives now live in the house. Perhaps fearing a media invasion, nobody is willing to say where the family has gone.

  3364. Rahul says:

    Note that the article above was from Pakistani Newspaper “The Dawn”. I guess Geo is the only pakistani news channel thats unprofessional, with its conspiracy theories, and name calling.

  3365. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    A coalition of several major jihadi organisations, headed by terrorist Syed Salahuddin, has simply disappeared. It has temporarilydissolved itself, closed its offices, removed all signs and asked its leaders to stay quiet, reports a prominent Pakistan daily on Saturday.The United Jihad Council (UJC), formed in 1994, comprises of top terror groups such as Harkat-ul-Ansar, Hizbul Mujahideen, Jamiat-ul-Mujahideen, Al-Jihad, Al-Barq, Ikhwan-ul-Mussalmin and Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen. “Following the Mumbai attacks and the subsequent tension between Pakistan and India, the United Jihad Council has decided to remain silent,” reports The News International quoting a commander of one of the UJC member organisations who requested anonymity.In its editorial, the News also says that “the current action against the Jamaat-ud-Dawa may not be enough and that “while the arrests and the ban represent solid first steps, more needs to be done to remove the hold the JuD has established within society.”The editorial further says, “If there is a true commitment to doing away with forces like the JuD, much more needs to be done. We need to expose the true nature of these forces before people; to reveal how they have lured vulnerable young teenagers away from homes and families only to turn them into killers; how they have exploited religion to further their own interests.”The News elaborates on JuD’s shadowy activities beyond charity. “There has long been a suspicion that it (JuD) does far more than that. The outfit’s website and its publications reflect a stance in favour of militancy and a virulent hostility to India. The immaculate efficiency with which the group ran its affairs is rooted in its past. In the mid-1980s, the LeT and Hafiz Muhammad Saeed enjoyed the backing of the CIA and the ISI to battle Soviet troops in Afghanistan.”Several other newspapers are highlighting the need to introspect in their editorials. The Karachi-based daily, The Dawn says on Saturday, “What the Mumbai assault has done in this country is divert attention from the internal threat to an external ‘enemy’. This must not be allowed to happen. Soul-searching is in order, and an acceptance of the fact that Pakistan is indeed a hub of militancy and terrorism. It is sad, on one level, that it has taken external pressure to stir the government into acting against those who are besmirching our name in the world. We face isolation, and internal ruin, if the common enemy is not brought to book. We have a collective responsibility to look inwards.”At the same time, Dawn has also frontpaged a news item on RSS chief KS Sudarshan which few have read in India. The report, headlined, RSS chief says India should be ready for nuclear war says, “Mr K S Sudarshan, the powerful supreme leader of the RSS who may wield even greater clout in the next government, said in an interview widely distributed on the email on Thursday, and verified as authentic by senior RSS officials on Friday, “Whenever the demons (Aasuri powers) start dominating this planet, there is no way other than the war. This terrorism may ultimately result in a Third World War. And this will be a nuclear war in which many of us are going to be finished. And let me say with confidence that after this destruction, a new world will emerge, which will be very good, free from evil and terrorism. But war should be the last resort. Before that Bharat should consider other options.”The Frontier Post editorial points that Pakistan is getting isolated diplomatically. It adds, “The rightist leadership, if it views the situation objectively, would surely agree that Jaishes, Lashkars and jihadis have not only brought infamy to this country globally and disrepute internationally.” Talking about the Mumbai blast directly the editorial published on Saturday adds, “the alleged links of its perpetrators with this country must be investigated thoroughly and appropriate actions be taken in this regard visibly and convincingly.”Political analyst Fakir S. Ayazuddin writes in The Nation that “the Mumbai bombings have brought to the world’s attention the danger that the militants pose to the civilised world. The cold-blooded murder of 200 innocent people shall be remembered alongside such atrocities as My-Lai, and Shatilla, massacres that stunned the world. Our successivegovernments have shown their incompetence, and the infiltration of the militants into the corridors of power is now a proven fact.”He adds: “President Zardari acted swiftly in ordering action against the Laskar-e-Taiba, and indeed the results are encouraging with their leadership pleading innocence. With clear orders from the president and the prime minister, he should now move against this cancer in our society to start the elimination of these persons.”The Dawn editorial also dwells on how chances of ‘recognition’ lure young men to become terrorists. “Becoming part of a militant or terrorist organisation empowers poor, impressionable young men. And it’s not just the weapons or the monthly stipend that give them comfort – finally they have an identity when previously they were faceless, they become part of a community in which they are respected. The uniform of militant Islam confers instant respectability in some quarters.”

  3366. chitispandana says:

    Of hides and pledged bloodBy Zaffar Abbas“QURBANI ki khalain un ke liye … gin ka lahu Islam ke liye” (Hides of sacrificial animals for those who dedicate/shed their blood for Islam). So says a bold inscription on a big plastic bag meant for stuffing and carrying such hides.Other messages on the bags distributed by Jamaatud Dawa volunteers during Eidul Azha included a call for donating generously not only for those affected by the earthquake or having been internally displaced, but also for the “families of the martyrs”.So when many other charities and political groups like the MQM or Imran Khan’s Shaukat Khanum hospital, and Jamaat-i-Islami were busy competing with each other for hides in Karachi and elsewhere, the JuD was quite focused, and somewhat better organised, in its campaign in most parts of the Punjab, NWFP and Islamabad.The hide bag, distributed by JuD volunteers mostly through the local Ahle Hadith mosque, was plastered with what can best be described as the group’s mission statement. And if this were not enough, it came with the latest edition of JuD’s fortnightly publication, explaining their activities, whatever they stand for, and the extent to which they plan to go in pursuit of what they believe is a pure Islamic system.It’s difficult to say how much is raised through such “qurbani mohim”, or a hide collection campaign, and to what extent it provides a cover for other, not so well-known, sources of funding. But regardless of the money raised, the latest campaign proved that it was also an excellent propaganda tool.But does that in anyway prove that JuD was also involved in terrorist activities within or outside the country, or more importantly, in the Mumbai carnage?This was the point Dawa’s founder, Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, made at a news conference in Muridke before he was put under house arrest.“We are a recognised charity, involved in a host of social welfare activities, and if anyone has any evidence of our involvement in acts of terrorism, then they should furnish the proof,” he said.Hafiz Saeed also acknowledged the existence of Lashkar-i-Taiba, and clearly avoided criticising its militant activities. However, his insistence was that it was only operational in Kashmir, and since 2001 had no links with JuD.As the government delayed a formal ban on the Dawa, asking India and others to provide sufficient proof of its involvement in the Mumbai carnage, the JuD activists were given a clear message by their leadership against resisting any police action.So over the past 72 hours all the police raids to seal the various offices of Dawa in Pakistan went off smoothly. There was also no outcry on the move to place Prof Hafiz Saeed under house arrest.In some ways, and on a smaller scale, it was a repeat of the 2002 action when five known Islamist militant groups were banned by Gen Pervez Musharraf, including Hafiz Saeed’s Lashkar-i-Taiba. Among others, the most prominent pro-Kashmiri militant group was Jaish-i-Mohammed of Maulana Masood Azhar.Armed militant groups are not known to surrender so meekly. So either Dawa men are not involved in militancy, or they too regard the police action as a half-hearted, cosmetic, measure.SCEPTICISM FOLLOWS ACTION: Many seasoned analysts of the Pakistani religious militancy have their doubts more serious measures may follow: “It’s not even as serious an operation as it was in 2002,” says Amir Rana, Director of Islamabad-based Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS).“Then the authorities arrested over two thousand militants and kept them in detention for nearly two years before many of them secured their freedom by challenging the preventive detention laws under which they were confined.”In 2002, the only group, or one of its factions, that resisted the government’s new approach towards the Kashmir militancy was Jaish-i-Mohammed. The group was later found to have been involved in a series of assassination attempts on former president Pervez Musharraf, and other acts of terrorism like abduction and the brutal murder of journalist Daniel Pearl as well as attacks on some local Christian targets.Once outlawed, groups like Lashkar-i-Taiba, very reluctantly, agreed to stop or slow down their cross-border activities in Kashmir. The scale of religious militancy in Indian-administered Kashmir came down, but the groups previously involved in giving the Indian army a bloody nose in the valley, remained intact.Some analysts argue that it was not a bad strategy as time demonstrated that the Indians were only interested in restoring law and order in Kashmir, which at best was a symptom, and were never inclined to look at the causes of the conflict or in curing the disease.The 2002 ban came when Pakistan’s hand was forced by the 9/11 events, and a series of incidents in India. But the move was fraught with contradictions. At no time the government explained why it was banning these groups, and no charges were brought against the leadership even after the groups had been outlawed.As a result, all of them were back in action in no time, albeit with different names. Hafiz Saeed became head of Jamaatud Dawa, declaring he had severed all links with Lashkar-i-Taiba.Maulana Masood Azhar’s Jaish-i-Moahmmed adopted another name, and so did sectarian militant groups like the Sipah-i-Sahaba and Tehrik-i-Jafria. “This is how a government living in denial does things,” one analyst had commented then.Today Muridke operates under the banner of JuD, but is regarded by everyone as the bastion of religious militancy in the region. Masood Azhar is mostly confined to his home town of Bahawalpur, where his madressah´s influence has continued to grow. His supporters are found all over the country.Other top militant leaders like Qari Saifullah Akhtar of Harkat-i-Jihad-ul-Islami or Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil of outlawed Harkat-ul-Mujahideen continue to command respect and influence in their respect circles, and have their activists operational in many parts of the tribal areas, where they are mostly called the ‘Punjabi Taliban’.As things stand if the government and/or the military establishment don’t know for certain that the JuD is involved in the Mumbai carnage then there is no justification for the present crackdown. And if there is evidence to implicate them, then cosmetic measures such as the ones taken in 2002 are not going to impress the international community. Indeed, the pressure may continue to mount on Pakistan to prove that the state or its military establishment was not hand-in-glove with such militants.JUSTIFICATION: But many in Pakistan would justify this inaction or half-hearted action, at best citing Islamabad’s support for the US-led war on terror and, despite this, the growing American-Indian nexus, particularly in Afghanistan.Washington’s apparent reluctance to prevent what they believe is the ongoing Indian involvement in trouble in parts of Pakistan is also cited.“If the international community regards Pakistan as part of the solution in the war on terror, then it needs to concentrate on removing Pakistan’s sense of insecurity vis-a-vis India,” says author and analyst Zahid Hussain.In order to do so, he believes, the Americans and the Europeans need to coax the two countries towards some sort of a solution of the Kashmir dispute.But like many other seasoned analysts of militant politics, Zahid Hussain too points towards the dangers of promoting the jihadi culture. “The fear is that if not controlled such non-state actors may then start to challenge the writ of the state”, that is if they aren’t doing it already.Those like Amir Rana of PIPS believe even more important than satisfying the international community is Pakistan’s own interest in acting against these elements. The time to regard positively such religious militants, or the protagonists of global jihad, is long over. The ‘global jihadists’ never were Pakistan’s real “assets” and can never be.The PIPS director says there is documented proof that Hafiz Saeed and his organisation have never believed in democracy or the country’s constitution, and have constantly undermined Pakistan’s own political and justice system.However, the move to neutralise such elements or to dismantle the entire concept of using Islamists for regional policy objectives may not be easy. It may require a lot of courage and determination, and a clear desire to project Pakistan as a more responsible state.ZARDARI’S RESOLVE: One may disagree with the present government on many counts, but if there is one person who can take firm action against such elements, it is President Asif Zardari.After having lost his wife, and one of the country’s best known politicians, to such an act of terrorism, there is no reason to doubt Mr Zardari’s resolve to act against such elements. The big question is can he really do it on his own?Such reversal of policy may not be possible without the active help and support of the military establishment, particularly its premier intelligence agency, the ISI. If recent write-ups by some of Pakistan’s knowledgeable analysts are anything to go by, it’s still not clear if the government and military are on the same wavelength on the issue.Some believe they cannot think alike on such matters. “In the current situation, the military doesn’t want to hold any non-state actors accountable for the Mumbai attacks and the Zardari government cannot do anything about it, whatever the evidence,” says a write-up in a weekly news magazine.Till such time as the government-military thinking is aligned on this matter, the situation will continue to resemble a tinder box.Reporting from Pakistan

  3367. chitispandana says:

    ONE of the consequences of the non-democratic existence that Pakistan has had is to be seen in the frequent conflicts among state institutions. Last year saw a painfully long confrontation between the executive, as represented by Gen Pervez Musharraf, and the judiciary. In spite of the change in government, the issue has still not been fully resolved.In the ’90s we saw how presidents and prime ministers fell out and how this led to constitutional crises in the form of premature dismissals of assemblies, the involvement of intelligence agencies in elections and the military takeover of the government. Once again we see an institutional conflict taking shape, with the Supreme Court staying the proceedings of the National Assembly’s education committee on the matter involving the chief justice’s daughter. According to media reports, the NA body intends to summon Chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar on what is becoming a complicated affair. The issue here, which is sub judice, is more than the purported enhancement of a girl’s exam marks. The real issue is a larger one, i.e. the image and functioning of Pakistan’s judiciary.We know we have had politicians (including prime ministers), senior military officials and bureaucrats, among others, who have been cited for corruption and committing irregularities. Unfortunately, the judiciary too doesn’t have a very bright image. Ignoring its conferment of legitimacy on dictators, it has had judges whose conduct and commitment to equity were far below the minimum standards.Musharraf’s sacking of the chief justice was appalling and unconstitutional, but an instance of alleged nepotism by Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry was also in the public domain when he apparently used his influence to manoeuvre his undeserving son’s transfer from the health department to the police. Once again the incumbent chief justice’s image has been hurt, this time by the marks-enhancement controversy. The stay order to the NA’s education committee is not going to solve the issue. After all it is the legislators who make laws, which the courts interpret. Nothing would be more damaging to our nascent democracy than another conflict between the two state institutions. While we have no intention of casting aspersions on the judiciary, we wonder whether the ends of justice and the image of the judiciary would be better served if the chief justice reconsidered his position. Unfortunately, if history is any guide, very few Pakistanis holding key positions have shown the ability to realise when it is time to quit.Reporting from Pakistan on the state of the nation

  3368. chitispandana says:

    Discreet move to appoint a junior judge as CJBy Nasir IqbalFriday, 28 Nov, 2008 | 10:11 AM PST |Pakistani chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar (R) administers the oath to Pervez Musharraf (L) as civilian president at the presidential palace in Islamabad, 29 November 2007. (file photo)Pakistani chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar (R) administers the oath to Pervez Musharraf (L) as civilian president at the presidential palace in Islamabad, 29 November 2007. (file photo)ISLAMABAD: Top advisers of the government are burning midnight oil in devising a way out to appoint a judge, much junior in line, as the next top adjudicator of the country after the retirement of incumbent Chief Justice Abdul Hameed Dogar, who will take off his robes on March next year, Dawn has learnt reliably.Though still at a very initial stage, those privy to the discreet move are also vary of the backlash that the government could get from the people especially the lawyers’ community already up in arms against it for being piqued for not fulfilling the promise of restoring all judges sent home by former president Pervez Musharraf including deposed Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry.They have been told, the source confided, that the government would be asking for the same trouble the country witnessed after the March 9, 2007, incident when the former president suspended Justice Iftikhar and sent a reference before the Supreme Judicial Council. All kinds of insults and abuses were heaped on the government by lawyers, civil society and the media then holding them responsible for everything.Those in favour of such a move believe that the Constitution puts no restrictions to appoint a junior judge as Article 177 only suggests the appointment of the chief justice by the president if he is a citizen of Pakistan and has served as a judge of the high court for at least five years or has 15 years’ standing as advocate of a high court.Besides, the Supreme Court while deciding the 1996 Al-Jihad Trust case commonly known as judges case and the 1998 Malik Asad Ali case had made a departure from the Constitution, which is silent about the seniority principle while appointing the chief justice.However, those opposing the idea say that the judges case and the Malik Asad Ali case have already attained the force of a convention wherein it has been held that the senior-most judge has the legitimate expectancy to become the chief justice. The appointment of Justice Sajjad Ali Shah was also held invalid in the Malik Asad Ali case on the basis that seniority principle was not adhered to.The critics of these judgments, however, believe that the apex court’s rebellion against Justice Sajjad Ali Shah was not an independent move; it was rather staged after acquiring the required support from the then Nawaz Sharif government.They also conceded that violation of the judges case was done allegedly even by the former chief justice Sajjad Ali Shah soon after its announcement when he brought in a junior judge from the Sindh High Court while Justice Khalilur Rehman Ramday, Justice Faqir Mohammad Khokhar and Justice Muhammad Nawaz Abbasi were elevated to the apex court by disregarding the fact that Justice Falak Sher was the chief justice of the Lahore High Court then. Besides, judges like Justice Rana Bhagwandas were not confirmed and given extension after extension as ad hoc judge.If the move carried through successfully without any hindrance, a junior judge would be appointed as the chief justice with whom the government believes it would be comfortable to work.However, if the seniority principle is to be followed in letter and spirit, Justice Sardar Mohammad Raza Khan is the only judge at present to qualify to be the next Chief Justice of Pakistan.Justice Sardar Raza Mohammad Khan, the most senior judge after the chief justice, was among the senior judges who were sent home by former president Pervez Musharraf when he as army chief proclaimed the emergency on November 3, 2007.On September 20 this year, Justice Khan and other three judges took oath in the second phase of reappointment to become judge of the Supreme Court with their seniority intact.

  3369. Rahul says:

    PM offers pact to stop Pakistan exporting terrorGaby Hinsliff in IslamabadThe Guardian, Monday 15 December 2008( Brown confronted Pakistan yesterday on its record of exporting terrorism, disclosing that three quarters of serious plots investigated in the UK were connected to the country.The prime minister arrived in Islamabad to announce that British police want to interview the surviving suspect in the Mumbai terror attacks as part of broader inquiries into the extremist group blamed for the atrocity, Lashkar-e-Taiba.In private talks, he also questioned Pakistan’s president, Ali Asif Zardari, over what action could be taken to eradicate training camps in Pakistan through which potential British suicide bombers have passed. Brown offered British assistance in tracing and shutting them down.“Three quarters of the most serious plots investigated by the British authorities have links to al-Qaida in Pakistan. Our aim must be to work together to do everything in our power to cut off terrorism,” the prime minister told a press conference in Islamabad.In return he offered a new pact between the two countries to combat terrorism “to make sure terrorists are denied any safe haven in Pakistan”. It would involve British help to Pakistan with training in bomb disposal, airport security, anti-car bomb measures and a £6m package to counteract radicalisation and bolster democratic institutions in return for co-operation in the investigation.The 7/7 bomber Mohammed Sidique Khan is among the terrorism suspects known to have travelled to Pakistan. Brown has spoken repeatedly in recent days of wanting to break a “chain of terror” leading from the region back to Europe.Brown also held talks with the Indian prime minister, Mahoman Singh, and Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, on Friday and Saturday. The Indian government is concerned that while Pakistan has clamped down on Lashkar-e-Taiba in response to international outrage, in the past its action has fizzled out once international attention has faded.Brown also passed on concerns from Karzai over terrorists infiltrating Afghanistan via the Pakistani border. The deaths of four Royal Marines last week, three in an incident involving a child bomber, has ensured Afghanistan cast a longer shadow than expected over the trip.Brown said British police could attempt to pursue suspects in Pakistan as a result of their developing inquiries, adding he had asked the president if he would be prepared to allow that. Zardari however gave no guarantees yesterday.Zardari insisted at a press conference in Islamabad yesterday that his government was co-operating with the investigation into the Mumbai attacks adding: “Terrorism and extremism is a common problem which requires collaborative efforts. Problems are not specific to one country.”

  3370. mudassir says:

    keep up the good work Mr. Ahmed Hassan. Indian media is a puppet in the hands of it’s politicians, they write what we Indians want to hear, just to grow the hatred between the two nations. They always provide some stupid proofs and we accept it without being logical. What happened in Malegaun, Mumbai and Deewana are no different incidents, but for me it seems they are “eggs hatched by the same hen”. The ATS officers, who were killed in the Mumbai attack, were about to provide the lead to the Malegaun blasts. Do you feel, the people who were involved in the Mumbai attacks would be so stupid to carry original IDs, and SIM cards belonging to Pakistan, do you think these organizations would be so stupid to provide any lead after such attack. This was a well thought conspiracy against Muslims, which horribly went wrong, just like the 9/11 attack, just to stop Islam from spreading, as most of the Americans were adapting Islam for Peace. If you think the 9/11 attacks were carried by LeT or some other outfits, think again. Try to find the truth about 9/11. I hope the truth behind the Mumbai attacks would come out soon and may peace prevail everywhere.

  3371. Rahul says:

    You guys should watch “Zeitgeist”. Talks about Islamic Terrorism, and it questions whether or not it exists. It also questions religion in general and how its nothing but some made up garbage to control people.Anyway, I think the proof India has given is not complete evidence. They haven’t released all the evidence. Once that is done, then we’ll see if it all makes sense or not.And as for saying that the evidence doesn’t make sense, and that these organizations wouldn’t be so stupid as to give these people Pakistani ID cards, and SIM cards..well all i have to say is:Firstly, then, what makes you think that the Indian Government (who u claim made this up) would be so stupid to make up “stupid evidence”..if this was infact planned by them, then they also wouldn’t leave so many loopholes in the story.Secondly, think of it this way..these terrorists (or whoever planned this, whether they’re pakistani or indian, or hindu or muslim) purposely gave them Pak ID’s and SIM Cards, pretty much to create tension between the two countries, and put them at war.Think people think.Either way, its not just indian media, but all international media claiming a pakistani hand. UK prime minister went to pakistan, and claimed 75% of the terror attacks being planned against UK originate in pak.

  3372. Rahul says:

    This is a good read; talks about the USA and its role in the current situation in Pakistan:(Review of Tariq Ali’s “The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power”)Pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world. No other country poses the issues of al-Qaeda, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, nuclear war and peace, drugs, democracy, military dictatorship and Islam in such a volatile and combustible way. If there is another 9/11-like attack on the United States, the postmark almost certainly will be Pakistan.Yet most Americans don’t realize how much of the Pakistani peril is our own fault. “The Duel” will anger many in this country but should be read for an understanding of, first, what role America has played in creating this dangerous mix and, second, why many Pakistanis see us as responsible for their problems.Tariq Ali, a Pakistani intellectual who lives in London, has written for decades about the plight of his country, predicting many of its calamities and pointing to a U.S. hand in them. He correctly forecast the civil war that led to Bangladesh’s secession from Pakistan, which came despite the Nixon administration’s vigorous support for Pakistan’s violent attempt to suppress the Bengali independence movement. An inveterate critic of U.S. policy ever since the Vietnam era, Ali may have inspired the Rolling Stones song “Street Fighting Man,” which Mick Jagger is said to have written after attending an anti-war rally in London in 1968.Ali rightly notes that the United States has consistently chosen to back Pakistan’s military dictators when they seized power from elected governments. Eisenhower and Kennedy backed the first dictator, Ayub Khan; JFK even gave him a state dinner at Mount Vernon and took him to Newport, R.I. Nixon famously tilted toward Yahya Khan during Pakistan’s brutal attempt to crush Bangladesh. Carter and Reagan backed Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq to help defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan, inadvertently giving birth to the modern jihadist movement. And George W. Bush backed Pervez Musharraf in return for help fighting al-Qaeda, even though the general perverted election after election to stay in power. Blind U.S. support for these military strongmen has eroded Pakistan’s civil institutions and rule of law, along with America’s claim to support freedom and democracy in the Islamic world.But Ali goes even further, saying Pakistan is nothing but an American “satrapy.” He is undoubtedly right that Pakistanis have lost faith in the United States as an ally; recent polls show that fewer than 10 percent have positive feelings toward America, an all-time low. The Pakistani press is full of articles about Washington’s alleged plans to seize Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal or to invade and divide the country in collusion with India. Such conspiracy theories are rampant even in the officer corps.By Ali’s account, virtually every institution of the U.S. foreign policy elite has been complicit in Pakistan’s problems. My employers of the past three decades, the CIA and the Brookings Institution, get their share of blame. So do both of the current presidential candidates: Barack Obama for pledging to strike al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan unilaterally if Pakistan won’t help, and John McCain for backing Bush’s unquestioning support for Musharraf. Ali is equally critical of Pakistan’s civilian politicians who, in his view, have misruled and robbed the country for their own gain during intervals between the generals. Even the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto receives harsh criticism for her tolerance of corruption and her dynastic ambitions.“The Duel” makes useful policy suggestions, including land reform to break the hold of feudal dynasties such as the Bhuttos and the creation of a South Asia Union, akin to the European Union, to build a strong trading bloc and ease Indo-Pakistani tensions. But the author underestimates al-Qaeda, both in the danger it poses to Pakistan and in the importance it plays in American minds. He is right that Pakistan’s Islamist political parties are unlikely to gain power through the ballot box; they lost many seats in February’s election, which was probably the most legitimate in the country’s history. But all Pakistanis should take much more seriously the threat that terrorists will produce another world-changing event from a sanctuary in Pakistan, for the consequences could well be dire.Whoever wins the U.S. presidential election will have to deal with the volatile mix that is today’s Pakistan. “The Duel” makes a strong case that the United States should back Pakistan’s civilian leadership, flawed as it is, in an effort to build a modern Islamic democracy. That will require much more economic aid, creative diplomacy to ease tensions with Afghanistan and India, straight talk about ending Pakistan’s ties to terrorism, and patience. It will take time to recover from the Bush-Musharraf legacy, but we cannot afford a failed state in Pakistan, especially one that bears the label Made in the U.S.A.Reviewed by Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution and author of ‘The Search for Al Qaeda’, Washington Post Book World (Copyright 2006 Washington Post Book World Service/Washington Post Writers Group)

  3373. Rahul says:

    By Bret Stephens:Every visitor to Pakistan has seen them: 20-foot tall roadside replicas of a remote mountain where, a decade ago, Pakistan conducted its first overt nuclear tests. This is what the country's leaders — military, secular, Islamist — consider their greatest achievement.APA model of Chaghi mountain, the site of Pakistan's nuclear test.So here's a modest proposal: Let's buy their arsenal.A.Q. Khan, father of Pakistan's nuclear program (and midwife to a few others), likes to point out what a feat it was that a country "where we can't even make a bicycle chain" could succeed at such an immense technological task. He exaggerates somewhat: Pakistan got its bomb largely through a combination of industrial theft, systematic violation of Western export controls, and a blueprint of a weapon courtesy of Beijing.Still, give Mr. Khan this: Thanks partly to his efforts, a country that has impoverished the great mass of its own people, corruptly enriched a tiny handful of elites, served as a base of terrorism against its neighbors, lost control of its intelligence services, radicalized untold numbers of Muslims in its madrassas, handed the presidency to a man known as Mr. 10%, and proliferated nuclear technology to Libya and Iran (among others) has, nevertheless, made itself a power to be reckoned with. Congratulations.But if Pakistanis thought a bomb would be a net national asset, they miscalculated. Yes, Islamabad gained parity with its adversaries in New Delhi, gained prestige in the Muslim world, and gained a day of national pride, celebrated every May 28.What Pakistan didn't gain was greater security. "The most significant reality was that the bomb promoted a culture of violence which . . . acquired the form of a monster with innumerable heads of terror," wrote Pakistani nuclear physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy earlier this year. "Because of this bomb, we can definitely destroy India and be destroyed in its response. But its function is limited to this."In 2007, some 1,500 Pakistani civilians were killed in terrorist attacks. None of those attacks were perpetrated by India or any other country against which Pakistan's warheads could be targeted, unless it aimed at itself. But Pakistan's nuclear arsenal has made it an inviting target for the jihadists who blew up Islamabad's Marriott hotel in September and would gladly blow up the rest of the capital as a prelude to taking it over.The day that happens may not be so very far off. President Asif Ali Zardari was recently in the U.S. asking for $100 billion to stave off economic collapse. So far, the international community has ponied up about $15 billion. That puts Mr. Zardari $85 billion shy of his fund-raising target. Meantime, the average Taliban foot soldier brings home monthly wages that are 30% higher than uniformed Pakistani security personnel.Preventing the disintegration of Pakistan, perhaps in the wake of a war with India (how much restraint will New Delhi show after the next Mumbai-style atrocity?), will be the Obama administration's most urgent foreign-policy challenge. Since Mr. Obama has already committed a trillion or so in new domestic spending, what's $100 billion in the cause of saving the world?Today in Opinion Journal REVIEW & OUTLOOKBarack Obama-sanCondi's Korean FailureThe Sole of Liberation TODAY'S COLUMNISTSGlobal View: Let's Buy Pakistan's Nukes – Bret StephensMain Street: Gitmo Lawyers Are the Latest in Radical Chic – William McGurn COMMENTARYThe Return of Realpolitik in Arabia – Fouad AjamiThe Lessons From 30 Years of Chinese Reform – Hugo RestallHow Blackwater Serves America – Erik D. PrinceBankruptcy Is the Perfect Remedy for Detroit – Todd J. ZywickiThis is the deal I have in mind. The government of Pakistan would verifiably eliminate its entire nuclear stockpile and the industrial base that sustains it. In exchange, the U.S. and other Western donors would agree to a $100 billion economic package, administered by an independent authority and disbursed over 10 years, on condition that Pakistan remain a democratic and secular state (no military rulers; no Sharia law). It would supplement that package with military aid similar to what the U.S. provides Israel: F-35 fighters, M-1 tanks, Apache helicopters. The U.S. would also extend its nuclear umbrella to Pakistan, just as Hillary Clinton now proposes to do for Israel.A pipe dream? Not necessarily. People forget that the world has subtracted more nuclear powers over the past two decades than it has added: Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and South Africa all voluntarily relinquished their stockpiles in the 1990s. Libya did away with its program in 2003 when Moammar Gadhafi concluded that a bomb would be a net liability, and that he had more to gain by coming to terms with the West.There's no compelling reason Mr. Zardari and his military brass shouldn't reach the same conclusion, assuming excellent terms and desperate circumstances. Sure, a large segment of Pakistanis will never agree. Others, who have subsisted on a diet of leaves and grass so Pakistan could have its bomb, might take a more pragmatic view.The tragedy of Pakistan is that it remains a country that can't do the basics, like make a bicycle chain. If what its leaders want is prestige, prosperity and lasting security, they could start by creating an economy that can make one — while unlearning how to make the bomb.

  3374. Imran Khan says:

    surprising video… about the mumbai police

  3375. Rahul says:

    wow. tht video is just. scary.hope these people are punishedmay raj thackerey go to hell.

  3376. chitispandana says:

    Tariq Ali makes sense!Tariq Ali in his views makes some very good sense. Why? If you examine closely the establishment, the polity and the system in Pakistan, you will observe that everything revolves around a very small group of people; a fuedal landlord gentry that is largely resident in the Punjab region of Pakistan. This group is confined to approximately 100 families. These are the people who own Pakistan and largely control it.Other groups of the populace such as Pakhtoons, tribals, Mohajirs (people descended from Indians who migrated across the border post 1947) exist only to carry out minor functions, work as serfs or become cannon fodder.True Democracy has never been allowed to exist in Pakistan; except perhaps in the first few years of its existence. Even though Democracy ocassionally ‘threatens’ to make a come back in the Pakistani system; who are the real main players in it? Again, people who belong to the ‘magic 100’ families.Their agenda has been largely to consolidate and perpetuate their control. The Armed Forces, especially their Generals are connected to this elite and are their main instruments. However these two important components of this system i.e. the Politicians and the Generals are at loggerheads with each other frequently because each perceives the other as a threat to the other’s existence and power.This is the main class of people who have constantly failed failed Pakistan and have been the greatest impediment to its progress.Now the growth of religious fundamentalism and extremism in Pakistan: This is a reaction from the lower classes who are tired of the continous exploitation of the elite and who have no other means of expressing their frustration. Now this force is a real threat to the ruling class and establishment. As long as this anger and hatred can be directed outside Pakistan as exported terror; the establishment can survive. Otherwise it will be destroyed for ever.What about the educated, aware and balanced middle-class in Pakistan? It exists but is so insignificant in its influence. It is so emasculted that it has been rendered impotent.Therein lies the tragedy of Pakistan.

  3377. truth says:

    I like many others want to know about the escaped terrorists…After killing kakre two (?) terrorists escaped in police vehicle…How they got key of that police vehicle, of if it was in on position, then how they know about that, as there were many vehicles outside?Where is the news about that vehicle, what happened to that vehicle?I think enquiry to that side will give light to some more details about the attack!I strongly believe that one of the intetion of this attack is killing kakre and the other two officials especially…. with other intetion… now the media forgot other things, and going back to this news… so somebody is getting really their breath back!!

  3378. truth says:

    Whoever kills a person [unjustly]… it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." (Qur'an, 5:32). Today, we join all Indians Muslims in expressing our outrage and our condemnation of this senseless spilling of innocent blood.Nevertheless, their is a conspiracy theory for the gruesome incident, if you spare some time, not necessary you buy it :Important question Who are the beneficieries of Mumbai Terror? Hindu fascist organizations at this time of election 1. Unlike other terrorists, Terrorists in Mumbai have not demanded anything specific? They don't demand release of their co-prisoners nor demanded money… why?? what was their target then? 2. Unlike other Islamic Jehadis with beard and turbans, why Mumbai terrorists came with strange look – they wore jeans and T-shirts; clean-shaved and no turbans nor any sign of muslims terrorists we normally watch on the biased media? 3. And the Terrorists attackers did nothing specifically for ruining western, even Israelis, it was sure if they were Jehadists! Their intention was to take hostages and take a ship and perhaps leave alive as assured by their directors 4. Assumingly beer drinking terrorists;?Jehadi terrorists and alcoholic? however Mumbai Terrorists goes to the cafe and drinks beer before they start firing?? is it? 5. Mumbai terrorists (as shown by media) had close similarities with RSS cadres: Mumbai terrorist wearing an yellow band on his right hand as RSS cadres wears normally (see pictures). 6. Mumbai terrorists immediately find their targets by killing ATS leaders [Hemant Karakare, CP Ashok Kamthe & Vijay Salskar)in early hours of their terror- did they know something?? How terrorists are so specific to clearly choose ATS officers? And the terrorist immediately disappeared from that scene? 7.Only one terrorists is caught alive (?), as all others killed as in every encounter in recent past? 8. Mumbai terrorists are very clear about their targets, they are well experience, about their hideouts in Taj and other places? 9. Prime Minister & Sonia initially visits Mumbai, but no clues or no claims about ISI or Pakistan.. However No. 1 terrorist, Gujarat CM Modi hurry-up to Mumbai and declares that Pakistan is behind the attack without any doubt! [because he is the one who hired them]. Note: no other CMs goes to Mumbai..And he offers rewards to every military men killed of 1 crore unlike PM and LK Advani? Ironically wife of the slain officer turns down his offer. Guys, he is eyeing for the highest post in India. God save India from Modi. Even he offers aid to MahaRastra! from where the hell money is pouring on him. Cheap publicity and stunts as he is famous for. 10. Media was widely reporting that there were IDs of terrorists recovered which shows Malaysian and Mauritious IDs however such references disappeared once Terrorist leader Modi arrived! He has good experience as he did in his Gujrat lab.12. The timing of Mumbay terror is well planned as Gujrat riots were, just before main elections! 12. We are told that they came from Pakistan by sea? Indian military in the sea were all presumed sleeping?? How many contradictions? coincidences? should happen enabling to carry out such a massive feat? We are told they came by speed boats? Yes, but not from Pakistan but from Gujarat! 13. It took continous 60 hours to stop the terrorism! and most of terrorists as usual got killed and the remaining one will also die for sure since confessed to the coercion statement of involving other usual country, an excuse for inaction. I believe a naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie. But people like Modi believes, To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and whatever you hit, call it the target later. Finally, One question comes to mind, Was it intelligence failure or intentional, intelligent failure?

  3379. chitispandana says:

    "Whoever kills a person [unjustly]… it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." (Qur'an, 5:32). Today, we join all Indians Muslims in expressing our outrage and our condemnation of this senseless spilling of innocent blood."Thanks for some great words of Wisdom & "Truth"! The meaning of these words will never change; regardless of what anybody says or does.You seem to be mixing up many issues here Mr.Truth.First of all Mr.Modi is what he is, he will never be a 'Man of History' regardless of what he may try or think.About the other points, like the police jeep etc., please take some time to review the T.V. footage(and there is a lot of it available) to clarify what actually happened and you will be more enlightened.Some of the other points that you have raised; need to be thought over by yourself. For example, if terrorists should by default, have long beards and wear turbans and wave green flags etc.; then logically every Mullah or Maulvi should be considered to be a terrorist?! Think about this in depth and you may see some light.Since i know something about the ATS, let me tell you that none of the officers who died was actually doing the field work so that work is still in progress. More will be heard later.And it seems too easy to throw up all kinds of conspiracy theories and counter theories or indulge in knee-jerk denials; but that changes nothing- the facts remain; sometimes it takes more time to expose them. This is reality; not some 'Spy v/s Spy' scenario from MAD magazine."Important question Who are the beneficieries of Mumbai Terror?"That surely is the most important question; but the answer is not so simplistic as you or i may throw around.Are the Pakistani people the beneficiaries? Inspite of so many jigoistic statements floating around; probably not. Neither will anybody in India benefit if we can disregard all the heat and dust.Then who will be the biggest losers after the Mumbai attacks?That question really needs answers- the answers are obvious; but they need to be discovered, and that will come only after some sane, rational and objective thinking.

  3380. Honest says:

    Hey truth,Good research. You should be succeeding your country-cousin, zaid ahmed of your talk show Mujhe sth sth meaning “I object”. That fellow has so much of intelligence that he has been able to find out that kasav was in fact Amar Singh of Faridkot of Indian Punjab. All the intelligence agencies of the world are bunch of fools and only zaid is the wise man.Talk about the beneficiary? Do your so called jehadists work for benefits? Do u think fourth class dropout like Kasav have grown up to understand the benefits and evils of their action? Pakistanis have prepared themselves to eat grass and fight a thousand year war with India and have already started eating shit so as to preserve grass for exigencies.Terrorists could not place any demands since the Indian Government had decided not to open any negotiations. 2. You must be naive to expect the terrorists to grow beards and wear turbans while embarking on such a suicidal mission and provide an easy target to the security personnel. Please try to understand that they could reach the target by disguising as Malasian students and evade attention of the coast guards by wearing the saffron band around their arms since all the fishermen community wore those bands as their custom and not to show that they were RSS or BJP followers. Talk about jehadists not drinking beer? All the terrorists were under the influence of opium only because of which they could ignore their injuries and bash on. I have heard your Gen Yahya Khan addressing the Pakistanis one day before the surrender to the Indian Army. That buggar could not have been more inebriated. Whoever told you with a couple of hostages the terrorists would have been able to return to Pakistan? Were you watching a cheap Pakistani urdu movie? Did they not kill the foreigners? Did they not torture and kill he Israelis? Please update yourself. Terrorists did not go to Karkare’s house to kill him. Karkare was a bold officer in the Anti terrorist squad. Believed in leading from the front. He was killed when he was chasing the terrorists. You said biased media? Do you know some people were killed in the Taj because the media acted irresponsibly by broadcasting the position of the hostages and making terrorists wiser? Would this have happened in your Pakistan? You Pakis have a peanut sized brain and that is why the likes of Zaid ahmed are making a living by presenting innovative lies as the proved truth. Why brood over the killed terrorists? would their being caught alive have provided another opportunity to the terrorists to hijack another Indian Airlines plane aka Masood Azar?Prime Minister and Ms Sonia Gandhi are national leaders and not journalists to go on announcing who is responsible for the mayhem. Also, it would be too naive for them to make a hasty statement and retract it the next day like your President did about the airspace violation, and earlier, about terrorists not being Pakistanis.Modi came to Mumbai to claim a political mileage out of this event and you know how the Indian masses treated him with contempt he deserved. BJP lost bulk of votes that it hoped to get in the aftermath of this ugly event. Now, please do not derive any conclusions that BJP lost because Indians punished them for sending RSS cadres for the job. You people can dream even better than Nostradamus.“Not from Pakistan but from Gujarth”? Who told you that? That baffoon Zaid Ahmed?Till such time the enquiry is concluded, confusing assumptions are bound to arise. Please wait for the enquiries to be completed. We will live to see the last nail being driven on the Pakistani Coffin!!!

  3381. SHIVLINGAM says:

    NEW DELHI: In remarks that kicked off a controversy, union minority affairs minister A R Antulay on Wednesday raised doubts whether Pakistani terrorists killed Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare suggesting it could be due to his investigation of the Malegaon blasts. ( Watch ) Maintaining that “there is more than what meets the eyes”, he said Karkare was investigating some cases in which “there are non-Muslims also”, an apparent reference to the Malegaon blasts case in which sadhvi Pragya Thakur and a Lt-Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit were 11 persons to be arrested. “It may be a separate inquiry how his (Karkare’s) end came, Antulay said. The minister’s remarks came under immediate attack from BJP which asked the prime minister to clarify whether his remarks are an “individual misdemeanour or the collective wisdom of the Cabinet”. “The remarks are obnoxious and deserves a clarification from the prime minister,” BJP spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy told reporters. Antulay said, “Karkare found that there are non-Muslims involved in the acts of terrorism during his investigations in some cases. Any person going to the roots of terror has always been the target.” “Superficially speaking they (terrorists) had no reason to kill Karkare. Whether he (Karkare) was victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something. I do not know,” he added.Describing Hemant Karkare as a very bold officer having great acumen and vision, Antulay asked “How come instead of going to Hotel Taj or Oberai or even the Nariman House, he went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what happened in the three places?” “Why all the three (Hemant Karakre, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte) went together. It is beyond my comprehension,” the minister said.

  3382. SHIVLINGAM says:

    toradiNEW DELHI: In remarks that kicked off a controversy, union minority affairs minister A R Antulay on Wednesday raised doubts whether Pakistani terrorists killed Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare suggesting it could be due to his investigation of the Malegaon blasts. ( Watch ) Maintaining that “there is more than what meets the eyes”, he said Karkare was investigating some cases in which “there are non-Muslims also”, an apparent reference to the Malegaon blasts case in which sadhvi Pragya Thakur and a Lt-Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit were 11 persons to be arrested. “It may be a separate inquiry how his (Karkare’s) end came, Antulay said. The minister’s remarks came under immediate attack from BJP which asked the prime minister to clarify whether his remarks are an “individual misdemeanour or the collective wisdom of the Cabinet”. “The remarks are obnoxious and deserves a clarification from the prime minister,” BJP spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy told reporters. Antulay said, “Karkare found that there are non-Muslims involved in the acts of terrorism during his investigations in some cases. Any person going to the roots of terror has always been the target.” “Superficially speaking they (terrorists) had no reason to kill Karkare. Whether he (Karkare) was victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something. I do not know,” he added.Describing Hemant Karkare as a very bold officer having great acumen and vision, Antulay asked “How come instead of going to Hotel Taj or Oberai or even the Nariman House, he went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what happened in the three places?” “Why all the three (Hemant Karakre, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte) went together. It is beyond my comprehension,” the minister said.

  3383. truth says:

    There are a lot of questions you need to think of with a open mind, and always keep in mind who is to gain out of this event!1. Was it created as an internal political battle to discredit Congress?2. Was it an event created to induct ‘Pakistan’ to show congress weakness for political gain?3. Was Pakistan factor inducted to create a Hindu-Muslim carnage? Who gains?4. Why was Israel induced into it? Why were the Israeli commando’s on stand-by inside India? What are they doing in India?5. Can Kashmir solution according to UN resolution be achieved? Kashmir is a ticking bomb too, so was Mumbai the fuse?6. Is the Israeli interest to take out Pakistan nuclear bomb using the new war on Kashmir as ‘hidden agenda’? Will that help Israel to become a regional power in Middle-East?7. Geo-politically who gains/looses if Kashmir is resolved and India and Pakistan as good neighbors?8. Geo-politically, who gains out of India-Pakistan war? China, Russia, USA, Israel?9. Geo-politically is it to bring India into Afghanistan conflict to ease pressure on NATO?10. Can India replace NATO to fight with Taliban-Pakistan from Kashmir-to Afghanistan?11. Is the war being created by a 3rd party to eliminate Pakistan for a realignment of international borders to contain China, Iran and Russia ?12. If Pakistan is cornered, it will use the atomic bomb? So will India and both countries will suffer for next 100 years from fallouts. Who gains from this destruction?13. If BJP wins, can they eliminate 160M muslims of India? If the answer is yes, then who is next, and if the answer is NO, then why the plots?Lets discuss this in this context….Regards…may God bring all of us peace and tranquility

  3384. chitispandana says:

    For ‘Truth’“There are a lot of questions you need to think of with a open mind, and always keep in mind who is to gain out of this event!”Sober words are usually an expression of a stable Mind.About the points that you have raised:1. The indications available do not indicate that possibility so far.2. This scenario as of now is discountable; but wait and see.3. There are any number of people who feel troubled by peace between Hindus and Muslims; but there is no chance of communal carnage arising out of this incident. The skeptics can wait and watch. The events will bear this out; because there is a clear distinction of perception between the Muslim factor and the Pakistani factor. The image of Pakistan is taking a greater beating than that of Muslims.4. The Israeli factor came in post -facto and only due to the fact tha Israeli citizens were involved. There were Israeli consular officials involved (maybe connected with surveillance agencies) but no commandos.5. Solution to the Kashmir issue will not take place in the near future, largely because of the reaction to these incidents and the fact that there are now other players apart from the two neighbouring countries.6. While Israel definitely has some motivation to neutralise Pakistan’s nuclear power the Kashmir issue cannot give it a locus standi.7. Very interesting point- my opinion is that then the greatest losers strategically will be USA and China.8. Similar hypothesis for this one.9. Hard to say at this point, but India is reluctant to take on this role.10. Doubtful, because of above.11. Let us wait and see if this scenario unfolds- the usual conflict as we know it is unlikely.12. The conclusion is self-evident.13. That is not a possibility.

  3385. Honest says:

    “5. Can Kashmir solution according to UN resolution be achieved? Kashmir is a ticking bomb too, so was Mumbai the fuse?”NO of course. The UN was involved in 1947. Political and ethnic situations were very different then. The Pakistan sponsored terrorists involved themselves in the process of ethnic cleansing of the valey. Hindus were systematically either killed or driven away from that place so that in the event of plebiscite, all the muslims voted for accession to Pakistan. The term Plebiscite has lost the meaning in Kashmir.Truth, Come out with such constructive and sensible points rather than with a closed mind with single minded determination to prove Indians wrong and call Indian intelligence a bunch of story tellers. What then, would be the difference between mature you and that moron Zaid Hamid? Remember, religious hatred has separated you and me from each other – you being a bigger loser in terms of progress in general.We are Hindus and subscribe to the philosophy of the whole world being one family. We, the true hindus, detest every hindu fanatic who kills a hapless muslim or christian woman. We have had kings like Shivaji who looking at a captive Muslim woman exclaimed “Only if my mother would have been beautiful like you, I would have been more good-looking!”Remember also, Emperor Akbar floated the belief ‘deen-e-ilahi’ which embraced all the good qualities of both hindu and muslim philosophies.Religious hatred started only after Aurangazeb who ascended the throne after killing his three brothers and imprisoning his father Shah zehan. It reached its lowest ebb when your Jinnah had his say in the public opinion.Remember, Jinnah’s grand father was a hindu from Kutch (Gujarath).You know what is the height of revenge?A bastard breaking into the condom factory and destroying each and every condom he found there.

  3386. chitispandana says:

    For ‘Truth”Taking on from ‘Honest’ who has some very wise words for all of us.“Remember, religious hatred has separated you and me from each other – you being a bigger loser in terms of progress in general.”In 1947, two children were born at midnight. These two children; India and Pakistan were like siamese twins ripped apart, that could barely survive the birth. They were nearly identical, in terms of: Political Personalities, Democratic Institutions, Military Establishment, Educational systems, Industries and Infrastructure, Economic power, International standing etc. Now, nearly 60 years down the line, there is a marked difference between these two twins torn apart.WHY?This is really food for thought.NOT some discussions about half-baked theories and counter-theories, concocted stories and imagined conspiracies being tossed around by all and sundry.If we continue on this lines; we are doomed to learn nothing and the end of it all, our existence will be such a waste of time and energy.Issues of Nationality, Religion and Political beliefs are really so insignificant. And they have never filled stomachs; only shed blood!

  3387. Honest says:

    C’mon Chiti, lets not follow the same beaten track left behind by our elders. India was not born in 1947. India was there from krita and treta yugas with the associated civilization which has not been destroyed by the onslaughts by various despotic invaders. Pakistan was created by surgically removing parts of India in 1947. For India, it was only gaining control from the alien rulers. Better dump this siamese twins theory. Best you can compare this to is the nebular theory when earth got separated from the sun and the moon got separated from the earth. The antithesis is that the earth is still revolving around the sun and moon around the earth and maintaining good relations with each other. Compare the size and resources of India with that of Pakistan. You call them equal? This is just like one son stepping out of the HUF and asking for 50 per cent of his ancestral property and refusing to accept the family’sliability. This is what Jinnah tried to do in 1947. Kashmir is the outcome of Nehru’s nicety. He had no business to involve UN in the game when Maharaja Hari Singh had already signed the deed of accession. We should have had Sardar Patel in Nehru’s shoes and India would have remained united.

  3388. chitispandana says:

    For ‘Honest”I have no reasons to disagree with historical facts.(No sane person can)I penned those words with only a historical horizon of less than 100 years and largely in a political context; which may have been apparent- hence that does not really have be reason for reaction by anyone.About the fact that countries have had to pay for acts of their Political leaders, especially in crucial times is also an irrefutable fact.Therefore I do believe that matters of our existence and governance are far too important to be left to Politicians alone. I do also find it extremely ironical that India today has a stake in ensuring the existence of Pakistan as a stable political entity. But by far, the greatest stake to ensure that devolves on level headed, educated, mature and sane people in Pakistan. Because; if they fail, their existence will be destroyed and Pakistan will turn into another Afghanistan. Already it has walked a long way down that road.

  3389. truth says:

    1. Can anyone in the world remember or worry about the case against Hindu terrorist cell, which was unveiled by Maharashtra’s ATS chief Hemant Karkare? Now it is successfully diverted. Isn’t it?2. Where is Karkare now? Wasn’t he wiped out from this world by the terrorists at the initial stage of this Drama?3. Why didn’t Indian forces or any media show a single dead body of terrorist during the first two days?4. How can the so-called “foreign terrorists” continue to fight for more than two days without worrying about the stock of the weapons? They had been blasting, shooting and setting fires here and there. Did they bring such a large quantity of military hardware?5. If so, how did they bring such a large quantity of weapons for this attack? Wasn’t it amazing that they had been getting enough weapons just as if somebody was supplying the ammunition stock to continue the attack successfully?6. Wouldn’t it any one believe that this kind of barbaric killings can only be done by groups motivated by ultra-racism such as RSS, VHP and the Israeli military? Explaining the grim situation faced by Indian Muslims Jaipur based human rights activist Kavita Srivastava , President of the Rajasthan chapter of the Peoples’ Union for Civil Liberties said;“Muslims are being readily branded as terrorists, and soon after the blasts large numbers of innocent Muslims were wrongly suspected as terrorists, arrested and interrogated by the police, and many of them were subjected to cruel torture. The police somehow automatically assume that Muslims were responsible for the blasts, without having any proof. Almost a fourth of those who died in the Jaipur blasts were Muslims,although Muslims account for just about a tenth of the city’s population. Anti-Muslim bias in agencies of the state is mounting today. Just one instance of this is how some of the Muslims picked up by the police were asked if they believe in the Quran or in the Indian Constitution, this ridiculous question reflecting the entirely erroneous notion that a religious and observant Muslim somehow is a traitor or a potential traitor to India. And then there is the media. They simply parrot the police version of any Muslim whom it picks up as a terrorist, and when it is found that this person is innocent and is subsequently let off, the media chooses not to say anything about it. So, in this way, the image of large numbers of Muslims is being deliberately tarnished. Many of them have lost their jobs because of this, and are tainted in society for the rest of their lives although they have nothing to do with terrorism.

  3390. Honest says:

    Hey "truth",1. Enquiries are on and will reach a logical conclusion in due course of time. Evidences are being collected. And, please remember, Hemant Karkare was not going into the depth of the case. He was heading the institution that was probing into the alleged conspiracy. His death has not abolished that institution. There are thousands of Hemant Karkares capable of heading that institution and let me assure you that the thread will picked up from where it was left. So even if one subscribes to an absolutely absurd theory, for a second, of RSS eliminating Karkare in order to block the enquiry will it hold any water? RSS would be so naive to attempt this? Why don't you tend to agree to the fact that "may be" the valiant officer was killed in the indiscriminate firing of the terrorists?2. No. Karkare was not wiped out from the world. He has found his rightful place in each and every patriot Indian's heart. I wish I had that honour. Do you know the chief minister of Kerala, one of the Indian States was on the verge of losing his job for uttering derogatory words against the parents of Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the brave NSG officer who was martyred.3. This was not a competition or a race that required one to present every terrorist's dead body to claim an award.4. & 5. Your ISI would be able to answer your question… that all the evidences lead to only one place. You mean to say when the entire are was surrounded by the army and the mediamen, RSS cadre was busy replenishing the arsenal stock? May be this would interest Zaid Hamid.5. Ultra-racism, yes. RSS, NO. Israelis, not much experience. Islamic, YES, YES AND YES.6. There is a lot of debates what these human rights activists do. In Kashmir, when the army gets killed, or civilians killed by the terrorists, they also pretend to be dead. When a wanted terrorist captured, everyone rallies around him to ensure he gets all the attention and support for his human rights. There are some mature Organisations also who are doing a good job for the humanity, other than supporting the islamic terrorists. All of them have their freedom of expression andfreedom of movement. Compare this with your poor Asma Jehangir!Also, take a close look at Kavita Srivastava's statement. Don't you suspect that she has been retained by some pro islam outfit?

  3391. chitispandana says:

    “Truth”You seem to using a lot of your time and cyberspace in chasing non-existent ghosts. It is indeed good to have a very fertile imagination but any theory should have support of facts to stand validated.Do you know the story of the “frog at the bottom of the well”; he looks up and says- the sky is so small! That is the extent of the sky that he can see; bound by the edges of the well. But he believes in that.We can choose either to be “frogs in a well” or thinking human beings- that is our choice.While we carry some responsibility to do something wise in our lives, the world will not come to an end because of stupid, bigoted, extremist and criminal-minded people. For example,even Hitler with all the power that any human being can wield could not wipe out the Jewish people from the face of this earth. In the meantime, we can continue with our petty arguments and counter-arguments, statements and counter-statements and general humbug that are the borders of our lives!IT DOES HAVE SOME ENTERTAINMENT VALUE, COME TO THINK OF IT.

  3392. Honest says:

    “3. There are any number of people who feel troubled by peace between Hindus and Muslims; but there is no chance of communal carnage arising out of this incident. The skeptics can wait and watch.”Muslims in India are increasingly rejecting the follies of so called islamists of Pakistan. Did you not hear the muslims of Bombay refused to accept the dead bodies of terrorists for burial in the muslim crematorium on the grounds that those who killed their fellow citizens have ceased to be muslims?

  3393. Honest says:

    “Just one instance of this is how some of the Muslims picked up by the police were asked if they believe in the Quran or in the Indian Constitution, this ridiculous question reflecting the entirely erroneous notion that a religious and observant Muslim somehow is a traitor or a potential traitor to India.”Indeed a sad commentary. But just ponder over this.The Holy quran ordains that a muslim i.e. the believer of Allah, should be truthful to the country where he resides. Here, in India, there is another fiat being indoctrinated to muslim is that all the ordinances of the Holy Quran are applicable only to muslims and does not apply to kafirs i.e. non believers of Allah. A hindu, however religious, is a kafir according to them. According to them, anything you do to the kafirs are not called to account on the day of qayamat. By this analogy,the Indian Constitution, being that of (according to them) hindus, does not call for any allegience thereto. Who are the beneficiaries of this distortion? The criminals and smugglers. Why would a muslim abide by the constitution when there are pervert imams and mullas to tell them that the Holy quran has given them the clean chit? Also, they claim that quran hasstipulated Zannat to them if they kill or harm a kafir, read, Hindu.LET ME STRESS LOUDLY THAT ONLY A SECTION OF THE MUSLIMS WITH CRIMINAL TENDENCIES SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PERVERT IDEAS SINCE IT SUITS THEM. I AM CERTAINLY NOT JUSTIFYING THE POLICE ACTION. JUST TRYING TO FIGURE OUT THE REASONS.Muslims are increasingly joining the mainstream of secular Indian culture. More so after realising what happened to their brethren who migrated to Pakistan during partition. They are “Muhajirs” and of a lesser civilisation in the country they dreamt for.

  3394. Honest says:

    This makes an interesting reading now, Hasan,Kasab,….. a Pakistani?….I don’t think so……..?????

  3395. Rahul says:

    i’ve been wanting to say something for a little while, but restrained myself from doing so because i didn’t want to offend my pakistani friends here.but…a while back on this blog i had a talk with another pakistani fellow who tried to justify pakistan’s hold on kashmir and said that the “tribal militants” (as he said) who invaded kashmir were right in doing so because they had many relations with kashmir, and wanted kashmir to be with them. …yet he says then that india’s hold on kashmir is not justified.well all I have to say is..isnt it? If those pakistani militants who invaded kashmir were right in doing so because they had relations with kashmir, then why wasn’t india also right? May i remind you that the indian prime minister at the time of the kashmir invasion was a KASHMIRI PUNDIT. Were these pakistani militants kashmiri? NO; they were pathans i believe.So all i want to say to this fellow is that his reasoning does not justify pak’s hold on kashmir, because then it automatically also justifies india’s hold on it.and that way only the poor kashmiris are suffering.another thing i’ve been wanting to say is..pakistani people tend to argue that kashmir is muslim majority, so it shud be with pakistan. well my friends, that is just not fair. there were alot of non-muslims in kashmir who were kicked out. do they not belong in kashmir? if kashmir goes to pakistan, wont these people lose their homes forever? pakistani ppl tend to say shit about india and say how it’s muslims aren’t safe in india (i disagree; two or three tragedies does not mean all muslims are unsafe). Well then isn’t this double standard by saying indian muslims are being treated like shit in india, but then u people also say kashmir shud go with pakistan b/c its majority is muslim, thus implying that kashmiri hindus and sikhs can go to hell. Its like saying muslim minority in india is special and shudnt b harmed, but hindu minority in kashmir are worthless dogs who don’t matter. LAST thing i want to say is regarding Nawaz Sharif’s comment about how the pakistani forces went into Faridkot and prevented media and others from talkin to ajmal’s family. it’s as if they are trying to cover up the crime.And that instantly makes u think whether pakistani government (or ISI for that matter) is involved in this. and THAT fills me with ANGER. It goes to show you who the real bad guy is and who the good guy is (read india vs. pakistan). I have nothing personal against the people of pakistan. pakistan is a beautiful country with beautiful people. BUT i strongly condemn any country created on the basis of religion, because it is exlusive. My family was from pakistani side and they were forced to leave because they weren’t muslim. How fair is that? Rather than demanding a state exclusively for muslims, leaders could have sat down and worked things out, and if anything, created a muslim majority country of Pakistan where non-muslims cud still live, without being forced to live under islamic law.Just remember ONE thing…as long as Israel is surrounded by Islamic states, Israel will continue to exist.As long as Pakistan and Bangladesh are Islamic states, the Hindutva movement in India will never die down. Both of these scenarios are DEADLY.

  3396. Rahul says:

    one thing i forgot to mention above is:i think the only solution to kashmir issue is for pakistan and india to let kashmir GO. let it become one independent state. thats it. and if pakistan invades, go to UN. But i can see why india doesn’t want to let go of kashmir..because pakistani “militants” will go in and slowly talibanize the state, and use it against india. and whether the pakistani gov’t admits it or not, many of its elements will definitely be involved in making kashmir a part of pakistani territory if it gains indepdence from india. and just so people dont get offended, when i was talking about countries based on religion, i wasn;t only talking about ISLAMIC countries. i was talking about any country based on religion. and that includes israel, pakistan, bangladesh, those arab countries (though i don’t know enogh about the middle eastern situiation to say anything) ..and any other country based on religion.Thank u 🙂

  3397. kuldeep singh chauhan says:

    hey guys come on you are still debating and flogging the same old dead horse….. take a chill pill and let it go…….

  3398. truth says:

    We have Iraq right in front of our eyes; Just a month before stepping down in Shame,Junior Bush, without any shame, says Iraq invasion happened because of intelligent failure. Despicable Statement. They say Intelligent failure and then they destroy the entire nation, destroy their culture, make good family women widows, and make them beg and go into prostitution to feed their small children, make 4 million people refugees, kill 1.3 million people and you have the tongue in cheek to say that it was a mistake happened due to intelligent failure….the world knows American president is lying, it WAS NOT INTELLIGENT FAILURE….. IT WAS A PRETEXT THE intelligence guys were asked to make a finding like this so that America will have a pretext to kill Saddam Hussein the only and only ruler ( in spite of his weaknesses)who was boldly challenging American imperialism.The motive for the entire Iraqi brutality was to please Israel

  3399. Rahul says:

    iraq brutality was not to please israel, but to slowly gain control of the middle east (in turn gaining control of oil)….and im sorry, what does this have to do with the current india-pak situation?

  3400. Rahul says:

    Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) created Lashkar-e-Toiba and has definite links with the terror group which has been involved in attacks in Mumbai, The Times reported.“ISI created Lashkar-e-Toiba which is no more under its control. These jihadis were there in Jammu and Kashmir and we supported them,” the report quoted an unnamed senior ISI official as saying.“It’s (LeT) a monster we created and now we can’t get it back in the bottle,” the official told the daily commenting on ISI’s links with Lashkar.The report was filed from Muridke in Pakistan, which is the headquarters of the now banned Jamaat-Ud-Dawa.The ISI had forged ties with jihadist groups throughout the 1980s when the CIA used it to support the Mujahidin against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan and when it saw an opportunity in 1989 to weaken India by creating trouble in Jammu and Kashmir the militants of the outfit were infiltrated into India, the newspaper reported.General Asad Durrani, ISI chief from 1990-92, denied supporting LeT in his tenure, but admitted that Pakistan had an interest in supporting such groups.“Given Kashmir’s history, we can’t be expected to remain uninterested,” he added.The ISI, the report said, officially severed links with LeT in 2002 after the group attacked Indian Parliament, but Indian and US intelligence believe that it maintained covert support, probably through ex-ISI officers.The Times correspondent, who visited a 75-acre complex= in Muridke, said that although the administrator Mohammed Abbas denied any connection with the ISI, it was here (in Muridke), in April 2001.“Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, LeT’s leader at the time, called a meeting of his supporters in the complex of red-brick buildings and neat lawns.“Most of the visitors wore the obligatory long beards, but among them was an elderly man with no beard, only a thin, military-style moustache. He was Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency.”“Yes, I visited there. Retired army officers used to go, too. They used to hold annual fixtures to raise funds and motivate people,” the daily quoted Gul as saying.“Cleansing the ISI is America’s dream, but this is Pakistan’s first line of defence. It keeps the country united,” Gul added.

  3401. truth says:

    We may have to wait for may be 5 to 10 years to know the truth about who did and what happened in Bombay.? How many of us knew the story of the bombing of the American Intelligence Ship called Liberty in 1973 in the Middle East. Another pretext.Who planned and aborted the results of Algerian elections and brought the junta to power? Why? What happened to America’s deceptive principle of democracy in Algeria? In Iran in 1953? Who overthrew Mussadiq and brought the most horrible monarch Shah who became the best friend of Zionists? The story is long and painful. But it is terribly sad that knowingly or unknowingly India goes along with the secret private axe of America to grind and getting ready to destroy Pakistan.What is the outcome of this attack? 1. Are the attacker not quite good at thinking what will be the outcome as we seen from the previous attacksWTC = Two muslim countries,IRAN Nucs = ban on Iran,Attack in Pakista Hotel = Domestics violenceAttack in Mumbai = Killing more muslim and put some more pressure and make a ground for another muslim counrty invasion! Isn't that true —- ? what is theI understand its very hard for most religion to see how Islam embrases fast and people coming to this circle even with too much Muslim terrorist Bullshit… none of the ways are stopping so the whole Drama of terrorism is created to stop people accepting Islam.. You have to beleive it thats the only fact and all the worlds power are trying to stop it with perks(oil and resources) two kill two birds with one stone — Destory Muslims with peace and capture their resources!!! THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE and real fact.So all Hindus. Christians and Jews please do think and understand who is getting benefits… In concise if the Attackers are so intelligent dodging all the securities and plaining violance at multiple places —-> R THEY DUMP TO KNOW WHO GETS THE GLORY….. and whats the use taking IDs and Credit cards with them, I am sure they won't be plaining shopping after creating such Disaster.

  3402. Honest says:

    Oh “Truth”,You badly need some rest.Let us not start talking through our hats and then expect that people are morons to agree with us.Please stop making people of the world wiser with what you learned in your Paki madarassa or some third grade Paki school. The world history is entirely different. Lets make a beginning. Pak was born in 1947 and not in the 11th century as you grew up learning. Whoever crossed your land in 11th century were ruthless invaders. It was all because of their forcible conversion of your forefathers that you are a muslim today. Your forefathers did not “embrace” islam because of good qualities that Islam preached. In fact invaders had no qualities to understand and preach any good virtues.What you are NOW trying to fool around with vis-a-vis Mumbai riots have already been discussed, investigated and understood by all except morons.Hiding identities is an important lessons given to the terrorists by your ISI. The saffron bands, the ID cards, credit cards, Deccan mujaahideens etc are all a part of this exercise. Kashmir militants move around with Indian Army uniforms. They burn Hazratbal mosque when surrounded by the Army. You might ask, “will a true muslim burn a masjid?” Terrorists also know that the answer is in the negative. So they did it to shift the blame on Indian Army.Why talk about terrorists? Let us discuss your Army. They sent regular Paki Army to Kargil in the guise of militants and your Mia Nawaz went on Pak radio to announce “hum unhein mujahideen samajhten hain”. When the regular paki army officers laid down their life doing their unholy duties, your Govt did not dare to accept their dead bodies. We, Indians gave them decent burials!.It would be a good idea for you to take some rest and, thereafter, go to some good non-Paki internet site and update yourself with the real world history.

  3403. Rahul says:

    its funny “Honest”.When it is claimed that a muslim terrorist blew up some building anywhere in the world, muslims are first to claim that “these terrorists are not true muslims”, yet when the same terrorist ever blows up a masjid or something, then they would say “it was definitely a hindu or someone; a muslim would never blow up a masjid”…(same goes for hindus)

  3404. Honest says:

    “(same goes for hindus)”It was a totally inhuman act. But the bajrangis destroyed the mosque in public glare of media attention.

  3405. truth says:

    No matter how many evidence or assumptions are given — the western world or the responsible of this attack won’t beleive it as it is planed and set propaganda to destroy the Muslims Image and destroy them by doing war againts terroris… Wake up people, Wake up people… it wasn’t Muslim who participated in WWI/II it was not Muslim who killed 6 Million Jews, its no Muslims whos responsible shootout at Schools in america oftenly. But it is always Muslim when there is no clear picture of attackersThe question of Mumbai is not as clear to us as it is in Indian minds. There are too many quesitons that are open and not answered.On Nov 26, an enigma began unfolding in Mumbai. It emerged that 12 gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifles ransacked Mumbai for three days killing 188 people (unverified), including a few Israelis and other westerners. Security forces suffered 14 casualties. One terrorist, Kasab, who appeared to have been focused by the cameras, was arrested while all others were killed.Why did the terrorists not carry any shoulder-fired rockets/grenades and explosives to Mumbai? The attackers, if they had no love lost for India, ought to have planned for maximum destruction during the attack. Or was the attack not meant to cause extensive damage?Three of the 14 personnel killed were those who had proved that a serving Indian Army colonel, in collusion with Hindu militant groups, had actually bombed and burned Pakistanis alive inside the Samjhauta Express in 2007. While the father of Karkare, the senior-most Anti-Terrorist Squad officer, refused to receive condolences on behalf of the State of India and his widow refused to receive any monetary award. Did they conclusively believe that Karkare and his companions were assassinated for absolving Pakistan of complicity in the Samjhauta Express massacre in which 68 Pakistanis lost their lives? If this was somehow true, as it can be because of a very plausible State motive existing, then what was actually happening in Mumbai on 26 November 2008? Was there the linkage between the terrorists and the State forces? Is this why rocket launchers and explosives were not carried by the attackers, in order to contain destruction? Questions like these seek credible answers. The suspicious killing of Karkare and his colleagues has caused a rumpus even in the Indian Parliament.With every window on each floor of the Taj Hotel being an entry point that was accessible by the fire brigade equipment available in Mumbai, could three terrorists actually hold that 750-room hotel building for three days against the might of India? What we saw happening in Mumbai defies military logic. How could the other nine terrorists also hold out in groups of twos and threes in a number of very accessible and widely dispersed buildings, independent of each other, for three days?The discussion is ongoing. India has not submitted any proof of the suspicions.

  3406. Honest says:

    There is a saying in India which says “Nirlajjam Sada Sukhi” This is something like the saying “Nange se khuda darta hai”If an average Pakistani thinks on the way you and your Ahmed Hassan do, I can only pray to the God Almighty to give you people of Pakistan some more sense to see reason.All the things mentioned by you have been shot down with the contempt they deserved in this very blog under this caption and other two captions viz these things are too much for you to understand, then let me tell you a story since your mental age is only suitable for understanding things in a montessory education method.There were two fast friends A and B on this mother earth. Both of them died and got the dispensation they deserved. A went to heaven and B went to hell where he was converted to a worm living on shit. A, being noble could somehow find that his friend B was in a pathetic condition. He begged of God and got the dispensation changed for B after parting with the part of blessings and luck. He came down to hell to pick up his good friend who had now been allotted heaven.But his friend B would not agree to come up to heaven. He had got used to the life of hell and the taste of shit that he was feeding on, so much that he could not dream of anything better tasting and better satiating.…..The End….You people have received the lowest standard of education. All wrong notions filled into your head.Your education has prepared you to follow, as truth, only what has been tutored by your mullahs and imams. Prophet has forbidden triple talaq in single sitting. You believe not only in one sitting triple talaq, also if talaq is pronounced by a mentally deranged person, or a man who has uttered talaq in a fit of anger, or if it is uttered by an inebriated husband. Why? because your Mullah has told you. You do not have sense to ask the mullah as to while the prophet has declared consuming liquor as haram, how can a the utterances by a drunk person can be held valid.If a woman is raped by a man, the woman has to prove that the man has raped her. The man has no liability whatever. If the woman can not prove this, as it is impossible for a single woman to do that, she is assumed to have committed adultery and imprisoned, or worse, killed by stoning.There are many such instances which go to prove that you people are not capable of differentiating between right and the wrong and hence have to depend upon your madrassa teachings or your mullahs for wisdom.This is the reason why you could go to steal from foreign countries the formula for nuclear bombs but could not manufacture a cycle chain in your own country. The prophet has ordained that you should not beg alms for your living and observe austerity and be self dependent. You people would die the day US and UK and other countries friendly to you stop sending alms to you.You are the worst thing to have happened to the mankind.

  3407. Rahul says:

    to truth:what does the past have to do with anything? you are beginning to irritate me now, because you seem to be doing ANYTHING to put the blame on others. just let it be. you think all muslims are innocent human beings? you think all hindus and jews and christians are children of the devil? GROW UP. pakistan itself is a victim of these militants, and just a few days ago i read some pakistani newspaper talking about the marriot bombing and how it alleged that some local militant group was behind it. either way, you people are going overboard with conspiracy theories now. whats done is done. this kasab guy is from pakistan. end of story. phone intercepts and other such evidence provided by FBI, CIA, Scotland Yard, and India’s own agencies (i.e. ATS, CBI) only further prove that pakistanis were involved.And honestly speaking,Its not about the world against this time. Muslims are peaceful human beings, and I respect every Indian muslim, as believe they are a very peaceful and successful (those who are educated) lot. This time, its the world against Pakistan. And don’t try denying it. This has nothing to do with Muslims in particular. Just pakistan

  3408. Rahul says:

    correction to previous post (in capital letters):Its not about the world against MUSLIMS this time. Muslims are peaceful human beings, and I respect every Indian muslim, as believe they are a very peaceful and successful (those who are educated) lot.

  3409. truth says:

    God save India from Modi. Even he offers aid to MahaRastra! from where the hell money is pouring on him. Cheap publicity and stunts as he is famous for. Media was widely reporting that there were IDs of terrorists recovered which shows Malaysian and Mauritious IDs however such references disappeared once Terrorist leader Modi arrived! He has good experience as he did in his Gujrat lab.The timing of Mumbay terror is well planned as Gujrat riots were, just before main elections! We are told that they came from Pakistan by sea? Indian military in the sea were all presumed sleeping?? How many contradictions? coincidences? should happen enabling to carry out such a massive feat? We are told they came by speed boats? Yes, but not from Pakistan but from Gujarat! It took continous 60 hours to stop the terrorism! and most of terrorists as usual got killed and the remaining one will also die for sure since confessed to the coercion statement of involving other usual country, an excuse for inaction. I believe a naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie. But people like Modi believes, To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and whatever you hit, call it the target later. Finally, One question comes to mind, Was it intelligence failure or intentional, intelligent failure?

  3410. Rahul says:

    to truth: lol, pakistan today blamed today`s lahore blast on indian government. does the same apply to pakistan too then?You said:”and most of terrorists as usual got killed and the remaining one will also die for sure since confessed to the coercion statement of involving other usual country, an excuse for inaction. I believe a naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie.”Does the same apply to pakistan then? How did ”indian spies” get into pakistan through its own airports? was pakistani intelligence sleeping? they have no idea an indian spy is inside their country, but when a bomb blast occurs, within 3 hours they catch a guy, and giv his entire life story (he worked with indian embassy in london etc. etc.)atleast indian intelligence waited 30 hours or so before revealing kasab`s information.either way im not saying that lahore blast was made up by gov`t to get rid of some of the blame (though thts wut indian govt is saying, and their claim makes sense; why wud they send indian spies to blow up lahore when india is trying to prove pakistan as a terrorist conutry, especially 3 weeks after mumbai blast)for all we know, lahore blast cud have an indian hand in it….but similarly then, u must acknowledge that mumbai attack had apakistani hand.these stupid conspiracy theories wil not help.besides; most of the stuff you are mentioning now is old news, and most of it has been clarified.

  3411. Rahul says:

    Update:apparently a pakistani taliban group called ”ansar wa mohajir” has claimed it is responsible for lahore blasts.could anybody verify that? that is wat i read on internet.

  3412. truth says:

    Arrested militants name RAW, Afghan agency for fundingThe three arrested members of a militants’ gang especially deputed by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have disclosed that RAW has been funding suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan and that the Indian agency has funnelled Rs 680 million through its links with the Afghan secret agency.The gang of three persons have brazenly admitted that they belong to the group of persons who had been deputed to ‘destabilise democratic Pakistan’ with the sole purpose of ‘enforcement of Shariah’ in the country.Operators of an intelligence agency, working beyond the call of their duty, came into contact with a source ready for a tip-off against a reward and led to the arrest of Khurram Ishtiaq, Ghulam Mustafa and Shamim. The persons had been working under Qari Hussain, second-in-command to Baitullah Mehsud. All the three had been arrested on Aug 13 this year while they were on the prowl for a target. The militants had been arrested ‘red-handed’ as they possessed complete suicide kits, including two jackets and 70kg of explosives and detonators.The accused were hardened militants and took a lot of time to break in and make confessions. They revealed that Qari Hussain had been working to help three adjutants—Farukh Usman alias Shahjee, Tayyab alias Baba; Ustad, the trainer to destabilise democratic government.Qari Hussain, the leader, prepares suicide bombers and dispatches them throughout Pakistan. He also manages funds for the splinter groups from RAW which works in collusion with the Afghan intelligence agency RAM.Farukh Usman works as Qari’s deputy and runs the sub-setup to carry out attacks in Lahore in particular and Punjab in general. He was the mastermind of suicide attacks on FIA building, Naval War College, Model Town, Lahore High Court and PAF bus in Sargodha, the investigation has revealed.Tayyab alias Baba mainly deals with Rawalpindi/Islamabad. He was the man behind blasts at Aabpara Market and Marriott Hotel. The third person known only as Ustad is an expert of making bombs. He is said to be of Indian origin and he ‘works with a vengeance’. He is the man who leads suicide bombers to the marked site of the blast.The investigation revealed that there are two sub-teams: three persons of one team work under Ustad. Two of the arrested persons—Shahmim Alam alias Sohail alias Kashif alias Uncle and Khurram Ishtiaq alias Ibrahim—have been active members of the TTP and worked under direct guidance of Ustad.Shamim was the facilitator. His task was to distribute funds to suicide bombers at the behest of Qari Hussain and Tayyab@Baba. Being educated and a well-dressed civilian-look-alike, he was assigned another important job of providing ‘reconnaissance of the target area’.He possesses the canny ability of mixing up with urbanites. Khurram Ishtiaq alias Ibrahim is a well-trained militant. His job is to harbour suicide bombers at a secret venue till they are led to the area of operation to carry out the job. The third person of this setup, Sajid, is a resident of Ali Khel, Waziristan. It is not certain whether his services were ‘utilized’ or made his escape good.Another team which works under Farrukh Usman alias Shahjee includes Bablu, Rehan, Ghulam Mustafa @Asif (the third arrested person) and Abdul Rahim. Bablu’s assignment is to provide explosives at the nick of time when the suicide bombers have been finally prepared to perform the ‘sacred feat’.Ghulam Mustafa and Abdul Rahim, a diehard Jehadi serve as guards and take care that none of perpetrators shows his back and become a deserter. In that case, there is only one choice left and that too leads one to heavens.Former boss of the intelligence agency, Tariq Lodhi, had recommended a reward and commendation for the team who apprehended the culprits but they say their new boss Shoaib Suddle turned it down on the grounds that agency operators just did their job and no reward should be given for performing duty.The team members disclosed that they had arrested two prime targets during Pervaiz Musharraf regime and they both had a head money of $5 million each but the reward money was shared by the two premier agencies instead passing it on to the individuals who had arrested them on their own initiative.The team has long been working on the intelligence of militants but they got the culprits apprehended through a middleman who is ready to divulge more but “only if he is rewarded for the catch.”The team claims that it could reach out to Qari Hussain and his gang and thus eliminate the danger of suicide blasts in Pakistan by 90 percent. Talking to The News on the condition of not divulging their names, they said, “We neither have free hand nor enough resources to break the hornet’s nest.”

  3413. Rahul says:

    my suggestion.try not to look at the issue one sidedely.u rely way too much on pakistani media. try to understand both not going to argue against u. maybe RAW is involved in sponsoring terrorism in pak..if that is true however, pak shud share this info with india, which it has never done.

  3414. truth says:

    Same for India Rahul

  3415. Rahul says:

    again, ur relying on PAKISTANI is the difference :Pakistan: pakistan has never claimed to have shared any evidence with india. pak media has stated this many times. they say that indian hand has always been suspected, but pak has never approached india in any way.India: india claims to have shared evidence with pakistan many times, while pak denies not sayin whos right or whos rong…but you, truth, are just assuming that because pak says india hasnt shared any evidence, that is definitely the truth. maybe india DID share evidence, and pak is just denying it?….the thing is…we’ll nvr noe, and thats why you arguing is pointless my friend

  3416. Rahul says:

    oh, and keep in mind,pak said that ajmal amir kasab was arrested by nepal, and handed over to india, which than trained him and brainwashed him 2 years ago, and is now using him against pakistan.nepal then denied ever arresting him.this makes one think; is pak makin this stuff up? if yes, why?!…moreover, if it can make up tings like this, what else can it do to deflect the pressure? pak also blamed yesterday’s bomb blast in lahore on india, and today a pakistani militant group admitted to doing it. again, whats going on??

  3417. Honest says:

    Rahul,YOU are being naive now.Why are you trying to take reference of pakistan’s statement to put forth your view? They will deny having made the statement any time now. What will u do then?It is the old ailment the Pakistan is having. Whenever India sends back their embassy staff on charges of espionage, suddenly they become wiser and find a man in Indian embassy in Pakistan who was doing just that- espionage – and beat him black and blue and send him back to India. All the crimes made by Indian embassy men are commensurate with that of his Pakistani counterpart.Even this car bomb blast is made up on similar basis. Kasab issue has to be balanced and hence they have invented an Indian (if it is really true) Who will have committed similar crime as that of Kasav.They are so shameless, when someone else owns up the crime, they would publish that also and then, perhaps link this new invention that is supposedly Indian, as a part of the muslim terror network.These news items are created to earn sympathies from the world that Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism. Hunting with the hounds and running with the hare! Will they say who created this terrorist organisation, other than themselves?Now, even after India has repeatedly said that India does not believe in going to war, Pakistan has started mobilising their troops on the borders to create a war hysteria. This is only to divert the world attention from the actual situation on the ground which India is resolved to bring before the world.Pakistan is based on the foundation of LIES and all the actions taken by Pakistan are done by dressing lies in the garb of truth.And they call themselves MUSLIMS!

  3418. Rahul says:

    I agree. There is nothing Islamic about pakistan.

  3419. Kumari says:

    Pak textbooks build hate culture against IndiaThe empowerment of terror in Pakistan has not happened overnight. This is the logical culmination of the politics and policies pursued by Pakistan for years now. Terrorism in Pakistan has its roots in the culture of hate and the ethos of inequality on the ground of religious faith, leading to their being deeply ingrained in the Pakistani psyche and mindset. One factor that has played a crucial role in creating this culture of hate is the educational policy of the government of Pakistan pursued since 1977. The officially prescribed textbooks, especially for school students, are full of references that promote hate against India in general, and Hindus in particular. A cursory glance at Pakistani school textbooks – especially the compulsory subjects like Pakistan studies and social studies – gives an idea of how history has been distorted and a garbled version prescribed to build this mindset and attitude. The objective of Pakistan’s education policy has been defined thus in the preface to a Class 6 book: “Social studies have been given special importance in educational policy so that Pakistan’s basic ideology assumes the shape of a way of life, its practical enforcement is assured, the concept of social uniformity adopts a practical form and the whole personality of the individual is developed.” This statement leaves no doubt that “social uniformity”, not national unity, is a part of Pakistan’s basic ideology. The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India: “The British had the objective to take over India and to achieve this, they made Hindus join them and Hindus were very glad to side with the British. After capturing the subcontinent, the British began on the one hand the loot of all things produced in this area, and on the other, in conjunction with Hindus, to greatly suppress the Muslims.” The Std VIII book says, “Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices. Thereby Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end.” On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize ‘jihad’ and ‘shahadat’ and urge students to become ‘mujahids’ and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India. According to a Class 5 book, “In 1965, the Pakistani army conquered several areas of India, and when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965, India, with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, instigated the people living there against the people of West Pakistan, and finally invaded East Pakistan in December 1971. The conspiracy resulted in the separation of East Pakistan from us. All of us should receive military training and be prepared to fight the enemy.” The book prescribed for higher secondary students makes no mention of the uprising in East Pakistan in 1971 or the surrender by more than 90,000 Pakistani soldiers. Instead, it claims, “In the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the Pakistan armed forces created new records of bravery and the Indian forces were defeated everywhere.” The students of Class 3 are taught that “Muhammad Ali (Jinnah) felt that Hindus wanted to make Muslims their slaves and since he hated slavery, he left the Congress”. At another place it says, “The Congress was actually a party of Hindus. Muslims felt that after getting freedom, Hindus would make them their slaves.” And this great historic discovery is taught to Std V students, “Previously, India was part of Pakistan.” Commenting on this literature that spreads hate, leading Pakistani educationist Tariq Rahman wrote, “It is a fact that the textbooks cannot mention Hindus without calling them cunning, scheming, deceptive or something equally insulting. Students are taught and made to believe that Pakistan needs strong and aggressive policies against India or else Pakistan will be annihilated by it.”

  3420. Rahul says:

    i had a pakistani hindu friend. he used to tell me about how he was discriminated against anywhere he went. In school the teachers would harass him for being hindu. His neighbours always suspected him because he was hindu.Police would come and arrest his brother because he was hindu. They were afraid to celebrate any hindu festivals because they would fear the neighbours would get agitated and harass them.And yet pakistanis talk about indians discriminating against muslims.Well let me say something, India has produced some very successful and rich muslims. Shah Rukh khan is adored by hindus and muslims alike. Tata company is owned by muslims; the Jaguar now is also owned by Indian muslims. Some discrimination IS going to occur anywhere you go. In canada even, after September 11th, people burnt down a Hindu temple and wrote “go back home” all over it. Isn’t that discrimination? But just because of a few incidences you cannot say the entire conutry is bad.And can you name ONE successful Pakistani hindu? I didn’t think so. Any successful Pakistani christians? Nope. Even in Lahore, all the christians live in one certain area, which is the “ghetto” of Lahore (as my pakistani friend in lahore puts it). And they work as servants, janitors, and maids.

  3421. Honest says:

    Kumari,Well presented. A Pakistani, right from his birth, is deprived of his right to (right) information and brought up as a terrorist. And we, Indians, instead of feeling pity on them for the way they have been brought up, show our dislike for their anti-Indian attitude.Going through your presentation, I on a different note, tend to agree with Paki way of things such as:"The Class 5 book has this original discovery about Hindu help to bring British rule to India:"The educationists in Pakistan have unwittingly admitted that Hindus were indeed an intelligent breed who had all the information about the English traders as to what they had come to India and what their future plans were, and that they escorted them to emperor Shah Jehan's Durbar. Probably Hindus knew that Shah jehan was a dud-head that fell into that trap instantly."Their (Muslim saints) teachings dispelled many superstitions of the Hindus and reformed their bad practices"We should agree with this. Kabir said:"pothhi padh kar jag mua, Pandit bhaya na koyi;Dhai Aakhar Raam ki, padhe jo pandit hoye"Shree Saibaba of Shirdi also taught the ways of civilized life through his actions and preachings. He said,"Hinduism and islam and others were only 'panth' (belief). Actual religion (dharma or majhab) is Humanity and love for fellow human beings."Hindu religion of the olden times came to an end." Beggar's dreams"On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize ‘jihad' and ‘shahadat' and urge students to become ‘mujahids' and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India. "I have obtained the following lines from an Islamic site viz";It says,Does Islam promote Terrorism? Absolutely Not. Islam condemns all acts of oppression. Necessary force is permissible only when one is defending oneself, family, and right to practice his/her religion or fighting tyranny and oppression. Muslims who blow up buildings and kill innocent people are not acting in accordance with what Islam teaches.And Pakistan claims to be an Islamist nation!!"when India was on the point of being defeated, she requested the United Nations to arrange a ceasefire. After 1965,"What do you expect them to tell their grandchildren? That India gave them a crushing defeat and the Indian Army came right up to Lahore and captured that town? Forgive them, because they did that only to hide their shame."In the 1971 India-Pakistan war, the Pakistan armed forces created new records of bravery and the Indian forces were defeated everywhere." Did they not set a real new record? Did they not rape thousands of East Pakistani women and raided the girls hostel there and bit off the nipples of the girl students? Did they not kill thousands of unarmed civilians? Did they not organise their 90000 soldiers and surrender before the Indian Army? Were they not courageous enough to trust that the Indian Army would spare them and send them back to their motherland?Yes, all the captured soldiers including their General Niazi were sent back to Pakistan respectfully. This was a big defeat for the Indian Army. They worked hard and shed their blood to capture these butchers and all their efforts went down the drain when they were packed off to Pakistan so that they could each more beef and start snarling at India. This has been going on since the days of Prithvi Raj Chohan. Hinduism teaches us love and compassion which is not helpful while dealing with Pakis."Muhammad Ali (Jinnah) felt that Hindus wanted to make Muslims their slaves " Muhammed Ali Jinnah was more intelligent than his grandfather. If his grandfather had realised it, he would never have converted to Islam.

  3422. Rahul says:

    hahaha.whats funny though, is that, if the hindus actually DID help the british, and brought them to India to suppress the muslims, then why were most hindus still living in poverty?and, even if such a thing WAS true, so what? did the muslims not come to india and suppress the hindus?…rather than blaming each other about the past, its time to MOVE ON. claiming that the hindus tried to suppress the muslims is useless, because such a thing is not true. and even if it was, the muslims started it.

  3423. Rahul says:

    oh, and why wouldn’t the hindus revolt and rebel if the muslim rulers taxed the hindus for being hindus? they preferred muslims over hindus. they tried to do everything possible to get rid of hinduism all together. (the last few mughal emperors however were fairly nice to hindus, but the overwhelming majority of them were anti-hindu)

  3424. Kumari says: Islam WantsLet’s Hear From Pakistan Jamat-e-Islami Leader, Maulana Nabiullah Khan“Jamhooria Islamia”, a monthly Baluchi magazine published from Panj-gar, published an interview with Maulana Nawabzadaa Nabiullah Khan, a confidant of and adviser to the Amir of leading Pakistani Islamic party, Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana Qazi Ahmed, which was conducted by Jalil Amir. The following constitutes are excerpts from that conversation which reveals the fundamentalist ideology and designs of the organisation and its leader. EQUALITY OF MEN AND WOMEN IS STUPIDITY Q: The women issue is very controversial nowadays. Taliban and some fundamentalist organizations restrict the freedom of women while some progressive Muslim intellectuals are insisting that the women are equal to men in all spheres. What are Qazi’s views on women? A: As I said earlier, the Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) views on women are the exact views of Qazi Ahmed and the Jamat. Equality of men and women is stupidity. What men can do, women cannot do. Women are weak physically and mentally compared to men. Men have to take care of women all the time. WOMEN MUST STAY HOME Women should not have a life outside the family. Education can be provided to them, but not to compete with men in public. NO VOTING RIGHTS FOR WOMEN UNDER SHARIA Qazi had said once that when JI comes to power in Pakistan, he will abolish the voting rights of women and minorities. Only the Muslim men can participate in voting or standing for elections. When I asked the proof from Hadiths, he had quoted many Hadiths in support of that. I asked him why is it that it is never talked about openly in the public by the Jamaat? Qazi had said that the hints are all over the place. But JI did not make it a big issue since the women who currently have the voting rights may vote against JI in the elections if such a thing is said openly. NON MUSLIMS IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES MUST PAY JIZYAQ: That brings us to the question of minorities. Will they have to pay Jizya tax? A: Yes. They have to pay the tax. As explained by Qazi Ahmed , the idea of Jizya is not protection money. But it is a monetary force on the non-Muslim to convert to Islam. Once the Jamaat comes to power, the minorities will be induced (forced) to become Muslims either by monetary or psychological factors. ALL INDIAN HINDUS WILL BE CONVERTED INTO ISLAM JI is already equating India with Hindus so that the Hindus of Pakistan will be forced to become Muslims. This was a very successful strategy during the Babri Masjid riots. JI was actively involved in destroying the Hindu temples in Punjab and Sindh. We ordered the destruction of the Hindu family property too. But our main aim was to destroy the Hindu temples. We wrote in the JI pamphlets that destroying each pagan temple makes a Muslim move closer to the heaven of Allah. We used the Hadiths in all the pamphlets. Babar destroyed the Ram temple in Ayodhya because he was a true believer. The same way, every Muslim should take it upon himself to destroy the Hindu temples in Pakistan. O! ur idea was to encourage the Muslims of India also to destroy the Hindu temples in India. But this was not met with much success since the Hindu police in India started attacking the Muslims who were doing Allah’s duty. Q: What kind of government does JI envisage for Pakistan? …to continue follow the link:

  3425. truth says:

    People of other faiths including Atheists have long been trying to allege that Islam has many shortcomings and that there are errors in the Qur’an and Islam. They have tried to distort the Qur’an and Allah(swt) was aware of such people. He(swt) informs us: There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues: (As they read) you would think it is a part of the Book, but it is no part of the Book; and they say, “That is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah: It is they who tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it! [Qur’an 3:78] And say: “Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.” [Qur’an 17:81]

  3426. truth says:

    First of all Jumat-i-islami is one of the party that participate in the Elections. they hardly ruled a province for 5 years and never in the main stream of the politics in pakistan. The leader of that party is Qazi Hussain Ahmad. I don’t even heard or know who is that future Khalifa. that might be in your own thinking. Even Qazi is not in a position to run the country. Today they have heardly 1%National Assembly seats. Pakistan has never run by BJP and RSS like parties. that is india who has run so many times by these extremists. Baal Takury said they welcome hindu terrorist for attaking muslims and other minorities. He said that if you don’t want to canceal the real truth. So i will not said he is representing india or hindu religion. One can compare how many religious riots carried out in india and how many in pakistan. Agianst muslim, against christians compare the like with like. How many provinces wants freedom, The alligation,finger points may be endless. Too much short commings both in india as wel in pakistan. but we have to solve it.“Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.” [Qur’an 17:81]I will not say any thing about the so called khalifa but i will not refute. Why? Beacause many of non muslims trying to distort even the Qur’an. So Mr. Khalifa has got no exception.

  3427. Rahul says:

    it is the muslims themselves who are distorting islam & the quran my friend. if muslims themselves are doing it, whose going to stop the nonmuslims?as for religious riots in india, yes they have occured many a times. in pakistan it happens too, not necessarily between religions, but between different ethnic groups (read riots in karachi, between pakhtuns and muhajirs). Other than that, sunni vs. shiite occurs in practically every Islamic state. yes india has problems, but so does pakistan. just because their problems differ doesnt giv you the right to undermine the entire country. otherwise this game will not will keep on going how india is unfair with its minoritiesthen i will be like oh yeah well in pakistan punjab dominates all other provinces, creating will bring up kashmir issue, i`ll bring up balochistan, swat and NWFP. you bring up BJP RSS, i`ll bring up taliban, bring up dharavi slum, i'll bring up orangi slum.and the list goes on and on.but at the end of the day, this won't solve anything. you'll still have your problems to deal with, and i'll have mine. rather than running from them, and blaming each other, lets go to our own respective countries and fix the problems. and seriously, you guys give the whole ''india is unfair to its minorities'' a bit too much importance. nobody seems to be discussing the genocide against non-muslims in kashmir. nobody seems to be discussing how in pakistani-punjab, many sikhs and hindus were killed just to ensure that that part of punjab goes to pakistan. (i agree riots occured in indian areas also, but they weren`t half as bad; hindus were literally threatened and forced to flee). the point is, its not just the minorities that are suffering in india. everyone is suffering, whether they`re hindu, muslim, sikh, christian, jew, jain, budddhist. they all need to UNITE, and fight against the government and get rid of their corrupt asses. as for BJP and RSS, may they go to hell. Its high time that India bans them.

  3428. truth says:

    Rahul:Amazing when i refute other friend’s alligations the new one comes up with different question. And contradicting each others. I can even refute you like(India’s hand in N.W.F.P,AFGHANISTAN BOARDER,SWAT,KARACHI,PUNJAB etc with supporting events, it is not religious riots and massacres of minorities, distroy,burn out charches and mosques, Gujrat factor, modi etc etc). But i will not do it. I will only say as i said in my previous thread:“The alligation,finger points may be endless. Too much short commings both in india as wel in pakistan. but we have to solve it”and i can say, you agree with me, as your post suggest.

  3429. Ahmed Hassan says:

    OH My!!Rahul and allcan you tell me what sati is?What is female Infanticide?Stop being childish… fix your problems before the nation implodes

  3430. Rahul says:

    to truth:yes i definitely agree with you. none of us have rights to badmouth each others countries, as our own respective countries have major problems. i was merely agreeing with you. i was just sayinf tht if any pakistani brings up a problem in india, i can also bring up problems in pakistan. so rather than arguing with each other, go home, and fix ur problems. thats all i meant to sayand dont forget, india says pakistan has a big hand in whatver is oging on in kashmir right now.even farooq abdullah recently thanked “pakistan and the militants” for not indulging in violence this time around to disrupt elections. And farooq himself is a kashmiri.And Ahmed my friend,\sati is illegal in india anyway; yes it occurs in some villages, but its not as big of a deal as ur making it out to for female infanticide, yes thats a cause of great concern in india. apparently in the news they said that the government will pay some amount of money to the parents of every female born, for her education and dowry; a specific amount will be given every year until she turns 18.however its the mentality we must change.and ahmed, i was only responding to truth. i was just telling him tht if he brings up problems in india, i can also bring up problems in pakistan. I will do my best to fix india’s problems before it implodes. How about you do the same in pakistan? Recently i heard taliban closed down girl schools, and threatened to kill any girl who went to school. Thats quite serious. Tribal areas no longer controlled by government, thats also quite serious, and dangerous for pakistans stability.

  3431. Honest says:

    “fix your problems before the nation implodes”Good advice indeed. People of India, wake up. your neighbours are on the verge of implosion because of their own internal contradictions and misplaced priorities! Learn from their mistakes and GROW UP!!

  3432. Honest says:

    “Tribal areas no longer controlled by government, thats also quite serious, and dangerous for pakistans stability”You seem to be learning a lot of things from Ahmed. Can you kindly enlighten me as to WHICH AREA OF PAKISTAN IS CONTROLLED BY THE GOVERNMENT? PAKI ARMY?, ISI? JI?, NUCLEAR ASSETS?….?….?….?

  3433. Rahul says:

    they seem to be in control of punjab. thats about it. and maybe sindh. i recently heard about people in india talking about how india feels helpless. nobody internationally is helping india stop pakistani soil frmo being used for terror, and get rid of the rogue elements in pakistani government. nor does India want to go to war with pakistan to stop the only option, they say, that india has are to either urge the world to put an economic blockade on pakistan (which they, the US in particular, won’t do), or if that doesn’t work out, then….India can do what Indian govt alleges Pakistani govt is doing in kashmir. Pak Govt itself says it provides “moral support” to kashmiri seperatists. India can do the same in balochistan, Sindh and NWFP: provide them ”moral support”. (again this is not what *I* say, but what people in general are beginning to say) Personally i think thats dangerous. But what else can india do? Anyone care to brainstorm here?

  3434. Rahul says:

    I think pakistan has more than enough evidence to act upon:——————————————Pakistani militant confesses to role in Mumbai attacksThe diplomatic row between India and Pakistan continues to deepen following the November terrorist attack as both countries send more troops to their borders.By David Monteroposted December 31, 2008 at 9:50 am ESTA war of words continues between India and Pakistan amid new evidence that a Pakistani militant group masterminded the terrorist attacks in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) last month. And as Pakistan continues to move troops to its eastern border with India, analysts say Pakistan may be too distracted to effectively fight militants at home.This week, The Wall Street Journal reported new evidence linking Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba to the Mumbai attacks: At least one top leader of militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, or "Army of the Pure," captured in a raid earlier this month in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, has confessed the group's involvement in the attack as India and the U.S. have alleged, according to a senior Pakistani security official…. Pakistani security officials say a top Lashkar commander, Zarar Shah, has admitted a role in the Mumbai attack during interrogation, according to the security official, who declined to be identified discussing the investigation. "He is singing," the security official said of Mr. Shah. The admission, the official said, is backed up by U.S. intercepts of a phone call between Mr. Shah and one of the attackers at the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, the site of a 60-hour confrontation with Indian security forces…. [The revelation will increase] pressure on Pakistan to accept that the attacks, which left 171 dead in India, originated within its borders and to prosecute or extradite the suspects. That raises difficult and potentially destabilizing issues for the country's new civilian government, its military and the spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence — which is conducting interrogations of militants it once cultivated as partners.Despite the revelation, "India on Wednesday said Pakistan was in 'denial' over the Mumbai attacks and refusing to acknowledge evidence linking the gunmen who carried out the assault with elements in Pakistan," according to Agence France-Presse (AFP). [India's Home Minister P. Chidambaram] said the Pakistani father of the sole surviving gunman had confirmed to Pakistan television that his son was involved. "If that is not evidence then what is?" Chidambaram said.Amid the tension, both nations moved troops to their border, the Associated Press (AP) reports. Pakistan claimed India had moved troops to their shared border Tuesday, days after Pakistan itself shifted soldiers to the frontier, but New Delhi insisted it had done nothing to add to tensions between the nuclear-armed countries…. Most observers say a fourth war between the countries is highly unlikely, not least because few can imagine a scenario where India would benefit from it. Any attack on Pakistan would destabilize the country's new civilian government and strengthen its militant fringe, they say.Last week, "Pakistani intelligence officials said the country was shifting up to 20,000 troops from the Afghan border area – where they are among more than 100,000 fighting al-Qaida and Taliban militants – to the Indian frontier. They spoke on condition of anonymity." The AP reports.Indian officials denied that their troop movements were in preparation for any sort of attack, calling them normal winter exercises, according to The News, an English-language newspaper in Pakistan. Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee denied on Tuesday mobilisation of Indian forces on Pakistan border. He was responding to [Pakistani] Foreign Minister Shah Mehmud Qureshi's proposal to India to de-activate forward bases and re-location of army units to peacetime positions to de-escalate tension in the region. "We have not created any tension…. First there should be escalation from Indian side then the question of de-escalation will come. We have not escalated anything," he said. Mukherjee said the Indian army has made it clear that its military movements were a "normal winter exercise" and there was no question of such mobilization.The focus on tensions with India is distracting Pakistan from its real threat: the rise of militancy along its border with Afghanistan, The Washington Post reports. Many Pakistanis still view India as their real enemy and are far less concerned about the spread of radical Islam in their midst, while the country's powerful army appears to be more comfortable facing its conventional cross-border adversary to the east than waging a messy counterinsurgency campaign against fellow Muslims and Pakistanis on its own territory…. Even if the recent shift of troops away from the Afghan border and toward India proves largely a symbolic gesture, however, some analysts here say they worry a thinning of military ranks in the northwest could give Islamist forces a chance to become more entrenched in the conservative, impoverished region less than 100 miles from the capital.

  3435. Rahul says:

    This is just disgusting. have no words. 5 year old kids talking about bloodshed. Calling India "Kutta". People dreaming of hoisting the Pakistani Flag in New Delhi.I don't know what to say. its things like these that fill me with anger. I wonder what kind of propaganda is taught in pakistani schools to little children.

  3436. Honest says:

    “Calling India “Kutta”. People dreaming of hoisting the Pakistani Flag in New Delhi.”NOT SURPRISED. Long time back, an ex high commissioner of India in Pakistan, (I am trying to recollect his name) had made this revelation on TV. This had happened in a high level party/get-together in Pakistan when a curious child was told that this diplomat was and Indian ‘uncle’. The child understood this and went around hooting ‘hindustani kutta’…..This happened in a get together of the cream of the Pakistani society. Just imagine how it would be in a slum level society(which constitutes a majority of Paki civilisation)Somebody told Baba Ramdev he should not preach vegetarianism since eating of flesh makes a man ‘Bahadur’.. Baba, in his unimitable style, said “maans khane se admi KROOR (ruthless and cruel) banta hai, bahadur nahin.” In the same breath, he explained that the oceans of wisdom, that were sages and saints and seers of Hindu civilisation, who wrote such complicated and high quality treatises and renderings which is difficult for an ordinary human being to even simply understand, were all vegetarian whereas the plunderers such as Gajanavi, Ghori, Babar, Nadir Shah were all flesh eaters.Either their teachings are wrong or the way they understand it is wrong.

  3437. Bharat says:

    enough of wisdom talks…nobody is heading nowhere….indians will remain kutts in paki eyes and pakis will remain barbaric cold blooded murderes in our eyes….i donnow why this anger is doused when we meet each other in an alien land say australia or us….but one thing is sure,,,,if islam is what taliban is preaching….then only God can save this world and its women…..and fr pakis…..dont fight like a 2 year old year …go save ur country frm talis other wise they will ban blogging and load your sexy politician certain ms. memon with 1 tonn of burqa….and please fr God sake stop givin fuckin opinions when u dont want 2 speak truth

  3438. Rahul says:

    ISI plans ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ by 2020 in India6 Jan 2009, 1735 hrs IST, ANI NEW DELHI: Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) apparently has plans to destabilize India by influencing developments in the north and west of the country, particularly in Mumbai, as part of its multi-pronged strategy. Terrorists arrested in Jammu have made these revelations. According to an article published in the latest issue of the Power Politics magazine, the ISI has circulated two maps to the Pakistan Army to boost troop morale by giving them a target to destabilize India by 2020. One of the maps targets North India, and projects a desire to convert that region into ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ by 2020. It mentions South India as disputed territory and treats Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal as its neighbouring countries. The other map indicates a drastic change of Mumbai’s topography, turning the metropolis into ‘Muslimabad’ by 2012. The magazine carries the photographs of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) activist Ghulam Fareed, identified as Pakistani soldier, (Belt No 4319184, 10 Azad Kashmir Regiment) from Ruperi village in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir’s (PoK’s) Bhimber district and the other two–Mohammad Abdullah from North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Mohammad Imran from Dera Nawab in Pakistan’s Punjab–belonged to Harkat-ul-Jehad (HuD) terrorists group. They travelled from Karachi to Dhaka to enter India from Kolkata and they landed at Jammu from there. The write up further states that according to the plan, ISI has been attempting to place India under seige both from the sea and land routes simultaneously. Pakistan has moved its army to forward areas in Lahore strengthening international border and LOC with India to protect its vital installations. The article, written by a Kashmir expert, carries both maps to substantiate the revelations.

  3439. Ahmed Hassan says:

    <>Enabling Moderation<>Well I didn’t want to do thisIt been a month since this story was published.. and all i am left with some oddly behaving individuals posting equally odd an off-topic comments venting their frustrations.The reason why I did not want to moderate initially was to let my countrymen/women to help escape their love for Indians. Which has been effectively documented through these comments.Remember any anti-Islamic comments will not be tolerated. And Honest also do lookup about female infanticide its not same as “PAKISTAN’S CHERISHED OPINION ABOUT WOMEN”I will leave Time to be the judge of what is to happen.

  3440. Rahul says:

    any harm against anybody, be it women, children, religious minorities, or anybody in ANY country (be it india OR pakistan, or anywhere else even) is highly unjustified.So rather than saying that female infanticide in India is not the same as injustice against women in Pakistan, we should denounce both and try to eradicate the problems.

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